July 2017

Higher Education

Required Components of CCC Guided Pathways Programs

Clarify Paths to Student End Goals
Simplify students’ choices with default program maps that show students a clear route to completion, further education, and employment.
Establish transfer pathways—and maximize transfer of community college credits— by aligning courses and expected learning outcomes with transfer institutions.
Help Students Choose and Enter a Pathway
Bridge secondary and postsecondary education by ensuring early remediation in the final year of high school.
Provide advising and support services that help students transition from high school, explore academic and vocational fields, choose a major, and develop a comprehensive academic plan.
Align basic skills coursework with a student’s major and adopt other evidence-based remediation practices.
Help Students Stay on Track
Implement systems to monitor students’ progress, identify students at risk of not progressing, and intervene promptly with advising and other academic supports.
Embed supports throughout student programs to promote learning and persistence.
Ensure Students Are Learning
Establish program-level learning outcomes aligned with requirements for employment and further education. Use the results of learning assessments to improve the effectiveness of instruction across programs.
Integrate group projects, internships, and other applied learning experiences to enhance instruction and student success in courses.
Ensure effective teaching practice throughout the pathways.