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Results for tax expenditures in General Government

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The 2023-24 California Spending Plan: Housing and Homelessness

Oct 19, 2023 - A spending delay is an expenditure reduction proposed for the budget window (2021-22 through 2023-24) with an associated, offsetting cost increase in a future year of the multiyear (2024-25 through 2026-27).

The 2020-21 Spending Plan: Housing and Homelessness

Oct 8, 2020 - This action authorizes an additional year of the tax credit that was originally provided in 2019 ‑20 for 2020 ‑21. This additional tax expenditure brings total credits to $1  billion across the past two years.

The 2024-25 Budget: Department of Cannabis Control—Legal and Administrative Hearing Costs

Mar 4, 2024 - Proposed DOJ and OAH Funding Significantly Higher Than Past Expenditures . As shown in Figure  1, the Governor ’s proposal for DOJ and OAH costs is significantly higher than DCC ’s expenditures on these services in 2021-22 and 2022-23.

The 2024-25 Budget: Broadband Infrastructure

Feb 28, 2024 - CPUC proposes to increase its CASF local assistance expenditure authority from the current $72.6 million to $136.2 million in 2024‑25 and ongoing. An additional $13.8 million in CASF expenditure authority is requested primarily to cover state operations costs, for a total expenditure authority request of $150 million.

State Assistance to Businesses in Response to COVID-19

Jan 4, 2024 - Larger Metro Regions Received More PPP ‑Related Tax Relief and State Grants. We  also examined how PPP eligible for state tax relief and SBCRG were distributed across metro area. As Figure 6 shows, per business in the area, larger metro regions tended to receive more in both types of assistance, most notably, Los Angeles, San  Francisco, and San Jose.

The 2023-24 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 13, 2023 - We define a delay as an expenditure reduction that occurs in the budget window (2021 ‑22 through 2023 ‑24), but has an associated expenditure increase in a future year of the multiyear window (2024 ‑25 through 2026 ‑27).

The 2021-22 Spending Plan: Other Provisions

Sep 23, 2021 - The budget language also limits the total cost of any solution to no more than $5  million, requires that CDT submit a prioritized list of solutions to the Department of Finance for review and approval prior to expenditure of the funding, and report to the Legis lature on a semiannual basis (among other information) the expenditures from the fund and the solutions funded.

The 2023-24 Budget: Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control

Feb 24, 2023 - In response to the reduced revenues, ABC took several steps to reduce expenditures, including reducing hiring and various program expenditures. For example, in 2021-22, ABC reduced the Alcohol Policing Partnership grant program from $3  million to $1.5  million.

The 2022-23 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

Jan 13, 2022 - For the budget year, as the Legislature considers the Governor ’s budget proposals, those proposals that currently count as excludable expenditures —such as spending on capital outlay —for the most part can only be reallocated to other SAL ‑related purposes, such as tax reductions or an alternative excluded  expenditure.

The 2020-21 Budget: The Governor’s Cannabis‑Related Proposals

Feb 14, 2020 - Conduct Oversight Over Other Expenditures of Cannabis Tax Funds. We recommend that the Legislature continue to use its oversight role to ensure that it is comfortable with the administration ’s plans for Cannabis Tax Fund revenues more broadly.