July 2018

Proposition 98 Overview

2018-19 Changes in Proposition 98 Spending

(In Millions)

Revised 2017-18 Spending $75,618
Technical Adjustments  
Various adjustments $24
Categorical programs (declining attendance) -18
Prior-year one-time spending -2,549
Subtotal (-$2,543)
Standard Reimbursement Rates (3 percent increase) $32
COLA (2.71 percent) 30
2,959 additional full-day slots starting April 1, 2019 8
Subtotal ($70)
K-12 Education  
LCFF $3,666
Discretionary grants (one time)a 300
CTE Incentive Grants 150
COLA for select categorical programs (2.71 percent)b 114
Regional and county support for low-performing districts 68
Charter School Facility Grant program 25
California Collaborative for Educational Excellence 12
Southern California Regional Occupational Center (one time) 3
Fire-related property tax backfill (one time) 1
Online educational resources 1
Provide additional support for districts in fiscal distress 1
District reimbursements related to teacher dismissalsc 0
Subtotal ($4,341)
California Community Colleges  
New funding formula $175
2.71 percent COLA for apportionments 173
High school CTE through Strong Workforce Program 164
New online college ($100 million one time, $20 million ongoing) 120
1 percent enrollment growth 60
2.71 percent COLA for select student support programsd 53
Full-time faculty 50
College Promise fee waivers 46
Reorganized financial aid program for full-time students 41
Deferred maintenance and instructional materials (one time)e 5
Adult education data system 5
Financial aid management system upgrades 5
NextUp program for foster youth 5
Veterans resource centersf 2
Certified nursing assistant programs (one time) 2
Course numbering (one time) 1
Academic Senateg 0
Subtotal ($907)
Total Changes $2,775
2018-19 Spending Level $78,393
aBudget provides a total of $1.1 billion for this purpose from various fund sources.
bApplies to special education, preschool, child nutrition, mandates block grant, services for foster youth, adults in correctional facilities, and American Indian education. 
cBudget provides $60,000 ongoing for this purpose.  
dApplies to Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, Disabled Students Programs and Services, CalWORKs student services, and the campus child care support. In addition, includes a 4.1 percent COLA for Adult Education, which receives a larger COLA in 2018-19 in lieu of receiving a COLA in 2017-18. 
eBudget provides a total of $28 million for this purpose, including $23 million from prior-year or one-time fund sources.
fBudget provides a total of $8 million for this purpose from various fund sources.
gBudget provides $232,000 ongoing for this purpose.  
COLA = cost-of-living adjustment. LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula.
CTE = Career Technical Education.