Analysis of the 2004-05 Budget Bill
Legislative Analyst's Office
February 2004
In compliance with a federal judge's order in the case of Valdivia
v. Schwarzenegger (previously Valdivia v. Davis), the state recently
submitted a plan to reform the parole revocation process. The court found that
the current system unfairly denied parole violators their rights to a probable
cause hearing and a speedy trial. We believe that the implementation of this
plan will generate significant costs for the state and possibly for local
governments, as well. We recommend that the California Department of
Corrections and the Board of Prison Terms report to the Legislature on the full
fiscal impacts of this plan.
Current Parole Revocation Process. The current parole
revocation process begins when a parole agent or local law enforcement agency
detains a parolee for a suspected violation of the law or conditions of parole.
If the parole agent and his or her supervisor feel that parole should be
revoked, the parolee is taken into custody and the case is referred to the
Board of Prison Terms (BPT) for review. After an initial administrative review
of the case, the BPT presents the parolee with a "screening offer"
which is a proposal for a specific term of incarceration in exchange for the
immediate conclusion of the case. If the parolee accepts the screening offer,
he begins the sentence immediately. If the parolee rejects the offer, he must
continue to wait in jail or at the state reception center where he is being
confined until a revocation hearing can be held.
At the revocation hearing, a BPT deputy commissioner reviews the parolee's
case and hears testimony from the parole agent, parolee, and witnesses. Based
on the information provided at the hearing, the deputy commissioner decides
whether there is sufficient evidence to revoke the parolee and, if so, what
sentence would be most appropriate.
Parole agents referred approximately 90,000 revocation cases to BPT last
year, and BPT held about 40,000 revocation hearings. The BPT spent over
$14 million to administer the revocation process last year. This total
does not include the costs to the California Department of Corrections (CDC)
for parole agents' role in revocation or the costs to incarcerate revoked
Federal Court Requires Reforms. In 1994, a class action
lawsuit was brought against the state, on behalf of parolees, alleging that the
parole revocation process violates their rights to due process under the
Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. Specifically, the
plaintiffs argued that parolees had no opportunity to challenge the contents of
the case against them, present their own evidence, or question witnesses prior
to the revocation hearing. Plaintiffs also claimed that the length of time it
takes to conduct the revocation process—over a month and sometimes longer than
three months—was excessive. In June 2002, a federal district court ruled in
favor of the plaintiffs and ordered the state to work with plaintiff's counsel
to develop a remedial plan to rectify the identified problems.
In December 2003, the parties in the case jointly submitted to the court
their plan which includes several significant reforms to the revocation system.
These reforms are designed to ensure a timely and fair revocation process for
parolees. The most significant of the reforms are as follows.
- Establishes Probable
Cause Hearing. The plan creates a probable cause hearing to take
place prior to the revocation hearing. The probable cause hearing must
take place within ten business days of when CDC notifies the parolee that
he is being charged with a violation. At the probable cause hearing
parolees will be allowed to present evidence on their own
behalf, and they will have an opportunity to accept or reject BPT's
screening offer.
- Requires Revocation
Hearing Within 35 Calendar Days. The plan also requires that every
revocation hearing be held within 35 days of the parolee's arrest rather
than the three months or longer it can take currently.
- Requires Attorneys for
All Parole Violators. The plan requires that CDC provide attorneys
to all parolees who are charged with a violation. These attorneys will
prepare the parolee's case for both the probable cause hearing and the
revocation hearing. Under current practice, only parolees with
disabilities, such as a learning disability that would impair their
ability to understand the proceedings, are provided an attorney for their
revocation hearing.
- Permits Greater Use of
Intermediate Sanctions. The implementation plan also allows deputy
commissioners of BPT to assign nonviolent and nonserious parole violators
to intermediate sanctions, such as electronic monitoring, in lieu of
prison time. This provision builds on the reforms instituted by CDC in the
current year that allow parole agents to utilize intermediate sanctions,
thereby reducing the number of nonviolent parole violators returned to
prison. The agreement assumes that the use of intermediate
sanctions by parole agents and BPT will reduce the total caseload of parolees
in the revocation process, thereby allowing BPT to conduct the remaining
hearings within the shortened time limits established in the agreement.
- Establishes
Implementation Deadlines. The remedial plan requires BPT and CDC
to begin the implementation of all provisions except the probable cause hearing by July 2004. All
provisions of the remedial plan must be fully implemented by July 2005.
Neither CDC nor BPT have been able to provide a fiscal estimate of the
impact of the Valdivia implementation plan on state and local
governments. However, both agencies have suggested that an estimate will be
produced as part of the May Revision. We believe that there are at least four
significant fiscal impacts that will occur as a result of the Valdivia
- State Costs for
Implementation. The plan creates several new steps in the
revocation process, including the provision of lawyers, creation of the
probable cause hearing, an expedited 35-day revocation hearing
requirement, and use of intermediate sanctions. The implementation of each
of these provisions will likely require funding for additional staff to
fulfill those functions. The CDC has also suggested that it will require
one-time funding to convert some facilities to operate the revocation
process in accordance with the remedial plan.
- Attorney's Fees and
Court-Ordered Fines. The state may also face court-related costs
from the Valdivia agreement. The remedial plan requires the state
to pay for any fees to the plaintiff's attorney necessary to monitor and
enforce the plan. Also, the court retains the authority to enforce this
agreement, including the use of monetary fines against the state. If
problems implementing the remedial plan occur, such as a delay in putting
into place the probable cause hearing, the court may levy monetary
sanctions against the state.
- Some Offsetting State
Savings From Reduced Caseload. The use of intermediate sanctions
by CDC parole agents should result in a reduction in the number of cases
referred to BPT, and the use of those sanctions by BPT should further
reduce the percent of cases reaching a revocation hearing. The diminished
BPT caseload should reduce the
staffing necessary for revocation hearings. In addition, the CDC inmate
population should decline as BPT makes use of intermediate sanctions in
lieu of prison for parole violators.
- Possible Local Law
Enforcement Costs. The state use of intermediate sanctions may
prompt some local law enforcement agencies to prosecute parolees more
often in local courts. Under the current revocation process, local
prosecutors have the discretion of whether to prosecute parolees who
commit new crimes. Prosecutors often forgo the expense and uncertainty of
these criminal trials, instead relying on the state-operated revocation
process to put these offenders in prison. We believe the new revocation
process may result in some local prosecutors bringing criminal cases
against some criminal violators who parole agents choose to assign to
intermediate sanctions. To the degree that increased criminal prosecutions
occur, local governments would experience an increase in costs associated
with conducting the criminal trial and the jailing of suspected and
convicted parolees. In addition, the state would bear the cost of
incarcerating some parolees convicted in local courts. According to local
and state representatives, the CDC, BPT, and the Youth and Adult
Correctional Agency are currently working with local law enforcement
officials to coordinate state and local efforts to ensure public safety
and minimize any adverse fiscal impacts on local governments.
At the time this analysis was prepared, the agencies were unable to identify
the fiscal impact of the Valdivia settlement, and no expenditures are
proposed in the Governor's budget for the implementation of the remedial plan.
Administration officials state that an implementation proposal will be part of
the May Revision. However, we are concerned that submission of the proposal at
that time will provide limited opportunity for review by the Legislature. For
this reason, we recommend that BPT and CDC report to the Legislature at budget
hearings on the fiscal impact of the Valdivia remedial plan. In
particular, the departments should provide their estimates of the number of
probable cause and revocation hearings that will occur, the staffing required
to implement the plan, the amount of any offsetting savings, the projected
impact on local governments, and any other expected costs.
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2004-05 Budget Analysis