LAO 2005-06 Budget Analysis: General Government

Analysis of the 2005-06 Budget Bill

Legislative Analyst's Office
February 2005

Department of Parks and Recreation (3790)

The budget proposes $42.7 million for capital outlay for the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR). This amount includes $25.9 million from Proposition 40 and Proposition 12 bond funds, $7.8 million from the Off-Highway Vehicle Trust Fund, $5 million in federal funds, $3 million from reimbursements, and $1 million from the Habitat Conservation Fund.

The budget proposes $26.1 million for various park development projects, $7.5 million for statewide acquisition projects, $5.6 million for acquisition and development of off-highway vehicle parks, and $3.5 million for various minor projects.

Redirect Selected Project Funding to Support ADA Projects

We recommend redirecting funding for selected projects from Proposition 12 and federal funds to support Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) projects proposed for funding from the General Fund. We further recommend the adoption of budget bill language to specify the use of the selected funds for ADA project purposes. (See the "Resources" chapter for our write-up on this issue.)

Our review of DPR's proposed capital outlay budget finds that it includes support for several projects from Proposition 12 and federal funds that could be redirected to fund a proposal in the department's support budget for the continued modification to state park facilities in compliance with the ADA. For a discussion of this issue, please see the "Department of Parks and Recreation (Item 3790)" write-up in the "Resources" chapter of this Analysis.

Return to Capital Outlay Table of Contents, 2005-06 Budget Analysis