K-12 Table of Contents
LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill
Proposition 98
Proposition 98 Allocations by Segments
Governor's Budget Proposals
Prior-Year Proposition 98 Funds
1998-99 Budget Proposals
Proposition 98 Spending by Major Program
Budget Issues
K-12 Priorities
Budget Poses Major K-12 Issues
State's Role in K-12 Education Has Increased Over Time
State Needs Long-Term K-12 Framework
Develop Information on Future Funding Options
Legislature Should Create Demonstration Programs
LAO Outlook Indicates Fewer Proposition 98 Funds
Legislature Faces Major Trade-Offs
Balance State and Local Funding Needs
Options for 1998-99 Funds
Create a Proposition 98 Reserve
Approve the 2.2 Percent COLA
Provide Step Adjustment for Class Size Reduction
Additional Mandate Costs Likely
Opportunity Scholarships
Delete Summer School Augmentation
Preserve Local Autonomy Over Expulsions
Options for Prior-Year Funds
Provide Block Grants to Districts
Reject Other Policy Initiatives
Longer School Year
Little Evidence to Support a Longer Year
Legislature Has Other Options
Revenue Limits
Three Agency Report on Revenue Limits
Include Public Employees' Retirement System Costs in Base Revenue Limits
How Does Senate Bill 727 Affect Revenue Limits?
The Deficit Still Applies to Some Programs
Reopen Longer Day and Longer Year Incentives
Assessment and Accountability
Test of Applied Academic Skills Behind Schedule
What Is Title I?
What Does Title I Require From California?
Meeting Title I Requirements
System for Identifying Low-Performing Schools Not Working
Long-Term, Short-Term Needs of Title I Assessment System
Use Data From STAR To Identify Low-Performing Schools
Child Development
The CalWORKs Child Care Program
The Governor's Proposal for CalWORKs Child Care
Issues for Legislative Consideration
Proposition 98 and CalWORKs Child Care
Stage II Child Care Needs to Be Coordinated
Improving SDE's Contracting for Stage II Slots
Other Issues
Charter Schools Evaluation
Broaden Uses of Staff Development Funds
Teacher Training and Support
High Risk Youth Programs Overbudgeted
Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Special Grants for Museums
Problems With Special Grants
Require Increased SDE Oversight
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