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April 1, 2004

Dear Attorney General Lockyer:

Pursuant to Election Code 9005, we have reviewed the proposed measure entitled “Child’s Day” (File No. SA2004RF0013).


This measure would declare April 30th to be “A Child’s Day.” On that day, schools would be closed. In addition, it is the intent of the initiative that the state create programs to recognize “better students,” and requires the Governor to send a message on that day to all the children in the United States to encourage them to study or practice some sport. The measure includes a United Nations resolution concerning the rights of children. The measure would urge all levels of government to use the resolution as a guide in policy making and policy implementation. It does not, however, appear to require any specific action by the state.

Fiscal Effect

The measure would require schools to be closed on April 30th annually, but since the measure would not change the required number of days schools must provide, there would be little or no fiscal impact. The measure does state the intent to have the state develop programs to recognize better students, but does not require that such programs be created and does not fund any specific programs.

Summary of Fiscal Effects. This measure would have little or no fiscal impact on state and local governments.

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