Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2012-13 Budget

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See Detail  High-Speed Rail Authority Funding for high-speed rail Reject Governor's funding request for $5.9 billion for construction in the Central Valley. Continue some minimal funding to preserve future options. Alternatively, should the Legislature choose to move forward, we recommend a series of steps to increase the chance that the project is successfully completed. Approve $812 million request for investments in existing rail services. 4-19-12
See Detail  Department of Transportation Project initiation documents (PIDs). Reject Governor’s January budget proposal to provide Caltrans with additional funding and positions for the development of PIDs and enact budget trailer legislation requiring Caltrans to use streamlined PIDs. 3-15-12
Department of Transportation Cost increases for intercity Amtrak passenger rail services Withhold recommendation on the Governor's January budget proposal to fund increased operating costs pending a revised budget change proposal. It is our understanding, according to the Department of Transportation, that the anticipated cost increase for state-supported Amtrak intercity passenger rail routes will no longer be taking effect in the budget year. 3-07-12
Department of Transportation Legal services for the High-Speed Rail Authority Approve the Governor's January budget proposal for 8 limited-term positions at the Department of Transportation for legal services for the High-Speed Rail Authority (HSRA). Ensure that the level of funding and positions approved conforms with actions taken on HSRA's budget. 3-07-12
See Detail  Department of Motor Vehicles Vehicle registration fees Modify the Governor's proposal to reduce registration fees to incentivize the use of less costly transactions and not signficantly change the overall level of the Motor Vehicle Account revenues. 2-24-12
See Detail  Department of Motor Vehicles Centralized customer management and appointment system Approve the Governor's proposal for the centralized customer flow management system. 2-24-12
See Detail  Department of Motor Vehicles Expansion of automated knowledge testing system statewide Approve automated knowledge testing expansion. We also recommend that the Legislature direct the department to report at budget hearings on the assumptions used to determine staff savings related to the expansion of automated knowledge testing. 2-24-12
See Detail  Department of Motor Vehicles Consolidation of the Palmdale and Lancaster field offices Adopt the Governor's proposals of $760,000 to plan for the consolidation of the Palmdale and Lancaster field offices. 2-24-12
See Detail  Department of Motor Vehicles Relocation San Francisco investigations office Approve the Governor's proposal of $873,000 to relocate the San Francisco investigations office. 2-24-12
See Detail  Department of Motor Vehicles Relocation of various field offices Approve $2 million in funding for planning activities to relocate the Escondido, Newhall, Santa Maria, and Reedley field offices and require the Department of Motor Vehicles to enter into lease agreemetns for the Newhall, Santa Maria, and Reedley facilities. 2-24-12
See Detail  Department of Motor Vehicles Consolidated Commercial Driver License (CDL) center in Northern California Approve funding of $20,000 to establish the consolidated CDL in Northern California. 2-24-12
See Detail  Department of Motor Vehicles Working drawings for the Grass Valley field office Adopt the Governor's proposal of $562,000 to fund working drawings for the Grass Valley replacement facility. 2-24-12
Department of Transportation Staffing to administer federal transportation programs Withhold recommendation on the Governor's January budget proposal to provide the Department of Transportation with $2 million in federal funds and an extension of 25 limited-term positions for the administration of various federal transportation programs, pending future actions by Congress regarding these programs that are scheduled to expire on March 31, 2012. 2-21-12