Legislative Analyst's Office, December 2000

California's Economy and
Budget in Perspective

2000 Cal Facts

Program Trends

Part 3

SSI/SSP Caseload Growing Again

(Cases in Thousands)

CalWORKs Caseload Declining, But More Slowly Than National Average. . .

(Cases in Thousands)

However, More CalWORKs Families Working Than in Other States

SSI/SSP Grant Is Just Above Poverty Level. . .
While CalWORKs Grant Is Significantly Below Poverty Level

Child Support Collections Rising but Cost-Effectiveness Flat

Most Foster Care Placements Are
In Foster Family Homes

Placement Type/Description Caseload a 2000 Monthly Grant Per Child 2000-01
Foster Family Homes 68,800b $405-$569
  • Provides 24-hour care and supervision to no more than six foster children in the foster parent's home.
  • Foster care grant may be supplemented for care of children with special needs.
  • Foster Family Agency Homes 19,000 $1,467-$1,730
  • Foster parents are affiliated with nonprofit foster family agencies which provide professional support.
  • These placements are intended to serve as an alternative for group home placement.
  • Group Homes 11,700 $1,353-$5,732
  • A facility of any capacity that provides 24-hour nonmedical care, supervision, and services to children.
  • Generally serve children with higher emotional or behavioral problems who require a more restrictive environment.
  • May vary from small, family-like homes to larger institutional homes.
  • a Excludes approximately 4,400 foster children placed in county shelters, medical facilities, specially licensed small family homes, and specialized pilot projects.
    b Includes children placed with relatives who may receive CalWORKs rather than AFDC-FC grants.

    Foster Care Caseload Levels Off

    Health Insurance Coverage
    Increases With Income


    Medi-Cal Caseload Growth Resumes And Cost Increases Continue

    Most Medi-Cal Families/Children
    No Longer on Welfare

    Most Medi-Cal Spending Is for


    California Relatively Healthy
    According to Some Key Measures

    California U.S.
    Infant mortality rate, 1998 (deaths per 1,000 live births) 5.8 7.2
    Child mortality rate, 1997 (deaths per 100,000 children ages 1 to 14) 21.0 25.0
    Low birth-weight births (%), 1998 6.2 7.6
    New AIDS cases (rate), 1999 (per 100,000) 16.4 16.7
    Persons with asthma (%), 1998 6.8 7.8
    Adult smokers (%), 1998 (age 18 and over) 18.4 24.0

    Immunized Children 19 to 35 Months

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