The Governor's budget indicates that the amount ultimately needed for this purpose is dependent
on reaching agreement with the 21 employee bargaining units through the collective bargaining
process. In recognition of this, the Budget Bill includes provisional language stipulating that (1)
the amount in the bill is not to be construed to control or influence the collective bargaining
process and (2) the funds are to be distributed in accordance with approved memoranda of
understanding (MOU) for represented employees and based on salary and benefit schedules
established by the Department of Personnel Administration (DPA) for nonrepresented
employees. As discussed below, only one of the 21 employee bargaining units has reached
tentative agreement on an MOU, and the Legislature has not approved that tentative agreement.
The DPA began negotiations in 1995 with the 21 bargaining units representing rank-and-file
state employees (other than higher education) for new MOUs governing compensation and other
terms and conditions of employment. These MOUs are to replace those that, for the most part,
expired June 30, 1995. In 1995, the DPA reached agreement with only one of the 21 units, the
highway patrol officers. This MOU was approved by the Legislature but it expired on June 30,
1997. In December 1997, the DPA reached an agreement with the California Correctional Peace
Officers Association but this proposed MOU had not, at the time this Analysiswas written, been
submitted to the Legislature. Moreover, under the terms of the MOU, even if approved by the
Legislature, it would expire on June 30, 1998.
Under current law, the provisions of expired MOUs generally remain in effect pending adoption
of replacement MOUs. Unless the DPA can negotiate successfully with one or more of the 21
bargaining units before June 30, 1998, the state will begin another budget year with expired
MOUs. Given this situation, we recommend that the DPA report to the budget committees
during budget hearings on the administration's collective bargaining proposals and the status of
In response to this recommendation, the Legislature adopted the following language in the
Supplemental Report of the 1996-97 Budget Act:
It is legislative intent to refer all memorandum of understanding to the appropriate policy and
budget committees in each house. It is further legislative intent to give these committees a total
of 30 days to review the policy and fiscal implications of each memorandum of understanding.
We recommend that the Legislature reaffirm the policy stated in the supplemental report and
implement it for any MOU that is sent to the Legislature. We also recommend that the
Legislature include the same language in the supplemental report for the 1998-99 budget.
This control section specifies the contribution rates for the various retirement classes of state
employees in the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS). The section also authorizes the
Department of Finance to adjust any appropriation in the Budget Bill as required to conform
with changes in these rates. In addition, the section requires the State Controller to offset these
contributions with any surplus funds in the employer accounts of the retirement trust fund.
Under current law, the PERS is responsible for developing employer contribution rates each year
based on actuarial analyses. At the time this Analysis was prepared, a final determination of
these rates had not been made.
Consequently, we withhold recommendation pending final determination of 1998-99 rates and
receipt and review of information from the PERS regarding the actuarial assumptions underlying
the determined rates. This information is typically available in March or April.
As required by the state Constitution, the homeowners' exemption grants a $7,000 property tax
exemption on the assessed value of owner-occupied dwellings, and requires the state to
reimburse local governments for the resulting reduction in property tax revenues. The exemption
reduces the typical homeowner's taxes by about $75 annually. The Governor's budget proposes
an expenditure of $395 million on this program in 1998-99. This is an increase of almost
$4 million, or 1 percent, which reflects the expected growth in the number of homeowners
claiming the exemption.
The renters' credit is primarily claimed by low- and moderate-income taxpayers. According to
projections for the 1998 tax year, three-fourths of those eligible to claim the credit will have less
than $30,000 in annual income and nearly one-third will have less than $10,000 in annual
income (see Figure 14). Given the income of those eligible to claim the renters' credit, many
have come to view the program as a means of easing the tax burden of lower-income
If the Legislature wished to reinstate the renters' credit but at a lower cost to the state, a number
of options would be available, including:
The commission is also responsible for reviewing requests from counties to reduce their general
assistance grant levels. Specifically, under the "SB 1033" (Chapter 72, Statutes of 1993) process,
counties may apply to the commission for a finding of "significant fiscal distress." Upon receipt
of such a finding, counties are authorized to reduce their general assistance grant levels for up to
three years.
The budget proposes expenditures of $1.1 million for 1998-99. This is $109,000, or 11 percent,
more than estimated current-year expenditures. Most of this increase, $100,000, reflects funds
for the commission to review two SB 1033 claims in the budget year. In the current year, the
commission did not receive any SB 1033 applications and redirected its SB 1033 funds
($50,000) to pay for expenses associated with implementation of SB 11, Ayala (Chapter 945,
Statues of 1995), a measure which modified and shortened the mandate test claim process.
Because authority for seven counties to reduce their general assistance grant levels will expire in
the budget year, it is highly possible that the commission will receive more than two SB 1033
applications in 1998-99. If this occurs, the commission will request additional funds, pursuant to
Control Section 27.00, and proposed budget bill language would lengthen the time for
application review.
The process of "suspending" mandates was developed as a way to reduce state costs, without
permanently eliminating the mandate. While awkward, the process works reasonably well,
provided the state budget is adopted by July 1. In years when the budget is delayed, however,
this process creates significant legal uncertainty, and can result in state costs to reimburse those
local governments which carry out the mandated responsibilities during the interim between
For example, the 1998-99 budget includes $4.1 million to reimburse local governments for their
costs to comply with the mandates shown in Figure 15 during the 49 days in 1997 in which the
state did not have a budget. The $4.1 million cost--scheduled separately in the budgets for 11
departments--is a rough estimate, based on the $6 million the state paid to compensate local
governments for their mandated costs during the 1992 budget delay. These are costs the state
will have to pay, yet in our view the state received very little benefit from having these mandates
reestablished for a month and a half.
In order to clarify local government responsibilities and avoid incurring costs during budget
delays, we recommend the Legislature enact trailer legislation which does one of the following
for each mandate proposed for suspension:
This item also includes spending on the property tax administration loan program. This program
was created by Chapter 914, Statutes of 1995 (AB 818, Vasconcellos) and extended through
2000-01 by Chapter 420, Statutes of 1997 (AB 719, Torlakson). This legislation appropriates
$60 million each year for loans to counties for additional spending on property tax
administration. These loans may be forgiven if counties can demonstrate that they have
generated or preserved sufficient property tax revenues for schools to offset the costs of the loan.
When the loans are forgiven, a cost is accrued in Item 9210. The budget recognizes a cost of
$50 million for this purpose each in 1996-97 and 1997-98. The budget, however, shows no
estimated costs for 1998-99, apparently on the basis that it is not known if any loans will be
forgiven. It is most likely, though, that the state will incur costs of approximately $50 million in
the budget year as loans are forgiven. The loan program and property tax administration are
discussed in more detail in Part VI of The 1997-98 Budget: Perspectives and Issues. (Please see
pages 215 through 226.)
Analysis |
The Year 2000 Computer Problem |
1. Departments Report Progress. Recommend that
budget subcommittees require departments to report
on their progress in accomplishing Y2K remediation
efforts. |
G-18 |
2. Deny Fund New Projects. Recommend denying
funding new information technology projects until a
department has completed its Y2K remediation
efforts. |
G-19 |
3. Approve Department of Information
Technology's (DOIT's) Funding Augmentation
Request. Recommend the Legislature augment
DOIT's budget to provide additional oversight and
assistance to departments. |
G-20 |
4. Reserve Fund Necessary. Recommend the
Legislature establish a reserve fund from which
departments can request monies for yet-to-be
identified efforts to address the problems related to
the year 2000 conversion. |
G-20 |
Consumer Affairs |
5. Implementation of Smog Check Program
Components Needs Plan. Although the department
is requesting $68 million to implement certain
components of the Smog Check program, a clear
implementation plan is not evident. The department
should provide a complete report before the budget
hearings to provide the Legislature with needed
information on the current status of all components of
the Smog Check program. |
G-23 |
6. Call Center Augmentations Not
Justified.Recommend the deletion of the proposed
augmentations totaling $6.1 million and 109.7
positions for the department's call center because the
department has not justified the need for these
augmentations. (Reduce various items by a total of
$6.1 million and 109.7 positions.) |
G-28 |
7. Barbering and Cosmetology Augmentations
Unnecessary. Recommend deletion of the proposed
augmentations because these costs should be
accommodated within existing resources using the
flexibilities given the department under
performance-based budgeting. (Reduce Item
1111-001-0069 by $737,000 and 18.3 positions.) |
G-31 |
8. Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal
Insulation Laboratory Upgrades
Inappropriate.Recommend the deletion of the
proposed augmentation since permanent
improvements to a privately owned building should
not be funded directly with state dollars. (Reduce
Item 1111-001-0752 by $221,000.) |
G-32 |
9. Implementation Plan For Chapter 401, Statutes
of 1997 Not Complete. Recommend deletion of the
proposed $326,000 increase in reimbursement
authority for the implementation of Chapter 401,
Statutes of |
G-32 |
1997 (SB 780, Kelley) since the department is to
provide an estimate of ongoing costs at a later date.
(Re duce Item 1111-001-0995 by $326,000.) |
10. Private Postsecondary and Vocational
Education Program Implementation Plan Needs
Legislative Review. Withhold recommendation on
the $6.6 million in special funds, federal funds and
reimbursements, and 79.5 positions proposed to
assume the responsibilities of the Council for Private
Postsecondary and Vocational Education because the
department had not implemented the transfer when
the budget was prepared. The department needs to
provide an implementation plan to the Legislature
prior to budget hearings. |
G-33 |
11. Department Should Report on Status of Year
2000 Modifications. The department should, prior to
budget hearings, submit a report to the Legislature on
the status of modifications to critical information
technology systems. |
G-34 |
Fair Employment and Housing |
12. Management Improvements Need to Precede
Staff Increases. Recommend the Legislature not
approve the Department of Fair Employment and
Housing's request for a $1,250,000 augmentation and
21 positions because of the need for management
improvements. Further, we recommend the
Legislature adopt supplemental report language
directing the department to submit to the Legislature
by November 1, 1998, a report on its progress in
implementing management changes, the specific
performance improvements realized from each
change, and other changes/improvements to be
implemented. (Reduce Item 1700-001-0001 by
$1,250,000.) |
G-35 |
Alcoholic Beverage Control |
13. Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) Fund
Deficit.Recommend the Legislature enact trailer bill
legislation allowing the ABC to increase license fees
in an amount higher than proposed by the Governor
in order to sustain current enforcement efforts. |
G-38 |
14. Nondocumented Alien Workload. Reduce Item
2100-001-0081 by $928,000. Recommend deletion of
$928,000 and 21.5 positions proposed to verify
citizenship of all licensees because the request lacks
important details. |
G-39 |
Department of Industrial Relations |
15. Targeted Industries Partnership Program
(TIPP) Should Not Be Funded From General
Fund. We recommend that the Legislature delete the
proposed $2.4 million General Fund augmentation
for the TIPP because this would not be a
cost-effective use of General Fund money.(Reduce
Item 8350-001-0001 by $2,407,000.) |
G-41 |
16. Joint Enforcement Strike Force (JESF) Should
Also Not Be Funded by General Fund. We
recommend the Legislature not approve the
department's request for a $1.2 million General Fund
augmentation to continue the JESF because it has not
proven to be a cost-effective mechanism for
enforcing payroll tax laws. (Reduce Item
8350-001-0001 by $1,173,000.) |
G-43 |
17. Eliminate Managed Care Unit. We recommend
the Legislature delete $222,000 and 3.3
personnel-years for the Managed Care Unit within
the Division of Workers' Compensation because there
is little workload and insufficient fee revenue to
support the program. (Reduce Item 8350-001-0001
by $222,000, delete Item 8350-001-0132, and
transfer the balance in the Workers' Compensation
Managed Care Fund to the General Fund.) |
G-44 |
18. Reduce Requested Increase for Rent. We
recommend the Legislature delete the $4,110,000
augmentation for building rent costs because the
budget overestimates the rental costs the department
will incur when it moves into new state office
buildings in San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Oakland
and San Francisco. (Reduce Item 8350-001-0001 by
$4,111,000.) |
G-45 |
19. Wage Law Enforcement on Public Works
Contracts. We recommend the Legislature delete
$191,000 and 2.5 positions requested for enforcement
of prevailing wages because under recent legislation
should not increase the department's workload.
(Reduce Item 8350-001-0001 by $191,000.) |
G-46 |
Department of Food and Agriculture |
20. Food Safety Program. Recommend deletion of
the requested $991,000 and eight positions for
various food safety program augmentations until the
department can present a comprehensive food safety
plan to the Legislature for review. (Reduce Item
8570-001-0001 by $991,000.) |
G-47 |
21. Domestic Parcels Inspection Program.
Withhold recommendation on the $1,874,000 from
the General Fund and 26.3 personnel-years requested
for continuation and augmentation of the Domestic
Parcels Inspection Program until the pilot program
report--due March 1, 1998--has been submitted and
reviewed. |
G-49 |
22. Agricultural Export Program
Augmentation.Recommend deletion of a $464,000
augmentation from the General Fund for the
Agricultural Export Program and a one-time
equipment purchase for the department's chemical
laboratory. The export program activities can be
supported within current department resources and
the equipment purchase should be funded through
laboratory service fees. (Reduce Item 8570-001-0001
by $464,000.) |
G-50 |
23. Marketing Campaign Not
Necessary.Recommend deletion of $82,000 (General
Fund) because the proposed marketing campaign
should be the responsibility of the agriculture
industry. (Reduce Item 8570-001-0001 by $82,000.) |
G-51 |
24. Laboratory Contract Cost Increase Not
Justified.Recommend deletion of a $1,110,000
General Fund augmentation for the department's
contract for services from the California Veterinary
Diagnostic Laboratory System because the
department has not substantiated the higher contract
costs. (Reduce Item 8570-001-0001 by $1,110,000.) |
G-51 |
Fair Political Practices Commission |
25. Litigation Regarding Political Reform
Law.Withhold recommendation on $1.2 million and
22 personnel-years to carry out the California
Political Reform Act because a federal court recently
enjoined enforcement of the law. |
G-54 |
Board of Equalization |
26. Request for Implementation of Chapter 702,
Statutes of 1997 (SB 110, Dills) Premature.
Recommend deletion of the proposed increased in
reimbursement authority for the Board of
Equalization (BOE) to implement Chapter 702
because the BOE has not approved an
implementation plan for this legislation. (Reduce
Item 0860-510-0995 by $4,177,000.) |
G-56 |
Franchise Tax Board |
27. Augmentation for Workload Growth Not
Justified. (Reduce Item 1730-001-0001 by
$2,992,000.) Recommend the Legislature delete the
proposed augmentation because the Franchise Tax
Board has not justified the need for these resources. |
G-58 |
28. Separate Preprinted Labels for Tax Returns
Unnecessary. (Reduce Item 1730-001-0001 by
$1,231,000.) Recommend the Legislature delete the
proposed augmentation to provide a separate
preprinted label to taxpayers because taxpayers can
provide the necessary information on their tax
returns. |
G-59 |
29. Department Expects to Miss Critical Failure
Date for Year 2000 Implementation. The
department should report to the Legislature on the
status of modifying critical information technology
systems to accommodate the year 2000 change and
include any expected revenue loss. |
G-60 |
Department of Information Technology |
30. Information Technology Policies Still
Needed.Recommend the adoption of budget bill
language appropriating the $437,000 requested when
the Department of Information Technology (DOIT)
develops a number of specific policies related to the
initiation and implementation of information
technology projects. |
G-62 |
31. Project Cost and Schedule Estimates Need
Improvement. Recommend that the Legislature
adopt supplemental report language directing DOIT
to adopt a policy requiring that feasibility study
report transmittal letters and special project reports
contain an indication of the administration's
assessment of the sensitivity to change of the costs,
benefits, and schedules contained in these documents. |
G-66 |
32. Advocacy Role Conflicts With Oversight
Responsibilities. Recommend that the Legislature
approve DOIT's funding request for additional
resources to institute the new funding approval
process, but require the resources requested for
advocacy be redirected to responsibilities DOIT is
required by statute to fulfill. |
G-67 |
33. Civil Service Classification System Still Needs
Reforming. Recommend that DOIT report to the
Legislature, prior to budget hearings, on its progress
and plans to change the civil service classification
system to improve the state's access to information
technology expertise. |
G-68 |
34. Department Continues to Be Leader on Year
2000 Conversion. Recommend that the Legislature
approve DOIT's request for additional resources in
1998-99 for year 2000 conversion. Also recommend
that the Legislature direct DOIT to take a number of
additional steps with regard to the conversion. |
G-68 |
35. Data Center Configuration Policy
Needed.Recommend that the Legislature direct DOIT
to develop a five-year strategic plan for configuration
of the state's data centers. |
G-75 |
Health and Welfare Agency Data Center |
Data Center Operations |
36. State Should Increase Expertise of State
Staff.Recommend that the Health and Welfare
Agency Data Center (HWDC) provide the
Legislature with an estimate, prior to budget
hearings, on how much it would cost to train state
staff to perform services to support the HWDC
Router Network that the budget proposes be
supported by private consultants. |
G-76 |
37. Acquisition of Data Center Building
Premature.Recommend that the Legislature deny the
request to purchase the data center's building in
1998-99 and delete $445,000 proposed in the support
budget for maintenance and operating expenses for
the building. Instead, recommend that the Legislature
appropriate $455,000 to continue the existing lease of
the facility. |
G-77 |
38. Data Center Should Seek Review. Recommend
that HWDC report at budget hearings on what tools
and resources are needed to renew project
management methodologies and legal contracts. |
G-78 |
Statewide Automated Welfare System (SAWS) |
39. Requests for Legislative Reports Ignored.
Recommend that the Legislature take no action on
$88 million proposed for SAWS until the center
submits a series of reports requested by the
Legislature in the 1997-98 Budget Act and in current
law. |
G-83 |
40. Welfare Case Data System. Recommend that the
Legislature appropriate the $18 million through
budget bill language if (1) the Department of
Information Technology certifies that the
procurement document allows for expansion of the
system and (2) the state's oversight role is increased. |
G-85 |
Statewide Automated Child Support System (SACSS) |
41. Child Support Project Canceled; New Project
Offers Opportunities, Challenges. Recommend that
the Legislature require the alternative procurement
method be used for the new project, in which the
state outlines its desired outcomes rather than
specifying a particular technology. Recommend that
HWDC report at budget hearings on the status of
federal funding for the new project. |
G-87 |
42. Counties Need Assistance With Year
2000.Recommend that the HWDC and DSS report
during budget hearings on the progress of the
counties in modifying existing child support systems
to understand the year 2000. |
G-89 |
Child Welfare Services Case Management System
43. Contract Increases Not Justified. Recommend
the Legislature delete the proposed augmentation
because the vendor, not the state, should pay
additional monies to make the CWS/CMS work.
(Reduce Item 4130-001-0632 by $15.1 million.) |
G-90 |
Other Issues |
44. Statewide Fingerprint Imaging System (SFIS)
Expansion Not Justified. Withhold recommendation
on $8.9 million requested for SFIS, pending receipt
and review of the justification for the request. |
G-92 |
45. Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) System
Delayed.Recommend that HWDC report during
budget hearings on its progress in implementing this
project. |
G-92 |
46. Automated Tape Library (ATL) Not Yet
Justified.Withhold recommendation on $671,000
requested for the Automated Tape Library, pending
receipt and review of the justification for the request. |
G-93 |
47. Year 2000 Funding Request Not Yet Justified.
Withhold recommendation on $3.6 million requested
for HWDC's Year 2000 project pending receipt and
review of the justification for the request. |
G-93 |
Office of Emergency Services |
48. Law Enforcement Branch. Recommend that the
Office of Emergency Services (OES) retain law
enforcement coordination responsibilities. Also
recommend approval of request for two additional
law enforcement coordinator positions. |
G-95 |
49. Disaster Claims Processing to Stay at OES.
The OES reviewed the feasibility of transferring its
disaster claims processing to another state agency, as
was required by recent legislation and determined
that it would be more costly and less efficient to
transfer these responsibilities. |
G-97 |
State Controller |
50. Statewide Travel Reimbursement Project Not
Mission Critical. Recommend reduction for the
development of an automated statewide travel
reimbursement project because it is not mission
critical nor mandated, and information technology
efforts should be focused on converting computers to
accommodate the year 2000. Reduce Item
0840-001-0001 by $689,000. |
G-99 |
51. Additional Information Needed for Local
Government Reporting System. Withhold
recommendation on $724,000 requested to replace
the current Local Government Reporting Systems,
pending receipt of additional information on the
critical failure dates for the current systems and a
plan to include users of the proposed system in the
development process. |
G-100 |
Secretary of State |
52. Delay in Voter Registration Computer
System.Recommend legislation to delay the date the
Secretary of State must repay a $3.5 million state
loan to develop a new statewide voter registration
tracking system. |
G-103 |
53. Proposition 208 Ruling May Invalidate
Funding Request. Withhold recommendation on
$286,000 to implement new political reform law in
light of federal court ruling enjoining its
enforcement. |
G-104 |
Department of General Services |
54. Surplus Property Warehouse Efforts Fall
Short of Legislature's Request. Recommend that
the department report during budget hearings on how
it intends to comply with provisions of the
Supplemental Report of the 1997-98 Budget Act
which directed it to phase out the operations of
surplus property warehouses. |
G-107 |
55. Update on CALNET Procurement. Because of
its value and impact on state government, recommend
that the Department of General Services report to the |
G-107 |
Legislature during budget hearings on its progress in
awarding this contract. |
56. Department Unnecessarily Expanding
Pilot.Recommend reduction to ensure the pilot
project is carried out as provided in authorizing
legislation. (Reduce Item 1760-101-0022 by
$710,000.) |
G-108 |
57. Surplus Property Assessments. Recommend a
reduction of $925,000 because several proposed
consultants studies should not be undertaken in
1998-99. Also withhold recommendation on
$250,000 for a master plan for the Lanterman
Developmental Center pending completion and
review of consulting work funded in the current year.
(Reduce Item 1760-015-0002 by $925,000.) |
G-109 |
Housing and Community Development |
58. High Costs to Administer Homeless Grants.
Recommend that the Legislature enact legislation
simplifying the administration of the Emergency
Housing Assistance Program in order to maximize
the dollars going for direct homeless assistance. |
G-112 |
59. Alien Verification Fee Plan Lacks Necessary
Federal Guidance. Recommend that the Legislature
not approve a department request for an alien
verification and fee system until federal guidelines
are provided. |
G-115 |
Trade and Commerce |
60. New and Expanded Foreign
Offices.Recommend deletion of $1,053,000
requested for four new foreign offices and expansion
of other foreign offices because (a) establishing
foreign offices should be considered as a policy issue
through legislation other than the Budget Bill and (b)
additional funds are not needed to
sustain the current level of activity in existing offices.
(Reduce Item 2920-012-0001 by $1,053,000) |
G-117 |
61. Agency Needs to Set Priorities Within Existing
Resources. Withhold recommendation on
$7.8 million in various augmentation requests (a)
until the agency reassesses the need for these
increases by setting priorities within current
resources and (b) pending the agency submitting
information identifying the specific expected
outcomes from spending additional funds and how
these outcomes will be measured. |
G-120 |
Department of Finance |
62. Highlight Information Technology
Expenditures.Recommend that the Legislature adopt
supplemental report language directing Department
of Finance (DOF) to identify information technology
expenditures and projects in the 1999-00 Governor's
Budget. |
G-122 |
63. Audit of Data Centers. Recommend DOF report
during budget hearings on the Health and Welfare
Agency Data Center and the Stephen P. Teale Data
Center on the findings of the recent financial audit of
the two centers. |
G-123 |
Office of Administrative Law |
64. No Funding Proposed to Meet Statutory
Requirement. The Office of Administrative Law's
proposed budget contains no appropriation or
proposed redirection of existing resources to publish
the regulations on the Internet, as required by statute. |
G-124 |
Department of Veterans Affairs and
Veterans' Homes of California |
65. Rethinking Veterans' Assistance. Recommend
adoption of budget bill and supplemental report
language initiating a review of the potential timing,
availability, and priority use of surplus funds in the
Cal-Vet Farm and Home Purchase Program for other
programs of benefit to veterans and taxpayers. |
G-125 |
66. Substandard Nursing Care at Yountville
Home.Recommend that Department of Veterans'
Affairs and Department of Health Services report at
budget hearings on actions taken to address
substandard care and status of regulatory actions and
fines. |
G-128 |
67. Yountville Veterans' Home
Augmentations.Modify funding and staffing sought
for the home contingent upon adoption of budget bill
language and receipt of additional information by the
Legislature. Also recommend a Bureau of State
Audits study of the mix of nursing beds at the
facility. Reduce Item 8960-011-0001 by $1,882,000,
Reduce Federal Funds by $255,000 and Reduce
Reimbursements by $273,000. |
G-130 |
68. Barstow Veterans' Home Beds Still
Vacant.Withhold recommend on the budget for the
veterans' home due to the large number of vacant
beds at the Barstow facility and the potential
availability of federal funds and collections from
insurers. |
G-134 |
Interest Payments to the Federal Government |
69. Interest Liability Settle-Up. We withhold
recommendation on interest payments to the federal
government pending resolution of a dispute between
the state and the federal government on the amount
owed. |
G-136 |
Control Section 24.10--
Penalty Assessment Fund |
70. Legislature Should Consider Options. The
budget proposes to redirect penalty assessment
revenues that will result in a General Fund revenue
loss of $12 million. Redirected funds would defray
increasing local assistance demands on the fund that
pays for peace officer training. The Legislature
should weigh the needs of all of the local peace
officer training programs as it considers how to use
the revenues. Other alternatives include reducing
revenues by lowering penalty assessments or
transferring surpluses to the Motor Vehicle Account. |
G-139 |
Health and Dental Benefits for Annuitants |
71. Budget-Year Costs Are Uncertain. Withhold
recommendation on the $302.3 million General Fund
request for health and dental benefits for annuitants
pending final determination of premium rates and a
possible adjustment for the number of annuitants in
the program. |
G-143 |
Overview of Employee Compensation |
72. Legislature Needs Report on Status of
Collective Bargaining Negotiations. The
Department of Personnel Administration should
report to the budget committees during budget
hearings on the administration's collective bargaining
proposals and the status of negotiations. |
G-147 |
73. Strengthen Legislature's Collective Bargaining
Oversight. Recommend that the Legislature reaffirm
the policies stated in the Supplemental Report of the
1996-97 Budget Act to assure that the Legislature will
have the opportunity to fully review proposed
collective bargaining agreements. Further
recommend that the Legislature include the same
language in the supplemental report this year. |
G-148 |
Control Section 3.60 |
74. Public Employees' Retirement System
Employer Contribution Rates. Withhold
recommendation on employer contribution rates for
retirement benefits pending (1) final determination of
the actual rates to be applied in the budget year and
(2) receipt and review of information regarding the
actuarial assumptions underlying the rates. |
G-150 |
Commission on State Mandates |
75. Suspended Mandates Lead to State Costs and
Legal Confusion. Recommend the Legislature enact
trailer legislation regarding the 30 mandates proposed
for suspension. |
G-154 |