Legislative Analyst's Office, December 2002



The role of the Legislative Analyst's Office is to review state programs and make recommendations to the Legislature as to how the state can operate more effectively and efficiently. While most of our recommendations can be addressed in the annual budget bill, some involve recommended changes in law that require separate legislation. This report includes such recommended law changes that we have made in recent years. If you would like more information or assistance on any one of the proposed recommendations, please contact the person(s) listed at the bottom of each page. The deadline for bill requests to Legislative Counsel is January 24, 2003. The last day for bill introduction is February 21, 2003. 



Consolidate Categorical Funding Into Block Grants

Class Size Reduction: Increase Program Flexibility for Educational Benefit

Broaden Permissible Uses of English Language Learner (Proposition 227) Funding

Align Federal and State Intervention and Sanction Programs

Phase Out Basic Aid

Eliminate Statutory Authority Over Unspent Child Care Funds

Eliminate Child Care Eligibility for 13-Year Old Children

Eliminate Child Care Eligibility for "Grandfathered" Families

Enact a Student Fee Policy for Postsecondary Education

Establish Consistent Statewide Financial Aid Policies

Establish Accountability in Remedial Education

Enhance Incentives for Community Colleges to Provide Remedial Education

Consolidate Community College Categorical Programs

Link Community College Funding to Performance

Health/Social Services

Establish a Rational Process for Setting Medi-Cal Rates 15

Require Regional Clearinghouses for Nursing Home Placements

Establish Client Fees for Regional Center Services

Strengthen the State-Local Realignment Enacted in 1991

Help Restore Managed Care to Rural California

Rethink Cal-Vet Loan Program

Require Repayment of General Fund Loans

Provide County Flexibility

Expand CalWORKs Community Service

Reform Foster Family Agency Rates

Matching Grant Program for Proposition 10 Funds

Criminal Justice

Enact Reforms in Prison Industry Authority 27

Modification to County Fee Process

Adjustment to County Fees to Account for Inflation

Enact Changes in Responsibilities and Relationships With Local Governments


Provide Oversight of Expenditures 31

Define and Oversee Environmental Water Account

Increase Likelihood That Locals Adopt Commission's Recommendations

Improve Mine Enforcement and Oversight

Levy Fire Protection Fees

Timber Harvest Fees Should Be Enacted

Coordinate Regulation of Petroleum Pipelines

Revise Fee Structure in Stationary Source Program

Improve State Oversight of Local Air Districts

Improve Oversight of County Pesticide Enforcement

Revise Fee Structure for Water Quality Regulatory Program

Facilitate Water Transfers While Better Protecting Those Affected by Transfers


Require Fees to Cover the Costs of Issuing Encroachment Permits

Conduct Ongoing Transportation Needs Assessment

Authorize High Occupancy Toll Lane Pilot Project5

Fund Transit Rolling Stock

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