Jackie Barocio
(916) 319-8333
Child Care, Expanded Learning, School Facilities, and Teachers
Sara Cortez
(916) 319-8348
Special Education, Preschool, and Child Nutrition
Kenneth Kapphahn
(916) 319-8339
Proposition 98, School District Budgets, School Transportation
Lisa Qing
(916) 319-8306
California State University, Student Financial Aid
Paul Steenhausen
(916) 319-8303
California Community Colleges
Ian Klein
(916) 319-8336
University of California; College of the Law, San Francisco; California State Library
Michael Alferes
(916) 319-8338
Local Control Funding Formula, Charter Schools, Alternative Schools, High School Career Technical Education
Edgar Cabral
(916) 319-8343
Deputy Legislative Analyst: K-12 Education
Jennifer Pacella
(916) 319-8332
Deputy Legislative Analyst: Higher Education



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An Overview of K-12 School Finance in California

February 24, 1983 - An overview of California school finance, including significant changes since Proposition 13 and the outlook for fiscal year 1983-84. The material is organized in the order of (1) total education funding, (2) general aid funding, (3) categorical aid funding, and (4) school facilities funding.


Community Education of Children Residing in State Hospitals

February 1, 1983 - The Departments of Developmental Services (DDS) and Mental Health (DMH) administer programs for developmentally and mentally disabled persons at 11 state hospitals. The State Department of Education (SDE) and local education agencies (county offices of education and school districts) are responsible for providing community-based education and related services to children with special needs.