Legislative Analyst's Office, September 7, 1995

House and Senate Welfare Reform:
Fiscal Effects on California
(Part II)

Restricting Welfare for Noncitizens

Title IV of the House version would make all illegal aliens and most immi grants ineligible for the following federal benefits: (1) Supplemental Security Income (SSI), (2) the Temporary Family Assistance Block Grant, (3) the Title XX Social Services Block Grant, (4) Medicaid, and (5) Food Stamps.

Title V of the Senate version would similarly prohibit noncitizens from receiving SSI. With respect to other assistance programs, only noncitizens entering the country after enactment of the bill would be prohibited from receiving benefits. Under the Senate version, a state would have the option, however, to prohibit current noncitizens from receiving any federally funded means-tested public assistance programs.

Figure 8 summarizes the major program and fiscal provisions pertaining to restricting welfare for noncitizens. Figure 9 summarizes the fiscal effects on California.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Title VI of the House version and Title II of the Senate version make major changes in the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program. Figure 10 summarizes the major program and fiscal provisions concerning SSI. Figure 11 summarizes the fiscal effects on California.

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