July 2017

Higher Education

California Community Colleges Funding by Source

(Total Dollars in Millions)

Change from 2016-17
  Amount Percent
Proposition 98          
General Funda $5,384 $5,473 $5,654 $181 3.3%
Local property tax 2,631 2,768 2,911 142 5.1
Subtotals ($8,016) ($8,242) ($8,565) ($324) (3.9%)
Other State          
Other General Fundb $435 $522 $470 -$52 -9.9%
Lottery 232 227 227 0 0.0
State special funds and reimbursements 89 169 147 -22 -13.1
Subtotals ($757) ($917) ($844) (-$74) (-8.1%)
Other Local          
Enrollment fees $431.9 $464.8 $465.7 $1 0.2%
Other local revenuec 4,637 4,731 4,687 -44 -0.9
Subtotals ($5,069) ($5,196) ($5,153) (-$44) (-0.8%)
Federal $298 $298 $297 -$1 -0.3%
Totals $14,139 $14,653 $14,859 $205 1.4%
Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Students 1,137,619 1,152,708 1,154,917 2,209 0.2%
Proposition 98 Funding Per FTE Student $7,046 $7,150 $7,416 $267 3.7%
Total Funding Per FTE Student $12,429 $12,712 $12,866 $154 1.2%
a Includes $500 million each year (and an additional $5 million in 2016-17) for the Adult Education Block Grant, of which more than $400 million goes to school districts for their adult education services.
b Includes funding for state general obligation bond debt service, state contributions to the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS), and Chancellor's Office operations. 2017-18 amount includes a $68 million decline in debt service and a $24 million increase in STRS contributions.
c Primarily consists of revenue from student fees (other than enrollment fees), sales and services, and grants and contracts, as well as local debt-service payments. Amounts are estimates and do not include federal and state student financial aid for nontuition costs or local bond proceeds.