January 18, 2012
Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9005, we have reviewed the
proposed constitutional initiative related to the California Legislature
and the state’s budget process (A.G. File No. 11‑0095).
California Has Had a “Full-Time Legislature” for Four
Decades. Prior to passage of Proposition 1A by the voters
in 1966, the Legislature met in general session (at which all subjects
could be considered) in odd-numbered years and in budget session (at
which only state budget matters were considered) in even-numbered years.
These general and budget sessions prior to 1966 were limited in
duration, and therefore, California had what is known as a “part-time”
Legislature. In 1966, Proposition 1A amended the State Constitution to
allow the Legislature to meet in annual general sessions, which were
less restricted as to their duration and as to the subjects that could
be considered. This created what is known as a full-time Legislature.
Currently, Legislature Meets Regularly for Most of the
Year. Today, the Legislature can convene its regular
sessions throughout the year, with some restrictions on the types of
bills it can pass at certain times. In most years, the Legislature meets
regularly from January through August or September, although it
typically recesses for a month in the summer. The Legislature also may
hold hearings when it is out of session.
Legislative Expenses Limited by the Constitution.
Currently, overall legislative expenses are restricted by the
Constitution and can grow annually by a combination of inflation and
population adjustments. The 2011‑12 budget allows the Senate and the
Assembly to spend $256 million of state funds for legislative expenses
during the current fiscal year.
Legislative Salaries and Benefits Mainly Set by
Independent Commission. Proposition 112—approved by voters
in June 1990—amended the Constitution to create the California Citizens
Compensation Commission (commission). The commission includes seven
members appointed by the Governor, none of whom can be a current or
former state officer or employee. The commission has control over
legislators’ salaries and some benefits received by legislators. Among
the factors the commission must consider when adjusting the salary and
certain benefits of legislators is the amount of time that they require
to perform official duties, functions, and services.
The commission last voted to adjust legislators’ and other state
elected officials’ salaries on May 20, 2009. At that time, the
commission voted to decrease legislators’ salaries by 18 percent for
terms beginning after December 6, 2009. Pursuant to this action, nearly
all Senators and Assembly Members are eligible to earn $95,291 per year.
(Eight legislative leaders earn more than this amount. For example,
under the commission’s May 2009 action, the Speaker of the Assembly and
the President pro Tempore of the Senate each will be eligible to earn
$109,584 per year.)
Legislative Payments for Travel and Living Expenses.
While the Constitution requires legislators to reside in their
legislative districts, the duties of legislators require their presence
in Sacramento during the legislative session. To compensate legislators
for their additional living expenses during the legislative session, the
Constitution authorizes legislators to receive “per diem” payments for
the days during which the Legislature meets without a recess of more
than three days. The state also reimburses legislators for travel costs
and for other expenses incurred while carrying out legislative business
during periods of legislative recess. In general, payments to
legislators for travel and living expenses are at rates that are similar
to or somewhat higher than those provided to state employees.
Limitations on Other Employment by Legislators.
The Political Reform Act of 1974 (1) prohibits legislators from
participating in government decisions in which they have a financial
interest and (2) restricts legislators’ post-governmental employment,
including imposing a one-year prohibition on legislators being paid to
represent others for the purpose of influencing legislative decisions.
State law also prohibits legislators from holding two public offices
simultaneously in certain cases, such as when there could be a conflict
in the responsibilities of the two offices.
Annual State Budget Process. Under the
Constitution, the Legislature has the power to appropriate state funds
and make midyear adjustments to those appropriations. The annual state
budget act is the Legislature’s primary method of authorizing expenses
for a particular fiscal year. The Constitution requires that (1) the
Governor propose a balanced budget by January 10 for the next fiscal
year (beginning July 1) and (2) the Legislature pass the annual budget
act by June 15. The Governor may then either sign or veto the budget
bill. The Governor also may reduce or eliminate specific appropriations
items using his or her “line-item veto” power. The Legislature may
override a veto with a two-thirds vote in each house.
Part-Time Legislature
Proposal Would Make the Legislature Part-Time.
This measure amends the Constitution to limit when the
Legislature may hold sessions. Specifically, the Legislature would be
limited each year to holding regular sessions in (1) a 30-day period
beginning on the first Monday in January and (2) a 60-day period
beginning on the first Monday in May. In addition, the Legislature would
be allowed to reconvene for up to five additional days to reconsider
bills that were vetoed by the Governor. Accordingly, regular sessions of
the Legislature would be limited to no more than 95 days per year. These
sessions would be shortened beginning with the Legislature’s 2013-14
regular session.
Special Sessions Could Result in Additional Legislative
Work Days. Special sessions of the Legislature are called
by the Governor to address specific topics. The measure limits the
length of special sessions to no more than 15 days.
Legislator Compensation and Employment
Commission Required to Reduce Salaries. The
measure requires the commission to reduce the annual salaries of
legislators to $1,500 per month ($18,000 per year) beginning in 2013.
The commission could increase this salary to account for changes in the
cost of living or, at its discretion, further reduce this salary.
Limits on Travel and Living Expenses. The
measure specifies that legislators may receive reimbursement for travel
and living expenses only during the times the Legislature is in session
or when they are traveling on legislative business. The measure also
limits the Legislature’s travel reimbursements to the amounts provided
to employees of state agencies and specifies that the Legislature shall
not purchase or lease any vehicle for use by legislators.
Limits on Employment. The measure prohibits
Members of the Legislature from concurrently receiving payment for
employment by a state agency. In addition, for a five-year period
following the end of a legislator’s service in the Legislature, the
measure prohibits legislators from receiving compensation for (1) any
appointive state government position and (2) lobbying before the
Legislature or any agency of state government.
State Budget
Establishes a Biennial Budget. The measure
amends the Constitution to require the Legislature to adopt a biennial
budget for the state beginning with the 2013-15 biennial fiscal cycle
(running from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2015). Under the measure, the
Legislature would be required to pass the budget bill by June 15 of each
odd-numbered year of the biennial fiscal cycle.
Modifies Balanced Budget Requirement.
Current law prohibits the Legislature from approving and the Governor
from signing a budget bill that appropriates more General Fund revenues
than the state estimates it will have available during that fiscal year.
The measure modifies this requirement to specify that it applies to the
biennial fiscal cycle. It also establishes a role for the State
Treasurer and State Controller in determining whether a proposed budget
bill satisfies the Constitution’s balance requirement. Specifically, the
Governor may not sign a budget bill unless the State Treasurer and State
Controller have issued a report certifying that it is in balance.
Fiscal Effect
Decrease in Costs for Legislators’ Salaries.
Assuming that the commission does not adjust legislative salaries
between now and the date this measure takes effect, this proposal would
reduce the annual salaries of each Senator and Assembly Member by at
least $77,291 per year. Consequently, the measure would reduce state
costs for salaries of Senators and Assembly Members by over $9.2 million
Potential Decrease in Other Legislative Costs.
By limiting the lengths of legislative sessions, the measure could
result in the Legislature and the Governor acting to change various
types of legislative expenses. For example, savings could result from
reduced staff and operating expenses due to the limited number of days
the Legislature could be in regular session. Additional savings could
result from the measure’s limitations on legislator reimbursement for
travel and living expenses. Potential state savings from all of these
changes could total tens of millions of dollars per year.
Net Savings Dependent on Future Actions of Legislature
and Governor. Under current provisions of the
Constitution, any savings resulting from this measure (such as the
reduced costs for Senator and Assembly Member salaries) would be
available—if approved by the Legislature and the Governor in the annual
budget act—for other legislative expenditures, including costs for
legislative staff and constituent services. Accordingly, the net amount
of savings, if any, that would result from this measure is unknown and
would depend on future actions of the Legislature and the Governor.
Potential Fiscal Effect Related to Changes in State
Budget Process. In some years, the provisions of the
measure prohibiting the Governor from signing a budget bill that the
State Treasurer and State Controller do not agree is in balance could
result in the state adopting budgets that have somewhat lower
expenditures or higher revenues than otherwise would have been the case.
These actions, in turn, would reduce the likelihood of the state (1)
amending the budget during the course of the year to reduce state
spending or raise revenues or (2) ending the fiscal year in a deficit
and adopting a budget for the subsequent fiscal year with lower state
spending or higher revenues than otherwise would have been the case.
Over time, the net fiscal effect of this provision is unknown and would
depend on future actions of the Legislature, Governor, State Treasurer,
and State Controller.
Summary of Fiscal Effect
The measure would have the following fiscal effect:
- Reduction in state legislative expenses for Member salaries,
travel and living expenses, and staff costs—potentially in the tens
of millions of dollars per year. Actual reduction would depend on
future actions of the Legislature and the Governor.
- Reduced state spending or increased state revenues in some
years. Over time, the net fiscal effect of this provision is unknown
and would depend on future actions of the Legislature, Governor,
State Treasurer, and State Controller.
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