Compiled by the Legislative Analyst's Office
REVISED--July 30, 2001
Item 0250-101-0001--Judicial Council
Item 0450-101-0001--Trial Court Funding
Item 0530-001-0001--Health and Human Services Agency
Item 0540-001-0001--Resources Agency
Item 0553-001-0001--Office of Inspector General for Veterans Affairs
Item 0555-001-0001--Secretary for Environmental Protection
Item 0820-001-0001--Department of Justice
Item 0845-001-0217--Department of Insurance
Item 0855-001-0001--Gambling Control Commission
Item 0860-001-0001--Board of Equalization
Item 0890-001-0001--Secretary of State
Item 1230-001-0735--Contractors' State License Board
Item 1700-001-0001--Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Item 1730-001-0001--Franchise Tax Board
Item 1760-001-0666--Department of General Services
Item 1880-001-0001--State Personnel Board
Item 1900-015-0830--Public Employees' Retirement System
Item 2180-001-0067--Department of Corporations
Item 2240-001-0001--Department of Housing and Community Development
Item 2400-001-0933--Department of Managed Health Care
Item 2660-001-0042--Department of Transportation
Item 2920-101-0001--Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency
Item 3360-001-0001--Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission
Item 3480-001-0001--Department of Conservation
Item 3540-001-0001--Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Item 3560-001-0347--State Lands Commission
Item 3600-101-0001--Department of Fish and Game
Item 3640-001-0001--Wildlife Conservation Board
Item 3790-001-0001--Department of Parks and Recreation
Item 3790-001-0392--Department of Parks and Recreation
Item 3870--CALFED Bay-Delta Program
Item 3940-001-0001--State Water Resources Control Board
Item 4130-001-0632--Health and Human Services Agency Data Center
Item 4170-001-0001--Department of Aging
Item 4200-001-0001--Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs
Item 4300-101-0001--Department of Developmental Services
Item 4440-011-0001--Department of Mental Health
Item 4440-101-0001--Department of Mental Health
Item 5100-001-0001--Employment Development Department
Item 5160-001-0001--Department of Rehabilitation
Item 5180-001-0001--Department of Social Services
Item 5240-001-0001--California Department of Corrections
Item 5440-001-0001--Board of Prison Terms
Item 6110-001-0001--State Department of Education
Item 6110-113-0001--Public School Accountability Act
Item 6120-001-0001--California State Library
Item 6360-001-0001--California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Item 6440-001-0001--University of California
Item 6610-001-0001--California State University
Item 6870-001-0001--California Community Colleges
Item 8120-001-0001--Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training
Item 8320-001-0001--Public Employment Relations Board
Item 8350-001-0001--Department of Industrial Relations
Item 8570-001-0001--Department of Food and Agriculture
Item 8660-001-0462--Public Utilities Commission
Item 8860-001-0001--Department of Finance
Item 8940-001-0001--Military Department
Item 8955-001-0001--Department of Veterans Affairs
Item 8960-011-0995--Department of Veterans Affairs--Yountville Home
Item 8965-001-0001--Department of Veterans Affairs
Item 9901-507-0001--Control Section 7.00
Item 0250-301-0001--Judicial Council--Capital Outlay
Item 0820-301-0001--Department of Justice--Capital Outlay
Item 0820-301-0017--Department of Justice--Capital Outlay
Item 1100-301-0001--California Science Center--Capital Outlay
Item 1760-301-0001--Department of General Services--Capital Outlay
Item 1760-301-0660--Department of General Services--Capital Outlay
Item 1760-301-0768--Department of General Services--Capital Outlay
Item 2660-311-0042--Department of Transportation--Capital Outlay
Item 2720-301-0044--California Highway Patrol--Capital Outlay
Item 2740-301-0044--Department of Motor Vehicles--Capital Outlay
Item 3340-301-0001--California Conservation Corps--Capital Outlay
Item 3340-301-0660--California Conservation Corps--Capital Outlay
Item 3540-301-0001--Department of Forestry and Fire Protection--Capital Outlay
Item 3540-301-0660--Department of Forestry and Fire Protection--Capital Outlay
Item 3600-301-0001--Department of Fish and Game--Capital Outlay
Item 3600-301-0200--Department of Fish and Game--Capital Outlay
Item 3680-301-0516--Department of Boating and Waterways--Capital Outlay
Item 3760-301-0005--State Coastal Conservancy
Item 3790-301-0005--Department of Parks and Recreation--Capital Outlay
Item 3790-301-0263--Department of Parks and Recreation--Capital Outlay
Item 3900-301-0115--Air Resources Control Board--Capital Outlay
Item 4260-301-0660--Department of Health Services--Capital Outlay
Item 4300-301-0001--Department of Developmental Services--Capital Outlay
Item 4440-301-0001--Department of Mental Health--Capital Outlay
Item 4440-301-0660--Department of Mental Health--Capital Outlay
Item 5240-301-0001--Department of Corrections--Capital Outlay
Item 5460-301-0001--Department of The Youth Authority--Capital Outlay
Item 6110-301-0001--Department of Education--Capital Outlay
Item 6440-301-0001--University of California--Capital Outlay
Item 6440-301-0574--University of California--Capital Outlay
Item 6440-301-0660--University of California--Capital Outlay
Item 6440-302-0574--University of California--Capital Outlay
Item 6610-301-0574--California State University--Capital Outlay
Item 6610-302-0574--California State University--Capital Outlay
Item 6870-301-0574--California Community Colleges--Capital Outlay
Item 8570-301-0001--Department of Food and Agriculture--Capital Outlay
Item 8570-301-0042--Department of Food and Agriculture--Capital Outlay
Item 8570-301-0660--Department of Food and Agriculture--Capital Outlay
Item 8940-301-0001--Department of the Military--Capital Outlay
Item 8960-301-0001--Veterans' Home of California, Yountville--Capital Outlay
1. Equal Access Fund. The Judicial Council shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee no later than March 1, 2005 on the efficiency and effectiveness of the operations of programs funded from the Equal Access Fund including an assessment of the program's success in meeting the unmet needs of unrepresented litigants. In addition, the report shall include recommended changes to the program to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
2. Model Self-Help Pilot Programs. The Judicial Council shall report to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the Legislature's fiscal committees on March 1, 2005 on the efficiency and effectiveness of the Model Self-Help Pilot Programs in assisting unrepresented litigants.
1. Changes in County-Provided Services. The Judicial Council shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the Legislature's fiscal committees by March 1, 2002 on the following: (a) results of the pilot audit program of county-provided services to the trial courts to include if additional county transition costs accurately reflect the services being provided to the courts by the counties, (b) charges for county provided services as reported in the quarterly financial statements submitted by the trial courts for FY 2000-01, (c) recommendations for controlling costs for services provided by the counties, (d) the feasibility of the Administrative Office of the Courts adopting an incentive plan in the review of court budget proposals that encourages local courts to reduce costs and achieve efficiencies in their operations, and (e) any statutory changes needed to implement its recommendations.
2. New Trial Court Personnel System. The Judicial Council shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the Legislature's fiscal committees by November 1, 2001, detailing how the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) has allocated the funds and for what purposes during the first year. The AOC shall provide a follow-up report on plans for changes in the allocation of funds in the second and subsequent years by March 1, 2002.
3. Use of Certified and Registered Interpreters. The Judicial Council shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the Legislature's fiscal committees by December 1, 2001 on the use of certified and registered interpreters. The report shall include, but not be limited to, (a) an analysis of expenditures for each of the following categories of interpreters: interpreter coordinators, certified interpreters, registered interpreters, and interpreters who are not certified or registered court interpreters including provisionally qualified interpreters; (b) an analysis of the availability of certified and registered interpreters and whether there are sufficient numbers of certified and registered interpreters, and (c) recommendations to increase the number of certified and registered court interpreters to meet demand.
1. Statewide Automated Welfare System Strategic Plan. The California Health and Human Services Agency and the Department of Social Services shall, by May 1, 2002, provide a strategic plan to the chairs of the budget committees in each house and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee which reflects the statutory requirements and policy objectives of Chapter 270, Statutes of 1997 (AB 1542, Aroner) into the Statewide Automated Welfare System (SAWS). The strategic plan shall identify: (a) measurable program objectives and benefits that the state will achieve through automation and (b) the SAWS milestones at which the state will reassess the automation approach for the state's welfare system.
1. Watershed Assessment Reports. The Resources Agency shall submit to the Legislature the draft and final watershed assessment reports, including the recommendations for land use prescriptions and mitigation measures necessary to protect or restore salmonid spawning habitat, according to the following schedule:
Gualala River: Draft report by January 1, 2002
Final report by May 1, 2002
Redwood Creek: Draft report by January 1, 2002
Final report by May 1, 2002
Mattole River: Draft report by January 1, 2002
Final report by May 1, 2002
Big River: Draft report by April 1, 2002
Final report by September 1, 2002
Albion River: Draft report by April 1, 2002
Final report by September 1, 2002
1. Office of Inspector General for Veterans Affairs--Workload and Staff for the Office.
(a) On or before December 1, 2001, the Inspector General shall submit a report to the chairs of the budget committees of both houses on the following.
The report shall provide sufficient information to sustain a thorough analysis.
(b) On or before the publication date of the Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget Bill (Analysis), the Legislative Analyst shall review the report described in subdivision (a) and comment on the office's findings and recommendations. In the event the Inspector General fails to file the report, the Analyst shall make recommendations for the appropriate staffing levels of the Inspector General's office in the Analysis.
1. Environmental Justice Program Implementation. On or before September 1, 2001, and quarterly thereafter, the Secretary for Environmental Protection shall report to the chairs of the fiscal committees of both houses on the agency's progress toward the implementation of the agencywide environmental justice program. The reports shall include descriptions of the tasks planned for the coming quarter, tasks completed in the reporting quarter, and any significant obstacles to implementation encountered or expected.
2. Rural Certified Unified Program Agencies (CUPAs). On or before March 1, 2002, the Secretary for Environmental Protection shall report to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the fiscal and pertinent policy committees of both houses on the agency's progress to implement the provisions of Chapter 730, Statutes of 2000 (SB 1824, Kelly).
1. Forensic Laboratories. The Department of Justice shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee by January 10, 2002, on the status of its laboratory needs including, but not limited to, the amount of space needed, the estimated cost for that space, and the time frame for the acquisition of that space. The report shall include the status of any current facilities' projects intended to increase the quantity or improve the quality of forensic services provided by the department. The report shall also identify the efforts by the department in addressing those needs.
1. Workers' Compensation Premium Fraud. On or before December 1, 2001 (for a status update) and April 1, 2002 (for a final report), the department shall report to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the budget committees of both houses, on the department's 2001-02 request to redirect 12 positions to participate in the proposed Employment Misrepresentation Task Force. Specifically, the department shall report on (a) task force activities; (b) litigation, penalties, and recoveries due to the program; (c) impact on the occurrence of workers' compensation premium fraud by employers; and (d) impact on the Uninsured Employers' Fund.
2. Investigative Backlog. The Department of Insurance shall report to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee no later than March 1, 2002 on the status of the backlog in the Investigations Bureau.
1. A Report on the Status of Indian Gambling. The commission shall meet and confer with the Compacted tribes and shall, by March 31, 2002, provide a joint report to the chairs of the budget committees in each house and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee detailing the status of Indian gambling in California under sections 4 and 5 of the compact.
1. Local Sales Tax Revenues. The State Board of Equalization (BOE) shall prepare a report on the local sales tax revenues allocated to small host California prison cities in comparison to that of larger, urban cities within a 100-mile radius. The report may include local sales tax allocation information for fiscal years preceding, during, and after the completion of prison construction. The report may also examine other contributing factors such as prison purchasing history and the types and levels of businesses and industries impacting local sales tax revenues, with the cooperation of the California Department of Corrections. The BOE will report to the Legislature by April 2002.
1. Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act. It is the intent of the Legislature that the California State Archives comply with all terms of the Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). It is the intent of the Legislature, therefore, that the Secretary of State report by November 1, 2001 on the extent to which its museums, galleries, and other programs that contain Native American artifacts have complied with NAGPRA. As part of the November 1, 2001 report, the Secretary of State shall provide the Legislature with a copy of all inventories that have been submitted to the federal government in compliance with NAGPRA.
1. Consumer Complaints and Disputes. The Contractors' State License Board shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the Legislature's Fiscal Committees by December 1, 2001, on its procedures for processing and resolving consumer complaints and disputes arising from construction and related activities. This report shall include, but is not limited to, a description of what happens when a complaint is received and how long it takes, on average, to answer and resolve complaints. The board shall also report on any existing complaint backlog including the number and duration of cases backlogged and any work plan to address the backlog and time frame for its elimination.
1. Restrictive Covenant Program. The department shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the Legislature's fiscal committees by March 1, 2003 on the restrictive covenant program. The report shall include the following information: (a) the number of applications received in fiscal year 2001-02 and the first half of fiscal year 2002-03, (b) the number of restrictive covenants determinations made by the department, and (c) the number of staff hours required to process restrictive covenant applications during this time period.
1. Franchise Tax Board (FTB) Protest Cases. The Franchise Tax Board shall, by December 10, 2001, and annually through 2006, provide to the chairs of the budget committees of both houses and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, a report evaluating the current tax assessment protest process including time frames for each phase of the process. The six phases in the protest process shall be defined as follows: 1. Taxpayer protest letter received through assignment of protest case; 2. Initial issue determination; 3. Inquiries of taxpayer and review of taxpayer responses; 4. Hearing; 5. Post hearing follow-up through issuance of FTB Notice to Audit (greensheet); and 6. Final processing through Notice of Action. The report shall also include for those cases remaining beyond the time frames of the protest process, the case location in the process and an explanation for delays that exceeded the time frames of each phase. The report shall also include, but not be limited to, the information as was provided to the Legislative Analyst's Office on May 3, 2001 entitled Analysis of Franchise Tax Board Docketed Protest Cases Over 24 Months with appropriate individual case data for each schedule type.
1. Department of General Services--State Emergency Telephone Number Account. The Department of General Services shall, by March 1, 2002, provide a report to the chairs of the budget committees in each house and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee which analyzes the appropriateness of 911 surcharges to California phone subscribers. This analysis shall take into consideration the growing number of cellular phone subscribers, the need to maintain current 911 operations and enhance 911 wireless services, and the need to maintain an adequate reserve in the State's Emergency Telephone Number Account. The report shall identify an appropriate reserve for the State Emergency Telephone Number Account and recommend rate adjustments to the surcharge to achieve the recommended reserve level.
2. Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of General Services (DGS) comply with all terms of the Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). It is the intent of the Legislature, therefore, that DGS report by November 1, 2001 on the extent to which its museums, galleries, and other programs that contain Native American artifacts have complied with NAGPRA. As part of the November 1, 2001 report, DGS shall provide the Legislature with a copy of all inventories that have been submitted to the federal government in compliance with NAGPRA.
1. Dymally-Alatorre. The State Personnel Board shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on its activities in support of the Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act and its plan to monitor and assess the effectiveness of this law and to propose amendments as appropriate.
1. Administrative Overhead Costs. Not later than January 10, 2002, the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) shall submit a report to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the budget committees on the department's administrative overhead expenditures. The report shall discuss (a) the divisions considered to be programmatic and administrative and (b) a detailed breakdown of administrative costs allocated to each programmatic division. The PERS shall compare these costs--for like divisions (for example, executive office, information technology, etc.) and in total--with those for the State Teachers' Retirement System, the Department of Insurance, the Department of Managed Health Care, and the Department of Personnel Administration.
1. Fee Reductions. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Corporations seek legislation to reduce or eliminate some fees to draw down the State Corporations Fund balance to 25 percent of expenditures by June 30, 2004. Upon approval of legislation reducing fees, the department shall report by November 1, 2001 to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the budget committees of both houses on (a) the fees to be reduced and (b) the projected revenue and fund balance impact on the State Corporations Fund through 2003-04. Each year from 2002 through 2004, the department shall submit a status update report by November 1 on (a) the fees reduced, (b) the revenue and fund balance impact in the prior fiscal year, and (c) the projected revenue and fund balance impact through 2003-04.
1. Employee Housing Plan Checks. The department shall report to the Legislature by February 1, 2002, regarding the number of employee housing plan check requests received in 2001 as a result of Chapter 702, Statutes of 2000. The report shall include the outcome of each plan check, the status of the review prior to state involvement, which entity contacted the department to perform the plan check, and the state cost of performing each plan check.
1. The Department of Managed Health Care shall report by January 1, 2002 on the findings of financial solvency of medical groups contracting with Knox-Keene licensed health plans. The report will summarize the assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses of such medical groups in an aggregate format.
1. Capital Outlay Support. The Department of Transportation shall provide, along with the 2002-03 Governor's budget and all subsequent budgets, a detailed display of its total capital outlay support staffing level for the past year (actual expended level), current year (estimated level), and budget year (requested level). The information shall be in a format that allows year-to-year comparisons of the categories of work (for example, State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP), Traffic Congestion Relief Program (TCRP), stormwater, minor program). The report shall:
(a) Indicate the personnel-year-equivalent (PYE) composition, including number of state staff, student assistants, cash overtime, and consultants expended or budgeted to perform the work.
(b) Indicate the distribution of PYEs for each category of work (for example, TCRP: 70 percent state staff; 5 percent cash overtime; 20 percent consultants).
(c) Differentiate between support workload based on programmed projects and ongoing contracts versus modeled workload.
(d) Include a line item for the total amount of resources required to perform work related to project study reports and project scope and summary reports.
As part of the May Revision to the proposed budget, the department shall provide an update of this report and annually thereafter.
2. Position Control. By November 1, 2001, the Department of Transportation shall develop and submit to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the fiscal committee in each house the following:
By December 31, 2001, the department shall submit to the same entities as above a report summarizing the activities performed and results with regard to position control, including a recommendation for scope and frequency of post-implementation reviews.
3. Financial Controls. By November 1, 2001, the Department of Transportation shall develop and submit the following to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the fiscal committee in each house:
4. Bicycle Blueprint. By May 1, 2002, the Department of Transportation's planning program, in coordination with the California Bicycle Advisory Committee, the Pedestrian Safety Task Force, and staff from other programs that are involved in bicycle and pedestrian issues, shall submit a report to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, the chairs of the fiscal committee in each house, and the chairs of the transportation committee in each house that shall include measurable goals and objectives for increasing bicycling and walking within the state, funding of facilities and a reduction in pedestrian and bicycling injuries and fatalities.
5. Water Runoff and Drainage. On or before January 1, 2002, the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) shall report to the members of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the fiscal committee in each house on the effect of water runoff and drainage on property adjacent to roads, highways, or freeways which result from STIP, SHOPP, or Minor A projects performed by or at the direction of Caltrans and which were delivered during the 1999-00 and 2000-01 fiscal years. The report shall include all projects which are wholly or partly within the boundaries of Caltrans Districts 3, 5, 6, 8, and 10, excluding the high elevation portions thereof. Such report shall include a description of routine and ordinary measures taken to mitigate damage and runoff as well as standard practices taken to remedy changes in normal runoff and drainage caused by such work that may adversely impact adjacent properties of the environment.
1. Manufacturing Technology Program Competitiveness Strategy. No later than December 1, 2001 for 2000-01 and March 1, 2002 for 2001-02 to date, the agency shall submit to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the budget committees of both houses, a progress reports on implementation of the competitiveness strategy for the Manufacturing Technology Program. These reports shall include a discussion of progress made towards the goals identified in the competitiveness strategy: (a) job creation and retention, (b) program focus on industry sectors generating significant economic growth, and (c) collaboration with other state agencies. The reports shall also compile data the centers report monthly to the agency, including (a) job creation and retention; (b) number of businesses served; (c) capital investments made, sales increases achieved, and cost savings achieved by served businesses; and (d) fiscal data broken down by category and source of funds. The reports shall include available performance data collected by the National Institute for Scientific Technology.
1. Biomass-to-Ethanol Market Development. In formulating and implementing its program to develop the biomass-to-ethanol market, the commission shall consult with and seek the participation of biomass industry participants and appropriate nongovernmental groups that have an interest or expertise in biomass development.
1. Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA) Enforcement Reporting. On or before November 1, 2001, the department shall provide a report to the chairs of the fiscal and pertinent policy committees of both houses, and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, on all of the following:
(a) The identity and location of all mines subject to the requirements of the SMARA that, as of December 31, 2000, (i) were illegally operating without either valid financial assurances or valid reclamation plans or (ii) were lacking an annual lead agency inspection.
(b) Detailed information on any enforcement actions (including, but not limited to, closure) initiated by the department against the mines identified in paragraph (a) to bring those mines into compliance with SMARA. The information shall include, but not be limited to, the identity and location of the mine, the dates the enforcement action was initiated and/or completed, and the current status of any pending actions.
(c) The department's work plan for bringing all remaining illegal mining operations into compliance with SMARA or for closure of such mining operations.
On February 1, 2002, May 1, 2002, and August 1, 2002, the department shall provide a progress report to the chairs of the fiscal and pertinent policy committees of both houses, and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, on all enforcement and mine closure actions initiated during the second, third, and fourth quarters of fiscal year 2001-02, respectively.
2. Abandoned Mine Inventory Reporting. On or before July 1, 2002, the department shall provide a final report to the chairs of the fiscal and pertinent policy committees of both houses, and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on its abandoned mine inventory program. The report shall include, but not be limited to, a description and location of all identified abandoned mine sites, including the identity of the land owner (for example, state, federal, or private) where the mine is located; estimates on the costs to remediate both identified and statistically extrapolated mines; and a prioritization of abandoned mines remediation efforts.
1. Computer-Aided Dispatch System. The Department of Forestry and Fire Protection shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the fiscal committee of each house by December 1, 2002 and semiannually thereafter, on major milestones in the procurement, development, and implementation of its computer-aided dispatch system. The department shall include in each report the estimated cost of each identified segment of the project. The department shall include time lines and implementation dates for major phases of the project and explanations for any deviations in its estimates from the previous reports.
2. Fire-Related Operations. On or before December 1, 2001, the department shall report to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the appropriate policy committees of both houses of the Legislature on the following:
(a) The total dollar amount of all contracts awarded to outside vendors for all fire-related operations for fiscal year (FY) 2000-01.
(b) The total dollar amount of all contracts awarded to disabled veterans for all fire-related operations in FY 2000-01.
(c) The total departmentwide contact dollars awarded in FY 2000-01.
(d) The total departmentwide contract dollars to disabled veterans in FY 2000-01.
1. School Land Bank Fund Status Report. The State Lands Commission shall submit a report to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chair of the fiscal committees of each house by October 1, 2001 and March 1, 2002, on the status of the School Land Bank Fund (SLBF). The report shall include, but not be limited to, (a) recent activities and land acquisition funded by SLBF and (b) the remaining balance in the fund.
1. Fisheries Restoration Grant Program. The Department of Fish and Game shall report to the Legislature by February 1, 2002, on how it plans to streamline the evaluation process for the Fisheries Restoration Grant Program (FRGP). The report should identify how much time will be saved in the evaluation process by implementing the streamlining recommendations.
2. California Environmental Quality Act Requirements. The Department of Fish and Game shall report to the Legislature, by February 1, 2002, on how it will meet its California Environmental Quality Act requirements for the FRGP. The report shall provide an analysis justifying why the selected approach is the most appropriate to take, including its costs and benefits.
3. Evaluation Plan. The Department of Fish and Game shall submit to the Legislature by February 1, 2002, an evaluation plan for the FRGP. The plan shall include the methodology to be used to evaluate various types of projects funded by FRGP. It shall also identify the staffing levels which the department deems necessary to conduct project evaluations using the identified methodology.
1. Natural Heritage Preservation Tax Credit Program Reporting. On or before January 10, 2002, and July 1, 2002, the Wildlife Conservation Board shall submit a report to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chair of the fiscal committees of each house on the status of the Natural Heritage Preservation Tax Credit Program. The report shall include, but not be limited to: an update on the total projects granted tax credits; the size of the credits; descriptions of the projects, including their locations and project type; the board's outreach efforts to advertise the tax credit program, including a list of organizations contacted; and narrative on the prioritization process used to select awards.
1. Ongoing Maintenance Needs. On or before January 10, 2002, the department shall submit to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the fiscal committees of each house of the Legislature a report on its ongoing maintenance needs. The report shall include: (a) an update on implementation of the software package to help the department manage its ongoing maintenance activities; (b) a cost estimate of the ongoing maintenance needs, by category (buildings, grounds, miscellaneous structures, systems, trails, cultural resources, and natural resources); (c) an estimate of the required staffing or contracting needed for routine maintenance; and (d) the current expenditure level of ongoing maintenance in each of the categories.
2. Ongoing Natural Resource Maintenance. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Parks and Recreation utilize the services of the California Conservation Corps to the maximum extent possible in the department's ongoing natural resource maintenance program. On or before January 10, 2002, the Department of Parks and Recreation shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on the following items related to ongoing natural maintenance activities:
3. Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Parks and Recreation comply with all terms of the Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). It is the intent of the Legislature, therefore, that the department report by November 1, 2001 on the extent to which its museums, galleries, and other programs that contain Native American artifacts have complied with NAGPRA. As part of the November 1, 2001 report, the department shall provide the Legislature with a copy of all inventories that it submitted to the federal government in compliance with NAGPRA.
1. Concession Contracts. Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5080.20, the following concession proposals are approved as described below:
(a) Hearst San Simeon State Historical Monument--Food, Gift, and Retail Sales Concession. The department may bid a new concession contract not to exceed 15 years for a food, gift, and retail sales contract that will require an aggregate minimum rent of 19 percent to 21 percent which includes various minimum rent schedules for specific profit centers. The concessionaire will be required to invest a minimum of $2,000,000 in capital improvements to the Visitor Center. Start-up for the new concession contract is anticipated by the fall of 2002.
1. CALFED Bay-Delta Program's Cross-Cut Budget. It is the intent of the Legislature that total expenditures for the CALFED Bay-Delta Program (state funds and federal reimbursements) in 2001-02 be allocated among the program's eleven elements as follows:
Ecosystem restoration | $161,071,000 | |
Secretary for Resources | ||
Item 0540-001-0546 | $140,203,000 | |
Department of Fish and Game | ||
Item 3600-001-0001 | $626,000 | |
Item 3600-001-0890 | $575,000 | |
Reimbursements | -$1,959,000 | |
Department of Water Resources | ||
Item 3860-001-0001 |
$796,000 | |
Item 3860-001-0404 |
$1,603,000 | |
Item 3860-001-6026 |
$10,000,000 | |
Reimbursements |
-$9,106,000 | |
State Water Project Funds | $7,268,000 | |
State Water Resources Control Board | ||
Reimbursements | -$409,000 | |
Department of Food and Agriculture |
Reimbursements |
-$100,000 | |
Environmental Water Account | $35,531,000 | |
Secretary for Resources |
Item 0540-001-0546 |
$28,233,000 | |
Department of Fish and Game |
Item 3600-001-0001 |
$172,000 | |
Department of Water Resources |
Item 3860-001-0001 |
$876,000 | |
Item 3860-492 |
$6,250,000 | |
Reimbursements |
-$28,233,000 | |
Drinking water quality |
$21,450,000 | |
Department of Water Resources |
Item 3860-001-0001 |
$9,380,000 | |
Item 3860-001-6026 |
$2,070,000 | |
State Water Resources Control Board |
Item 3940-001-6019 |
$10,000,000 | |
Water use efficiency | $111,111,000 | |
Department of Water Resources |
Item 3860-001-0001 |
$8,991,000 | |
Item 3860-001-6023 |
$7,600,000 | |
Item 3860-001-0890 |
$1,000,000 | |
Item 3860-101-6023 |
$10,620,000 | |
State Water Resources Control Board |
Item 3940-101-0419 |
$25,000,000 | |
State Revolving Fund |
$57,900,000 | |
Watershed management | $20,000,000 | |
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection |
Item 3540-001-0001 |
$1,651,000 | |
Department of Fish and Game |
Item 3600-001-0001 |
$782,000 | |
Department of Water Resources |
Item 3860-001-0001 |
$7,567,000 | |
State Water Resources Control Board |
Item 3940-101-6013 |
$10,000,000 | |
Water transfers |
$871,000 | |
Department of Water Resources |
Item 3860-001-0001 |
$727,000 | |
State Water Resources Control Board |
Item 3940-001-0001 |
$144,000 | |
Levees |
$21,765,000 | |
Department of Fish and Game |
Item 3600-001-0001 |
$322,000 | |
San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission |
Item 3820-001-0001 |
$82,000 | |
Department of Water Resources |
Item 3860-001-0001 |
$4,116,000 | |
Item 3860-101-0001 |
$8,436,000 | |
Item 3860-101-0409 |
$8,400,000 | |
State Water Project Funds |
$285,000 | |
State Water Resources Control Board |
Item 3940-001-0001 |
$124,000 | |
Water storage |
$121,678,000 | |
Department of Fish and Game |
Item 3600-001-0001 |
$692,000 | |
Department of Water Resources |
Item 3860-001-0001 |
$14,740,000 | |
Item 3860-001-0890 |
$3,250,000 | |
Item 3860-001-6023 |
$10,630,000 | |
Item 3860-001-6025 |
$946,000 | |
Item 3860-001-6027 |
$420,000 | |
Item 3860-101-6025 |
$91,000,000 | |
Reimbursements |
-$600,000 | |
Water conveyance |
$41,931,000 | |
Department of Fish and Game |
Item 3600-001-0001 |
$302,000 | |
Department of Water Resources |
Item 3860-001-0001 |
$3,031,000 | |
Item 3860-001-6026 |
$26,300,000 | |
Item 3860-492 |
$6,250,000 | |
State Water Project Funds |
$6,048,000 | |
Science |
$36,579,000 | |
Department of Fish and Game |
Item 3600-001-0001 |
$2,507,000 | |
Department of Water Resources |
Item 3860-001-0001 |
$7,685,000 | |
Item 3860-001-0890 |
$20,200,000 | |
State Water Project Funds |
$6,187,000 | |
CALFED program management |
$12,445,000 | |
Department of Conservation |
Item 3480-001-0001 |
$96,000 | |
State Lands Commission |
Item 3560-001-0001 |
$90,000 | |
Department of Fish and Game |
Item 3600-001-0001 |
$554,000 | |
San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission |
Item 3820-001-0001 |
$164,000 | |
Department of Water Resources |
Item 3860-001-0001 |
$6,028,000 | |
Item 3860-001-0890 |
$5,513,000 | |
Department of Food and Agriculture |
Reimbursements |
-$175,000 |
2. Environmental Water Account.
(a) By December 15, 2001, the CALFED Bay-Delta Program shall submit a report to the Legislature conveying the results of the CALFED Science Advisory Panel's review of the Environmental Water Account. The review shall include an evaluation of existing purchases (such as those on the Yuba River) to assure that the Environmental Water Account does not undermine needed regulatory protections or result in significant degradation of natural resources in the area of origin.
(b) By December 15, 2001, the CALFED Bay-Delta Program shall submit a report to the Legislature outlining its efforts to provide "Tier 3" water for the Environmental Water Account, as described in the CALFED Record of Decision, should that water be required in future years.
1. Total Maximum Daily Load Program.
(a) On or before January 10, 2002, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) shall prepare and submit to the Legislature a long-term strategy to achieve water quality standards in impaired water bodies, consistent with the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program pursuant to Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act. The strategy should address the completion, prior to the 2013 date for completion, of all currently required TMDL analyses and implementation plans. Completion of TMDLs shall include their incorporation into basin plans. This strategy shall include, but is not limited to, all of the following:
(i) A five-year schedule that identifies specific TMDLs to be completed and their expected completion dates, and major activities to be completed.
(ii) A long-term schedule, not to extend beyond the 2013 date for completion, that schedules the completion of all TMDLs on the 1998 list pursuant to Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act.
(iii) A description of the existing resources used to address TMDL requirements, organized by fund source and department.
(iv) An estimate of the resources needed to adhere to the long-term schedule and achieve the 2013 date for completion.
(v) Identification of any shortfalls between existing resources and estimated resource needs to achieve the 2013 date for completion.
(vi) Proposed fund sources to address identified shortfalls.
(vii) Identification of technical assistance needs of the regional boards and a strategy for addressing these needs.
(viii) A schedule to develop policies to guide the regional boards in developing and implementing TMDLs including, but not limited to, cost estimates to develop the policies. The schedule for policy development shall include consideration of a methodology to allocate responsibility for reducing pollution among the various sources that contribute to the impairment of a water body.
(b) The report required on or before November 30, 2002 by Section 13191 of the Water Code shall include information on the progress of SWRCB in adhering to the long-term schedule for TMDL completion described in paragraph (a). The annual reports required by Section 13191 shall also include information on the status of implementing the organizational improvements recommended by the public advisory group formed pursuant to Section 13191.
(c) The SWRCB and the regional boards shall consider, but are not limited to, all the following criteria in setting priorities and developing schedules for the long-term strategy described in paragraph (a):
(d) A regional board shall consider the criteria listed in paragraph (c) when revising the Watershed Management Initiative work plans, and the state board shall incorporate the criteria into a guidance document for the regional boards regarding TMDL work plan development. Each criterion shall be given the appropriate weight warranted by the specific conditions of the impaired water in question, as determined by SWRCB or a regional board, as appropriate.
(e) On or before January 1, 2003, SWRCB shall develop a policy to establish criteria for the listing and delisting of impaired water bodies pursuant to Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act. The policy shall include a "weight of evidence" approach and shall include criteria that ensure that the data and information used for identification and listing of impaired water bodies are accurate and verifiable.
(f) The SWRCB shall develop a master contract or contracts for work related to the development and implementation of the TMDL program and TMDLs. The master contract or contracts shall address the regional boards' need for technical expertise necessary to complete TMDLs in an effective and timely manner.
1. Interim Statewide Automated Welfare System Maintenance and Operation Plan. The Health and Human Services Agency Data Center and the Department of Social Services, in consultation with the Department of Information Technology (DOIT) and the Department of Finance, shall, by January 1, 2002, provide a report to the chairs of the budget committees in each house and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee which describes the five-year maintenance and operation plan for the Interim Statewide Automated Welfare System. The plan shall be prepared in accordance with DOIT's policy for maintenance and operation planning.
1. Customer Surveys. The Department shall report to the Legislature by March 1, 2002, the results of customer surveys currently being conducted by its Ombudsman division.
2. Senior Wellness and Prevention Media Campaign. The Department shall prepare a report to budget and policy committees of the Legislature by March 1, 2002, reporting on the accomplishments of the Senior Wellness and Prevention Media Campaign, funded in budget years 2000-01 and 2001-02. The report shall include the status of the campaign, a description of the materials developed including the issues addressed by those materials, the strategic plan for distribution of the materials, and specific identification of the public and private partnership resources identified and used for distribution of the materials.
1. Access to Drug Medi-Cal. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs report to the Legislature in budget hearings during 2002 regarding the status of its plan to improve access to Drug Medi-Cal, especially for children and young people under 22, including any proposal to change the rates, the scope of benefits, and treatment approval procedures so that Drug Medi-Cal serves Medi-Cal beneficiaries appropriately according to the incidence of substance abuse in the beneficiary population.
2. County Allocations. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs shall provide to the budget subcommittees in budget hearings in 2002 an analysis of county allocations that examines the total funds available per resident, the Drug Medi-Cal funds available per resident, the federal block grant funds available per resident, and discretionary funds available per resident. The analysis shall identify whether variations in funds are likely to affect access to the availability of a full continuum of care in communities.
3. Dymally-Alatorre Act Compliance by Local Agencies. It is the intent of the Legislature that, by March 1, 2002, the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs shall report to the chairs of the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee its assessment of the extent to which local agencies receiving funding from the department comply with the Dymally-Alatorre Act and provide services to nonnative English monolingual speakers, and further report its actions and recommendations to ensure compliance with the act by those local agencies.
1. Early Start Program. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) report to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature by December 1, 2002, on the coordination of Early Start activities between regional centers (RCs) and local education agencies (LEAs), and the performance of RCs in completing initial evaluations and assessments within 45 days of a child's referral as required. Specifically, the department shall provide the following information:
1. Personal Security Alarms. The Department of Mental Health (DMH) shall report to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the budget committees of both houses of the Legislature by November 1, 2001, and again by March 1, 2002, regarding the personal security alarm projects at Atascadero, Metropolitan, and Patton State Hospitals for which support and capital outlay funding is approved in the 2001-02 Budget Act. The DMH shall specifically report by those dates regarding the status of each individual project, the steps taken by the department to coordinate the projects at each state hospital, and an updated cost and a project schedule for each project.
1. Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Mental Health (DMH) conduct field audits of Mental Health Plans in regard to the services provided by those counties under the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit, or to incorporate an examination of issues related to the EPSDT benefit as part of any other audits conducted by DMH. The DMH shall include, but not be limited to, an examination of what it deems to be a representative sample of counties regarding (a) whether only medically necessary services are being provided to clients in a cost-effective manner and (b) whether sufficient services are being provided to those clients to meet the treatment goals and the requirements of EPSDT. The department shall report its findings in regard to the specialty mental health EPSDT benefit to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the budget committees of both houses of the Legislature by April 1, 2002.
1. Faith-Based Grant Diversity. The Department shall report to fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature by February 1, 2002, on the grants made under the initiative to provide funding to faith-based community organizations to provide employment services to difficult-to-serve and hard-to-employ individuals. The report shall provide information about the extent to which the grants provide services that are geographically diverse, and meet the language and cultural requirements of Californians needing employment services.
2. Disability Insurance Call Centers. The Department shall report to policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature, by February 1, 2002, on the customer service of Disability Insurance Call Centers. The report shall include at least the following: (a) calls received daily by the call centers; (b) disposition of the calls received, including the number of calls deflected or forced to call back; (c) average call waiting times; and (d) steps the Department has taken to improve services in the call centers.
3. Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Youth Services. The Department shall report to fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature, by February 1, 2002, on spending under the WIA for youth programs. The report shall include at least the following:
1. Assistive Technology. It is the intent of the Legislature that by January 1, 2002, the Department of Rehabilitation submit to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the budget committees of both houses of the Legislature a written status report on improving the provision of assistive technology devices and services to the Department of Rehabilitation clients, including the training of Department of Rehabilitation staff on assistive technology. The report shall consider barriers and restrictions, including any resource needs that currently impact the provision of assistive technology devices and services.
2. Ticket to Work Program Implementation. It is the intent of the Legislature that, by January 1, 2002, the Department of Rehabilitation submit to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the budget committees of both houses of the Legislature a written status report on prospective and ongoing efforts to implement provisions of the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999. The report should include but shall not be limited to information regarding: (a) the notification by the Social Security Administration (SSA) of the timetable for state implementation of the Ticket to Work Program; (b) the projected impact of the new federal program on Department of Rehabilitation caseloads and the department's programs; (c) projections of participation by eligible California residents in the federal program; (d) the status of any negotiations and departmental plans for achieving written agreements with other network providers of Ticket to Work Program services; and (e) any changes in state law or regulation necessary to achieve full state compliance with the requirements of the federal law and/or final regulations, if released.
1. California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Statewide Evaluation. The department shall release to the Legislature each report of the statewide evaluation of the CalWORKs program no later than 210 days after each report is submitted to the department.
2. Special Circumstances Program. The Department shall gather information from counties and report to the Legislature by March 1, 2002, on the extent to which counties transferred funds from administration to benefit provisions in the special circumstances program, as a result of statutory changes enacted associated with the 2001-02 budget.
3. Adoptions Initiative. The Department shall make available through the budget process, county-by-county information on the number of final adoption placements, and the number of guardianships, from 1997-98 through 2000-01. The information shall include whether the adoption case backlog addressed in the 2000-01 budget year has recurred.
4. Statewide Automated Welfare System Strategic Plan. The California Health and Human Services Agency and the Department of Social Services shall, by May 1, 2002, provide a strategic plan to the chairs of the budget committees in each house and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee which reflects the statutory requirements and policy objectives of Chapter 270, Statutes of 1997 (AB 1542, Aroner) into the Statewide Automated Welfare System (SAWS). The strategic plan shall identify: (1) measurable program objectives and benefits that the state will achieve through automation and (2) the SAWS milestones at which the state will reassess the automation approach for the state's welfare system.
5. Interim Statewide Automated Welfare System Maintenance and Operation Plan. The Health and Human Services Agency Data Center and the Department of Social Services, in consultation with the Department of Information Technology (DOIT) and the Department of Finance, shall, by January 1, 2002, provide a report to the chairs of the budget committees in each house and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee which describes the five-year maintenance and operation plan for the Interim Statewide Automated Welfare System. The plan shall be prepared in accordance with DOIT's policy for maintenance and operation planning.
6. Administrative Hearings Toll-Free Number. It is the intent of the Legislature that the department shall provide to the Legislature, by March 1, 2002, a report detailing the status of implementing an automated phone system to address calls to the department's toll free number. The report will provide data on the number of calls answered, the number of call backs, and the number of busy phone calls.
7. Foster Care Reports. It is the intent of the Legislature that the department shall provide a report detailing the finding of the SB 160 Phase II rate study steering committee to the Legislature by September 2001.
8. In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Sliding Scale. It is the intent of the Legislature that the department shall, by January 1, 2003, submit a report to the Legislature on the feasibility of adopting a pilot project for a sliding-scale system of universal eligibility for in-home supportive services in counties that have adopted public authorities for the provision of those services, with services to be provided either through the IHSS Program or as personal care option services under the Medi-Cal Program.
1. Developmentally Disabled Parolees. It is the intent of the Legislature that the California Department of Corrections (CDC), in consultation with the Department of Developmental Services, the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, and the Board of Prison Terms, conduct a study of the size, nature, and service needs of parolees with developmental disabilities. The study shall include, but not be limited to, the following matters: a review of the assessment criteria used by both CDC and regional centers to identify developmental disabilities and an identification of differences and inconsistencies between the two systems, a determination of the number of parolees who meet the CDC definition and the extent to which they do or do not meet the regional center definition, an examination of the extent to which regional centers currently incorporate eligible parolees with developmental disabilities into their service system, and a plan to address identified service needs and reduce the recidivism rates of developmentally disables parolees. The findings of this study shall be reported to the Legislature by March 1, 2002.
2. Substance Abuse Treatment Programs. The California Department of Corrections (CDC) shall report to the Legislature by January 1, 2002, on its progress in implementing substance abuse treatment slots. The report should identify the number of occupied treatment slots at each facility, the number of inmates waiting for treatment, the number of parolees in each type of community care, and annual expenditures for each facility and program contractor. In addition, the department should report on the status of any ongoing evaluations of CDC substance abuse programs.
3. Personnel Management. It is the intent of the Legislature that the California Department of Corrections shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature annually, commencing January 10, 2002, on its effectiveness in reducing sick leave usage, and increasing the appropriate usage of budgeted vacation, and other leave time, and shall further report on its estimate of the net fiscal effect of these changes on department personnel expenditures and the outstanding fiscal liability related to the vacation and holiday leave obligations. The report shall include, but not be limited to, the number of hours of vacation, holiday relief, or other relief funded by the department by institution; the average cost per hour for providing this relief by position classification.
4. Workers' Compensation Claims. It is the intent of the Legislature that the California Department of Corrections shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature annually, commencing March 31, 2002, on the total workers' compensation expenditures by the type of injury; cost reductions due to increased monitoring of fraudulent workers' compensation claims; and a plan for reducing workers' compensation expenditures. In addition the department shall report on the effectiveness of the investigations unit including, but not limited to, the review process for the identification of inappropriate claims; the number of claims received by the department; the number of claims denied; the number of claims referred to law enforcement agencies for prosecution; and the development of additional strategies for the reduction of workers' compensation costs.
5. Medical Services Delivery Plan. It is the intent of the Legislature that the California Department of Corrections (CDC) shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature annually, commencing January 10, 2002, on a multiyear plan for implementing improvements to the delivery of medical services to CDC inmates.
1. Board of Prison Terms--Foreign Prisoner Transfer. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Board of Prison Terms report to the Legislature by December 1, 2002, on the effectiveness of the Foreign Prisoner Transfer Program. The report shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: the number of foreign prisoner transfer applications received and the disposition of each application; actions taken by the Board of Prison Terms to increase the number of transfer applications; projected staffing and funding adjustments needed in 2003-04 to appropriately budget for the handling of transfer cases; and recommendations for improvements to the foreign prisoner transfer program based on the practices of other states in administering foreign prisoner transfers.
2. Parole Hearing Workload. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Board of Prison Terms shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee no later than March 31, 2002 on the number and outcome of all parole hearings for calendar year 2001. The report shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: the number of parole hearings conducted for indeterminately sentenced inmates; the board's decision on each case; and the number of decisions overturned through the decision review process. In addition, the report shall include information on the number of parole violators diverted from prisons as a result of the Proposition 36 process and the number of these parole violators who were subsequently returned to prison.
1. Childcare Data Collection. By October 15, 2001 and March 15, 2002, the State Department of Education (SDE) shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC), the relevant fiscal and policy committees, the Office of the Legislative Analyst (LAO), and the Department of Finance (DOF), on the following:
-- Task: Contract for a program manager. Beginning/End Dates: July 1, 2001/ September 30, 2001.
-- Task: Develop the Needs Assessment and FSR. Beginning/End Dates: October 1, 2001/July 31, 2002.
-- Task: Department of Information Technology and Technology Investment Review Unit approval of the FSR. Beginning/End Dates: August 1, 2002/December 31, 2002.
-- Task: Develop the Data Collection system. Beginning/End Dates: January 1, 2003/December 31, 2003.
2. Supplemental Instruction. By March 15, 2002, the SDE, in collaboration with the Legislative Analyst's Office and the Office of the Secretary of Education, shall provide information to the fiscal and policy committees of both houses, in response to the following questions:
What policies have school districts adopted in response to anti-social promotion legislation?
In obtaining information for this report, the SDE shall seek the voluntary cooperation of school districts, and no mandate shall be placed upon school districts, either explicit or implied.
3. Special Education Compliance Monitoring System Reports--Description of Existing System and Long Term Plan. It is the intent of the Legislature that the SDE in conjunction with the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) and the Department of Finance (DOF), prepare the following two reports:
(a) A brief report that describes and enumerates the essential components of the 2001-02 compliance monitoring system for special education programs and the SDE's special education division's staffing allocation for the monitoring system. This report shall include a description of the number, type, and frequency of monitoring reviews; identification of Key Performance Indicators (s') utilized and local education agency rankings; and a description of how SDE training and technical assistance is tied to areas of noncompliance statewide. This report shall also identify which focused monitoring requirements are directly tied to compliance with federal law and federal regulations and which are a result of state law and state policy, citing the specific federal and state references. This report shall be submitted to the appropriate legislative committees and the Governor by September 1, 2001.
(b) A brief report that provides a special education program monitoring system plan for 2002-03, 2003-04, and 2004-05, including recommendations for improving the monitoring system, if necessary. This report shall be submitted to the appropriate legislative committees and the Governor by December 1, 2001.
The LAO shall be responsible for approving the specific topics and issues to be addressed in each report in consultation with the SDE and DOF, and shall be responsible for convening meetings of the three agencies. In developing both reports, the three agencies shall consult with other interested parties including parents/guardians, teachers, administrators, the Special Education Advisory Commission, legislative staff, and other interested parties.
4. Special Education Program Monitoring Reviews--Biannual Progress Reports. It is the intent of the Legislature that the SDE report biannually on the status and outcomes of new and ongoing special education program monitoring reviews of local education agencies, including verification reviews, facilitated reviews, federal Corrective Action Plan (Fed-CAP) district reviews, and any other monitoring reviews.
The SDE shall report biannually (December 15th and March 15th) to the chair and vice chairs of the appropriate legislative budget and policy committees, the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, the DOF, and the Governor on progress on implementation of the monitoring reviews and their results, including the number of noncompliance findings identified and corrective actions developed. For ongoing reviews, these reports shall also identify the number and type of outstanding corrective actions, timetables for correction, and any sanctions issued. As a part of these biannual reports, SDE shall describe generally the number and types of noncompliance findings identified for monitoring reviews conducted. The format for these biannual reports shall be developed by the Legislative Analyst in conjunction with the DOF and SDE.
1. Conflict of Interest Policy for the Immediate Intervention/Underperforming Schools Program (II/USP). The Legislative Analyst's Office shall report to the budget and education policy committees of the Legislature, the Office of the Secretary for Education, State Department of Education (SDE), the State Board of Education (SBE), and the Department of Finance by March 15, 2002 on a review of the SBE's conflict of interest policy for external evaluators assisting schools that are participating in the II/USP. The report shall include:
1. Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). It is the intent of the Legislature that the California State Library comply with all terms of the NAGPRA. It is the intent of the Legislature, therefore, that the state library report by November 1, 2001 on the extent to which libraries, museums, galleries, and other programs of the state library that contain Native American artifacts have complied with the NAGPRA. As part of the November 1, 2001 report, the state library shall provide the Legislature with a copy of all inventories that it has submitted to the federal government in compliance with NAGPRA.
1. The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) shall report to the Legislature by December 1, 2001 on its efforts to:
-- The requirements for obtaining a preliminary teaching credential, professional clear credential, and renewal credential.
-- The quality of preparation they received from their teacher education program (recent credential applicants only).
-- The level of customer service CTC provided throughout the credentialing process.
1. Articulation System Stimulating Inter-Institutional Student Transfer (ASSIST). It is the intent of the Legislature that all University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) campuses honor all articulation and transfer information that is provided through the ASSIST Web site. To ensure accountability, the Web site shall provide an online mechanism for students to report if a UC or CSU campus does not honor an online articulation agreement and to provide general feedback regarding the usefulness of the site. The UC, in collaboration with CSU, the ASSIST Board of Directors, and the California Postsecondary Education Commission shall provide a preliminary report to the Legislature on November 1, 2001, which describes:
These agencies shall provide a final report to the Legislature on November 1, 2002, which describes:
2. Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). It is the intent of the Legislature that the University of California (UC) comply with all terms of the NAGPRA. It is the intent of the Legislature, therefore, that the university report by November 1, 2001 on the extent to which its museums, galleries, and other programs that contain Native American artifacts have complied with the NAGPRA. As part of the November 1, 2001 report, the university shall provide the Legislature with a copy of all inventories that it submitted to the federal government in compliance with NAGPRA.
3. Faculty Compensation. The UC shall report to the Legislature by November 1, 2001 on funds budgeted and actually allocated for increases in faculty compensation. The university shall provide data for the 1998-99, 1999-00, 2000-01, and 2001-02 budget years. The data shall include, at a minimum:
The university shall report annually by November 1 on budgeted and actual allocations of funds for faculty salary increases for the current and prior three budget years.
4. Contracting Out. It is the intent of the Legislature that until September 30, 2002, the UC will not contract out for services that are currently performed by UC employees. No exception should be made by the university to this policy before submitting 30-days notice to the Legislature and the Governor, explaining why it is necessary to contract out. Examples of instances in which an exception might be appropriate include those situations in which there is a need to obtain special expertise, services, and equipment which are not available internally; or situations in which it is financially necessary to do so. However, where financial necessity is the reason for the exception, before subcontracting for a service in which activities are fully or partially supported from state funds including those at the teaching hospitals, it is the intent of the Legislature that the university first seek funding from the Legislature to address the financial necessity. Notice to the Governor and the Legislature should include a detailed justification for the exception. Further, until September 30, 2002, it is the intent of the Legislature that, in such instances where an exception is made and a UC employee is displaced, the university should make available, at comparable salary, another UC job for which a displaced employee is qualified. Further, it is the intent of the Legislature that should an exception to the policy be granted and UC contract out for services the UC will report to the Legislature the number of contracts, the estimated savings to the UC during the contract period, the reason any savings were realized, the wages and benefits subcontractors paid to their employees, information on the subcontractor's labor record, and the number of instances in which such contracts were subsequently terminated and services were once again performed by UC employees. This report should be submitted to the Legislative Analyst for review and comment by March 15, 2002. The Legislative Analyst should submit her comments on the report to the Governor and the Legislature by April 15, 2002.
5. Senate Faculty. The Legislature recognizes the important role non-senate faculty play in the education of students at the UC. Therefore, to the extent that instruction is performed by non-senate faculty, it is the intent of the Legislature that, as part of the funding provided to UC for instruction, adequate funding will be made available to support non-senate faculty and to ensure that non-senate faculty salaries, course loads, instructional equipment and support, and opportunities for professional development reach a level necessary to meet the continuing obligation of the University to offer its students the highest quality of education. It is further the intent of the Legislature that UC work with representatives of non-senate faculty through the collective bargaining process to determine the level of resources needed to accomplish these goals and to develop a multi-year plan for accomplishing these goals, subject to the resources available to the University, and to report the results of collective bargaining on this issue by December 1, 2001.
1. Collaborative Academic Preparation Initiative (CAPI). It is the intent of the Legislature that the California State University (CSU) assess and annually report on the effectiveness of the CAPI program--which aims to improve high school students' academic preparation for higher education. The report shall include, at a minimum, the following information:
The CSU shall provide a progress report to the Legislature on December 1, 2001 regarding its efforts to compile and analyze these data. It shall provide a comprehensive annual report beginning on December 1, 2002.
2. Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). It is the intent of the Legislature that the CSU comply with all terms of the NAGPRA. It is the intent of the Legislature, therefore, that the university report by November 1, 2001 on the extent to which its museums, galleries, and other programs that contain Native American artifacts have complied with the NAGPRA. As part of the November 1, 2001 report, the university shall provide the Legislature with a copy of all inventories that it submitted to the federal government in compliance with NAGPRA.
3. Year-Round Operations: Terms of Faculty Employment. It is the intent of the Legislature, in providing sufficient funds for year-round operations, that CSU and the California Faculty Association work together via the collective bargaining process to ensure that, when a campus operates on a year-round schedule, the employment standards of academic employees shall be maintained at the same level regardless of which academic semester or quarter they are employed.
4. Faculty Compensation. It is the intent of the Legislature that all money allocated for faculty compensation be spent on faculty compensation in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement. After compensation and benefit increases are processed and annualized for the full fiscal year, if the revised estimate of cost is below the funding appropriated for the compensation pool (salaries and associated benefits) the difference in dollars will be expended on faculty-related items and CSU shall report to the Legislature by October 1, 2001 on such expenditure(s).
5. Faculty Compensation. The CSU shall report to the Legislature by November 1, 2001 on funds budgeted and actually allocated for increases in faculty compensation. The university shall provide data for the 1998-99, 1999-00, 2000-01, and 2001-02 budget years. The data shall include, at a minimum:
The university shall report annually by November 1 on budgeted and actual allocations of funds for faculty salary increases for the current and prior three budget years.
6. Disenrolled Students. It is the intent of the Legislature that students who are disenrolled from CSU because they do not complete their remedial coursework within the allotted time receive the academic assistance they need to become eligible to re-enroll at CSU. To ensure these students receive the assistance they need, CSU shall coordinate with the California Community Colleges (CCC) on collaborative efforts to support these students and to collect information pertaining to their academic status. By October 31, 2001, CSU and CCC shall report to the Legislature on the system they have devised for obtaining information on these students as well as a description of current or planned collaborative efforts between CSU and CCC campuses to ensure that students complete the remediation necessary to return to the CSU campus and complete their degree in a timely fashion. By January 31, 2003, and annually thereafter, CSU and CCC shall report to the Legislature, by campus:
In addition, the CSU and CCC shall report on their collaborative efforts to meet the remedial needs of these students and the support they provided to help these students re-enroll at CSU.
7. Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Proficiency of All First-time Freshmen. It is the intent of the Legislature that CSU assess and report the entry-level proficiency of all first-time freshmen. By December 15 of each year, beginning in 2001, CSU shall submit a preliminary report by campus that includes: (a) the total number of regularly admitted and specially admitted first-time freshmen, (b) the proportion of regularly admitted and specially admitted first-time freshmen that are exempt from entry-level proficiency exams, (c) the proportion of regularly admitted and specially admitted first-time freshmen that become exempt through each of the approved alternatives, and (d) the entry-level proficiency exam pass rates of regularly admitted and specially admitted first-time freshmen. The CSU shall submit a final report to the Legislature by February 1 of each year.
1. Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). It is the intent of the Legislature that the California Community Colleges comply with all terms of the NAGPRA. It is the intent of the Legislature, therefore, that the Chancellor's Office report by November 1, 2001 on the extent to which community college district museums, galleries, and other programs that contain Native American artifacts have complied with the NAGPRA. As part of the November 1, 2001 report, the Chancellor shall provide the Legislature with a copy of all inventories that districts submitted to the federal government in compliance with NAGPRA.
2. Grants Outreach. It is the intent of the Legislature that community college students be provided with opportunities to apply for all financial aid, including Cal Grant and federal financial aid, for which they are potentially eligible.
3. Basic Skills Funding. On or before November 1, 2001, the Chancellor's Office shall provide to the Legislature a report on the allocation of Basic Skills funding. The report shall include (a) a description of how the basic skills allocations and growth caps were calculated in the 2000-01 and 2001-02 fiscal years, (b) a listing of the caps and allocations provided to each community college district in the 2000-01 and 2001-02 fiscal years, and (c) an analysis of alternative ways to distribute unallocated growth funds, including each alternative's ability to promote state needs.
1. Course Quality Assessment Program. The Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training shall submit a report to the Legislature on or before December 31, 2001, concerning the Course Quality Assessment Program. That report shall detail the courses evaluated and assessed, the findings of those assessments, any recommendations for quality improvement made, and progress to date in implementing those recommendations.
2. Multimedia Law Enforcement Training. The Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee no later than June 30, 2002, on the application of new technology in law enforcement training. It shall include an evaluation of the use of Internet and CD-ROM multimedia technology by the commission for training of law enforcement officers. The commission shall also evaluate and report on the costs associated with the new technology and the effectiveness of these training methods.
1. Senate Bill 739 Implementation. The Public Employment Relations Board shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee no later than March 1, 2002 on the impact to the board of the implementation of SB 739 (Chapter 901, Statutes of 2000). In particular, the board shall report on the workload impact, and the unmet needs of the board in order to be in compliance with this statute. In addition, the board shall identify proposed changes in order to improve the effectiveness of the law.
1. Department of Industrial Relations.
(a) The department shall report to the relevant legislative policy and fiscal committees on December 15, 2001 on:
(i) Its progress in filling the new positions and the expected date for filling all the positions. If the department does not expect to fill the positions by January 1, 2002, the report shall describe the impediments to filling the positions.
(ii) Workload assigned to the new positions in the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement.
(iii) Measures the department will use in evaluating the workload and citations issued, inspections conducted, penalties assessed, penalties collected, and back-wages collected and distributed. In developing the workload measures, the department shall consult with the relevant legislative policy and fiscal committees and the Legislative Analyst's Office.
(iv) Projection of workload it believes the additional positions will accomplish during 2002-03.
(b) On March 15, 2002, the department shall report to the relevant legislative policy and fiscal committees:
(i) Its progress in filling the new positions.
(ii) Workload assigned to and completed by the new positions.
(c) The Legislative Analyst's Office shall evaluate the report required in subdivision (a). In its Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget Bill, the office shall:
(i) Provide an analysis of the report required in subdivision (a).
(ii) Recommend standards for measuring the adequacy of funding for the department's various enforcement programs.
The standards shall take into account, but not me limited to, funding to meet the department's statutory responsibilities and to ensure sufficient enforcement "presence" in the field.
2. Department of Industrial Relations--Workers' Compensation Information System. The department shall report, no later than January 10, 2002, to the chairs of the fiscal committees and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on implementation of the Workers' Compensation Information System, including any savings that may or may not be identified.
3. Grants Program.
(a) On or before December 1, 2001, the department shall submit a report to the chairs of the budget committees of both houses including the following:
(i) A copy of the regulations or other administrative actions taken to implement the grant program.
(ii) A copy of the grant applications form and instructions.
(iii) A time line for awarding the grants and the evaluative basis by which grants will be awarded.
The information in the report shall sustain a thorough analysis.
(b) On or before January 10, 2002, the department shall submit a report to the chairs of the budget committees of both houses on the following.
(i) A summary of the grant applications received.
(ii) A summary of the grants awarded.
(iii) Recommendations for improving the grants process.
(iv) Recommendations for measuring the efficacy of the grants awarded.
The information in the report shall sustain a thorough analysis.
(c) On or before the publication date of the Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget Bill, the Legislative Analyst shall review the reports described in subdivisions (a) and (b) and comment in the Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget Bill on the department's findings and recommendations. In the event the department fails to file the report, the Analyst shall evaluate the grants program and recommend its continuation based on its demonstrated efficacy in the Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget Bill.
1. Pierce's Disease Control Program Quarterly Expenditure Report. On or before December 1, 2001 and quarterly for budget year 2001-02, the Department of Food and Agriculture shall submit to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the budget committees of both houses, an expenditure report detailing the monthly expenditures for the Pierce's Disease Control Program.
2. Funding Change for the Medfly Preventative Release Program Fund. On or before January 10, 2002, the Department of Food and Agriculture shall submit to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the budget committees of both houses, a report detailing methods whereby the funding source for the Medfly Preventative Release program is shifted in part, or in whole from the General Fund to the Agriculture Fund. This report shall include, but not be limited to, various funding options for legislative consideration and recommendations from the department as to the preferred change in funding for this program.
3. Performance Evaluation Report. On or before December 1, 2001 and annually thereafter, the Department of Food and Agriculture shall submit to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the budget committees of both houses, a pest prevention, eradication, and control program performance report. This report shall contain goals, performance measures, and measurable outcomes identified in the March 2001 Report to the Legislature plus additional outcome measures developed for each program element, including county activities, in the Agricultural Plant Health and Pest Prevention division. The report shall address the respective roles of the state and the counties in accomplishing the goals of each program element including how each program interacts and contributes to the overall goal. The report shall provide sufficient information with data from at least the prior 12 months to sustain a thorough analysis of each program element.
1. Contracting Process for Universal Service Telephone Programs. The Public Utilities Commission shall report by January 1, 2002 to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee; the budget committees in each house; the Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee; and the Senate Energy, Utilities, and Communications Committee concerning the contracting process for the Universal Service Telephone Programs. The report shall describe the contracting process, identify the decision-making steps and those responsible for making or approving contracting decisions, and identify the methods used to ensure a competitive and fair procurement.
1. Salaries and Wages Supplement. Beginning in the 2002-03 Governor's Budget and each year thereafter the Department of Finance shall display in the Salaries and Wages Supplement all positions in the Department of General Services, including the Division of the State Architect.
1. State Honor Guard Provision of Military Funeral Honors. The Military Department, in consultation with the administration, the National Guard Bureau, and its counterparts in other states, shall seek to obtain federal funds to implement requirements of federal law that entitle veterans to military funerals. The department shall report to the Legislature on December 1, 2001, on: (a) the status and nature of the federal requirements and the department's compliance with them, (b) any federal funds made available for this purpose, (c) any funds secured by the department, and (d) its progress in obtaining permanent federal funds to support these activities.
1. Evaluation of the Country Villa Health Services Contract.
(a) On or before December 1, 2001, the department shall submit a report to the chairs of the budget committees of both houses on the following.
The report shall provide sufficient information to sustain a thorough analysis.
(b) On or before the publication date of the Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget Bill, the Legislative Analyst shall review the report described in subdivision (a) and comment on the department's findings and recommendations. In the event the department fails to make its report, the Analyst shall make recommendations, in the Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget Bill, about the utility of contracting for the administration of the Skilled Nursing Facilities at the homes in the Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget Bill.
2. Managing Cash Flow.
(a) The department shall submit the following reports to the chairs of the budget committees of both houses.
(i) On August 31, 2001, detail on the cash flow needs of the department and homes. The department shall detail the expected expenditures and receipt or reimbursements and United States Department of Veterans Affairs per diem.
(ii) On December 31, 2001, update the report provided pursuant to subparagraph (i). The department shall describe the causes and fiscal implications of the differences between the December 31 and August 31 reports. The department shall make recommendations to the Legislature for accommodating any cash flow problems in future budgets. The department shall notify the Legislature if it plans to direct departments to reduce purchases to accommodate a cash shortfall.
(iii) On February 28, 2002, update the report provided pursuant to subparagraph (i). The department shall describe the causes and fiscal implications of the differences between the February 28, December 31, and August 31 reports. The department shall notify the Legislature if it plans to direct departments to reduce purchases to accommodate a cash shortfall.
The reports shall provide sufficient information to sustain a thorough analysis.
(b) On or before the publication date of the Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget Bill, the Legislative Analyst shall evaluate the reports provided pursuant to subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of subdivision (a). The Analyst shall report its findings in the Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget Bill. In the event the department fails to file the reports, the Analyst shall assess the department's cash flow needs and make recommendations for addressing the department's cash shortfalls in the Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget Bill.
1. Reimbursement Contract Performance Report.
(a) The Department of Veterans Affairs shall, by December 15, 2001 and March 15, 2002, submit to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the budget committees of both houses, a report on the performance of the contractor to maximize reimbursement billings and collections at the Yountville Veterans Home. This report shall include, but not be limited to:
(i) The status of the review of medical record data for billing integrity.
(ii) An analysis of the outstanding charges, reimbursements, and accounts receivable. The analysis shall:
(1) Consider the collections inventory of the existing charges, reimbursements and accounts receivable, as of June 30, 2001. The department shall: (a) total the inventory by payment source, and (b) identify the amount by payment source, which the department determines is uncollectible. The department shall describe in detail the basis for its estimates.
(2) Estimate the growth of the collections inventory during the 2001-02 fiscal year, and estimate the total for June 30, 2002. The department shall describe in detail the basis for its estimates.
(3) Determine the marginal return of additional resources to collect reimbursements, charges, and accounts receivable. Specifically, the department shall:
(iii) A copy or description of policies and procedures adopted by the department and each home to ensure full billing and to capture reimbursements.
(iv) The department's plans for staff training in policies and procedures for improving collections. If at the time of the report, some or all of the training has been completed, the department shall report on the completed training. The report shall describe how the training is intended to improve collections.
(v) The status of the Meditech computer system within this process.
(vi) A departmental review of charges and reimbursements lost and captured. The review shall determine the effect of aging on accounts. Specifically, under what circumstances do uncollected accounts become increasingly difficult to collect?
(vii) For the December 15, 2001 report only, the department shall identify any additional resources necessary to augment the 2002-03 budget to improve collections to meet the goals identified in subparagraph (3) of Paragraph (ii), above.
(b) The Legislative Analyst shall review the December 15, 2001 report required in subdivision (a). It shall publish its review in the Analysis of the 2001-02 Budget Bill (Analysis). The Analysis shall also contain recommendations for improving collections of accounts receivable and reimbursement. It shall specifically comment on the goals identified in paragraph (vii), above. In the event the department fails to make its report by December 15, 2001, the Legislative Analyst shall recommend specific budget adjustments for the 2002-03 budget intended to improve collections. In developing the recommendation, the Legislative Analyst shall consider the cost effectiveness of shifting the collections activity from the department to a private collector.
1. Barstow Recertification Progress Report. The Department of Veterans Affairs shall, beginning July 1, 2001 and monthly thereafter until recertification, provide to the chairs of the budget committees in each house and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee a report evaluating the progress of the Barstow Veterans Home toward requesting a recertification inspection. This report shall include, but not be limited to, a detailed description of the activities of the contractor and the staff as they address areas of outstanding deficiencies, an evaluation of the effectiveness of these activities, and a discussion as to what further actions are required to fully clear an area of deficiency. This information shall be provided for all areas of deficiency identified by the Department of Health Services and the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and shall contain a summary of actions still required to clear each deficiency area, the expected completion date for each deficiency area, and the overall completion date when the home will be prepared to request a recertification inspection.
1. Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act. The budget act includes $1,075,000 to assist four state departments in implementation of the Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act. The funds shall be used as follows:
(a) Department of Industrial Relations. $400,000 shall be used to establish seven bilingual public contact positions in the Labor Standards Enforcement division to address deficiencies previously identified by the department in serving its current caseload and to translate vital documents into languages as required by the Dymally-Alatorre Act. It is the intent of the Legislature that new public contract positions be allocated to offices that have the greatest need for bilingual services. It is the further intent of the Legislature that the documents for translation shall include the forms allowing workers to file and pursue wage and other claims against their employers, hearing notices, Labor Commissioner orders, and information about the hearing process.
(b) Department of Social Services (DSS). $350,000 shall be used to supplement the existing translation unit in DSS to provide technical assistance and translation resources to county social services offices. Specifically, it is the intent of the Legislature that DSS establish new positions and consulting and professional services dedicated to (i) creating and making available to county social services offices a database of certified or otherwise qualified translators/interpreters to facilitate translation at the local level; (ii) establishing quality control standards and monitoring of county social services agencies to ensure compliance with existing state and federal language access laws; (iii) providing assistance to local social services agencies to translate state documents that have not been translated into a specific language or where the county office is seeking to develop a substitute form.
(c) Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. $25,000 shall be used to translate vital documents regarding the appellate and hearing process (including, but not limited to, notice of appeal and hearing information guide) into Spanish and other languages required by the Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act.
1. Los Angeles--2nd District Courthouse Renovation. The amount of $567,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($30,000), working drawings ($58,000), and construction ($479,000) to renovate 4,900 square feet of the Ronald Reagan State Office Building to accommodate new justices, fifteen staff attorneys, and five secretaries. The renovated space will conform to the facility standards established by the Task Force on Court Facilities. The amount for construction includes $391,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $27,000 for contingency, $149,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans will begin by August 2001 and be completed by December 2001. Working Drawings will begin by January 2002 and be completed by May 2002. Construction will begin by September 2002 and be completed by January 2003.
1. Hawkins Data Center--Replace Computer Room Fire Suppression System. The amount of $616,000 (CCCI 4019) is provided for construction to replace the existing halon fire suppression system with a new FM200 fire suppression system and will include piping, FM200 containers, smoke and heat detectors, control panels, alarms, and wiring as required to complete the new system. Small closets will be built to house the new FM200 tanks. The existing halon tanks, piping, and control panels will be removed upon completion of the system. Construction will begin by July 2001 and be completed by July 2002.
2. Statewide DNA Laboratory. The amount of $2,000,000 (CCCI 4019) is provided for site search, studies, purchase option, and preliminary schematics for a new statewide DNA forensic analysis laboratory.
1. Hawkins Data Center--Replace Computer Room Fire Suppression System. The amount of $317,000 is provided for construction to replace the existing halon fire suppression system with a new FM200 fire suppression system and will include piping, FM200 containers, smoke and heat detectors, control panels, alarms, and wiring as required to complete the new system. Small closets will be built to house the new FM200 tanks. The existing halon tanks, piping, and control panels will be removed upon completion of the system. Construction will begin by July 2001 and be completed by July 2002.
1. California Science Center--Expansion Phase II. The budget provides $5,262,000 as the state's share to develop preliminary plans and working drawings for the Phase II expansion project at the Science Center. The Science Center will provide nonstate funds to complete the preliminary plans and working drawings for this project. Nonstate funds totaling $1.5 million have been committed by the California Science Center Foundation to work on preliminary plans through June 2001. The state funds are to be used to proceed with completion of preliminary plans and begin working drawings. Nonstate funds will be used to complete the working drawings. This expansion project will provide a 170,000 gross square foot (gsf) facility consisting of staff office (50,000 gsf), World of Ecology exhibit space (95,000 gsf), and World of Life, Special Exhibit Gallery, and service space (25,000 gsf). Live animal exhibits include a rain forest, a desert exhibit, and a two-story reef tank. The estimated total future cost is $99,343,000 ($19.138 million state funds and $80.205 million nonstate funds) including $66,231,000 (CCCI 4140) for construction contracts, $4,636,000 construction contingency, $21,865,000 agency-retained items (such as interpretive exhibits, project management, and preopening costs), and $6,611,000 for construction management. Preliminary plans will be completed by mid-September 2001. Working drawings will begin no later than mid-October 2001 and be completed by mid-October 2002.
By March 1, 2002, the Science Center shall submit a report to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the budget committees of both houses detailing the status of obtaining the necessary nonstate funds to undertake and complete this project. It is the legislative intent that advertisement for bids to construct the Phase II expansion project shall not occur until the Science Center has obtained sufficient nonstate funds (or binding agreement to provide such funds as needed to meet contractual obligations) to complete construction and has assurance of obtaining sufficient nonstate funds or the commitment of the California Science Center Foundation to provide nonstate funds to complete development of the exhibits.
1. Office Building 8 Renovation, Sacramento--The amount of $1,858,000 is provided for preliminary plans to complete a renovation of Office Building 8, located at 714 P Street. The estimated future cost of the project of $50,312,000 (CCCI 4019) includes $2,092,000 for working drawings and $48,220,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $2,149,000 for contingencies, $3,663,000 for project administration, $11,712,000 for agency retained items, and $30,696,000 for construction contracts. The Department of Health Services will vacate the building in March of 2003 to occupy part of the East End Complex. The preliminary plans will begin in September 2001 and be completed June 2002.
2. Office Building 10 Renovation, Sacramento--The amount of $1,033,000 is provided for preliminary plans to complete a renovation of Office Building 10, the Education Building, located at 721 Capitol Mall. The estimated future cost of the project of $26,272,000 (CCCI 4019) includes $1,133,000 for working drawings and $25,139,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $1,150,000 for contingencies, $2,011,000 for project administration, $5,552,000 for agency retained items, and $16,426,000 for construction contracts. The Department of Education will vacate the building in July 2002 to occupy part of the East End Complex. Preliminary plans will begin in September 2001 and be completed June 2002.
1. Department of Corrections, San Quentin State Prison--Building 22 Modulars. The amount of $772,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($288,000) and working drawings ($484,000) for modular buildings to serve as temporary housing during the structural retrofit and renovation of Building 22 from level VI to level III. The total project cost is $6,469,000. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $3,791,000 for construction contracts, $265,000 for contingency, $536,000 for project administration, $780,000 for guarding costs, and $325,000 for agency retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by November 2001 and be completed by April 2002.
2. Department of Corrections, San Quentin--Building 22. The amount of $427,000 is provided for preliminary plans for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level VI to level III and renovation to include code compliance modifications. The total project cost is $16,609,000 with estimated future costs of $14,282,000 for construction. This amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $10,365,000 for construction contracts, $726,000 for contingency, $1,491,000 for project administration, $1,275,000 for guarding costs, and $425,000 for agency retained items.
3. Department of Corrections, Sierra Conservation Center, Jamestown--Gym/Canteen. The amount of $20,000 is provided to conduct a study for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III and renovation to include code compliance modifications. The total project cost is $2,140,000 with estimated future costs of $2,120,000 for construction. This amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $1,342,000 for construction contracts, $96,000 for contingency, $241,000 for project administration and $72,000 for guarding costs. The study is scheduled to begin by October 2001 and be completed by January 2002.
4. Department of Corrections, Sierra Conservation Center, Jamestown--Dining. The amount of $20,000 is provided to conduct a study for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III and renovation to include code compliance modifications. The total project cost is $1,620,000 with estimated future costs of $1,292,000 for construction. This amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $938,000 for construction contracts, $66,000 for contingency, $216,000 for project administration, and $72,000 for guarding costs. The study is scheduled to begin by October 2001 and be completed by January 2002.
5. Department of Developmental Services, Pomona, Lanterman Developmental Center-- Hospital B-50. The amount of $70,000 is provided to complete a study for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III. The total project cost is $19,837,000 with estimated future costs of $2,161,000 for working drawings (including $1,000,000 for agency retained items) and $16,824,000 for construction. This amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $14,412,000 for construction contracts, $1,009,000 for contingency, $ 1,403,000 for project administration. The study is scheduled to begin by October 2001 and be completed by January 2002.
6. Department of Mental Health, Patton--Patton State Hospital, N Building. The amount of $447,000 is provided for preliminary plans to conduct a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III. The total project cost is $17,838,000 with estimated future costs of $7,218,000 for working drawings (including $6,500,000 for agency retained items) and $10,173,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction. The amount for construction includes $8,680,000 for construction contracts, $608,000 for contingency, and $885,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin by September 2001 and be completed by February 2002.
7. Department of Corrections, Vacaville--CMF Administration Building A. The amount of $20,000 is provided to conduct a study for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III. The total project cost is $4,966,000 with estimated future costs of $199,000 for preliminary plans, $265,000 for working drawings and $4,482,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction. The amount for construction includes $3,758,000 for construction contracts, $263,000 for contingency, $146,000 for agency retained items, and $315,000 for project administration. The study is scheduled to begin by August 2001 and be completed by January 2002.
8. Department of Corrections, Tehachapi--Tehachapi State Prison Dormitories F5, F6, F7, F8. The amount of $20,000 is provided to conduct a study for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III. The total project cost is $3,326,000 with estimated future costs of $266,000 for preliminary plans, $346,000 for working drawings and $2,694,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction. The amount for construction includes $2,067,000 for construction contracts, $145,000 for contingency, $200,000 for agency retained items, and $282,000 for project administration. The study is scheduled to begin by August 2001 and be completed by January 2002.
9. Department of Corrections, Vacaville--CMF Inmate Housing Wing U. The amount of $20,000 is provided to conduct a study for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III. The total project cost is $3,300,000 with estimated future costs of $264,000 for preliminary plans, $305,000 for working drawings and $2,711,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction. The amount for construction includes $2,132,000 for construction contracts, $149,000 for contingency, $150,000 for agency retained items, and $280,000 for project administration. The study is scheduled to begin by September 2001 and be completed by December 2001.
10. Department of Mental Health, Norwalk--Metropolitan State Hospital, Wards 313 and 315. The amount of $20,000 is provided to conduct a study for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III. The total project cost is $1,165,000 with estimated future costs of $93,000 for preliminary plans, $126,000 for working drawings and $926,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction. The amount for construction includes $736,000 for construction contracts, $52,000 for contingency, and $138,000 for project administration. The study is scheduled to begin by September 2001 and be completed by February 2002.
1. Office Building 8 Renovation, Sacramento. The amount of $1,858,000 is provided for preliminary plans to complete a renovation of Office Building 8, located at 714 P Street. The estimated future cost of the project of $50,312,000 (CCCI 4019) includes $2,092,000 for working drawings and $48,220,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $2,149,000 for contingencies, $3,663,000 for project administration, $11,712,000 for agency retained items, and $30,696,000 for construction contracts. The Department of Health Services will vacate the building in March of 2003 to occupy part of the East End Complex. The preliminary plans will begin in September 2001 and be completed June 2002.
2. Office Building 10 Renovation, Sacramento. The amount of $1,033,000 is provided for preliminary plans to complete a renovation of Office Building 10, the Education Building, located at 721 Capitol Mall. The estimated future cost of the project of $26,272,000 (CCCI 4019) includes $1,133,000 for working drawings and $25,139,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $1,150,000 for contingencies, $2,011,000 for project administration, $5,552,000 for agency retained items, and $16,426,000 for construction contracts. The Department of Education will vacate the building in July 2002 to occupy part of the East End Complex. Preliminary plans will begin in September 2001 and be completed June 2002.
1. Department of Corrections, San Quentin--San Quentin State Prison, Kitchen and Dining. The amount of $4,475,000 is provided for Working Drawings ($256,000) and construction ($4,219,000) for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III. The total project cost is $4,655,000. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $2,669,000 for construction contracts, $187,000 for contingency, $752,000 for project administration, $35,000 for retained items and $576,000 for guarding costs. Working drawings are scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed March 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin by February 2002 and be completed by January 2003.
2. Department of General Services--Fresno State Office Building. The amount of $301,000 is provided for Study ($20,000) and Preliminary Plans ($281,000) for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III. The total project cost is $2,547,000 including $1,985,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction and $261,000 for working drawings. The amount for construction includes $1,547,000 for construction contracts, $108,000 for contingency, and $330,000 for project administration. The study will begin October 2001 and be completed January 2002. Preliminary plans will begin February 2002 and be completed June 2002.
3. Department of Mental Health, Atascadero State Hospital--Kitchen/Dining Rooms 3 and 4, Canteen Dining Rooms 1 and 2. The amount of $1,193,000 is provided for Working Drawings and Construction for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III. The Working Drawings are scheduled to begin by August 2001 and be completed by April 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin by August 2002 and be completed by April 2003.
4. Department of Mental Health, Metropolitan State Hospital--Laundry Building. The amount of $1,193,000 is provided for Working Drawings ($) and Construction ($) for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III. The Working Drawings are scheduled to begin by August 2001 and be completed by January 2002.
5. Department of Mental Health, Napa State Hospital: Building 199--Unit 2. The amount of $2,479,000 is provided for Working Drawings ($) and Construction ($) for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III. The Working Drawings are scheduled to begin by August 2001 and be completed by January 2002. Construction will begin by June 2002 and be completed by April 2003.
6. Department of Developmental Services, Sonoma Developmental Center--Porter Administration Building. The amount of $2,316,000 is provided for Working Drawings and Construction for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III. The total project cost is $2,380,000. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $1,715,000 for construction contracts, $120,000 for contingency, $325,000 for project administration, and $21,000 for agency retained items. The Working Drawings are scheduled to begin by August 2001 and be completed by February 2002. Construction will begin by July 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
7. Department of Corrections, Correctional Treatment Center, Soledad--Hospital Wing Q. The amount of $2,407,000 is provided for Working Drawings and Construction for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III. The total project cost is $2,462,000. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $1,529,000 for construction contracts, $107,000 for contingency, $303,000 for project administration, $175,000 for agency retained items. The Working Drawings are scheduled to begin by August 2001 and be completed by April 2002. Construction will begin by August 2002 and be completed by April 2003.
8. Department of Mental Health, Patton State Hospital--30 Building, A-E. The amount of $336,000 is provided for Study ($20,000) and Preliminary Plans ($316,000) for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III. The total project cost is $7,895,000 with future costs of $1,150,000 for working drawings (including $750,000 for agency retained items) and $6,409,000 for construction. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $5,065,000 for construction contracts, $739,000 for project administration, $355,000 for contingency, and $250,000 for agency-retained items. The Study is scheduled to begin by September 2001 and be completed by February 2002. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin by February 2002 and be completed by June 2002.
9. Department of Mental Health, Patton State Hospital--70 Building, A-E. The amount of $336,000 is provided for Study ($20,000) and Preliminary Plans ($316,000) for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from level V to level III. The total project cost is $7,895,000 with future costs of $1,150,000 for working drawings (including $750,000 for agency retained items) and $6,409,000 for construction. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $5,065,000 for construction contracts, $739,000 for project administration, $355,000 for contingency, and $250,000 for agency-retained items. The Study is scheduled to begin by September 2001and be completed by February 2002. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin by February 2002 and be completed by June 2002.
10. Department of Corrections, Correctional Treatment Center, Soledad--South Dorm C, D, E. The amount of $221,000 is provided for Study ($20,000) and Preliminary Plans ($201,000) for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of these buildings from level V to level III. The total project cost is $2,513,000 with future costs of $205,000 for working drawings and $2,087,000 for construction. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $1,629,000 for construction contracts, $114,000 for contingency, $219,000 for project administration, and $ 125,000 for agency-retained items. The Study is scheduled to begin by September 2001, and be completed by January 2002. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin by January 2002 and be completed by March 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by July 2002 and be completed by January 2003.
1. Eureka Office Building: Seismic Retrofit. The amount of $5,137,000 is provided for construction for seismic retrofit of the Eureka district office building. Total project cost is $5,769,000 including preliminary plans ($260,000) and working drawings ($372,000). The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $4,062,000 for construction contracts, $791,000 for project administration, and $284,000 for contingency. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by January 2002, and construction is scheduled to start April 2002 and be completed by April 2003.
2. Redding District Office Building: Seismic Retrofit: The amount of $239,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings for seismic retrofit of the district office building. Total project cost is $2,835,000 including preliminary plans ($28,000) and construction ($2,568,000). The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $2,147,000 for construction contracts, $129,000 for project administration, and $150,000 for contingency. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by January 2002.
3. Los Angeles Office Building: Replacement. The amount of $183,080,000 is provided for working drawings and construction of a new 703,500 gross square feet (gsf) District 7 office building. The amount for working drawings and construction includes $27,200,000 to increase the size of the building by about 100,00 gsf and add 210 parking spaces to permit the colocation of the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation in leased space. The amount for working drawings and construction also includes $3,160,000 for energy conservation and suitable design measures, $7,037,544 for demolition of the existing Caltrans building, and $9,001,000 for additional excavation. The building is proposed to be procured using the design-build process. The total project cost is $187,047,000 (CCCI 4019) including planning and preparation of a request for proposals from design-build contractors ($3,967,000). Working drawings and construction are scheduled to start in December 2001 and be completed by April 2004.
1. Williams: Replacement Facility. The amount of $205,000 is provided for working drawings for a new 10,416 square foot (sf) Williams area office with 45 parking spaces, an emergency generator building, and a fuel island with 12,000 gallon underground tank. The future amount for construction is $2,969,000 (CCCI 4019). $657,000 was previously appropriated for acquisition and $161,000 for preliminary plans. The amount for construction includes $2,530,000 for construction contracts, $127,000 for contingency, and $312,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans were scheduled to begin January 2001 and be completed by August 2001; working drawings are scheduled to begin November 2001 and be completed August 2002.
2. Santa Fe Springs: Replacement Facility. The amount of $1,985,000 is provided for acquisition and preliminary plans for a 20,341 sf building on a three acre site with 80 automobile and 22 motorcycle parking spaces, an emergency generator building, and a fuel island with 12,000 gallon underground tank. The amount for acquisition is $1,761,000, and the amount for preliminary plans is $224,000. Future amount for working drawings is $310,000 and $4,663,000 for construction (CCCI 4019). The amount for construction includes $3,946,000 for construction contracts, $197,000 for contingency and $374,000 for project administration. Acquisition is scheduled to be completed August 2002, preliminary plans are scheduled to begin September 2002 and be completed by April 2003.
3. San Diego: Building Alterations. The amount of $174,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings for renovation of 3,200 sf of office space and refurbishment of the parking lot. Future amount for construction is $1,365,000 (CCCI 4019). The amount for construction includes $1,097,000 for construction contracts, $77,000 for contingency, and $122,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed by April 2002, working drawings are scheduled to begin May 2002 and be completed September 2002.
4. Monterey: New Facility. The amount of $305,000 is provided for working drawings for a new Monterey area office. The total project cost is $7,514,000 including acquisition ($1,320,000), preliminary plans ($230,000), and construction ($5,659,000). The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $4,851,000 for construction contracts, $565,000 for project administration, and $243,000 for contingency. Acquisition was scheduled to be completed August 2000, preliminary plans were scheduled to begin June 2000 and be completed July 2001, working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by July 2002.
1. Sacramento Headquarters: Third Floor Asbestos Removal and Seismic Retrofit. The amount of $200,000 is provided for preliminary plans to renovate and provide seismic retrofit for the third floor of Building East (53,000 square feet). The renovation will have open office architecture, meeting rooms and private offices. The amount for working drawings is $300,000, $9,639,000 for construction and cabling (CCCI 4019). The amount for construction includes $5,557,000 for construction contracts, $389,000 for contingency, $760,000 for project administration, and $2,933,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by July 2002.
2. Stockton: Field Office Replacement: The amount of $912,000 is provided for acquisition ($605,000) and preliminary plans ($307,000) (CCCI 4019) for a new single story building at the same location as the existing building. The total estimated project cost is $6,392,000 (CCCI 4019) including future costs for working drawings ($365,000) and construction ($5,115,000). The site is to be expanded by an additional 0.8 acres by acquisition from the adjacent California State University, Stanislaus off-campus center. The field office will provide 150 parking spaces. The amount for construction includes $4,149,000 for construction contracts, $207,000 for contingency, $601,000 for project administration, and $158,000 for agency-retained items. Acquisition is scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by June 2002. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by June 2002.
3. San Ysidro: Field Office Relocation: The amount of $3,400,000 is provided for acquisition ($3,171,000) and preliminary plans ($229,000) for a 14,777 gross square foot (gsf) building on a 2.73 acres site with 157 parking spaces. Total estimated project cost is $8,119,000 (CCCI 4019) including working drawings ($267,000) and construction ($4,452,000). The amount for construction includes $3,627,000 for construction contracts, $181,000 for contingency, $504,000 for project administration, and $140,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin October 2001 and be completed by October 2002.
4. South Sacramento: Field Office Replacement: The amount of $942,000 is provided for acquisition of a site for a 13,725 gsf building with 120 parking spaces. Total estimated project cost is $5,406,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($243,000), working drawings ($273,000), and construction ($3,948,000). The amount for construction includes $3,290,000 for construction contracts, $165,000 for contingency, and $493,000 for project administration. Acquisition is scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by October 2002.
1. Pacific Bays Residential Study. The amount of $150,000 is provided for a study to find a viable location for the corps residential facility currently located at Mare Island. The study will include reviewing redevelopment plans for Mare Island to determine if remaining there is feasible, and evaluating other sites within the same corps service area. The study will include assessing site and transportation issues and the availability of utilities. Cost-benefit analyses will be prepared for the sites that are studied in order to develop cost-effective options. The study is scheduled to begin September 2001 and be completed by March 2002.
2. Delta Service Center District Construction. The amount of $1,500,000 is provided for acquisition of a site for construction of a residential facility consisting of an administration building (2,964 square foot [sf]), warehouse (10,684 sf), hazmat storage facility (150 sf), multipurpose/kitchen/dining facility (9,000 sf), dormitories (16,300 sf) and an education and recreation building (10,454 sf) with a corpsmember capacity of 111. The acquisition is scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by September 2002.
3. Napa Nursery Office/Classroom Building. The amount of $543,000 is provided for working drawings ($60,000) and construction ($483,000) for a 2,450 sf modular building. Estimated total project cost is $578,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($35,000). Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by March 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin June 2002 and be completed May 2003.
1. Camarillo Satellite Relocation/Construction. The amount of $10,865,000 is provided for working drawings ($581,000) and construction ($10,284,000) for a 104-corpsmember residential facility consisting of an administration building, warehouse, hazardous materials storage building, multipurpose room, kitchen/dining room, dormitories, an education and recreation building, and associated site development and parking. Estimated total project cost is $11,391,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($526,000). Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed in May 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2002 and be completed February 2004.
1. Ukiah Forest Fire Station--Replace Facility. The budget provides $163,000 for working drawings to replace the Ukiah Forest Fire Station in Mendocino County. The project includes a 2,944 gross square foot (gsf) barracks/mess hall building, a 1,990 gsf apparatus building, a 1,985 gsf dozer shed, a 1,800 gsf office building, a 100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,345,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($140,000), working drawings ($163,000), and construction ($2,042,000). The amount for construction includes $86,000 for contingencies, $234,000 for project administration, and $1,722,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start July 2001 and be completed April 2002.
2. Bridgeville Forest Fire Station--Relocate Facility. The budget provides $101,000 for working drawings to relocate the Bridgeville Forest Fire Station in Humboldt County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 1,650 gsf office building, a 100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,994,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($149,000), preliminary plans ($57,000), working drawings ($101,000), and construction ($1,687,000). The amount for construction includes $68,000 for contingencies, $259,000 for project administration, and $1,360,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start November 2001 and be completed June 2002.
3. Elk Camp Forest Fire Station--Relocate Facility. The budget provides $109,000 for working drawings to relocate the Elk Camp Forest Fire Station in Humboldt County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,832,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($150,000), preliminary plans ($77,000), working drawings ($109,000), and construction ($1,496,000). The amount for construction includes $58,000 for contingencies, $280,000 for project administration, and $1,158,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start June 2001 and be completed February 2002.
4. Santa Clara Unit Headquarters--Replace Auto Shop. The budget provides $117,000 for working drawings to replace the auto shop at the Santa Clara Unit Headquarters in Santa Clara County. The project includes a 6,160 gsf five-bay auto shop and bulldozer storage, site work, grading, paving, curbs, walks, utilities, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,535,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($40,000), working drawings ($117,000), and construction ($1,378,000). The amount for construction includes $59,000 for contingencies, $143,000 for project administration, $1,176,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start October 2001 and be completed June 2002.
5. Fort Jones Forest Fire Station--Replace Facility. The budget provides $118,000 for working drawings to replace the Fort Jones Forest Fire Station in Siskiyou County. The project includes a 3,040 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,990 gsf apparatus building, a 1,984 gsf dozer/transport building, a 100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,170,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($72,000), working drawings ($118,000), and construction ($1,980,000). The amount for construction includes $80,000 for contingencies, $306,000 for project administration, and $1,594,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings will begin August 2001 and be completed February 2002.
6. Manton Forest Fire Station--Relocate Facility. The budget provides $83,000 for working drawings to relocate the Manton Forest Fire Station in Tulare County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,638,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($147,000), preliminary plans ($44,000), working drawings ($83,000), and construction ($1,364,000). The amount for construction includes $57,000 for contingencies, $161,000 for project administration, and $1,146,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed June 2002.
7. Weaverville Forest Fire Station--Relocate Facility. The budget provides $146,000 for preliminary plans and working drawings to relocate the Weaverville Forest Fire Station in Trinity County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 900 gsf office building, a 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,378,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($208,000), preliminary plans ($53,000), working drawings ($146,000), and construction ($1,971,000). The amount for construction includes $75,000 for contingencies, $405,000 for project administration, and $1,491,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to be completed July 2001. Working drawings will begin July 2001 and be completed January 2002.
8. Buckhorn Forest Fire Station--Replace Apparatus Building. The budget provides $70,000 for preliminary plans to replace the Buckhorn Forest Apparatus Building in Shasta County. The project includes a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 150 gsf fuel building, site work, new water system, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing apparatus building, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,413,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($200,000), preliminary plans ($70,000), working drawings ($102,000), and construction ($1,041,000). The amount for construction includes $41,000 for contingencies, $171,000 for project administration, and $829,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans will begin October 2001 and be completed March 2002.
9. Independence Forest Fire Station--Relocate Facility. The budget provides $111,000 for working drawings to relocate the Independence Forest Fire Station in Inyo County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,720,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($169,000), preliminary plans ($45,000), working drawings ($111,000), and construction ($1,395,000). The amount for construction includes $56,000 for contingencies, $227,000 for project administration, and $1,112,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start July 2001 and be completed January 2002.
10. San Marcos Forest Fire Station--Relocate Facility. The budget provides $675,000 for acquisition of a site of approximately five acres for the relocation of the San Marcos Forest Fire Station in San Diego County. The project includes future construction of a 2,330 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, landscaping, and all appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,723,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($675,000), preliminary plans ($48,000), working drawings ($67,000), and construction ($933,000). The amount for construction includes $40,000 for contingencies, $88,000 for project administration, and $805,000 for construction contracts. Site acquisition is scheduled for completion June 2002.
11. Valley Center Forest Fire Station--Relocate Facility. The budget provides $126,000 working drawings to relocate the Valley Center Fire Station in San Diego County. The project includes a 2,940 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,990 gsf apparatus building, a 100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,026,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($368,000), preliminary plans ($58,000), working drawings ($117,000), and construction ($1,483,000). The amount for construction includes $63,000 for contingencies, $167,000 for project administration, and $1,253,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans will be completed August 2001 and working drawings will be completed February 2002.
12. Ventura Youth Conservation Camp--Construct Conservation Camp Vehicle Apparatus Building, Shop/Warehouse. The budget provides $118,000 for working drawings to construct facilities at the Ventura Youth Conservation Camp in Ventura County. The project includes a 2,400 gsf warehouse/fire crew support building, a 5,000 gsf CCV apparatus storage building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,566,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($51,000), working drawings ($118,000), and construction ($1,397,000). The amount for construction includes $58,000 for contingencies, $176,000 for project administration, and $1,163,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed February 2002.
13. Fenner Canyon Conservation Camp--Construct CCV Building, Replace Office. The budget provides $119,000 for working drawings to replace the CCV building and office at Fenner Canyon Conservation Camp in Los Angeles County. The project includes a 1,984 gsf CCV apparatus building, a 1,260 utility vehicle storage building, and an 8,000 gsf administrative office/bachelor officer quarters building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,657,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($86,000), working drawings ($119,000), and construction ($2,452,000). The amount for construction includes $105,000 for contingencies, $250,000 for project administration, and $2,097,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start July 2001 and be completed December 2001.
14. Nipomo Forest Fire Station--Replace Facility. The budget provides $139,000 for working drawings to replace the Nipomo Forest Fire Station in San Luis Obispo County. The project includes a 2,944 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,990 gsf apparatus building, 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,016,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($100,000), working drawings ($139,000), and construction ($1,777,000). The amount for construction includes $75,000 for contingencies, $195,000 for project administration, and $1,507,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start July 2001 and be completed January 2002.
15. South Operations Area Headquarters--Relocate Facility. The budget provides $803,000 for preliminary plans to relocate the South Operations Area Headquarters in Riverside County. The project includes construction of a 12,236 gsf operation coordination center, a 20,812 gsf administration/office building, a 3,498 gsf construction engineering office, a 1,500 gsf electrical shop, a 2,602 gsf mechanical shop, a 1,320 gsf groundskeeper/generator/hazmat building, a 2,775 gsf automotive shop, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, gutters, vehicle wash rack, fencing, landscaping, fueling facilities, signage, emergency generator, communications tower and associated equipment, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $17,204,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($803,000), working drawings ($1,070,000), and construction ($15,331,000). The amount for construction includes $539,000 for contingencies, $1,503,000 for project administration, $10,789,000 for construction contracts, and $2,500,000 as Agency retained. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed June 2002.
16. Cuyamaca Forest Fire Station--Relocate Facility. The budget provides $535,000 for the acquisition of a site of approximately five acres for the relocation of the Cuyamaca Forest Fire Station in San Diego County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,592,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($535,000), preliminary plans ($166,000), working drawings ($170,000), and construction ($1,721,000). The amount for construction includes $66,000 for contingencies, $312,000 for project administration, and $1,328,000 for construction contracts, and $15,000 agency retained. Acquisition will begin August 2001 and be completed November 2002.
17. Sonora Forest Fire Station--Relocate Facility. The budget provides $195,000 for working drawings to relocate the Sonora Forest Fire Station in Tuolumne County. The project includes a 2,940 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,990 gsf apparatus building, a 1,232 gsf dozer transport facility, a 3,400 gsf auto shop, a 1,900 gsf office building, a 400 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $3,421,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($322,000), preliminary plans ($87,000), working drawings ($195,000), and construction ($2,817,000). The amount for construction includes $120,000 for contingencies, $297,000 for project administration, and $2,400,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start July 2001 and be completed December 2002.
18. Batterson Forest Fire Station--Relocate Facility. The budget provides $70,000 for preliminary plans and working drawings to relocate the Batterson Forest Fire Station in Madera County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,013,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($279,000), preliminary plans ($50,000), working drawings ($64,000), and construction ($1,620,000). The amount for construction includes $66,000 for contingencies, $227,000 for project administration, and $1,327,000 for construction contracts. Workings drawings will begin November 2001 and be completed April 2002.
19. Sand Creek Forest Fire Station--Relocate Facility. The budget provides $86,000 for working drawings to relocate the Sand Creek Forest Fire Station in Fresno County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 110 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,702,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($223,000), preliminary plans ($55,000), working drawings ($86,000), and construction ($1,338,000). The amount for construction includes $56,000 for contingencies, $164,000 for project administration, and $1,118,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start June 2001 and be completed January 2002.
20. Rancheria Forest Fire Station--Replace Facility. The budget provides $111,000 for working drawings to replace the Rancheria Forest Fire Station in Madera County. The project includes a 2,944 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,990 gsf apparatus building, a 300 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,015,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($102,000), working drawings ($111,000), and construction ($1,802,000). The amount for construction includes $76,000 for contingencies, $205,000 for project administration, and $1,521,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start July 2001 and be completed April 2002.
21. Usona Forest Fire Station--Replace Facility. The budget provides $120,000 for preliminary plans and working drawings to replace the Usona Forest Fire Station in Mariposa County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 300 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,587,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($105,000), working drawings ($120,000), and construction ($1,362,000). The amount for construction includes $55,000 for contingencies, $201,000 for project administration, and $1,106,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings will begin November 2001 and be completed May 2002.
22. Blasingame Forest Fire Station--Acquire Site. The budget provides $170,000 for acquisition of the existing Blasingame Forest Fire Station site in Fresno County. A future project to replace facilities at the site includes a 2,940 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, oil/water separator, and demolition of the existing barracks/mess hall, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,428,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($170,000), preliminary plans ($61,000), working drawings ($89,000), and construction ($1,108,000). The amount for construction includes $47,000 for contingencies, $130,000 for project administration, and $931,000 for construction contracts. Acquisition of the existing site is scheduled to be completed October 2001.
23. Ahwahnee Forest Fire Station--Replace Facility. The budget provides $128,000 for working drawings to replace the Ahwahnee Forest Fire Station in Madera County. The project includes a 2,944 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,990 gsf apparatus building, a 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,837,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($50,000), working drawings ($128,000), and construction ($1,659,000). The amount for construction includes $67,000 for contingencies, $254,000 for project administration, and $1,338,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start July 2001 and be completed February 2002.
24. Baseline Conservation Camp--Remodel Facility. The budget provides $246,000 for working drawings to remodel the Baseline Conservation Camp in Tuolumne County. The project includes two 1,990 gsf CCV apparatus buildings, a 4,450 gsf auto shop building, a 2,000 gsf administration building, a 1,990 gsf dozer storage building, site work, utilities, generator, paving, curbs, walks, utilities, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $3,848,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($174,000), working drawings ($246,000), and construction ($3,428,000). The amount for construction includes $144,000 for contingencies, $413,000 for project administration, and $2,871,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed March 2002.
25. Aviation Management Unit--Relocate Facility. The budget provides $4,546,000 for acquisition of three hangar buildings at McClellan Park, and 19.5 acres of paved apron for the relocation of the Aviation Management Unit. Acquisition is scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed by November 2002.
1. Stevens Creek Forest Fire Station--Replace Facility. The budget provides $1,754,000 for working drawings and construction to replace the Stevens Creek Forest Fire Station in Santa Clara County. The project includes a 2,330 gross square feet (gsf) barracks/mess hall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,877,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($59,000), working drawings ($98,000), and construction ($1,720,000). The amount for construction includes $72,000 for contingencies, $202,000 for project administration, and $1,446,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start October 2001 and be completed October 2002.
2. Pacheco Forest Fire Station--Replace Facility. The budget provides $1,265,000 for construction to replace the Pacheco Forest Fire Station in Santa Clara County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and demolition of the existing structures. The total estimated project cost is $1,409,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($66,000), working drawings ($78,000), and construction ($1,265,000). The amount for construction includes $52,000 for contingencies, $167,000 for project administration, and $1,046,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start January 2002 and be completed October 2002.
3. Lassen-Modoc Unit Headquarters--Replace Auto Shop and Apparatus Building. The budget provides $1,378,000 for working drawings and construction to replace the auto shop and apparatus buildings at the Lassen-Modoc Unit Headquarters in Lassen County. The project includes a 6,160 gsf five-bay auto shop and bulldozer storage, a 1,990 gsf apparatus building, site work, grading, paving, curbs, walks, utilities, and demolition of existing shop and apparatus building. The total estimated project cost is $1,552,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($105,000), working drawings ($82,000), and construction ($1,365,000). The amount for construction includes $46,000 for contingencies, $108,000 for project administration, $925,000 for construction contracts, and $286,000 for Agency retained construction of the apparatus building. Working drawings are scheduled to start July 2001 and be completed December 2001. Construction is scheduled to start February 2002 and be completed January 2004.
4. San Luis Obispo Unit Headquarters--Replace Facility. The budget provides $5,720,000 for construction to replace the San Luis Obispo Unit Headquarters in San Luis Obispo County. The project includes a 15,000 gsf headquarters administrative facility and Emergency Command Center Facility with a 120-foot radio tower, a 3,752 gsf apparatus/office building, and a 2,750 gsf service center/warehouse expansion. The 9,000 Unit Mobile Equipment Maintenance Facility and bulk oil storage building will be constructed at Cuesta Conservation Camp. The total estimated project cost is $6,904,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($570,000), working drawings ($614,000), and construction ($5,720,000). The amount for construction includes $233,000 for contingencies, $837,000 for project administration, and $4,650,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start December 2001 and be completed October 2003.
5. Hesperia Forest Fire Station--Relocate Facility. The budget provides $1,653,000 for working drawings and construction to relocate the Hesperia Forest Fire Station in San Bernardino County. The project includes a 2,940 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,990 gsf apparatus building, a 100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,146,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($379,000), preliminary plans ($49,000), working drawings ($98,000), and construction ($1,620,000). The amount for construction includes $70,000 for contingencies, $151,000 for project administration, and $1,399,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start October 2001 and be completed February 2003.
6. Hemet-Ryan Air Attack Base--Relocate Facility. The budget provides $3,347,000 for construction to relocate the Hemet-Ryan Air Attack Base in Riverside County. The project includes a 1,984 gsf helicopter hangar, a 3,600 gsf hangar, a 4,646 gsf air operations building, a 3,850 gsf barracks/mess hall, a 4,812 gsf apparatus storage and vehicular equipment building, site work, demolition of the existing tower, barracks, operations and storage buildings, installation of sewer connections, fencing, paving, landscaping, associated utilities, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $3,677,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($164,000), working drawings ($166,000), and construction ($3,347,000). The amount for construction includes $148,000 for contingencies, $266,000 for project administration, and $2,933,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start April 2002 and be completed December 2002.
7. Owens Valley Conservation Camp--Construct Utility Upgrades. The budget includes $1,852,000 for construction of utility upgrades at Owens Valley Conservation Camp in Inyo County. The project includes new water lines, new water well, new underground power lines, new septic tank, and new floor hoists in shop building. The total estimated project cost is $2,116,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($138,000), working drawings ($126,000), and construction ($1,852,000). The amount for construction includes $109,000 for contingencies, $179,000 for project administration, and $1,564,000 for construction contracts. Construction will begin April 2002 and be completed December 2002.
8. Hammond Forest Fire Station--Relocate Facility. The budget provides $2,221,000 for construction to relocate the Hammond Forest Fire Station in Tulare County. The project includes a 2,940 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,990 gsf apparatus building, a 100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,594,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($259,000), preliminary plans ($49,000), working drawings ($65,000), and construction ($2,221,000). The amount for construction includes $97,000 for contingencies, $188,000 for project administration, and $1,936,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start April 2002 and be completed April 2003.
9. Dew Drop Forest Fire Station--Replace Facility. The budget provides $1,546,000 for construction to replace the Dew Drop Forest Fire Station in Amador County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,990 gsf apparatus building, 150 gsf fuel building, a 300 gsf generator building with generator, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing barracks and apparatus buildings, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,798,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($124,000), working drawings ($128,000), and construction ($1,546,000). The amount for construction includes $63,000 for contingencies, $220,000 for project administration, and $1,263,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start November 2001 and be completed November 2002.
10. Squaw Valley Forest Fire Station--Replace Facility. The budget provides $1,780,000 for construction to replace the Squaw Valley Forest Fire Station in Fresno County. The project includes a 2,940 gsf barracks/mess hall building, a 1,990 gsf apparatus building, 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing barracks, garage, and apparatus building, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,041,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($132,000), working drawings ($129,000), and construction ($1,780,000). The amount for construction includes $76,000 for contingencies, $191,000 for project administration, and $1,513,000 for construction contracts. Construction will begin June 2002 and be completed July 2003.
1. Structural Retrofit--Mt. Whitney Fish Hatchery. The amount of $1,665,000 is provided for construction to seismically retrofit the structural system of the Mt. Whitney Fish Hatchery and Tower to place it in the "acceptable" risk level category. The project consists of adding 3"- 4" thick shotcrete to the interior face of the longitudinal wall of the main hatchery and tower walls, adding 6"- 8" thick shotcrete at each transverse end wall, adding two sets of cantilevered concrete column/interior pilaster elements, adding plywood diaphragms, anchoring the wood tower structure to the masonry wall, bracing the stone chimneys, and anchoring the wood balconies. The estimated total project cost is $1,976,000 (CCCI 4019), including preliminary plans ($168,000) and working drawings ($143,000). The amount for construction includes $1,390,000 for construction contracts, $97,000 for contingency, and $178,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin in November 2001 and be completed by November 2002.
1. Schaeffer Fish Barrier Reconstruction. The amount of $1,821,000 is provided for construction to reconstruct the Schaeffer Fish Barrier on the South Fork of the Kern River. The project will prevent upstream movement of rainbow and brown trout into areas set aside for the protection of the California's State Fish, the Volcano Creek Golden Trout. The project will construct a cyclopean gravity dam at the downstream base of the existing structure and increase the existing structures vertical height an additional three feet. The estimated total project cost is $1,887,000 (CCCI 4019), including future costs of $1,590,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $1,590,000 for construction contracts, $111,000 for contingency, and $120,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin in September 2001 and be completed by August 2002.
1. Humboldt Bay: Boat Instruction and Safety Center. The budget provides $245,000 for preliminary plans for a two-story 16,500 square foot (sf) boating facility with an approximately 8,550 sf exterior boating operations area, parking lot, landscaping, and sidewalks. Total estimated project cost is $4,067,000 including future costs of $221,000 for working drawings and $3,601,000 for construction. Of the amount for construction, $3,085,000 is provided for construction contracts, $154,000 for contingencies, and $362,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin September 2001 and be completed June 2002.
2. Castaic Lake State Recreation Area (SRA), East Ramp Area: Boat Launching Facility. The budget provides $2,816,000 for construction of the renovation of the Boat Launching Facility at the East Ramp Area of Castaic Lake SRA. The work includes: improving roadway ingress/egress by widening a portion of the existing entrance road from two to three lanes, constructing a second two-lane entrance road, and improving parking by filling in an area between lots 2 and 3 to provide additional parking and improve access from lot to lot. The project also contains construction of: a 1,292 gross square foot (gsf) concessions building shell (to be built out by a concessionaire), plaza area encompassing new concession building and existing restroom, four-unit unisex restroom at upper parking lot, and two new 278 gsf entrance kiosks. Miscellaneous items in the project provide for: video surveillance system, children's play area, concrete walkways and stairs, fencing, and placement of overhead wiring underground. Project demolition includes a vending machine building and various site features. The total estimated project cost is $3,065,000 (CCCI 4019), including previous appropriations of $136,000 for preliminary plans and $113,000 for working drawings. Of the amount estimated for construction, $2,410,000 is for construction contracts, $165,000 for contingencies, and $241,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed November 2002.
3. Castaic Lake SRA, Paradise Cove Area: Boating Instruction and Safety Center. The budget provides $1,680,000 for construction for a Boating Instruction and Safety Center. The project consists of the construction of a new training facility consisting of a building (9,120 gsf) containing training rooms, administration offices, and boat storage along with a secure outdoor storage yard (5,635 gsf), reroofing and residing of an existing adjacent restroom building, and demolition of an existing building (snack bar) and walkway. Site improvements consist of concrete sidewalks, fencing, utility connections, security lights, shoreline grading and stabilization, navigational aides, landscaping and irrigation, and signs. The estimated total project cost is $1,940,000 (CCCI 4019) including $128,000 for preliminary plans and $132,000 for working drawings. Of the amount provided for construction, $1,440,000 is provided for construction contracts, $72,000 for contingency, and $168,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin November 2001 and be completed June 2002.
4. Lake Natoma, Nimbus Flat: Boating Instruction and Safety Center. The budget provides $3,473,000 for construction of a Boating Instruction and Safety Center at the California State University, Sacramento Aquatic Center. The project consists of three buildings, two buildings (9,327 gsf) for boat storage, and one building (6,784 gsf) for instruction and administration offices with Americans with Disabilities Act restrooms, driveways, and utility connections of water and sewer to municipal systems. Site improvements consist of grading, pedestrian walkways, shoreline access improvements and demolition of existing buildings, walkways, and roads.
5. Channel Islands: Boating Instruction and Safety Center. The budget provides $319,000 for preliminary plans for a boating center consisting of a two-story building, maintenance shop and storage building, site work, parking and utilities. The building includes an aquarium to be constructed with nonstate funds. Total estimated project cost is $4,861,000 including future costs for working drawings ($266,000) and construction ($4,362,000). The amount proposed for construction includes $3,867,000 for construction contracts, $271,000 for contingency, and $224,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin September 2001 and be completed June 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed December 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin April 2003 and be completed July 2004.
1. Fish Barrier Removal Inventory. On or before January 1, 2003, the Coastal Conservancy shall submit to the Legislature an inventory and evaluation of existing diversions, impoundment facilities, and other fish passage barriers located on coastal streams throughout the state that are obsolete or damaged and suitable for modification or removal to restore spawning habitat and riparian habitat for salmon and steelhead trout. The inventory and evaluation shall not duplicate existing fish barrier removal and modification studies being carried out under the Integrated Storage Investigations of the CALFED Bay-Delta Program.
1. Border Field State Park, Develop and Rehabilitate Day Use Facilities. The budget provides $241,000 for preliminary plans for the construction of an addition to the Visitor Center, replace a burned down restroom, replace an unsafe entrance station, upgrade the beach/equestrian user parking lot, and upgrade the family picnic area, including the addition of a group picnic area. Total estimated project cost is $2,243,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($241,000), working drawings ($150,000), construction ($1,833), and equipment ($19,000). The amount for construction includes $73,000 for contingency, $226,000 for project administration, $1,467,000 for construction contracts, and $67,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed in November 2002.
2. California Citrus State Historic Park, Visitor Center Exhibits. The budget provides $600,000 to develop, construct, and install the exhibits within the newly constructed 5,000 square foot visitor center. Construction is scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed November 2001.
3. Cardiff State Beach, Rebuild South Cardiff Facilities. The budget provides $358,000 for preliminary plans and working drawings to rebuild and reconfigure the storm-damaged entrance and parking lot, and install shoreline protection to minimize the potential for future storm damage. Total estimated project cost is $2,511,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($172,000), working drawings ($186,000), and construction ($2,153,000). The amount for construction includes $123,000 for contingency, $224,000 for project administration, $1,755,000 for construction contracts, and $51,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed February 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin February 2002 and be completed May 2002.
4. Chino Hills State Park, Public Use Facilities. The budget provides $1,708,000 for construction of comfort facilities, campsite development, road and parking improvements, trail development, interpretive facilities, erosion control measures, habitat restoration, and utilities. Total estimated project cost is $2,045,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($201,000), working drawings ($136,000), and construction ($1,708,000). The amount for construction includes $63,000 for contingency, $199,000 for project administration, $1,252,000 for construction contracts, and $194,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is estimated to begin April 2002 and be completed January 2003.
5. Columbia State Historic Park, Knapp Block Rehabilitation. The budget provides $4,394,000 for construction for the rehabilitation of four Gold Rush Era buildings in the park. Total estimated project cost is $4,825,000 (CCCI 4019) including a study ($29,000), preliminary plans ($151,000), working drawings $251,000), and construction ($4,394,000). The amount for construction includes $276,000 for contingency, $134,000 for project administration, $3,940,000 for construction contracts, and $44,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is estimated to begin August 2001 and be completed February 2003.
6. Cornfields Project. The budget provides $40,000,000 for acquisition and site clean-up of up to 32 acres of the Cornfields in Los Angeles County for an addition to the State Park System. Acquisition is scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed June 2004.
7. Donner Memorial State Park, Replace Restrooms and Water System. The budget provides $1,961,000 for working drawings and construction to replace existing water lines, replace five combination buildings, and construct a new restroom building. Total estimated project cost is $2,116,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($155,000), working drawings ($147,000), and construction ($1,814,000). The amount for construction includes $104,000 for contingency, $202,000 for project administration, $1,486,000 for construction contracts, and $22,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed March 2002. Construction is estimated to begin June 2002 and be completed March 2003.
8. Folsom Powerhouse State Historic Park, Powerhouse Stabilization. The budget provides $282,000 for preliminary plans for the seismic retrofit of main powerhouse/wheelhouse and lower powerhouse, replace roofing and gutters, treat corrosion of penstocks, update interpretive plan and exhibits, repair the historic highway bridge, repair and reconstruct historic elements, and make miscellaneous site improvements. Total estimated project cost is $2,702,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($282,000), working drawings ($220,000), construction ($2,199,000), and equipment ($1,000). The amount for construction includes $118,000 for contingency, $264,000 for project administration, $1,683,000 for construction contract, and $134,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin October 2001 and be completed August 2002.
9. Fort Ross State Historic Park, Reconstruct Historic Fur Warehouse. The budget provides $278,000 for preliminary plans for the reconstruction of the two-story Fur Warehouse, appropriate interpretive exhibits, comfort station, septic tank, and leach field. Total estimated project cost is $2,552,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($278,000), working drawings ($307,000), and construction ($1,967,000). The amount for construction includes $93,000 for contingency, $205,000 for project administration, $1,330,000 for construction contracts, and $339,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin October 2001 and be completed June 2002.
10. Hearst San Simeon State Historic Monument, Hearst Road Stabilization. The budget provides $620,000 for preliminary plans and working drawings to stabilize areas of road foundation failure through the use of earth removal, soil retaining systems, and/or other subsurface drainage systems. Total estimated project cost is $4,957,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($313,000), working drawings ($307,000), and construction ($4,337,000). The amount for construction includes $182,000 for contingency, $511,000 for program administration, $3,631,000 for construction contracts, and $13,000 for agency retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin September 2001 and be completed May 2002. Working drawings are estimated to begin June 2002 and be completed April 2003.
11. Henry W. Coe State Park, Day-Use Development at Dowdy Ranch. The budget provides $207,000 for working drawings to improve the unpaved Bell Station Road for safer access to the Dowdy Ranch area, provide parking, picnic sites, water, restrooms, horse corrals and trailer parking, and interpretive and trailhead information for visitors at the Dowdy Ranch area. Total estimated project cost is $2,525,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($278,000), working drawings ($207,000), construction ($2,039,000), and equipment ($1,000). The amount for construction includes $80,000 for contingency, $250,000 for project administration, $1,606,000 for construction contracts, and $103,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed March 2002.
12. Jack London State Historic Park, Restore Cottage. The budget provides $95,000 for preliminary plans for restoration/seismic retrofitting, reroofing and miscellaneous improvements, preparation and implementation of interpretive and furnishing plans, upgrading the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system, fire suppression and security systems, minor site modifications, exhibit, and disabled access improvements. Total estimated project cost is $1,756,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($95,000), working drawings ($145,000), construction ($1,511,000) and equipment ($5,000). The amount for construction includes $56,000 for contingency, $138,000 for project administration, $796,000 for construction contract, and $521,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in October 2001 and be completed June 2002.
13. Leland Stanford Mansion State Historic Park, Rehabilitation. The budget provides $3,000,000 for construction for the rehabilitation of the building exterior and the first three floors of the interior, provide new circulation systems required for access compliance and fire/life safety, limited site work, conservation of historic light fixtures, and development of a furnishings and interpretive plan. Total estimated project cost is $8,000,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($326,000), working drawings ($472,000), and construction ($7,202,000). The amount for construction includes $454,000 for contingency, $785,000 for project administration, $5,682,000 for construction contracts, and $281,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is estimated to begin in December 2001 and be completed in August 2003. An additional $3,000,000 in private donations will be contributed towards the project for a total project cost of $11,000,000.
14. Los Encinos State Historic Park, De La Ossa Adobe House Museum. The budget provides $134,000 for preliminary plans to update the interpretive plan, create new displays, install new exhibit panels, and replace furnishings damaged in the Northridge earthquake, and replace, rehabilitate, or introduce appropriate historic finishes on the interior of the building. Total estimated project cost is $1,225,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($134,000), working drawings ($46,000), construction ($1,033,000), and equipment ($12,000). The amount for construction includes $13,000 for contingency, $41,000 for project administration, $188,000 for construction contracts, and $791,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed March 2002.
15. Malibu Creek State Park, Restore Sepulveda Adobe. The budget provides $118,000 for studies for the restoration of interior building finishes, lighting, improvements, research and implementation of interpretive and furnishing plans; reconstruction, interpretation, restoration, landscaping, and Americans with Disabilities Act improvements. Total estimated project cost is $1,437,000 (CCCI 4019) including study ($118,000), preliminary plans ($87,000), working drawings ($102,000), and construction ($1,130,000). The amount for construction includes $51,000 for contingency, $137,000 for project administration, $724,000 for construction contracts, and $218,000 for agency-retained items. Studies are scheduled to be completed February 2002.
16. Morro Bay State Park, Natural History Museum Exhibit Rehabilitation. The budget provides $850,000 (CCCI 4019) to develop, construct, and install new museum exhibits within the Museum of Natural History. Construction is scheduled to begin September 2001 and be completed May 2002.
17. New Brighton State Beach, Rehabilitate Campground and Day Use. The budget provides $176,000 for working drawings to renovate and expand camping and day-use facilities, improve entrance circulation, and correct unsafe beach access problems. Total estimated project cost is $2,941,000 (CCCI 4019) including studies ($40,000), preliminary plans ($205,000), working drawings ($176,000), construction ($2,498,000), and equipment ($22,000). The amount for construction includes $134,000 for contingency, $323,000 for project administration, $1,915,000 for construction contract, and $126,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed June 2002.
18. Old Town San Diego State Historic Park, McCoy House Exhibits. The budget provides $793,000 for preliminary plans ($96,000), and construction ($697,000) for the fabrication and installation of interior and exterior exhibits, production of introductory video, and purchase of all related equipment and materials to complete the interpretive program. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed October 2001. Construction is scheduled to begin November 2001 and be completed February 2003.
19. Olompali State Historic Park, Rehabilitation of Frame House. The budget provides $1,123,000 for working drawings and construction for the upgrade of the historic Frame House to contain a new visitor center, offices for park operations and volunteer group functions, sewer connection, electrical, telephone, septic, and propane system. Handicap-accessible parking and walks will access the Frame House. Total estimated project cost is $1,123,000 (CCCI 4019) including working drawings ($158,000) and construction ($965,000). The amount for construction includes $41,000 for contingency, $136,000 for project administration, $594,000 for construction contracts, and $194,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed November 2001. Construction is estimated to begin February 2002 and be completed October 2002.
20. Patrick's Point State Park, Campground and Day-Use Rehabilitation. The budget provides $1,315,000 for working drawings and construction for improvements including campsite parking spurs, undergrounding electrical lines, parking, campground furniture, fencing, new restrooms, dump station, interpretive panels, relocate bike/hike campground, group campground, and replace existing comfort station with a combination building. Total estimated project cost is $1,444,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($129,000), working drawings ($94,000), and construction ($1,221,000). The amount for construction includes $55,000 for contingency, $183,000 for project administration, $780,000 for construction contracts and $203,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed March 2002. Construction is estimated to begin June 2002 and be completed March 2003.
21. Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, Park Entrance and Day-Use Redevelopment. The budget provides $277,000 for preliminary plans to redevelop park entrance, improve circulation corridor, new vehicular and pedestrian bridges, improve day-use recreation areas, visitor/interpretive center, and park administration facilities. Total estimated project cost is $4,132,000 (CCCI 4019) including studies ($497,000), preliminary plans ($277,000), working drawings ($244,000), construction ($3,097,000), and equipment ($17,000). The amount for construction includes $175,000 for contingency, $322,000 for project administration, $2,496,000 for construction contract, and $104,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed August 2002.
22. Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, Public-Use Improvements. The budget provides $259,000 for preliminary plans for improvements including upgrading and undergrounding electrical service, replacing combination building, new parking lot with a comfort station, new bike/hike campground, converting the existing bike/hike campground to recreational vehicle camping, new entrance kiosk, and replacing an existing combination building with a new combination building. Total estimated project cost is $2,228,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($259,000), working drawings ($159,000), and construction ($1,810,000). The amount for construction includes $70,000 for contingency, $221,000 for project administration, $1,398,000 for construction contracts, and $121,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin September 2001 and be completed July 2002.
23. Point Cabrillo Light Station and Preserve, Initial Studies for Rehabilitation. The budget provides $290,000 for initial studies of the Point Cabrillo Preserve in order to assess the cultural and natural resources, identify immediate needs and constraints, and to establish priorities for future rehabilitation and development work. Studies are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed June 2002.
24. Point Cabrillo Light Station, Addition. The budget provides $4,000,000 for acquisition of control and possession of a 30.5-acre parcel, the Light Station property, that is contiguous to the Point Cabrillo Preserve at Point Cabrillo in Mendocino County. Acquisition is scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed June 2002.
25. Point Cabrillo Light Station and Preserve, Drainage and Erosion Control-Minor Project. The budget provides $134,000 to construct drainage and containment structures to prevent further damage from erosion, do minimal site grading, and implement erosion control measures. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2001 and be completed December 2001.
26. Silverwood Lake State Recreation Area, Campground and Day-Use Improvements. The budget provides $196,000 for preliminary plans for ramadas, barbecues, repaved walkways, additional parking spaces, a handicapped-accessible restroom addition, expanded beach area, new pump, Nature Center, full recreational vehicle utility hookups, and new turf. Total estimated project cost is $2,743,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($196,000), working drawings ($186,000), and construction ($2,361,000). The amount for construction includes $97,000 for contingency, $297,000 for project administration, $1,937,000 for construction contracts, and $30,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin September 2001 and be completed May 2002.
27. Sinkyone Wilderness State Park, Watershed Restoration. The budget provides $1,272,000 for preliminary plans and construction for completion of the landform restoration work identified in the watershed restoration plan for the Usal, Jackass, High Tip, and Coastal watershed units. Total estimated project cost is $1,272,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($113,000) and construction ($1,159,000). The amount for construction includes $59,000 for contingency, $228,000 for project administration, $834,000 for construction contracts, and $38,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed January 2002. Construction is estimated to begin April 2002, and be completed December 2004.
28. Sonoma Coast State Beach, Trail Rehabilitation and Development. The budget provides $601,000 for working drawings and construction for repair, realignment, and new construction of trails, construction bridges, and repair or replace vault toilets. Total estimated project cost is $753,000 (CCCI 4019) including studies ($31,000), preliminary plans ($121,000), working drawings ($44,000), and construction ($557,000). The amount for construction includes $30,000 for contingency, $55,000 for project administration, $421,000 for construction contracts, and $51,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed January 2002. Construction is estimated to begin April 2002 and be completed January 2003.
29. Statewide: 2000 Bond Habitat Acquisition Program. The budget provides $35,000,000 to acquire desirable parcels, including $10,000,000 for the Mill Creek, Del Norte County acquisition project, that are a high priority for both the state park system and for habitat purposes and any associated provisional language. Land acquisition is scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed June 2004.
30. Statewide: 2000 Bond Opportunity Purchases Acquisition Program. The budget provides $5,000,000 to acquire variously sized parcels of land that are adjacent to or substantially enclosed within adjoining State Park property. Priority shall be given to acquisitions that have significant cultural resource values. Land acquisition is scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed June 2004.
31. Statewide: 2000 Bond Redwood Acquisition Program. The budget provides $4,318,000 to acquire desirable parcels that are a high priority for the State Park System and that either are forested with redwoods or will enhance the protection or preservation of the redwood forest ecosystem. The Department will give preference to projects where matching contributions in funding from other public agencies, private parties, or nonprofit organizations are available. Land acquisition is scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed June 2004.
32. Sugar Pine Point State Park, Rehabilitate Day-Use Area. The budget provides $1,889,000 for construction for erosion control, road improvements, new contact station, two new restrooms, new parking for 150 vehicles, rehabilitation of picnic sites, one new group picnic site, trails, and landscaping. Total estimated project cost is $2,242,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($200,000), working drawings ($153,000), and construction ($1,889,000). The amount for construction includes $103,000 for contingency, $224,000 for project administration, $1,470,000 for construction contracts, and $92,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is estimated to begin May 2002 and be completed September 2003.
33. Tahoe State Recreation Area, Truckee River Outlet Parcel Restoration and Rehabilitation. The budget provides $2,185,000 for construction for landscape restoration and improvements, trails, construction of underground utilities, replacement of concession buildings, shoreline stabilization, and 16 new picnic sites. Total estimated project cost is $2,615,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($251,000), working drawings ($179,000), and construction ($2,185,000). The amount for construction includes $122,000 for contingency, $277,000 for project administration, $1,740,000 for construction contracts, and $46,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is estimated to begin May 2002 and be completed July 2003.
34. Topanga State Park, Topanga Canyon Acquisition. The budget provides $8,000,000 for costs associated with the acquisition of approximately 1,659 acres of land, identified as Lower Topanga Canyon. Acquisition will begin July 2001 and be completed June 2004.
35. Wilder Ranch State Park, Farmhouse Rehabilitation. The budget provides $423,000 for preliminary plans and working drawings to rehabilitate and furnish the existing 1871 Farmhouse, fire and life safety, access compliance, security, and electrical and plumbing. Total estimated project cost is $2,506,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($154,000), working drawings ($269,000), and construction ($2,083,000). The amount for construction includes $91,000 for contingency, $254,000 for project administration, $1,296,000 for construction contract, and $442,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed April 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin April 2002 and be completed January 2003.
1. Oceano Dunes State Vehicle Recreation Area, Pier Avenue Lots. The amount of $1,200,000 is provided for acquisition of four lots. Future construction will include a kiosk, parking, and a safety inspection space. Total estimated project cost is $2,250,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($1,200,000), preliminary plans ($50,000), working drawings ($100,000), and construction ($900,000) (CCCI 4019). The amount for construction includes $21,000 for contingency, $60,000 for project administration, $804,000 for construction contracts, and $15,000 for agency-retained items. Acquisition is scheduled to begin in September 2001 and be completed by June 2004.
2. Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area, LaGrande Tract. The amount of $2,900,000 is provided for the purchase of the County of San Luis Obispo owned lots in the La Grande Tract. Acquisition is scheduled to begin in September 2001 and be completed by June 2004.
1. Haagen-Smit Laboratory Breezeway Renovation. The amount of $2,199,000 is provided for construction for extending the existing roof to enclose the breezeway, relocation of mechanical and technical equipment, and upgrading HVAC and electrical systems. Total estimated project cost is $2,470,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($123,000) and working drawings ($148,000). Of the amount estimated for construction, $1,813,000 is for construction contracts, $127,000 is for contingency, and $259,000 is for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin March 2002 and be completed by January 2003.
1. Richmond Laboratory Campus--Phase III Office Building. The amount of $2,183,000 is provided for working drawings to construct a 200,000 gross square foot four-story steel- framed office building with a precast concrete exterior. The estimated future cost for the project is $48,367,000. The amount for construction includes $35,453,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts ($31,921,000 building cost), $1,773,000 for contingency, $,4,733,000 for project administration, and $4,225,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings will begin by August 2001 and be completed by August 2002.
1. Agnews--Fire and Life Safety Upgrades, Building 54. The amount of $5,367,000 is provided for working drawings ($206,000) and construction ($5,161,000) of various fire and life safety improvements, including replacement of all non-code-compliant door assemblies off of exit corridors, addition of grilles and fire dampers to existing mechanical room doors, relocation of supply diffusers affected by previous exit corridor construction, and installation of fire/smoke dampers in existing duct work penetrating one-hour corridors and two-hour fire-rated access panels at required ceiling locations. Upon completion, the building will meet all fire and life safety code requirements. The amount for construction includes $4,317,000 for construction contracts (CCCI 4019), $302,000 for contingency, and $542,000 for project administration. Working drawings will begin by July 2001 and be completed by February 2002. Construction will begin by May 2002 and be completed by November 2002.
1. Atascadero State Hospital--Construct Multipurpose Building. The amount of $632,000 is provided for preliminary plans to construct a new 44,700 square foot steel-framed single story building with exterior masonry walls. The estimated future cost for the project is $710,000 for working drawings and $12,993,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction. The amount for construction includes $10,588,000 for construction contracts ($9,343,000 building cost), $529,000 for contingency, $1,288,322 for project administration, and $587,678 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans will begin in November 2001 and be completed in June 2002.
2. Atascadero State Hospital--Improve Perimeter and Roofline Security. The amount of $956,000 is provided to construct a new 16-foot high security fence at the front of the hospital, and an 8-foot high fence at the Administration Building roof lines, and a 16-foot high double fence around the sides and back of the hospital. All interior perimeter fences will be equipped with disturbance alarms. Construction will begin in October 2001 and will be completed in March 2002.
3. Metropolitan State Hospital--Construct School Building. The amount of $412,000 is provided for preliminary plans to construct a new 26,801 square foot school with administrative offices adjacent to the living units of the Youth Treatment Program. The new building will be designed to provide facilities to meet state educational standards and will comply with all applicable building codes. The estimated future cost for the project is $448,000 for working drawings and $6,657,400 (CCCI 4019) for construction. The amount for construction includes $5,629,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $281,000 for contingency, and $747,400 for project administration. Preliminary plans will begin by August 2001 and be completed by December 2001.
4. Patton State Hospital--Install Alarm System in G, O, P, and T Buildings. The amount of $126,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($56,000) and working drawings ($70,000) to install a dual-tone personal alarm system in Buildings G, O, P, and T. The estimated future cost for the project is $603,000 (CCCI 4019) including $467,000 for construction contracts ($404,000 building cost), $33,000 for contingency, and $103,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans will begin in August 2001 and be completed in March 2002. Working drawings will begin in March 2002 and be completed in August 2002.
5. Patton State Hospital--Renovate Admissions Suite, EB Building. The amount of $194,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($87,000) and working drawings ($107,000) to renovate the existing admissions suite by demolishing the interior of the existing suite, design and construct an interior environment that provides for the identified functions, expand the admissions suite square footage by incorporating 529 square feet of adjacent hospital support space, and design a new mechanical system for the admissions suite. The estimated future cost for the project is $1,058,000 (CCCI 4019), including $871,000 for construction contracts ($740,000 building cost), $61,000 for contingency, and $126,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans will begin in October 2001 and be completed in March 2002. Working drawings will begin in March 2002 and be completed in October 2002.
1. Sexually Violent Predator Facility. The amount of $349,287,000 is provided to construct a new 1500-bed state hospital for the treatment and rehabilitation of sexually violent predators, and includes 1,148,851 gross square feet (GSF) of building area. Infrastructure development on property adjacent to Pleasant Valley State Prison includes site grading, an electrical substation, a wastewater treatment plant, roadways, and drainage systems. The maximum-security psychiatric hospital facility includes 74,379 GSF of administration, 850,722 GSF of clinical services space, 157,041 GSF of support service space, and 66,709 GSF of plant operations space, and a maximum-security perimeter system. The amount for construction includes $312,572,000 for construction contracts, $15,629,000 for contingency, and $11,513,000 for project administration, and $166,000 for agency-retained items. Construction will begin by September 2002 and be completed by March 2005.
1. Statewide--Small Management Exercise Yards. The amount of $750,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($6,000), working drawings ($12,000), and construction ($732,000) to construct 50 small management exercise yards at two institutions (Mule Creek State Prison and California Medical Facility, Vacaville) to replace group exercise yards for those male inmates assigned to Administrative Segregation Housing Units. The construction request includes $654,000 for construction contracts, $46,000 for contingency, $12,000 for project administration, and $20,000 for agency-retained items (guarding costs). Preliminary plans will begin September 2001 and will be completed December 2001. Working drawings will begin January 2002 and be completed March 2002. Construction will begin April 2002 and be completed April 2003.
2. California Correctional Center, Susanville--Replace Antelope Camp Dorms. The amount of $267,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($121,000) and working drawings ($146,000) to replace existing modular housing with two 3,400 square feet concrete block structure dormitories. The estimated future cost for the project is $2,170,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $1,804,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $90,000 for contingency, and $276,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans will begin by September 2001 and be completed May 2002. Working drawings will begin by May 2002 and be completed by October 2002.
3. California Correctional Institution, Tehachapi--Replacement of Unit 1 Security Fence. The amount of $151,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($70,000) and working drawings ($81,000) to install a new 12-foot high perimeter security fence (4,680 LF.) surrounding Unit I. The estimated future cost for the project is $1,003,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $807,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $40,000 for contingency, $114,000 for project administration, and $42,000 for agency-retained items (guarding costs). Preliminary plans will begin by October 2001 and be completed by March 2002. Working drawings will begin by April 2002 and be completed by October 2002.
4. Deuel Vocational Institution, Tracy--Infirmary Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. The amount of $69,000 is provided for preliminary plans to install a new heating and air conditioning system within the existing two-story infirmary. The estimated future cost for the project is $1,150,000 for working drawings ($90,000) and construction ($1,060,000). The amount for construction includes $766,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $54,000 for contingency, $168,000 for project administration, and $72,000 for agency-retained items (guarding costs). Preliminary plans will begin by August 2001 and be completed by March 2002.
5. Folsom State Prison, Represa--Construct Pretreatment System. The amount of $955,000 is provided for construction to install a pretreatment unit which excels in reducing high turbidity in the influent. The request includes $821,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $57,000 for contingency, and $77,000 for project administration. Construction will begin by April 2002 and be completed by June 2002.
6. California Institution for Men, Chino--Denitrification Plant. The amount of $5,830,000 is provided for the construction of a water treatment facility, and includes administrative costs and interest for shifting from lease revenue bond financing to General Fund. The request includes $4,819,000 for construction contracts, $241,000 for contingency, $416,000 for project administration, $54,000 for agency-retained items (guarding costs), and $300,000 for other project costs.
7. California Institution for Men, Chino--Drilling New Domestic Water Supply Well. The amount of $618,000 is provided for construction to construct a new domestic water supply well. The request includes $481,000 for construction contracts (CCCI 4019), $34,000 for contingency, $67,000 for project administration, and $36,000 for agency-retained items (guarding costs). Construction will begin by June 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
8. California Medical Facility, Vacaville--Ambulatory Care Clinic. The amount of $282,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($122,000) and working drawings ($160,000) to construct a 4,560 square foot Ambulatory Care Clinic. The estimated future cost is $2,298,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $1,925,000 for construction contracts, $74,000 for contingency, $119,000 for project administration, $100,000 for agency-retained items (guarding costs and telecommunications), and $80,000 for equipment. Preliminary plans will begin September 2001 and will be completed February 2002. Working drawings will begin March 2002 and be completed December 2003.
9. California Men's Colony, San Luis Obispo--Wastewater Collection Treatment Upgrade. The amount of $25,627,000 is provided for construction to replace the existing trunk sewer collection with new lines and upgrade the Wastewater Treatment Facility. The request includes $21,989,000 for construction contracts (CCCI 4019), $1,539,000 for contingency, and $2,099,000 for project administration. Construction will begin by October 2001 and be completed by June 2002.
10. California Men's Colony, San Luis Obispo--Potable Water Treatment Facility Upgrade. The amount of $207,000 is provided for a study of the existing potable water distribution system and water treatment plant in order to develop alternatives with a recommended best and most cost-effective solution to correct problems and meet or exceed the new regulations. The study will begin by September 2001 and be completed by July 2002.
11. California Men's Colony, San Luis Obispo--D Quad Mental Health Services Building. The amount of $301,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($140,000) and working drawings ($161,000) to construct a new 9,240 square foot masonry structure, capable of housing custody and Clinical Program needs. The estimated future cost for the project is $2,493,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $1,959,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $98,000 for contingency, $303,000 for project administration, and $133,000 for agency-retained items (guarding costs). Preliminary plans will begin by October 2001 and be completed by May 2002. Working drawings will begin by May 2002 and be completed by September 2002.
12. California Rehabilitation Center, Norco--Potable Water System Improvements. The amount of $228,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($98,000) and working drawings ($130,000) to make various improvements to the existing potable water distribution system. The estimated future cost for the project is $1,845,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $1,530,000 for construction contracts, $84,000 for contingency, $96,000 for project administration, and $135,000 for agency-retained items (guarding costs). Preliminary plans will begin by October 2001 and be completed by May 2002. Working drawings will begin by May 2002 and be completed by September 2002.
13. Sierra Conservation Center, Jamestown--Effluent Disposal Pipeline. The amount of $8,660,000 is provided for working drawings ($518,000) and construction ($8,142,000) to pump effluent to a new reservoir site. This project consists of the construction of a pumping station and installation of 41,000 lineal feet of 12-inch pipe to a new reservoir. The amount for construction includes $7,176,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $359,000 for contingency, and $607,000 for project administration. Working drawings will begin by July 2001 and be completed by August 2001. Construction will begin by December 2001 and be completed December 2002.
14. Avenal State Prison, Avenal--Receiving and Release Expansion. The amount of $100,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($42,000) and working drawings ($58,000) to expand the existing Receiving and Release operation by constructing a separate building, and renovating the existing Receiving and Release building. The estimated future cost for the project is $637,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $492,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $34,000 for contingency, $96,000 for project administration, and $15,000 for agency-retained items (guarding costs). Preliminary plans will begin by August 2001 and be completed by January 2002. Working drawings will begin by February 2002 and be completed by May 2002.
15. Pleasant Valley State Prison, Coalinga--Bar Screen, Prelift Station. The amount of $172,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($84,000) and working drawings ($88,000) to install an additional bar screen and trash compactor system to reduce normal wear and tear to the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant. The estimated future cost of the project is $685,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $510,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $25,000 for contingency, and $150,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans will begin by August 2001 and will be completed by January 2002. Working drawings will begin by February 2002 and be completed by July 2002.
16. California State Prison, Sacramento, Represa--Firing Range Modification. The amount of $1,118,000 is provided for construction to modify the three existing firing ranges to ensure a safe environment. The request includes $952,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $67,000 for contingency, and $99,000 for project administration. Construction will begin by January 2002 and be completed by May 2002.
17. California State Prison, Sacramento, Represa--Psychiatric Services Unit/Enhanced Outpatient Care, Phase II. The amount of $822,000 is provided for preliminary plans to renovate 52,716 square feet of existing warehouse space. The estimated future cost of the project is $14,872,000 for working drawings ($925,000) and construction ($13,947,000). The amount for construction includes $11,149,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $780,000 for contingency, $1,409,000 for project administration, and $609,000 for agency- retained (guarding, telecommunications, holding cages, and walk-alone enclosures). Preliminary plans will begin by October 2001 and will be completed by May 2002.
1. Fred C. Nelles Youth Correctional Facility--Construct New Kitchen. The amount of $411,000 is provided for working drawings to construct a new central kitchen and dining area. The estimated future cost of the project is $8,457,000 and includes $7,280,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts ($6,910,000 building cost), $363,000 for contingency, $705,000 for project administration, and $108,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings will begin by October 2001 and be completed by May 2002.
2. Northern California Youth Correctional Center--Correctional Treatment Center. The amount of $301,000 is provided for working drawings to upgrade the existing infirmary into a licensed Correctional Treatment Center. The estimated future cost of the project is $3,933,000 and includes $3,165,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $222,000 for contingency, $474,000 for project administration, and $72,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings will begin by October 2001 and be completed by December 2001.
3. N. A. Chaderjian Youth Correctional Facility--Personal Alarms. The amount of $1,226,000 is provided for construction to install a personal alarm system throughout the institution. The request includes $990,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $69,000 for contingency, $148,000 for project administration, and $19,000 for agency-retained items. Construction will begin by June 2002 and be completed by January 2003.
4. N. A. Chaderjian Youth Correctional Facility--50-Bed Specialized Counseling Program. The amount of $147,000 is provided for preliminary plans to construct new mental health program support space. The estimated future cost of the project is $2,372,000 and includes $188,000 in working drawings, $1,755,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts ($1,640,000 building costs), $88,000 for contingency, $331,000 for project administration, and $10,000 for agency retained items. Preliminary plans will begin by August 2001 and be completed by April 2002.
5. El Paso Robles Youth Correctional Facility--Air Conditioning--Education. The amount of $1,487,000 is provided for construction to install new air conditioning units in academic classrooms and direct/indirect evaporative cooling in vocational classrooms. The request includes $1,232,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $86,000 for contingencies, $148,500 for project administration, and $20,500 for agency-retained items. Construction will begin by November 2001 and be completed by June 2002.
1. California School for the Blind, Fremont--Young Children's Housing. The amount of $351,000 is provided for construction to remodel 3,750 square feet of the Westridge dorm northwest wing. The remodel includes painting, flooring, window treatment, refinishing doors and frames, lighting, and Americans with Disabilities Act compliance for two restrooms. The amount for construction includes $276,000 for construction contracts , $19,000 for contingency, and $56,000 for project administration. Construction will begin by February 2002 and be completed by January 2003.
2. California School for the Deaf, Fremont--Pupil Personnel Services. The amount of $2,124,000 is provided for construction of a new 8,762 square foot single-story, wood frame building which matches the architecture of adjacent buildings. The amount for construction includes $1,800,000 for construction contracts, $90,000 for contingency, and $234,000 for project administration. Construction will begin by July 2002 and be completed by July 2003.
3. California School for the Deaf, Riverside--Middle School Facility. The amount of $93,000 is provided for construction of a new 21,346 square foot middle school, including new school buildings, a bus loop drop-off area, and 40-vehicle parking lot.
1. Year-Round Operation. Using enrollment growth estimates provided by the California Postsecondary Education Commission, the University of California and California State University shall establish five-year capital outlay plans based on goals at each campus for summer enrollment, with the intent of minimizing the need to construct new instructional facilities, to the extent feasible. It is the intent of the Legislature that UC and CSU not limit summer enrollment.
2. Davis Campus: Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders Institute Facilities. The amount of $3,000,000 is provided for partial construction of a 57,428 assignable square feet (asf) facility for the Center for the Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (M.I.N.D. Institute) at the UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento. The project will provide research laboratories, clinical and office space, and a resource center containing library and conference space for treatment and research in neurodevelopmental disorders. The estimated total project cost is $38,840,000 (CCCI 4019), including $2,294,000 from hospital reserves and $30,000,000 from lease revenue bonds (see Item 6440-301-0660).
3. Riverside Campus: Heckmann Center Complex--Phase 2. The amount of $10,000,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans ($369,000) and working drawings ($439,000), construction ($8,648,000), and equipment ($544,000) for the 17,660 asf Heckmann Center Complex--Phase 2 building in Palm Desert, California. The project will provide approximately 3,240 asf of office and office support space, 9,290 asf of conference and assembly space, 2,250 asf of scholarly activity space, and 2,880 asf of class laboratory and open laboratory space. The estimated total project cost is $10,000,000 (CCCI 4019). The amount for construction includes $7,821,000 for construction contracts, $410,000 for contingency, and $417,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $5,300,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by December 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in December 2001 and be completed by April 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin in May 2002 and be completed by July 2003. The Legislature reaffirms the role assigned by the Legislature to the California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC) to review and recommend for approval new campuses or off-campus centers. It is the intent of the Legislature, that if the University of California proposes an expansion of enrollment at the Heckmann Center Complex that falls within the purview of the CPEC guidelines, the University of California shall submit a needs study consistent with those guidelines.
4. Merced Campus: Classroom and Office Building. The amount of $1,851,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($833,000) and working drawings ($1,018,000) for a 60,000 asf building including 31,000 asf classrooms, 6,965 asf teaching laboratories, 21,255 asf offices, and 780 asf research. Total project cost is $26,611,000 (CCCI 4019) including construction ($19,534,000) and equipment ($5,226,000). The amount for construction includes $17,750,000 for construction contracts, $889,000 for project administration, and $895,000 for contingency. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by February 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin February 2002 and be completed by October 2002. Construction is scheduled to start November 2002 and be completed by July 2004.
1. Five-Year Plan: Temporary Buildings. It is the intent of the Legislature that the California Community Colleges, the California State University, and the University of California shall include as part of their annual five-year plans an inventory of temporary buildings that shall include the age of construction, usage, and condition of each building. It is further the intent of the Legislature that each segment of higher education shall confirm that a temporary building scheduled for demolition is actually demolished, especially when disposition of existing temporary buildings is a rationale for a proposed state-funded capital outlay project. Such temporary buildings shall not be relocated on that campus, used for other purposes on that campus, or used as the rationale for other capital outlay projects in the future on that campus.
2. Universitywide: Northern Regional Library Facility, Phase 3. The amount of $1,033,000 is provided to prepare working drawings for a 65,985 assignable square feet (asf) addition to the existing Northern Regional Library Facility. The estimated total project cost is $18,507,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($810,000), construction ($16,177,000), and equipment ($487,000). The amount for construction includes $14,916,000 for construction contracts, $719,000 for contingency, and $542,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans were scheduled to begin in August 2000 and be completed by April 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by April 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin in August 2002 and be completed by November 2003.
3. Berkeley Campus: Seismic Safety Corrections, LeConte Hall. The amount of $13,741,000 is provided for construction of seismic corrections to LeConte Hall on the Berkeley campus. The project will provide new interior shear walls and other reinforcements as well as fire, life-safety, and accessibility improvements. The estimated total project cost is $15,666,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($820,000) and working drawings ($1,105,000). The amount for construction includes $11,570,000 for construction contracts, $640,000 for contingency, and $1,531,000 for project administration. Working drawings were scheduled to begin in July 2000 and be completed by July 2001. Construction is scheduled to begin in September 2001 and be completed by July 2003.
4. San Francisco Campus: Parnassus Services Seismic Replacement Building. The amount of $28,328,000 is provided for partial construction for a new 45,084 asf research support facility to replace the MR I and II research support structures on the Parnassus site of the San Francisco campus. The estimated total project cost is $50,598,000 (CCCI 4019), including preliminary plans ($2,170,000) and working drawings ($2,883,000). University sources have provided $756,000 for preliminary plans and $994,000 for working drawings, and will provide $17,217,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $42,451,000 for construction contracts, $2,120,000 for contingency, and $974,000 for project administration. Working drawings were scheduled to begin in May 2000 and be completed by May 2001. Building construction cost is $37,588,000. The first phase of construction to clear the site is scheduled to begin in November 2000 and be completed by November 2001. Construction of the new structure is scheduled to begin in August 2001 and be completed by May 2004.
5. San Francisco Campus: Health Sciences West Improvements, Phase I. The amount of $565,000 is provided for preliminary plans for correction of mechanical infrastructure deficiencies in an existing building. The estimated total project cost is $14,117,000 (CCCI 4019), including working drawings ($618,000) and construction ($12,934,000). The amount for construction includes $11,688,000 for construction contracts, $584,000 for contingency, and $662,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin September 2001 and be completed by May 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by June 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2003 and be completed by October 2005.
6. Davis Campus: Veterinary Medicine 3A. The amount of $7,011,000 is provided for working drawings and partial construction for a 96,090 asf facility containing 34,275 asf teaching laboratories, 41,920 asf research facilities, and 19,895 asf clinical facilities and for renovation of 5,455 asf in the existing Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital. The project is proposed to be constructed as two building units. The estimated total project cost is $77,137,000 (CCCI 4019), including future costs of $66,126,000 for construction. Construction funding will be in two components--the first of $31,192,000 in 2002-03 and the second of $34,934,000 in 2003-04. The amount for construction includes $64,741,000 for construction contracts, $3,237,000 for contingency, and $1,856,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $57,654,000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by June 2002. Construction for the first component is scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by July 2005. Construction for the second component is scheduled to begin in July 2003 and be completed by January 2007.
7. Los Angeles Campus: Dance Building Seismic Renovation. The amount of $14,297,000 is provided for partial funding for construction of seismic corrections and other essential improvements to the Dance Building on the Los Angeles campus. The estimated total project cost is $36,282,000 (CCCI 4019). University and gift sources have provided $1,778,000 for preliminary plans and $751,000 for working drawings, and will provide $14,834,000 for construction. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has provided $70,000 for working drawings and will provide $1,194,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $26,960,000 for construction contracts, $1,875,000 for contingency, and $1,490,000 for project administration. The building renovation cost is $25,160,000. Construction is scheduled to begin in August 2001 and be completed by June 2003.
8. Los Angeles Campus: Kinsey Hall Seismic Correction, Phase 2. The amount of $805,000 is provided for preparation of working drawings for seismic corrections and mandatory life-safety improvements to Kinsey Hall on the Los Angeles campus. The estimated total project cost is $32,260,000 (CCCI 4019), including future state costs of $17,387,000 for construction. University and gift sources have provided $534,000 for preliminary plans and $1,236,000 for working drawings, and will provide $7,524,000 for construction. The FEMA funds have provided $345,000 for working drawings and will provide $3,605,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $23,368,000 for construction contracts, $1,148,000 for contingency, and $4,000,000 for project administration. The building renovation cost is $23,368,000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by March 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin in April 2002 and be completed by July 2004.
9. Los Angeles Campus: Electrical Distribution System Expansion, Step 6B. The amount of $370,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($150,000) and working drawings ($220,000) for the next phase of a new 12.47 kV electrical distribution system. The project will install five new feeder loops and replace part of an existing 4.8 kV system. The estimated total project cost is $6,598,000 (CCCI 4019), including future costs of $6,228,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $5,588,000 for construction contracts, $280,000 for contingency, and $360,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by February 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in February 2002 and be completed by September 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin in October 2002 and be completed by December 2004.
10. Riverside Campus: Physical Sciences 1. The amount of $47,978,000 is provided for working drawings ($2,058,000) and construction ($45,920,000) for a 73,250 asf facility for multi-disciplinary instructional and research laboratories for programs in Chemical Sciences on the Riverside campus. The project will provide 5,011 asf for class laboratories and related support space, 58,403 asf for research laboratories and related support space, and 9,836 asf of office-type space. The estimated total project cost is $50,344,000 (CCCI 4019) including future state funding of $1,025,000 for equipment. The amount for construction includes $41,352,000 for construction contracts, $2,068,000 for contingency, and $2,500,000 for project administration. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by March 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin in April 2002 and be completed by November 2004.
11. Riverside Campus: Batchelor Hall Seismic Upgrade. The amount of $3,399,000 is provided for working drawings ($134,000) and construction ($3,265,000) for seismic corrections to Batchelor Hall. The estimated total project cost is $3,446,000 (CCCI 4019), including preliminary plans ($47,000 nonstate). The amount for construction includes $2,826,000 for construction contracts, $140,000 for contingency, and $299,000 for project administration. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in September 2001 and be completed by February 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin March 2002 and be completed by October 2003.
12. Riverside Campus: Hindraker Hall Seismic Upgrade. The amount of $879,000 is provided for working drawings ($42,000) and construction ($837,000) for seismic corrections to Hindraker Hall. The estimated total project cost is $894,000 (CCCI 4019), including preliminary plans ($15,000 nonstate). The amount for construction includes $688,000 for construction contracts, $35,000 for contingency, and $114,000 for project administration. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in September 2001 and be completed by February 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin March 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
13. Riverside Campus: Fawcett Lab, Sproul Hall and Life Sciences. The amount of $2,628,000 is provided for working drawings ($89,000) and construction ($2,539,000) for seismic corrections to Fawcett Laboratory, Sproul Hall, and the Life Sciences Building. The estimated total project cost is $2,660,000 (CCCI 4019), including preliminary plans ($32,000). The amount for construction includes $2,190,000 for construction contracts, $106,000 for contingency, and $243,000 for project administration. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in September 2001 and be complete by February 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin March 2002 and be completed by September 2003.
14. Riverside Campus: Engineering Building Unit 2. The amount of $3,058,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($1,223,000) and working drawings ($1,835,000) for an 89,686 asf building containing 19,200 asf teaching laboratories, 5,356 asf classrooms, 46,210 asf research space, and 18,920 asf offices. The estimated total project cost is $44,424,000 (CCCI 4019), including future State costs of $35,675,000 for construction. Gift and university sources will provide $5,141,000 for construction and $550,000 for equipment. The amount for construction includes $36,831,000 for construction contracts, $1,842,000 for contingency, and $2,143,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $35,201,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by March 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in March 2002 and be completed by November 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin in December 2002 and be completed by July 2005.
15. Riverside Campus: Biological Sciences Building. The amount of $596,000 is provided for preliminary plans for a 31,666 asf building containing 28,013 asf research space and 3,653 asf offices. The estimated total project cost is $21,621,000 (CCCI 4019), including future state costs of $894,000 for working drawings and $17,813,000 for construction. Gift and university sources will provide $1,818,000 for construction and $500,000 for equipment. The amount for construction includes $17,595,000 for construction contracts, $880,000 for contingency, and $1,156,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $16,661,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in August 2001 and be completed by May 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by March 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2003 and be completed by November 2005.
16. San Diego Campus: Engineering Building Unit 3B. The amount of $2,154,000 is provided for preparation of working drawings for an 87,000 asf facility to provide computer science and engineering instruction and research space on the San Diego campus. The building will provide 12,000 asf of open class laboratories, 65,000 asf of research laboratories and associated support spaces, and 10,000 asf for the Warren College Provost, academic advising, and other academic support services. The estimated total project cost is $41,186,000 (CCCI 4019), including future costs of $35,254,000 for construction and $2,064,000 for equipment. The amount for construction includes $32,687,000 for construction contracts, $1,634,000 for contingency, and $933,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $32,023,000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by July 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin in August 2002 and be completed by September 2004.
17. San Diego Campus: Pharmaceutical Sciences Building. The amount of $1,356,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans for a 44,000 asf facility to provide 2,600 asf of classrooms and class laboratories, 800 asf of teaching laboratories, 1,500 asf of offices, and 39,100 asf of research space. The estimated total project cost is $29,728,000 (CCCI 4019), including future costs for working drawings ($1,658,000), construction ($24,714,000) and $2,000,000 for equipment. Estimated building construction cost is $21,980,000. The amount for construction includes $23,089,000 for construction contracts, $1,094,000 for contingency, and $531,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by May 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by July 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in August 2003 and be completed by November 2005. It is the intent of the Legislature that the proposed steady state enrollment of 300 Full-Time Equivalent students as defined in the project planning guide for the School of Pharmacy programs at the University of California, San Diego be accommodated within the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building funded under this item. It is also the intent of the Legislature that no additional state funds will be provided for capital outlay funding for construction of buildings for the School of Pharmacy at San Diego for the foreseeable future.
18. Santa Cruz Campus: Film and Digital Media Renovations. The amount of $4,218,000 is provided for construction for the renovation of 10,998 asf of the Communications Building for the Film and Video Department and the Communications and Technology Services unit, improve the HVAC system, and provide fire safety and accessibility improvements. The estimated total project cost is $4,679,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($190,000) and working drawings ($271,000). The amount for construction includes $3,829,000 for construction contracts, $190,000 for contingency, and $199,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin in November 2001 and be completed by October 2002.
19. Santa Cruz Campus: Engineering Building. The amount of $3,795,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans ($1,992,000) and working drawings ($1,803,000) for a 69,110 asf facility to provide 6,000 asf of classrooms, 19,520 asf of offices, and 43,590 asf of research space. The estimated total project cost is $46,929,000 (CCCI 4019), including future state costs of $39,134,000 for construction and $2,000,000 for equipment, which will be matched by $2,000,000 from gift sources for equipment. The amount for construction includes $35,911,000 for construction contracts, $1,720,000 for contingency, and $1,503,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $30,620,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by May 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in May 2002 and be completed by January 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in February 2003 and be completed by August 2005.
20. Santa Barbara Campus: Life Sciences Building. The amount of $1,145,000 is provided for the preparation of working drawings for a new 47,434 asf multidisciplinary instruction and research facility. The project will construct 3,283 asf of classroom space, 2,782 asf of class laboratory and support space, 30,166 asf of research and support space, and 11,203 asf of academic and administrative offices and support spaces. The estimated total project cost is $30,229,000 (CCCI 4019), including future state costs of $25,847,000 for construction and $1,032,000 for equipment, matched by $1,032,000 for equipment from university sources. The amount for construction includes $23,340,000 for construction contracts, $1,167,000 for contingency, and $1,340,000 for project administration costs. The building construction cost is $21,265,000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by June 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by October 2004.
21. Irvine Campus: Rowland Hall Seismic Improvements. The amount of $1,120,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($546,000) and working drawings ($574,000) for seismic corrections to Rowland Hall. The estimated total project cost of $12,457,000 (CCI 4019) includes future costs of $11,337,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $10,234,000 for construction contracts, $512,000 for contingency, and $591,000 for project administration. The building renovation cost is $10,234,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by December 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in December 2001 and be completed by June 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by March 2004.
1. San Francisco Campus: Fresno Medical Center. The amount of $26,000,000 is provided for preparation of working drawings ($1,740,000), construction ($21,098,000), and equipment ($3,162,000) for the 53,755 assignable square feet (asf) UCSF-Fresno Medical Education and Research Center in Fresno, California. The project will provide approximately 22,900 asf of offices and office-based research space, 11,480 asf of conference space and class laboratory space for medical education, 2,725 asf of library space, and 16,650 asf of support space. The estimated total project cost is $27,050,000 (CCCI 4019), including $50,000 for construction from university sources. The amount for construction includes $18,919,000 for construction contracts, $849,000 for contingency, and $1,380,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $17,604,000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in September 2001 and be completed by April 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin in April 2002 and be completed by March 2004.
2. Davis Campus: Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders Institute Facilities. The amount of $30,000,000 is provided for partial construction of a 57,428 asf facility for the Center for the Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (M.I.N.D. Institute) at the UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento. The project will provide research laboratories, clinical and office space, and a resource center containing library and conference space for treatment and research in neurodevelopmental disorders. The estimated total project cost is $38,840,000 (CCCI 4019), including $2,294,000 from hospital reserves and $3,000,000 General Fund (see Item 6440-301-0001). The amount for construction includes $30,626,000 for construction contracts, $1,112,000 for contingency, and $3,556,000 for project administration. The building cost is $25,340,000. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by February 2003.
3. Merced Campus: Site Development and Infrastructure, Phase 1. The amount of $37,012,000 is provided for construction of utilities, roadways, and other infrastructure. Total estimated project cost is $47,012,000 (CCCI 4019) including $10,000,000 previously funded for preliminary plans, working drawings, and partial construction. The amount for construction includes $39,424,000 for construction contracts, $1,988,000 for contingency, and $1,792,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by February 2003.
4. Merced Campus: Science and Engineering Building. The amount of $68,946,000 is provided for construction ($56,648,000) and equipment ($12,298,000) for a 100,000 asf building containing 62,298 asf of research laboratories, 27,680 asf of teaching laboratories, 3,962 asf of administrative offices, 4,680 asf vivarium, and 750 asf other spaces. Total project cost is $74,046,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($2,500,000) and working drawings ($2,600,000). The amount for construction includes $51,450,000 for construction contracts, $2,650,000 for project administration, and $2,548,000 for contingency. Preliminary plans were scheduled to begin February 2001 and be completed by October 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to begin October 2001 and be completed by July 2002. Construction is scheduled to start July 2002 and be completed by July 2004.
5. Merced Campus: Library/Information Technology Center. The amount of $52,600,000 is provided for construction ($40,302,000) and equipment ($12,298,000) for a 120,000 asf building. During the years 2004-05 through 2009-10, 87,181 asf of the building will be used for library purposes and 32,819 asf for administrative offices. It is anticipated that the entire 120,000 asf will be used for library purposes by 2014-15. Total project cost is $56,500,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($1,800,000) and working drawings ($2,100,000). The amount for construction includes $36,400,000 for construction contracts, $2,070,000 for project administration, and $1,832,000 for contingency. Preliminary plans were scheduled to begin February 2001 and be completed by October 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to begin October 2001 and be completed by July 2002. Construction is scheduled to start July 2002 and be completed by July 2004.
1. Berkeley Campus: Stanley Hall Seismic Mitigation. The amount of $2,157,000 is provided for working drawings for mitigation of the seismic hazard in 42,515 assignable square feet (asf) Stanley Hall on the Berkeley campus. The state funds will be used to supplement and support other funds to replace the building with a larger modern biological science complex that would solve the seismic problem and address other needs in the biology program. The estimated total project cost of $18,994,000 (CCCI 4019) includes future costs of $16,737,000 for construction. Gift sources have provided $725,000 for preliminary plans. The amount for construction includes $15,864,000 for construction contracts, $850,000 for contingency, and $23,000 for project administration. The building cost for mitigation is $15,864,000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by June 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by January 2005.
2. Davis Campus: Sciences Laboratory Building. The amount of $44,336,000 is provided for construction for a 81,384 asf facility to house class laboratories, supporting academic spaces, and a 500-seat lecture hall on the Davis campus. The project will provide 60,055 asf of class laboratories and associated support space, 7,040 asf of classroom space, and 14,289 of instructional support space. The estimated total project cost is $48,850,000 (CCCI 4019). University sources have provided $340,000 for preliminary plans. The amount for construction includes $40,628,000 for construction contracts, $2,031,000 for contingency, and $1,339,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $37,925,000. Construction is scheduled to begin in March 2002 and be completed by April 2005.
3. Santa Cruz Campus: Seismic Corrections, Phase 2. The amount of $4,522,000 is provided for working drawings ($274,000) and construction ($4,248,000) to correct seismic deficiencies at Thimann Lecture Hall, Stevenson College Academic Building, Hahn Student Services, and the Cookhouse. The estimated total project cost is $5,063,000 (CCCI 4019). University sources have provided $300,000 for preliminary plans and will provide $14,000 for working drawings and $227,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $4,054,000 for construction contracts, $205,000 for contingency, and $216,000 for project administration. The building renovation cost is $4,054,000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by December 2001. Construction is scheduled to begin in December 2001 and be completed by April 2003.
4. Irvine Campus: GSM Building Seismic Improvements. The amount of $1,309,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans ($90,000) and working drawings ($70,000), and construction ($1,149,000) of seismic corrections to the Graduate School of Management (GSM) Building on the Irvine campus. The project will upgrade the lateral load-resisting system of the building by strengthening beam-to-column connections, correcting structural discontinuities, and reinforcing the fourth-floor framing. The project will also include mandatory accessibility and fire and life safety corrections. The estimated total project cost is $1,309,000 (CCCI 4019). The amount for construction includes $1,036,000 for construction contracts, $52,000 for contingency, and $61,000 for project administration. The building renovation cost is $1,036,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by November 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in November 2001 and be completed by March 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin in March 2002 and be completed by January 2003.
5. Irvine Campus: Natural Sciences Unit 2. The amount of $4,649,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans ($3,237,000) and working drawings ($1,412,000) for the 69,170 asf Natural Sciences Unit 2 building on the Irvine campus. The project will support growth in the School of Biological Sciences and the Departments of Chemistry, Physics, and Astronomy in the College of Physical Sciences. The building will provide 43,950 asf of research laboratory space, 10,120 asf of scholarly activity space, and 15,100 asf of office space and will expand and renovate the existing animal facility located in Biosciences unit 2. The estimated total project cost of $63,467,000 (CCCI 4019) includes future state costs of $51,644,000 for construction and $3,587,000 for equipment, which will be matched by $3,587,000 for equipment from university sources. The amount for construction includes $46,908,000 for construction contracts, $1,876,000 for contingency, and $2,860,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $43,091,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed by February 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in February 2002 and be completed by July 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by March 2005.
6. Agriculture and Natural Resources: Desert REC Laboratory and Office Facility. The amount of $1,344,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans ($40,000) and working drawings ($54,000) and for construction ($1,250,000) of a 3,500 asf facility to replace deficient laboratory space at the Desert Research and Extension Center (Desert REC) near El Centro, California. The facility will provide chemical and biological research laboratories and offices for research scientists. The estimated total project cost is $1,444,000 (CCCI 4019), including future equipment costs of $100,000 provided from university sources. The amount for construction includes $1,138,000 for construction contracts, $48,000 for contingency, and $64,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $1,032,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2001 and be completed in October 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in October 2001 and be completed by March 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin in March 2002 and be completed by September 2003.
1. Architectural Engineering Services. The California State University (CSU) shall report to the Legislature by November 1, 2001 on the basic and nonbasic architectural engineering services utilized in development of capital outlay projects. Basic services shall be the architectural, civil, mechanical, electrical, and structural design services necessary to design and construct buildings and other infrastructure. Nonbasic services are additional specialty consultants and other services that are required to complete the design and support construction of the facility. The CSU, the Legislative Analyst's Office, and the Department of Finance shall concur on the goals and content of the report, including the types of projects and time period to be reviewed (for example, projects within the last five years).
2. Year-Round Operation. Using enrollment growth estimates provided by the California Postsecondary Education Commission, the University of California (UC), and CSU shall establish five-year capital outlay plans based on goals at each campus for summer enrollment, with the intent of minimizing the need to construct new instructional facilities, to the extent feasible. It is the intent of the Legislature that UC and CSU not limit summer enrollment.
3. Five-Year Plan: Temporary Buildings. It is the intent of the Legislature that the California Community Colleges, the CSU, and UC shall include as part of their annual five-year plans an inventory of temporary buildings that shall include the age of construction, usage, and condition of each building. It is further the intent of the Legislature that each segment of higher education shall confirm that a temporary building scheduled for demolition is actually demolished, especially when disposition of existing temporary buildings is a rationale for a proposed state-funded capital outlay project. Such temporary buildings shall not be relocated on that campus, used for other purposes on that campus, or used as the rationale for other capital outlay projects in the future on that campus.
4. Bakersfield: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $276,000 is provided for working drawings for telecommunications infrastructure. Total estimated project cost is $5,644,000 (CCCI 4019), including preliminary plans ($32,000 nonstate) and construction ($5,336,000). The amount for construction includes $4,361,000 for construction contracts, $305,000 for contingency, $155,000 for project administration, and $515,000 for other costs. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by June 2002.
5. Maritime Academy: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $2,077,000 is provided for working drawings ($30,000) and construction ($2,047,000) for telecommunications infrastructure. Total estimated project cost is $2,208,000 (CCCI 4019) including working drawings ($131,000). The amount for construction includes $1,529,000 for construction contracts, $107,000 for contingency, $64,000 for project administration, and $347,000 for other costs. Working drawings are scheduled to be completed by August 2001. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2001 and be completed by May 2003.
6. Fresno: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $655,000 is provided for working drawings for telecommunications infrastructure. Total estimated project cost is $18,804,000 (CCCI 4019) including construction ($18,149,000). The amount for construction includes $15,330,000 for construction contracts, $1,073,000 for contingency, $433,000 for project administration, and $1,313,000 for other costs. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by June 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2002 and be completed by August 2004.
7. Fullerton: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $321,000 is provided for working drawings for telecommunications infrastructure. Total estimated project cost is $7,045,000 (CCCI 4019) including construction ($6,724,000). The amount for construction includes $5,560,000 for construction contracts, $389,000 for contingency, $186,000 for project administration, and $589,000 for other costs. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by June 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2002 and be completed by May 2004.
8. Hayward: Telecommunications Infrastructure, Phase II. The amount of $8,971,000 is provided for working drawings ($85,000) and construction ($8,886,000) for telecommunications infrastructure. Total estimated project cost is $9,197,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($226,000). Construction is scheduled to be completed by May 2004.
9. Humboldt: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $6,395,000 is provided for partial working drawings ($68,000) and construction ($6,327,000) for telecommunications infrastructure. Total estimated project cost is $7,283,000 (CCCI 4019), including preliminary plans ($551,000) and partial working drawings ($337,000). The amount for construction includes $5,220,000 for construction contracts, $365,000 for contingency, $159,000 for project administration, and $583,000 for other costs. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by August 2001, and construction is scheduled to begin in September 2001 and be completed by May 2003.
10. Monterey Bay: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $420,000 is provided for working drawings for telecommunications infrastructure. Total estimated project cost is $11,408,000 (CCCI 4019) including construction ($10,988,000). The amount for construction includes $9,241,000 for construction contracts, $647,000 for contingency, $273,000 for project administration, and $827,000 for other costs. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by June 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2002 and be completed by August 2004.
11. Sacramento: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $17,603,000 is provided for partial working drawings ($266,000) and construction ($17,337,000) for telecommunications infrastructure. Total estimated project cost is $18,297,000 (CCCI 4019), including preliminary plans ($212,000) and partial working drawings ($482,000). The amount for construction includes $14,591,000 for construction contracts, $1,021,000 for contingency, $464,000 for project administration, and $1,261,000 for other costs. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by August 2001. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2001 and be completed by August 2003.
12. San Diego: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $300,000 is provided for working drawings for telecommunications infrastructure. Total estimated project cost is $11,993,000 (CCCI 4019), including preliminary plans ($445,000) and construction ($11,248,000). The amount for construction includes $9,378,000 for construction contracts, $656,000 for contingency, $558,000 for project administration, and $656,000 for other costs. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by June 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2002 and be completed by August 2004.
13. San Francisco: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $509,000 is provided for working drawings for telecommunications infrastructure. Total estimated project cost is $12,446,000 (CCCI 4019), including preliminary plans ($265,000) and construction ($11,672,000). The amount for construction includes $9,755,000 for construction contracts, $683,000 for contingency, $311,000 for project administration, and $923,000 for other costs. Preliminary plans were scheduled to begin August 1996 and be completed by July 2000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by June 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2002 and be completed by August 2004.
14. San Jose: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $296,000 is provided for working drawings for telecommunications infrastructure. Total estimated project cost is $7,304,000 (CCCI 4019) including construction ($7,008,000). The amount for construction includes $5,797,000 for construction contracts, $406,000 for contingency, $189,000 for project administration, and $616,000 for other costs. Preliminary plans are scheduled to be completed by June 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by June 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2002 and be completed by May 2004.
15. San Luis Obispo: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $15,102,000 is provided for partial working drawings ($357,000) and construction ($14,745,000) for telecommunications infrastructure. Total estimated project cost is $15,530,000 (CCCI 4019) including partial working drawings ($428,000). The amount for construction includes $12,398,000 for construction contracts, $868,000 for contingency, $611,000 for project administration, and $868,000 for other costs. Preliminary plans were scheduled to be completed by September 1999. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by August 2001. Construction is scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed by June 2003.
16. San Marcos: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $141,000 is provided for working drawings for telecommunications infrastructure. Total estimated project cost is $2,127,000 (CCCI 4019) including construction ($1,986,000). The amount for construction includes $1,546,000 for construction contracts, $108,000 for contingency, $64,000 for project administration, and $268,000 for other costs. Preliminary plans were scheduled to be completed by July 2000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by June 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2002 and be completed by May 2004.
17. Stanislaus: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $5,477,000 is provided for partial working drawings ($46,000) and construction ($5,431,000) for telecommunications infrastructure. Total estimated project cost is $5,749,000 (CCCI 4019), including preliminary plans ($64,000) and partial working drawings ($208,000). The amount for construction includes $4,511,000 for construction contracts, $306,000 for contingency, $150,000 for project administration, and $464,000 for other costs. Preliminary plans were scheduled to be completed by September 1999. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by September 2001. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2001 and be completed by May 2003.
1. Bakersfield: Computer and Telecommunications Center Facilities Renovation and Addition. The amount of $2,335,000 (CCCI 4019) is provided for preliminary plans ($55,000), working drawings ($68,000), and construction ($2,212,000) (CCCI 4019). The project builds the new 4,800 asf/6,000 gsf telecommunications center addition to Stiern Library and renovates 1,200 asf/1,600 gsf of space in the library. The project will also consolidate and upgrade facilities in Dorothy Donahoe Hall and Science Buildings I and II. The amount for construction includes $1,910,000 for construction contracts, $68,000 for contingency, $30,000 for project administration, and $104,000 for agency retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin September 2001 and be completed by December 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to begin December 2001 and be completed by January 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin by July 2002 and be completed by December 2002.
2. Chico: Utility Infrastructure Expansion. The amount of $4,000,000 is provided for construction of electrical, sewer, water, chilled water, and steam distribution utilities. The total estimated project cost is $4,201,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($80,000) and working drawings ($121,000). The amount for construction includes $3,361,000 for construction contracts, $235,000 for contingency, $168,000 for project administration, and $236,000 for other costs. Preliminary plans were scheduled to begin July 1996 and be completed by March 1997. Working drawings were scheduled to begin March 1997 and be completed by September 2001. Construction is scheduled to begin by December 2001 and be completed by December 2002.
3. Fresno: Science II Replacement Building. The amount of $22,575,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($528,000), working drawings ($622,000), and construction ($21,425,000) of the new 43,000 asf/68,000 gsf science building. The project provides for 52 FTE in instructional space for geology, physics, and psychology and specialized instruction space; replacement space for 1,398 FTE in lecture space; and 109 administrative and faculty offices. The total estimated project cost is $24,533,000 (CCCI 4019) including equipment ($1,958,000). The amount for construction includes $18,649,000 for construction contracts, $990,000 for contingency, $368,000 for project administration, and $1,418,000 for other costs. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin September 2001 and be completed by February 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin April 2002 and be completed by September 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin by March 2003 and be completed by December 2004.
4. Fullerton: Auditorium/Fine Arts Instructional Facility. The amount of $38,919,000 (CCCI 4019) is provided for partial working drawings ($1,788,000) and construction ($37,131,000) for a 61,000 asf (102,000 gsf) project, which will provide a facility accommodating 1,200-seats and associated ancillary space. In addition, this project will provide 359 FTE of lecture classroom, 232 FTE of laboratory space, and 14 faculty offices. The total estimated project cost is $43,546,000 including preliminary plans ($458,000), partial working drawings ($631,000), and equipment ($3,538,000). The amount for construction includes $32,102,000 for construction contracts, $1,614,000 for contingency, and $3,415,000 for other costs. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2001 and be completed by November 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin by February 2003 and be completed by February 2005.
5. Sacramento: Academic Information Resource Center. The amount of $25,496,000 (CCCI 4019) is provided for preliminary plans ($498,000), working drawings ($557,000), and construction ($24,441,000). The 68,000 asf/100,000 gsf project consolidates the university's computing, communications, and telecommunication services, as well as relocates the university's computing and telecommunications equipment center; provides library space; an interactive learning center providing 163 FTE in lecture space; 65 FTE in discipline specific computer laboratories; and 33 offices. The amount for construction includes $21,493,000 for construction contracts, $1,083,000 for contingency, $348,000 for project administration, and $1,517,000 for other costs. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed by April 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin May 2002 and be completed by November 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin by January 2003 and be completed by April 2005.
6. San Bernardino: Science Building Renovation/Addition, Phase I Annex. The amount of $23,594,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($494,000), working drawings ($568,000), and construction ($22,532,000) of the new 36,000 asf/50,000 gsf science annex. The project provides for 837 FTE in instructional space for chemistry, biology, geology, health sciences, and physics; 636 FTE in lecture space; and 37 faculty offices. Total estimated project cost is $25,976,000 (CCCI 4019) including equipment ($2,422,000). The amount for construction includes $19,745,000 for construction contracts, $987,000 for contingency, and $1,800,000 for project administration and other costs. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2001 and completed December 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to be completed by April 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin by September 2002 and be completed by September 2004. Approval of this project does not constitute approval at this time of the renovation portion of this two phase project. A renovation project to the existing Physical and Biological Sciences Buildings (Phase II) will be submitted for approval in a future budget request as a separate project.
7. Channel Islands: Science Laboratory Facility. The amount of $10,000,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($303,000), working drawings ($316,000), and construction ($9,381,000) of an 19,000 asf/30,000 gsf science building. The project provides for 90 FTE in specialized instructional laboratory space for biology, 235 FTE in lecture space, and for 16 administrative and faculty offices. Total estimated project cost is $11,062,000 (CCCI 4019) including equipment ($1,062,000). The amount for construction includes $8,205,000 for construction contracts, $410,000 for contingency, $168,000 for project administration, and $598,000 for other costs. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed by February 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin February 2002 and be completed by May 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin by November 2002 and be completed by January 2004.
1. Five-Year Plan: Temporary Buildings. It is the intent of the Legislature that the California Community Colleges, the California State University, and the University of California shall include as part of their annual five-year plans an inventory of temporary buildings that shall include the age of construction, usage, and condition of each building. It is further the intent of the Legislature that each segment of higher education shall confirm that a temporary building scheduled for demolition is actually demolished, especially when disposition of existing temporary buildings is a rationale for a proposed state-funded capital outlay project. Such temporary buildings shall not be relocated on that campus, used for other purposes on that campus, or used as the rationale for other capital outlay projects in the future on that campus.
2. Allan Hancock Community College District, Allan Hancock College--Library/Media Technology Center. The amount of $317,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a project that expands the existing library by 14,575 asf, reconstructs 19,947 asf, and demolishes 5,009 asf. The new construction includes 1,300 asf of office, 6,475 asf of library, 4,900 AVTV, and 1,900 asf other space. The reconstruction includes 372 asf of office, 18,653 asf of library, and 922 asf of other space; and the demolition includes 1,039 asf of office, 495 asf of library, 3,099 asf of AVTV, and 376 asf of other space. Total estimated project cost is $9,711,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($317,000), working drawings ($315,000), construction ($7,822,000), and equipment ($1,257,000). The amount for construction includes $376,000 for contingency, $432,000 for project administration, and $7,014,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed January 2002.
3. Butte-Glenn Community College District, Butte College--Learning Resource Center. The amount of $597,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a 47,844 asf multistory learning resource building with 11,726 asf for laboratory, 8,692 asf for office, 10,085 asf library, 5,676 asf AVTV, and 11,395 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $18,485,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($597,000), working drawings ($608,000), construction ($15,683,000), and equipment ($1,597,000). The amount for construction includes $708,000 for contingency, $811,000 for project administration, and $14,164,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed March 2002.
4. Cerritos Community College District, Cerritos College--Seismic Retrofit, Administration. The amount of $1,200,000 is provided for construction to correct seismic deficiencies in the 32,378 asf administration building. Space to be renovated includes 16,619 asf office space and 15,759 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $1,301,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($48,000) and working drawings ($53,000). The amount for construction includes $73,000 for contingency, $90,000 for project administration, and $1,037,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings were scheduled to start November 2000 and be completed August 2001, and construction is scheduled to start October 2001 and be completed October 2002.
5. Cerritos Community College District, Cerritos College--Seismic Retrofit, Liberal Arts. The amount of $1,003,000 is provided for construction to correct seismic deficiencies in the 15,762 asf liberal arts instructional building. Space to be renovated includes 9,207 asf lecture, 3,422 asf of labs, 2,331 asf of offices, and 802 asf of other areas. Total estimated project cost is $1,081,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($38,000) and working drawings ($40,000). The amount for construction includes $61,000 for contingency, $65,000 for project administration, and $877,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to be completed October 2001 and construction is scheduled to be completed July 2002.
6. Cerritos Community College District, Cerritos College--Seismic Retrofit, Social Sciences. The amount of $2,441,000 is provided for construction to correct seismic deficiencies in the 38,905 asf three-story social sciences instructional building. Space to be renovated includes 20,609 asf lecture, 7,925 asf of labs, 6,972 asf of offices, 2,700 asf AVTV space, and 699 asf of other areas. Total estimated project cost is $2,618,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($83,000) and working drawings ($94,000). The amount for construction includes $153,000 for contingency, $106,000 for project administration, and $2,182,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to be completed October 2001 and construction is scheduled to be completed July 2002.
7. Cerritos Community College District, Cerritos College--Seismic Retrofit, Metals. The amount of $104,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to produce construction documents that correct seismic deficiencies in an existing 21,607 asf one story instructional building. Total estimated project cost is $1,252,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($49,000), working drawings ($55,000), and construction ($1,148,000). The amount for construction includes $67,000 for contingency, $131,000 for project administration, and $950,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed November 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2001 and be completed September 2002.
8. Cerritos Community College District, Cerritos College--Seismic Retrofit, Electronics. The amount of $68,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to produce construction documents that correct seismic deficiencies in an existing 20,662 asf one-story instructional building. Total estimated project cost is $818,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($32,000), working drawings ($36,000), and construction ($750,000). The amount for construction includes $47,000 for contingency, $115,000 for project administration, and $588,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed November 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2001 and be completed October 2002.
9. Cerritos Community College District, Cerritos College--Science and Math Complex, Life Safety. The amount of $1,214,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to produce construction documents that demolishes two unsafe buildings and constructs a 33,542 asf replacement science and math complex. The space consists of 10,602 asf lecture, 20,480 asf laboratory, and 2,470 asf other areas. Total estimated project cost is $16,281,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($646,000), working drawings ($568,000), construction ($14,646,000), and equipment ($421,000). The amount for construction includes $662,000 for contingency, $742,000 for project administration, and $13,242,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed January 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to start February 2002 and be completed December 2002.
10. Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Las Positas College--Physical Education Complex--Phase I (Gym). The amount of $461,000 is provided for preliminary plans to construct a 42,900 asf gymnasium facility with 17,400 asf gym, 23,916 asf training rooms, lockers and activity rooms; 1,504 asf office; and 80 asf other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $13,423,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($461,000), working drawings ($466,000), construction ($12,015,000), and equipment ($2,401,000). The amount for construction includes $542,000 for contingency, $625,000 for project administration, and $10,848,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed by May 2002.
11. Chaffey Community College District, Chaffey College--Science Building. The amount of $673,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to produce construction documents that constructs a two building science complex totaling 20,202 asf with 2,324 asf lecture, 12,848 asf laboratory, 3,331 asf office, 597 asf library space, and 1,102 asf other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $9,451,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($326,000), working drawings ($347,000), construction ($8,714,000), and equipment ($64,000). The amount for construction includes $349,000 for contingency, $441,000 for project administration, and $7,924,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed January 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to start February 2002 and be completed April 2003.
12. Citrus Community College District, Citrus College--Math / Science Building Replacement. The amount of $788,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to produce construction documents that demolishes three older instructional buildings and constructs a 23,421 asf replacement building with 10,360 asf lecture, 7,000 asf laboratory, 3,227 asf office, and 2,834 asf other space types. Total estimated project cost is $9,226,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($464,000), working drawings ($324,000), construction ($8,324,000), and equipment ($114,000). The amount for construction includes $373,000 for contingency, $483,000 for project administration, and $7,468,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed January 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to start February 2002 and be completed November 2002.
13. Contra Costa Community College District, Diablo Valley College--Life Science Remodel for Labs. The amount of $162,000 is provided for preliminary plans to renovate the life sciences building to provide 14,350 asf consisting of 12,051 asf high-tech labs, 1,474 asf offices, and 825 asf other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $5,344,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($162,000), working drawings ($141,000), construction ($3,657,000), and equipment ($1,384,000). The amount for construction includes $221,000 for contingency, $284,000 for project administration, and $3,152,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed by April 2002.
14. Contra Costa Community College District, Diablo Valley College--Life Sciences Renovation. The amount of $8,730,000 is provided for working drawings and construction to add 600 asf in new space and renovate 25,378 asf in existing space in a life sciences instructional building. The renovated building will result in 4,625 asf lecture, 13,446 asf laboratory, 1,540 asf office, 210 asf library/group study, 120 asf AVTV, 4,717 asf health lab/care, and 720 asf other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $9,621,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($195,000), working drawings ($388,000), construction ($8,342,000), and equipment ($696,000). The amount for construction includes $510,000 for contingency, $499,000 for project administration, and $7,333,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start July 2001 and be completed March 2002. Construction phase is scheduled to begin in May 2002 and be completed by November 2003.
15. Contra Costa Community College District, Diablo Valley College--Seismic Retrofit, Humanities Building. The amount of $894,000 is provided for preliminary plans, working drawings and construction to correct seismic structural deficiencies in the 10,548 asf Humanities Building. Total estimated project cost is $894,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($43,000), working drawings ($37,000), and construction ($814,000). The amount for construction includes $48,000 for contingency, $84,000 for project administration, and $682,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed by October 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to start October 2001 and be completed June 2002. Construction phase is scheduled to begin in August 2002 and be completed by February 2003.
16. Contra Costa Community College District, Los Medanos College--Learning Resource Center. The amount of $359,000 is provided for preliminary plans to construct a 20,363 asf learning resource center consisting of 1,650 asf laboratory, 1,370 asf office, 13,288 asf library/learning resource, 2,915 asf AVTV, and 1,140 asf other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $8,819,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($359,000), working drawings ($284,000), construction ($7,338,000) and equipment ($838,000). The amount for construction includes $328,000 for contingency, $442,000 for project administration, and $6,568,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed by May 2002.
17. Contra Costa Community College District, San Ramon Valley Center--Site Development and Phase I Buildings. The amount of $723,000 is provided for preliminary plans for off- and on-site development and the first phase of buildings (44,435 asf) for the center. New space consists of 9,697 asf lecture, 21,918 asf laboratory, 4,980 asf office, 4,000 asf library/learning resource, 1,960 asf AVTV/distance learning, 1,435 PE/fitness, and 445 asf other. Total estimated project cost is $26,432,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($723,000), working drawings ($1,085,000), construction ($22,223,000), and equipment ($2,401,000). The amount for construction includes $1,005,000 for contingency, $1,125,000 for project administration, and $20,093,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed by May 2002.
18. Desert Community College District, College of the Desert --Seismic Retrofit, Dining Hall. The amount of $78,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to correct seismic structural deficiencies in the 16,000 gsf Dining Hall. Total estimated project cost is $1,067,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($34,000), working drawings ($44,000), and construction ($989,000). The amount for construction includes $56,000 for contingency, $16,000 for project administration, $120,000 for testing and inspection, and $797,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans will begin in July 2001and will be completed in October 2001. Working Drawings will begin in October 2001 and will be completed in May 2002.
19. El Camino Community College District, El Camino College--Science Complex Renovation (H & S). The amount of $14,211,000 is provided for construction to renovate 48,954 asf in three instructional buildings with 42,768 asf for laboratories, 5,366 asf for offices, and 820 asf for other uses. The amount for construction includes $844,000 for contingency, $702,000 for project administration, and $12,625,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to be completed October 2001 and construction is scheduled to be completed September 2002.
20. Glendale Community College District, Glendale College--Allied Health/Aviation Lab. The amount of $340,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a project that demolishes a 16,084 asf building built in 1954 and builds a 28,117 asf replacement facility in the same location. The new building will contain 2,805 asf lecture; 11,665 asf laboratory; 3,014 asf offices; and 10,633 asf institution maintenance, shipping, and receiving areas. Total estimated project cost is $9,868,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($340,000), working drawings ($332,000), construction ($8,621,000), and equipment ($575,000). The amount for construction includes $385,000 for contingency, $536,000 for project administration, and $7,700,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed January 2002.
21. Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District, Cuyamaca College--Science and Technology Mall. The amount of $543,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a 59,668 asf science and technology mall with 24,362 asf for laboratory, 3,067 asf for office, and 11,139 asf for other types of space. Total estimated project cost is $19,454,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($543,000), working drawings ($562,000), construction ($14,499,000), and equipment ($3,850,000). The amount for construction includes $654,000 for contingency, $760,000 for project administration, and $13,085,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed March 2002.
22. Grossmont Community College District, Grossmont College--New Science Building. The amount of $397,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a 26,315 asf science building with 20,285 asf for laboratory, 1,760 asf for office, and 4,270 asf for other types of space. Total estimated project cost is $12,997,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($397,000), working drawings ($439,000), construction ($11,325,000), and equipment ($816,000). The amount for construction includes $509,000 for contingency, $627,000 for project administration, and $10,189,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed March 2002.
23. Hartnell Community College District, Hartnell College--Library/Learning Resource Center Complex. The amount of $738,000 is provided for preliminary plans to demolish the existing library, along with the adjacent small amphitheater, utility tunnel, and walkways, and construct a 52,595 asf learning resource center, consisting of 19,936 asf library, 3,848 asf laboratory, 3,013 office, 6,876 asf AVTV, and 18,922 asf independent study area and other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $21,626,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($738,000), working drawings ($690,000), construction ($17,778,000), and equipment ($2,420,000). The amount for construction includes $805,000 for contingency, $867,000 for project administration, and $16,106,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed by May 2002.
24. Lake Tahoe Community College District, Lake Tahoe College--Library/Learning Resource Center Complex. The amount of $407,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a 19,567 asf learning resource center with 300 asf for office, 9,750 asf library, 5,082 asf AVTV, and 4,435 asf for other types of space. This project also includes a 1,100 asf district funded Art Gallery. Total state estimated project cost is $6,897,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($407,000), working drawings ($214,000), construction ($5,497,000), and equipment ($779,000). The amount for construction includes $246,000 for contingency, $362,000 for project administration, and $4,889,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed March 2002.
25. Long Beach Community College District, Long Beach City College--Replacement of Technology Buildings. The amount of $737,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to produce construction documents that demolishes two unsafe buildings totaling 22,942 asf and constructs a 23,000 asf replacement facility with 1,500 asf for lecture, 20,625 asf for instructional laboratories, and 875 asf for offices. Total estimated project cost is $8,882,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($422,000), working drawings ($315,000), construction ($8,135,000), and equipment ($10,000). The amount for construction includes $364,000 for contingency, $496,000 for project administration, and $7,275,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed December 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to start January 2002 and be completed December 2002.
26. Long Beach Community College District, Long Beach City College--Child Development Center. The amount of $3,840,000 is provided for working drawings and construction to design and construct a 11,300 asf two building child development instructional complex with 900 asf for laboratory, 1,250 asf for office and 9,150 asf for other types of space. Total estimated project cost is $4,134,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($102,000), working drawings ($232,000), construction ($3,608,000), and equipment ($192,000). The amount for construction includes $161,000 for contingency, $231,000 for project administration, and $3,216,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to be completed September 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to start October 2001 and be completed May 2002 and construction is scheduled to be completed July 2003.
27. Los Angeles Community College District, East Los Angeles College Technology Center. The amount of $16,269,000 is provided for construction of a 60,611 asf instructional building to replace temporary buildings and renovates 17,332 asf of existing space. The project constructs 8,733 asf of lecture space, 44,387 asf of laboratories, and 4,777 asf of office space. The renovation activates 12,707 asf of lecture, 1,969 asf of laboratories, and 2,656 asf of office space. The project demolishes 60,643 asf of existing space including 34,854 asf of lecture space, 5,684 asf of laboratories, and 13,124 asf of office space. Total estimated project cost is $16,269,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($640,000), working drawings ($631,000), construction ($16,269,000), and equipment ($1,945,000). The amount for construction includes $749,000 for contingency, $830,000 for project administration, and $14,690,000 for construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed by March 2003.
28. Los Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles City College--Child Development Center. The amount of $404,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to construct an 18,875 asf child development center. The project includes 4,243 asf lecture, 2,126 asf laboratories, 2,466 asf office, and 10,040 asf of other child development space. Total estimated project cost is $5,167,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($225,000), working drawings ($179,000), construction ($4,580,000), and equipment ($183,000). The amount for construction includes $204,000 for contingency, $296,000 for project administration, and $4,080,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start July 2001 and be completed October 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to start October 2001 and be completed May 2002.
29. Los Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles Mission College--Child Development Center. The amount of $300,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a child development building. Total estimated project cost is $6,202,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($286,000), working drawings ($484,000), construction ($5,070,000), and equipment ($362,000). Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed March 2002.
30. Los Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles Southwest College--Child Development Center. The amount of $230,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a 13,075 asf child development building with 1,140 asf for laboratory, 620 asf for office and 11,315 asf for other types of space. Total estimated project cost is $4,874,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($230,000), working drawings ($162,000), construction ($4,115,000), and equipment ($367,000). The amount for construction includes $183,000 for contingency, $263,000 for project administration, and $3,669,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed March 2002.
31. Los Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Building F Mechanical System Conversion. The amount of $955,000 is provided for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to provide ventilation of 141,529 asf for auto technology, metal shops, and general classrooms. Total estimated project cost is $955,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($38,000), working drawings ($40,000), and construction ($877,000). The amount for construction includes $50,000 for contingency, $107,000 for project administration, and $720,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start July 2001 and be completed November 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2001 and be completed April 2002. Construction phase is scheduled to begin May 2002 and be completed February 2003.
32. Los Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles Trade Tech College--Child Development Center. The amount of $215,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a 9,282 asf child development building with 926 asf for office and 8,356 asf for other types of space. Total estimated project cost is $4,183,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($215,000), working drawings ($114,000), construction ($3,641,000), and equipment ($210,000). The amount for construction includes $313,000 for contingency, $199,000 for project administration, and $3,129,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed March 2002.
33. Los Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles Valley College--Health Sciences Building. The amount of $661,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a 30,288 asf health sciences building with 3,045 asf lecture, 21,839 asf for laboratory, and 5,404 asf for other types of space. Total estimated project cost is $15,310,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($661,000), working drawings ($435,000), construction ($11,206,000), and equipment ($3,008,000). The amount for construction includes $507,000 for contingency, $637,000 for project administration, and $10,062,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed March 2002.
34. Los Rios Community College District, American River College--Learning Resource Center Expansion. The amount of $343,000 is provided for preliminary plans to reconstruct 7,712 asf and add 12,462 asf to the existing library. Reconstructed space provides 450 asf office, 6,082 asf library/learning resources, 520 asf AVTV and 660 asf meeting room spaces. The addition provides 98 asf office, 10,916 asf library/learning resources, 480 asf AVTV, 840 asf storage and 128 asf of other. Total project space is 20,174 asf. Total estimated project cost is $9,718,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($343,000), working drawings ($310,000), construction ($7,971,000), and equipment ($1,094,000). The amount for construction includes $359,000 for contingency, $429,000 for project administration, and $7,183,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed by February 2002.
35. Los Rios Community College District, Folsom Lake Center--Instructional Facilities, Phase 1B. The amount of $1,353,000 is provided for working drawings to develop the second phase for this site. The project provides 63,050 asf of new space, including 11,540 asf lecture, 27,310 asf laboratory, 8,480 asf office, 13,720 asf library, 1,000 asf AVTV, and 1,000 asf other spaces; and 1,940 asf of existing space will be remodeled into office space. Total estimated project cost is $38,660,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($1,537,000), working drawings ($1,353,000), construction ($28,217,000), and equipment ($7,553.000). The amount for construction includes $1,234,000 for contingency, $1,314,000 for project administration, and $25,669,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed July 2002.
36. Mendocino-Lake Community College District, Mendocino College Science Building. The amount of $267,000 is provided for working drawings to construct an 13,000 asf science building, which will include 9,600 asf laboratory, 2,200 asf office, 400 asf storage space, and 800 asf library space. Total estimated project costs include $6,349,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction and $674,000 (EPI 2564) for equipment. Construction costs include $5,684,000 for construction contracts (building cost is $4,815,000), $284,000 for contingency, $114,000 for construction management, $91,000 for contract administration, $176,000 for testing and inspection. Working Drawings will begin in August 2001 and will be completed in June 2002. Construction phase is anticipated to begin in August 2002 and be completed in December 2003.
37. Merced Community College District, Merced College --Interdisciplinary Academic Center. The amount of $301,000 is provided for working drawings to construct a 22,986 asf instructional facility with 7,497 asf lecture, 5,602 asf laboratory, 5,029 asf office, 2,321 asf AVTV, and 2,537 asf other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $9,605,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($276,000), working drawings ($301,000), construction ($7,781,000), and equipment ($1,247,000). The amount for construction includes $349,000 for contingency, $448,000 for project administration, and $6,984,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start July 2001 and be completed July 2002.
38. Monterey Peninsula Community College District, Monterey Peninsula College Plant Services Complex (H & S). The amount of $2,280,000 is provided for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction of a 12,229 asf plant services complex. The project includes 2,349 asf office and 9,880 of other warehouse space. The secondary effect will demolish the old facilities of 11,112 asf with 1,193 asf office and 9,929 asf of other space at local expense. Total estimated project cost is $2,350,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($70,000), working drawings ($84,000), construction ($2,126,000), and equipment ($70,000). The amount for construction includes $93,000 for contingency, $180,000 for project administration, and $1,853,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start July 2001 and be completed September 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to start September 2001 and be completed January 2002. Construction phase is scheduled to begin April 2002 and be completed April 2003.
39. Mt. San Antonio Community College District, Mt. San Antonio College--Seismic Retrofit, Four Buildings. The amount of $178,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to seismically retrofit four buildings (1B-3, 1C-1, 5, and 5A). Total estimated project cost is $2,058,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($89,000), working drawings ($89,000), and construction ($1,880,000). The amount for construction includes $116,000 for contingency, $112,000 for project administration, and $1,652,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed September 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to start October 2001 and be completed June 2002.
40. Mt. San Antonio Community College District, Mt. San Antonio College--Science Building Replacement. The amount of $1,485,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to construct a new 41,750 asf science building. Space to be constructed includes 36,248 asf of labs, 4,448 asf of offices, and 1,054 asf of other areas. Total estimated project cost is $20,684,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($753,000), working drawings ($732,000), construction ($18,879,000), and equipment ($320,000). The amount for construction includes $855,000 for contingency, $921,000 for project administration, and $17,103,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed December 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to start January 2002 and be completed June 2002.
41. Mt. San Jacinto Community College District, Menifee Valley Center--Learning Resource Center. The amount of $704,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings for a 27,750 asf Learning Resource Center including 12,135 asf library, 2,100 asf laboratory, 6,635 asf AVTV, 700 asf office and 6,180 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $11,252,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($349,000), working drawings ($355,000), construction ($9,136,000), and equipment ($1,412,000). The amount for construction includes $411,000 for contingency, $498,000 for project administration, and $8,227,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed December 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2001 and be completed March 2002.
42. North Orange County Community College District, Cypress College--Library/Learning Resource Center. The amount of $650,000 is provided for preliminary plans to construct a 43,470 asf library/learning resource center with 29,310 asf library, 7,970 asf laboratory, 3,990 asf AVTV, 1,700 asf office, and 500 asf other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $14,545,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($650,000), working drawings ($499,000), construction ($12,885,000), and equipment ($511,000). The amount for construction includes $581,000 for contingency, $681,000 for project administration, and $11,623,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed by March 2002.
43. North Orange County Community College District, Fullerton College--Library/Learning Resource Center. The amount of $1,384,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to construct a 54,645 asf library/learning resource center with 36,760 asf library, 11,200 asf laboratory, 3,190 asf AVTV, 2,345 asf office, and 1,150 asf other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $17,702,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($767,000), working drawings ($617,000), construction ($15,926,000), and equipment ($392,000). The amount for construction includes $720,000 for contingency, $809,000 for project administration, and $14,397,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed by February 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to start February 2002 and be completed April 2003.
44. North Orange Community College District, Fullerton College--Seismic Retrofit, Home-Fine Arts Building. The amount of $2,533,000 is for provided working drawings and construction for the correction of seismic structural deficiencies in the 27,214 asf Home-Fine Arts Building. Total estimated project cost is $2,533,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($133,000 local funds), working drawings ($112,000), and construction ($2,421,000). The amount for construction includes $150,000 for contingency, $127,000 for project administration, and $2,144,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2001 and be completed June 2002. Construction phase is scheduled to begin in August 2002 and be completed by May 2003.
45. Palo Verde Community College District, Palo Verde College--Technology Building, 40.37.102. The amount of $292,000 is provided for preliminary plans to construct a 19,500 asf technology building, including 15,211 asf laboratory space for trades, 884 asf for offices, and 3,425 asf for media services. Total estimated future cost is $7,928,000 (CCCI 4019) including $292,000 for preliminary plans; $246,000 for working drawings; $6,329,000 for construction, which includes $5,653,000 for construction contracts (building cost is $5,129,000), $283,000 for contingency, $113,000 for construction management, $90,000 for contract administration, $190,000 for testing and inspection, and $1,061,000 for equipment (EPI 2564). Preliminary plans will begin in July 2001 and will be completed in January 2002.
46. Palomar Community College District, Palomar College High Tech Laboratory/Classroom Building. The amount of $1,063,000 is provided for working drawings to construct a 67,313 asf Laboratory/Classroom building, including 37,025 asf laboratory and service, 8,314 asf classroom, 16,052 asf office and service, and 5,922 asf conference and other space. The estimated future costs include $27,956,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction which includes $25,360,000 for construction contracts (building cost is $22,836,000), $1,268,000 for contingency, $486,000 for construction management, $406,000 for contract administration, and $436,000 for testing and inspection. Working Drawings will begin in August 2001 and will be completed in May 2002. Construction phase is anticipated to begin in July 2003 and will be completed in September 2005.
47. Rancho Santiago Community College District, Santa Ana College--Seismic Replacement/Expansion Physical Education. The amount of $225,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a project that plans both the construction of a 9,894 asf men's physical education shower/locker facility that replaces a 6,662 asf unsafe building, and the renovation of 9,045 asf in the women's shower/locker facility and the gymnasium that provides visiting team shower/locker facilities. The construction creates 1,792 asf of lecture space, 1,332 asf of office space, and 6,770 asf of physical education service space, and the renovation addresses 985 asf of office space and 8,060 asf of physical education space. Total estimated project cost is $5,972,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($225,000), working drawings ($223,000), construction ($5,459,000), and equipment ($65,000). The amount for construction includes $269,000 for contingency, $374,000 for project administration, and $4,816,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed January 2002.
48. Rancho Santiago Community College District, Santiago Canyon College--Learning Resource Center. The amount of $312,000 is provided for working drawings to produce construction documents that constructs a 29,329 asf learning resource center with 20,203 asf for library; 4,928 asf for AVTV; 2,913 asf for offices; 794 asf for laboratory; and 491 for other uses. Total estimated project cost is $9,565,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($278,000), working drawings ($312,000), construction ($8,099,000), and equipment ($876,000). The amount for construction includes $365,000 for contingency, $434,000 for project administration, and $7,300,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed March 2002.
49. Rancho Santiago Community College District, Santa Ana College--Seismic Retrofit, Auto Diesel. The amount of $718,000 is provided for construction to correct seismic deficiencies in the 17,841 asf Auto-Diesel instructional facility to meet minimum seismic building codes. The amount for construction includes $43,000 for contingency, $60,000 for project administration, and $615,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to be completed October 2001 and construction is scheduled to be completed July 2002.
50. Rancho Santiago Community College District, Santa Ana College--Seismic Retrofit, Library. The amount of $1,933,000 is provided for construction to correct seismic deficiencies in the 40,469 asf Library building to meet minimum seismic building codes. Total estimated project cost is $2,091,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($68,000), and working drawings ($90,000). The amount for construction includes $117,000 for contingency, $134,000 for project administration, and $1,682,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to be completed December 2001 and construction is scheduled to be completed August 2002.
51. Riverside Community College District, Moreno Valley Campus--Child Development Center, 40.44.207. The amount of $67,000 is provided for preliminary plans to build a 6,200 asf Child Development Center that will include 900 asf administrative space, 600 asf kitchen space, and 3,500 asf demonstration space. Total estimated project cost is $2,222,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans $67,000, working drawings $65,000, construction $1,932,000, and equipment $158,000 (EPI 2564). The amount for construction includes $1,932,000 for construction contracts, $87,000 for contingency, $28,000 for project administration, and $87,000 for testing and inspection. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2001.
52. Riverside Community College District, Norco Valley Campus--Child Development Center, 40.44.307. The amount of $76,000 is provided for preliminary plans to build a 6,200 asf Child Development Center that will include 900 asf administrative space, 600 asf kitchen space, and 3,500 asf demonstration space. Total estimated project cost is $2,379,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans $76,000, working drawings $70,000, construction $2,075,000, and equipment $158,000 (EPI 2564). The amount for construction includes $1,863,000 for construction contracts, $93,000 for contingency, $30,000 for project administration, and $89,000 for testing and inspection. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2001.
53. Riverside Community College District, Riverside College--Learning Resource Center. The amount of $21,093,000 is provided for construction to build a 74,466 asf Learning Resource Center that will include 42,598 asf library, reference, and support; 11,500 asf computer lab; 3,050 asf classroom; 3,470 asf office and support; 4,890 asf media/support; 2,748 asf printing and duplication; and 6,210 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $25,320,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans $918,000, working drawings $775,000 (local funds), construction $21,093,000, and equipment ($2,534,000). The amount for construction includes $19,118,000 for construction contracts, $956,000 for contingency, $382,000 for construction management, $306,000 for project administration, and $331,000 for testing and inspection. Construction phase is scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed by August 2003.
54. San Bernardino Community College District, San Bernardino Valley College--Child Development Center. The amount of $3,040,000 is provided for working drawings and construction of a 9,467 asf instructional facility for the child development program. The project constructs 7,768 asf laboratory/demonstration, 615 asf office, and 1,084 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $3,224,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($59,000), working drawings ($118,000), construction ($2,922,000), and equipment ($125,000). The amount for construction includes $132,000 for contingency, $159,000 for project administration, and $2,631,000 for construction contracts. Estimated building construction cost is $2,095,000. Construction phase is scheduled to begin February 2002 and be completed by February 2003.
55. San Bernardino Community College District, San Bernardino Valley College--Seismic Retrofit, Auditorium. The amount of $3,479,000 is provided for construction to correct seismic deficiencies in the Auditorium building. Total estimated project cost is $3,760,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($137,000), working drawings ($145,000), and construction ($3,479,000). The amount for construction includes $218,000 for contingency, $149,000 for project administration, and $3,112,000 for construction contracts. Estimated building construction cost is $3,112,000. Construction phase is scheduled to begin June 2002 and be completed by January 2003.
56. San Bernardino Community College District, San Bernardino Valley College Seismic Retrofit, Business Building. The amount of $1,996,000 is provided for construction to correct seismic deficiencies in the Business building. Total estimated project cost is $2,165,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($85,000), working drawings ($84,000), and construction ($1,996,000). The amount for construction includes $123,000 for contingency, $109,000 for project administration, and $1,764,000 for construction contracts. Estimated building construction cost is $1,764,000. Construction phase is scheduled to begin June 2002 and be completed by January 2003.
57. San Bernardino Community College District, San Bernardino Valley College--Seismic Retrofit, Technical Building. The amount of $843,000 is provided for construction to correct seismic deficiencies in the Technical building. Total estimated project cost is $922,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($43,000), working drawings ($36,000), and construction ($843,000). The amount for construction includes $51,000 for contingency, $64,000 for project administration, and $728,000 for construction contracts. Estimated building construction cost is $728,000. Construction phase is scheduled to begin February 2002 and be completed by July 2002.
58. San Bernardino Community College District, San Bernardino Valley College--Seismic Replacement, Campus Center. The amount of $61,000 is provided for working drawings for a 26,345 asf seismic replacement building for the Campus Center. The replacement is a FEMA project and the state cost reflects 25 percent of state eligible costs. Total estimated project cost is $6,853,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($378,000 FEMA funded), working drawings ($243,000--$182,000 FEMA funded, $61,000 state funded), and construction ($6,232,000 -- $4,579,000 FEMA funded, $1,653,000 state funded). The amount for construction includes $279,000 contingency, $378,000 for project administration, and $5,575,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed February 2002.
59. San Bernardino Community College District, San Bernardino Valley College--Seismic Replacement, Administration. The amount of $91,000 is provided for working drawings for a 24,123 asf seismic replacement building for the administrative functions at the campus. The replacement is a FEMA project and the State cost reflects 25 percent of State eligible costs. Total estimated project cost is $10,162,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($487,000 FEMA funded), working drawings ($362,000--$271,000 FEMA funded, $91,000 state funded) and construction ($9,313,000--$6,863,000 FEMA funded, $2,450,000 state funded). The amount for construction includes $419,000 contingency, $508,000 for project administration, and $8,386,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start February 2002 and be completed August 2002.
60. San Diego Community College District, District Office Seismic Retrofit, Headquarters Building. The amount of $3,503,000 is provided for construction of seismic strengthening the 46,370 asf district headquarters to meet the code requirements for structural safety. Total estimated cost is $3,802,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($137,000), working drawings ($162,000), and construction ($3,503,000). The amount for construction includes $212,000 for contingency, $253,000 for project administration, and $3,038,000 for construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed by September 2002.
61. San Diego Community College District, Centre City Center Seismic Retrofit, Administration Building. The amount of $2,599,000 is provided for construction of seismic strengthening of Building 136. Total estimated cost is $2,526,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($158,000), working drawings ($120,000), and construction ($2,500,000). The amount for construction includes $160,000 for contingency, $151,000 for project administration, and $2,288,000 for construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed by January 2002.
62. San Francisco Community College District, City College of San Francisco, Chinatown Campus Building. The amount of $1,334,000 is provided for preliminary plans to construct a 91,170 asf complete campus building. The project includes 16,000 asf classrooms, 24,360 asf laboratory, 15,750 asf office and administrative support space, 11,000 asf library, 1,000 asf AVTV, and 23,060 asf of conference and other space. Total estimated state-funded project cost is $35,699,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($1,334,000), working drawings ($1,185,000), construction ($30,047,000), and equipment ($3,133,000). The amount for construction includes $1,140,000 for contingency, $1,429,000 for project administration, and $27,208,000 for construction contracts. In addition to State funds, the San Francisco Community College District is providing an estimated $18,600,000 for the project. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed August 2002.
63. San Francisco Community College District, City College of San Francisco, Mission Campus Building. The amount of $190,000 is provided for working drawings to construct a 76,181asf complete campus facility. The project includes 11,415 asf classroom space, 25,006 asf laboratory space, 14,160 asf office and administrative support space, 6,900 asf library space, 840 asf AVTV space and 17, 860 conference and other space. Total estimated state-funded project cost is $31,847,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($1,069,000), working drawings ($1,090,000) construction ($27,618,050) and equipment ($2,070,000). The amount for construction includes $1,252,000 for contingency, $1,327,000 for project administration, and $27,618,000 for construction contracts. In addition to State funds, the San Francisco Community College District is providing an estimated $9,700,000 for the project. Working drawings are scheduled to start July 2001 and be completed June 2002.
64. San Joaquin Delta Community College District, San Joaquin Delta College--Electrical System Infrastructure. The amount of $288,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to correct the electrical deficiencies and safety issues on five buildings on campus totaling 372,154 asf. Total estimated project cost is $3,054,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($160,000), working drawings ($128,000), and construction ($2,766,000). The amount for construction includes $168,000 for contingency, $198,000 for project administration, and $2,400,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed by December 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to start January 2002 and be completed June 2002.
65. San Luis Obispo County Community College District, Cuesta College Library Addition Reconstruction. The amount of $450,000 is provided for working drawings to reconstruct 24,588 asf and construct 25,029 asf library facility. The renovation project includes 1,625 asf laboratory, 3,948 asf office, 15,943 asf library and 3,072 asf other space. The new construction project includes 2,991 asf office, 13,208 asf library, 6,211 asf AVTV and 2,619 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $13,006,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($472,000), working drawings ($450,000), construction ($10,563,000), and equipment ($1,521,000). The amount for construction includes $531,000 for contingency, $163,000 for project administration, and $9,493,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed May 2002.
66. San Luis Obispo County Community College District, Cuesta College--Theater Arts Building. The amount of $472,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a 24,193 asf theater arts building with 199 asf for office and 23,994 asf for theater arts space. Total estimated project cost is $12,534,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($472,000), working drawings ($397,000), construction ($10,215,000), and equipment ($1,450,000). The amount for construction includes $460,000 for contingency, $560,000 for project administration, and $9,195,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed March 2002.
67. San Luis Obispo County Community College District, North County Center Initial Building-Science Cluster. The amount of $647,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to construct a 23,764 asf science and mathematics building. The project contains 2,990 asf office, 4,466 asf lecture, 15,580 laboratory, and 428 asf other support space. Total estimated project cost is $10,404,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($334,000), working drawings ($313,000), construction ($8,107,000), and equipment ($1,650,000). The amount for construction includes $362,000 for contingency, $513,000 for project administration, and $7,232,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start July 2001 and be complete October 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to start November 2001 and be completed May 2002.
68. San Mateo Community College District, College of San Mateo--Seismic Retrofit, Student Services Building #6. The amount of $353,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($207,000) and working drawings ($146,000) for the seismic upgrade of the student services building totaling 32,136 gsf. Estimated future construction costs are $3,745,000 including $3,293,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts (building cost is $3,293,000), $231,000 for contingency, $66,000 for construction management, $66,000 for contract administration, $89,000 for testing and inspection. Preliminary plans will begin in August 2001 and be completed in February 2002. Working drawings will begin in February 2002 and be completed in December 2002. Construction phase is anticipated to begin in March 2003 and be completed in October 2003.
69. San Mateo Community College District, Skyline College--Seismic Retrofit, Gym Building #3. The amount of $157,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($89,000) and working drawings ($68,000) for the seismic upgrade of the gym building totaling 40,851 gsf. Estimated future construction costs are $1,431,000 including $1,227,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts (building cost is $1,227,000), $56,000 for contingency, $25,000 for construction management, $25,000 for contract administration, $68,000 for testing and inspection. Preliminary plans will begin in August 2001 and be completed in February 2002. Working drawings will begin in February 2002 and be completed in December 2002. Construction phase is anticipated to begin in March 2003 and be completed in October 2003.
70. San Mateo Community College District, Skyline College--Seismic Retrofit, Buildings #7 & #8. The amount of $365,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($182,000) and working drawings ($183,000) for the seismic upgrade of two buildings totaling 863,671 gsf. Estimated future construction costs are $3,923,000 including $3,452,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts (building cost is $3,417,000), $242,000 for contingency, $69,000 for construction management, $69,000 for contract administration, $91,000 for testing and inspection. Preliminary plans will begin in August 2001 and be completed in February 2002. Working drawings will begin in February 2002 and be completed in December 2002. Construction phase is anticipated to begin in March 2003 and be completed in October 2003.
71. Santa Barbara Community College District, Santa Barbara City College--Gymnasium Reconstruction. The amount of $163,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a project that reconstructs and expands an existing gymnasium to provide more instructional facilities. The project involves 7,555 total asf with 3,825 asf lecture, 130 asf AVTV and 3,600 physical education space. Total estimated project cost is $3,814,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($163,000), working drawings ($159,000), construction ($3,335,000), and equipment ($157,000). The amount for construction includes $203,000 for contingency, $236,000 for project administration, and $2,896,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed November 2001.
72. Santa Clarita Community College District, College of the Canyons--Seismic Retrofit, Bonelli Center. The amount of $1,684,000 is provided for construction to correct seismic deficiencies in the Bonelli Center. Total estimated project cost is $1,847,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($85,000), working drawings ($78,000), and construction ($1,684,000). The amount for construction includes $104,000 for contingency, $94,000 for project administration, and $1,486,000 for construction contracts. Estimated building construction cost is $1,486,000. Construction phase is scheduled to begin January 2002 and be completed by July 2002
73. Sequoias Community College District, College of the Sequoias--Multimedia Learning Center. The amount of $728,000 is provided for working drawings to construct a 38,432 asf learning center consisting of 25,394 asf library, 10,337 asf learning skills, 1,947 asf AVTV, and 754 asf office spaces. Total estimated project cost is $14,971,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($333,000), working drawings ($728,000), construction ($11,765,000), and equipment ($2,145,000). The amount for construction includes $529,000 for contingency, $655,000 for project administration, and $10,581,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start July 2001 and be completed June 2002.
74. Sequoias Community College District, College of Sequoias--Science Center. The amount of $471,000 is provided for preliminary plans to construct a 25,110 asf science center consisting of 19,170 asf laboratory, 3,180 asf office and 2,760 asf lecture spaces. The project also includes the demolition of a social sciences building, a biology/life sciences building and bookstore (bookstore demolition shall be funded at district expense). Total estimated project cost is $11,447,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($471,000), working drawings ($390,000), construction ($10,057,000), and equipment ($529,000). The amount for construction includes $453,000 for contingency, $543,000 for project administration, and $9,061,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed by May 2002.
75. Shasta/Tehama/Trinity Joint Community College District--Shasta College--Library Addition. The amount of $245,000 is provided for preliminary plans to construct 14,892 asf to the existing library and renovate 980 asf of existing space. The new construction consists of 7,544 asf of library space, 4,241 asf AVTV space and 3,107 asf of other space. The renovation will address 980 asf of AVTV space. Total estimated project cost is $7,406,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($245,000), working drawings ($242,000), construction ($6,171,000), and equipment ($748,000). The amount for construction includes $280,000 for contingency, 346,000 for project administration, and $5,544,000for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed June 2002.
76. Sonoma County Community College District, Santa Rosa Junior College--Learning Resource Center, 40.61.402. The amount of $1,199,000 is provided for preliminary plans to build a 95,769 asf Learning Resource Center that will include 64,443 asf library, reference and support space, 4,928 asf lab space, 8,222 asf office space, 11,730 asf multimedia/support space, and 6,578 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $36,121,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans $1,199,000, working drawings $1,028,000, construction $24,429,000, and equipment $3,678,000 (EPI 2564). The amount for construction includes $22,144,000 for construction contracts, $1,107,000 for contingency, $443,000 for construction management, $354,000 for project administration, and $381,000 for testing and inspection, and $3,831,000 district funds. Preliminary plans are expected to begin July 2001.
77. Southwestern Community College District, Southwestern College--Child Development Center. The amount of $227,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a 13,770 asf child development building with 860 asf for office and 12,910 asf for other types of space. Total estimated project cost is $5,742,000 (CCCI 3909) including preliminary plans ($227,000), working drawings ($193,000), construction ($4,922,000), and equipment ($400,000). The amount for construction includes $220,000 for contingency, $296,000 for project administration, and $4,406,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed March 2002.
78. State Center Community College District, Madera County Educational Center --Academic Facilities, Phase IB. The amount of $773,000 is provided for working drawings to construct the second part of Phase I facilities. The project constructs 31,740 asf consisting of 9,727 asf lecture, 13,488 asf laboratory, 2,900 asf office, 2,912 asf library, 1,385 asf AVTV, and 1,328 asf other spaces, and reconstructs 6,440 asf consisting of 1,530 asf laboratory, and 4,910 asf library spaces. Total estimated project cost is $18,657,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($541,000), working drawings ($773,000), construction ($16,165,000), and equipment ($1,178,000). The amount for construction includes $732,000 for contingency, $800,000 for project administration, and $14,633,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start July 2001 and be completed September 2002.
79. State Center Community College District, Reedley College--Library/Learning Resource Center Reconstruction and Addition. The amount of $187,000 is provided for preliminary plans to reconstruct 13,609 asf and add 10,570 asf to the existing library for a total of 24,179 asf affected space. Reconstruction asf includes 12,193 asf library, 879 asf AVTV, 379 asf office and 158 asf other. New asf includes 6,492 asf library, 1,203 asf AVTV, 375 asf office, and 2,500 asf laboratory. Total estimated project cost is $5,880,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($187,000), working drawings ($195,000), construction ($4,769,000), and equipment ($729,000). The amount for construction includes $236,000 for contingency, $310,000 for project administration, and $4,223,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed by February 2002.
80. Ventura County Community College District, Moorpark College--Child Development Center. The amount of $101,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a 9,177 asf child development center with 1,665 asf for instructional labs, 964 asf for offices, 6,548 asf for other uses including 6,082 asf for child development services. Total estimated project cost is $3,521,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($121,000), working drawings ($119,000), construction ($3,071,000), and equipment ($210,000). The amount for construction includes $134,000 for contingency, $257,000 for project administration, and $2,680,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed February 2002.
81. Victor Valley Community College District, Victor Valley College--Advanced Technology Building. The amount of $565,000 is provided for working drawings to construct a 34,300 asf Advanced Technology building which will include 28,035 asf computerized laboratory, 2,249 asf office, and 4,016 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $18,660,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($575,000), working drawings ($565,000), construction ($14,568,000), and equipment ($2,952,000). The amount for construction includes $658,000 for contingency, $211,000 for project administration, $263,000 for construction management, $272,000 for testing and inspection, and $2,952,000 for equipment at EPI 2564. Working drawings will begin in July 2001 and will be completed in June 2002.
82. Victor Valley Community College District, Victor Valley College--Seismic Retrofit, Auxiliary Gym. The amount of $87,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to correct seismic structural deficiencies in the Auxiliary Gym. Total estimated project cost is $1,087,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($42,000), working drawings ($45,000), and construction ($1,000,000). The amount for construction includes $58,000 for contingency, $17,000 for project administration, $92,000 for testing and inspection, and $833,000 for construction. Preliminary Plans will begin in July 2001 and will be completed in January 2002. Working drawings will begin in January 2002 and will be completed in July 2002.
83. West Hills Community College District, Kings County Center--Phase 2B Classroom/Laboratories. The amount of $298,000 is provided for preliminary plans to construct 25,150 asf including 1,378 asf lecture, 18,976 asf laboratories, and 4,796 asf maintenance and storage spaces. Total estimated project cost is $10,400,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($298,000), working drawings ($372,000), construction ($8,201,000), and equipment ($1,529,000). The amount for construction includes $371,000 for contingency, $405,000 for project administration, and $7,425,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed by April 2002.
84. West Valley--Mission Community College District, Mission College-- Main Building Third Floor Reconstruction. The amount of $213,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a project that reconstructs 15,662 assignable square feet in the Mission College Main Building for instructional purposes. The proposal is to convert the space vacated with the completion of the LRC to 12,548 asf of interdisciplinary laboratories, 3,470 asf for offices and 201 asf for meeting rooms. Total estimated project cost is $4,703,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($213,000), working drawings ($167,000), construction ($3,523,000), and equipment ($800,000). The amount for construction includes $220,000 for contingency, $164,000 for project administration, and $3,139,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed January 2002.
85. Yuba Community College District, Yuba College--Adaptive Physical Education/Therapy Facility. The amount of $112,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to construct a 2,933 asf Adaptive Physical Therapy facility. The project includes 2,824 asf physical education and 109 asf office space. Total estimated project cost is $1,374,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($63,000), working drawings ($49,000), construction ($1,218,000), and equipment ($44,000). The amount for construction includes $52,000 for contingency, $128,000 for project administration, and $1,038,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start July 2001 and be complete November 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to start January 2002 and be completed June 2002.
86. Yuba Community College District, Woodland Center--Science Building. The amount of $221,000 is provided for working drawings to construct a 15,515 asf science building. The project includes 2,654 asf lecture, 7,153 asf laboratory, 2,468 asf office, 1,109 asf AVTV, and 2,131 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $6,775,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($202,000), working drawings ($221,000), construction ($5,649,000), and equipment ($703,000). The amount for construction includes $251,000 for contingency, $80,000 for project administration, and $5,021,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed May 2002.
1. Hawaii Medfly Rearing Facility. The amount of $539,000 is provided for preliminary plans for an additional 24,000 sf facility rearing of a sterile medfly strain and a 12,000 sf storage building adjacent to the existing Department of Food and Agriculture facility in Hawaii. Estimated total project cost is $11,666,000 (CCCI 4019) including future costs for working drawings ($583,000) and construction ($10,554,000). Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin August 2001 and be completed by May 2002.
1. Relocation: Dorris Agricultural Inspection Station. The budget provides $672,000 for preliminary plans ($279,000) and working drawings ($393,000) for an agricultural inspection station consisting of a 2,002 square foot (sf) administration building, a 3,154 sf inspection bay, and a 4,456 sf inspection building. Estimated total project cost is $7,532,000 including a study ($425,000) and future costs of $6,435,000 for construction. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin October 2001 and be completed May 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin May 2002 and be completed November 2002.
2. Relocation: Truckee Agricultural Inspection Station. The budget provides $3,500,000 for construction of an agricultural inspection station consisting of an 8,375 gross square foot (gsf) inspection structure and 6,840 gsf truck inspection and detention structure. An additional $7,686,000 for construction is provided by Item 8570-301-0660. Estimated total project cost is $12,395,000 including a study ($439,000), preliminary plans ($237,000), and working drawings ($533,000). Construction is scheduled to begin April 2002 and be completed April 2004.
1. Relocation: Yermo Agriculture Inspection Station. The budget provides $8,806,000 for construction for an agricultural inspection station consisting of a 5,700 square foot (sf) inspection structure, 2,500 sf office building, a 900 sf containment building and associated site development, and paving. Estimated total project cost is $10,108,000 including a study ($108,000), preliminary plans ($414,000), and working drawings ($780,000). Construction is scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed August 2003.
2. Relocation: Truckee Agricultural Inspection Station. The budget provides $7,686,000 for construction of an agricultural inspection station consisting of an $8,375 gross square foot (gsf) inspection structure and 6,840 gsf truck inspection and detention structure. An additional $3,500,000 for construction is provided by Item 8570-301-0001. Estimated total project cost is $12,395,000 including a study ($439,000), preliminary plans ($237,000), and working drawings ($533,000). Construction is scheduled to begin April 2002 and be completed April 2004.
1. Los Alamitos Air Field--Electrical Distribution System. The amount of $183,000 is provided for preliminary plans to replace the airfield electrical power substation and all high voltage lines, low voltage laterals (with conduit as required), transfer switches, and transformers that serve the airfield and the airfield electrical distribution system. The airfield lighting for the runways and taxiways will be replaced. The estimated future cost for construction is $8,529,000 (CCCI 4019) including $584,000 for working drawings and $7,945,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $6,786,000 for construction contracts, $475,000 for contingencies, and $684,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans will begin by October 2001 and be completed by March 2002.
1. Veterans' Home of California, Yountville--Remodel Holderman Rehabilitation Activity Area. The amount of $1,981,000 is provided for construction to renovate the facility to comply with fire, life, and safety code requirements by installing a fire suppression and centrally monitored fire notification system. Permanent office space will be constructed along with rehabilitation areas. Storage space will also be included. Ramps will be built to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. New heating, air conditioning, and ventilation systems and controls will also be installed. The amount for construction includes $1,446,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $101,000 for contingency, $,216000 for project administration, and $218,000 for agency retained items. Construction will begin by November 2001 and be completed by November 2002
2. Veterans' Home of California, Yountville--Remodel Recreation Center. The amount of $211,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to renovate the existing recreation center.
3. Veterans' Home of California, Yountville--Veterans' Home Cemetery Restoration. The amount of $110,000 is provided for working drawings to provide a comprehensive renovation to the existing cemetery. Identified improvements will include construction of a visitor's kiosk and restrooms, straightening of headstones, installation of an irrigation system, and road repairs. The estimated future cost for the project $1,413,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $1,070,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $75,000 for contingency, and $156,000 for project administration.