Compiled by the Legislative Analyst's Office
September 2002
Item 0540-001-0001—Secretary for Resources
Item 0650-101-0890—Office of Planning and Research
Item 0820-001-0001—Department of Justice
Item 0820-001-0460—Department of Justice
Item 0860-001-0001—Board of Equalization
Item 1100-001-0001—California Science Center
Item 1730-001-0001—Franchise Tax Board
Item 1880-001-0001—State Personnel Board
Item 2150-001-0298—Department of Financial Institutions
Item 2180-001-0067—Department of Corporations
Item 2320-001-0317—Department of Real Estate
Item 2660-001-0042—Department of Transportation
Item 2660-007-0042—Department of Transportation
Item 2720-001-0044—California Highway Patrol
Item 3360-001-0465—Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission
Item 3790-001-0001—Department of Parks and Recreation
Item 3860-001-3100—Department of Water Resources
Item 3870—CALFED Bay-Delta Program
Item 3900-001-0001—Air Resources Board
Item 3910-001-0226—California Integrated Waste Management Board
Item 3930-001-0001—Department of Pesticide Regulation
Item 3940-001-0001—State Water Resources Control Board
Item 3960-001-0001—Department of Toxic Substances Control
Item 4130-001-0632—Health and Human Services Agency Data Center
Item 4140-001-0001—Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development
Item 4200-001-0001—Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs
Item 4260-001-0203—Department of Health Services
Item 4440-001-0001—Department of Mental Health
Item 4700-001-0001—Department of Community Services and Development
Item 5100-001-0001—Employment Development Department
Item 5175-001-0001—Department of Child Support Services
Item 5180-001-0001—Department of Social Services
Item 5240-001-0001—California Department of Corrections
Item 5440-001-0001—Board of Prison Terms
Item 5460-001-0001—Department of the Youth Authority
Item 6110-485—Department of Education
Item 6360-001-0001—California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Item 6420-001-0001—California Postsecondary Education Commission
Item 6440-001-0001—University of California
Item 6610-001-0001—California State University
Item 6870-001-0001—California Community Colleges
Item 7980-001-0001—Student Aid Commission
Item 8100-001-0001—Office of Criminal Justice Planning
Item 8350-001-0001—Department of Industrial Relations
Item 8380-001-0001—Department of Personnel Administration
Item 8660-001-0462—California Public Utilities Commission
Item 8660-001-0464—California Public Utilities Commission
Item 8660-001-0491—California Public Utilities Commission
Item 8665-001-0465—California Consumer Power and Financing Authority
Item 8700-001-0214—California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board
Item 8770-001-0462—Electricity Oversight Board
Item 8955-001-0001—Department of Veterans Affairs
Item 0250-301-0660—Judicial Council—Capital Outlay
Item 1100-301-0660—California Science Center—Capital Outlay
Item 1760-301-0660—Department of General Services—Capital Outlay
Item 1760-301-0768—Department of General Services—Capital Outlay
Item 2660-311-0042—Department of Transportation—Capital Outlay
Item 2660-311-0660—Department of Transportation—Capital Outlay
Item 2720-301-0044—Department of the California Highway Patrol—Capital Outlay
Item 2740-301-0044—Department of Motor Vehicles—Capital Outlay
Item 3340-490—California Conservation Corps—Capital Outlay
Item 3540-301-0660—Department of Forestry and Fire Protection—Capital Outlay
Item 3600-301-0005—Department of Fish and Game—Capital Outlay
Item 3680-301-0516—Department of Boating and Waterways— Capital Outlay
Item 3790-301-0005—Department of Parks and Recreation— Capital Outlay
Item 3790-301-0140—Department of Parks and Recreation— Capital Outlay
Item 3790-301-0263—Department of Parks and Recreation— Capital Outlay
Item 3790-301-6029—Department of Parks and Recreation— Capital Outlay
Item 4260-301-0660—Department of Health Services—Capital Outlay
Item 4440-301-0001—Department of Mental Health—Capital Outlay
Item 4440-301-0660—Department of Mental Health—Capital Outlay
Item 5240-301-0660—Department of Corrections—Capital Outlay
Item 5460-301-0660—Department of the Youth Authority— Capital Outlay
Item 6440-301-0574—University of California—Capital Outlay
Item 6440-301-6028—University of California—Capital Outlay
Item 6440-302-0574—University of California—Capital Outlay
Item 6440-302-6014—University of California—Capital Outlay
Item 6440-302-6028—University of California—Capital Outlay
Item 6610-301-0574—California State University—Capital Outlay
Item 6610-301-6028—California State University—Capital Outlay
Item 6610-302-6028—California State University—Capital Outlay
Item 6870-301-0574—California Community Colleges
Item 6870-301-6028—California Community Colleges
Item 8570-301-0042—Department of Food and Agriculture— Capital Outlay
Item 8570-301-0660—Department of Food and Agriculture— Capital Outlay
Item 8940-301-0001—Military Department
Item 8940-301-0604—Military Department—Capital Outlay
Item 8940-301-0660—Military Department—Capital Outlay
Item 8955-301-0001—Department of Veterans Affairs—Capital Outlay
Item 8955-301-0890—Department of Veterans Affairs—Capital Outlay
Item 8960-301-0701—Department of Veterans Affairs—Yountville—Capital Outlay
Item 8960-301-0890—Veterans Home of California—Yountville—Capital Outlay
1. Lake Tahoe Environmental Improvement Program. The Resources Agency shall, in consultation with the California Environmental Protection Agency, the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, the California Tahoe Conservancy, the Department of Parks and Recreation, the Department of Transportation, the State Water Resources Control Board, the California Air Resources Board, and/or other appropriate agencies report to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and to the chairs of the fiscal committees of both houses by January 10, 2003 on the State of California’s participation in the implementation of the Environmental Improvement Program (EIP) for the Lake Tahoe Basin. The report shall include, but not be limited to:
2. Proposition 40 Account Balances. It is the intent of the Legislature that the account balances for each of the programs provided funding in Proposition 40, approved by the voters in March 2002, shall be displayed annually in the Governor’s budget document.
3. Annual Report on Proposition 40 Expenditures. The annual report to the Legislature on Proposition 40 expenditures—required by Chapter 8, Statutes of 2002 (AB 1414, Dickerson)—shall include (a) an accounting of expenditures including administrative costs, (2) a description of major projects that have been approved, and (3) a discussion of broader programmatic issues, such as the amount and location of habitat acquired and the species targeted for protection.
1. Caesar Chavez Grant Program. The Governor’s Office on Service and Volunteerism (GO SERV) shall, by January 1, 2003, provide a report to the chairs of the budget committee in each house and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee detailing the expansion of the eligible pool of grantees for the Caesar Chavez Grant program. The report shall include, to the extent possible, the number of children served, the services provided, identification of the regions, amounts per region, students per region, and the grant amounts by type of grantee partnership.
1. Agency Representation Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
(a) On or before November 1, 2002, the department shall report to the chairs of the appropriate policy committees, the fiscal committees, and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on the specific statutory, constitutional, or other bases on which it represents the state before FERC.
In the report, the department shall also identify:
The report shall provide sufficient information to sustain a thorough analysis.
(b) On or before the publication date of the Analysis of the 2003-04 Budget Bill (Analysis), the Legislative Analyst shall review the report submitted by the department and similar reports by the Department of Water Resources, the Electricity Oversight Board, the California Energy Commission, and the Public Utilities Commission. As part of its Analysis, the Analyst shall publish its review and recommendation for statutory and budgetary changes necessary to improve: (i) program efficiency and effectiveness, and (ii) the coordination of the state’s representation before FERC.
1. Dealer Record of Sale Account (DROS). The Department of Justice (DOJ) shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC), no later than November 1, 2002, the following information related to DROS for fiscal years 1998-99 through 2001-02: (1) revenues to the fund by type of application; (2) expenditures from the fund associated with each type of application; (3) types of programs funded through DROS; (4) fees associated with each type of application; (5) number of applications received by type; (6) average cost to the department for each type of application; (7) a fund condition statement. In addition, DOJ shall perform and report to the JLBC, a workload study of each of the functions funded through the DROS account and shall provide a determination of the average cost to process each of the types of applications which are currently funded through fees remitted to that account.
1. The Board of Equalization (BOE) shall provide to the Chairs of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) and chairs of the fiscal committees of the Legislature by December 1, 2002, a report that contains the following information: (1) a description of the approach and methodology used in allocating investigations staff among the various tax programs; (2) actual or estimated data regarding the number of investigations cases, number of staff hours associated with investigations cases by program and type of case (based on timesheet data), and restitution or fine revenue impacts for each tax program collected for prior, current, and budget years; and (3) criteria for prioritizing or deferring investigations cases.
2. The BOE shall provide to the Chairs of the JLBC and chairs of the fiscal committees of the Legislature by December 1 of each year, beginning December 1, 2002, a report containing the following information: (a) description of the methodological approach used to conduct its audit and compliance activities, including the work plan relating to these activities; (b) the number of hours and costs associated with direct audit and compliance activities, as well as supporting (overhead) activities; (c) the revenues associated with its audit and compliance activities; and (d) data regarding the revenue and cost impacts associated with any increase or decrease in resources devoted to audit and compliance activities. Items b, c, and d should include prior-year actual data, current-year estimated data, and budget-year projected data. This information shall also be provided to the Department of Finance, in a format it specifies, with submission of documents used to prepare the Governor's budget as well as when BOE makes a request to alter funding or personnel services for audit or compliance activities. Such information shall also be provided as a part of any budget change proposal submitted to the Legislature regarding resources for auditing or compliance activities.
1. Parking Fees. The Science Center shall report to the Legislature by February 1, 2003 on steps being taken to ensure that normal parking fees are charged to families or individuals attending the California Science Center or African-American Museum on days when coliseum or sports arena events are held.
1. Protest Workload. The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) shall provide to the Chairs of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) and the chairs of the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature, a description of increased funding received for additional protest workload and its estimated incremental effect on revenues in the current and budget years.
This information shall be reported as a component of the FTB’s report to the Legislature on the tax assessment protest process due December 10 of each year through 2006.
2. Collection Activities. The FTB shall provide to the Chairs of the JLBC and the chairs of the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature, a description of increased funding received for additional audit and collection activities and its estimated incremental effect on revenues in the current and budget years.
This shall be reported as a component of the FTB’s report to the Legislature on audit and collections activities due January 1 of each year.
1. Post-and-Bid Pilot Program. By March 1, 2003, the State Personnel Board (SPB) and the Department of Personnel Administration (DPA) shall provide the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) and the Legislature’s fiscal committees with data on the number of positions filled for each classification subject to the post-and-bid hiring program included in new contracts for Bargaining Units 1, 4, and 11. The data shall include (a) the 50 percent of appointments subject to the post-and-bid process, including data on the number of 30-day "no fault" returns to former positions and (b) the 50 percent of appointments subject to the traditional merit-based hiring process. The data shall be broken down by gender, ethnicity, age, disability, veteran status, and department. The data shall also identify the source of appointment (that is, whether an appointment is promotional or a lateral transfer within the classification). The data shall cover the period from May 2002 through January 2003. By August 1, 2003, SPB and DPA shall also provide the same data to JLBC and the Legislature’s fiscal committees for the entire term of the pilot project from May 2002 through June 2003. Also by March 1, 2003, SPB shall provide JLBC and the Legislature’s fiscal committees with data, broken down in similar fashion, showing a three-year history of appointments, prior to the pilot program, to the designated post-and-bid classifications and transfers of employees within those classifications.
1. Predatory Lending. By February 1, 2005, the department shall submit a report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on implementation of the predatory lending program, pursuant to Chapter 732, Statutes of 2001 (AB 489, Migden). The report shall include information on (a) consumer complaint investigations; (b) additional examination activities, additional time needed to perform these activities, and the frequency of examinations; and (c) enforcement actions taken and civil penalties assessed and collected, pursuant to Chapter 732.
1. Investment and Lending Fraud Pilot Program. On or before April 1, 2003, the department shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on the one-year pilot program to combat investment and lending fraud. The report shall include information and data on the activities, workload, outcomes, and demonstrated impact of the public outreach and education office and the additional enforcement staff.
1. Predatory Lending. By February 1, 2005, the department shall submit a report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on implementation of the predatory lending program as it applies to the department, pursuant to Chapter 732, Statutes of 2001 (AB 489, Migden). The report shall include information on consumer complaint investigations, enforcement actions taken, and civil penalties assessed and collected, pursuant to Chapter 732.
1. Intercity Rail Business Plans. The Department of Transportation shall submit annually by April 1 to the Legislature and to the Secretary for Business, Transportation and Housing, a business plan for each intercity rail corridor which the department administers. For each such corridor, the business plans shall include performance standards which shall be updated annually and projected for three years into the future. The standards shall measure the usage (for example, ridership), cost-efficiency (for example, fare box ratio), and quality (for example, on-time performance) for each such corridor. The business plans shall contain all of the business plan requirements set forth in Section 14070.4 (b) of the Government Code. (Also, the regional boards administering intercity rail passenger service should incorporate these performance standards into their annual business plans.)
1. Stormwater Management. The Department of Finance shall provide to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee an implementation review of the Department of Transportation’s stormwater management practices. The Department of Finance shall provide a preliminary report of its findings to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee by March 15, 2003 and a final report by July 1, 2003.
1. Cost Allocation Study. The California Highway Patrol (CHP), in cooperation with the Department of Finance, shall prepare a cost-allocation study to provide the baseline for determining the appropriate mix of General Fund money, Motor Vehicle Account funds, and reimbursements to support CHP’s protective and security activities. The study shall be based on the 2002-03 allocation of resources to transportation versus non-transportation-related security activities. This report shall be submitted to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the appropriations and budget committees of each house no later than January 10, 2003 as part of the 2003-04 budget proposal.
1. Agency Representation Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
(a) On or before November 1, 2002, the commission shall report to the chairs of the appropriate policy committees, the fiscal committees, and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on the specific statutory, constitutional, or other bases on which it represents the state before FERC.
In the report, the commission shall also identify:
The report shall provide sufficient information to sustain a thorough analysis.
(b) On or before the publication date of the Analysis of the 2003-04 Budget Bill (Analysis), the Legislative Analyst shall review the report submitted by the commission and similar reports by the Department of Justice, the Electricity Oversight Board, the Public Utilites Commission, and the Department of Water Resources. As part of its Analysis, the Analyst shall publish its review and recommendation for statutory and budgetary changes necessary to improve: (i program efficiency and effectiveness, and (ii) the coordination of the state’s representation before FERC.
2. Fee Structures.
(a) No later than January 1, 2003, the commission shall report to the chairs of the fiscal committees in both houses on alternative fee structures for imposing fees on (i) developers seeking approval for site power plants and (ii) generators for the ongoing costs associated with compliance. The report shall detail the following for each alternative:
(b) The Legislative Analyst shall review the report in (a). It shall reports its findings and recommendations in the Analysis of the 2003-04 Budget Bill.
1. General Plan. The Department of Parks and Recreation shall submit a report to the Legislature by March 1, 2003 that includes the following:
(a) An assessment of the costs necessary to permit initial public access to each land acquisition acquired in 2000-01 and 2001-02 and an estimate of the related ongoing operations and maintenance costs of each acquisition to permit such access.
(b) To the extent known, potential development and ongoing costs based on the approved General Plan, or where the General Plan has yet to be completed, based on planned or possible uses of each land acquisition acquired in 2000-01 and 2001-02.
2. Concession Contracts. Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5080.20, the following concession proposals are approved as described below:
(a) Millerton Lake State Recreation Area (SRA)—Marina Complex. The department may bid a new concession contract not to exceed 20 years for development, operation, and maintenance of a full service marina complex. The proposed provisions of the new concession contract will include a capital investment of at least $2,000,000 to replace the marina facilities and equipment; a minimum rent of $48,000 annually or 10 percent of the gross sales, whichever is greater. The actual rent to the state will be based on an amount proposed by the best responsible bidder and the actual gross sales.
(b) Old Sacramento State Historic Park (SHP)—Jewelry Shop. The department may bid a new ten-year concession contract to furnish, equip, operate, and maintain the premises as a jewelry store representing a retail business operating during the historic gold rush period (1849-1852). Minimum monthly rent will be $2,000 or 3 percent of monthly gross sales up to $25,000, plus 4 percent of all gross sales in excess of $25,000. Additionally, 0.25 percent of the gross sales will be kept by the concessionaire in a maintenance account to be used to repair or refurbish the concession premises for projects preapproved by the District Superintendent.
(c) Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park (SP)—Big Sur Lodge. The department may bid a new concession contract to improve, furnish, equip, operate, and maintain the Big Sur Lodge project consisting of 61 motel-like cottages, up to 70 alternate overnight accommodations, employee housing, camp store, restaurant, gift shop, public and concession laundry facilities, and baseball field.
The term of the contract will be up to ten years. The minimum term length being five years with an option to extend for up to an additional five years, at the state’s discretion.
The minimum bid shall be 10 percent of the gross sales to be paid to the state with a minimum annual rent of $360,000. The actual rent will be determined through the competitive Request for Proposal (RFP). Additionally, a minimum of 4 percent of the gross sales shall be required to be spent annually for deferred maintenance; rehabilitation of the cabins, including improvements to make them accessible; and/or for other capital outlay projects as defined by the RFP. The actual amount shall be determined through the competitive RFP.
1. Agency Representation Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
(a) On or before November 1, 2002, the department shall report to the chairs of the appropriate policy committees, the fiscal committees, and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on the specific statutory, constitutional, or other bases on which it represents the state before FERC.
In the report, the department shall also identify:
The report shall provide sufficient information to sustain a thorough analysis.
(b) On or before the publication date of the Analysis of the 2003-04 Budget Bill (Analysis), the Legislative Analyst shall review the report submitted by the department and similar reports by the Department of Justice, the Electricity Oversight Board, the California Energy Commission, and the Public Utilities Commission. As part of its Analysis, the Analyst shall publish its review and recommendation for statutory and budgetary changes necessary to improve: (i) program efficiency and effectiveness, and (ii) the coordination of the state’s representation before FERC.
1. Report on Various Issues. On or before February 1, 2003, the CALFED Bay-Delta Program shall submit to the Legislature a report containing all of the following:
2. Environmental Justice. On or before December 1, 2003, the Department of Water Resources/CALFED Bay-Delta Program shall submit a report to the chairs of the fiscal and pertinent policy committees of both houses on the department’s efforts relating to environmental justice. The report shall include the following:
3. CALFED Bay-Delta Program’s Cross-Cut Budget. It is the intent of the Legislature that total expenditures for the CALFED Bay-Delta Program (state funds and federal reimbursements) in 2002-03 be allocated among the program’s eleven elements as follows:
Ecosystem restoration $147,849,000
Secretary for Resources
Item 0540-001-0546 $125,300,000
Department of Fish and Game
Item 3600-001-0001 $1,900,000
Item 3600-001-0890 $575,000
Department of Water Resources
Item 3860-001-0001 $1,293,000
Item 3860-001-0404 $1,513,000
Item 3860-001-6026 $10,000,000
State Water Project Funds $7,268,000
Environmental Water Account $29,179,000
Secretary for Resources
Item 0540-001-0546 $28,233,000
Department of Fish and Game
Item 3600-001-0001 $160,000
Department of Water Resources
Item 3860-001-0001 $786,000
Drinking water quality $34,672,000
Department of Water Resources
Item 3860-001-0001 $1,978,000
Item 3860-001-6026 $2,070,000
State Water Resources Control Board
Item 3940-001-0001 $124,000
Item 3940-001-6019 $10,000,000
Item 3940-101-6031 $20,500,000
Water use efficiency $62,015,000
Department of Water Resources
Item 3860-001-0001 $4,162,000
Item 3860-001-0465 $1,681,000
Item 3860-001-0890 $1,000,000
Item 3860-001-0940 $237,000
Item 3860-001-6023 $333,000
Item 3860-101-6023 $27,102,000
State Water Resources Control Board
Item 3940-101-0419 $17,500,000
Item 3940-101-6031 $10,000,000
Watershed management $33,095,000
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Item 3540-001-0001 $220,000
Department of Fish and Game
Item 3600-001-0001 $110,000
Department of Water Resources
Item 3860-001-0001 $2,165,000
Item 3860-001-6031 $20,600,000
State Water Resources Control Board
Item 3940-101-6013 $10,000,000
Water transfers $584,000
Department of Water Resources
Item 3860-001-0001 $440,000
State Water Resources Control Board
Item 3940-001-0001 $144,000
Levees $4,152,000
Department of Fish and Game
Item 3600-001-0001 $38,000
Department of Water Resources
Item 3860-001-0001 $1,854,000
Item 3860-101-0001 $2,000,000
State Water Project Funds $260,000
Water storage $105,361,000
Department of Fish and Game
Item 3600-001-0001 $335,000
Department of Water Resources
Item 3860-001-0001 $12,037,000
Item 3860-001-0890 $3,250,000
Item 3860-001-6023 $153,000
Item 3860-001-6025 $1,243,000
Item 3860-001-6027 $420,000
Item 3860-101-6023 $8,720,000
Item 3860-101-6025 $79,203,000
Water conveyance $41,339,000
Department of Fish and Game
Item 3600-001-0001 $162,000
Department of Water Resources
Item 3860-001-0001 $2,366,000
Item 3860-001-6026 $19,874,000
State Water Project Funds $18,937,000
Science $33,395,000
Department of Fish and Game
Item 3600-001-0001 $860,000
Item 3600-001-0140 $20,000
Item 3600-001-0200 $1,149,000
Item 3600-001-0235 $34,000
Item 3600-001-0890 $463,000
Department of Water Resources
Item 3860-001-0001 $2,416,000
Item 3860-001-0890 $20,200,000
Item 3860-001-6026 $2,030,000
State Water Project Funds $6,223,000
CALFED program management $40,102,000
Department of Conservation
Item 3480-001-0001 $96,000
Department of Fish and Game
Item 3600-001-0001 $305,000
San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
Item 3820-001-0001 $88,000
Department of Water Resources
Item 3860-001-0001 $9,729,000
Item 3860-001-0890 $29,519,000
State Water Resources Control Board
Item 3940-001-0001 $365,000
1. Particulate Matter Program Options. On or before January 1, 2004, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) shall provide recommendations in a report to the Legislature and the Governor on the development of a statewide particulate matter (PM) emission reduction incentive program. The study should balance the concurrent need for NOx reductions from diesel engines and should also specifically evaluate the feasibility of including proactive contracting by state agencies as a mechanism for encouraging PM and NOx reducing strategies.
This report shall be prepared in consultation with a 15 member committee including appropriate agency staff, public members, and industry members from the heavy-duty engine manufacturers, the heavy-duty trucking industry, the agriculture industry, the construction industry, the railroad locomotive industry, the maritime industry, the regional transportation agency, a public interest environmental organization, and the petroleum industry.
2. Central Valley Air Quality Attainment. On or before January 10, 2003, the CARB shall provide a report to the legislature on what Transportation Mitigation Strategies they are undertaking to assist the San Joaquin Valley Air Quality Control District and other affected local air districts in complying with state and federal standards.
1. Permit Compliance of Grant Recipients. On or before December 1, 2002, submit to the Legislature a report detailing how the waste board ensures compliance with all state and local permit and licensing requirements of any of the board’s grant programs. This report shall include, but not be limited to, (a) information on all grant programs, identifying those that provide for self certification; (b) grant programs in which the board requires verification; (c) board efforts to verify compliance; and (d) impacts on the board if it were to verify for itself applicants for its grant programs were complying with applicable environmental laws and regulations.
1. Pesticide Compliance Assessment Performance Report. On or before June 30, 2003, the Department of Pesticide Regulation shall submit to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the relevant budget and policy committees of both houses a report that includes the available results (covering the period from July 1, 2002 to March 31, 2003) of the joint county/department oversight inspections, the department compliance assessment (industry audit) results by county for the counties that have previously been assessed, and other relevant data the department deems appropriate. This report shall include the approximate percentage of enforcement resources that were utilized to conduct the county inspections. The report shall also include the statewide priorities established for the County Agricultural Commissioners in the pesticide regulatory program and the permitting, enforcement, and compliance performance measures established by the department for the 2002-03 county activities.
1. Wetlands Permitting. The board shall report to the Legislature not later than June 30, 2003, on the projected workload, personnel requirements, and regulatory steps needed to implement a water quality permitting program to conserve and protect wetlands that are not subject to regulation pursuant to the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. Sec. 1251 et seq).
2. Waste Disposal Into Landfills. By March 1, 2003, the State Water Resources Control Board shall submit to the Legislature a report discussing whether current practices ensure that prohibited wastes (for example, hazardous or radioactive) are excluded from landfills that do not provide appropriate containment, and identifying new practices available to correct any identified deficiencies.
1. Coordination Between CLEAN Program and California Pollution Control Financing Authority. On or before March 1, 2003, the California Pollution Financing Authority (CPCFA) and the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) shall report to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the budget committees of both houses on their efforts to coordinate their respective brownfield financing programs, to identify any obstacles the brownfield financing programs may pose to each other or synergies they may create for one another, and the results of their efforts to effectively target and maximize the investment of state resources for site assessment, cleanup, and redevelopment of brownfield properties.
1. Data Center Rate Study. The Health and Human Services Agency Data Center (HHSDC), in consultation with the Department of Finance, shall conduct a rate study that evaluates HHSDC current operations and processes and identifies operations and processes that should be improved thereby resulting in reduced HHSDC costs and rates and improved services to client departments.
1. Rural Health Report. The Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development shall, in conjunction with the Rural Health Policy Council’s preparation of its annual report to the Legislature due in February 2003, provide to the Legislature the following information:
1. Drug Medi-Cal Barriers. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) prepare a report on the Drug Medi-Cal program that includes, but is not limited to: (1) an analysis of what barriers exist to broader provider participation and beneficiary access to the program, and (2) options and recommendations for the state Legislature to consider to improve provider participation and beneficiary access to Drug Medi-Cal services, including any options or recommendations to maximize federal financial participation in support of the program. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs respond in a timely manner to requests for information that are intended to further this analysis. The LAO shall report its findings to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature by March 1, 2003.
1. Genetic Disease Branch Screening Information System. The Department of Health Services shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the Legislature’s fiscal committees no later than October 1, 2003 and biannual thereafter until implementation, its projected dates, and progress for completion of each major segment of the Genetic Disease Branch Screening Information System. The department shall include in each report the estimated cost of each identified segment and explanations for any deviations in its estimates from the previous report.
1. Therapeutic Behavioral Services. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department of Mental Health (DMH) conduct a review of the expansion of therapeutic behavioral services implemented as a part of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) special mental health services program to examine why the average cost of these services is significantly higher, on a per-child basis, than had initially been projected. The DMH shall examine, in addition to any other factors it deems appropriate, whether the differential is due to a higher hourly cost, more weekly hours of service, or more weeks of services on average than had initially been expected. The DMH shall also examine the reasons for the significant variations in the average cost per child for these services among counties. The DMH shall advise the Legislature as to whether any change in the financial structure of the program, such as a requirement that counties share in its cost, would result in better control of overall program costs, and shall further provide the Legislature any other recommendations that it determines would be feasible and effective in achieving better control of the cost of these services. The DMH shall report its findings to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature by March 1, 2003.
2. Telepsychiatry Services. It is the intent of the Legislature that DMH report to the Legislature regarding the fiscal impact to the Medi-Cal Program of allowing psychiatrists on an interim basis to receive fee-for-service reimbursement for services provided through telemedicine. The DMH shall also report to the Legislature regarding the status of its efforts to develop a permanent method for reimbursing psychiatric services provided through telemedicine. The DMH shall report its findings in regard to both of these matters to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature by March 1, 2003.
1. California Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (CaLIHEAP). By March 1, 2003, the department shall provide an updated evaluation of CaLIHEAP to the policy and budget committees of the Legislature. The report shall include the most recent numbers available about the number of recipients of service, the number of grantees providing service, categories of expenditure, estimated impact of funds on energy demand, and estimated unmet need. The report shall also include an assessment about the extent to which increased flexibility in weatherization measures and flexibility in cash assistance and crisis intervention payments have increased services and reduced energy demand.
1. Data Collection. The Employment Development Department will consult with researchers, employer groups, labor organizations, and other state agencies on the feasibility of collecting additional data from employers and present a report to the Legislature by December 31, 2002. Additional data that may be considered is the number of hours worked, hourly wage, locations of employment and employee residence, and what benefits are provided to individual employees. The department also will assess and report on the capability of and cost of enhancements for the current database system, cost of revising forms and/or questionnaires, personnel costs for collecting and inputting the data, and additional time required to collect, input and process the additional data collected.
1. California Insurance Intercept Project. The Department of Child Support Services shall provide to budget hearings in 2003, information about the amount of enhanced collections resulting from implementation of the California Insurance Intercept Project. The report shall include updated information about the costs of the project.
1. Administrative Hearings Toll-Free Number. It is the intent of the Legislature that the department shall provide to the Legislature, by March 1, 2003, a report detailing the status of implementing an automated phone system to address calls to the department’s toll-free number. The report will update the data from the 2002 report.
2. Residential Treatment for Parental Drug Abuse. The department, with the participation of the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs, shall report by March 1, 2003, to budget and policy committees of the Legislature, on whether state or federal foster care funding could be adapted to serve the board and care needs of children who are in residence with their parent(s) in a drug treatment program, and who are placed there with the participation of a dependency court that finds that out-of-home placement is the alternative to parental drug treatment. The report should include a survey of funding sources, including information about the impact on out-of-home care costs for children, if available, as well as any statutory or regulatory changes that would need to take place for such reimbursement to occur.
3. Adoptions. The department shall make available through the budget process, county-by-county information on the number of final adoption placements, and the number of guardianships, from 1997-98 to the most recent information available. The information shall include whether the adoption case backlog addressed in the 2000-01 budget has recurred.
4. Residual Services. The department shall make available at budget hearings in 2003, information about the state’s efforts to identify groups of services under the In-Home Supportive Services residual program that could be adapted to assure Medicaid reimbursement, including advance payment cases, services intended to provide protective supervision, and any other services where federal reimbursement is possible.
1. Foreign Born Parolees. It is the intent of the Legislature that the California Department of Corrections (CDC) shall work in consultation with the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service to develop procedures for the transfer of foreign born parolees.
2. Plata and Madrid Lawsuit. The CDC shall report to the fiscal committees of the Legislature by December 1, 2002 on the state’s comprehensive plan to comply with the settlement requirements of Plata v. Davis, et al. The report shall specify how each component of the plan addresses a requirement of the settlement agreement and provide a thorough analysis of the costs associated with each component of the plan.
3. Folsom Community Correctional Facility. The Office of the Inspector General shall review the operations of the Folsom Community Correctional Facility and report to the Legislature by April 1, 2003. If the Inspector General finds that corrective actions have not been implemented to adequately address the findings noted in the Inspector General's report of January 2002, it is the intent of the Legislature to terminate the contract with the City of Folsom for operation of this facility, effective June 30, 2003.
4. Closure of the Northern California Women’s Facility. The CDC shall report to the fiscal committees of the Legislature by January 1, 2003, on potential alternative uses for the Northern California Women’s Facility. This report is to include, but not be limited to: (1) optional uses of the facility; (2) impact of the options on the inmate housing plan; and (3) the cost of proposed alternatives including needed staffing resources and facility modifications.
1. Backlog of Appeals From Inmates and Parolees. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Board of Prison Terms (BPT) process appeals in a timely manner and eliminate the backlog of appeals from inmates and parolees. The BPT shall report monthly on the number of appeals processed in the previous month, the number scheduled in the current and subsequent months, the backlog of cases awaiting processing, and progress toward eliminating the backlog. The report shall be made public at a regularly scheduled meeting of the BPT and a written report shall be made available to the public and transmitted to the Legislature monthly.
1. Mental Health Reorganization. Commencing on January 1, 2003, the department shall collect, compile, and make available to the Legislature data to identify and track possible outcomes of the reorganization of its mental health delivery system pursuant to this item. The department shall establish baseline data from participating institutions prior to implementing this reorganization for purposes of comparing the effect of the reorganization. The baseline and post-implementation data shall be collected monthly from all participating institutions and submitted to the Legislature quarterly by the department, and shall include but not be limited to the following information by institution: selected Level A and Level B Behavior Reports identified by the department in consultation with the Legislative Analyst’s Office; ward-on-staff assaults; suicides and attempted suicides; incidents of self-mutilation; the number of wards receiving psychotropic medication; the number of wards placed on restrictive programming and length of stay; the number of wards placed in higher levels of mental health programs and length of stay; and any additional data identified by the department.
2. Education Funding Levels. The Department of the Youth Authority shall submit a report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on or before November 1, 2002 on the methodology for determining the level of education funding in their caseload adjustments. The report shall include but not be limited to the following: (a) an assessment of all current student-teacher ratios including regular, special education, and segregated setting ratios and their appropriateness for determining an adequate level of annual education funding; (b) proposals for adjusting these ratios or moving to a per pupil funding formula in order to provide funding levels necessary to meet state and federal education requirements; (c) an assessment and revised estimate of the percentage of wards in the institution population requiring special education services; and (d) an assessment of federal funds that are available for state correctional education agencies. The report shall consider maximizing state and federal funding sources for all levels of education including elementary and secondary education, postsecondary education, adult education, and workforce training and development. The report shall also include a description of how deficiencies identified by the U. S. Department of Education in the English Learner program are being addressed. The department shall consult with the State Department of Education and the Legislative Analyst’s Office in preparing and analyzing this report.
1. Proposition 98 Reversion Account. By March 31, 2003 the State Department of Education, the California Community Colleges, the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, and the Office of the State Controller shall provide the best available data on any unused amounts remaining for all state funded categorical programs. By May 15, 2003 the Department of Finance shall provide the State Department of Education, the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges, the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, the Legislative Analyst’s Office, the Office of the Secretary for Education, and the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature with information on the fiscal condition of the Proposition 98 Reversion Account in a format that is consistent with the methodology established by the working group required under provision 11 of Item 6110-485 of the Budget Act of 2002.
1. Costs Associated With Processing Teacher Credentials. The Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) shall (a) assess the costs associated with processing teacher credentials and (b) identify options for covering and/or redistributing these costs. The CTC shall provide the LAO with all the information it requests by November 1, 2002. The LAO shall submit a report to the Legislature by March 15, 2003.
1. Long-Term Student Fee Policy. The Legislature requests CPEC
convene interested constituent groups, including but not limited to, the
postsecondary education systems, students, the Department of Finance, the
Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO), and the California Student Aid Commission
(SAC) to develop, for future legislative consideration, a long-term student fee
policy for California’s public university systems. In developing a long-term
student fee policy recommendation, the commission should carefully consider the
impact of its recommendations on each of the following: (a) state General Fund
revenues, (b) student access to higher education, (c) student financial aid
needs and requirements, (d) the resources needed by the state’s public
university systems to offer high quality instructional programs, and (e) effects
on various identifiable student populations.
In developing the long-term student fee policy recommendations, the commission
shall consider that it is the state’s responsibility to be the primary funding
source of postsecondary education, as noted in the Master Plan for Higher
Education in California. at the state’s public colleges and universities.
The commission should pay particular attention to the consequences of its policy
recommendations on the state’s historic policies of access, choice, equity,
and quality (including breadth of the instructional programs, average student
time to degree, and total cost of baccalaureate attainment for the student), and
should include, in the report, information relating to the real impacts the
recommendations could have on various identifiable student populations. The
commission shall forward its recommendations to the Legislature by December 1,
2002, for further legislative consideration.
2. Priorities. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) convene interested parties, including, but not limited to, CPEC, the Department of Finance, representatives of the higher education segments, state education agencies, and representatives from the Legislature’s fiscal committees and education policy committees, to:
The LAO, in consultation with the other working group members, shall report the working group’s major findings and recommendations, regarding reform and/or re-constitution of CPEC, to the Legislature by December 1, 2002.
Until such a time as the Legislature has received and reviewed the working group’s report, it is the intent of the Legislature that CPEC give priority to the following activities and statutory responsibilities:
3. Cal Grant Delivery Systems. The establishment of the Cal Grant entitlement program provides an opportunity to reconsider the process by which Cal Grants are made available to students. It may be possible to develop an alternative delivery system that improves service to students and increases efficiency to the state and institutions. Therefore, it is the intent of the Legislature that CPEC (a) convene a task force to undertake a study of alternative delivery approaches for the Cal Grant entitlement programs and the competitive Cal Grant programs and (b) submit by February 28, 2003, a report to the fiscal and education committees of the Legislature on the implications of each approach considered. The study of each approach should include:
To provide greater context and coherence to the study, the report should also compare the awarding policies and delivery systems of the Cal Grant entitlement program, Cal Grant competitive program, institutional aid programs, federal Pell Grant programs, and federal campus-based programs.
The task force shall include representation from each of the five higher education segments, college students, SAC, the California Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, a California high school, the Department of Finance, the LAO, and appropriate legislative policy and fiscal committees.
It is further the intent of the Legislature that the task force focus on alternative delivery mechanisms that can accommodate the current statutory provisions of the program. However, the report may include consideration of an alternative delivery system that would require some modification of current statutory program provisions if the alternative delivery system would provide significant improvements over the current delivery system.
1. UC Riverside Biomedical Sciences Program. It is the intent of the Legislature that the UC Riverside Biomedical Sciences program be reconfigured, consistent with the following objectives/goals:
It is the intent of the Legislature that future funding for the UC Riverside Biomedical Sciences program shall be contingent upon the successful reconfiguration of the program to address the above goals and structural changes agreed by the university. It is the intent of the Legislature that program changes will be accomplished in time to be implemented no later than for the entering class of fall 2004. It is further the intent of the Legislature that admission to the UC Riverside/UCLA Biomedical Sciences program, as it currently exists, will be suspended effective for the entering class of fall 2003, until structural changes are fully implemented.
The university shall report to the fiscal committees of the Legislature by January 15, 2003 on its efforts to reconfigure this program and meet the requirements of this language.
2. Contracting Out. It is the intent of the Legislature that UC carefully monitor the use and effects of contracting out for services at newly developed facilities.
In order to assist in an improved understanding of such impacts, UC shall report annually to the fiscal committees of the Legislature no later than January 15 the extent to which it has chosen to contract out for services, the rationale for such decisions, the cost implications of such decisions, the impact on hiring, and the extent to which such hiring and contracting practices are at variance with such practices at existing facilities.
3. Staff Compensation. In the interest of providing the best possible education to the greatest number of qualified students, it is the intent of the Legislature that UC, to the greatest degree possible, use such funds as may be available from both state and nonstate sources to maintain competitive wages in the 2002-03 fiscal year. Federal and private grant wage money, overhead from grants, turnover savings, revenue from university enterprises, and unrestricted reserves are among the sources that could be used to alleviate recruitment and retention problems.
It is further the intent of the Legislature that UC submit a report to the Legislature by February 15, 2003, showing allocations by bargaining unit of salary funds provided by the state over the last five years, compared to:
4. Tenure and Promotion Decisions. The Board of Regents, in consultation with the Academic Senate, shall review and report on the retention, tenure, and promotion processes for its faculty. Specifically, the report shall identify:
The UC shall submit its report to the Legislature by January 1, 2003.
5. Institutional Financial Aid. The UC shall report to the Legislature on its institutional financial aid programs, including fee waivers, by March 15 of each year, beginning March 15, 2003. The report shall include: (a) a description of UC’s institutional aid policies for undergraduates and graduates and (b) a description and explanation of any changes UC has made to any of these policies since the prior year. Additionally, each report shall include the following data for the two prior academic years: (a) the total amount UC expended on institutional aid for undergraduates and graduates, (b) the average institutional aid award amount provided per undergraduate and graduate, (c) the range of institutional aid award amounts provided per undergraduate and graduate, and (d) the profile of undergraduate and graduate award recipients—including the average and the range of recipients’ (i) income levels, (ii) expected family contribution, (iii) financial need, and (iv) grade point average and/or test scores.
6. A-G Courses. It is the intent of the Legislature that UC assist school districts that maintain high schools to ensure that (a) school districts and high schools are informed of UC’s certification process for courses needed to meet admissions requirements ("a-g" courses) and (b) high school pupils are well-informed of the a-g course admissions requirements at the California State University (CSU) and the UC.
It is the intent of the Legislature that UC continue the following activities regarding the approval process and subsequent maintenance of the a-g course lists:
To enhance its efforts to provide technical assistance on the a-g certification process to school districts that maintain high schools, it is the intent of the Legislature that UC, to the extent possible, conduct the following activities:
Workshops in the design of courses that meet the a-g subject area requirements for high schools participating in the following programs: UC’s School-University Partnerships (S/UP), the Immediate Intervention/Under-Performing Schools Program (II/USP), and the High Priority Grants for Low-Performing Schools (HP) program.
The UC shall report to the Legislature by February 15, 2002 on the above efforts it has undertaken to provide technical assistance to high schools regarding the a-g course approval process and subsequent maintenance of these a-g course lists. Furthermore, it is the intent of the Legislature that the UC report on the potential for integrating its admissions functions, outreach programs, and teacher training programs to ensure that these programs are working collaboratively to more efficiently and cost-effectively disseminate information on a-g course requirements to students and high schools. The Legislative Analyst’s Office shall review and comment on the report during budget hearings.
1. Tenure and Promotion Decisions. The Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Academic Senate, shall review and report on the retention, tenure, and promotion processes for its faculty. Specifically, the report shall identify:
The CSU shall submit its report to the Legislature by January 1, 2003.
2. Institutional Financial Aid. The CSU shall report to the Legislature on its institutional financial aid programs, including fee waivers, by March 15 of each year, beginning March 15, 2003. The report shall include: (a) a description of CSU’s institutional aid policies for undergraduates and graduates and (b) a description and explanation of any changes CSU has made to any of these policies since the prior year. Additionally, each report shall include the following data for the two prior academic years: (a) the total amount CSU expended on institutional aid for undergraduates and graduates, (b) the average institutional aid award amount provided per undergraduate and graduate, (c) the range of institutional aid award amounts provided per undergraduate and graduate, and (d) the profile of undergraduate and graduate award recipients—including the average and the range of recipients’ (i) income levels, (ii) expected family contribution, (iii) financial need, and (iv) grade point average and/or test scores.
3. Faculty Compensation. The CSU shall report to the Legislature by November 1,2003 on funds budgeted for faculty compensation and actually expended on faculty compensation. The university shall provide data for the 2000-01, 2001-02, and 2002-03 budget years. The data shall include, at a minimum:
4. Joint Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Programs. The CSU, in collaboration with the University of California (UC), shall report to the Legislature by December 1, 2002 on their efforts to establish additional joint Ed.D. programs. The report shall identify: (a) the number and location of the new joint Ed.D. programs CSU and UC plan to establish over the next five years, (b) the academic year when these new programs are to become operative, and (c) the number of full-time equivalent students each program is to serve initially as well as at full implementation. The report also shall include a discussion of CSU’s and UC’s efforts to align their Ed.D. programs to the revised Administrative Services Credential requirements. Finally, the report shall include expenditure detail on the funds CSU and UC designated for planning of these new programs.
1. Student Transfer Expenditures. The Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges shall annually report to the fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature beginning no later than December 1st, 2002, and each December 1st annually thereafter, all transfer related expenditures by districts and by individual campuses, and by fund source. This annual report of transfer related expenditures shall differentiate between those expenditures which are directly related to transfer center operations or other transfer related activities and those transfer related efforts that may indirectly impact the success of students wishing to transfer to a four-year baccalaureate granting institution. For purposes of reporting the information necessary to compile this annual report, it is the intent of the Legislature that the Chancellor's Office work with the districts to the maximum extent possible in a manner that does not constitute a state reimburseable mandate upon the districts.
2. Student Transfer Goals and Policies. It is the intent of the Legislature that Colleges accepting Partnership for Excellence funds shall, in connection with their transfer center planning process, prepare a set of campus goals and action steps for achieving those goals for annual change in transfer prepared and transfer ready students through the 2005-06 fiscal year, as well as the rationale for selecting those particular goals and action steps for achieving those goals. These goals, rationale and action steps shall be submitted to the Chancellor's Office in a format specified by the Chancellor's Office no later than December 1, 2002. The Chancellor's Office shall compile and submit this information to the Governor and the Legislature no later than February 1, 2003. For purposes of reporting the information necessary to compile this report, it is the intent of the Legislature that the Chancellor's Office work with the districts to the maximum extent possible in a manner that does not constitute a state reimburseable mandate upon the districts.
1. Outreach. The Student Aid Commission shall report to the Legislature by January 1, 2003 on its efforts to conduct outreach for the Cal Grant entitlement program. The report shall include: (a) a discussion of the commission’s long-term outreach strategy and (b) a description of each of the outreach activities it conducted from January 2001 through December 2002. The report shall also include specific outcome information, including, but not limited to: (a) the number of students receiving outreach services, (b) the number of financial aid and grade point average (GPA) verification forms submitted, and (c) the number of correct financial aid and verification forms submitted.
2. High School GPA Verification. The Student Aid Commission shall report to the Legislature by December 1, 2002 on its efforts to improve the process by which high schools submit GPA verification forms. The report shall include a discussion of the challenges that high schools confront when submitting GPA verification forms and the commission confronts when processing these forms. The report shall also include a discussion of how the commission, working in collaboration with high schools, has specifically addressed each of these challenges. Finally, for the last two award cycles, the report shall track changes in: (a) the total number of verification forms received in hard copy and electronically and (b) the total number of correct forms submitted.
1. Evaluation of Gang Violence Suppression. The Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP) shall report to the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature by January 1, 2003 on the steps OCJP has taken to ensure that the data submitted by grantees are accurate and that source documentation is available. By March 15, 2003, OCJP shall submit a comprehensive program evaluation to the fiscal committees of both houses. This report shall assess the effectiveness of the Gang Violence Suppression program using program outcomes as performance measures. This report will include, at a minimum, information on conviction rates in counties that received funds for prosecutions, the change in gang-related crimes in schools that receive these funds, and demonstrate that funds were awarded to the communities that could benefit the most from this program.
2. Redirection and Reversion of Funds. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the OCJP shall report to the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature quarterly on all funds regardless of source that are being redirected or are in danger of reversion.
1. Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH)—Enforcement Positions. The department shall report the following to the chairs of the fiscal committees no later than January 10, 2003:
(a) Which DOSH positions will be redirected to high hazard industries.
(b) The basis on which the positions were redirected.
(c) The work from which the positions were redirected.
The report shall provide sufficient information to sustain a thorough analysis.
1. Post-and-Bid Pilot Program. By March 1, 2003, the State Personnel Board (SPB) and the Department of Personnel Administration (DPA) shall provide the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) and the Legislature’s fiscal committees with data on the number of positions filled for each classification subject to the post-and-bid hiring program included in new contracts for Bargaining Units 1, 4, and 11. The data shall include (a) the 50 percent of appointments subject to the post-and-bid process, including data on the number of 30-day "no fault" returns to former positions and (b) the 50 percent of appointments subject to the traditional merit-based hiring process. The data shall be broken down by gender, ethnicity, age, disability, veteran status, and department. The data shall also identify the source of appointment (that is, whether an appointment is promotional or a lateral transfer within the classification). The data shall cover the period from May 2002 through January 2003. By August 1, 2003, SPB and DPA shall also provide the same data to JLBC and the Legislature’s fiscal committees for the entire term of the pilot project from May 2002 through June 2003. Also by March 1, 2003, SPB shall provide JLBC and the Legislature’s fiscal committees with data, broken down in similar fashion, showing a three-year history of appointments, prior to the pilot program, to the designated post-and-bid classifications and transfers of employees within those classifications.
1. Agency Representation Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
(a) On or before November 1, 2002, the commission shall report to the chairs of the appropriate policy committees, the fiscal committees, and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) on the specific statutory, constitutional, or other bases on which it represents the state before FERC.
In the report, the commission shall also identify:
The report shall provide sufficient information to sustain a thorough analysis.
(b) On or before the publication date of the Analysis of the 2003-04 Budget Bill (Analysis), the Legislative Analyst shall review the report submitted by the commission and similar reports by the Department of Justice, the Electricity Oversight Board, the California Energy Commission, and the Department of Water Resources. As part of its Analysis, the Analyst shall publish its review and recommendation for statutory and budgetary changes necessary to improve: (i) program efficiency and effectiveness, and (ii) the coordination of the state’s representation before FERC.
2. Power Plant Performance Review Program. On or before October 15, 2003, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) shall submit to the chairs of the JLBC and the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature, a report that provides specific performance measurements for evaluating the commission’s power plant performance program and a workload justification utilizing actual data. The report should include, but not be limited to, the following information:
3. Audit Backlog. On or before September 1, 2002, the CPUC shall submit to the chairs of the JLBC and the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature a report that details its backlog of audits, including audits in progress but not yet completed. The information provided shall include, but not be limited to, the party subject to the audit, they type of issues involved in the audit, and the potential range of audit outcomes and their implications. The commission should prioritize the backlog of audits according to criteria that it specifies, and provide a reasonable timeline for completing the audits given existing resources. Workload data should be clearly defined, including the number of auditors and the time it takes to complete each audit.
4. Ongoing Auditing Resources Performance Evaluation. On or before December 15, 2002, and annually thereafter, the CPUC shall submit to the chairs of the JLBC and the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature a report that lists all audits completed, pending, and forthcoming at the commission. The report should include, but not be limited to, detail on costs and benefits relating to the commission’s completed audits. The report should include the following information on the completed audits: (a) the number of hours and costs associated with direct audit activities, as well as supporting (overhead) activities, and (b) the net benefits resulting from the audit activities. The net benefits should be measured as follows dependent upon the specific audit activity:
(a) General Rate Cases/Affiliate Audits—The net benefits should be measured by the net change in rates as determined by the auditing activities, including both the gross change discovered by the audit and the actual gross change implemented by the commission.
(b) Telephone Number Conservation—The number of unused telephone numbers discovered by each audit and an estimate of the number of area codes conserved.
(c) Public Purpose Program/User Fee Audits—The net over/under collection of these user fee revenues.
(d) Water Utility Audits—The number of new rate cases filed by small water utilities. The water utility auditing activities at the commission are aimed at improving water utility service by small utilities that do not have the resources to prepare documentation to apply for an adjustment in rates. Therefore, given the common characteristics of these audits there benefits should be measured by the number of new rate cases filed by small water utilities.
1. Rural Grants Program. The California Public Utilities Commission shall submit to the chairs of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature, the following:
(a) On or before January 15, 2003:
(i) The commission’s approved grant criteria and application form.
(ii) The commission’s assessment of the need for the grants and the types of projects it expects to fund with the grants.
(iii) An analysis of the likely benefits and costs of the grants. The assessment and analysis required in paragraphs (ii) and (iii) shall provide sufficient information to sustain a thorough review.
(b) On or before April 1, 2003:
(i) An inventory of the applications filed with commission.
(ii) A description of the types of projects for which the applications request funding.
(iii) An update of the assessment provided in paragraph (ii) required in (a) above.
If the assessment changes, the commission shall describe the basis for the differences.
1. Payphone Program. On or before December 1, 2003, the California Public Utilities Commission shall submit, to the Chairs of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature, a report that justifies its staffing needs for its public payphone programs based on actual workload data. In addition to the staffing levels of each program, this report should include the following information:
(a) Public Policy Payphone Program. The number of applications received for new public policy payphones, the number of public policy payphones placed in California, the location of the public policy payphones, and the number of hours spent on each application and payphone placement case.
(b) Payphone Service Providers Enforcement. The number of payphones inspected, the percentage of total phones inspected, the number of payphones not in compliance, the number of payphones disconnected, and the number of hours spent on each inspection and compliance case.
(c) Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf Interim Placement Committee. The number of phones placed, the number of applications/requests for the placement of these phones, and the number of hours spent on each phone placement case.
1. Workload Data. The authority shall, by December 15, 2002 and March 15, 2003, submit to the Chairs of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) and the chairs of the fiscal committees of both houses a report on the following:
(a) Details on the revenue cash flow of the authority.
(b) The use of contract services.
(c) The projects that have been financed by the authority.
The reports shall provide sufficient detail to sustain a thorough analysis of the findings.
2. Long-Term Budgetary Needs. The authority shall, by December 31, 2002, submit to the Chairs of the JLBC and the chairs of the fiscal committees of both houses a report on the long-term budgetary needs of the authority. In the report, the authority shall recommend measures for evaluating the performance of the authority. The report shall answer the question: How can the Legislature determine whether the authority is over- or under-funded?
1. Restitution Fund. The California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board shall submit a report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on or before January 10, 2003 on the projected imbalance between revenues and expenditures for the Restitution Fund. The report shall address options to bring resources and expenditures for the Victims of Crime program into line and include the following: (1) updated projections of revenues and expenditures for the 2003-04, 2004-05, and 2005-06 fiscal years; (2) an assessment of available information on the amount of fine and penalty revenue due to the Restitution Fund and the amount actually received; (3) revenue enhancement measures; (4) cost containment proposals; and (5) the fiscal impact of these options.
1. Agency Representation Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
(a) On or before November 1, 2002, the board shall report to the chairs of the appropriate policy committees, the fiscal committees, and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on the specific statutory, constitutional, or other bases on which it represents the state before FERC.
In the report, the board shall also identify:
The report shall provide sufficient information to sustain a thorough analysis.
(b) On or before the publication date of the Analysis of the 2003-04 Budget Bill (Analysis), the Legislative Analyst shall review the report submitted by the board and similar reports by the Department of Justice, the Public Utilities Commission, the California Energy Commission, and the Department of Water Resources. As part of its Analysis, the Analyst shall publish its review and recommendation for statutory and budgetary changes necessary to improve: (i) program efficiency and effectiveness, and (ii) the coordination of the state’s representation before FERC.
2. Long-Term Budgetary Needs. The board shall, by December 31, 2002, submit to the Chairs of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) and the chairs of the fiscal committees of both houses, a report on the long-term budgetary needs of the board. In the report, the board shall recommend measures for evaluating the performance of the authority. The report shall include but not be limited to the following:
(a) The report shall answer the following questions:
(i) How can the Legislature determine whether the authority is over- or under-funded? What outcomes or benefits can be weighed against the board’s costs?
(ii) How do the staff activities relate to the board’s statutory responsibilities?
(b) The report shall identify the board’s budgetary needs for 2003-04 associated with the following activities:
(i) Lead agency in a coalition of parties pursuing state refund claims.
(ii) Board-filed complaints against the standards for market rates at the FERC.
(iii) Board contributions to adjudicated outcomes.
(iv) Board-filed actions to prohibit a series of selling practices.
(v) Technical support provided to other agencies.
3. Short-Term Workload. The board should report to the Chairs of the JLBC and the chairs of the fiscal and policy committees of both houses of the Legislature on or before August 1 on the following inventory:
(a) How many appeals or cases the staff is working on through December 21, 2002.
(b) How long it will take for the board staff to resolve these cases.
(c) What the responsibilities are for each of these cases.
(d) What the board’s staffing commitment is to each of these cases.
1. Managing Cash Flow. The Department of Veterans Affairs shall submit the following reports to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the fiscal committees of both houses of the Legislature:
(a) On December 31, 2002, the department shall report on the cash flow needs of the department and veterans’ homes. The report shall detail the expected expenditures and expected receipts of reimbursements and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs per diem. The department shall notify the Legislature on what actions it would take to accommodate any cash shortfalls, including any plans to reduce purchases. The department shall provide the status of any outstanding loans for shortfalls occurring in prior fiscal years.
(b) On February 28, 2003, the department shall update the report pursuant to paragraph (a). The department shall describe the cause and fiscal implications of the differences between the February 28 and December 31 reports. The department shall notify the Legislature on what actions it would take to accommodate any cash shortfalls, including any plans to reduce purchases. The department shall provide the status of any outstanding loans for shortfalls occurring in prior fiscal years.
The reports shall provide sufficient information to sustain a thorough analysis.
2. Reducing Lags in Collections. On or before December 15, 2002, the department shall report to the chairs of the fiscal committees on the lags associated with collecting reimbursements. In particular, the department shall detail:
(a) The lags incurred between the rendering of services, making claims, and reimbursements received.
(b) Actions the department has taken to reduce lags since July 1, 2001.
(c) Actions the department intends to take in 2003 to reduce lags. The department shall identify the actions and the expected reduction in lags.
The report shall provide sufficient information to sustain a thorough analysis.
1. Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District, Santa Ana—New Courthouse. The amount of $14,350,000 is provided for working drawings ($792,000) and construction ($13,558,000) of a new 54,253 gross square foot (gsf) courthouse. This includes space sufficient to accommodate future court growth of 2 percent per year for five years. The total project cost is $17,696,000 (CCCI 4019) with no future cost. The amount for construction includes $11,692,000 for construction contracts, $585,000 for contingency and $604,000 for project management. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by December 2002 and be completed by August 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by October 2003 and be completed by December 2004.
2. Court of Appeal, Fifth Appellate District, Fresno—New Courthouse. The amount of $17,559,000 is provided for working drawings ($1,034,000) and construction ($16,525,000) of a new 59,525 gsf courthouse. This includes space sufficient to accommodate future court growth of 2 percent per year for five years. The total project cost is $19,065,000 (CCCI 4019) with no future cost. This amount includes $14,161,000 for construction contracts, $708,000 for contingency, and $772,000 for project management services. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by August 2002 and be completed by March 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by August 2003 and be completed by October 2004.
1. Los Angeles—California Science Center, Expansion Phase II. The budget provides $19,137,000 as the state’s share for construction of the Phase II expansion project at the Science Center. The Science Center will provide funds from other nonstate sources to complete the construction. This expansion project will provide a 170,000 gsf facility consisting of World of Ecology Exhibit space (95,000 gsf), World of Life, Special Exhibit Gallery, and service space (25,000 gsf), and staff offices (50,000 gsf). The project also includes some additional exterior exhibit and service areas. Live animal exhibits include a rain forest, a desert exhibit, and a two-story reef tank. The estimated total future cost is $96,891,070 including $54,799,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $3,836,000 construction contingency, $31,080,000 for agency-retained items (such as interpretive and live exhibits, exhibit project management, and preopening costs), and $7,176,070 for architectural engineering services, project management, and other project costs (which include environmental testing and inspections). Working drawings are currently in progress and are scheduled to be completed in November 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin in April 2003 and the facility is scheduled to open in 2006.
It is the intent of the Legislature that a contract for construction of the Phase II expansion project shall not be signed until the Science Center has obtained sufficient nonstate funds (or binding agreement to provide such funds as needed to meet contractual obligations) to complete construction and has assurance of obtaining sufficient nonstate funds or the commitment of the California Science Center Foundation to complete development of the exhibits.
The Science Center shall report by January 10, 2003 on the status of raising the required nonstate funds for the completion of the Phase II development of the Master Plan.
1. Office Buildings 8 and 9 Renovation, 714 and 744 P Street, Sacramento. The amount of $107,276,000 (CCCI of 4019) is provided for preliminary plans ($1,916,000), working drawings ($4,303,000), and construction ($101,057,000) for space at 714 P Street (Office Building 8) and 744 P Street (Office Building 9), Sacramento. Each building is 307,555 gross square feet. This renovation consists of demolition of all interior partitions including removal and replacement of existing finishes, upgrading electrical and data cabling, upgrades for the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), fire and life safety corrections, and removal of hazardous waste. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin by July 2002 and to be completed by December 2002, working drawings are scheduled to begin by January 2003 and be completed by July 2003, Construction of Office Building 8 is scheduled to begin by December 2003 and be completed by December 2004. Construction of Office Building 9 is scheduled to begin by March 2005 and be completed by May 2006.
2. Bonderson Building Renovation. The amount of $23,024,000 (CCCI of 4019) is provided for preliminary plans ($1,132,000), working drawings ($1,158,000), and construction ($20,734,000). The 132,000 square foot (sq) building is located at 901 P Street, Sacramento. The renovation includes building code corrections, purchase and permanent installation of modular furniture/workstations, and repairs and improvements to architectural, mechanical, electrical, telecommunications and security systems. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin by August 2002 and be completed by June 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to be completed by July 2003 and be completed by December 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by July 2004 and be completed by November 2005.
3. Office Building 10 Renovation, 721 Capitol Mall, Sacramento. The amount of $24,832,000 (CCCI of 4019) is provided for working drawings ($1,094,000) and construction ($23,738,000) of the 145,800 sq building. The renovation includes carpets, wall finishes, modular furniture, and ceiling tiles. Additional improvements include removal and replacement of existing roof and windows, upgrades to the electrical, communication, and data cabling systems. The project also includes installation of fire sprinklers and removal of hazardous materials. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin by July 2002 and be completed by December 2002, working drawings are scheduled to be begin by December 2002 and be completed by June 2003, and construction is scheduled to begin by December 2003 and be completed by December 2004.
4. Food and Agriculture Building Renovation, 1220 N Street, Sacramento. The amount of $20,754,000 (CCCI of 4019) is provided for construction to renovate the Food and Agriculture Building. The renovation includes removal of existing corridors and individual partition walls with asbestos containing material, removal of all nonessential interior improvements, and upgrade of all essential functions to current codes. Also provided will be new dropped ceilings, HVAC system, fire protection, lighting fixtures, electrical service and subpanels, fire alarm system, communication outlets, mini-blinds, painting, and carpeting. Existing elevators will be upgraded to current codes. Construction is scheduled to be begin by December 2002 and be completed by May 2004.
1. Department of Corrections, California Men’s Colony, San Luis Obispo—Administration Building A. The amount of $2,996,000 is provided for working drawings ($272,000) and construction ($2,724,000) for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from risk level V to risk level III. The total project cost is $3,083,000. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $1,750,000 for construction contracts, $609,000 for project administration, $123,000 for contingency, and $242,000 for guarding costs. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by August 2002 and be completed by March 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by August 2003 and be completed by August 2004.
2. Department of Corrections, Tracy, DVI, Tracy, Hospital Building Wing B—Structural Retrofit. The amount of $1,988,000 is provided for working drawings ($235,000) and construction ($1,753,000) for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from risk level V to risk level III. The total project cost is $2,061,000. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $1,121,000 for construction contracts, $352,000 for project administration, $78,000 for contingency, and $202,000 for guarding costs. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by August 2002 and be completed by March 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by August 2003 and be completed by June 2004.
3. Department of Corrections, California Correctional Institute, Tehachapi—Tehachapi State Prison Dorm E1, E2, E3, and E4. The amount of $2,852,000 is provided for working drawings ($287,000) and construction ($2,565,000) for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from risk level V to risk level III. The total project cost is $2,987,000. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $1,658,000 for construction contracts, $551,000 for project administration, $116,000 for contingency, and $240,000 for guarding costs. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by August 2002 and be completed by May 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by September 2003 and be completed by July 2004.
4. Department of Corrections, San Quentin State Prison—Building 22 Modulars. The amount of $6,181,000 is provided for working drawings ($484,000) and construction ($5,697,000) for modular buildings to serve as temporary housing during the structural retrofit and renovation of Building 22, which is a seismic risk level VI. (Of this, $484,000 will be reverted from 2001/2002 General Funds and reappropriated in 2002/2003 Seismic Bond Funds.) The total project cost is $6,469,000. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $3,791,000 for construction contracts, $411,000 for project administration, $265,000 for contingency, $400,000 for agency retained items, and $830,000 for guarding costs. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by August 2002 and be completed by January 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by May 2003 and be completed by November 2003.
5. Department of Mental Health, Patton State Hospital—30 Building, A-E. The amount of $1,150,000 is provided for working drawings (of which $750,000 is for agency-retained items during working drawings) for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from risk Level V to risk level III. The total project cost is $7,895,000 with estimated future costs of $6,409,000 for construction. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $5,065,000 for construction contracts, $739,000 for project administration, $355,000 for contingency, and $250,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by August 2002 and be completed by February 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by August 2003 and be completed by April 2005.
6. Department of Mental Health, Patton State Hospital—70 Building, A-E. The amount of $1,150,000 is provided for working drawings (of which $750,000 is for agency-retained items during working drawings) for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from risk level V to risk level III. The total project cost is $7,895,000 with estimated future costs of $6,409,000 for construction. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $5,065,000 for construction contracts, $739,000 for project administration, $355,000 for contingency, and $250,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by August 2002 and be completed by February 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by August 2003 and be completed by April 2005.
7. Department of Mental Health Patton State Hospital—Building N: Structural Retrofit. The amount of $718,000 is provided for working drawings for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from risk level V to risk level III. The total project cost is $17,941,000 with estimated future costs of $16,673,000 for construction. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $8,680,000 for construction contracts, $885,000 for project administration, $608,000 for contingency, and $6,500,000 for agency-retained items (swing space, additional security costs, and staffing). Working drawings are scheduled to begin by August 2002 and be completed by March 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by August 2003 and be completed by September 2005.
8. Department of Corrections, Correctional Training Facility—Soledad, South Dorm C, D, E. The amount of $2,292,000 is provided for working drawings ($205,000) and construction ($2,087,000) for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from risk level V to risk level III. The total project cost is $2,512,000. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $1,629,000 for construction contracts, $219,000 for project administration, $114,000 for contingency, and $125,000 for guarding costs. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by August 2002 and be completed by February 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by May 2003 and be completed by January 2004.
9. Department of Corrections, San Quentin State Prison—Building 22, Structural Retrofit. The amount of $1,182,000 is provided for working drawings for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from risk level VI to Risk level III and renovations to include code compliance modifications. The total project cost is $16,633,000 with estimated future costs of $14,282,000 for construction. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $10,365,000 for construction contracts, $1,291,000 for project administration, $726,000 for contingency, $550,000 for agency-retained items, and $1,350,000 for guarding costs. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by September 2002 and be completed by May 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by November 2003 and be completed by March 2005.
10. Department of General Services, Fresno—State Office Building. The amount of $261,000 is provided for working drawings for a structural retrofit to reduce the seismic risk level of this building from risk level V to risk level III. The total project cost is $2,547,000 with estimated future costs of $1,985,000 for construction. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $1,547,000 for construction contracts, $330,000 for project administration, and $108,000 for contingency. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by August 2002 and be completed by March 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by August 2003 and be completed by August 2004.
The department shall use risk level and then actual building occupancy to prioritize future seismic retrofit projects rather than code occupancy.
1. Marysville Office Building—Replacement. The amount of $2,264,000 is provided for acquisition of land and preliminary plans to construct a new 230,000 gsf office building and 708 surface parking spaces. Total project cost is $58,839,000 including acquisition ($775,000), planning and preparation of a request for proposal from design-build contractors ($1,489,000) and working drawings/construction ($56,575,000). Acquisition and planning is scheduled to start in July 2002 and be completed by April 2004. The Request for Proposal phase is scheduled to start in January 2004 and be completed by September 2004, and the Design-Build phase is scheduled to start in September 2004 and be completed by June 2006.
2. Redding District Office Building—Seismic Retrofit. The amount of $2,568,000 is provided for construction to complete a seismic retrofit of the district office building. Total project cost is $2,835,000 including preliminary plans ($28,000), working drawings ($239,000) and construction ($2,568,000). The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $2,147,000 for construction contracts, $271,000 for project administration, and other costs, and $150,000 for contingency. Construction is scheduled to start in March 2003 and be completed by November 2003.
3. Sacramento Headquarters Office—Seismic Retrofit. The amount of $8,939,000 is provided for construction to complete a seismic retrofit of the district office building. Total project cost is $10,104,000 including preliminary plans ($470,000), working drawings ($695,000) and construction ($8,939,000). The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $6,914,000 for construction contracts, $1,541,000 for project administration, and other costs, and $484,000 for contingency. Construction is scheduled to start August 2002 and be completed February 2004.
1. San Diego Office Building—Replacement. The amount of $72,599,000 is provided for construction for a 301,000 gsf office building and surface parking for 815 spaces to accommodate 956 staff. Total project cost is $77,882,000 preliminary plans ($2,199,000), working drawings ($3,084,000) and construction ($72,599,000). The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $59,161,000 for construction contracts, $10,480,000 for project administration and other costs, and $2,958,000 for contingency. Construction is scheduled to begin May 2003 and be completed by September 2005.
1. South Lake Tahoe: Replacement Facility. The amount of $3,475,000 is provided for construction of a new 5,640 square foot (sf) South Lake Tahoe area office and 2,000 sf service building. The project includes parking spaces, fencing, fuel island with a 12,000 gallon underground tank and canopy, emergency generator and building, flagpole, communications tower, landscaping, and utilities. The total project cost is $5,985,000 including a study ($25,000), acquisition ($2,218,000), preliminary plans ($98,000), working drawings ($169,000), and construction ($3,475,000). The amount for construction (CCCI4019) includes $2,991,000 for construction contracts, $150,000 for contingency, and $334,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin May 2003 and be completed by July 2004.
2. Monterey: Replacement Facility. The amount of $5,659,000 is provided for construction of a new 14,543 sf Monterey area office. The project includes parking spaces, fencing, fuel island with a 12,000 gallon underground tank and canopy, emergency generator and building, flagpole, communications tower, landscaping, and utilities. The total project cost is $7,514,000 including acquisition ($1,320,000), preliminary plans ($230,000), working drawings ($305,000), and construction ($5,659,000). The amount for construction (CCCI4019) includes $4,851,000 for construction contracts, $243,000 for contingency, and $565,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2002 and be completed by March 2004.
1. Sacramento Headquarters: First Floor Asbestos Removal and Seismic Retrofit. The amount of $19,120,000 is provided for construction to renovate and seismically retrofit the first floor (75,000 gross square feet). The renovation will have open office architecture, meeting rooms, an assembly room, an enlarged security office and a new cafeteria. The seismic retrofitting includes installation of a composite fiber wrap on the exterior walls of the structure. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $16,185,000 for construction contracts, $1,133,000 for contingency, $1,508,000 for project administration and $294,000 for agency retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by August 2003.
2. Sacramento Headquarters: Third Floor Asbestos Abatement and Office Renovation. The amount of $325,000 is provided for working drawings to conduct asbestos abatement and renovate the interior space (75,000gsf). The renovation will have open office architecture, meeting rooms and private offices. The total estimated project cost is $7,531,000 including $200,000 for preliminary plans, $325,000 for working drawings and future costs of $7,006,000 for construction. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $5,557,000 for construction contracts, $389,000 for contingency, and $617,000 for project administration and $443,000 for agency retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by December 2002.
3. Sacramento Headquarters: Fifth Floor Asbestos Abatement and Office Renovation. The amount of $219,000 is provided for preliminary plans to conduct asbestos abatement and renovate the fifth floor of Building East (75,000 gsf). The total estimated project cost is $7,510,000 including future costs for working drawings ($325,000) and construction ($6,966,000). The renovation will have open office architecture, meeting rooms and private offices. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $5,521,000 for construction contracts, $386,000 for contingency, $581,000 for project administration, and $478,000 for agency retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin November 2002 and be completed by May 2003.
4. San Ysidro: Field Office Relocation: The amount of $743,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($351,000) and working drawings ($392,000) for a 14,777 gsf building on a 2.73 acres site with 157 parking spaces. Total estimated project cost is $9,779,000, with site acquisition cost of $3,171,000 and future construction costs of $5,865,000. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $4,775,000 for construction contracts, $239,000 for contingency, $665,000 for project administration and $186,000 for agency retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin December 2002 and be completed by July 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin August 2003 and be completed February 2004.
5. South Sacramento: Field Office Replacement: The amount of $760,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($360,000) and working drawings ($400,000) for a site for a 13,725 gsf building with 120 parking spaces. Total estimated project cost is $7,556,000, with site acquisition cost of $942,000 and future construction costs of $5,854,000. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $4,823,000 for construction contracts, $240,000 for contingency, $605,000 for project administration, and $186,000 for agency retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin December 2002 and be completed by July 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin August 2003 and be completed February 2004.
1. Delta Service Center District Construction. The budget reappropriates $13,755,000 provided by Chapter 3 of the Third Extraordinary Session, Statutes of 2002, Section 2(b)1 for acquisition ($1,500,000), preliminary plans ($588,000), working drawings ($645,000) and construction ($11,022,000) for the development of a 111 corps member residential facility. The facility would include an administration building (2,964 square feet), warehouse (10,684 square feet), hazardous materials storage building (150 square feet), multipurpose room, kitchen/dining room (9,000 square feet), dormitories (16,300 square feet), and an education/ recreation building (10,454 square feet), 20,000 square feet of paved service area and associated site development. The amount for construction (CCCI 4019) includes $470,000 for contingencies, $1,150,000 for project administration, and $9,402,000 for construction contracts. Acquisition is scheduled to be complete by February 2003. Preliminary plans are scheduled to be complete by February 2004. Working drawings are scheduled to be complete by January 2005. Construction is scheduled to be completed by November 2006.
1. Ukiah Forest Fire Station—Replace Facility. The budget provides $3,071,000 for working drawings and construction to replace the Ukiah Forest Fire Station in Mendocino County. The project includes a 2,944 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,999 gsf apparatus building, a 1,985 gsf dozer shed, an 1,800 gsf office building, a 100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $3,211,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($140,000), working drawings ($175,000), and construction ($2,896,000). The amount for construction includes $122,000 for contingencies, $337,000 for project administration, and $2,437,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start August 2002 and be completed by February 2003. Construction is scheduled to start May 2003 and be completed by May 2004.
2. Sweetwater Forest Fire Station—Relocate Facility. The budget provides $2,462,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to relocate the Sweetwater Forest Fire Station in Santa Clara County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,634,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($172,000), preliminary plans ($226,000), working drawings ($171,000), and construction ($2,065,000). The amount for construction includes $82,000 for contingencies, $353,000 for project administration, and $1,630,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2002 and be completed July 2003; working drawings are scheduled to start August 2003 and be completed by July 2004; and construction is scheduled to start October 2004 and be completed by May 2006.
3. Elk Camp Forest Fire Station—Relocate Facility. The budget provides $2,098,000 for working drawings and construction to relocate the Elk Camp Forest Fire Station in Humboldt County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,325,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($150,000), preliminary plans ($77,000), working drawings ($121,000), and construction ($1,977,000). The amount for construction includes $76,000 for contingencies, $337,000 for project administration, and $1,562,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start October 2002 and be completed by April 2003. Construction is scheduled to start July 2003 and be completed by July 2004.
4. Santa Clara Unit Headquarters—Replace Automotive Shop. The budget provides $1,577,000 for construction to replace the auto shop at the Santa Clara Unit Headquarters in Santa Clara County. The project includes a 6,160 gsf 5-bay auto shop and dozer storage, site work, grading, paving, curbs, walks, utilities, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,734,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($40,000), working drawings ($117,000), and construction ($1,577,000). The amount for construction includes $68,000 for contingencies, $143,000 for project administration, $1,366,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to be completed by October 2002. Construction is scheduled to start January 2003 and be completed by March 2004.
5. Harts Mill Forest Fire Station—Relocate Facility. The budget provides $1,323,000 for construction to relocate the Harts Mill Forest Fire Station in Butte County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,611,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($172,000), preliminary plans ($46,000), working drawings ($70,000), and construction ($1,323,000). The amount for construction includes $56,000 for contingencies, $139,000 for project administration, and $1,128,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start October 2002 and be completed by December 2003.
6. Fort Jones Forest Fire Station—Replace Facility. The budget provides $1,980,000 for construction to replace the Fort Jones Forest Fire Station in Siskiyou County. The project includes a 3,040 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,984 gsf apparatus building, a 1,990 gsf dozer/transport building, 100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,170,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($72,000), working drawings ($118,000), and construction ($1,980,000). The amount for construction includes $80,000 for contingencies, $306,000 for project administration, and $1,594,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start September 2002 and be completed by September 2003.
7. Manton Forest Fire Station—Relocate Facility. The budget provides $1,364,000 for construction to relocate the Manton Forest Fire Station in Tehama County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing facility and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,638,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($147,000), preliminary plans ($44,000), working drawings ($83,000), and construction ($1,364,000). The amount for construction includes $57,000 for contingencies, $161,000 for project administration, and $1,146,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start September 2003 and be completed by August 2003.
8. Weaverville Forest Fire Station—Relocate Facility. The budget provides $1,971,000 for construction to relocate the Weaverville Forest Fire Station in Trinity County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 900 gsf office building, a 110 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of existing facility and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,378,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($208,000), preliminary plans ($53,000), working drawings ($146,000), and construction ($1,971,000). The amount for construction includes $75,000 for contingencies, $405,000 for project administration, and $1,491,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start January 2002 and be completed by February 2003.
9. Buckhorn Forest Fire Station—Replace Apparatus Building. The budget provides $1,143,000 for working drawings and construction to replace the Buckhorn Forest Fire Station Apparatus Building in Shasta County. The project includes a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 150 gsf fuel building, site work, new water system, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing apparatus building, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,413,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($200,000), preliminary plans ($70,000), working drawings ($102,000), and construction ($1,041,000). The amount for construction includes $41,000 for contingencies, $171,000 for project administration, and $829,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to be completed by February 2003, and construction is scheduled to start April 2003 and be completed by April 2004.
10. Independence Forest Fire Station—Relocate Facility. The budget provides $1,395,000 for construction to relocate the Independence Forest Fire Station in Inyo County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,720,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($169,000), preliminary plans ($45,000), working drawings ($111,000), and construction ($1,395,000). The amount for construction includes $56,000 for contingencies, $227,000 for project administration, and $1,112,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start November 2002 and be completed by November 2003.
11. San Luis Obispo Unit Headquarters—Replace Facility. The budget provides $974,000 for construction to replace the San Luis Obispo Unit Headquarters in San Luis Obispo County. The project includes a 15,000 gsf headquarters administrative facility and Emergency Command Center (ECC) Facility with 120-foot radio tower, a 3,752 gsf apparatus/office building, a 2,750 gsf service center/warehouse expansion, and a 324 gsf pump house building. The 9,000 Unit Mobile Equipment Maintenance Facility and bulk oil storage building will be constructed at Cuesta Conservation Camp. The total estimated project cost is $7,878,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($570,000), working drawings ($614,000), and construction ($6,694,000). The amount for construction includes $304,000 for contingencies, $326,000 for project administration, and $6,064,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start January 2003 and be completed by January 2005.
12. Hemet-Ryan Air Attack Base—Relocate Facility. The budget provides $2,109,000 for acquisition and construction to relocate the Hemet-Ryan Air Attack Base in Riverside County. The project includes a 1,984 gsf helicopter hangar, a 3,600 gsf hangar, a 4,646 gsf air operations building, a 3,850 gsf barracks/messhall, a 4,812 gsf apparatus storage and vehicular equipment building, fire retardant loading pits, a helipad, retardant waste and surface runoff mitigation facilities, site work, demolition of the existing tower, barracks, operations and storage buildings, installation of sewer connections, fencing, paving, landscaping, associated utilities, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $5,786,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($350,000), preliminary plans ($164,000), working drawings ($166,000), and construction ($5,106,000). The amount for construction includes $216,000 for contingencies, $590,000 for project administration, and $4,300,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start September 2002 and be completed by March 2004.
13. San Marcos Forest Fire Station—Relocate Facility. The budget provides $2,115,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to relocate the San Marcos Forest Fire Station in San Diego County. The project includes construction of a 2,330 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 120 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, landscaping, and all appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,790,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($675,000), preliminary plans ($207,000), working drawings ($153,000), and construction ($1,755,000). The amount for construction includes $69,000 for contingencies, $302,000 for project administration, and $1,384,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2002 and be completed by July 2003; working drawings are scheduled to start August 2003 and be completed by July 2004; and construction is scheduled to start October 2004 and be completed by January 2006.
14. Valley Center Forest Fire Station—Relocate Facility. The budget provides $1,483,000 for construction to relocate the Valley Center Forest Fire Station in San Diego County. The project includes a 2,940 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,990 gsf apparatus building, a 100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,026,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($368,000), preliminary plans ($58,000), working drawings ($117,000), and construction ($1,483,000). The amount for construction includes $63,000 for contingencies, $167,000 for project administration, and $1,253,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2002 and be completed by July 2003.
15. Ventura Youth Conservation Camp—Construct Vehicle Apparatus Building, Shop/Warehouse. The budget provides $1,397,000 for construction of facilities at the Ventura Youth Conservation Camp in Ventura County. The project includes a 2,400 gsf warehouse/fire crew support building, a 5,000 gsf Crew Carrying Vehicle (CCV) apparatus storage building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,566,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($51,000), working drawings ($118,000), and construction ($1,397,000). The amount for construction includes $58,000 for contingencies, $176,000 for project administration, and $1,163,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start September 2002 and be completed by September 2003.
16. Fenner Canyon Conservation Camp—Construct Vehicle Apparatus Buildings, Replace Office. The budget provides $2,452,000 for construction to replace the CCV buildings and office at Fenner Canyon Conservation Camp in Los Angeles County. The project includes two 1,984 gsf CCV apparatus buildings, a 1,260 gsf utility vehicle storage building, an 8,000 gsf administrative office/BOQ building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,657,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($86,000), working drawings ($119,000), and construction ($2,452,000). The amount for construction includes $105,000 for contingencies, $250,000 for project administration, and $2,097,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start January 2003 and be completed by February 2004.
17. Nipomo Forest Fire Station—Replace Facility. The budget provides $1,777,000 for construction to replace the Nipomo Forest Fire Station in San Luis Obispo County. The project includes a 2,944 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,999 gsf apparatus building, a 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,016,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($100,000), working drawings ($139,000), and construction ($1,777,000). The amount for construction includes $75,000 for contingencies, $195,000 for project administration, and $1,507,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start November 2002 and be completed by March 2004.
18. South Operations Area Headquarters—Relocate Facility. The budget provides $16,401,000 for working drawings and construction to relocate the South Operations Area Headquarters in Riverside County. The project includes construction of a 12,236 gsf operation coordination center, a 20,812 gsf administration/office building, a 3,498 gsf construction engineering office, a 1,581 gsf electrical shop, a 2,602 gsf mechanical shop, a 1,320 gsf groundskeeper/generator/ hazmat building, a 2,775 gsf automotive shop, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, gutters, vehicle wash rack, fencing, landscaping, fueling facilities, signage, emergency generator, communications tower and associated equipment, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $17,204,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($803,000), working drawings ($1,070,000), and construction ($15,331,000). The amount for construction includes $539,000 for contingencies, $1,503,000 for project administration, $10,789,000 for construction contracts, and $2,500,000 as agency retained. Working drawings are scheduled to start August 2002 and be completed by May 2003; construction is scheduled to start August 2003 and be completed by December 2005.
19. Sonora Forest Fire Station—Relocate Facility. The budget provides $2,490,000 for working drawings and construction to relocate the Sonora Forest Fire Station in Tuolumne County. The project includes a 2,940 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,990 gsf apparatus building, a 1,900 gsf office building, a 400 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,899,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($322,000), preliminary plans ($87,000), working drawings ($207,000), and construction ($2,283,000). The amount for construction includes $96,000 for contingencies, $272,000 for project administration, and $1,915,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled for completion by February 2003. Construction is scheduled to start May 2003 and be completed by May 2004.
20. Sand Creek Forest Fire Station—Relocate Facility. The budget provides $1,338,000 for construction to relocate the Sand Creek Forest Fire Station in Fresno County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,702,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($223,000), preliminary plans ($55,000), working drawings ($86,000), and construction ($1,338,000). The amount for construction includes $56,000 for contingencies, $164,000 for project administration, and $1,118,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start December 2003 and be completed by December 2003.
21. Rancheria Forest Fire Station—Replace Facility. The budget provides $1,802,000 for construction to replace the Rancheria Forest Fire Station in Madera County. The project includes a 2,929 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,984 gsf apparatus building, 300 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,015,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($102,000), working drawings ($111,000), and construction ($1,802,000). The amount for construction includes $76,000 for contingencies, $205,000 for project administration, and $1,521,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start February 2003 and be completed by February 2004.
22. Usona Forest Fire Station—Replace Facility. The budget provides $1,820,000 for working drawings and construction to replace the Usona Forest Fire Station in Mariposa County. The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, 300 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,925,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($105,000), working drawings ($132,000), and construction ($1,688,000). The amount for construction includes $69,000 for contingencies, $239,000 for project administration, and $1,380,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled for completion by November 2002. Construction is scheduled to start March 2003 and be completed by March 2004.
23. Vallecito Conservation Camp—Replace Utilities/Construct Apparatus Building. The budget provides $1,131,000 for working drawings and construction to replace utilities and construct CCV apparatus buildings at the Vallecito Conservation Camp in Calaveras County. The project includes construction of two, 1,990 gsf apparatus buildings, replacement of existing water storage tanks and underground water, sewer and gas utilities, demolition of tanks and existing buildings, and rewiring electrical systems in existing buildings. The total estimated project cost is $2,894,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($123,000), working drawings ($157,000), and construction ($2,614,000). The amount for construction includes $155,000 for contingencies, $248,000 for project administration, and $2,211,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start September 2002 and be completed by September 2003.
24. Springville Forest Fire Station—Relocate Facility. The budget provides $2,740,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to relocate the Springville Forest Fire Station in Tulare County. The project includes construction of a 2,921 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,984 gsf apparatus building, a 156 gsf fuel building, a 150 gsf pump house, site work, utilities, paving, landscaping, all appurtenances and demolition of the existing Milo Forest Fire Station. The total estimated project cost is $2,940,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($200,000), preliminary plans ($210,000), working drawings ($188,000), and construction ($2,342,000). The amount for construction includes $95,000 for contingencies, $352,000 for project administration, and $1,895,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start July 2002 and be completed May 2003; working drawings are scheduled to start June 2003 and be completed by April 2004; and construction is scheduled to start July 2004 and be completed by January 2006.
25. Raymond Forest Fire Station—Relocate Facility. The budget provides $2,667,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to relocate the Raymond Forest Fire Station in Madera County. The project includes construction of a 2,330 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 120 gsf fuel building, a 120 gsf pumphouse, site work, utilities, paving, landscaping, and all appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,767,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($100,000) preliminary plans ($198,000), working drawings ($175,000), and construction ($2,294,000). The amount for construction includes $90,000 for contingencies, $399,000 for project administration, $35,000 for agency retained items, and $1,805,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start July 2002 and be completed July 2003; working drawings are scheduled to start July 2003 and be completed by July 2004; and construction is scheduled to start October 2004 and be completed by January 2006.
26. Ahwahnee Forest Fire Station—Replace Facility. The budget provides $1,659,000 for construction to replace the Ahwahnee Forest Fire Station in Madera County. The project includes a 2,929 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,984 gsf apparatus building, 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $1,837,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($50,000), working drawings ($128,000), and construction ($1,659,000). The amount for construction includes $67,000 for contingencies, $254,000 for project administration, and $1,338,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start September 2002 and be completed by September 2003.
27. Bautista Conservation Camp—Replace Modular Buildings. The budget provides $3,079,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings and construction to replace dormitories, a messhall and bachelor officers’ quarters (BOQ) at the Bautista Conservation Camp in Riverside County. The project includes construction of five, 1,500 gsf dormitories, a 4,500 kitchen/messhall building, a 2,450 gsf BOQ building, a 300 gsf generator building and emergency power generator, site work, utilities connections, walks, landscaping, and all appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $3,219,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($144,000), working drawings ($186,000), and construction ($2,889,000). The amount for construction includes $124,000 for contingencies, $293,000 for project administration, and $2,472,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans will be completed by July 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to start August 2002 and be completed by March 2003; and construction is scheduled to start June 2003 and be completed by August 2004.
28. Altaville Forest Fire Station—Replace Facility. The budget provides $2,759,000 for working drawings and construction to replace the Altaville Forest Fire Station in Calaveras County. The project includes construction of a 2,824 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,697 sf apparatus building, a 1,984 sf dozer shed, electrical service upgrades, site work, utilities, paving and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,915,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($156,000), working drawings ($167,000), and construction ($2,592,000). The amount for construction includes $110,000 for contingencies, $277,000 for project administration, and $2,205,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2000 and be completed by April 2001. Working drawings are scheduled to start September 2002 and be completed by April 2003; construction is scheduled to start July 2003 and be completed by September 2004.
1. Elkhorn Slough Ecological Reserve Research and Education Center. The amount of $250,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($148,000) and working drawings ($102,000) to construct a 3,500 square foot (sf) single story complex to be used as a research and education center. The facility will consist of four separate buildings orientated around a central planting area with an education laboratory (570 sf), research laboratory (1,267 sf), studio (290 sf), and office space and conference rooms (1,375 sf). The estimated total project cost is $1,864,000 (CCCI 4019), including preliminary plans ($148,000), working drawings ($116,000), and construction ($1,600,000). The amount for construction includes $1,280,000 for construction contracts, $64,000 for contingency, $50,000 agency retained, and $206,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin in August 2004 and be completed by October 2005.
1. Humboldt Bay: Boat Instruction and Safety Center (BISC). The budget provides $3,822,000 ($221,000 for working drawings and $3,601,000 for construction) for a two-story 16,500 square foot (sf) boating facility with an 8,550 sf exterior boating operations area, a parking lot, landscaping, and sidewalks. Total estimated project cost is $4,067,000 (CCCI 4019). Of the amount for construction, $3,085,000 is provided for construction contracts, $154,000 for contingencies, and $362,000 for project administration. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by November 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin March 2003 and be completed by May 2004.
2. Brannan Island: Boat Launching Facility. The budget provides $230,000 for preliminary plans for the renovation of the boat launching facility. The construction project will include parking lot rehabilitation with asphalt concrete overlay; new curbs and lighting; widening parking aisles from 20 ft to 24 ft; adding an overflow parking area; expanding the existing boat launch to ten lanes; increasing the boat ramp slope to 15 percent; adding an oil/water separator; new boarding floats with abutments and pile restraints; a new boater group-use area with a shade structure; landscaping; associated utilities; and miscellaneous site amenities. Total estimated project cost is $4,334,000 (CCCI 4019) including future costs for working drawings ($219,000) and construction ($3,885,000). The amount proposed for construction includes $3,188,000 for construction contracts, $223,000 for contingency, and $474,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin September 2002 and be completed May 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin May 2003 and be completed July 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin November 2004 and be completed by April 2005
3. Lake Natoma Nimbus Flat: Boating Instruction and Safety Center (BISC). The budget provides $128,000 for preliminary plans for a BISC at the California State University, Sacramento Aquatic Center. The project will provide a new training/ administration office building (5,594 sf), a mezzanine in the existing large boat storage building, exterior veneer siding for all buildings, and alteration work in the training building (3,705 sf). Site work includes development of a sand beach, curbing, landscaping, two flagpoles, and fencing. Improvements to the shoreline include stairs, walkways, bollards, dock ramps, retaining walls, and associated earthwork. Total estimated project cost is $2,594,000 (CCCI 4019) including future costs for working drawings ($169,000) and construction ($2,297,000). The amount proposed for construction includes $1,909,000 for construction contracts, $134,000 for contingency, and $254,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin August 2002 and be completed by April 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin May 2003 and be completed by July 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin November 2004 and be completed by November 2005
4. Silverwood Lake: Boat Launching Facility. The budget provides $136,000 for preliminary plans for renovation of a boat launching facility on Silverwood Lake. The project will renovate the existing parking lot to include a drainage system, curbs, planters, striping and signage; a new 4-unit handicapped accessible unisex restroom building with associated utilities; erosion control blankets (north side), concrete brick slope protection (south side); shade ramada with picnic tables, concrete benches, barbecues; drinking fountain; fish cleaning station; lighting; landscaping; and miscellaneous site amenities. A switchback ramp and concrete stairway will be constructed between the parking lot and the day use/ramp area. Total estimated project cost is $1,707,000 (CCCI 4019) including future costs for working drawings ($121,000) and construction ($1,450,000). The amount proposed for construction includes $1,192,000 for construction contracts, $83,000 for contingency, and $175,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin September 2002 and be completed April 2003.
5. Channel Islands: Boating Instruction and Safety Center. The budget provides $310,000 for working drawings for a boating center consisting of a two-story building, maintenance shop and storage building, site work, parking, and utilities. The building includes an aquarium to be constructed with nonstate funds. Total estimated project cost is $5,996,000 (CCCI 4019) including future construction costs ($5,367,000). The amount proposed for construction includes $4,551,000 for construction contracts, $228,000 for contingency, and $588,000 for project administration. The County of Ventura will provide funding for construction costs that exceed $3,000,000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by December 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin February 2004 and be completed by April 2005.
1. Angel Island State Park, Immigration Station Area Restoration. The budget provides $1,144,000 for preliminary plans ($764,000) for the preservation of poems and inscriptions, stabilize and renovate barracks building, landscaping, improve accessibility to buildings, utilities, install a representation of the Administration Building site footprint, interpretive panels, and remediate hazardous materials, and construction ($380,000) for emergency poem stabilization work to prevent further deterioration. Total estimated project cost is $14,008,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($764,000), working drawings ($605,000), and construction ($12,639,000). The amount for construction includes $728,000 for contingency, $1,015,000 for project administration, $10,401,000 for construction contracts, and $495,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by July 2003.
2. Anza Borrego Desert State Park, Replace Visitor Center Exhibits. The budget provides $367,000 for preliminary plans to develop, construct, and install museum exhibits and an outdoor interpretive garden. Total estimated project cost is $1,501,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($367,000) and construction ($1,134,000). The amount for construction includes $1,073,000 for construction contracts and $61,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by July 2003.
3. Big Basin Redwoods State Park, Wastewater Collection/Treatment System Improvements. The budget provides $169,000 for preliminary plans and working drawings to rehabilitate and improve the wastewater collection and treatment systems, including rehabilitation and upgrading portions of the treatment plant, rehabilitation of the sewage collection system, replacing or lining the sewer main and manholes, and relocating sewer lines. Total estimated project cost is $1,699,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($76,000), working drawings ($93,000), and construction $1,530,000. The amount for construction includes $90,000 for contingency, $109,000 for project administration, $1,282,000 for construction contracts, and $49,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin August 2002 and be completed by April 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin April 2003 and be completed by April 2004.
4. Border Field State Park, Develop and Rehabilitate Day Use Facilities. The budget provides $150,000 for working drawings for the construction of an addition to the visitor center, replace restroom, replace entrance station, upgrade the beach/equestrian user parking lot, and upgrade the family picnic area, including the addition of a group picnic area. Total estimated project cost is $2,243,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($241,000), working drawings ($150,000), construction ($1,833,000), and equipment ($19,000). The amount for construction includes $73,000 for contingency, $226,000 for project administration, $1,467,000 for construction contracts, and $67,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin November 2002 and be completed by November 2003.
5. Border Field State Park, Sediment Basins and Road Realignment. The budget provides $7,649,000 for construction of a series of sediment retention basins and improvement of the entrance road to provide more reliable access to the park. Total estimated project cost is $7,649,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction, which includes $479,000 for contingency, $252,000 for project administration, $6,840,000 for construction contracts, and $78,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin August 2002 and be completed by February 2004.
6. Cardiff State Beach, Rebuild South Cardiff Facilities. The budget provides $2,153,000 for construction to rebuild and reconfigure the storm-damaged entrance and parking lot and install shoreline protection to minimize the potential for future storm damage. Total estimated project cost is $2,511,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($172,000), working drawings ($186,000), and construction ($2,153,000). The amount for construction includes $123,000 for contingency, $224,000 for project administration, $1,755,000 for construction contracts, and $51,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin June 2003 and be completed by May 2004.
7. Crystal Cove State Park, El Morro Mobilehome Park Conversion. The budget provides $899,000 for working drawings ($803,000) and partial construction ($96,000) to provide for the conversion of the El Morro area to full public use and access, including entrance road, campground, day-use facilities and parking, municipal sewer connection, public trail access to Moro Beach and Moro Canyon, Moro Creek channel reconfiguration, and riparian corridor restoration. Total estimated project cost is $13,002,000 (CCCI 4019) including study ($133,000), preliminary plans ($1,985,000), working drawings ($803,000), construction ($10,063,000), and equipment ($18,000). The amount for construction includes $571,000 for contingency, $1,234,000 for project administration, $8,163,000 for construction contracts, and $95,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by October 2004.
8. Empire Mine State Historic Park, Public Underground Tour. The budget provides $97,000 for working drawings for the development of a mine adit (horizontal mine entrance), rail tram system, and facilities. Total estimated project cost is $2,597,000 (CCCI 4019) including study ($53,000), preliminary plans ($129,000), working drawings ($193,000), construction ($1,969,000), and equipment ($253). The amount for construction includes $109,000 for contingency, $199,000 for project administration, $1,560,000 for construction contracts, and $101,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by July 2003.
9. Folsom Powerhouse State Historic Park, Powerhouse Stabilization. The budget provides $2,420,000 for working drawings, construction, and equipment for the seismic retrofit of main powerhouse/wheelhouse and lower powerhouse, replace roofing and gutters, treat corrosion of penstocks, update interpretive plan and exhibits, repair the historic highway bridge, repair and reconstruct historic elements, and make miscellaneous site improvements. Total estimated project cost is $2,702,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($282,000), working drawings ($220,000), construction ($2,199,000), and equipment ($1,000). The amount for construction includes $118,000 for contingency, $264,000 for project administration, $1,683,000 for construction contracts, and $134,000 for agency retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by April 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin August 2003 and be completed by May 2004.
10. Folsom Powerhouse State Historic Park, New Visitor Center. The budget provides $1,887,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, construction, and equipment for a new visitor center including interpretive exhibit gallery, audio/visual presentation area, meeting/lecture space, restrooms, office, artifact/equipment storage room, and utility/janitorial service space. Total estimated cost is $1,887,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($100,000), working drawings ($119,000), construction ($1,653,000), and equipment ($15,000). The amount for construction includes $50,000 for contingency, $112,000 for project administration, $1,000,000 for construction contracts, and $491,000 for agency-retained items. Funds will be available for expenditure until June 30, 2005. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by June 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin June 2003 and be completed by July 2004. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2004 and be completed by September 2005.
11. Fort Ross State Historic Park, Reconstruct Historic Fur Warehouse. The budget provides $370,000 for working drawings for the reconstruction of the two-story Fur Warehouse, and for interpretive exhibits, comfort station, septic tank, and leach field. Total estimated project cost is $2,388,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($278,000), working drawings ($370,000), and construction ($1,740,000). The amount for construction includes $83,000 for contingency, $219,000 for project administration, $1,190,000 for construction contracts, and $248,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by July 2003.
12. Hearst San Simeon State Historic Mansion, Hearst Road Stabilization. The budget provides $4,337,000 for construction to stabilize areas of road foundation failure through the use of earth removal soil retaining systems, and/or other surface/subsurface drainage systems. Total estimated project cost is $4,957,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($313,000), working drawings ($307,000), and construction ($4,337,000). The amount for construction includes $182,000 for contingency, $511,000 for project administration, $3,631,000 for construction contracts, and $13,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin June 2003 and be completed by January 2005.
13. Henry W. Coe State Park, Day Use Development at Dowdy Ranch. The budget provides $2,040,000 for construction and equipment to improve the unpaved Bell Station Road for safer access to the Dowdy Ranch area, provide parking, picnic sites, water, restrooms, horse corrals and trailer parking, interpretive and trailhead information for visitors at the Dowdy Ranch area. Total estimated project cost is $2,525,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($278,000), working drawings ($207,000), construction ($2,039,000), and equipment ($1,000). The amount for construction includes $80,000 for contingency, $250,000 for project administration, $1,606,000 for construction contracts, and $103,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin December 2002 and be completed by February 2004.
14. Humboldt Redwoods State Park, Replace Five Restroom Buildings. The budget provides $94,000 for preliminary plans to replace five restroom buildings, paving, walkways, signage, water, electrical, septic tank/leach field disposal systems, drinking fountains, plumbing fixtures, and finishes. Total estimated project cost is $1,567,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($94,000), working drawings ($95,000), and construction ($1,378,000). The amount for construction includes $80,000 for contingency, $150,000 for project administration, $1,140,000 for construction contracts, and $8,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
15. Jack London State Historic Park, Restore Cottage as House Museum. The budget provides $1,661,000 for working drawings, construction, and equipment for restoration and seismic retrofitting, reproofing, and miscellaneous improvements. The project will include preparation and implementation of interpretive and furnishing plans, upgrading the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system, fire suppression and security systems, minor site modifications, exhibit and disabled access improvements. Total estimated project cost is $1,756,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($95,000), working drawings ($145,000), construction ($1,511,000), and equipment ($5,000). The amount for construction includes $56,000 for contingency, $138,000 for project administration, $796,000 for construction contracts, and $521,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by March 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin June 2003 and be completed by June 2004.
16. La Purisima Mission State Historic Park, Restore Historic Adobe Structures. The budget provides $143,000 for preliminary plans and working drawings to stabilize, restore, and preserve two historic adobe structures (Church/Bell Tower and Monjerio), associated features, and drainage. Total estimated project cost is $1,291,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($68,000), working drawings ($75,000), and construction ($1,148,000). The amount for construction includes $65,000 for contingency, $126,000 for project administration, $927,000 for construction contracts, and $30,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by April 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin April 2003 and be completed by November 2003.
17. Los Encinos State Historic Park, De La Ossa Adobe House Museum. The budget provides $1,091,000 for working drawings, construction and equipment to update the interpretive plan, create new displays, install new exhibit panels and replace furnishings damaged in the Northridge earthquake and replace, rehabilitate or introduce appropriate historic finishes on the interior of the building. Total estimated project cost is $1,225,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($134,000), working drawings ($46,000), construction ($1,033,000), and equipment ($12,000). The amount for construction includes $13,000 for contingency, $41,000 for project administration, $188,000 for construction contracts, and $791,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by March 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin May 2003 and be completed by April 2004.
18. Morro Bay State Park, Campground Rehabilitation and Day Use Area. The budget provides $3,206,000 for construction to replace/relocate contact station, reroute/improve campground roads, campground spurs, replace three combination buildings, rehabilitate one restroom building, one new combination building and associated utilities and site improvements. Total estimated project cost is $3,733,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($267,000), working drawings ($260,000), and construction ($3,206,000). The amount for construction includes $184,000 for contingency, $251,000 for project administration, $2,617,000 for construction contracts, and $154,00 for agency-retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin January 2003 and be completed by January 2004.
19. Mount Diablo State Park, Primary Road System Improvements. The budget provides $613,000 for preliminary plans and working drawings for improvements to the primary road system, including repair of distressed sections of pavement and failing sections of roadway embankments; improve strength of the road’s structural section to a 20-year design life expectancy; improve shoulder area on the sides of the roadway and improve turn-out areas along the road system. Total estimated project cost is $5,410,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($305,000), working drawings ($308,000), and construction ($4,797,000). The amount for construction includes $287,000 for contingency, $372,000 for project administration, $4,093,000 for construction contracts, and $45,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by May 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin May 2003 and be completed by April 2004.
20. New Brighton State Beach, Rehabilitate Campground and Day-Use. The budget provides $2,520,000 for construction and equipment to renovate and expand camping and day-use facilities, improve the entrance circulation, and correct unsafe beach access problems. Total estimated project cost is $2,941,000 (CCCI 4019) including study ($40,000), preliminary plans ($205,000), working drawings ($176,000), construction ($2,498,000), and equipment ($22,000). The amount for construction includes $134,000 for contingency, $323,000 for project administration, $1,915,000 for construction contracts, and $126,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2002 and be completed by October 2003.
21. Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, Park Entrance and Day Use Redevelopment. The budget provides $299,000 for working drawings to redevelop park entrance, improve circulation corridor, new vehicular and pedestrian bridges, improve day use recreation areas, visitor/interpretive center, and park administration facilities. Total estimated project cost is $4,295,000 (CCCI 4019) including study ($497,000), preliminary plans ($277,000), working drawings ($299,000), construction ($3,205,000), and equipment ($17,000). The amount for construction includes $172,000 for contingency, $289,000 for project administration, $2,454,000 for construction contracts, and $290,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin August 2002 and be completed by August 2003.
22. Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, Public Use Improvements. The budget provides $159,000 for working drawings for improvements including upgrading and undergrounding electrical service, rehabilitate existing combination building, new parking lot with a comfort station, relocate dump station, new entrance kiosk, replace existing combination building with new combination building, and provide full hookups at five existing campsites. Total estimated project cost is $2,228,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($259,000), working drawings ($159,000), and construction ($1,810,000). The amount for construction includes $70,000 for contingency, $221,000 for project administration, $1,398,000 for construction contracts, and $121,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin September 2002 and be completed by March 2003.
23. Silverwood Lake State Recreation Area, Campground and Day-Use Improvements. The budget provides $2,547,000 for working drawings and construction for ramadas, group barbecues, repaved walkways, additional parking spaces, a handicapped-accessible restroom addition, expanded beach area, new irrigation pump, Nature Center, recreational vehicle utility hookups, and new turf. Total estimated project cost is $2,743,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($196,000), working drawings ($186,000), and construction ($2,361,000). The amount for construction includes $97,000 for contingency, $297,000 for project administration, $1,937,000 for construction, and $30,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin August 2002 and be completed by April 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin July 2003 and be completed by August 2004.
24. Wilder Ranch State Park, Farmhouse Rehabilitation. The budget provides $2,083,000 for construction to rehabilitate and furnish the existing 1871 Farmhouse, fire and life safety improvements, access compliance, and security, electrical, and plumbing improvements. Total estimated project cost is $2,506,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($154,000), working drawings ($269,000), and construction ($2,083,000). The amount for construction includes $91,000 for contingency, $254,000 for project administration, $1,296,000 for construction contracts, and $442,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin June 2003 and be completed by July 2004.
25. Will Rogers State Historic Park, Restore Historic Ranch House. The budget provides $214,000 for preliminary plans and working drawings to stabilize and restore the highest priority aspects of Ranch House, patio, retaining wall, laundry room, film vault and furnace vault, including seismic retrofit and settlement mitigation for the buildings (floors/walls), seven chimneys, and rear retaining wall, correction of moisture problems, and a climate control system. Total estimated project cost is $2,060,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($77,000), working drawings ($137,000), and construction ($1,846,000). The amount for construction includes $109,000 for contingency, $129,000 for project administration, $1,549,000 for construction contracts, and $59,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by January 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin January 2003 and be completed by July 2003.
1. Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, General Plan. The budget provides $248,000 for the fourth year of a multiyear project to complete the General Plan and High Priority Management Plans for Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Studies are anticipated to be completed by September 2003.
1. Hollister Hills State Vehicular Recreation Area, Hudner-Renz. The budget provides $50,000 for preliminary plans for park entrance, parking area, campsites, picnic areas, toilets, new OHV trails, a 4x4 obstacle course, sediment basins, fencing, signs, park furniture, and tree planting. Total estimated project cost is $5,605,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($4,155,000), preliminary plans ($50,000), working drawings ($90,000), construction ($1,280,000), and equipment ($30,000). The amount for construction includes $50,000 for contingency, $35,000 for project administration, $1,164,000 for construction contracts, and $31,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin August 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
2. Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area, Pier Avenue Lots. The budget provides $50,000 for preliminary plans for a restroom building, kiosks, parking, lighting, furniture, signs, and safety inspection space. Total estimated project cost is $2,450,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($1,200,000), preliminary plans ($50,000), working drawings ($70,000), and construction ($1,130,000). The amount for construction includes $25,000 for contingency, $50,000 for project administration, $1,030,000 for construction contracts, and $25,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin August 2002 and be completed by April 2003.
3. Prairie City State Vehicular Recreation Area, Compatible Land Use. The budget provides $3,805,000 for the acquisition of the property adjacent to Prairie City SVRA to be used as buffer land for the recreational activities at the park. Land acquisition is scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by June 2005.
4. Statewide: Off-Highway Opportunity Purchase/Prebudget. The budget provides $400,000 for preparation of appraisals and to acquire variously sized parcels of land that are within or adjacent to existing state or federal OHV areas that are supported by this OHMVR program and will allow preparation of developing budget cost estimates and schematics for future development projects. Land acquisition is scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by June 2005.
1. Cornfields Project, Immediate Public Use and General Planning. The budget provides $1,850,000 for studies, preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction for the design and installation of immediate public use facilities including installation of interpretive and education features, parking, restrooms, landscaping for passive and active recreational use, and miscellaneous site improvements. Project also provides funding to support department efforts to work with local constituents on long-range general planning for the park. Total estimated project cost is $1,850,000 (CCCI 4019) including studies ($60,000), preliminary plans ($143,000), working drawings ($235,000), and construction ($1,412,000). The amount for construction includes $70,000 for contingency, $75,000 for project administration, $990,000 for construction contracts, and $277,000 for agency retained items. Funds will be available for expenditure until June 30, 2005. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by December 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin December 2002 and be completed by February 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin May 2003 and be completed by October 2003.
2. Crystal Cove State Park, Rehabilitate Historic Cottages and Infrastructure. The budget provides $9,200,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction for improvement to the sewer, water and electrical infrastructure, the access and circulation systems, preserve/restore/rehabilitate selected cottages and perform selected site work, and expanded natural and new cultural interpretation/education features. Total estimated project cost is $9,200,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($872,000), working drawings ($967,000), and construction ($7,361,000). The amount for construction includes $454,000 for contingency, $267,000 for project administration, $6,482,000 for construction contracts, and $158,000 for agency-retained items. Funds will be available for expenditure until June 30, 2005. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed January 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin January 2003 and be completed by May 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin July 2003 and be completed by July 2004.
3. Los Angeles River Parkway-Taylor Yards, Immediate Public Use and General Planning. The budget provides $1,650,000 for studies, preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to provide for immediate public use facilities, providing access, sanitation, open-space for active recreation, and traffic improvements. Project also provides funding to support department long-range general planning efforts for the park. Total estimated project cost is $1,650,000 (CCCI 4019) including studies ($34,000), preliminary plans ($81,000), working drawings ($174,000), and construction ($1,361,000). The amount for construction includes $77,000 for contingency, $56,000 for project administration, $1,105,000 for construction contracts, and $123,000 for agency-retained items. Funds will be available for expenditure until June 30, 2005. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by December 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin December 2002 and be completed by February 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin May 2003 and be completed by October 2003.
4. Topanga State Park, Immediate Public Use and General Planning. The budget provides $800,000 for study, preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to control/remove invasive plant species, remove sources of water quality impacts, remove nonhistoric vacant structures, install signs, trails, and parking improvements. Total estimated project cost is $800,000 (CCCI 4019) including studies ($25,000), preliminary plans ($43,000), working drawings ($38,000), and construction ($694,000). The amount for construction includes $43,000 for contingency, $11,000 for project administration, $610,000 for construction contracts, and $30,000 for agency-retained items. Funds will be available for expenditure until June 30, 2005. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by November 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin November 2002 and be completed by March 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin May 2003 and be completed by May 2004.
5. Will Rogers State Historic Park, Historic Landscape Restoration. The budget provides $2,000,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to restore historic features such as pastures, ornamental landscape, fences, culverts, and ranch-related structures, and improvements to drainage, water quality, stabilization, repair and rehabilitation of historic buildings and features. Total estimated project cost is $2,000,000 for preliminary plans ($127,000), working drawings ($86,000), and construction ($1,787,000). The amount for construction includes $109,000 for contingency, $81,000 for project administration, $1,563,000 for construction contracts, and $34,000 for agency-retained items. Funds will be available for expenditure until June 30, 2005. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by January 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin January 2003 and be completed by May 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin July 2003 and be completed by July 2004.
1. Richmond Campus—Phase III Office Building. The amount of $47,527,000 is provided for construction to build a 200,000 three-story office building with a reinforced concrete frame and precast concrete/window wall building skin. The total estimated project cost is $51,555,000, including amounts previously provided for preliminary plans ($1,845,000) and working drawings ($2,183,000). The amount for construction includes $35,880,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $1,794,000 for contingency, $4,778,000 for project administration, and $5,075,000 for agency-retained items. Construction will begin by October 2002 and be completed by June 2004.
1. Patton State Hospital—Install Personal Duress Alarm System G, T, O, and P Buildings. The amount of $603,000 is provided for construction. This project will install a personal alarm system in four buildings used for patient treatment activities. The total estimated project cost is $729,000 (CCCI 4019). The amount for construction includes $33,000 for contingencies, $103,000 for project management, and $467,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans ($56,000) will be completed in August 2002. The working drawings will be completed in January 2003; construction will begin in May 2003 and be completed in October 2003.
2. Patton State Hospital—Upgrade Electrical Generator Plant. The amount of $133,000 is provided for preliminary plans to upgrade and modernize the hospital generator plant. The project includes new emergency medium voltage distribution switch gear; circuit breaker transfer switches, and retrofits the existing medium voltage circuit breakers. This project will also provide a 1950 square foot building addition to house the new electrical equipment. Estimated future costs for the project are $168,000 for working drawings and $3,388,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction. The construction amount includes $2,905,000 for the construction contract, $203,000 for contingency, and $280,000 for project administration. Preliminary plan design will begin in July 2002 and be completed in June 2003.
1. Atascadero State Hospital—Construct Multipurpose Building. The amount of $13,703,000 is provided for working drawings ($710,000) and construction ($12,993,000) of a 44,700 square foot (sf) building to provide space for academic and vocational education, staff and patient libraries, and other treatment/program space. The total estimated project cost is $14,335,000 (CCCI 4019). The amount for construction includes $529,000 for contingencies, $1,288,000 for project management, $588,000 agency retained, and $10,588,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans ($632,000) were approved in June 2002. The working drawing phase will begin in July 2002 and the project will be bid in June 2003. Construction will be completed in May 2005.
2. Metropolitan State Hospital—Construct School Building. The amount of $7,105,000 is provided for working drawings ($448,000) and construction ($6,657,000) of a 27,000 sf school with administrative offices adjacent to the living units of the Youth Treatment Program. The total estimated project cost is $7,517,000 (CCCI 4019). The amount for construction includes $281,000 for contingencies, $747,000 for project management, and $5,629,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans ($412,000) were approved in March 2002. The working drawing phase will begin in July 2002 and permission to go to bid will occur in June 2003. Construction will begin in October 2003 with the project being completed in February 2005.
1. California Men’s Colony, San Luis Obispo—D-Quad Mental Health Services Building. The amount of $2,493,000 (CCCI 4019) is provided for construction of a new 9,240 Mental Health Services Building to provide program and office space for Mental Health Custody and Clinical Program needs as mandated by the Clark and Coleman federal class action litigation. The construction amount includes $1,909,000 for construction contracts, $95,000 for contingency, $356,000 for project administration, and $133,000 for agency-retained items. Construction phase is scheduled to begin by February 2003 and be completed by May 2004.
2. California Rehabilitation Center, Norco—Potable Water System Improvements. The amount of $1,845,000 (CCCI 4019) is provided for construction to correct a portion of the water system deficiencies by installing and replacing fire hydrants, distribution pipeline, pressure reducing valves and isolation valves, along with modifications to storage facilities and backflow prevention improvements. The construction amount includes $1,530,000 for construction contracts, $84,000 for contingency, $96,000 for project administration, and $135,000 for agency-retained items. Construction phase is scheduled to begin by January 2003 and be completed by April 2004.
3. California Rehabilitation Center, Norco—Patton State Hospital Double Perimeter Fence. The amount of $567,000 is provided for the working drawings of a new Level II double perimeter fence around both the East and West Facilities at Patton State Hospital. Included within the design will be the demolition of all ground posts, existing fencing, lighting, paving, and selected trees and bushes. The scope of work will also include barbed tape on the double fence, electronic detection system, 13 new ground guard posts, two vehicle sallyports, perimeter patrol roadway improvements, modifications to portions of the internal roads, and a new security system including improved security lighting and new closed circuit television cameras. The estimated future cost of construction is $11,786,000 (CCCI 4019), $9,457,000 for construction contracts, $662,000 for contingency, $1,070,000 for project administration, and $597,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by October 2002 and be completed by April 2003.
4. California Rehabilitation Center, Norco—Acquisition of 5.74-Acre Army Reserve Property. The amount of $100,000 is provided for acquisition of a 5.74-acre site. This amount includes funding for all negotiations with the federal government and all activities, functions, and responsibilities for the Department of General Services. Acquisition will begin by July 2002 and will be completed by January 2003.
5. Salinas Valley State Prison, Soledad—Construct New Well and Water Softening System. The amount of $1,835,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($45,000), working drawings ($70,000), and construction ($1,720,000) to construct a 1,110 gallons-per-minute well and a water softening system. The amount for construction includes $1,032,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $52,000 for contingency, $111,000 for project administration, and $525,000 for agency-retained items (guarding costs and water softening system). Preliminary plans will begin by July 2002 and be completed by September 2002. Working drawings will begin by September 2002 and be completed by December 2002. Construction will begin by December 2002 and be completed by July 2003.
6. Deuel Vocational Institution, Tracy—Infirmary Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. The amount of $90,000 is provided for working drawings to install a new heating and air conditioning system within the existing 2-story infirmary. The estimated future cost for the project is $1,060,000 for construction includes $766,000 for construction contracts, $54,000 for contingency, $168,000 for project administration, and $72,000 for agency-retained items (guarding costs). Working drawings will begin by September 2002 and be completed by July 2003.
7. Deuel Vocational Institution, Tracy—New Water Well. The amount of $79,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($34,000) and working drawings ($45,000) to design a 600 gallons-per-minute potable water well. The estimated future cost for the project is $551,000. The amount for construction includes $496,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $22,000 for contingency, and $33,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans will begin by July 2002 and be completed by September 2002. Working drawings will begin by September 2002 and be completed by December 2002.
8. Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility at Rock Mountain, San Diego—OSAP Substance Abuse Modular Replacement. The amount of $290,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($136,000) and working drawings ($154,000). The estimated future cost for the project is $2,074,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $1,500,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $75,000 for contingency, $175,000 for project administration, and $324,000 for agency-retained items (guarding and telecommunication costs). Preliminary plans will begin by July 2002 and be completed by April 2003. Working drawings will begin by April 2003 and be completed by September 2003.
9. Avenal State Prison, Avenal—Correctional Clinical Case Management. The amount of $736,000 is provided for construction, which includes $440,000 for construction contracts, $22,000 for contingency, $130,000 for project administration, and $144,000 for agency-retained items (guarding costs). Construction will begin by October 2002 and be completed by October 2003.
10. California State Prison, San Quentin—Correctional Treatment Center (CTC) Phase II. This is a supplemental appropriation for preliminary plans. The amount of $375,000 is provided for additional human health risk assessment for engineering controls and/or groundwater remediation measures necessary for completion of preliminary plans. The estimated future cost for the project is $18,391,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $16,232,000 for construction contracts, $812,000 for contingency, $1,193,000 for project administration, and $154,000 for agency-retained items (guarding costs). Additional preliminary plan work will begin by July 2002 and be completed by April 2004. Working drawings will begin by April 2004 and be completed by May 2005.
11. California State Prison, Sacramento—Psychiatric Services Unit/Enhanced Outpatient Care, Phase II. The amount of $925,000 is provided for working drawings. The estimated future cost of the project is $15,248,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes: $12,281,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $860,000 for contingency, $1,498,000 for project administration, and $609,000 for agency-retained items (guarding, telecommunications, holding cages, and walk-alone enclosures). Working drawings will begin by July 2002 and will be completed by August 2003.
12. California Correctional Center, Susanville—Replace Antelope Camp Dorms. The amount of $2,170,000 is provided for construction to replace existing modular housing units with three new permanent structures to comply with State Fire Marshal and building codes. The amount includes $1,804,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $90,000 for contingency, and $276,000 for project administration. Construction will begin by January 2003 and will be completed by January 2004.
13. California Institution for Men, Chino—Install Security Lights at Reception Center (RC) Central Facility. The amount of $130,000 is provided for preliminary plans to replace all cell lighting systems at RC Central Facility with commercial-grade security lighting for a total of 661 cells. The estimated future cost for working drawings is $155,000 and $2,371,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $1,809,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $127,000 for contingency, $267,000 for project administration, and $168,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans will begin by July 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
14. Chuckawalla Valley State Prison, Blythe—Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System. The amount of $1,080,000 is provided for preliminary plans to upgrade the temperature and fire control systems and repair the damaged roof and building roof structure. The estimated future cost for working drawings is $1,234,000 and $24,039,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $21,643,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $1,515,000 for contingency, $83,000 for project administration, and $798,000 for agency-retained items (telecommunications and guarding costs). Preliminary plans will begin by October 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
15. California Medical Facility, Vacaville—Unit V Modular Housing Replacement. The amount of $5,824,000 is provided for construction to construct two 200-bed dormitory-style housing units of approximately 13,200 square feet each. The request includes $4,802,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $240,000 for contingency, $509,000 for project administration, and $273,000 for agency-retained items (guarding, equipment, and telecommunications costs). Construction will begin by November 2002 and be completed by December 2003.
16. California Medical Facility, Vacaville—Ambulatory Care Clinic. The amount of $2,298,000 (CCCI 4019) is provided for construction to construct a 4,560 square foot Ambulatory Care Clinic. The amount for construction includes $1,925,000 for construction contracts, $96,000 for contingency, $97,000 for project administration, $180,000 for agency-retained items (guarding costs, telecommunications, and equipment). Construction will begin by March 2003 and be completed by March 2004.
1. Northern California Youth Correctional Center—Correctional Treatment Center. The amount of $3,933,000 is provided for construction to upgrade the existing infirmary into a licensed Correctional Treatment Center. The request includes $3,165,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $222,000 for contingencies, $474,000 for project administration, and $72,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin by April 2003 and be completed by April 2004.
2. Fred C. Nelles Youth Correctional Facility—Construct New Kitchen. The amount of $8,457,000 is provided for construction of a new central kitchen and dining area. The request includes $7,280,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts ($6,910,000 building costs), $364,000 for contingencies, $705,000 for project administration, and $108,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin by November 2002 and be completed by May 2004.
3. Southern Youth Correctional Reception Correctional Center—50-Bed Specialized Counseling Program. The amount of $3,465,000 is provided for construction to renovate approximately 8,500 square feet of living space and construct approximately 7,000 square feet of new program support space. The request includes $2,660,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts, $227,000 for working drawings, $126,000 for contingencies, $392,000 for project administration, and $60,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin by November 2002 and be completed by May 2004.
4. Ventura Youth Correctional Facility—Special Education Assessment
Center. The amount of $1,399,000 is provided for construction of
an approximately 5,000 square foot Special Education Assessment Center. The
request includes $1,128,000 (CCCI 3909) for construction contracts, $56,000 for
contingencies, $165,000 for project administration, and $50,000 for
agency-retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin December 2002 and be
completed by
January 2004.
5. Heman G. Stark Youth Correctional Facility—Correctional Treatment Center. An augmentation of $300,000 in construction costs is provided to complete the remodel of the approximately 9,050 square foot existing infirmary into a licensed Correctional Treatment Center building. The increase in construction costs is due to building deficiencies in the electrical, plumbing, and ventilation systems uncovered during construction. Construction is to be completed by January 2003.
6. Fred C. Nelles Youth Correctional Facility—Replace Taft Adjustment Center. An augmentation of $1,193,000 in construction cost is provided to complete construction of a new 9,500 square foot Adjustment Center. The increase in construction costs is due to building changes necessary to meet the special education requirements for wards in the lock-up unit. Construction is scheduled to begin December 2002 and be completed by February 2004.
1. Utilization of Facilities. The University of California is directed to report by November 1, 2002 and at least biennially thereafter, its utilization of classrooms and teaching laboratories. Such report shall include for each campus the total number of rooms, number of stations, weekly student contact hours, and weekly station hours. The report shall also include the average weekly hours of station use and actual utilization as a percentage of the utilization standard.
2. Riverside Campus: Biological Sciences Building. The amount of $894,000 is provided for preparation of working drawings for a 31,666 assignable square feet (asf) building containing all research laboratories for the biological sciences on the Riverside campus. The estimated total project cost is $21,633,000 (CCCI 4019) including state funding of $17,813,000 for construction. University sources will provide $1,818,000 for construction and $512,000 for equipment. The amount for construction includes $17,595,000 for construction contracts, $880,000 for contingency, and $1,156,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $16,661,000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by March 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in April 2003 and be completed by August 2005.
3. San Diego Campus: Pharmaceutical Sciences Building. The amount of $1,658,000 is provided for preparation of working drawings for a 60,000 asf facility for the school of pharmacy and for health sciences at the San Diego campus. The building will provide 44,000 asf of space for the school of pharmacy, including 3,900 asf for classrooms, 2,000 asf for teaching laboratories, 29,900 asf for research laboratories, and 8,200 asf of office space. The building also will provide 13,400 asf of research laboratory and laboratory support space and 2,600 asf of office space for the health sciences. The estimated total project cost is $42,102,000 (CCCI 4019), including for $1,761,000 for preliminary plans ($1,356,000 of state funds and $405,000 from university sources); $2,086,000 for working drawings ($1,658,000 from state funds and $428,000 from university sources); future state costs of $24,714,000 for construction, with an additional $10,552,000 from university sources; and future State costs of $2,049,000 for equipment, with an additional $940,000 from University sources. The amount for construction includes $31,785,000 for construction contracts, $1,590,000 for contingency, and $1,891,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $30,029,000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by July 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in August 2003 and be completed by November 2005.
4. Merced Campus: Site Development and Infrastructure, Phase 3. The amount of $566,000 is requested for preparation of working drawings for the third phase of the initial campus site and infrastructure development on the Merced campus. This project, the last of three phases, will provide secondary circulation travel ways, pedestrian pathways, surface treatments, irrigation and landscaping, and detention ponds. The estimated total project cost is $13,365,000 (CCCI 4019) including future costs of $12,799,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $11,815,000 for construction contracts, $565,000 for contingency, and $419,000 for project administration. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in January 2003 and be completed by June 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2003 and be completed by May 2004.
5. Year-Round Operations in Capital Planning. It is the intent of the Legislature that the University of California (UC) accommodate enrollment growth by maximizing utilization of existing instructional facilities during the summer term before building new classrooms and teaching laboratories. It is further the intent of the Legislature that UC make requests for capital outlay funding for space for classrooms and class laboratories justified using legislatively approved utilization standards and a reasonable assumption of summer-term enrollment.
Accordingly, UC is requested to base its 2003-04 five-year capital outlay plan on utilization of instructional facilities during the summer, assuming summer term enrollment of at least 40 percent of fall/winter/spring enrollment. The UC is requested to base future five-year capital outlay plans for instruction facilities based on the assumption of the actual summer-term enrollment and to continue to make efforts to increase summer enrollment. It is further the intent of the Legislature that UC annually submit a report to the Legislature by no later than January 15, 2003 on its efforts to maximize utilization of existing instructional facilities during the summer term consistent with this language.
1. San Francisco Campus: Health Sciences West Improvements, Phase 1. The amount of $618,000 is provided for preparation of working drawings for correction of existing mechanical infrastructure deficiencies to improve control and reliability of laboratory exhaust, improve overall ventilation and reduce heat load, and to implement other fire safety and mechanical system upgrades in the Health Sciences West building on the Parnassus site of the San Francisco campus. The estimated total project cost is $14,117,000 (CCCI 4019) including future costs of $12,934,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $11,688,000 for construction contracts, $584,000 for contingency, and $662,000 for project administration. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by June 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2003 and be completed by October 2005.
2. Davis Campus: Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science. The amount of $900,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans for the 75,000 asf Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science facility on the Davis campus. The project will support instruction and research in the Department of Viticulture and Enology and the Department of Food Science and Technology. The building will provide 4,600 asf of teaching laboratory space, 50,700 asf of research and research support space, and 19,800 asf of office space. The estimated total project cost is $54,800,000, including $2,700,000 for preliminary plans ($900,000 in state funds and $1,800,000 from university sources); future costs of $2,400,000 for working drawings ($600,000 in state funds and $1,800,000 from university sources); and future costs of $49,700,000 for construction ($31,500,000 in state funds and $18,200,000 from university sources). The amount for construction includes $45,603,000 for construction contracts, $2,280,000 for contingency, and $1,817,000 for project administration. Building construction cost is $41,310,000.Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in August 2002 and be completed by July 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2003 and be completed by June 2004. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2004 and be completed by June 2007.
3. Riverside Campus: Biological Sciences Building. The amount of $17,813,000 is provided for construction of a 31,666 asf building containing all research laboratories for multidisciplinary research in the biological sciences on the Riverside campus. The estimated total project cost is $21,633,000 (CCCI 4019), including state funding of $17,813,000 for construction, supplemented by $1,818,000 for construction and $512,000 for equipment from university sources. The amount for construction includes $17,595,000 for construction contracts, $880,000 for contingency, and $1,156,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $16,661,000. Construction is scheduled to begin in April 2003 and be completed by August 2005.
4. San Diego Campus: Biomedical Library Renovation and Addition. The amount of $1,800,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans ($800,000) and working drawings ($1,000,000) for renovation of 27,764 asf and an addition of 23,330 asf to the biomedical library on the San Diego campus. The project will provide building wiring and infrastructure, lighting and acoustics improvements, and code corrections. The estimated total project cost is $17,774,000 (CCCI 4019), including future state costs of $14,503,000 for construction and $700,000 for equipment, supplemented by $771,000 from university sources for construction. The amount for construction includes $14,214,000 for construction contracts, $739,000 for contingency, and $321,000 for project administration. The building cost for the renovation and addition is $12,963,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by April 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in April 2003 and be completed by March 2004. Construction is scheduled to begin in April 2004 and be completed by July 2006.
5. San Diego Campus: West Campus Utilities Improvements. The amount of $360,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans ($130,000) and working drawings ($230,000) for an expansion of the San Diego campus underground utilities distribution network of high-temperature and chilled water systems, high-voltage power, water, and sewer services to serve the university center and fifth college areas. The estimated total project cost is $4,300,000 (CCCI 4019), including future state costs of $3,940,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $3,618,000 for construction contracts, $200,000 for contingency, and $122,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by January 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in January 2003 and be completed by July 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in August 2003 and be completed by October 2004.
6. San Diego Campus: Student Academic Services Facility. The amount of $959,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans for a 75,000 asf facility to support student academic needs on the San Diego campus. The project will provide approximately 65,500 asf of office and office support space and 9,500 asf of assembly and public space. The estimated total project cost is $29,692,000 (CCCI 4019), including $1,314,000 for preliminary plans ($959,000 from State funds and $335,000 from university sources); future state costs of $1,172,000 for working drawings, supplemented by $434,000 from university sources for working drawings; future state costs of $19,077,000 for construction, supplemented by $7,195,000 from university sources; and future state costs of $500,000 for equipment. The cost for construction includes $24,387,000 for construction contracts, $1,106,000 for contingency, and $779,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $22,425,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by July 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2003 and be completed by June 2004. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2004 and be completed by October 2006.
7. San Diego Campus: Campus Emergency Services Facility. The amount of $443,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans ($199,000) and working drawings ($244,000) for a facility to house the campus emergency operations center on the San Diego campus. The project will renovate approximately 6,000 asf in the existing Building B, construct a 3,431 asf addition to Building B, and construct a 1,037 asf secure facility for storing emergency equipment. The estimated total project cost is $4,430,000 (CCCI 4019), including future state costs of $3,987,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $3,647,000 for construction contracts, $191,000 for contingency, and $149,000 for project administration. Building renovation and construction cost is $3,283,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by March 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in March 2003 and be completed by August 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in September 2003 and be completed by November 2004.
8. Santa Cruz Campus: Humanities and Social Sciences Facility. The amount of $1,479,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans for the 51,140 asf Humanities and Social Sciences Facility on the Santa Cruz campus. The project will provide 7,000 asf of classrooms, 2,800 asf of teaching laboratories, 12,480 asf of research and scholarly activities space, and 28,860 asf of offices. The estimated total project cost is $29,305,000 (CCCI 4019), including future state costs of $1,146,000 for working drawings, $24,680,000 for construction, and $2,000 for equipment. The construction cost includes $22,550,000 for construction contracts, $1,080,000 for contingency, and $1,050,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $18,700,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by December 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in December 2003 and be completed by May 2004. Construction is scheduled to begin in June 2004 and be completed by January 2007.
9. Santa Cruz Campus: Emergency Response Center. The amount of $517,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans for the 11,200 asf emergency response center on the Santa Cruz campus to centralize campus services for emergency response. The project will provide space for the campus emergency response center, communications/dispatch center, and police department in a main building (7,920 asf) and a secure facility for storage of emergency equipment (3,280 asf). The estimated total project cost is $7,109,000 (CCCI 4019), including future state costs of $297,000 for working drawings and $6,295,000 for construction. The construction cost includes $5,734,000 for construction contracts, $275,000 for contingency, and $286,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $3,991,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by December 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in December 2003 and be completed by May 2004. Construction is scheduled to begin in June 2004 and be completed by November 2005.
10. Santa Barbara Campus: Psychology Building Addition and Renovation. The amount of $476,000 is provided for preparation of working drawings for a 12,000 asf addition to and renovation of the existing 26,667 asf Psychology Building on the Santa Barbara campus. The project will provide space to accommodate current and future enrollment growth by constructing 2,000 asf of open computing laboratory, 1,545 asf of special class laboratory space, 500 asf of scholarly activity space, and 7,930 asf of academic and administrative office and support space. The project also will renovate 7,644 asf in the existing building for research laboratories, renew the building’s infrastructure, and provide life safety and other code corrections. The estimated total project cost is $11,100,000 (CCCI 4019). The university has provided $397,000 for preliminary plans; also included are future state costs of $9,817,000 for construction and $410,000 for equipment. The construction cost includes $8,868,000 for construction contracts, $512,000 for contingency, and $437,000 for project administration. The building renovation and construction cost is $8,027,000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be complete by May 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2003 and be completed by February 2006.
11. Santa Barbara Campus: Snidecor Hall Office Wing Seismic Replacement. The amount of $1,178,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans ($496,000) and working drawings ($682,000) for a 20,648 asf replacement facility on the site of the existing seismically deficient Snidecor Hall Office Wing on the Santa Barbara campus. The project will demolish the existing office wing and construct 15,131 asf of instruction and research space for the department of dramatic arts and 4,842 asf of general assignment classroom space. The estimated total project cost is $12,280,000 (CCCI 4019), including future state costs of $10,566,000 for construction and $536,000 for equipment. The amount for construction includes $9,595,000 for construction contracts, $500,000 for contingency, and $471,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $7,509,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by January 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in January 2003 and be completed by July 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in August 2003 and be completed by February 2006.
12. Irvine Campus: Rowland Hall Seismic Improvements. The amount of $16,175,000 is provided for construction to correct seismic deficiencies in Rowland Hall on the Irvine campus by constructing new reinforced concrete moment frame buttresses at the exterior of the building. The buttresses will be enclosed to provide 39,000 asf of new space for the departments of mathematics, physics, and physical sciences, consisting of approximately 800 asf of teaching laboratories, 12,660 asf of research and scholarly activity space, and 25,540 asf of academic and administrative office space. The estimated total project cost of $17,724,000 (CCCI 4019) includes $755,000 for preliminary plans ($546,000 in state funds and $209,000 from university sources); $794,000 for working drawings ($574,000 from state sources and $220,000 from university sources); and $16,175,00 in state funds for construction. The amount for construction includes $14,643,000 for construction contracts, $730,000 for contingency, and $802,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $13,508,000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in August 2002 and be completed by January 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in February 2003 and be completed by April 2004.
1. Berkeley Campus: Seismic Safety Corrections, Hertz Hall. The amount of $850,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($400,000) and working drawings ($450,000) for seismic corrections to 12,365 asf Hertz Hall on the Berkeley campus. The project will correct seismic and life-safety and accessibility deficiencies in Hertz Hall, which houses department of music instruction, rehearsal, and performance spaces. The estimated total project cost of $5,680,000 (CCCI 4019) includes $4,830,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $4,405,000 for construction contracts, $260,000 for contingency, and $165,000 for project administration. The building renovation cost is $4,185,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by January 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in January 2003 and be completed by June 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in June 2003 and be completed by September 2004.
2. Los Angeles Campus: Engineering 1 Seismic Mitigation. The amount of $1,350,000 is provided for preparation of working drawings for a project to mitigate the seismic hazard in the 75,602 asf Engineering 1 building on the Los Angeles campus. The state funds will be used to supplement and support other funds to demolish the existing building and construct a 44,000 asf engineering laboratory building on a portion of the site. The new building will provide 21,416 asf of research laboratories, 10,054 asf of teaching laboratories, and 12,530 asf of offices and support space for the school of engineering. The estimated total project cost is $27,178,000 (CCCI 4019), including $900,000 for preliminary plans from university sources and $24,928,000 from state funds for construction. The amount for construction includes $22,291,000 for construction contracts, $1,520,000 for contingency, and $1,117,000 for project administration. The building cost for mitigation is $21,857,000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by March 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in March 2003 and be completed by June 2005.
3. Santa Cruz Campus: Sinsheimer Laboratories Fire Sprinklers. The amount of $725,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($38,000), working drawings ($13,000), and construction ($674,000) for installation of a fire sprinkler system to correct life-safety deficiencies in the Sinsheimer Laboratories building on the Santa Cruz campus. The estimated total project cost is $725,000 (CCCI 4019). The amount for construction includes $602,000 for construction contracts, $38,000 for contingency, and $34,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by October 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in October 2002 and be completed by December 2002. Construction is scheduled to begin in December 2002 and be completed by December 2003.
4. Irvine Campus: Computer Science Unit 3. The amount of $1,779,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans for the 87,400 asf Computer Science Unit 3 Building on the Irvine campus. The project will provide 48,000 asf of space for the department of information and computer science, including 1,900 asf of teaching laboratories, 27,710 asf of research laboratories, and 18,450 asf of office space. The project also will provide 13,300 asf of general assignment classrooms and 26,000 asf of laboratory and office surge space. The estimated total project cost of $49,520,000 (CCCI 4019) includes state costs of $954,000 for working drawings and future state costs of $29,089,000 for construction and $3,000,000 for equipment, supplemented by $11,698,000 for construction and $3,000,000 for equipment from university sources. The amount for construction includes $36,436,000 for construction contracts, $1,457,000 for contingency, and $2,894,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $34,025,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by February 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in February 2003 and be completed by July 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2003 and be completed by August 2006.
1. Davis Campus: Watershed Science Research Center. The amount of $3,000,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans ($150,000) and working drawings ($150,000) and for construction ($2,700,000) of a 4,900 asf facility for the Watershed Science Research Center on the Davis campus. The project will provide 4,330 asf of research laboratory and laboratory support space and 570 asf of administrative office space. The project will be constructed as an addition to the existing Academic Surge Building and also will provide 10,755 gross square feet of shell space that will be funded from university resources for future campus development. The estimated total project cost is $4,995,000 (CCCI 4019). University sources will provide $100,000 for preliminary plans, $100,000 for working drawings, and $1,795,000 for construction of the shell space. The amount for construction includes $4,132,000 for construction contracts, $207,000 for contingency, and $156,000 for project administration. Building construction cost is $3,540,000. Preliminary plans began in April 2002 for the university-funded portion of the project. Preliminary plans for the state-funded project are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by October 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in October 2002 and be completed by May 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in May 2003 and be completed by December 2004.
1. Berkeley Campus: Stanley Hall Seismic Mitigation. The amount of $16,737,000 is provided for construction to demolish the existing 42,518 asf Stanley Hall on the Berkeley campus and construct an undefined building for biology programs in its place. The state funds will be used to supplement and support other funds to construct the replacement building. The estimated total project cost is $18,994,000 (CCCI 4019). University sources have provided $725,000 for preliminary plans and state funds provided $1,532,000 for working drawings. The amount for construction includes $15,864,000 for construction contracts, $850,000 for contingency, and $23,000 for project administration. The building cost for mitigation is $15,864,000. Construction is scheduled to begin in September 2002 and be completed by January 2006.
2. Berkeley Campus: Seismic Safety Corrections, Hertz Hall. The amount of $4,830,000 is provided for construction of seismic corrections to 12,365 asf Hertz Hall on the Berkeley campus. The project will correct seismic and other life safety and accessibility deficiencies in Hertz Hall, which houses department of music instruction, rehearsal, and performance spaces. The estimated total project cost is $5,680,000 (CCCI 4019). The amount for construction includes $4,405,000 for construction contracts, $260,000 for contingency, and $165,000 for project administration. The building renovation cost is $4,185,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by January 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in January 2003 and be completed by June 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in June 2003 and be completed by September 2004.
3. Los Angeles Campus: Engineering 1 Seismic Mitigation. The amount of $24,928,000 is provided for construction of a project to mitigate the seismic hazard in the 75,602 asf Engineering 1 building on the Los Angeles campus. The state funds will be used to supplement and support other funds to demolish the existing building and construct a 44,000 asf engineering laboratory building on a portion of the site. The new building will provide 21,416 asf of research laboratories, 10,054 asf of teaching laboratories, and 12,530 asf of offices and support space for the school of engineering. The estimated total project cost is $27,178,000 (CCCI 4019), including $900,000 for preliminary plans from university sources and $1,350,000 from state funds for working drawings. The amount for construction includes $22,291,000 for construction contracts, $1,520,000 for contingency, and $1,117,000 for project administration. The building cost for mitigation is $21,857,000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by March 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in March 2003 and be completed by June 2005.
4. Irvine Campus: Computer Science Unit 3. The amount of $954,000 is provided for preparation of working drawings for the 87,400 asf Computer Science Unit 3 Building on the Irvine campus. The project will provide 48,000 asf of space for the department of information and computer science, including 1,900 asf of teaching laboratories, 27,710 asf of research laboratories, and 18,450 asf of office space. The project also will provide 13,300 asf of general assignment classrooms and 26,000 asf of laboratory and office surge space. The estimated total project cost of $49,520,000 (CCCI 4019) includes future state costs of $29,089,000 for construction and $3,000,000 for equipment, supplemented by $11,698,000 for construction and $3,000,000 for equipment from university sources. The amount for construction includes $36,436,000 for construction contracts, $1,457,000 for contingency, and $2,894,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is $34,025,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2002 and be completed by February 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in February 2003 and be completed by July 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2003 and be completed by August 2006.
1. California State University, Utilization of Facilities. The California State University is directed to report by November 1, 2002 and at least biennially thereafter, its utilization of classrooms and teaching laboratories. Such report shall include for each campus the total number of rooms, number of stations, weekly student contact hours, and weekly station hours. The report shall also include the average weekly hours of station use, and actual utilization as a percentage of the utilization standard.
2. Year-Round Operations in Capital Planning. It is the intent of the Legislature that the California State University (CSU) accommodate enrollment growth by maximizing utilization of existing instructional facilities during the summer term before building new classrooms and teaching laboratories. It is further the intent of the Legislature that CSU make requests for capital outlay funding for space for classrooms and class laboratories justified using legislatively approved utilization standards and a reasonable assumption of summer term enrollment. Accordingly, CSU is requested to base its 2003-04 five-year capital outlay plan on utilization of instructional facilities during the summer, assuming summer-term enrollment of at least 25 percent and 40 percent of fall/winter/spring enrollment at rural and urban campuses respectively. The CSU is requested to base future five-year capital outlay plans for instruction facilities based on the assumption of the actual summer-term enrollment and to continue to make efforts to increase summer enrollment. It is further the intent of the Legislature that CSU annually submit a report to the Legislature by no later than January 15, 2003 on its efforts to maximize utilization of existing instructional facilities during the summer term consistent with this language.
1. Bakersfield: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $5,336,000 is provided for construction of telecommunications infrastructure. The total estimated project cost is $5,644,000 (CCCI 4019) including previously approved costs for preliminary plans ($32,000 nonstate) and $276,000 for working drawings. The amount for construction includes $4,361,000 for construction contracts, $305,000 for contingency, and $670,000 for project administration costs. Construction is scheduled to begin February 2003 and be completed by June 2004.
2. Fresno: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $18,149,000 is provided for construction of telecommunications infrastructure. The total estimated project cost is $18,804,000 (CCCI 4019) including previously approved costs for working drawings ($655,000). The amount for construction includes $15,330,000 for construction contracts, $1,073,000 for contingency, and $1,746,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin June 2003 and be completed by January 2005.
3. Fullerton: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $6,724,000 is provided for construction of telecommunications infrastructure. The total estimated project cost is $7,045,000 (CCCI 4019) including previously approved costs for working drawings ($321,000). The amount for construction includes $5,560,000 for construction contracts, $389,000 for contingency, and $775,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin April 2003 and be completed by April 2005.
4. San Marcos: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $1,986,000 is provided for construction of telecommunications infrastructure. The total estimated project cost is $2,122,000 (CCCI 4019) including previously approved costs for working drawings ($136,000). The amount for construction includes $1,546,000 for construction contracts, $108,000 for contingency, $332,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin April 2003 and be completed by March 2004.
5. Monterey Bay: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $10,988,000 is provided for construction of telecommunications infrastructure. The total estimated project cost is $11,408,000 (CCCI 4019) including previously approved costs for working drawings ($420,000). The amount for construction includes $9,241,000 for construction contracts, $647,000 for contingency, and $1,100,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin June 2003 and be completed by July 2005.
6. San Diego: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $11,248,000 is provided for construction of telecommunications infrastructure. Total estimated project cost is $11,993,000 (CCCI 4019) including previously approved preliminary plans ($445,000) and working drawings ($300,000). The amount for construction includes $9,378,000 for construction contracts, $656,000 for contingency, $1,214,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin June 2003 and be completed by May 2005.
7. San Francisco: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $14,593,000 is provided for construction of telecommunications infrastructure. The total estimated project cost is $15,367,00 (CCCI 4019) including previously approved costs for preliminary plans ($265,000), and working drawings ($509,000). The amount for construction includes $12,238,000 for construction contracts, $857,000 for contingency, $1,498,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin March 2003 and be completed by March 2005.
8. San Jose: Telecommunications Infrastructure. The amount of $7,008,000 is provided for construction of telecommunications infrastructure. The total estimated project cost is $7,304,00 (CCCI 4019) including previously approved costs for working drawings ($296,000). The amount for construction includes $5,797,000 for construction contracts, $406,000 for contingency, $805,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled to begin May 2003 and be completed by May 2004.
9. Humboldt: Behavioral and Social Sciences Building. The amount of $26,800,000 is provided for construction of a new 52,800 asf/84,100 gross square feet gsf building. The building will accommodate 396 full-time equivalent (FTE) in lecture space, 70 FTE in laboratory space (52 LD/18 UD), and 92 faculty offices for nine academic departments. The estimated total project cost is $30,213,00 (CCCI 4019), including expended funds authorized in 1992 for planning ($276,000), and working drawings ($317,000), and funds authorized in 1999 for working drawings ($654,000), and construction ($25,000). The amount for construction includes $23,541,000 for construction contracts, $1,177,000 for contingency, $2,082,000 project administration. The future funding for equipment totals $2,116,000. Construction is scheduled to commence by June 2003 and be completed by May 2005.
1. Chico: Student Services Center. The amount of $811,000 is provided for preliminary plans for a new 78,200 asf/120,200 gross square feet gsf Student Services building. The total estimated project cost is $35,731,000 (CCCI 4019), including future costs of $750,000 for working drawings, $32,090,000 for construction, and $2,080,000 for future costs of equipment. The amount for construction includes $28,249,000 for construction contracts, $1,412,000 for contingency, and $2,429,000 for project administration costs. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in January 2003 and be completed by June 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2003 and be completed by January 2004. Construction is scheduled to begin by March 2004 and be completed by August 2005.
2. Dominguez Hills: Electrical Infrastructure Renovation. The amount of $2,855,000 (CCCI 4019) is provided for preliminary plans ($87,000), working drawings ($103,000), and construction ($2,665,000) to upgrade the campus electrical infrastructure. The amount for construction includes $2,269,000 for construction contracts, $159,000 for contingency, and $237,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in January 2003 and be completed by June 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2003 and be completed in December 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin in March 2004 and be completed by August 2005.
3. Fullerton: Campuswide Fire/Life Safety. The amount of $9,649,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($249,000), working drawings ($304,000), and construction ($9,096,000) for the installation of a campuswide fire alarm system and a central monitoring and control room. The amount for construction includes $7,819,000 for construction contracts, $547,000 for contingency, and $730,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in January 2003 and be completed by June 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2003 and be completed by December 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by March 2004 and be completed by September 2005.
4. Hayward: Business and Technical Building. The amount of $11,500,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($211,000), working drawings ($300,000), and construction ($10,989,000) for a 42,000 asf/65,000 gsf facility to accommodate 1,242 full-time equivalent (FTE) in lecture space, 39 FTE in upper division laboratory space, 16 FTE in lower division laboratory space, and 53 faculty offices for the business and engineering programs. The project also includes a 250-seat presentation center and an information commons. Total estimated project cost is $13,000,000 (CCCI 4019) including future funding of $1,500,000 for equipment. The amount for construction includes $ 9,667,000 for construction contracts, $483,000 for contingency, and $839,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in January 2003 and be completed by September 2003; working drawings are scheduled to begin in October 2003 and will be completed by August 2004. Construction will begin in December 2004 and will be completed by November 2006.
5. Monterey Bay: Library. The amount of $4,311,000 is provided for the preliminary plans ($931,000), and working drawings ($1,170,000), and part of the construction ($2,210,000) of a 140,000 asf/ 201,000 gsf library. The total estimated project cost is $52,170,000 (CCCI 4019) including $43,951,000 previously funded for construction and future costs of $3,908,000 for equipment. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in January 2003 and be completed by June 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2003 and be completed by July 2004. Construction is scheduled to begin December 2004 and be completed by December 2006.
6. Long Beach: Library Addition and Renovation. The amount of $19,083,000, provided for preliminary plans ($467,000), working drawings ($603,000), and construction ($18,013,000) of a 3,712 gsf Automated Book Retrieval and Storage facility and the renovation of the existing west side of the Main Library and conversion of existing instructional support space 2,500 gsf in the Music Complex into Library space and additions of 2,500 gsf to provide a satellite library primarily for dance and music students. Construction costs include $15,748,000 for construction contracts, $314,000 for construction administration, $901,000 for contingency, and $1,050,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to be begin January 2003 and be completed by May 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin June 2003 and be completed by December 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by March 2004 and be completed by June 2006.
7. Northridge: Engineering Renovation, Phase II. The amount of $14,739,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($399,000), working drawings ($562,000), and construction ($13,778,000) for the renovation of 81,625 asf of the Engineering building. The total estimated project cost is $19,185,000 (CCCI 4019) including previously funded costs of $1,099,000 for preliminary plans and working drawings, and future costs of $3,347,000 for equipment. The amount for construction includes $11,829,000 for construction contracts, $828,000 for contingency, and $1,121,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in January 2003 and be completed by May 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in June 2003 and be completed by December 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by March 2004 and be completed by December 2005.
8. Stanislaus: Drama Ceiling Seismic. The amount of $675,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($18,000), working drawings ($36,000), and construction ($621,000): $542,000 for construction contracts, $36,000 for contingency, and $43,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin January 2003 and be completed by April 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin May 2003 and be completed by September 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin by November 2003 and be completed by June 2004. The project provides the required structural bracing to stabilize the existing ceiling. The hazard is rated a Department of General Services Level five.
9. Stanislaus: Science II (Seismic). The amount of $922,000 is provided for preliminary plans for a new 66,900 asf/115,400 gsf science building. The project provides for 191 FTE in laboratory space, 489 FTE in lecture space, and 58 faculty offices. The total estimated project cost is $54,203,000 (CCCI 4019) including future working drawings ($1,104,000), construction ($44,592,000), and equipment ($7,585,000). Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin January 2003 and be completed by August 2003. Working drawings will begin September 2003 and be completed by May 2004. Construction is scheduled to begin by June 2004 and will be completed by December 2006. This project will provide preliminary plans to replace an existing 33,500 asf/50,900 gsf 30-year-old science building (Level C seismic risk) in need of major seismic and programmatic renovations.
10. San Luis Obispo: Engineering/Architecture Renovation and Replacement, Phase II. This project provides $34,948,000 (CCCI 4019) for the design and construction of Engineering IV, a 71,600 asf/97,600 gsf building accommodating 433 FTE and 22 faculty offices. It also provides preliminary planning funds for phase IIB ($375,000) and IIC ($443,000) of the project. The remaining amount of $34,948,000 is provided for ($652,000) preliminary plans, ($909,000) for working drawings, and ($32,569,000) construction of phase IIA. The amount for construction includes $28,709,000 for construction contracts, $1,435,000 for contingency, and $2,425,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin January 2003 and be completed by September 2003. Working drawings for phase IIA are scheduled to begin October 2003 and be completed by May 2004. Construction for phase IIA is scheduled to begin July 2004 and be completed by July 2006. The total estimated project cost is $73,966,000 including future costs of $5,394,000 for phase IIA equipment, and $33,624,000 for working drawings, construction, and equipment for phases IIB-C.
11. Pomona: Library Addition and Renovation. The amount of $33,209,000 (CCCI 4019) is provided for preliminary plans of Phase I and II ($1,452,000), working drawings ($979,000), and construction ($30,778,000) to construct 85,300 asf/135,000 gsf of library and classroom space. The project provides for 1,068 FTE. Total estimated project cost is $35,597,000 (CCCI 4019) including future equipment purchase ($2,388,000). The amount for construction includes $26,920,000 for construction contracts, $1,421,000 for contingency, and $2,437,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin January 2003 and completed by June 2003. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2003 and completed by February 2004. Construction is scheduled to begin by May 2004 and be completed by June 2006.
1. Utilization of Facilities. The California Community Colleges are directed to report by November 1, 2002 and at least biennially thereafter, their utilization of classrooms and teaching laboratories for each district and campus the total number of rooms, number of stations, weekly student contact hours, and weekly station hours. The report shall also include the average weekly hours of station use, and actual utilization as a percentage of the utilization standard.
2. Coast Community College District, Orange Coast College—Seismic Retrofit Library—Demolition. The amount of $1,449,000 is provided for construction to demolish the Library Building. This project will construct a microwave antenna tower, demolish the seismically deficient 40,346 asf Library Building, restore the site, and relocate the microwave antenna from the building to the new tower. Total estimated project cost is $1,687,000 including preliminary plans ($93,000), working drawings ($145,000), and construction ($1,449,000) (CCCI 4019). The amount for construction includes $63,000 for contingency, $130,000 for project administration, and $1,256,000 for construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin December 2002 and be completed by July 2003.
3. Contra Costa Community College District, Diablo Valley College—Seismic Retrofit—Technical Education Building. The amount of $1,153,000 is provided for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction for the remodel of the second floor (5,525 asf) of the Business Education Building and demolition of the Technical Education Building. Total estimated project cost is $1,153,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($41,000), working drawings ($54,000), and construction ($1,058,000). The amount for construction includes $66,000 for contingency, $47,000 for project administration, and $945,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start on July 2002 and be completed by October 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to start October 2002 and be completed May 2003. Construction is scheduled to start August 2003 and be completed by February 2004.
4. Gavilan Community College District, Gavilan College—Adaptive Physical Education. The amount of $3,722,000 is provided for construction of an 8,473 asf adaptive physical education facility. The project includes 8,473 asf of other demonstration space. Total estimated project cost is $4,023,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($113,000), working drawings ($101,000), construction ($3,722,000), and equipment ($96,000). The amount for construction includes $165,000, $259,000 for project administration, and $3,298,000 (CCCI 4019) for construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin August 2002 and be completed by September 2003.
5. San Bernardino Community College District, San Bernardino Valley College—Replace Art Building Seismic/FEMA. The amount of $1,659,000 is provided for construction for a 16,023 asf seismic replacement building for the Art Building and Art Gallery Building. The replacement is a Federal Emergency Management Act (FEMA) project and the state cost reflects 25 percent of state-eligible costs. The project includes 12,751 asf of laboratory, 1,073 asf office, and 2,239 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $6,922,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($247,000), working drawings ($251,000), and construction ($6,424,000). The amount for construction includes $289,000 for contingency, $357,000 for project administration, and $5,778,000 for construction contracts. In addition to state funds, a FEMA grant is providing $5,211,000 for the project. Construction phase is scheduled to begin in April 2003 and be completed by November 2004.
6. San Bernardino Community College District, San Bernardino Valley College—Seismic Replacement, Campus Center. The amount of $1,653,000 is provided for construction of a 26,345 asf seismic replacement building for the Campus Center. The replacement is a FEMA project and the state cost reflects 25 percent of state-eligible costs. Total estimated project cost is $6,853,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($378,000), working drawings ($243,000), and construction ($6,232,000). The amount for construction includes $279,000 contingency, $378,000 for project administration, and $5,575,000 for construction contracts. In addition to state funds, a FEMA grant is providing $5,139,000 for the project. Construction phase is scheduled to begin September 2002 and be completed by January 2004.
7. San Bernardino Community College District, San Bernardino Valley College—Seismic Replacement, Administration. The amount of $2,450,000 is provided for construction of a 24,123 asf seismic replacement building for the administrative functions at the campus. The replacement is a FEMA project and the state cost reflects 25 percent of state-eligible costs. Total estimated project cost is $10,162,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($487,000), working drawings ($362,000), and construction ($9,313,000). The amount for construction includes $419,000 contingency, $508,000 for project administration, and $8,386,000 for construction contracts. In addition to state funds, a FEMA grant is providing $7,621,000 for the project. Construction phase is scheduled to begin April 2003 and be completed by August 2004.
8. San Jose-Evergreen Community College District, San Jose City College—Science Building. The amount of $844,000 (state funds) is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to construct a 34,980 asf replacement science building. The building space consists of 23,600 asf laboratory space, 5,520 lecture space, 2,500 asf office space, and 3,360 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $13,379,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($407,000), working drawings ($437,000), construction ($12,172,000), and equipment ($363,000). The amount for construction includes $563,000 for contingency, $532,000 for project administration, and $11,077,000 for construction contracts. In addition to state funds, the district is providing $7,325,000 to construct 10,956 asf of the project space. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start September 2002 and be completed by December 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by July 2003.
1. Allan Hancock Community College District, Allan Hancock College—Library/Media Technology Center. The amount of $315,000 is provided for working drawings to design a project that expands the existing library by 14,575 asf, reconstructs 19,947 asf, and demolishes 5,009 asf. The new construction includes 1,300 asf of office, 6,475 asf of library, 4,900 AV/TV, and 1,900 asf other space. The reconstruction includes 372 asf of office, 18,653 asf of library, and 922 asf of other space and the demolition includes 1,039 asf of office, 495 asf of library, 3,099 asf of AV/TV and 376 asf of other space. Total estimated project cost is $9,711,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($317,000), working drawings ($315,000), construction ($7,822,000), and equipment ($1,257,000). The amount for construction includes $376,000 for contingency, $432,000 for project administration and $7,014,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
2. Butte-Glenn Community College District, Butte College—Learning Resource Center. The amount of $608,000 is provided for working drawings to design a 47,844 asf multistory learning resource building with 11,726 asf for laboratory, 8,692 asf for office, 10,085 asf library, 5,676 asf AV/TV, and 11,395 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $18,485,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($597,000), working drawings ($608,000), construction ($15,683,000), and equipment ($1,597,000). The amount for construction includes $708,000 for contingency, $811,000 for project administration and $14,164,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
3. Cerritos Community College District, Cerritos College—Science and Math Complex, Life Safety. The amount of $16,443,000 is provided for construction to demolish two unsafe buildings and construct a 34,212 asf replacement science and math complex. The space consists of 10,602 asf lecture, 21,140 asf laboratory, and 2,470 asf other areas. Total estimated project cost is $18,089,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($646,000), working drawings ($568,000), construction ($16,443,000), and equipment ($432,000). The amount for construction includes $744,000 for contingency, $818,000 for project administration, and $14,881,000 for construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin January 2003 and be completed by July 2004.
4. Chabot-Las Positas Community College District, Las Positas College—Physical Education, Gym—Phase I. The amount of $466,000 is provided for working drawings to construct a 42,900 asf gymnasium facility with 17,400 asf gym, 23,916 asf training rooms, lockers and activity rooms, 1,504 asf office, and 80 asf other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $13,423,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($461,000), working drawings ($466,000), construction ($12,015,000), and equipment ($2,401,000). The amount for construction includes $542,000 for contingency, $625,000 for project administration, and $10,848,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
5. Chaffey Community College District, Chaffey College—Science Building. The amount of $9,489,000 is provided for construction for a two building science complex totaling 21,352 asf with 2,324 asf lecture, 13,998 asf laboratory, 3,331 asf office, 597 asf library space and 1,102 asf other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $10,26,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($326,000), working drawings ($347,000), construction ($9,489,000), and equipment ($64,000). The amount for construction includes $427,000 for contingency, $519,000 for project administration, and $8,543,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2001 and be completed by January 2002. Working drawings are scheduled to start February 2002 and be completed by April 2003.
6. Contra Costa Community College District, Diablo Valley College—Life Science Remodel/Laboratories. The amount of $141,000 is provided for working drawings to renovate the life sciences building to provide 14,350 asf consisting of 12,051 asf high-tech labs, 1,474 asf offices, and 825 asf other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $5,344,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($162,000), working drawings ($141,000), construction ($3,657,000) and equipment ($1,384,000). The amount for construction includes $221,000 for contingency, $284,000 for project administration, and $3,152,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
7. Contra Costa Community College District, Los Medanos College—Learning Resource Center. The amount of $284,000 is provided for working drawings to construct a 20,363 asf learning resource center consisting of 1,650 asf laboratory, 1,370 asf office, 13,288 asf library/learning resource, 2,915 asf AV/TV, and 1,140 asf other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $8,819,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($359,000), working drawings ($284,000), construction ($7,338,000), and equipment ($838,000). The amount for construction includes $328,000 for contingency, $442,000 for project administration, and $6,568,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
8. Contra Costa Community College District, San Ramon Valley Center—Phase I Building. The amount of $1,085,000 is provided for working drawings for off- and on-site development and the first phase of buildings (44,435 asf) for the center. New space consists of 9,697 asf lecture, 21,918 asf laboratory, 4,980 asf office, 4,000 asf library/learning resource, 1,960 asf AV/TV-distance learning, 1,435 PE/fitness, and 445 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $26,432,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($723,000), working drawings ($1,085,000), construction ($22,223,000) and equipment ($2,401,000). The amount for construction includes $1,005,000 for contingency, $1,125,000 for project administration and $20,093,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start May 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
9. Desert Community College District, College of the Desert—Seismic Retrofit, Dining Hall. The amount of $989,000 is provided for construction to correct seismic structural deficiencies in the 16,000 gsf dining hall. Total estimated project cost is $1,067,000 (CCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($34,000), working drawings ($44,000), and construction ($989,000). The amount for construction includes $56,000 for contingency, $16,000 for project administration, $120,000 for testing and inspection, and $797,000 for construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin January 2003 and be completed by May 2004.
10. Fremont-Newark Community College District, Ohlone College—Child Development Center. The amount of $4,635,000 is provided for construction of a 9,092 asf on-campus instructional facility for the child development program. The proposal constructs 740 asf laboratory, 941 asf office, and 7,411 asf other space including 6,511 asf child development space. Total estimated project cost is $5,116,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($61,000), working drawings ($175,000), construction ($4,635,000), and equipment ($245,000). The amount for construction includes $139,000 for contingency, $356,000 for project administration, and $4,140,000 (CCI 4019) for construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin August 2002 and be completed by September 2003.
11. Glendale Community College District, Glendale College—Allied Health/Aviation Lab. The amount of $332,000 is provided for working drawings to design a project that demolishes 16,084 asf building built in 1954 and builds a 28,117 asf replacement facility in the same location. The new building will contain 2,805 asf lecture, 11,665 asf laboratory, 3,014 asf offices, and 10,633 asf institution maintenance, shipping, and receiving areas. Total estimated project cost is $9,868,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($340,000), working drawings ($332,000), construction ($8,621,000), and equipment ($575,000). The amount for construction includes $385,000 for contingency, $536,000 for project administration, and $7,700,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
12. Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District, Cuyamaca College—Science and Technology Mall. The amount of $562,000 is provided for working drawings to design a 59,668 asf science and technology mall with 24,362 asf for laboratory, 3,067 asf for office, and 11,139 asf for other types of space. Total estimated project cost is $19,454,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($543,000), working drawings ($562,000), construction ($14,499,000), and equipment ($3,850,000). The amount for construction includes $654,000 for contingency, $760,000 for project administration, and $13,085,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
13. Grossmont Community College District, Grossmont College—New Science Building. The amount of $439,000 is provided for working drawings to design a 26,315 asf science building with 20,285 asf for laboratory, 1,760 asf for office, and 4,270 asf for other types of space. Total estimated project cost is $12,997,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($397,000), working drawings ($439,000), construction ($11,325,000), and equipment ($816,000). The amount for construction includes $509,000 for contingency, $627,000 for project administration, and $10,189,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
14. Hartnell Community College District, Hartnell College—Library/Learning Resource Center Complex. The amount of $690,000 is provided for working drawings to demolish the existing library, along with the adjacent small amphitheater, utility tunnel and walkways, and construct a 52,595 asf learning resource center, consisting of 19,936 asf library, 3,848 asf laboratory, 3,013 office, 6,876 asf AV/TV, and 18,922 asf independent study area, and other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $21,626,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($738,000), working drawings ($690,000), construction ($17,778,000), and equipment ($2,420,000). The amount for construction includes $805,000 for contingency, $867,000 for project administration, and $16,106,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start May 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
15. Lake Tahoe Community College District, Lake Tahoe Community College—Learning Resource Center. The amount of $214,000 is provided for working drawings to design a 19,567 asf learning resource center with 300 asf for office, 9,750 asf library, 5,082 asf AV/TV, and 4,435 asf for other types of space. This project also includes a 1,100 asf district funded Art Gallery. Total state-estimated project cost is $6,897,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($407,000), working drawings ($214,000), construction ($5,497,000), and equipment ($779,000). The amount for construction includes $246,000 for contingency, $362,000 for project administration, and $4,889,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
16. Long Beach Community College District, Long Beach City College—Replacement of Technology Buildings. The amount of $8,146,000 is provided for construction and equipment that demolishes two unsafe buildings totaling 22,942 asf and constructs a 23,000 asf replacement facility with 1,500 asf for lecture, 20,625 asf for instructional laboratories, and 875 asf for offices. Total estimated project cost is $8,883,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($422,000), working drawings ($315,000), construction ($8,135,000), and equipment ($11,000). The amount for construction includes $364,000 for contingency, $496,000 for project administration, and $7,275,000 for construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin February 2003 and be completed by December 2004.
17. Los Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles Mission College—Child Development Center. The amount of $470,000 is provided for working drawings to design a child development building. Total estimated project cost is $6,202,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($286,000), working drawings ($484,000), construction ($5,070,000), and equipment ($362,000). The amount for construction includes $253,000 for contingency, $304,000 for project administration, and $4,513,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
18. Los Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles Southwest College—Child Development Center. The amount of $162,000 is provided for working drawings to design a 13,075 asf child development building with 1,140 asf for laboratory, 620 asf for office and 11,315 asf for other types of space. Total estimated project cost is $4,874,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($230,000), working drawings ($162,000), construction ($4,115,000), and equipment ($367,000). The amount for construction includes $183,000 for contingency, $263,000 for project administration, and $3,669,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
19. Los Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles Trade Tech College—Child Development Center. The amount of $117,000 is provided for working drawings to design a 9,282 asf child development building with 926 asf for office and 8,356 asf for other types of space. Total estimated project cost is $4,183,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($215,000), working drawings ($114,000), construction ($3,641,000), and equipment ($210,000). The amount for construction includes $313,000 for contingency, $199,000 for project administration, and $3,129,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
20. Los Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles Valley College—Health Science Building. The amount of $435,000 is provided for working drawings to design a 30,288 asf health sciences building with 3,045 asf lecture, 21,839 asf for laboratory, and 5,404 asf for other types of space. Total estimated project cost is $15,310,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($661,000), working drawings ($435,000), construction ($11,206,000), and equipment ($3,008,000). The amount for construction includes $507,000 for contingency, $637,000 for project administration, and $10,062,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
21. Los Rios Community College District, American River College—Learning Resource Center Expansion. The amount of $310,000 is provided for working drawings to reconstruct 7,712 asf and add 12,462 asf to the existing library. Reconstructed space provides 450 asf office, 6,082 asf library/learning resources, 520 asf AV/TV, and 660 asf meeting room spaces. The addition provides 98 asf office, 10,916 asf library/learning resources, 480 asf AV/TV, 840 asf storage, and 128 asf of other. Total project space is 20,174 asf. Total estimated project cost is $9,718,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($343,000), working drawings ($310,000), construction ($7,971,000), and equipment ($1,094,000). The amount for construction includes $359,000 for contingency, $429,000 for project administration, and $7,183,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start May 2002 and be completed by April 2003.
22. Mt. San Antonio Community College District, Mt. San Antonio College—Seismic Retrofit, Four Buildings. The amount of $1,880,000 is provided for construction to seismically retrofit four buildings (1B-3, 1C-1, 5 and 5A). Total estimated project cost is $2,058,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($89,000), working drawings ($89,000), and construction ($1,880,000). The amount for construction includes $116,000 for contingency, $112,000 for project administration, and $1,652,000 for construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin in November 2002 and be completed in August 2003.
23. Mt. San Antonio Community College District, Mt. San Antonio College—Science Building Replacement. The amount of $18,879,000 is provided for construction for a new 43,356 asf science building. Space to be constructed includes 37,848 asf of labs, 4,377 asf of offices, and 1,131 asf of other areas. Total estimated project cost is $22,022,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($790,000), working drawings ($770,000), construction ($19,816,000), and equipment ($646,000). The amount for construction includes $855,000 for contingency, $951,000 for project administration, and $18,010,000 for construction contracts. In addition to state funds, the district is providing $1,332,000 for the project. Construction phase is scheduled to begin December 2003 and be completed by June 2004.
24. North Orange County Community College District, Cypress College—Library/Learning Resource Center. The amount of $499,000 is provided for working drawings to construct a 43,470 asf library/learning resource center with 29,310 asf library, 7,970 asf laboratory, 3,990 asf AV/TV, 1,700 asf office, and 500 asf other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $14,545,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($650,000), working drawings ($499,000), construction ($12,885,000), and equipment ($511,000). The amount for construction includes $581,000 for contingency, $681,000 for project administration, and $11,623,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start June 2002 and be completed by May 2003.
25. North Orange County Community College District, Fullerton College—Library/Learning Resource Center. The amount of $15,926,000 is provided for construction of a 54,645 asf library/learning resource center with 36,760 asf library, 11,200 asf laboratory, 3,190 asf AV/TV, 2,345 asf office, and 1,150 asf other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $17,702,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($767,000), working drawings ($617,000), construction ($15,926,000), and equipment ($392,000). The amount for construction includes $720,000 for contingency, $809,000 for project administration, and $14,397,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start May 2003 and to be completed by August 2004.
26. Palo Verde Community College District, Palo Verde College—Technology Building Phase II. The amount of $246,000 is provided for working drawings to construct a 19,520 asf technology building, including 15,211 asf laboratory space for trades, 884 asf for offices, and 3,425 asf for media services. Total estimated project cost is $7,928,000 (CCCI 4019) including $292,000 for preliminary plans, $246,000 for working drawings, $6,329,000 for construction which includes $5,653,000 for construction contracts (building cost is $5,129,000), $283,000 for contingency, $113,000 for construction management, $90,000 for contract administration, $190,000 for testing and inspection, and $1,061,000 for equipment (EPI 2564). Working drawings are scheduled to start October 2002 and be completed by March 2003.
27. Rancho Santiago Community College District, Santa Ana College—Physical Education, Seismic Replacement/Expansion. The amount of $223,000 is provided for working drawings to design a project that plans both the construction of a 9,894 asf men’s physical education shower/locker facility that replaces a 6,662 asf unsafe building and the renovation of 9,045 asf in the women’s shower/locker facility and the gymnasium that provides visiting team shower/locker facilities. The construction creates 1,792 asf of lecture space, 1,332 asf of office space, and 6,770 asf of physical education service space, and the renovation addresses 985 asf of office space and 8,060 asf of physical education space. Total estimated project cost is $5,972,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($225,000), working drawings ($223,000), construction ($5,459,000), and equipment ($65,000). The amount for construction includes $269,000 for contingency, $374,000 for project administration and $4,816,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
28. San Francisco Community College District, City College of San Francisco, Chinatown Campus Building. The amount of $1,185,000 is provided for working drawings to construct a 91,170 asf complete campus building. The project includes 16,000 asf classrooms, 24,360 asf laboratory, 15,750 asf office and administrative support space, 11,000 asf library, 1,000 asf AV/TV, and 23,060 asf of conference and other space. Total estimated state-funded project cost is $35,699,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($1,334,000), working drawings ($1,185,000), construction ($30,047,000), and equipment ($3,133,000). The amount for construction includes $1,410,000 for contingency, $1,429,000 for project administration, and $27,208,000 for construction contracts. In addition to state funds, the San Francisco Community College District is providing an estimated $18,556,000 for the project. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
29. San Joaquin Delta Community College District, San Joaquin Delta College—Electrical System Infrastructure. The amount of $2,766,000 is provided for construction to correct the electrical deficiencies and safety issues on five buildings on campus totaling 372,154 asf. Total estimated project cost is $3,054,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($160,000), working drawings ($128,000), and construction ($2,766,000). The amount for construction includes $168,000 for contingency, $198,000 for project administration, and $2,400,000 for construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to start December 2002 and to be completed by June 2004.
30. San Luis Obispo County, Cuesta College—Theater Arts Building. The amount of $397,000 is provided for working drawings to design a 24,193 asf theater arts building with 199 asf for office and 23,994 asf for theater arts space. Total estimated project cost is $12,534,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($472,000), working drawings ($397,000), construction ($10,215,000), and equipment ($1,450,000). The amount for construction includes $460,000 for contingency, $560,000 for project administration, and $9,195,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
31. San Luis Obispo County Community College District, North County Center—Initial Building-Science Cluster. The amount of $8,107,000 is provided for construction for a 23,764 asf science and mathematics building. The project contains 2,990 asf office, 4,466 asf lecture, 15,580 laboratory, and 428 asf other support space. Total estimated project cost is $10,404,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($334,000), working drawings ($313,000), construction ($8,107,000), and equipment ($1,650,000). The amount for construction includes $362,000 for contingency, $513,000 for project administration, and $7,232,000 for construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin March 2003 and be completed by May 2005.
32. San Mateo Community College District, Districtwide—Fire Alarm Replacement, Phase II. The amount of $1,998,000 is provided for construction ($1,740,000) to renovate the fire alarm system at two campuses. The amount for construction includes $1,740,000 (CCI 4019) for construction, $122,000 for contingency, $35,000 for contract administration, and $101,000 for testing and inspection. Working drawings will be completed July 2002. Construction will be completed by December 2003.
33. San Mateo Community College District, College of San Mateo—Seismic Retrofit, Student Services Building #6. The amount of $3,745,000 is provided for construction for the seismic upgrade of the student services building totaling 25,600 gross square feet gsf. Estimated construction costs are $3,745,000 including $3,293,000 (CCI 4019) for construction contracts (building cost is $3,293,000), $231,000 for contingency, $66,000 for construction management, $66,000 for contract administration, $89,000 for testing and inspection. Working drawings will begin in June 2002 and be completed in January 2003. Construction phase is anticipated to begin in March 2003 and be completed in October 2003.
34. San Mateo Community College District, Skyline College—Seismic Retrofit, Gym Building #3. The amount of $1,567,000 is provided for the construction phase to seismically upgrade the gym building totaling 40,851 gsf. Estimated construction costs are $1,567,000 including $1,227,000 (CCI 4019) for construction contracts (building cost is $1,227,000), $86,000 for contingency, $25,000 for construction management, $25,000 for contract administration, $68,000 for testing and inspection. Working drawings will be completed in January 2003. Construction phase is anticipated to begin in March 2003 and be completed in October 2003.
35. San Mateo Community College District, Skyline College—Seismic Retrofit, Buildings #7 and #8. The amount of $3,923,000 is provided for the construction phase to seismically upgrade two buildings totaling 83,691 gsf. Estimated construction costs are $3,923,000 including $3,452,000 (CCI 4019) for construction contracts (building cost is $3,452,000), $242,000 for contingency, $69,000 for construction management, $69,000 for contract administration, $91,000 for testing and inspection. Working drawings will be completed in January 2003. Construction phase is anticipated to begin in March 2003 and be completed in October 2003.
36. Santa Barbara Community College District, Santa Barbara City College—Gymnasium Remodel. The amount of $164,000 is provided for working drawings to design a project that reconstructs and expands an existing gymnasium to provide more instructional facilities. The project involves 7,555 total asf with 3,825 asf lecture, 130 asf AV/TV, and 3,600 asf physical education space. Total estimated project cost is $3,814,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($163,000), working drawings ($164,000), construction ($3,555,000), and equipment ($56,000). The amount for construction includes $217,000 for contingency, $239,000 for project administration, and $3,099,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
37. Sequoias Community College District, College of Sequoias—Science Center. The amount of $390,000 is provided for working drawings to construct a 25,110 asf science center consisting of 19,170 asf laboratory, 3,180 asf office, and 2,760 asf lecture spaces. The project also includes the demolition of a social sciences building, a biology/life sciences building and bookstore (bookstore demolition shall be funded at district expense). Total estimated project cost is $11,447,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($471,000), working drawings ($390,000), construction ($10,057,000), and equipment ($529,000). The amount for construction includes $453,000 for contingency, $543,000 for project administration, and $9,061,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start August 2002 and be completed by May 2003.
38. Shasta/Tehama/Trinity Joint Community College District, Shasta College—Library Addition. The amount of $243,000 is provided for working drawings to construct 14,892 asf to the existing library and renovate 980 asf of existing space. The new construction consists of 7,544 asf of library space, 4,241 asf AV/TV space, and 3,107 asf of other space. The renovation will address 980 asf of AV/TV space. Total estimated project cost is $7,406,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($245,000), working drawings ($242,000), construction ($6,171,000), and equipment ($748,000). The amount for construction includes $280,000 for contingency, 346,000 for project administration, and $5,544,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
39. Sonoma County Community College District, Santa Rosa Junior College—Learning Resource Center. The amount of $1,028,000 is provided for working drawings to build a 95,769 asf Learning Resource Center that will include 64,443 asf library, reference and support space, 4,928 asf lab space, 8,222 asf office space, 11,730 asf multi-media/support space, and 6,578 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $36,121,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans $1,199,000, working drawings $1,028,000, construction $29,505,000, and equipment $4,137,000 (EPI 2564). The amount for construction includes $26,792,000 for construction contracts, $1,340,000 for contingency, $536,000 for construction management, $429,000 for project administration, and $408,000 for testing and inspection. In addition to state funds the district is providing $3,831,000 towards the cost of the project. Working drawings are scheduled to start August 2002 and be completed by March 2003.
40. Southwestern Community College District, Southwestern College—Child Development Center. The amount of $193,000 is provided for working drawings to design a 13,770 asf child development building with 860 asf for office and 12,910 asf for other types of space. Total estimated project cost is $5,742,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($227,000), working drawings ($193,000), construction ($4,922,000), and equipment ($400,000). The amount for construction includes $220,000 for contingency, $296,000 for project administration, and $4,406,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
41. State Center Community College District, Reedley College—Learning Resource Center Addition. The amount of $195,000 is provided for working drawings to reconstruct 13,609 asf and add 10,570 asf to the existing library for a total of 24,179 asf affected space. Reconstruction asf includes 12,193 asf library, 879 asf AV/TV, 379 asf office, and 158 asf other. New asf includes 6,492 asf library, 1,203 asf AV/TV, 375 asf office, and 2,500 asf laboratory. Total estimated project cost is $5,880,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($187,000), working drawings ($195,000), construction ($4,769,000), and equipment ($729,000). The amount for construction includes $236,000 for contingency, $310,000 for project administration, and $4,223,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start March 2002 and be completed by May 2003.
42. Ventura County Community College District, Moorpark College—Child Development Center. The amount of $103,000 is provided for working drawings to design a 9,177 asf child development center with 1,665 asf for instructional labs, 964 asf for offices, 6,548 asf for other uses including 6,082 asf for child development services. Total estimated project cost is $3,521,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($121,000), working drawings ($119,000), construction ($3,071,000), and equipment ($210,000). The amount for construction includes $134,000 for contingency, $257,000 for project administration, and $2,680,000 for construction contracts. In addition to state funds, the district is providing $456,000 for the project. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
43. Victor Valley Community College District, Victor Valley Community College—Seismic Retrofit, Auxiliary Gymnasium. The amount of $1,000,000 is provided for construction to correct seismic structural deficiencies in the Auxiliary Gym. Total estimated project cost is $1,087,000 (CCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($42,000), working drawings ($45,000), and construction ($1,000,000). The amount for construction includes $833,000 for construction contracts, $58,000 for contingency, $17,000 for project administration, and $92,000 for testing and inspection. Construction is scheduled to begin May 2003 and be completed by May 2004.
44. West Hills Community College District, Kings County Center—Classrooms/Laboratories Phase 2B. The amount of $372,000 is provided for working drawings to construct 25,150 asf including 1,378 asf lecture, 18,976 asf laboratories, and 4,796 asf maintenance and storage spaces. Total estimated project cost is $10,400,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($298,000), working drawings ($372,000), construction ($8,201,000), and equipment ($1,529,000). The amount for construction includes $371,000 for contingency, $405,000 for project administration, and $7,425,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start August 2002 and be completed by May 2003.
45. West Valley—Mission Community College District, Mission College—Main Building 3rd Floor Reconstruction. The amount of $167,000 is provided for working drawings to design a project that reconstructs 15,662 asf in the Mission College Main Building for instructional purposes. The proposal is to convert the space vacated with the completion of the LRC to 12,548 asf of interdisciplinary laboratories, 3,470 asf for offices, and 201 asf for meeting rooms. Total estimated project cost is $4,703,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($213,000), working drawings ($167,000), construction ($3,523,000), and equipment ($800,000). The amount for construction includes $220,000 for contingency, $164,000 for project administration, and $3,139,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2002 and be completed by June 2003.
46. Yuba Community College District, Yuba College—Adaptive Physical Education Therapy Facility. The amount of $1,218,000 is provided for construction for a 2,933 asf Adaptive Physical Therapy facility. The project includes 2,824 asf physical education and 109 asf office space. Total estimated project cost is $1,374,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($63,000), working drawings ($49,000), construction ($1,218,000), and equipment ($44,000). The amount for construction includes $52,000 for contingency, $128,000 for project administration and $1,038,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to begin March 2003 and be completed by April 2004.
47. Yuba Community College District, Woodland Center—Science Building. The amount of $5,844,000 is provided for construction funds to construct a 15,515 asf science building. The project includes 2,654 asf lecture, 7,153 asf laboratory, 2,468 asf office, 1,109 asf AV/TV, and 2,131 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $6,981,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($202,000), working drawings ($221,000), construction ($5,844,000), and equipment ($714,000). The amount for construction includes $262,000 for contingency, $336,000 for project administration, and $5,246,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to begin February 2003 and be completed by February 2005.
1. Relocation: Dorris Agricultural Inspection Station. The budget provides $444,000 for working drawings for an agricultural inspection station located adjacent to Highway 97 near the Oregon Border. The working drawing funds reverted from the 2001-02 fiscal year budget. This Agricultural Inspection Station consists of a 2,002 square foot (sf) administration building, a 3,154 sf inspection bay, and a 4,456 sf inspection building. Total estimated project cost is $7,707,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($485,000) preliminary plans ($343,000), working drawings ($444,000), and construction ($6,435,000). The amount for construction includes $273,000 for contingency, $694,000 for project administration, and $5,468,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to begin January 2003 and be completed by December 2003. Construction is scheduled to begin June 2004 and be completed by November 2005.
2. Relocation: Yermo Agricultural Inspection Station. The budget provides $3,599,000 for construction for an agricultural inspection station consisting of a 5,700 sf inspection structure, 2,500 sf office building, a 900 square foot containment building and associated site development, and paving. Total estimated project cost is $15,324,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($108,000) preliminary plans ($414,000), working drawings ($780,000), and construction ($14,022,000). The amount for construction includes $653,000 for contingency, $316,000 for project administration, and $13,833,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to begin November 2003 and be completed by June 2005.
1. Relocation: Yermo Agricultural Inspection Station. The budget provides $11,203,000 for working drawings and construction for an agricultural inspection station consisting of a 5,700 square foot (sf) inspection structure, 2,500 sf office building, a 900 sf containment building and associated site development, and paving. Total estimated project cost is $15,324,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($108,000), preliminary plans ($414,000), working drawings ($780,000), and construction ($14,022,000). The amount for construction includes $653,000 for contingency, $316,000 for project administration, and $13,833,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to begin November 2003 and be completed by June 2005.
1. Santa Ana Replacement Armory. By December 1, 2002, the Military Department shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the legislative budget committees on the following issues:
(a) With respect to the existing Santa Ana armory: (i) the feasibility of relocating the armory to a new site, including how the relocation fits in with the department’s long-term capital development plan and the availability of federal construction funds; (ii) any potential force structure issues raised by this relocation; and (iii) an estimate of the cost of relocating the armory in Orange County, including costs associated with acquiring the site, constructing the new armory, and transition costs.
(b) For each of the last three armories constructed, list the costs for site acquisition, transition, and construction. The department shall delineate the construction costs associated with preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction.
2. Azusa—New Armory. The amount of $6,077,000 (CCCI 4019) is provided for working drawings ($221,000), construction ($5,606,000), and equipment ($250,000) for a new 88,000 gsf two-story armory, including an assembly hall, classrooms, offices, locker rooms, and all necessary functional support areas. The amount for construction includes $291,000 for contingency, $891,000 for project administration, and $4,424,000 for construction contracts. The project includes construction of a 5,000 gsf unheated storage building. Working drawings will be completed by January 2003 and approval to proceed to bid and contract award for construction by April 2003.
3. Lancaster—New Armory The amount of $743,000(CCCI 4019) is provided for preliminary plans for a new 59,688 gsf multistory armory building constructed with masonry walls, concrete floors, and with metal roofing. The project includes construction of an unheated storage building with all mechanical, electrical, telecommunications, security equipment, furnishings, and prewired workstations. The estimated future cost for the project is $6,197,000 including $835,000 for working drawings, $5,262,000 for construction contracts and project administration and $100,000 for equipment. Amount for construction includes $291,000 for contingency, $891,000 for project administration, and $4,424,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans will be completed by May 2003.
4. Los Alamitos Air Field Electrical Distribution System. The amount of $675,000 (CCCI 4019) is provided for working drawings for a new electrical distribution system at the Los Alamitos Air Field. The estimated future cost for the project is $7,945,000 including $835,000 for working drawings. The future cost of construction includes $7,945,000 for construction contracts and project administration. The project includes replacement of the electrical power substation and all high- and low-voltage lines with required transformers, conduit, and switching as necessary to serve the airfield electrical distribution system. The airfield lighting for the runways and taxiways will be replaced. The working drawings will be completed by March 2003.
1. Lancaster Armory—Land Acquisition. The budget includes $750,000 from the Armory Fund for the acquisition of approximately 30 acres for the construction of the Lancaster armory. The site acquisition will be complete by January 2003.
1. Northern California Veterans’ Cemetery. The amount of $253,000 is provided for working drawings for a new 120-acre veterans cemetery with all necessary structures (9,892 square feet), streets, and infrastructure. The total project cost is $6,985,000 (CCCI 4019) with additional funding identified in Item 8955-301-0890 and no future costs. This amount includes $5,188,000 for construction contracts, $835,000 for project administration, and $259,000 for contingency. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by February 2003 and be completed by July 2003; construction is scheduled to begin September 2003 and be completed by December 2004.
1. Northern California Veterans’ Cemetery. The amount of $6,282,000 is provided for construction of Phase I of a new 120-acre veterans cemetery with all necessary structures (9,892 square feet), streets, and infrastructure. The total project cost is $6,985,000 (CCCI 4019) with additional funding identified in Item 8955-301-0001 and no future costs. This amount includes $5,188,000 for construction contracts, $835,000 for project administration, and $259,000 for contingency. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by February 2003 and be completed by July 2003; construction is scheduled to begin September 2003 and be completed by December 2004.
1. Convert and Remodel Laundry Facility. The amount of $617,000 is provided for working drawings ($40,000) and construction ($577,000) for conversion and renovation of an existing structure to personal effects storage for residents and laundry storage and distribution. The total project cost is $1,849,000 (CCCI 4019) with additional funding identified in Item 8960-301-0890 and no future cost. This amount includes $1,351,000 for construction contracts, $203,000 for project administration, and $95,000 for contingency. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by July 2002 and be completed by January 2003; construction is scheduled to begin May 2003 and be completed by May 2004.
2. Renovate 1.25 Million Gallon Storage Tank and Transmission Line. The amount of $738,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($48,000), working drawings ($48,000), and construction ($642,000) for the renovation of an existing water storage tank, provision of a new transmission line, and improvements to supporting mechanical and electrical equipment to bring the system into compliance with the emergency fire-flow demand requirements and the water quality requirements. The total project cost is $2,107,000 (CCCI 4019) with additional funding identified in Item 8960-301-0890 and no future cost. This amount includes $1,467,000 for construction contracts, $265,000 for project administration, and $103,000 for contingency. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin September 2002 and be completed by June 2003; working drawings are scheduled to begin by July 2003 and be completed by April 2004; construction is scheduled to begin August 2004 and be completed by September 2005.
3. Renovate Memorial Chapel. The amount of $546,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($36,000), working drawings ($42,000), and construction ($468,000) for a renovation of the Veterans Memorial Chapel to upgrade the HVAC and electrical systems, ensure handicap accessibility, and structural improvements. The total project cost is $1,559,000 (CCCI 4019) with additional funding identified in Item 8960-301-0890 and no future cost. This amount includes $1,069,000 for construction contracts, $194,000 for project administration, and $75,000 for contingency. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by June 2003; working drawings are scheduled to begin by July 2003 and be completed by April 2004. Construction is scheduled to begin July 2004 and be completed by August 2005.
1. Convert and Remodel Laundry Facility. The amount of $1,145,000 is provided for working drawings ($73,000) and construction ($1,072,000) for conversion and renovation of an existing structure to provide personal effects storage for residents and laundry storage and distribution. The total project cost is $1,849,000 (CCCI 4019) with additional funding identified in item 8960-301-0701 and no future cost. This amount includes $1,351,000 for construction contracts, $203,000 for project administration, and $95,000 for contingency. Working drawings are scheduled to begin by July 2002 and be completed by January 2003; construction is scheduled to begin May 2003 and be completed by May 2004.
2. Renovate 1.25 Million Gallon Storage Tank and Transmission Line. The amount of $1,369,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($88,000), working drawings ($88,000) and construction ($1,193,000) for a renovation of an existing water storage tank, provide new transmission line, and improvements to supporting mechanical and electrical equipment to bring the system into compliance with the emergency fire flow demand requirements and the water quality requirements. The total project cost is $2,107,000 (CCCI 4019) with additional funding identified in item 8960-301-0701 and no future cost. This amount includes $1,467,000 for construction contracts, $265,000 for project administration, and $103,000 for contingency. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin September 2002 and be completed by June 2003; working drawings are scheduled to begin by July 2003 and be completed by April 2004; construction is scheduled to begin August 2004 and be completed by September 2005.
3. Renovate Memorial Chapel. The amount of $1,013,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($66,000), working drawings ($77,000), and construction ($870,000) for a renovation of the Veterans Memorial Chapel to upgrade the HVAC and electrical systems, ensure handicap accessibility, and structural improvements. The total project cost is $1,559,000 (CCCI 4019) with additional funding identified in item 8960-301-0701 and no future cost. This amount includes $1,069,000 for construction contracts, $194,000 for project administration, and $75,000 for contingency. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2002 and be completed by June 2003; working drawings are scheduled to begin by July 2003 and be completed by April 2004; construction is scheduled to begin July 2004 and be completed by August 2005.