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December 2006

LAO Recommended Legislation


The role of the Legislative Analyst’s Office is to review state programs and make recommendations to the Legislature as to how the state can operate more effectively and efficiently. While most of our recommendations can be addressed in the annual budget bill, some involve recommended changes in law that require separate legislation. This report includes such recommended law changes that we have made in recent years. If you would like more information or assistance on any one of the proposed recommendations, please contact the person(s) listed at the bottom of each page. The deadline for bill requests to Legislative Counsel is January 26, 2007. The last day for bill introduction is February 23, 2007.


K-12 Education

Streamline K-12 Funding Programs

Create a New Mandate Block Grant

Increase the Focus on Low-Performing Students by Aligning State/Federal Standards

Add Dropout Data to Academic Performance Index

Reform Child Care Reimbursement Rate Structure

Make Class Size Reduction Programs Less Restrictive

Create Performance-Based Teacher Accreditation System

Reform Teacher Credential and Fingerprint Processes

Revise Migrant Education Funding and Service Model

Enhance Charter School Oversight

Higher Education

Establish College Preparation Block Grant

Align College Admissions With Standardized High School Tests

Reexamine Existing Freshman Eligibility Standards

Enhance Incentives for Community Colleges to Provide Remedial Education

Enact a Student Fee Policy for Postsecondary Education

Establish Consistent Statewide Financial Aid Policies

Link Private University Cal Grant to Public University Subsidy

Restructure How State Administers Student Grant and Loan Programs

Streamline Course Requirements for Transfer Students

Health/Social Services

Require Certain Aged and Disabled Medi-Cal Beneficiaries to Shift to Managed Care

Help Restore Managed Care to Rural California

Clarify the Lanterman Act

"Remodel" the Drug Medi-Cal Program

Encourage More Efficient Use of Health Care Services in Medi-Cal Through a Combination of Incentives

Reform Proposition 99 to Enable More Flexible and Effective Spending

Evaluate the Accuracy and Consistency of Purchase of Services Data

Expand CalWORKs Community Service

Reform Grant Levels and Eligibility

Establish Matching Grant Program for Proposition 10 Funds

Improve Licensing Enforcement and Compliance

Improve Child Support Performance

Strengthen and Expand the State-Local Realignment Enacted in 1991

Criminal Justice

Enact Changes in Responsibilities and Relationships With Local Governments

Enact Reforms in Prison Industry Authority

Realign Juvenile Parole Function to County Probation


Apply “Beneficiary Pays” Funding Principle by Enacting Fees and Modifying Cost-Sharing Arrangements

Improve State Oversight of Local Air Districts

Set Expenditure Priorities and Establish Performance Measures

Improve Coastal Access and Development Mitigation

Increase Likelihood That Locals Adopt Coastal Commission’s Recommendations

Clarify Land Acquisition Objectives and Review Goals’ Attainment

Utilize a Uniform Local Agency Agreement

Reorganize Activities to Improve Accountability and Create Efficiencies

Improve Connection Between Land Use Planning and Flood Risk

Reorganize Programs to Improve Effectiveness and Create Savings

Transfer Balance of School Land Bank Fund to the Teacher’s Retirement Fund

Reduce State’s Financial Exposure at Closed Waste Facilities and Mines

Establish Policy on Funding Eligibility of Private Water Companies

Facilitate Transfers While Better Protecting Those Parties Affected by Transfers


Require Fees to Cover the Costs of Issuing Encroachment Permits

Repeal Proposition 42

Increase and Index the State Gas Tax

Conduct Ongoing Transportation Needs Assessment

Fund Transit Rolling Stock

Authorize Design-Build Contracting on a Pilot Basis

General Government

Addressing the Costs of Retiree Health Benefits

Improving the State’s Emergency Preparedness



The Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) is a nonpartisan office which provides fiscal and policy information and advice to the Legislature.

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