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Other Budget Issues

Last Updated: 1/30/2011
Budget Issue: Reenactment of the fuel tax swap
Program: Crosscutting
Finding or Recommendation: We recommend that the Legislature adopt the Governor's proposals to reenact the fuel tax swap and use weight fees to achieve General Fund relief of roughly $1.6 billion in 2010-11, and $943 million in 2011-12. We also recommend taking advantage of an additional $194 million in weight fees for General Fund relief. In addition, we recommend that the Legislature consider additional options to achieve even greater General Fund relief from transportation funds.
Further Detail

In our January 25, 2011 report The 2011-12 Budget: Achieving General Fund Relief from Transportation Funds, we recommend that the Legislature (1) adopt the Governor's proposals to achieve General Fund relief from transportation funds, (2) maximize the level of General Fund relief available from weight fees, and (3) consider additional options to achieve even greater levels of General Fund benefit.