Legislative Analyst's Office

Analysis of the 2000-01 Budget Bill
Crosscutting Issues

Capital Outlay

Action Steps for
Funding Higher Education Capital Outlay

We recommend the Legislature evaluate capital outlay proposals by the three segments as a statewide system rather than independent segments and apply statewide guidelines when making funding decisions. This will allow the state to use limited resources to maximum effect.

With limited resources, the state should invest in higher education capital outlay projects that will result in maximum educational benefit statewide. This can be done by considering all capital outlay proposals across higher education rather than for each segment in isolation of the others and evaluating capital needs using statewide guidelines. This will allow the highest priority projects to be funded and permit the state to provide a high quality educational opportunity to all qualified students.

To have such a legislative review and approval process, we recommend the Legislature take the following actions:

Beginning in 2001-02, the segments should develop capital outlay proposals that reflect these actions so that the Legislature can assess higher education needs as a statewide system.

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