What Is the Current Unfunded Need?
The current level of state, local, and federal funds for transportation
falls substantially short of what is needed to ensure mobility and facilitate
goods movement over the next decade. According to the Inventory of Ten-Year
Funding Needs for California's Transportation Systems, prepared by the CTC
pursuant to Senate Resolution 8 (Burton, 1999), California's total ten-year
funding shortfall for transportation exceeds $100 billion.
California's Ten-Year Unfunded Transportation Needsa | |
(In Billions) | |
State highway | |
$25 |
8 |
Bridge rehabilitation and replacement | 6 |
Local road | |
13 |
11 |
Intercity rail | 4 |
Bus and commuter/urban rail | 32 |
Bicycle and pedestrian | 1 |
Otherb | 16 |
Total | $117 |
a Key findings from Senate Resolution 8 (Burton). | |
b Includes storm drainage retrofit, airport and seaport improvement, and grade separation projects. | |
Additional funds are needed, both to (1) expand the system to accommodate population growth and the subsequent increase in demand for travel and (2) operate and maintain the local streets, highways, and transit systems that exist today.
What Should the Legislature Do?
We recommend the Legislature provide an additional, reliable, ongoing fund source for transportation. This funding stream should be at least sufficient to meet the state's annual transportation maintenance needs in order to avoid escalating repair costs in the future arising from deferred maintenance. Additional funds are also needed to build, operate and maintain new capacitywhether in the form of highway improvements or new transit service. We estimate additional, ongoing funding needs of approximately $1 billion annually.
The following pages discuss the two main approaches to meeting the state's transportation needsthose that enhance transportation "supply" and those that better manage transportation "demand." Given limited resources, both approaches are necessary to meet the state's mobility needs.
Additional Investment Needed. Reducing
congestion and providing for the mobility of people and goods over the next several
decades will require substantial investment in new infrastructure.
Allocate New Funds Based on State Priorities. While there
is already a process established both at the state and regional levels for prioritizing
expenditures using existing revenues, the Legislature will need to determine
the state's goals and priorities relative to any new state transportation
revenues. For instance, to the extent that funds are intended for capital outlay,
they could simply be incorporated into the existing STIP process. Alternatively,
the Legislature may want to designate new funds for other purposes, such as
local streets and roads or transit operations. We recommend that the adoption
of a new fund source be accompanied by a fund allocation process that clearly
links expenditures to specified needs and priorities.
Assess Needs Periodically. We further recommend the enactment
of legislation that would require a statewide transportation needs assessment,
similar to SR 8, every five years. The legislation should require that the report
be prepared by the CTC, in coordination with Caltrans and RTPAs, and that it
use a uniform methodology to assess needs in each region.
Imbalance Between Demand and Supply.
Given limited resources, as well as environmental constraints, the state cannot
meet demand for mobility solely expanding the highway system. Highway congestion
is largely caused by the imbalance between the demand for freeway capacity,
and the supply of that capacity. Yet expansion of the highway system will rarely
alleviate congestion permanently. This is because as investments are made to increase
supply (the size of the road system), demand (measured in vehicle miles traveled)
More Efficient Use of Existing System. The Legislature
should consider policies that encourage more efficient use of the existing
highway and transit infrastructure. Policies that would better manage demand
for mobility include:
Road Pricing. Incorporating the social cost of driving
(such as pollution and congestion), into the user cost of driving can influence
driving behavior. Such policies include toll roads with adjustable toll rates
depending on traffic conditionsknown as congestion pricing. Additionally,
financial incentives, such as policies that allow employees to exchange their
parking space for a transit pass, can also reduce demand for driving.
Increased Investment in Transit and Other Alternatives to Driving.
Another way to meet mobility demands without substantial road infrastructure
investment is to make other modes of travel more convenient and reliable. Improving
transit operations, carpool facilities and bicycle and pedestrian facilities,
as well as promoting telecommuting, can attract people to these modes of travel
and alternatives.
Land-Use Planning. Land-use policies that reduce the distances
between housing, employment, and retail centers can reduce growth in driving.
State Role in Funding
Primary Funding Source Over Subscribed. Currently, the
state's primary source for funding mass transportation activities, the PTA,
is projected to experience a shortfall within the next four years (please see
our January 2000 report Public Transportation Account: Options to Address
Projected Shortfall). As a result, the state's ability to provide additional
funds for new transit capital acquisition, operating and maintenance assistance,
and expansion of service is constrained. Providing additional revenues to the
account will help meet the demands placed on this over-subscribed mass transportation
fund source.
Projected Statewide Needs Exceed Current Funding Capacity.
It may not be enough to simply eliminate the funding shortfall in the PTA. Specifically,
doing so will provide funds to expand intercity rail service, but will not provide
sufficient additional funds to meet other statewide mass transportation needs.
For example, over the next ten years, SR 8 identified substantial unfunded operating
and capital needs for bus and rail (including commuter and urban rail). These
unfunded operational needs are projected to be between $0.7 billion and
$3.7 billion over the next ten years. Unfunded capital investments are
more substantial, and are estimated to be between $3 billion and almost
$11 billion. Additional funds provided to mass transportation, therefore,
should not solely be aimed at addressing the projected PTA shortfall, but should
recognize the substantial statewide transit needs over the next decade.
State Role in Interregional Versus Regional Transportation
What Is the State's Role in Interregional Versus Intraregional
Transportation? Under current law, the state programs 25 percent
of STIP funds on interregional transportation projects, while the RTPAs program
75 percent of STIP resources for regional transportation projects. What
defines a regional or interregional project, however, is not precise. As urban
areas around the state continue to develop and grow, what constitutes "interregional"
and "regional" transportation will become even more blurred. This
is particularly true with mass transportation projects. Should the state continue
to focus primarily on interregional travel and concentrate its funds on the
intercity rail program, or should the state assist with intraregional mass transportation
projects? The state may want to assist with the funding of regional projects
where improvements to the regional transportation system:
Alleviate highway and street congestion.
Improve air quality.
Improve connectivity between all modes of transportation, including
automobile and transit travel.
State Role in Infrastructure Investment and Planning
Comprehensive Plan Lacking for Rail System. There is currently
no statewide, comprehensive rail needs analysis that incorporates all forms
of rail transportation, including commuter, urban, and intercity rail. Without
an assessment that incorporates the funding needs and expansion plans for all
three forms of rail transportation, the Legislature will not be able to effectively
determine where passenger rail capital investments are most needed nor evaluate
the overall effectiveness of the state's passenger rail network.
Recommendation for Comprehensive Rail Plan. We recommend
the Legislature enact legislation directing Caltrans to initiate a comprehensive,
statewide assessment of all existing and proposed passenger rail systems, including
intercity, commuter, and urban rail. The assessment should be conducted in cooperation
with transit operators and regional transportation planning agencies, and should
emphasize how the intercity rail system integrates with other modes of passenger
rail transportation, particularly if there are connections between commuter/urban
and intercity rail. The study should also identify the capital and operational
investments that are planned over the next ten years, including details on commuter
or urban rail's rehabilitation programs, new improvement projects, and new or
extended services. (Please see our Analysis of the 2000-01 Budget Bill,
pages A-72 through A-75.)
Transportation Projects Take Many Years to Complete
It is not uncommon for Caltrans to take over ten years to design, conduct
environmental review, and advertise a project for construction as shown in the
figure below. Part of this is due to the complexity of design and environmental
review. However, our review suggests that there are opportunities for expediting
project delivery.
Californians pay for slow project delivery in various ways, including
inconvenience resulting from congestion, as well as higher project costs due
to the extra time spent on projects and inflationary pressure on construction
material, right-of-way acquisition, and labor costs.
Legislature Should Pursue Environmental Most project delay occurs during the environmental phase, particularly
on large projects. Efforts to expedite project delivery should focus on streamlining
the environmental review process.
We have identified opportunities for streamlining the environmental
review process in ways that do not compromise the level of review. Environmental
streamlining is critical to ensuring that the benefits of additional funding
are realized in a timely manner. (Please see our Analysis of the 2000-01
Budget Bill, page A-53.) Flexible Financing Can Speed Up Project Delivery
Federal funds carry many strings with them which tend to make delivery
of federally funded projects slower than projects funded solely with state or
local funds.
We recommend that Caltrans and local agencies work with the CTC to develop
funding strategies that minimize the administrative complexity of using federal
funding in a large number of projects, while ensuring that the state's share
of federal funds is fully utilized each year. Such strategies could include
pooling federal funds from different counties to be used on several large projects
rather than on many small ones.
In order to make this feasible, alternative flexible fund sources, such
as the General Fund or local sales taxes, must be available to substitute for
federal funds.
Can Caltrans Hire Enough Staff to Perform the Work?
Another concern is whether Caltrans can hire enough staff to perform
the design work on future highway projectsparticularly if funding is substantially
Caltrans has difficulty hiring staff due to a decline in civil engineering
graduates in recent years and competition with local governments and the private
sector who often pay higher salaries.
Additionally, the State Constitution prohibits Caltrans from contracting
out design work to the private sector except under certain conditions. The State
Supreme Court ruled that in order to contract out, Caltrans must be able to
factually demonstrate that private contracting would meet one of the following:
Be more cost effective.
Be necessary to ensure timely project delivery.
Be used to provide specialized work for which state expertise was unavailable.
A statewide ballot measure, to be considered by voters in November 2000,
would allow the state to contract out engineering and design currently performed
by Caltrans.
Streamlining Opportunities