Legislative Analyst's Office, December 2002

California's Economy and
Budget in Perspective

2002 Cal Facts

Program Trends

Part 7: Transportation

Urban Highway Congestion Has Accelerated in Recent Years

Multiple Taxes Are Collected At the Pump

  1. 18 cents in state "gas" tax for each gallon of gasoline and diesel fuel.
  2. 18.4 cents in federal tax for each gallon of gasoline and 24.4 cents for each gallon of diesel fuel.
  3. 7 percent minimum state and local sales tax, plus optional local sales taxes for transportation or other purposes varying by county. Beginning in 2003-04, most of the state sales tax proceeds will be dedicated to transportation purposes.

    State Transportation Funding Comes Primarily From Fuel Taxes . . .

    . . . And Is Spent Primarily on
    Highway Transportation

    Californians Are Somewhat Less Likely to Drive to Work Alone

    Most Transit Riders Take the Bus and Rail Ridership Is Increasing

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