January 2018

Higher Education

University of California Funding by Source

(Dollars in Millions)

  2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Revised 2018-19 Proposed Change from 2017-18
  Amount Percent
Core Funds          
General Fund          
Ongoing $3,279 $3,367 $3,469 $102 3.0%
One time 262 177 -177 -100
Carryovera -45 5 39 34 639
Tuition and feesb 4,507 4,816 4,936 120 2.5
Lottery 38 42 42 c -0.1
Other core fundsd 353 405 395 -10 -2.5
Subtotals ($8,394) ($8,813) ($8,882) ($70) (0.8%)
Other Funds          
Medical centers $10,395 $11,330 $11,670 $340 3.0%
Sales and services 6,670 7,134 7,345 211 3.0
Federal 3,649 3,735 3,776 41 1.1
Private 2,250 2,347 2,400 53 2.3
State 342 441 437 -4 -0.9
Other 1,031 1,049 1,071 22 2.1
Subtotals ($24,337) ($26,036) ($26,699) ($663) (2.5%)
Totals $32,730 $34,848 $35,581 $733 2.1%
FTE studentse 263,957 272,267 275,267 3,000 1.1%
Core funding per student $31,800 $32,368 $32,268 -$100 -0.3%
a Of the $262 million one time provided in 2016-17, $45 million was unspent. UC plans to spend $5 million of the carryover in 2017-18 and the remainder in 2018-19.
b Includes funds that UC uses to provide tuition discounts and waivers to certain students. In 2018-19, UC plans to provide $1 billion ($3,804 per FTE student) in such aid.
c Amount is less than $500,000.
d Includes a portion of overhead funding on federal and state grants, a portion of patent royalty income, and Proposition 56 funding designated for graduate medical education.
e 1 FTE represents 30 credit units for an undergraduate and 24 credit units for a graduate student. Student counts include resident and nonresident students.
FTE = full-time equivalent.