Capital Outlay
Item 02503013037—Judiciary—Capital
Item 08203010660—Department
of Justice—Capital Outlay.
Item 17603010768—Department
of General Services—Capital Outlay.
Item 26603110042—Department
of Transportation—Capital Outlay.
Item 27403010044—Department
of Motor Vehicles—Capital Outlay.
3540-301-0001—Department of Forestry and Fire Protection—
Capital Outlay.
Item 35403010660—Department
of Forestry and Fire Protection—
Capital Outlay.
Item 37903010005—Department
of Parks and Recreation— Capital Outlay.
3790-301-0263—Department of Parks and Recreation— Capital Outlay.
3790-301-6029—Department of Parks and Recreation— Capital Outlay.
Item 44403010001—Department
of Mental Health—Capital Outlay.
Item 44403010660
(2003-04 Budget Act) as amended by
Item 4440-496—Department of Mental Health—Capital Outlay.
Item 52403010001—Department
of Corrections—Capital Outlay.
Item 61103010660—Department
of Education—Capital Outlay.
6440-301-0660—University of California—Capital Outlay.
Item 64403016041—University
of California—Capital Outlay.
Item 64403026041—University
of California—Capital Outlay.
Item 66103016041—California
State University—Capital Outlay.
Item 66103026041—California
State University—Capital Outlay.
6870-301-0574—California Community Colleges—Capital Outlay.
6870-301-6028—California Community Colleges—Capital Outlay.
Item 68703016041—California
Community Colleges—Capital Outlay.
Item 85703010042—Department
of Food and Agriculture— Capital Outlay.
Item 85703010111–Department
of Food and Agriculture— Capital Outlay.
8570-301-0660—Department of Food and Agriculture— Capital Outlay.
8940–301–0001—Military Department—Capital Outlay.
Item 89403010890—Military
Department—Capital Outlay.
1. Placer-Nevada
Superior Courts: New Shared Use
Tahoe Court, Located in Truckee.
The amount of $544,000 is provided for acquisition ($331,000) and preliminary
plans ($213,000) for a cross-jurisdictional new courthouse in Truckee.
The new building would combine functions of the Superior Courts of Placer and
Nevada Counties, in the North Lake Tahoe region, by replacing two existing
court facilities (in Truckee and Tahoe City) with one, new two-courtroom
facility of approximately 25,500 gross square feet (gsf). Total estimated
project cost is $7,796,000, with $331,000 for acquisition, $213,000 for
preliminary plans, $390,000 for working drawings, and $6,862,000 for
construction. The amount for construction California Construction Cost Index
3944 (CCCI 3944) includes $5,929,000 for construction contracts, $296,000
for contingency, $406,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and 231,000
for project administration. Acquisition is scheduled to be complete by January
2005. Preliminary plans are scheduled to be complete by June 2005. Working
drawings will begin by and be completed by July 2005. Construction will begin
by March 2006 and be completed by February 2007.
2. Sierra/Plumas
Counties: Portola/Loyalton-New
Branch Court. The amount of $75,000
is provided for acquisition ($25,000) and preliminary plans ($50,000) for a
cross-jurisdictional new 5,400 gsf branch courthouse for Plumas and Sierra
counties. The new branch court facility will replace one deficient courtroom in
the existing Portola branch court, which is a leased facility, and will provide
court access for the public in the Sierra
County portion of the Sierra Valley,
where there is currently no court service. Total estimated project cost is
$1,786,000, with $25,000 for acquisition, $50,000 for preliminary plans,
$92,000 for working drawings, and $1,619,000 for construction. The amount for
construction (CCCI 3944) includes $1,405,000 for construction, $70,000 for
contingency, $96,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $48,000 for
project administration. Acquisition is scheduled to be complete by January
2005. Preliminary plans are scheduled to be complete by June 2005. Working
drawings will begin by July 2005 and be completed by December 2005. Construction
will begin by March 2006 and be complete by February 2007.
1. Santa Barbara—Replacement
Laboratory. The amount of $8,098,000 is provided for construction of a
13,804 gsf replacement forensic laboratory including office areas for a
staff of 8, laboratory space, on-site parking, utilities, and equipment. The
amount for construction includes $6,633,000 (CCCI 4125) for construction
contracts, $332,000 for contingency, $583,000 for architectural and engineering
costs, $485,000 for project administration, and $65,000 for agency-retained
equipment. Construction will begin in September 2004 and be completed in November
1. Department
of General Services, Various Sites—Structural Retrofit Studies: The
amount of $815,000 is provided for 19 individual studies to evaluate future seismic
retrofit projects that will reduce the Seismic Risk Level of 19 buildings from
Risk Levels V and IV to Risk Level III. The seismic evaluation will include
(1) verification of risk level for each building; (2) determination of
appropriate retrofit scheme for each building; (3) schematic plans, outline
specifications, and budget estimate; and (4) review and approval of each
retrofit scheme by Peer Review Board. The studies will begin in September 2004
and be completed in January 2005.
2. Department
of Corrections, Tehachapi—State Prison Dormitories F5, F6, F7, and F8 Structural
Retrofit: The amount of $3,072,000 is provided for preliminary plans
($177,000), working drawings ($243,000), and construction ($2,652,000) for a
structural retrofit to reduce the Seismic Risk Level of these buildings from
Risk Level V to Risk Level III. The total project cost is $3,092,000. The
amount for construction (CCCI 4100) includes $1,691,000 for construction
contract, $598,000 for project administration, $118,000 for contingency, and
$245,000 for guarding costs. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin August
2004 and be completed September 2004. Working drawings are scheduled to begin
November 2004 and be completed in January 2005. Construction is scheduled to
begin in July 2005 and be completed in May 2006.
1. Oakland District Office
Retrofit. The amount of
$1,338,000 is provided to fund the preliminary plans to retrofit the Oakland District Office
Building from a Seismic
Risk Level rating V to III. Architectural, mechanical, electrical, and
hazardous materials costs are limited to incidental work to enable the
structural retrofit only. Total project cost is $34,694,000 including
preliminary plans ($1,338,000), working drawings ($1,566,000), and construction
($31,790,000). The amount for construction (CCCI 4100) includes $22,957,000 for
construction contracts, $1,607,000 for contingency, $2,601,000 for
agency-retained items, and $4,625,000 for project administration. Preliminary
plans are scheduled to start in July 2004 and be completed by April 2005. The
working drawing phase is scheduled to start in July 2005 and construction will
start in July 2006 and be completed by July 2009.
1. Sacramento
Headquarters: Fifth Floor Asbestos Abatement and Office Renovation. The
amount of $7,511,000 is provided for construction to renovate and abate
asbestos on the fifth floor of Building East, Headquarters complex. The
75,000 gsf interior space will be renovated to an open space landscape
configuration with meeting rooms and private offices. The amount for
construction (CCCI 4100) includes $5,918,000 for construction contracts,
$414,000 for contingency, $619,000 for project administration, and $560,000 for
agency-retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin in August 2005 and be
completed by July 2006.
2. Sacramento
Headquarters: 6th Floor Asbestos Abatement, Office Renovation, and Building
Reskin Project. The amount of $1,352,000 is provided for preliminary
plans to conduct asbestos abatement, office renovation, building elevator
upgrades, building seismic renovation, and reskin the exterior from the second
floor to the seventh of Building East, Headquarters complex. The total estimated
project cost is $32,152,000 including future costs of $1,672,000 for working
drawings and $29,128,000 for construction. The amount for construction (CCCI
4100) includes $24,507,000 for construction contracts, $1,715,000 for
contingency, $2,454,000 for project administration, and $452,000 for
agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2004 and
be completed by
May 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in June 2005 and be completed
by June 2006. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2006 and be completed
by April 2008.
1. Mendocino
Ranger Unit Headquarters—Replace Automotive Shop. The budget provides
$1,000,000 for acquisition of the existing 32-acre Unit Headquarters site to
replace the automotive shop at the Mendocino Unit Headquarters in Mendocino County. The project includes construction
of a 5-bay, 6,152 gsf shop building, septic system, utilities, paving,
landscaping, and demolition of the existing facility. The total estimated
project cost is $2,968,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($1,000,000),
preliminary plans ($100,000), working drawings ($147,000), and construction
($1,721,000). The amount for construction includes $74,000 for contingencies,
$177,000 for project administration, and $1,470,000 for construction contracts.
Construction is scheduled to start December 2004 and be completed by January
2. Mt.
St. Helena Communications Facility Renovation. The budget provides
$500,000 for renovation of the Mount Saint Helena Communications Facility in Sonoma County.
The project includes a 945 gsf radio equipment vault/generator building,
generator, site work, utilities, appurtenances, and demolition of the existing
radio equipment vault and radio tower. The total estimated project cost is
$500,000 (CCCI 4100), including preliminary plans ($21,000), working drawings
($13,000), and construction ($466,000). The amount for construction includes
$22,000 for contingencies and $444,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary
plans are scheduled to start July 2004 and be completed by October 2004; working
drawings are scheduled to start November 2004 and be completed by January 2005;
and construction is scheduled to start April 2005 and be completed by September 2005.
3. Owens Valley Conservation Camp—Construct
Utility Upgrades. The budget provides $1,856,000 for construction of
utility upgrades at Owens Valley Conservation Camp in Inyo County.
The project includes new water lines, new water well, new underground power
lines, new septic tank, and new floor hoists in shop building. The total
estimated project cost is $2,120,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans
($138,000), working drawings ($126,000), and construction ($1,856,000). The
amount for construction includes $109,000 for contingencies, $179,000 for
project administration, $1,564,000 for construction contracts, and $4,000 for
repayment of accrued interim financing costs. Construction is scheduled to
begin October 2004 and be completed by November 2005.
1. Ukiah Forest Fire Station—Replace Facility.
The budget provides $551,000 for working drawings and construction to replace
the Ukiah Forest Fire Station in Mendocino
County. The project includes
a 2,944 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,999 gsf apparatus
building, a 1,985 gsf dozer shed, an 1,800 gsf office building, a
100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks,
demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated
project cost is $3,762,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($140,000),
working drawings ($193,000), and construction ($3,429,000). The amount for
construction includes $144,000 for contingencies, $372,000 for project administration,
$2,875,000 for construction contracts, and $38,000 for agency-retained items.
Working drawings are scheduled to be completed July 2004; construction is
scheduled to start November 2004 and be completed by December 2005.
2. Stevens Creek Forest Fire
Station—Replace Facility. The budget provides $175,000 for acquisition
of a long-term lease of the 2.5-acre site of the existing facility to replace
the Stevens Creek Forest Fire Station in Santa Clara County.
The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/messhall building, a
1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 100 gsf fuel building, site work,
utilities, paving, curbs, walks, appurtenances, and demolition of the existing
structures. The total estimated project cost is $2,535,000 (CCCI 4019)
including acquisition ($175,000), preliminary plans ($59,000), working drawings
($98,000), and construction ($2,203,000). The amount for construction includes
$95,000 for contingencies, $202,000 for project administration, and $1,906,000
for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start October 2004 and
be completed by October 2005.
3. Pacheco Forest Fire Station—Replace Facility.
The budget provides $175,000 for acquisition of a long-term lease of the
7.8-acre site of the existing facility to replace the Pacheco Forest Fire
Station in Santa Clara
County. The project
includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,697 gsf
apparatus building, a 100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving,
curbs, walks, and demolition of the existing structures. The total estimated
project cost is $2,162,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($175,000),
preliminary plans ($66,000), working drawings ($65,000), and construction
($1,856,000). The amount for construction includes $80,000 for contingencies,
$185,000 for project administration, and $1,591,000 for construction contracts.
Construction is scheduled to start December 2004 and be completed by December
4. Fort Jones Forest Fire
Station—Replace Facility. The budget provides $718,000 for construction
to replace the Fort Jones Forest Fire Station in Siskiyou County.
The project includes a 3,040 gsf barracks/messhall building, a
1,984 gsf apparatus building, a 1,990 gsf dozer/transport building,
a100 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition
of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost
is $2,888,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($72,000), working
drawings ($118,000), and construction ($2,698,000). The amount for construction
includes $113,000 for contingencies, $334,000 for project administration, and
$2,251,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start
November 2004 and be completed by December 2005.
5. Manton Forest Fire Station—Relocate Facility.
The budget provides $720,000 for working drawings and construction to relocate
the Manton Forest Fire Station in Tehama
County. The project includes
a 2,330 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus
building, a 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs,
walks, demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated
project cost is $2,691,000 (CCCI 4100) including acquisition ($147,000),
preliminary plans ($44,000), working drawings ($100,000), and construction
($2,400,000). The amount for construction includes $105,000 for contingencies,
$191,000 for project administration, and $2,104,000 for construction contracts.
Construction is scheduled to start February 2005 and be completed by February 2006.
6. Weaverville Forest Fire Station—Relocate Facility.
The budget provides $581,000 for construction to relocate the Weaverville
Forest Fire Station in Trinity
County. The project
includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus
building, a 900 gsf office building, a 110 gsf fuel building, site
work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of existing facility, and
appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,959,000 (CCCI 4100)
including acquisition ($208,000), preliminary plans ($53,000), working drawings
($163,000), and construction ($2,535,000). The amount for construction includes
$100,000 for contingencies, $441,000 for project administration, and $1,994,000
for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start November 2004
and be completed by December 2005.
7. Hemet-Ryan
Air Attack Base—Relocate Facility. The budget provides $834,000 for
construction to relocate the Hemet-Ryan Air Attack Base in Riverside County.
The project includes a 1,984 gsf helicopter hangar, a 3,600 gsf
hangar, a 4,646 gsf, air operations building, a 3,850 gsf barracks/messhall,
a 4,812 gsf apparatus storage and vehicular equipment building, fire
retardant loading pits, a helipad, retardant waste and surface runoff
mitigation facilities, site work, demolition of the existing tower, barracks,
operations and storage buildings, installation of sewer connections, fencing,
paving, landscaping, associated utilities, and appurtenances. The total
estimated project cost is $6,620,000 (CCCI 4100) including acquisition
($350,000), preliminary plans ($164,000), working drawings ($166,000), and
construction ($5,940,000). The amount for construction includes $251,000 for
contingencies, $664,000 for project administration, and $5,025,000 for construction
contracts. Construction is scheduled to start October 2004 and be completed by
December 2005.
8. Warner Springs Forest Fire
Station—Replace Facility. The budget provides $175,000 for acquisition
of a long-term lease of the 4-acre site of the existing facility to replace the
Warner Springs Forest Fire Station in San Diego County.
The project includes a 2,356 gsf barracks/messhall building, a
1,697 gsf apparatus building, a 150 gsf flammables storage building,
site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the existing
facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $2,387,000
(CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($175,000), preliminary plans ($242,000), working
drawings ($142,000), and construction ($1,828,000). The amount for construction
includes $72,000 for contingencies, $290,000 for project administration,
$35,000 for agency retained items, and $1,431,000 for construction contracts.
Preliminary plans are scheduled to start December 2004 and be completed June
2005; working drawings are scheduled to start July 2005 and be completed April
2006; and construction is scheduled to start August 2006 and be completed by
December 2007.
9. Nipomo Forest Fire Station—Replace Facility.
The budget provides $175,000 for acquisition of a long-term lease of the 3-acre
site of the existing facility to replace the Nipomo Forest Fire Station in San Luis Obispo County. The project includes a
2,944 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,999 gsf apparatus building,
a 150 gsf fuel building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks,
demolition of the existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated
project cost is $2,637,000 (CCCI 4019) including acquisition ($175,000),
preliminary plans ($100,000), working drawings ($139,000), and construction
($2,223,000). The amount for construction includes $97,000 for contingencies,
$195,000 for project administration, and $1,931,000 for construction contracts.
Construction is scheduled to start November 2004 and be completed by November
10. South
Operations Area Headquarters—Relocate Facility. The budget provides
$3,062,000 for acquisition, working drawings, and construction to relocate the
South Operations Area Headquarters in Riverside County.
The project includes construction of a 12,236 gsf operation coordination
center, a 20,812 gsf administration/office building, a 3,498 gsf
construction engineering office, a 1,581 gsf electrical shop, a
2,602 gsf mechanical shop, a 1,320 gsf groundskeeper/generator/
hazmat building, a 2,775 gsf automotive shop, site work, utilities,
paving, curbs, gutters, vehicle wash rack, fencing, landscaping, fueling
facilities, signage, emergency generator, communications tower and associated
equipment, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $21,975,000
(CCCI 4100) including acquisition ($2,120,000), preliminary plans ($803,000),
working drawings ($1,677,000), and construction ($17,375,000). The amount for
construction includes $633,000 for contingencies, $1,585,000 for project administration,
$12,657,000 for construction contracts, and $2,500,000 as agency retained.
Working drawings are scheduled to be completed September 2004; construction is
scheduled to start January 2005 and be completed by March 2007.
11. Cuyamaca Forest Fire Station—Relocate Facility.
The budget provides $3,339,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and
construction for the relocation of the Cuyamaca Forest Fire Station in San Diego County. The project includes a
3,134 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,697 gsf apparatus building,
a 300 gsf generator/pumphouse building, a 120 gsf flammables storage
building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of the
existing facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is
$3,874,000 (CCCI 4100) including acquisition ($535,000), preliminary plans
($251,000), working drawings ($243,000), and construction ($2,845,000). The
amount for construction includes $114,000 for contingencies, $406,000 for
project administration, $2,287,000 for construction contracts, and $38,000 for
agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start July 2004 and
be completed by March 2005; working drawings are scheduled to start
March 2005 and be completed by September 2005; and construction is
scheduled to start January 2006 and be completed by December 2006.
12. Sonora Forest Fire Station—Relocate Facility.
The budget provides $626,000 for construction to relocate the Sonora Forest
Fire Station in Tuolumne
County. The project
includes a 2,940 gsf barracks/messhall building, a 1,990 gsf
apparatus building, a 1,900 gsf office building, a 400 gsf fuel
building, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks, demolition of existing
facility, and appurtenances. The total estimated project cost is $3,525,000
(CCCI 4100) including acquisition ($322,000), preliminary plans ($87,000),
working drawings ($207,000), and construction ($2,909,000). The amount for
construction includes $126,000 for contingencies, $272,000 for project
administration, and $2,511,000 for construction contracts. Construction is
scheduled to start October 2004 and be completed by December 2005.
13. Dew Drop Forest Fire
Station—Replace Facility. The budget provides $50,000 for acquisition
of the existing facility site to replace the Dew Drop Forest Fire Station in Amador County.
The project includes a 2,330 gsf barracks/messhall building, a
1,990 gsf apparatus building, 150 gsf fuel building, a 300 gsf
generator building with generator, site work, utilities, paving, curbs, walks,
demolition of the existing barracks and apparatus buildings, and appurtenances.
The total estimated project cost is $2,308,000 (CCCI 4019) including
acquisition ($50,000), preliminary plans ($124,000), working drawings
($128,000), and construction ($2,006,000). The amount for construction includes
$84,000 for contingencies, $238,000 for project administration, and $1,684,000
for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start January 2005 and
be completed by January 2006.
14. Bautista
Conservation Camp—Replace Modular Buildings. The budget provides
$779,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to replace
dormitories, a messhall, and bachelor officers' quarters (BOQ) at the Bautista
Conservation Camp in Riverside
County. The project
includes construction of five, 1,500 gsf dormitories, a 4,500
kitchen/messhall building, a 2,450 gsf BOQ building, a 300 gsf
generator building and emergency power generator, site work, utilities
connections, walks, landscaping, and all appurtenances. The total estimated
project cost is $3,998,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($168,000),
working drawings ($288,000), and construction ($3,542,000). The amount for
construction includes $150,000 for contingencies, $371,000 for project
administration, $3,001,000 for construction contracts, and $20,000 for
agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled for completion October
2004. Working drawings are scheduled to start November 2004 and be completed by
May 2005 and construction is scheduled to start October 2005 and be completed
by March 2007.
1. Angel
Island State
Park—Immigration Station Area Restoration.
The budget provides $12,484,000 for construction to preserve poems and
inscriptions, stabilize and renovate the Barracks building, utilities, install
a representation of the Administration
Building site footprint,
interpretive panels, remediate hazardous materials, and construction for
emergency poem stabilization work to prevent further deterioration. Total
estimated project cost is $14,233,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans
($764,000), working drawings ($605,000), and construction ($12,864,000). The
amount for construction includes $10,611,000 for construction contracts,
$743,000 for contingency, $1,015,000 for project administration, and $495,000
for agency-retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2004 and
be completed by March 2006.
2. Chino Hills
State Park—Visitor Center.
The budget provides $1,667,000 for construction and equipment for the
development of a visitor center, interpretive exhibits, restrooms, highway upgrade,
entrance road, and parking area. Total project cost is $1,870,000 (CCCI 4100)
including preliminary plans ($114,000), working drawings ($89,000),
construction ($1,665,000), and equipment ($2,000). The amount for construction
includes $1,394,000 for construction contracts, $69,000 for contingency,
$134,000 for project administration, and $68,000 for agency-retained items.
Construction is scheduled to begin December 2004 and be completed by October
3. Crystal Cove
State Park—El Morro Mobilehome
Park Conversion.
The budget provides $10,047,000 for construction and equipment to provide for
conversion of the El Morro area to full public use and access, including
entrance road, campground, day-use facilities and parking, municipal sewer
connection, public trail access to Moro Beach and Moro Canyon, Moro Creek channel
reconfiguration, and riparian corridor restoration. Total estimated project
cost is $13,344,000 (CCCI 4100) including study ($133,000), preliminary plans
($1,985,000), working drawings ($803,000), construction ($10,405,000), and
equipment ($18,000). The amount for construction includes $8,507,000 for
construction contracts, $569,000 for contingency, $1,126,000 for project administration,
and $203,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin
January 2005 and be completed by November 2006.
4. Malibu Creek State Park—Restore
Sepulveda Adobe. The budget provides $1,233,000 for working drawings
and construction to restore the historic Sepulveda Adobe, interpretation and
furnishings, including restoration of interior building finishes, lighting, and
other fixed improvements, landscaping, reconstruction of non-extant historic
period outbuilding, and building accessibility improvements. Total estimated
project cost is $1,447,000 (CCCI 4100) including study ($118,000), preliminary
plans ($96,000), working drawings ($187,000), and construction ($1,046,000).
The amount for construction includes $724,000 for construction contracts,
$51,000 for contingency, $99,000 for project administration, and $172,000 for
agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin October 2004 and
be completed by June 2005. Construction is scheduled to begin August 2005 and
be completed by May 2006.
1. Prairie City State
Vehicular Recreation Area—Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) Improvement Project.
The budget provides $6,519,000 for working drawings and construction to provide
for improvements, including permanent buildings, new restrooms, tracks and
obstacle courses, infrastructure, roadwork, paving, and landscaping. Total estimated
project cost is $6,687,000 (CCCI 4100) including, preliminary plans ($168,000),
working drawings ($393,000), and construction ($6,126,000). The amount for
construction includes $5,496,000 for construction contracts, $238,000 for
contingency, $337,000 for project administration, and $55,000 for
agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2004 and be
completed by April 2005. Construction is scheduled to begin September 2005 and
be completed by December 2006.
2. Statewide
OHV Opportunity Purchase/Budget
Package/Schematics Planning. The budget provides $400,000 for
preparation of appraisals and to acquire variously sized parcels within or adjacent
to existing state or federal OHV areas supported by this off highway motor
vehicle recreation program, and will allow preparation of developing budget
cost estimates and schematics for future development projects. Land acquisition
is scheduled to begin July 2004 and be completed by June 2007.
1. Big Basin
Redwoods State
Park—Wastewater Collection/Treatment System Improvements,
Phase II. The budget provides $1,066,000 for construction and equipment
for rehabilitating the trickling filter and clarifiers, automated monitoring
system, replumbing, and lab facility. Total project cost is $2,921,000
(CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($174,000), working drawings
($151,000), construction ($2,571,000), and equipment ($25,000). The amount for
construction includes $2,165,000 for construction contracts, $151,000 for contingency,
$192,000 for project administration, and $63,000 for agency-retained items.
Construction is scheduled to begin February 2005 and be completed by October 2005.
2. Calaveras
Big Trees State Park—New Visitor
Center. The
budget provides $3,653,000 for working drawings, construction, and equipment
for a new Visitor
Center, including visitor
parking and pathways. The existing building will be converted back to office
space for district and park staff. Total project cost is $3,845,000 (CCCI 4100)
including preliminary plans ($192,000), working drawings ($245,000), construction
($3,309,000), and equipment ($99,000). The amount for construction includes
$2,419,000 for construction contracts, $120,000 for contingency, $194,000 for
project administration, and $576,000 for agency-retained items. Working
drawings are scheduled to begin July 2004 and be completed by April 2005.
Construction is scheduled to begin June 2005 and be completed by August 2006.
3. Chino Hills
State Park—Coal Canyon
Wildlife Corridor Restoration. The budget provides $1,054,000 for
construction to the Coal Canyon Wildlife Corridor, including improvements to
the function of a major regional habitat linkage to increase the exchange of
plants and animals between Chino Hills State Park
and the Santa Ana
Mountains, landform
restoration, revegetation, and project monitoring. Total project cost is
$1,218,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($164,000) and construction
($1,054,000). The amount for construction includes $884,000 for construction
contracts, $62,000 for contingency, $97,000 for project administration, and
$11,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin
August 2003 and be completed by May 2004. Construction is scheduled to begin
October 2004 and be completed by April 2005.
4. Chino Hills State Park—Entrance Road and
Facilities. The budget provides $192,000 for working drawings to
develop approximately two miles of entrance road and associated infrastructure,
utilities, entrance station, maintenance storage, comfort station, trailhead
with parking, scenic overlook, erosion control, and multiuse path. Total
project cost is $12,229,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($262,000),
working drawings ($192,000), construction ($11,765,000), and equipment
($10,000). The amount for construction includes $10,131,000 for construction
contracts, $507,000 for contingency, $1,082,000 for project administration, and
$45,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July
2004 and be completed by July 2005.
5. Doheny State Beach—New
Lifeguard Headquarters. The budget provides $1,121,000 for construction
and equipment for replacement of existing lifeguard station and tower, and
includes a first aid station, offices, conference/training room, utility and
vehicular storage, and parking. Total project cost is $1,312,000 (CCCI 4100)
including preliminary plans ($107,000), working drawings ($84,000),
construction ($1,095,000), and equipment ($26,000). The amount for construction
includes $927,000 for construction contracts, $47,000 for contingency, $118,000
for project administration, and $3,000 for agency-retained items. Construction
is scheduled to begin December 2004 and be completed by January 2006.
6. Donner Memorial State Park—New
Visitor Center/Museum. The budget provides $5,927,000 for working
drawings, construction, and equipment to construct a Visitor Center/Museum to
include an updated museum and exhibit area, theater, bookstore and gift shop,
artifact and general storage, staff office and meeting space, and restroom
facilities. The project also includes the appropriate site work. Total project
cost is $6,384,000 (CCCI 4100) including $457,000 for preliminary plans,
$971,000 for working drawings, $4,856,000 for construction, and $100,000 for
equipment. The amount for construction includes $4,088,000 for construction
contracts, $204,000 for contingency, $214,000 for project administration, and
$350,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin
July 2004 and be completed by January 2005. Construction is scheduled to begin
March 2005 and be completed by May 2006.
7. Fort Ross State
Historic Park—Water System Improvements. The budget provides $1,092,000
for construction for water treatment facilities to comply with current
standards and operational needs, develop additional finished water storage
capacity, automatic chemical treatment to the Fort Ross Creek Well, and rehabilitate
the water line support structure. Total project cost is $1,312,000
(CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($117,000), working drawings
($103,000), and construction ($1,092,000). The amount for construction includes
$939,000 for construction contracts, $66,000 for contingency, $61,000 for
project administration, and $26,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is
scheduled to begin January 2005 and be completed by August 2005.
8. Huntington State Beach—Expand
Lifeguard Headquarters/Training Facility. The budget provides
$3,736,000 for working drawings, construction, and equipment for facility
improvements by remodeling existing facility in conjunction with new construction
additions throughout. Total project cost is $3,926,000 (CCCI 4100) including
preliminary plans ($190,000), working drawings ($212,000), construction
($3,444,000), and equipment ($80,000). The amount for construction includes
$2,865,000 for construction contracts, $201,000 for contingency, $301,000 for
project administration, and $77,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings
are scheduled to begin July 2004 and be completed by June 2005. Construction is
scheduled to begin September 2005 and be completed by April 2006.
9. Lake Perris State
Recreation Area—Replace Lifeguard Headquarters. The budget provides
$824,000 for construction and equipment to construct a multipurpose lifeguard
facility, including a lifeguard tower, a garage bay, training/conference room,
office space, first aid room, restroom, and locker rooms with showers. Total
project cost is $957,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($77,000),
working drawings ($56,000), construction ($799,000), and equipment ($25,000).
The amount for construction includes $681,000 for construction contracts,
$35,000 for contingency, $82,000 for project administration, and $1,000 for
agency-retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2004 and be
completed by April 2005.
10. MacKerricher State Park—Rehabilitate Historic Pudding
Creek Trestle. The budget provides $1,939,000 for construction to
rehabilitate the Pudding Creek Trestle. Total project cost is $2,174,000 (CCCI
4100) including preliminary plans ($107,000), working drawings ($128,000), and
construction ($1,939,000). The amount for construction includes $1,613,000 for
construction contracts, $113,000 for contingency, $166,000 for project
administration, and $47,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is
scheduled to begin December 2004 and be completed by July 2005.
11. Malibu Creek State Park—Rehabilitate
Public Use Facilities at Tapia. The budget provides $404,000 for
preliminary plans to rehabilitate the existing day use facilities, including
restrooms, maintenance shop/yard, entrance station, and other improvements.
Total project cost is $4,071,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans
($404,000), working drawings ($288,000), construction ($3,323,000), and
equipment ($56,000). The amount for construction includes $2,837,000 for construction
contracts, $199,000 for contingency, $153,000 for project administration, and
$134,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin
August 2004 and be completed by June 2005.
12. Morro Bay State Park—Sewer
System Improvements. The budget provides $968,000 for construction for
improvements to the sewage collection system, including modern pumps, emergency
holding capacity, failure/service telemetry, new electrical service, and
appropriate controls. Total project cost is $1,123,000 (CCCI 4100) including
preliminary plans ($98,000), working drawings ($57,000), and construction
($968,000). The amount for construction includes $799,000 for construction
contracts, $56,000 for contingency, $58,000 for project administration and
$55,000 for agency-retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin September
2004 and be completed by June 2005.
13. Plumas-Eureka State Park—Historic Stamp Mill
Preservation. The budget provides $901,000 for study and partial
construction to replace historic fabric, provide additional structural bracing,
make the building weather tight, solve drainage problems, and prepare a
historic structures report. Total project cost is $6,612,000 (CCCI 4100)
including study ($355,000), preliminary plans ($205,000), working drawings
($315,000), and construction ($5,737,000). The amount for construction includes
$5,177,000 for construction contracts, $363,000 for contingency, $152,000 for
project administration, and $45,000 for agency-retained items. Study is scheduled
to begin August 2004 and be completed by December 2005. Construction is
scheduled to begin April 2007 and be completed by October 2008.
14. Railroad Technology Museum—Rehabilitation
and Facilities Plan. The budget provides $11,626,000 for working drawings
and construction to stabilize and rehabilitate two historic buildings,
construct basic access, and support infrastructure, construct a rail connection
between Old Sacramento and the railyard, and the preparation of a Facilities
Plan. Total project cost is $12,312,000 (CCCI 4100) including study ($125,000),
preliminary plans ($561,000), working drawings ($483,000), and construction
($11,143,000). The amount for construction includes $10,019,000 for
construction contracts, $701,000 for contingency, $313,000 for project
administration, and $110,000 for agency-retained items. Working drawings are
scheduled to begin July 2004 and be completed by June 2005. Construction is
scheduled to begin August 2005 and be completed by May 2007.
15. Samuel P. Taylor State Park—Install New Concrete Water
Reservoirs. The budget provides $199,000 for preliminary plans to
replace the two deteriorating water storage tanks. Total project cost is
$1,798,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($199,000), working drawings
($138,000), and construction ($1,461,000). The amount for construction includes
$1,214,000 for construction contracts, $85,000 for contingency, $81,000 for
project administration, and $81,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary
plans are scheduled to begin July 2004 and be completed by May 2005.
16. Shasta State Historic Park, Southside Ruins
Stabilization. The budget provides $521,000 for preliminary plans for
stabilization of gold rush period historic structures, including addressing
drainage problems, site work, structural reinforcement, interpretive elements,
boardwalks, and fencing. Total project cost is $2,299,000 (CCCI 4100) including
preliminary plans ($521,000), working drawings ($262,000), and construction
($1,516,000). The amount for construction includes $1,143,000 for construction
contracts, $80,000 for contingency, $108,000 for project administration, and
$185,000 for agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin
July 2004 and be completed by May 2005.
17. Topanga State Park—Public Use Improvements.
The budget provides $574,000 for preliminary plans and working drawings for
various public use improvements, including development of an interpretive
facility and panels, accessible pathways, landscape and irrigation, natural
creek reconstruction, and trailhead improvements. Total project cost is
$2,040,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($236,000), working drawings
($338,000), construction ($1,455,000), and equipment ($11,000). The amount for
construction includes $810,000 for construction contracts, $57,000 for
contingency, $120,000 for project administration, and $468,000 for
agency-retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2004 and
be completed by February 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to begin February
2005 and be completed by September 2005.
1. Metropolitan State Hospital—Satellite
Serving Kitchens. The amount of $259,000 is provided for working
drawings to renovate all of the existing satellite kitchens. The project will
renovate the satellite kitchens to accommodate a new cook chill system that is
being installed in the new central kitchen. The satellite kitchens improvements
include new kitchen equipment, seamless epoxy floors, ceramic tile walls, and
acoustical ceiling tiles. Demolition work consists of asbestos abatement, the
removal of existing finishes, and equipment. Total project cost is $5,091,000
(CCCI 4019), including $4,832,000 for construction. The amount for construction
includes $3,942,000 for construction contracts, $276,000 for contingencies, and
$614,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans were funded as part of
the new main kitchen project. Construction is scheduled to be completed in
September 2007.
Item 44403010660
(2003-04 Budget Act) as amended by
Item 4440-496—Department of Mental Health—Capital Outlay
1. Metropolitan State Hospital—Main
Kitchen. The amount of $14,853,000
(CCCI 4019) is provided for preliminary plans ($832,000), working drawings
($766,000), and construction ($13,255,000) of a 26,100 gsf central kitchen
facility. The new central kitchen includes overhead fire sprinkler system,
exterior plaster walls, standing seam metal roofing, new kitchen equipment,
cook/chill system, high capacity food storage racks, large freezers, 48-inch
high receiving dock with four overhead coiling doors, and a new emergency
generator. The amount for construction includes $10,774,000 for construction
contracts, $678,000 for contingencies, and $1,803,000 for project
administration. Working drawings will be completed in November 2005 and the
project bid opening is scheduled for March 2006. Construction is scheduled
to be completed in September 2007.
1. Statewide:
Evaluation of Mental Health Facilities—Study. The amount of $1,750,000
(CCCI 4100) is provided to accomplish environmental review activities, and
site-specific predesign activities related to the design and construction of a
mental health facility and/or facilities to provide for specialized mental
health housing and treatment space. The study will begin in July 2004 and be completed
by May 2005.
2. Deuel
Vocational Institution, Tracy—Groundwater
Treatment/Nonpotable Water Distribution System—Preliminary Plans. The
amount of $570,000 is provided for preliminary plans to design a reverse
osmosis water treatment system to bring the institution’s domestic water supply
into compliance with Title 22 regulations, and a nonpotable water distribution
system to separate the treated water from water used for landscaping, dairy,
and industrial use. The estimated future project cost for working drawings is
$751,000 and $9,304,000 for construction. The future cost of construction
includes $8,340,000 (CCCI 4100) for construction contracts, $348,000 for
contingency, $580,000 for project administration, and $36,000 for
agency-retained items. Preliminary plans will begin in July 2004 and completed
by March 2005. Working drawings will begin in July 2005 and completed by October
2005. Construction will begin in January 2006 and be completed by August 2006.
3. California Institution for Men, Chino—Cell Security Lighting/RC Central Facility,
Phase II—Construction. The amount of $669,000 is provided for Phase II
construction to replace the remaining 310 cell lighting systems. Estimated
total project cost is $2,049,000, including previously approved preliminary
plans ($130,000), working drawings ($155,000), and Phase I construction
($1,095,000) to replace 252 cell lighting systems at the Reception Center
Central Facility with commercial grade security lighting. The Phase II
construction cost includes $317,000 (CCCI 4100) for construction contracts,
$43,000 for contingency, $126,000 for project administration, and $183,000 for agency-retained
items. Phase II construction will begin in November 2004 and be completed by August 2005.
4. California Institution for Men-East, Chino: Electrified Fence—Construction.
The amount of $5,417,000 is provided for construction of an electrified fence,
related perimeter security upgrades, and a new armory. The amount of $466,000
was previously approved for preliminary plans ($211,000) and working drawings
($255,000). The amount for construction includes $3,962,000 (CCCI 4100) for construction
contracts, $277,000 for contingency, $749,000 for project administration, and
$429,000 for agency-retained items. Construction will begin September 2004 and
be completed by November 2005.
5. California Men’s Colony, San Luis Obispo—Potable Water Distribution System
Upgrade—Preliminary Plans. The amount of $1,317,000 is provided for
preliminary plans to upgrade the existing water distribution system, which
supplies water to the California Men’s Colony, Camp
San Luis Obispo, Cuesta
College, County of San Luis Obispo,
and several smaller entities. The estimated future cost for working drawings is
$1,237,000, and $27,977,000 for construction. The future cost for construction
includes $23,030,000 (CCCI 4100) for construction contracts, $1,612,000 for
contingency, $3,218,000 for project administration, and $117,000 for
agency-retained items. Preliminary plans will begin in July 2004 and be
completed by March 2005. Working drawings will begin by July 2005 and be
completed by March 2006. Construction will begin by April 2006 and be completed
by September 2007.
6. Chuckawalla Valley State
Prison, Blythe—Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System—Working
Drawings. The amount of $1,234,000 is provided for working drawings to
replace/upgrade the temperature control systems in the housing units and the
support services facility, and to repair damage to roofing and wall
infrastructure. The amount of $1,080,000 was previously approved for preliminary
plans. The future cost of construction is $28,881,000, which includes $22,970,000
(CCCI 4100) for construction contracts, $1,608,000 for contingency, $3,253,000
for project administration, and $1,050,000 for agency-retained items. Working
drawings will begin in July 2004 and be completed by May 2005. Construction
will begin by September 2005 and be completed by May 2008.
7. High Desert
State Prison (HDSP), Susanville, and California Correctional
Center (CCC), Susanville—Arsenic Removal From Potable Water Supply—Preliminary
Plans. The amount of $845,000 is provided for preliminary plans to
install a centralized water treatment system for HDSP and CCC to meet the new
Federal standard of Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 10ug/l for arsenic
removal. The estimated future cost for working drawings is $752,000 and
$12,053,000 for construction. The future cost for construction includes
$9,891,000 (CCCI 4100) for construction contracts, $495,000 for contingency,
$1,559,000 for project administration, and $108,000 for agency-retained items.
Preliminary plans will begin in July 2004 and be completed by March 2005.
Working drawings will begin in July 2005 and be completed by April 2006.
Construction will begin by September 2006 and be completed by October 2007.
8. California
Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison, Corcoran—
19 Station Hemodialysis Clinic—Working Drawings and Construction. The
amount of $1,038,000 is provided for working drawings ($147,000) and construction
($891,000) to expand and renovate the institution’s existing Food Service
Satellite Building into a licensed 19-station hemodialysis treatment clinic.
The amount for construction includes $655,000 (CCCI 4100) for construction contracts,
$38,000 for contingency, $126,000 for project administration, and $72,000 for
agency-retained items. Working drawings will begin in July 2004 and be
completed by September 2004. Construction will begin in September 2004 and be
completed by September 2005.
1. California School for the Deaf,
Riverside—Dormitory Replacement and Chiller. The amount of $69,948,000
is provided for preliminary plans ($1,934,000), working drawings ($2,409,000),
construction ($64,249,000 at CCCI 4100), and equipment ($1,356,000) for 11
dormitory buildings and three apartment style buildings. The project also
proposes the construction of a central chiller plant to cool the Riverside campus. The project shall be completed in five
phases with the first phase of preliminary plans beginning in July 2004 and
completed by January 2005. First phase for working drawings will begin January
2005 and will be completed in February 2006. First phase for construction will
begin in January 2006. The remaining four phases will flow sequentially with
construction of the final phase to be completed in December 2010.
2. California School for the Deaf, Fremont—Pupil
Personnel Services. The amount of $3,312,000 is provided for
construction (at CCCI 4100) of an 8,922 gsf Pupil Personnel Services
building at the Fremont
campus. The Pupil Personnel Services building will centralize and facilitate
the programmatic requirements necessary to meet the current and continuing
needs of the department. Preliminary plans and working drawings have been
completed and the project will bid in July 2004. Construction will be completed
in March 2006.
Item 6440-301-0660—University of California—Capital Outlay
1. Riverside
Campus: Genomics Building. The amount of
$55,000,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans ($1,560,000),
working drawings ($2,006,000), construction ($41,014,000), and equipment
($10,420,000) for a new 63,986 asf Genomics
Building on the Riverside
campus. The building provides 45,004 asf of research laboratories and
support space, 18,418 asf of offices, and 564 asf of building support
space. The estimated total project cost is $55,000,000 (CCCI 4100). The amount
for construction includes $37,335,000 for construction contracts, $1,880,000
for contingency, and $1,799,000 for project administration. The building
construction cost is $35,359,000 (CCCI 4100). Preliminary plans are scheduled
to begin in July 2004 and be completed by April 2005. Working drawings are
scheduled to begin in March 2005 and be completed by December 2005. Construction
is scheduled to begin in December 2005 and be completed by June 2008.
Item 64403016041—University of California—Capital Outlay
1. Davis
Campus: Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science. The amount
of $32,135,000 is provided for construction of the 75,000 asf Robert Mondavi
Institute for Wine and Food Service on the Davis campus. The project will support
instruction and research in the Department of Viticulture and Enology and the
Department of Food Science and Technology. The building will provide
approximately 4,600 asf of teaching laboratory space, 50,700 asf of
research and research-support space, and 19,800 asf of office space. The
estimated total project cost is $55,435,000 (CCCI 4100). The amount for
construction includes $46,238,000 for construction contracts, $2,280,000 for
contingency, and $1,817,000 for project administration. The building
construction cost is $41,310,000. Construction is scheduled to begin in
September 2004 and be completed by August 2007.
2. Davis
Campus: Seismic Corrections, Phase 4. The amount of $6,714,000 is provided
for construction of seismic corrections to seven buildings on the Davis campus. The
estimated total project cost is $7,288,000 (CCCI 4100). The amount for
construction includes $6,061,000 for construction contracts, $303,000 for contingency,
and $350,000 for project administration. The building renovation cost is
$6,061,000. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2004 and be completed by
January 2006.
3. Los Angeles
Campus: Geology Seismic Correction. The amount of $9,489,000 is
provided for construction of a seismic upgrade to three interconnected
buildings in the Geology-Young Hall Science Complex on the Los Angeles campus. The project also will
make mandatory corrections to fire and life-safety and accessibility code
deficiencies. The estimated total project cost is $10,467,000 (CCCI 4100).
The amount for construction includes $8,560,000 for construction contracts,
$597,000 for contingency, and $332,000 for project administration. The building
renovation cost is $7,645,000. Construction is scheduled to begin in
March 2005 and be completed by June 2006.
4. Los Angeles Campus: Life Sciences
Replacement Building.
The amount of $2,200,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans for
an 87,238 asf Life Sciences Replacement
Building on the Los Angeles campus. The project will provide
72,584 asf of research laboratories, research offices, and research
support space; 8,839 asf of academic offices and conference rooms;
4,584 asf of teaching laboratories and support space; and 1,231 asf
of building support and other space. The estimated total project cost is
$87,029,000 (CCCI 4100), including future state costs of $3,873,000 for working
drawings in two phases and $60,660,000 for construction in two phases, as well
as nonstate amounts of $1,003,000 for preliminary plans, $617,000 for working
drawings, $17,376,000 for construction, and $1,300,000 for equipment. The
amount for construction includes $70,030,000 for construction contracts,
$3,491,000 for contingency, and $4,515,000 for project administration. The
total building construction cost is $64,037,000. Preliminary plans are
scheduled to begin in July 2004 and be completed by July 2005. The first phase
of working drawings is scheduled to begin in July 2005 and be completed by May
2006; the second phase of working drawings is scheduled to begin in July 2007
and be completed by May 2008. Construction in two consecutive phases is
scheduled to begin in July 2006 and be completed by October 2010.
5. Los Angeles Campus: CHS South Tower Seismic Renovation Phase A.
The amount of $2,500,000 is provided for working drawings for the first of
three phases of seismic renovation for the 427,500 gsf South Tower
of the Center for Health Sciences on the Los
Angeles campus. Phase A of the project will abate
hazardous materials; demolish the existing hospital interiors and building systems;
strengthen the structure with interior shear walls; and install
central-building mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and life-safety systems to
convert the building to health-sciences instruction and research uses when UCLA
Hospital functions relocate to the Westwood Replacement Hospital. The estimated
total project cost is $100,915,000 (CCCI 4100), including future state costs of
$44,800,000 for construction, together with nonstate amounts of $1,700,000 for
working drawings and $46,215,000 for construction. The amount for construction
includes $78,398,000 for construction contracts, $5,508,000 for contingency,
and $7,109,000 for project administration. The total renovation cost is
$66,506,000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in September 2004 and be
completed by September 2005. Construction is scheduled to begin in October 2005
and be completed by July 2008.
6. Riverside
Campus: Psychology
Building. The
amount of $30,192,000 is provided for construction of a 51,915 asf
building for interdisciplinary instruction and research space for the
Psychology program at the Riverside campus.
The project will provide approximately 3,350 asf of instructional space,
31,740 asf of research and research-support space, 8,845 asf of office
space, and 7,980 asf of vivarium space. The estimated total project cost
of $34,357,000 (CCCI 4100) includes future costs of $1,924,000 for equipment.
The amount for construction includes $26,996,000 for construction contracts,
$1,345,000 for contingency, and $1,851,000 for project administration. The
building construction cost is $24,320,000. Construction is scheduled to begin
in January 2005 and be completed by May 2007.
7. San Diego
Campus: Student Academic Services Facility. The amount of $19,461,000
is provided for construction of a 76,484 asf facility to support student
academic activities on the San Diego
campus. The project will provide approximately 65,500 asf of office and
office-support space, and 9,500 asf of assembly and public space. The
estimated total project cost is $30,221,000 (CCCI 4100), including future costs
of $500,000 for equipment. The amount for construction includes $24,711,000 for
construction contracts, $1,106,000 for contingency, and $984,000 for project
administration. The building construction cost is $22,749,000. Construction is
scheduled to begin in July 2004 and be completed by October 2006.
8. San Diego
Campus: Satellite Utilities Plant, Phase 1. The amount of $8,200,000 is
provided for construction of an approximately 4,800 gsf chilled-water
facility and an approximately 5,000 gsf emergency electrical facility to
support enrollment growth on the San
Diego campus. The estimated total project cost is
$8,847,000 (CCCI 4100). The amount for construction includes $7,476,000 for construction
contracts, $371,000 for contingency, and $353,000 for project administration.
The building construction cost is $5,758,000. Construction is scheduled to
begin in October 2004 and be completed by March 2006.
9. San Diego
Campus: Mayer Hall Addition and Renovation. $25,096,000 is provided for
construction of renovations to approximately 35,000 asf of space in Mayer
Hall and construction of an approximately 45,000 asf addition for the Department
of Physics on the San Diego
campus. The project will upgrade infrastructure in Mayer Hall and provide new
space in the addition consisting of 32,200 asf for research, research
offices and scholarly activity; 5,300 asf for offices; 4,300 asf for
teaching laboratories, and 3,200 asf of high bay research space. The
estimated total project cost is $41,285,000 (CCCI 4100), including future state
costs of $11,630,000 for construction and $441,000 for equipment, supplemented
by $559,000 for equipment from nonstate sources. The amount for construction
includes $33,228,000 for construction contracts, $1,868,000 for contingency,
and $1,630,000 for project administration. The building construction cost for
the renovation and addition is $31,013,000. Construction is scheduled to begin
in January 2005 and be completed by October 2007.
10. San Diego Campus: Applied Physics and
Mathematics Renovation. The amount of $8,809,000 is provided for
construction of renovations to 33,794 asf of space in the Applied Physics
and Mathematics Building
on the San Diego
campus for programs in Mathematics, Linguistics, the Language Program, and
Biological Sciences. The estimated total project cost is $9,654,000 (CCCI
4100). The amount for construction includes $7,973,000 for construction
contracts, $400,000 for contingency, and $436,000 for project administration.
The building renovation cost is $7,626,000. Construction is scheduled to begin
in September 2004 and be completed by April 2006.
11. San Diego
Campus: Music Building. The amount of
$3,802,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($1,711,000) and working drawings
($2,091,000) for a new 47,000 asf Music
Building on the San Diego campus. The project will provide
new instructional space, studios, and administrative-support space, as well as
a 400-seat recital hall, to accommodate the anticipated enrollment growth in
the Division of Arts and Humanities. The estimated total project cost is
$40,135,000 (CCCI 4100), including future costs of $34,222,000 for construction
and $2,111,000 for equipment. The amount for construction includes $31,588,000
for construction contracts, $1,579,000 for contingency, and $1,055,000 for
project administration. The total building construction cost is $30,586,000.
Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2004 and be completed by April
2005. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in April 2005 and be completed by
March 2006. Construction is scheduled to begin in April 2006 and be
completed by August 2008.
12. San
Francisco Campus: Medical Sciences
Building Improvements,
Phase 2. The amount of $1,632,000 is provided for preparation of
working drawings for improvements to the heating, ventilation, and
air-conditioning systems, and upgrades to the chilled-water distribution system
and other building systems in the 224,308 asf Medical
Sciences Building
on the San Francisco
campus. The estimated total project cost is $32,056,000 (CCCI 4100), including
future costs of $29,024,000 for construction, of which $14,512,000 is planned
for funding in 200506 and $14,512,000 in 2006-07. The amount for
construction includes totals of $26,667,000 for construction contracts,
$1,410,000 for contingency, and $947,000 for project administration. The total
building renovation cost is $26,667,000. Working drawings are scheduled to
begin in July 2004 and be completed by June 2005. Construction is scheduled to
begin in July 2005 and be completed by April 2008.
13. Santa Barbara Campus: Biological Sciences
Buildings Renovation. The amount of $9,691,000 is provided for
construction of renovations to provide modern research laboratories and support
space in 27,561 asf in Noble Hall on the Santa Barbara campus. Mechanical, plumbing,
and electrical systems also will be replaced; building elements will be
strengthened; and mandatory upgrades to address fire and life-safety and
accessibility deficiencies will be made in both Noble Hall and the Biological
Sciences 2 building. The total estimated project cost is $10,691,000 (CCCI
4100). The amount for construction includes $8,677,000 for construction
contracts, $607,000 for contingency, and $407,000 for project administration.
The building renovation cost is $8,190,000. Construction is scheduled to begin
in August 2004 and be completed by July 2006.
14. Santa
Barbara Campus: Education and Social Sciences
Building. The
amount of $49,706,000 is provided for construction of a 120,920 asf
Education and Social Sciences Building
to address enrollment growth in the College
of Letters and Science and the
Graduate School of Education on the Santa
Barbara campus. The building will provide approximately
22,340 asf of instructional space, 22,270 asf of research and
scholarly activity space, a 6,640 asf film theater, 61,650 asf of offices,
5,390 asf of demonstration space, and 2,630 asf of clinic space. The
estimated total project cost is $66,470,000 (CCCI 4100), including future state
costs of $2,432,000 for equipment, supplemented by nonstate amounts of
$9,011,000 for construction, and $218,000 for equipment. The amount for
construction includes $53,045,000 for construction contracts, $2,652,000 for contingency,
and $3,020,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is
$48,276,000. Construction is scheduled to begin in March 2005 and be
completed by July 2007.
15. Santa
Cruz Campus: Seismic Corrections Phase 3.
The amount of $7,514,000 is provided for working drawings ($425,000) and
construction ($7,089,000) for the third phase of seismic renovations to four
structures on the Santa Cruz
campus. The project will make corrections to seismic and life-safety hazards,
together with mandatory code upgrades, in Stevenson College
Academic Building,
the Cookhouse, the Barn H Building, and Hahn Student Services. The estimated
total project cost is $7,865,000 (CCCI 4100). The amount for construction
includes totals of $6,349,000 for construction contracts, $337,000 for
contingency, and $403,000 for project administration. The building construction
cost is $6,312,000. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in July 2004 and be
completed by February 2005. Construction is scheduled to begin in
March 2005 and be completed by June 2007.
16. Santa
Cruz Campus: Alterations for Engineering, Phase
2. The amount of $4,002,000 is provided for construction of renovations
to 5,870 asf of space in the Baskin Engineering building on the Santa Cruz campus to
provide laboratory space for the program needs of Biomolecular Engineering and
Electrical Engineering. The project also will provide fire-safety upgrades to
the building and emergency power for the School of Engineering’s
central computer rooms. The estimated total project cost is $4,398,000 (CCCI
4100). The amount for construction includes $3,603,000 for construction
contracts, $190,000 for contingency, and $209,000 for project administration.
The building renovation cost is $3,161,000. Construction is scheduled to begin
in November 2004 and be completed by October 2005.
17. Santa Cruz Campus: McHenry Project.
The amount of $1,461,000 is provided for preparation of the first of two phases
of working drawings for an 81,600 asf addition to and renovation of the existing
McHenry Library on the Santa Cruz
campus. The renovation will provide seismic and mandatory fire and life-safety
and accessibility corrections to the existing building and renovations to
library, instruction, and research spaces. The estimated total project cost is
$75,382,000 (CCCI 4100), including future costs of $1,582,000 for working
drawings, $66,908,000 for construction in two phases, and $1,829,000 for
equipment. The amount for construction includes totals of $60,848,000 for
construction contracts, $3,066,000 for contingency, and $2,994,000 for project
administration. The building construction and renovation cost is $54,904,000.
The first phase of working drawings is scheduled to begin in December 2004 and
be completed by July 2005. The second phase of working drawings is scheduled to
begin in July 2006 and be completed by June 2007. The first phase of
construction is scheduled to begin in August 2005 and be completed by November
2007. The second phase of construction is scheduled to begin in July 2007 and
be completed by January 2010.
18. Santa Cruz Campus: Alterations for
Engineering, Phase 3. The amount of $389,000 is provided for
preparation of preliminary plans ($190,000) and working drawings ($199,000) for
renovations to 8,017 asf of space in the Baskin
Engineering Building
on the Santa Cruz
campus. The project will provide laboratory (5,845 asf) and
teaching-laboratory (2,170 asf) space to meet the program needs of
Biomolecular Engineering and Electrical Engineering and of Mathematics. Upgrades
to air-handling and other building systems are included. The estimated total
project cost is $4,331,000 (CCCI 4100), including future costs of $3,942,000
for construction. The amount for construction includes $3,551,000 for construction
contracts, $189,000 for contingency, and $202,000 for project administration.
The building renovation cost is $3,461,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to
begin in July 2004 and be completed by March 2005. Working drawings are
scheduled to begin in March 2005 and be completed by October 2005. Construction
is scheduled to begin in November 2005 and be completed by October 2006.
19. Santa
Cruz Campus: Digital Arts Facility. The
amount of $1,330,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans for a new
25,600 asf Digital Arts Facility on the Santa Cruz campus. This facility will address
enrollment and program growth in the Arts Division, including a new Digital
Arts and New Media graduate program, by providing 6,565 asf of teaching
and instructional-support space, 14,870 of research and scholarly activity
space, and 4,158 asf of office space. An addition to the Theater Arts
Complex of 1,140 asf is also included in the project. The total estimated
project cost is $20,671,000 (CCCI 4100), including future costs of $841,000 for
working drawings, $17,500,000 for construction, and $1,000,000 for equipment.
The amount for construction includes $16,067,000 for construction contracts,
$769,000 for contingency, and $664,000 for project administration. The building
construction cost is $13,380,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in
July 2004 and be completed by December 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to
begin in December 2005 and be completed by May 2006. Construction is scheduled
to begin in July 2006 and be completed by December 2008.
20. Merced Campus: Logistical
Support/Service Facilities. The amount of $9,290,000 is provided for
construction ($8,326,000) and equipment ($964,000) of a 20,600 asf
building to house the Environment Health and Safety (EHS), facilities-management,
and emergency-response units on the Merced
campus. The project will provide approximately 7,580 asf of offices,
2,220 asf of EHS operational space, and 10,800 asf of shop areas. The
estimated total project cost is $10,164,000 (CCCI 4100). The amount for
construction includes $7,679,000 for construction contracts, $384,000 for
contingency, and $263,000 for project administration. The building construction
cost is $6,192,000. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2004 and be
completed by December 2005.
Item 64403026041—University of California—Capital Outlay
1. Davis
Campus: Life Sciences Alterations Phase 2. The amount of $3,506,000 is
provided for the preparation of preliminary plans ($183,000), working drawings
($149,000), and construction ($3,174,000) of alterations consequent to the construction
of the new Life Sciences
Building on the Davis campus. The project will convert
9,267 asf of office and teaching-laboratory space in Hutchinson Hall to
teaching and research laboratories and support uses. The project will provide
3,050 asf of teaching and research space to Plant Pathology and
Nematology, and 6,217 asf to the Exercise Biology program for teaching and
research in physiology and physical rehabilitation. The estimated total project
cost is $3,506,000 (CCCI 4100). The amount for construction includes
$2,893,000 for construction contracts, $203,000 for contingency, and $78,000
for project administration. The building alteration cost is $2,407,000.
Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2004 and be completed by
February 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in January 2005 and be
completed by July 2005. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2005 and be
completed by November 2006.
2. Davis
Campus: Physical Sciences Expansion. The amount of $2,235,000 is provided
for preparation of preliminary plans for a new 51,250 asf teaching and research
facility for physical-science programs at the Davis campus. The project will provide
21,400 asf of research laboratories and offices; 22,940 asf of
teaching laboratories; and 6,910 asf of offices and support space. The
move to new facilities will release needed program space to the Department of
Physics. The estimated total project cost is $47,273,000 (CCCI 4100), including
future state costs of $2,400,000 for working drawings and $41,442,000 for
construction, as well as $1,196,000 from nonstate sources for equipment. The
amount for construction includes $38,424,000 for construction contracts,
$1,921,000 for contingency, and $1,097,000 for project administration. The building
construction cost is $34,482,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in
July 2004 and be completed by July 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to
begin in July 2005 and be completed by April 2006. Construction is scheduled to
begin in May 2006 and be completed by August 2008.
3. Davis
Campus: Campus Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Phase 1. The amount
of $3,543,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans ($301,000),
working drawings ($129,000), and construction ($3,113,000), matched by nonstate
funds in the amount of $3,080,000, for Phase 1 of an expansion of the
wastewater-treatment plant on the Davis campus. The project will upgrade and
expand the wastewater-treatment system, increasing the capacity of the existing
Plant to meet projected flow demands for enrollment growth and new construction
through 2013, and addressing regulatory requirements for wastewater discharge.
The estimated total project cost is $6,623,000 (CCCI 4100). The amount for construction
includes $5,240,000 for construction contracts, $262,000 for contingency, and
$317,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin
in July 2004 and be completed by November 2004. Working drawings are scheduled
to begin in November 2004 and be completed by April 2005. Construction is
scheduled to begin in April 2005 and be completed by July 2006.
4. Irvine
Campus: Biological Sciences Unit 3. The amount of $50,120,000 is provided
for construction of a 79,397 asf Biological Sciences building on the Irvine campus. The
building will provide approximately 57,297 asf for research laboratories,
scholarly activity, and an animal facility; 16,500 asf for offices; and
5,600 asf of classrooms. The estimated total project cost is $64,012,000
(CCCI 4100), including future state costs of $3,150,000 for equipment, together
with nonstate amounts of $4,000,000 for construction, and $3,150,000 for
equipment. The amount for construction includes $48,048,000 for construction
contracts, $1,932,000 for contingency, and $4,140,000 for project
administration. The building construction cost is $45,655,000. Construction is
scheduled to begin in August 2004 and be completed by June 2007.
5. Irvine
Campus: Engineering Unit 3. The amount of $3,440,000 is provided for
preparation of preliminary plans ($2,218,000) and working drawings ($1,222,000)
for a new 86,895 asf building on the Irvine
campus. The project provides
43,950 asf of research space, 14,775 asf of offices, 10,070 asf
of teaching laboratories, 5,400 asf of classrooms and 12,700 asf of
“surge” space to accommodate offices and laboratories. The estimated total
project cost is $63,184,000 (CCCI 4100), including future state costs of
$44,853,000 for construction and $3,150,000 for equipment, matched by nonstate
amounts of $8,591,000 for construction and $3,150,000 for equipment. The amount
for construction includes $47,219,000 for construction contracts, $1,889,000
for contingency, and $4,336,000 for project administration. The building
construction cost is $44,023,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in
July 2004 and be completed by February 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to
begin in February 2005 and be completed by August 2005. Construction is
scheduled to begin in August 2005 and be completed by June 2008.
6. Los Angeles
Campus: Campbell Hall Seismic Correction. The amount of $5,084,000 is
provided for construction of seismic corrections to the 32,431 asf
Campbell Hall on the Los Angeles
campus. The project will seismically upgrade the building by constructing new
shear walls, strengthening the building foundations, and bracing building
elements and systems. The project also will provide mandatory upgrades to
address fire and life-safety and accessibility deficiencies. The estimated
total project cost is $5,618,000 (CCCI 4100). The amount for construction
includes $4,569,000 for construction contracts, $306,000 for contingency, and
$209,000 for project administration. The building renovation cost is
$3,784,000. Construction is scheduled to begin in November 2004 and be completed
by February 2006.
7. Los Angeles
Campus: GSEIS Seismic Correction. The amount of $2,680,000 is provided
for preparation of preliminary plans ($116,000), working drawings ($111,000),
and construction ($2,453,000) of seismic corrections to the 24,395 asf
Graduate School of Education and Information Studies (GSEIS) on the Los Angeles campus. The
project addresses deficient shear strength and interconnections in the
building’s 3-story modular steel frame. Mandatory code corrections are also included.
The estimated total project cost is $2,680,000 (CCCI 4100). The amount for
construction includes $2,190,000 for construction contracts, $120,000 for
contingency, and $143,000 for project administration. The building renovation
cost is $1,857,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2004 and
be completed by November 2004. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in October
2004 and be completed by March 2005. Construction is scheduled to begin in
March 2005 and be completed by June 2006.
8. Riverside
Campus: Geology and Physics Renovations. The amount of $17,777,000 is
provided for preparation of preliminary plans ($640,000), working drawings
($782,000), and construction ($16,355,000) of renovations to 39,295 asf of
space in the Geology and Physics buildings on the Riverside
campus. The project will renovate existing laboratory, support, and office
space; upgrade infrastructure and utilities; address code corrections; and
create a 1,822 asf mezzanine in an obsolete high-bay laboratory. The
estimated total project cost is $17,777,000 (CCCI 4100). The amount for
construction includes $14,737,000 for construction contracts, $737,000 for
contingency, and $881,000 for project administration. The building renovation
cost is $13,502,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2004 and
be completed by January 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in
December 2004 and be completed by May 2005. Construction is scheduled to begin
in May 2005 and be completed by January 2007.
9. Riverside
Campus: Materials Science and Engineering
Building. The
amount of $3,749,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans
($1,600,000) and working drawings ($2,149,000) for a new 76,940 asf
Materials Science and Engineering Building on the Riverside
campus. The building will provide 51,070 asf of research and scholarly
activity space, 5,850 asf for offices, 18,370 asf of classrooms, and
1,650 asf for teaching laboratories. The estimated total project cost is
$55,969,000 (CCCI 4100), including future costs of $47,886,000 for
construction, and $4,334,000 for equipment. The amount for construction
includes $43,344,000 for construction contracts, $2,167,000 for contingency,
and $2,375,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is
$41,150,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2004 and be
completed by March 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in
March 2005 and be completed by December 2005. Construction is
scheduled to begin in January 2006 and be completed by October 2009.
10. San
Diego Campus: SIO Research Support Facilities.
The amount of $3,426,000 is provided for preparation of preliminary plans
($182,000), working drawings ($157,000), and construction ($3,087,000) of two
prefabricated metal buildings providing approximately 15,285 of
research-support space for Scripps Institute of Oceanography at the San Diego campus. The
project will replace nearly 14,000 asf of deteriorated Quonset huts and a
wood-frame building used for maintenance, calibration, staging, and storage of
equipment and materials used in teaching and research expeditions. The project
will also include road improvements for access to the facilities. The estimated
total project cost is $3,426,000 (CCCI 4100). The amount for construction
includes $2,760,000 for construction contracts, $138,000 for contingency, and
$189,000 for project administration. The building construction cost is
$1,241,000. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2004 and be
completed by January 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in December
2004 and be completed by July 2005. Construction is scheduled to begin in July
2005 and be completed by August 2006.
11. Santa
Barbara Campus: Electrical Infrastructure Renewal
Phase 2. The amount of $7,305,000 is provided for working drawings
($400,000) and the initial stage of construction ($6,905,000) for the second
phase of renewal of the electrical infrastructure on the Santa Barbara campus. The project will
replace obsolete, undersized, and unreliable existing equipment with a new 12
kV power-distribution system to meet the campus’ increasing needs. The
estimated total project cost is $15,729,000 (CCCI 4100), including future state
costs of $5,607,000 for construction, as well as nonstate amounts for working
drawings ($310,000) and construction ($2,097,000). The amount for construction
includes $13,287,000 for construction contracts, $617,000 for contingency, and
$705,000 for project administration. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in
August 2004 and be completed by December 2004. Construction is scheduled to
begin in January 2005 and be completed by December 2007.
Item 66103016041—California State University—Capital Outlay
1. Dominguez
Hills: Education Resource Center
Addition. The amount of $1,725,000 is provided for preliminary plans
($869,000) and working drawings ($856,000). The total estimated project cost is
$37,983,000 (CCCI 4100) including $33,045,000 for construction and $3,213,000
for future costs of equipment for a new 104,100 asf/150,800 gsf
library addition. The amount for construction includes $28,987,000 for
construction contracts, $1,449,000 for contingency, and $2,609,000 for project
administration costs. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in September
2004 and be completed by April 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in
May 2005 and be completed by April 2006. Construction is scheduled to begin by
May 2006 and be completed by May 2008.
2. Hayward:
Seismic Upgrade, Warren Hall. The amount of $675,000 is provided for
preliminary plans for the seismic upgrade of Warren Hall. The total estimated
project cost is $28,942,000 (CCCI 4100), including future costs of $852,000 for
working drawings and $27,415,000 for construction. Warren Hall
(77,800 asf/150,000 gsf) presently houses the main computer center
and PBX for the campus, 805 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) in lecture space, 75
faculty offices, 385 administrative offices, and student service functions. The
amount for construction includes $23,385,000 for construction contracts,
$1,637,000 for contingency, and $2,393,000 for project administration costs. Preliminary
plans are scheduled to begin in September 2004 and be completed by June 2005.
Working drawings are scheduled to begin in September 2005 and be completed by
September 2006. Construction is scheduled to begin by October 2006 and be completed
by October 2008.
3. Long Beach: Peterson Hall 3 Replacement Building.
The amount of $1,361,000, provided for preliminary plans. The total estimated
project cost is $69,334,000, including future costs of working drawings
($1,727,000), construction ($61,863,000), and equipment ($4,383,000) for a
replacement facility of 95,000 asf/154,000 gsf. The building will
provide 1,351 FTE in lecture space, 329 FTE in Lower Division (LD) laboratory
space and 83 faculty offices, providing a net gain of 1,123 FTE in lecture
space, 120 FTE in LD laboratory space, 58 faculty offices, and a loss of
66 FTE in Upper Division (UD) laboratory space. Construction costs include
$54,054,000 for construction contracts, $2,703,000 for contingency, and
$5,106,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to be
begin September 2004 and be completed by May 2005. Working drawings are scheduled
to begin September 2005 and be completed by August 2006. Construction is
scheduled to begin by September 2006 and be completed by September 2008.
4. Maritime
Academy: Land Acquisition. A total amount of $3,185,000 is required for
the acquisition of 6.1 acres of property contiguous to the campus for development
to meet enrollment demands. These funds are provided from the reappropriation
of $1,271,000 the balance of the acquisition appropriation, and a supplemental
appropriation of $1,914,000 to acquire the property.
5. Monterey Bay: Infrastructure Improvements.
The amount of $18,756,000 (CCCI 4100) is provided for preliminary plans
($577,000), working drawings ($557,000), and construction ($17,381,000) to
upgrade the campus electrical and gas infrastructure. The total estimated
project cost is $18,756,000, including future costs of $241,000 for equipment
Equipment Price Index 2627 (EPI 2627). The amount for construction includes
$14,809,000 for construction contracts, $1,037,000 for contingency, and
$1,535,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin
in September 2004 and be completed by May 2005. Working drawings are scheduled
to begin in June 2005 and be completed in May 2006. Construction is scheduled
to begin in June 2006 and be completed by May 2008.
Item 66103026041—California State University—Capital Outlay
1. Bakersfield: Math and Computer Science
Building. The
amount of $18,975,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($453,000), working
drawings ($480,000), and construction ($18,042,000). The total estimated
project is $20,423,000 (CCCI 4100) including $1,448,000 for future costs of
equipment for a new 34,700 asf/53,700 gsf science building. The
project provides for 122 FTE in laboratory space, 755 FTE in lecture space, and
72 faculty offices. The amount for construction includes $15,829,000 for
construction contracts, $791,000 for contingency, and $1,422,000 for project
administration costs. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in September
2004 and be completed by May 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in
June 2005 and be completed by March 2006. Construction is scheduled to
begin by May 2006 and be completed by December 2007.
2. Fresno:
Library Addition and Renovation. The amount of $1,677,000 (CCCI 4100)
is provided for preliminary plans. The total estimated project cost, including
preliminary funds, is $90,992,000, including future costs for working drawings
($2,087,000), construction ($80,637,000), and equipment ($6,591,000). Construction
costs include $70,564,000 for construction contracts, $3,659,000 for contingency,
and $6,414,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to
begin September 2004 and be completed by April 2005. Working drawings will
start in May 2005 and be completed in January 2006. Construction is scheduled
to begin by April 2006 and be completed by December 2008.
3. Fullerton: College
of Business and Economics Building.
The amount of $47,417,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($947,000), working
drawings ($1,096,000), and construction ($45,374,000). The total estimated
project cost is $58,782,000, including future costs of $6,365,000 for equipment
(EPI 2627), and $5,000,000 from donor funds. The amount from the state for
construction includes $39,738,000 for construction contracts, $1,987,000 for contingency,
and $3,649,000 for project administration. This project will equip a new
facility (#38) of 123,000 asf/190,000 gsf to accommodate growth in
the College of Business and Economics. The new facility
will accommodate 3,439 FTE in lecture space and provides 207 faculty offices.
Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in September 2004 and be completed by
May 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in June 2005 and be completed
by May 2006. Construction is scheduled to begin by June 2006 and be completed
by May 2008.
4. Humboldt:
Forbes Physical Education Complex. The amount of $1,313,000 is provided
for preliminary plans. The total estimated project is $41,304,000
(CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans and future cost of $1,208,000 for
working drawings, $37,796,000 for construction, and $987,000 for equipment. The
project provides a net increase of 40 FTE and 20 faculty offices. The amount
for construction includes $32,406,000 for construction contracts, $2,268,000
for contingency, and $3,122,000 for project administration costs. Preliminary
plans are scheduled to begin in September 2004 and be completed by August 2005.
Working drawings are scheduled to begin by September 2005 and be completed by
June 2006. Construction is scheduled to begin by August 2006 and be completed
by September 2008.
5. Los Angeles: Science
Replacement Building,
Wing B. The amount of $31,082,000 is provided for preliminary plans
($662,000) working drawings ($847,000), and construction ($29,573,000). The total
estimated project is $34,843,000 (CCCI 4100), including $3,761,000 for future
costs of equipment for a new 54,000 asf/87,100 gsf Wing B addition,
completing the science building project. The project provides for 243 FTE in
laboratory space, 606 in lecture space and 29 faculty offices. The amount for
construction includes $25,940,000 for construction contract, $1,297,000 for
contingency, and $2,336,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are
scheduled to begin in September 2004 and be completed by September 2005.
Working drawings are scheduled to begin in October 2005 and be completed by May
2006. Construction is scheduled to begin June 2006 and be completed by May
6. Maritime
Academy: Simulation
Center. The
amount of $8,306,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($252,200), working
drawings ($228,000), and construction ($7,826,000). The total estimated project
cost is $8,306,000 (CCCI 4100), including future costs of $3,487,000 for
equipment (EPI 2627). This project provides 84 FTE in lecture space, 25 FTE in
LD and 15 in UD for a total of 124 FTE. The amount for construction includes
$6,850,000 for construction contracts, $343,000 for contingency, and $633,000
for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in
September 2004 and be completed by April 2005. Working drawings are scheduled
to begin in May 2005 and be completed by December 2005. Construction is
scheduled to begin by May 2006 and be completed by September 2007.
7. Northridge:
Science I Replacement. The amount of $46,193,000 is provided for
preliminary plans ($948,000), working drawings ($1,174,000), and construction
($44,071,000) for the replacement of Science I with a new building of
70,000 asf/115,000 gsf. The total estimated project cost is
$50,301,000 (CCCI 4100) including future costs of $4,108,000 for equipment (EPI
2627). The amount for construction includes $38,610,000 for construction
contracts, $1,931,000 for contingency, and $3,530,000 for project
administration. This first phase will demolish the existing 44,000 asf/78,000 gsf
Science I building and construct a new building of approximately
70,100 asf/115,000 gsf accommodating 1,794 FTE in lecture space, 62
FTE in LD laboratory space, 7 FTE in UD laboratory spaces, and 100 faculty
offices. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in September 2004 and be
completed by May 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in June 2005 and
be completed by May 2006. Construction is scheduled to begin by June 2006 and
be completed by May 2008.
8. Pomona:
Science Renovation Seismic. The amount of $20,298,000 (CCCI 4100) is
provided for preliminary plans ($604,000), working drawings ($791,000), and
construction ($18,903,000) for the renovation of the obsolete science building
that totals 72,200 gsf. The project provides an increase of instructional
capacity of 107 FTE for a total of 1,229 FTE (1,011 FTE in lecture space,
218 FTE in laboratory space [87 LD/131 UD]). The total estimated project cost
is $23,252,000 including future costs of $2,954,000. The amount for construction
includes $16,091,000 for construction contracts, $1,126,000 for contingency,
and $1,686,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to
begin September 2004 and be completed in May 2005. Working drawings are
scheduled to begin June 2005 and be completed February 2006. Construction is
scheduled to begin May 2006 and be complete February 2008.
9. San Bernardino: College of Education Building.
The amount of $48,697,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($940,000), working
drawings ($1,153,000), and construction ($45,687,000). The total estimated
project is $51,046,000 (CCCI 4100) and $2,293,000 for future costs of equipment
for a new 98,600 asf/151,500 gsf building. The project provides for
180 FTE in UD laboratory space, 1,351 FTE in lecture space, 110 faculty
offices, and administrative support space. The amount for construction includes
$40,487,000 for construction contracts, $2,042,000 for contingency, and
$3,715,000 for project administration costs. Preliminary plans are scheduled to
begin in September 2004 and be completed by February 2005. Working drawings are
scheduled to begin in February 2005 and be completed by December 2005.
Construction is scheduled to begin by February 2006 and be completed by May
10. San Luis Obispo: Engineering/Architecture
Renovation and Replacement, Phase II. The amount of $28,589,000 is
provided for working drawings ($1,111,000) and construction ($27,478,000). The
total project is estimated at $33,645,000 (CCCI 4100), including
$4,238,000 for future cost of equipment and $818,000 previously funded for
preliminary plans. The project provides for an additional 124 FTE in LD
laboratory space, 50 in UD laboratory space, 343 FTE in lecture space, and 41
faculty offices. The amount for construction includes $23,645,000 for construction
contracts, $1,718,000 for contingency, and $2,316,000 for project administration
costs. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in September 2004 and be
completed by June 2005. Construction is scheduled to begin in October 2005 and
be completed by June 2008.
11. San Marcos: Craven Hall Renovation.
The amount of $6,366,000 (CCCI 4100) is provided for preliminary plans
($164,000), working drawings ($213,000), and for construction ($5,989,000) for
the renovation of 50,400 asf that was vacated by library programs for the
administration building. This space will be reconfigured to accommodate
one-stop shopping for student services and administrative offices. The amount
for construction includes$5,135,000 for construction contracts, $395,000 for
contingency, and $495,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are
scheduled to begin September 2004 and be completed by February 2005.
Working drawings are scheduled to begin March 2005 and be completed in
June 2005. Construction is scheduled to begin September 2005 and be completed
by May 2006. The total estimated project cost is $6,889,000, including future
costs of $523,000 for equipment.
1. Enrollment
Projections. The California Community Colleges (CCC) shall review the
methods it uses to prepare enrollment projections for districts, and changes
that might be made in its methods in order to increase the accuracy of their projections.
The CCC shall report to the Legislature by November 1, 2004 on the progress of
its review and submit a final report including recommended changes by July 1,
2. San
Bernardino Community College District, San Bernardino
Valley College—Child Development
Center. The
amount of $2,978,000 is provided for construction of a 9,467 asf
instructional facility for the child development program. The project
constructs 7,768 asf laboratory/demonstration, 615 asf office, and
1,084 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $3,280,000 (CCCI
4100) including preliminary plans ($59,000), working drawings ($118,000),
construction ($2,978,000), and equipment ($125,000). The amount for
construction includes $2,681,000 for construction contracts, $135,000 for
contingency, and $162,000 for project administration. Construction is scheduled
to begin September 2004 and be completed by September 2005.
1. Allan
Hancock Community College District, Allan
Hancock College—Skills Center
Replacement (H&S). The amount of $5,500,000 is provided for construction
and equipment for the construction of a replacement instructional facility of
13,372 asf. The replacement construction includes 5,485 asf lecture,
4,320 asf laboratory, 2,940 asf office, 255 asf for assessment
testing, and 372 asf for meetings. The project also demolishes
8,365 asf of instructional space identified as unsafe buildings not able
to be reconstructed. Total estimated project cost is $5,886,000 (CCCI 4100
or EI 2564) including preliminary plans ($190,000), working drawings
($196,000), construction ($5,000,000), and equipment ($500,000). The amount for
construction includes $222,000 for contingency, $340,000 for project administration,
and $4,438,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start
November 2004 and be completed by May 2006.
2. Cerritos
Community College District, Cerritos
College—Seismic Retrofit,
Metal Trades. The amount of $1,171,000 is provided for construction to
correct seismic deficiencies in an existing 21,607 asf one-story
instructional building. Total estimated project cost is $1,275,000 (CCCI 4100)
including preliminary plans ($49,000), working drawings ($55,000), and
construction ($1,171,000). The amount for construction includes $969,000 for
construction contracts, $68,000 for contingency, and $134,000 for project
administration. Construction is scheduled to start December 2004 and be
completed by September 2005.
3. Cerritos
Community College District, Cerritos
College—Seismic Retrofit,
Electronics. The amount of $1,276,000 is provided for the
reconstruction of seismic deficiencies in an existing 20,662 asf one-story
building. Total estimated project cost is $1,366,000 (CCCI 4100); including
preliminary plans ($32,000), working drawings ($58,000), and construction
($1,276,000). The amount for construction includes $74,000 for contingency,
$146,000 for project administration, and $1,056,000 for construction contracts.
Construction is scheduled to start September 2004 and be completed by September
4. Coast
Community College District, Golden
West College—Structural
Repair Campuswide. The amount of $2,497,000 is provided for the
construction of the structural repair of 17 campus buildings containing
377,199 gsf. The project will repair and/or replace building
areas/elements that have been impacted by cracked and spalling structural
concrete. Total estimated project cost is $2,738,000 (CCCI 4100) including
preliminary plans ($92,000), working drawings ($149,000), and construction
($2,497,000). The amount for construction includes $146,000 for contingency,
$264,000 for project administration, and $2,087,000 for construction contracts.
Construction is scheduled to start March 2005 and be completed by March 2007.
5. Foothill-De
Anza Community College District, Foothill
College—Seismic Replacement,
Field Locker Rooms. The amount of $1,621,000 is provided for construction
so that the field locker rooms and stadium restrooms can be rebuilt in a
location not threatened by an active earthquake fault. The project plans the construction
of 4,533 asf of physical education space. Total estimated project cost is
$2,017,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($104,000; $60,000 of state
funds and $44,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($72,000), and construction
($1,841,000; $1,621,000 of state funds and $220,000 of nonstate funds). The
amount for construction includes $80,000 for contingency, $139,000 for project
administration, and $1,622,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled
to start August 2004 and be completed by March 2005.
6. Foothill-De
Anza Community College District, Foothill
College—Seismic Replacement, Maintenance Building. The amount of $955,000
is provided for construction so that buildings in the District Maintenance Yard
can be rebuilt in a location not threatened by an active earthquake fault.
Project constructs 4,598 asf of maintenance space. Total estimated project
cost is $1,045,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($52,000; $30,000 of
state funds and $22,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($38,000), and
construction ($955,000). The amount for construction includes $41,000 for
contingency, $101,000 for project administration, and $813,000 for construction
contracts. Construction is scheduled to start August 2004 and be completed by
March 2005.
7. Grossmont-Cuyamaca
Community College District, Grossmont
Correction. The amount of $1,569,000 is provided for construction of a
roadway network incorporates the following key issues; a well organized and efficient
roadway system that links the west and east side of campus through a continuous
road, provides an acceptable route for nearby residents to reach SR-125, and
minimizes the loss of parking while improving the level of safety. Total estimated
project cost is $3,138,000 (CCCI 4100) including acquisition ($100,000 of
nonstate funds), preliminary plans ($122,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings
($112,000 of nonstate funds), and construction ($2,804,000; $1,569,000 of state
funds and $1,235,000 of nonstate funds). The amount for construction includes
$124,000 for contingency, $206,000 for project administration, and $2,474,000
for construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin October
2004 and be completed by July 2005.
8. Los
Angeles Community College District, Los
Angeles Pierce College—Infrastructure Correction.
The amount of $615,000 is provided to repave and restore existing damaged
asphalt/concrete surfaces on the Los
Angeles Pierce College campus. The College has a number
of serious health and safety issues relating to roadway surfaces, which have
resulted in a number of safety hazards and recurring injuries. Despite a
regular program of roadway surface repairs and pothole patching, many sections
of the roads have deteriorated beyond repair and have created serious safety
issues for the college. Total estimated project cost is $1,230,000 (CCCI 4100)
including preliminary plans ($55,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings
($47,000 of non state funds), and construction ($1,128,000; $615,000 of state
funds and $513,000 of nonstate funds). The amount for construction includes
$49,000 for contingency, $96,000 for project administration, and $983,000 for
construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin October 2004
and be completed by April 2005.
9. Mira
Costa Community College District, Mira
Costa College—Creative Arts Building
Replacement. The amount of $9,770,000 is provided for the construction
of a 14,023 asf replacement Creative Arts building. The project includes
530 asf lecture, 12,614 asf laboratory, and 879 asf office
space. Total estimated project cost is $10,563,000 (CCCI 4100) including
preliminary plans ($404,000), working drawings ($389,000), and construction
($9,770,000). The amount for construction includes $440,000 for contingency,
$531,000 for project administration, and $8,799,000 for construction contracts.
Construction is scheduled to start October 2004 and be completed by May 2006.
10. North
Orange County Community College District, Cypress College—Piazza
Infrastructure Repair. The amount of $7,595,000 is provided for
construction to mitigate infrastructure failure by removing and reconstructing
the piazza topping pad, drainage system, guardrails, and lighting. Total
estimated project cost is $8,313,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans
($371,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($347,000 of nonstate funds),
and construction ($7,595,000). The amount for construction includes $475,000
for contingency, $330,000 for project administration, and $6,790,000 for
construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start October 2004 and be
completed by April 2006.
11. Santa
Barbara Community College District, Santa
Barbara City College—Physical Science Renovation.
The amount of $1,721,000 is provided for construction to renovate
8,117 asf in a 14,150 asf physical science instructional building.
The project plans the reconstruction of 7,937 asf of laboratory and
180 asf of office space. Total estimated project cost is $1,880,000 (CCCI
4100) including preliminary plans ($84,000), working drawings ($75,000), and
construction ($1,721,000). The amount for construction includes $104,000 for
contingency, $138,000 for project administration, and $1,479,000 for
construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start February 2005 and be
completed September 2005.
12. Ventura
County Community College District, Oxnard
College—Warehouse Replacement.
The amount of $125,000 is provided for the preparation of preliminary plans and
working drawings for the construction of a 16,275 asf commercial metal
building as a warehouse building with 900 asf office and 15,375 asf
other space. Total estimated project cost is $1,857,000 (CCCI 4100) including
preliminary plans ($60,000), working drawings ($65,000), construction ($1,611,000),
and equipment ($121,000). The amount for construction includes $68,000 for
contingency, $184,000 for project administration, and $1,359,000 for
construction contracts. Preliminary plans will be started in August 2004 and
will be completed by December 2004. Working drawings will start in January 2005
and will be completed in May 2005. Construction is scheduled to start July 2005
and be completed by February 2006.
13. West
Valley-Mission Community College District, West Valley
College—Math and Science
Replacement. The amount of $386,000 is provided for preliminary plans
and working drawings to develop construction documents for a 6,054 asf
science building with chemistry lab space and related service space. Total estimated
project cost is $3,315,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($267,000),
working drawings ($119,000), and construction ($2,929,000). The amount for construction
includes $129,000 for contingency, $219,000 for project administration, and
$2,581,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start
in July 2004 and be completed by October 2004. Working drawings are scheduled
to start October 2004 and be completed by April 2005. Construction is scheduled
to start July 2005 and be completed by July 2006.
1. Allan
Hancock Community College District, Allan
Hancock College—Science
Health Occupations Complex. The amount of $15,541,000 is provided for
construction and equipment for the construction of a Science and Health Occupations
Instructional facility of 32,310 asf. The new construction includes
1,318 asf lecture, 26,029 asf laboratory, 3,377 asf office, and
1,586 asf other space. The project also converts 3,779 asf of
instructional space to storage and demolishes 10,562 asf of older lab
space that cannot be renovated effectively. Total estimated project cost is
$16,650,000 (CCCI 4100 or EI 2564) including preliminary plans ($546,000),
working drawings ($563,000), construction ($14,658,000), and equipment
($883,000). The amount for construction includes $674,000 for contingency,
$712,000 for project administration, and $13,272,000 for construction
contracts. Construction is scheduled to start June 2005 and be completed by
December 2006.
2. Barstow
Community College District, Barstow
College—Remodel for
Efficiency. The amount of $2,927,000 is provided for the construction
phase for the reconstruction of 19,160 asf. The project includes
4,919 asf lecture, 6,218 asf laboratory, 6,217 asf office,
1,232 asf library, and 574 asf other space. Total estimated project
cost is $3,748,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($152,000), working
drawings ($114,000), and construction ($3,482,000; $2,927,000 of state funds,
and $555,000 of nonstate funds). The amount for construction includes $215,000
for contingency, $213,000 for project administration, and $3,054,000 for
construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start March 2005 and
be completed by March 2006.
3. Cabrillo
Community College District, Cabrillo
Arts Complex. The amount of $21,493,000 is provided for construction
and equipment for the construction of an 84,020 asf Visual and Performing
Arts Complex. The project will be located in the southern portion of the campus
and will be one of the main gateway entrances to the college. The space includes
42,147 asf of laboratory, 5,193 asf office, 7,213 asf AV/TV, and
29,467 asf of performing art space. Total estimated project cost is
$42,985,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($1,341,000 of nonstate
funds), working drawings ($1,487,000 of nonstate funds), construction
($37,886,000; $20,357,000 of state funds and $17,529,000 of nonstate funds),
and equipment ($2,271,000; $1,136,000 of state funds and $1,135,000 of nonstate
funds). The amount for construction includes $1,720,000 for contingency,
$1,775,000 for project administration, and $34,391,000 for construction
contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin January 2005 and be
completed by January 2007.
4. Chabot-Las
Positas Community College District, Las Positas College—Multidisciplinary
Educational Building. The amount of $11,163,000 is provided for
construction and equipment for a 28,420 asf Multidisciplinary Educational
Building providing smart
classrooms, computer labs, distance learning capabilities, media services, and
an innovation center. The building provides 7,800 asf lecture,
4,380 asf laboratory, 1,600 asf office, 5,000 asf library,
2,000 asf AV/TV, and 7,640 asf support spaces. Total estimated project
cost is $11,864,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($288,000), working
drawings ($413,000), construction ($9,686,000), and equipment ($1,477,000). The
amount for construction includes $436,000 for contingency, $540,000 for project
administration, and $8,710,000 for construction contracts. Construction phase
is scheduled to begin May 2005 and be completed by December 2006.
5. Chaffey
Community College District, Chaffey
Science Building Renovation. The amount of $757,000 is provided for
preliminary plans and working drawings to develop construction documents for
the renovation and conversion of 26,025 asf in three buildings in the
existing Life Science complex and in the Physical Science building that will be
vacated when the Life Science and Chemistry programs are relocated to the new
Life Science Complex now out to bid. The project creates 8,670 asf
lecture, 13,360 asf laboratory, 2,565 asf office, and 1,430 asf
library space. Total estimated project cost is $8,183,000 (CCCI 4100 or EI
2564) including preliminary plans ($445,000), working drawings ($312,000),
construction ($6,637,000), and equipment ($789,000). The amount for
construction includes $404,000 for contingency, $411,000 for project administration,
and $5,822,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to
start in August 2004 and be completed by February 2005. Working drawings are
scheduled to start February 2005 and be completed by February 2006. Construction
is scheduled to start April 2006 and be completed by August 2007.
6. Coast
Community College District, Orange Coast College—Learning Resource Center.
The amount of $21,192,000 is provided for the construction and equipment of a
new Learning Resource Center
containing 60,991 asf. The project includes 2,339 asf laboratory,
1,427 asf office, 56,200 asf library, and 1,025 asf other space.
Total estimated project cost is $22,898,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary
plans ($947,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($759,000), construction
($20,000,000), and equipment ($1,192,000). The amount for construction includes
$905,000 for contingency, $994,000 for project administration, and $18,101,000
for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start October 2004
and be completed by June 2006.
7. Compton
Community College District, Compton
College—Performing Arts
and Recreation Complex. The amount of $12,362,000 is provided for
construction and equipment for a new 28,852 asf performing arts center and
related instructional space. The project includes 2,482 asf laboratory,
1,020 asf office, 1,756 asf AV/TV, and 23,594 asf other space
(including a 400-seat theater). Total estimated project cost is $13,187,000
(CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($416,000), working drawings
($409,000), construction ($10,730,000), and equipment ($1,632,000). The amount
for construction includes $485,000 for contingency, $539,000 for project
administration, and $9,706,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled
to start March 2005 and be completed by March 2006.
8. Contra
Costa Community College District, Los Medanos College—Math,
Science, Technology
Building. The
amount of $20,547,000 is provided for construction and equipment for a
50,520 asf math, science, technology building consisting of 12,440 asf
lecture, 30,030 asf laboratory, 5,130 asf office, 1,480 asf
library, 960 asf AV/TV, and 480 asf meeting spaces. Total estimated
project cost is $22,407,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($668,000
of nonstate funds), working drawings ($1,192,000), construction ($18,626,000),
and equipment ($1,921,000). The amount for construction includes $853,000 for
contingency, $1,052,000 for project administration, and $16,721,000 for
construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start September 2004 and
be completed by September 2006.
9. Copper
Mountain Community College District, Copper
Mountain College—Multi-use
Sports Complex. The amount of $12,995,000 is provided for construction
and equipment for the construction of a 31,440 asf multipurpose sports
complex. The project includes 27,120 asf demonstration space, 573 asf
office space, 3,747 asf storage/other space, and outdoor facilities for
the physical education program. Total estimated project cost is $15,385,000
(CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($593,000; $501,000 state funding and
$92,000 nonstate funding), working drawings ($498,000; $384,000 state funding
and $114,000 nonstate funding), construction ($13,798,000; $12,499,000 state
funding and $1,299,000 nonstate funding), and equipment ($496,000 state
funding). The amount for construction includes $625,000 for contingency,
$666,000 for project administration, and $12,507,000 for construction
contracts. Construction is scheduled to start February 2005 and be completed by
September 2006.
10. El
Camino Community College District, El Camino College—Learning Resource
Center Addition.
The amount of $464,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings
for the design of a 15,950 asf addition to the existing learning resource
center. The project includes 6,650 asf of library space, 7,700 asf of
AV/TV space, and 1,600 asf of other space. Total estimated project cost is
$8,225,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($226,000), working drawings
($238,000), construction ($5,926,000), and equipment ($1,835,000). The amount
for construction includes $265,000 for contingency, $358,000 project administration,
and $5,303,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to
be completed by December 2004. Working drawings are scheduled to start December
2004 and be completed by March 2005. Construction is scheduled to start
September 2005 and be completed by December 2006.
11. Foothill-De
Anza Community College District, Foothill
College—Life Sciences.
The amount of $9,645,000 is provided for the construction and equipment of a
37,005 asf life science instructional complex with two instructional
buildings and related field buildings to support biology, ornamental
horticulture, and veterinary technician programs. The project creates
3,550 asf of lecture space, 21,642 asf of lab space, 1,453 asf
of office space, 180 asf of AVTV space, and 10,180 asf of other
space. Total estimated project cost is $19,286,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary
plans ($946,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($615,000 of nonstate
funds), construction ($16,161,000; $8,081,000 of state funds and $8,080,000
nonstate funds), and equipment ($1,564,000). The amount for construction includes
$731,000 for contingency, $802,000 for project administration, and $14,628,000
for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start November 2004
and be completed by April 2006.
12. Grossmont-Cuyamaca
Community College District, Cuyamaca College—Communication
Arts Building.
The amount of $14,719,000 is provided for construction and equipment for a new
57,629 asf lab facility that will address the shortage of labs at Cuyamaca College. The project includes
34,375 asf lab, 3,106 asf office, and 20,148 asf assembly, and
other space. The project will have secondary effects for spaces vacated by the
labs that will move into the new facility. A total of 6,220 asf will be
remodeled back into classroom facilities after the project is completed. Total
estimated project cost is $29,438,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans
($816,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($915,000 of nonstate funds),
construction ($23,365,000; $12,548,000 of state funds and $10,817,000 of
nonstate funds), and equipment ($4,342,000; $2,171,000 of state funds and
$2,171,000 of nonstate funds). The amount for construction includes $1,055,000
for contingency, $1,210,000 for project administration, and $21,100,000 for
construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin January 2005
and be completed by January 2007.
13. Grossmont-Cuyamaca
Community College District, Grossmont Gollege—New Digital Arts Labs.
The amount of $4,869,000 is provided for construction and equipment for a new
18,466 asf lab facility that will address the shortage of labs at Grossmont College as well as address programs and
facilities that are not fully serving the student population. The project
includes 17,170 asf lab and 1,296 office space. The project will construct
a fully functional and safe Sculpture Lab area, state of the art Video/Audio
and Digital arts labs and allow expansion of the severely impacted programs at Grossmont College. Total estimated project cost is
$9,738,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($290,000 of nonstate
funds), working drawings ($323,000 of nonstate funds), construction
($8,264,000; $4,438,000 of state funds and $3,826,000 of nonstate funds), and
equipment ($861,000; $431,000 of state funds and $430,000 of nonstate funds).
The amount for construction includes $369,000 for contingency, $523,000 for
project administration, and $7,372,000 for construction contracts. Construction
phase is scheduled to begin January 2005 and be completed by January 2007.
14. Hartnell
Community College District, Hartnell
College—Center for
Assessment and Lifelong Learning. The amount of $658,000 is provided
for preliminary plans and working drawings for the construction of a
25,380 asf building for a learning skill, assessment and tutorial center.
The facility consists of 12,870 asf laboratory, 2,500 asf office,
7,160 asf library, 1,090 asf AV/TV, and 1,760 asf demonstration
spaces. Total estimated project cost is $10,480,000 (CCCI 4100) including
preliminary plans ($328,000), working drawings ($330,000), construction
($8,122,000), and equipment ($1,700,000). The amount for construction includes
$364,000 for contingency, $469,000 for project administration, and $7,289,000
for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to be completed
December 2004. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2004 and be completed
September 2005. Construction is scheduled to start November 2005 and be completed
by March 2007.
15. Kern
Community College District, Porterville
Expansion. The amount of $7,960,000 is provided for construction and
equipment for the addition of 16,054 asf and reconstruction of
13,269 asf of the library building. The new construction includes
13,384 asf library, 848 asf office, and 1,822 asf of other
space. The reconstruction includes 2,385 asf lab, 1,780 asf office,
6,787 asf library, and 2,317 asf AV/TV space. Total estimated project
cost is $8,467,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($203,000),
working drawings ($304,000), construction ($6,773,000), and equipment
($1,187,000). The amount for construction includes $344,000 for contingency,
$370,000 for project administration, and $6,059,000 for construction contracts.
Construction is scheduled to start March 2005 and be completed by
March 2006.
16. Long
Beach Community College District, Long
Beach City College (PCC)—Library/Learning Resource
Center. The amount of $331,000 is provided for preliminary plans and
working drawings to develop the construction documents for a new
14,903 asf Learning
Resource Center.
This facility will provide 337 asf of office, 11,000 asf of library,
2,729 asf of AV/TV, and 837 asf of other space. Total estimated
project cost is $5,808,000 (CCCI 4100 or EI 2564) including preliminary plans
($157,000), working drawings ($174,000), construction ($4,290,000), and
equipment ($1,187,000). The amount for construction includes $191,000 for contingency,
$275,000 for project administration, and $3,824,000 for construction contracts.
Preliminary plans are scheduled to start in September 2004 and be completed in
October 2004. Working drawings are scheduled to start in January 2004 and be
completed by January 2006. Construction is scheduled to start March 2006
and be completed by April 2007.
17. Long
Beach Community College District, Long Beach
City College
(PCC)—Industrial Technology Center—Manufacturing.
The amount of $10,124,000 is provided for construction and equipment for a new
22,119 asf industrial technology instructional building. The project plans
the construction of 20,483 asf of laboratories, 915 asf of office,
and 721 asf of library space. Two buildings totaling 14,304 asf are
to be removed as part of the project. Total estimated project cost is
$10,822,000 (CCCI 4100 or EI 2564) including preliminary plans ($344,000), working
drawings ($354,000), construction ($9,316,000), and equipment ($808,000). The
amount for construction includes $419,000 for contingency, $515,000 for project
administration, and $8,382,000 for construction contracts. Construction is
scheduled to start January 2005 and be completed by June 2006.
18. Long
Beach Community College District, Long
Beach City College (LAC)—Library/ LRC Renovation/Addition.
The amount of $898,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working
drawings to expand the second floor of an existing learning resource center
while it reconstructs the rest of the building to improve the technology
capability of Long Beach City College Liberal Arts Campus. The new construction
provides 15,163 asf of additional library space and the reconstruction/conversion
affects 48,368 asf in the existing building: 550 asf of lecture
9,094 asf of lab, 3,678 asf of office, 27,412 asf of library,
5,597 asf of AV/TV, and 2,037 asf of other space. Total estimated
project cost is $13,943,000 (CCCI 4100 or EI 2564) including preliminary plans
($421,000), working drawings ($477,000), construction ($10,593,000), and
equipment ($2,452,000). The amount for construction includes $599,000 for
contingency, $587,000 for project administration, and $9,407,000 for
construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start in August 2004
and be completed in October 2004. Working drawings are scheduled to start in
October 2004 and be completed by January 2006. Construction is scheduled to
start March 2006 and be completed by August 2007.
19. Los
Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles
City College—Child Development
Center. The
amount of $4,855,000 is provided for construction and equipment to construct an
18,875 asf child development center. The project includes 4,243 asf
lecture, 2,126 asf laboratories, 2,466 asf office, and
10,040 asf of other child development space. Total estimated project cost
is $5,259,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($225,000), working
drawings ($179,000), construction ($4,672,000), and equipment ($183,000). The
amount for construction includes $208,000 for contingency, $302,000 for project
administration, and $4,162,000 for construction contracts. Construction is
scheduled to begin August 2004 and be completed by March 2006.
20. Los
Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles
City College—Learning Resource Center.
The amount of $16,333,000 is provided to demolish the existing unsafe
47,243 asf library and construct a new learning resource center of
47,919 asf. The project includes 4,012 asf lecture, 3,106 asf
office, 34,289 asf library, and 6,512 asf other space. Total estimated
project cost is $19,039,000 (CCCI 4100 or EI 2564) including preliminary
plans ($807,000), working drawings ($643,000), construction ($16,333,000), and
equipment ($1,256,000). The amount for construction includes $740,000 for
contingency, $802,000 for project administration, and $14,791,000 for
construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start August 2004 and be
completed by April 2006.
21. Los
Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles
Harbor College—Applied
Technology Building. The amount of
$8,345,000 is provided for construction and equipment to demolish the existing
unsafe 36,566 asf technology buildings, remodel 3,171 asf, and
construct a new 41,066 asf technology complex. The project includes
7,860 asf lecture, 22,496 asf laboratory, 6,910 asf office, and
3,800 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $17,914,000 (CCCI
4100 or EI 2564) including preliminary plans ($655,000; $328,000 of state funds
and $327,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($570,00; $285,000 of state
funds and $285,000 of nonstate funds), construction ($14,813,000; $7,407,000 of
state funds and $7,406,000 of nonstate funds), and equipment ($1,876,000;
$938,000 of state funds and $938,000 of nonstate funds). The amount for
construction includes $681,000 for contingency, $664,000 for project
administration, and $13,468,000 for construction contracts. Construction is
scheduled to start October 2004 and be completed by March 2006.
22. Los
Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles
Harbor College—Adaptive
PE and Physical Education Building
Renovation. The amount of $428,000 is provided for preliminary plans
and working drawings to replace the fifty-year-old Physical Education building
with a new 51,600 asf Athletic Center. The building will include
2,500 asf lecture, 1,825 asf office, and 47,275 asf of other
physical education space. Total estimated project cost is $12,767,000 (CCCI
4100) including preliminary plans ($399,000; $200,000 of state funds and
$199,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($456,000; $228,000 of state
funds and $228,000 of nonstate funds), construction ($11,360,000; $5,680,000 of
state funds and $5,680,000 of nonstate funds), and equipment ($552,000;
$276,000 of state funds and $276,000 of nonstate funds). The amount for
construction includes $512,000 for contingency, $607,000 for project
administration, and $10,241,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans
are scheduled to start July 2004 and be completed by December 2004. Working
drawings are scheduled to start December 2004 and be completed by June
2005. Construction is scheduled to start October 2005 and be completed by
April 2007.
23. Los
Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles
Pierce College—Child Development
Center. The
amount of $2,451,000 is provided for construction and equipment to replace
portable facilities with a new 13,000 asf child development center. The
new facility includes 1,600 asf lecture, 520 asf office, and
10,880 asf of other child development space. Total estimated project cost
is $4,903,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($158,000 of
nonstate funds), working drawings ($150,000 of nonstate funds), construction
($3,795,000; $2,051,000 of state funds and $1,744,000 of nonstate funds), and
equipment ($800,000; $400,000 of state funds and $400,000 of nonstate funds).
The amount for construction includes $168,000 for contingency, $276,000 for
project administration, and $3,351,000 for construction contracts. Construction
phase is scheduled to begin August 2004 and be completed by December 2005.
24. Los
Angeles Community College District, West
Los Angeles College—Science
Complex. The amount of $8,307,000 is provided for construction and
equipment for a new 26,150 asf Science
Complex Building
and demolishes 14,703 asf of bungalows. The building consists of
21,150 asf laboratory, 1,900 asf office, and 3,100 asf of other
space. Total estimated project cost is $16,613,000 (CCCI 4100) including
preliminary plans ($564,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($556,000 of
nonstate funds), construction ($13,996,000; $7,558,000 of state funds and
$6,438,000 of nonstate funds), and equipment ($1,497,000; $749,000 of state
funds and $748,000 of nonstate funds). The amount for construction includes
$647,000 for contingency, $746,000 for project administration, and $12,603,000
for construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin January
2005 and be completed by January 2007.
25. Los
Rios Community College District, American
River College—Fine
Arts Modernization. The amount of $3,546,000 is provided for
construction for the renovation of the Fine Arts Building. Building systems
including heating/ventilation, lighting, and electrical will be upgraded, and
spaces will be reconfigured to improve efficiency, circulation, and access
compliance. This renovation will result in 16,823 asf comprised of
6,568 asf laboratory, 630 asf office, and 9,625 asf theater arts
spaces. Total estimated project cost is $5,374,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary
plans ($165,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($160,000 of nonstate
funds), construction ($4,146,000; $3,546,000 of state funds and $600,000 of
nonstate funds), and equipment ($903,000 of nonstate funds). The amount for
construction includes $254,000 for contingency, $265,000 for project administration,
and $3,627,000 for construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to
begin October 2004 and be completed by October 2005.
26. Los
Rios Community College District, Cosumnes
River College—Science Building Modernization. The
amount of $2,516,000 is provided for construction for the modernization of the Science Building. Building systems including heating/ventilation,
lighting, lab utilities, casework, built-in equipment, and electrical will be
upgraded. The entire existing 18,806 asf of this building will be reconfigured,
resulting in a slight increase to 19,190 asf. Resulting spaces are
2,132 asf lecture, 14,187 asf laboratory, 2,210 asf office, and
661 asf library/study. Total estimated project cost is $5,404,000 (CCCI
4100) including preliminary plans ($242,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings
($157,000 of nonstate funds), construction ($4,056,000; $2,516,000 of state
funds and $1,540,000 of nonstate funds), and equipment ($949,000 of nonstate
funds). The amount for construction includes $248,000 for contingency, $268,000
for project administration, and $3,540,000 for construction contracts.
Construction phase is scheduled to begin December 2004 and be completed by December
27. Los
Rios Community College District, Sacramento
City College—Cosmetology
& Graphics Buildings Modernization. The amount of $1,101,000 is
provided for construction for the modernization of the L-shaped Cosmetology and
Graphics/Printing buildings. Building systems including heating/ventilation,
lighting, lab utilities, casework, built-in equipment, and electrical will be upgraded.
Spaces will be reconfigured for enhanced program use, code compliant circulation,
and increased space. The result will be 7,419 asf of remodeled space
consisting of 973 asf office and 6,446 asf laboratory. Total
estimated project cost is $2,557,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans
($94,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($90,000 of nonstate funds),
construction ($1,893,000; $1,101,000 of state funds and $792,000 of nonstate
funds), and equipment ($480,000 of nonstate funds). The amount for construction
includes $113,000 for contingency, $172,000 for project administration, and
$1,608,000 for construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin
December 2004 and be completed by December 2005.
28. Merced
Community College District, Merced College—Science
Building Remodel.
The amount of $11,910,000 is provided for construction and equipment for
26,022 asf remodel and 4,333 asf addition to the Science Building.
Total estimated project cost is $12,958,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary
plans ($451,000), working drawings ($597,000), construction ($11,327,000), and
equipment ($583,000). The amount for construction includes $506,000 for
contingency, $705,000 for project administration, and $10,116,000 for
construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start January 2005 and be
completed by June 2006.
29. Merced
Community College District, Merced College—Learning
Resource Center.
The amount of $9,542,000 is provided for construction for a 52,360 asf
learning resource center comprised of 38,000 asf library, 9,000 asf
AV/TV, 1,160 asf office, 4,000 asf meeting, and 200 asf other
spaces. Total estimated project cost is $18,509,000 (CCCI 4100) including
preliminary plans ($877,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($596,000 of
nonstate funds), construction ($15,731,000; $9,542,000 of state funds and
$6,189,000 of nonstate funds), and equipment ($1,305,000 of nonstate funds).
The amount for construction includes $709,000 for contingency, $833,000 for
project administration, and $14,189,000 for construction contracts.
Construction is scheduled to start October 2004 and be completed by
March 2006.
30. Merced
Community College District, Los
Banos Center—Site
Development and Permanent Facilities. The amount of $10,167,000 is
provided for construction and equipment for the site development and
13,023 asf instructional facilities. The project includes 2,250 asf
lecture, 5,700 asf laboratory, 3,000 asf office and office support,
1,558 asf library/learning resource, and 515 asf AV/TV spaces. Total
estimated project cost is $11,199,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans
($590,000), working drawings ($442,000), construction ($9,188,000), and equipment
($979,000). The amount for construction includes $411,000 for contingency,
$558,000 for project administration, and $8,219,000 for construction contracts.
Construction is scheduled to start January 2005 and be completed by January 2006.
31. Monterey
Peninsula Community College District, Monterey
Peninsula College—Child Development
Center. The
amount of $267,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to
construct a 8,631 asf child development center. The project includes
1,912 asf laboratory, 1,271 asf office, and 5,448 asf of other
child development space. Total estimated project cost is $4,174,000 (CCCI 4100)
including preliminary plans ($124,000), working drawings ($143,000), construction
($3,557,000), and equipment ($350,000). The amount for construction includes
$156,000 for contingency, $273,000 for project administration, and $3,128,000
for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start July 2004
and be completed by October 2004. Working drawings are scheduled to start
October 2004 and be completed by May 2005. Construction is scheduled to start
October 2005 and be completed by March 2007.
32. Mt.
San Antonio Community College District, Mt. San Antonio College—Agriculture
Sciences Complex. The amount of $9,284,000 is provided for preliminary
plans, working drawings, construction, and equipment for a new Agriculture Sciences
building. The 25,776 asf building includes 1,200 asf of classroom,
20,536 asf of laboratory, and 4,040 asf of other space. Total
estimated project cost is $18,568,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans
($720,000; $360,000 of state funds and $360,000 of nonstate funds), working
drawings ($642,000; $321,000 of state funds and $321,000 of nonstate funds),
construction ($16,053,000; $8,027,000 of state funds and $8,026,000 of nonstate
funds), and equipment ($1,153,000; $576,000 of state funds and $577,000 of
nonstate funds). The amount for construction includes $726,000 for contingency,
$801,000 for project administration, and $14,526,000 for construction
contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start August 2004 and be
completed by January 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to start January 2005
and be completed by December 2005. Construction phase is scheduled to begin
January 2006 and be completed by July 2007.
33. Mt.
San Jacinto Community College District, Menifee
Valley Center—Technology Center. The amount of $669,000
is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings for the design of a
25,000 asf technology center. The project includes 4,000 asf lecture
space, 12,000 asf laboratory space, 4,000 asf office and administrative
support space, 2,000 asf library space, 1,000 asf AV/TV space, and
2,000 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $10,915,000 (CCCI
4100) including preliminary plans ($335,000), working drawings ($334,000),
construction ($8,320,000), and equipment ($1,926,000). The amount for
construction includes $374,000 for contingency, $465,000 for project
administration, and $7,481,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans
are scheduled to start August 2004 and be completed by November 2004. Working
drawings are scheduled to start December 2004 and be completed by April 2005.
Construction phase is scheduled to begin November 2005 and be completed by
March 2007.
34. Palo
Verde Community College District, Palo
Verde College—Physical
Education Complex. The amount of $11,768,000 is provided for
construction and equipment for the initial facilities for physical education of
21,583 asf. The project includes 18,223 asf physical education and
3,360 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $12,574,000 (CCCI
4100 or EI 2564) including preliminary plans ($390,000), working drawings
($416,000), construction ($10,940,000), and equipment ($828,000). The amount
for construction includes $492,000 for contingency, $603,000 for project
administration, and $9,845,000 for construction contracts. Construction is
scheduled to start August 2004 and be completed by May 2006.
35. Rancho
Santiago Community College District, Santiago
Canyon College—Science Building. The amount of
$10,972,000 is provided for construction for a new 24,128 asf science
instructional building. The new project creates 3,600 asf of lecture,
15,988 asf of laboratories, 4,320 asf of office, and 220 asf of
library space. Total estimated project cost is $12,564,000 (CCCI 44100 or EI
2564) including preliminary plans ($373,000), working drawings ($400,000),
construction ($10,972,000), and equipment ($819,000). The amount for
construction includes $494,000 for contingency, $604,000 for project administration,
and $9,874,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start
June 2005 and be completed by April 2007.
36. Rio
Hondo Community College District, Rio
Hondo College—Learning
Resource/High Technology Center. The amount of $1,874,000 is provided
for preliminary plans and working drawings for a 65,375 asf learning
resource center. The project includes 6,800 asf laboratory, 1,720 asf
office, 39,325 asf Library, 9,230 asf AV/TV, and 8,300 asf other
space. The project replaces the existing library and expands services thereby
providing individual learning centers, reading, writing, and language labs,
teleconferencing support facilities, and other such services to the college.
Total estimated project cost is $28,685,000 (CCCI 4100 or EI 2564) including
preliminary plans ($966,000), working drawings ($908,000), construction
($22,683,000), and equipment ($4,128,000). The amount for construction includes
$1,027,000 for contingency, $1,124,000 for project administration, and
$20,532,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to
start in August 2004 and be completed in December 2004. Working drawings are
scheduled to start in December 2004 and be completed by September 2005.
Construction is scheduled to start November 2005 and be completed by November 2007.
37. Riverside
Community College District, Riverside City College—Quadrangle Building Modernization. The
amount of $12,554,000 is provided for construction and equipment to modernize
45,110 asf of the existing Quadrangle
Building. Space types to
be modernized include 24,198 asf of lecture space, 5,139 asf of
laboratory space, 10,566 asf of office and administrative support space,
177 asf of library space, and 5,030 asf of other space. Total
estimated project cost is $13,654,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans
($529,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($571,000 of nonstate funds),
construction ($12,187,000 of state funds), and equipment ($367,000 of state
funds). The amount for construction includes $745,000 for contingency,
$672,000 asf for project administration, and $10,770,000 for construction
contracts. Construction is scheduled to start August 2004 and be completed by
February 2006.
38. San
Francisco Community College District, City
College of San Francisco—Joint Use Instructional
Building. The amount of $1,038,000 is provided for preliminary plans
for the design of a 73,155 asf instructional building for programs in
teacher preparation, early childhood education, community health, and other
multi-disciplinary programs. Space types to be constructed include
13,100 asf lecture space, 32,455 asf laboratory space, 8,735 asf
office space, 2,900 asf library space, 1,450 asf AV/TV space, and
14,515 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $39,088,000 (CCCI
4100) including preliminary plans ($1,429,000; $1,038,000 of state funds and
$391,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($1,348,000; $982,000 of state
funds and $366,000 of nonstate funds), construction ($34,252,000; $24,514,000
of state funds and $9,738,000 of nonstate funds), and equipment ($2,059,000;
$859,000 of state funds and $1,200,000 of nonstate funds). The amount for
construction includes $1,558,000 for contingency, $1,604,000 for project
administration, and $31,091,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans
are scheduled to start August 2004 and be completed by June 2005. Working
drawings are scheduled to start June 2005 and be completed by March 2006.
Construction is scheduled to start April 2007 and be completed by
March 2009.
39. San
Francisco Community College District, Chinatown
Center—Campus Building.
The amount of $33,785,000 is provided for construction and equipment to for a
91,170 asf complete campus facility of which 76,980 asf is new
construction and 14,190 asf is reconstruction of existing space. Space
types include 16,000 asf lecture space, 24,360 asf of laboratory
space, 15,750 asf of office and administrative support space,
11,000 asf library space, 1,000 asf AV/TV space, and 23,060 asf
other space. Total estimated project cost is $58,168,000 (CCCI 4100) including
preliminary plans ($2,526,000; $1,334,000 of state funds and $1,192,000 of nonstate
funds), working drawings ($2,054,000; $1,185,000 of state funds and $869,000 of
nonstate funds), construction ($50,455,000; $30,652,000 of state funds;
$19,803,000 of nonstate funds), and equipment ($3,133,000 of state funds). The
amount for construction includes $2,440,000 for contingency, $2,169,000 for project
administration, and $45,559,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled
to start June 2005 and be completed by July 2007.
40. San
Francisco Community College District, John Adams Center—John Adams Modernization.
The amount of $1,932,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings
to modernize 83,786 asf of the existing John Adams Center. Space types to be modernized
include 23,020 asf lecture space, 23,047 asf laboratory space,
12,289 asf office and administrative support space, 138 asf library
space, 864 asf AV/TV space, and 24,428 asf other space. Total estimated
project cost is $29,006,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($931,000
of state funds), working drawings ($1,343,000; $1,001,000 of state funds and
$342,000 of nonstate funds), and construction ($26,732,000; $21,955,000 of
state funds and $4,777,000 of nonstate funds). The amount for construction
includes $2,320,000 for contingency, $1,216,000 for project administration, and
$23,196,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to
start August 2004 and be completed by December 2004. Working drawings are
scheduled to start January 2005 and be completed by June 2005. Construction is
scheduled to start January 2006 and be completed by January 2007.
41. San
Jose—Evergreen Community College District, Evergreen Valley College—Arts
Complex. The amount of $9,624,000 is provided for construction and
equipment for a 42,881 asf Arts Complex. The project will include
1,150 asf of lecture space, 16,498 asf of laboratory space,
2,260 asf of office space, 2,031 asf of AV/TV space, and 20,942 asf
for other uses. Total estimated project cost is $20,462,000 (CCCI 4100)
including preliminary plans ($1,039,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings
($670,000 of nonstate funds), construction ($17,060,000; $7,931,000 of state
funds and $9,129,000 of nonstate funds), and equipment ($1,693,000 of state
funds). The amount for construction includes $773,000 for contingency, $832,000
for project administration, and $15,455,000 for construction contracts. Working
drawings are scheduled to start September 2003 and be completed by July 2004.
Construction phase is scheduled to begin September 2004 and be completed by
March 2006.
42. San
Jose—Evergreen Community College District, San Jose City
College—Applied Sciences Center.
The amount of $4,166,000 is provided for construction and equipment for a new
16,540 asf Applied
Sciences Center.
The project will include 9,100 asf of laboratory space, 1,920 asf of
office space, 1,020 asf library space, and 4,500 asf for other uses.
Total estimated project cost is $8,394,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary
plans ($428,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($277,000 of nonstate
funds), construction ($7,046,000; $3,523,000 of state funds and $3,523,000 of
nonstate funds), and equipment ($643,000 of state funds). The amount for
construction includes $316,000 for contingency, $411,000 for project
administration, and $6,319,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are
scheduled to start December 2003 and be completed by September 2004. Construction
phase is scheduled to begin November 2004 and be completed by March 2006.
43. San
Luis Obispo County Community College District, Cuesta College—Reconstruction
and Add Laboratories. The amount of $560,000 is provided for preliminary
plans and working drawings to reconstruct the existing chemistry and biology
laboratories of 8,730 asf in order to correct health and safety problems.
The project also constructs an additional lab of 2,048 asf consisting of a
greenhouse and lath house. Total estimated project cost is $7,041,000 (CCCI
4100) including preliminary plans ($269,000), working drawings ($291,000),
construction ($6,399,000), and equipment ($55,000). The amount for construction
includes $369,000 for contingency, $449,000 for project administration, and
$5,581,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start
July 2004 and be completed by October 2004. Working drawings are scheduled to
start October 2004 and be completed by May 2005. Construction is scheduled to
start October 2005 and be completed by April 2007.
44. San
Luis Obispo Community College District, North
County Center—Learning Resource Center.
The amount of $10,981,000 is provided for construction and equipment to
construct a 30,050 asf learning resource center. The project includes
5,100 asf lecture, 9,585 asf laboratory, 5,750 asf office,
6,000 asf library, 1,565 asf AV/TV space, and 2,050 asf other
space. Total estimated project cost is $11,683,000 (CCCI 4100 or EI 2564)
including preliminary plans ($341,000), working drawings ($361,000), construction
($9,542,000), and equipment ($1,439,000). The amount for construction includes
$427,000 for contingency, $579,000 for project administration, and $8,536,000
for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start May 2005 and be
completed by August 2007.
45. San
Luis Obispo County Community College District, North County
Center—Technology and
Trades Complex. The amount of $520,000 is provided for preliminary
plans and working drawings for a new 17,480 asf Technology & Trades
Complex at the North
County Center.
The project includes 2,575 asf lecture, 13,450 asf laboratory, and
1,455 asf office space. Total estimated project cost is $7,940,000 (CCCI
4100) including preliminary plans ($254,000), working drawings ($266,000),
construction ($6,671,000), and equipment ($749,000). The amount for
construction includes $296,000 for contingency, $451,000 for project administration,
and $5,924,000 for construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to
start July 2004 and be completed by October 2004. Working drawings are
scheduled to start October 2004 and be completed by May 2005. Construction is
scheduled to start October 2005 and be completed by April 2007.
46. San
Mateo County Community College District, Cañada College,
Library/Learning Resource/Student Services Center. The amount of
$18,920,000 is provided for construction for a 49,258 asf learning
resource center. The project includes 9,836 asf of instructional
laboratories, 10,122 asf of offices, 19,693 asf of library,
6,125 asf of technology, and 3,482 asf of other space. Total
estimated project cost is $27,199,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans
($826,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($1,083,000 of nonstate funds),
construction ($22,038,000; $18,920,000 of state funds and $3,118,000 of
nonstate funds), and equipment ($3,252,000 of state funds). The amount for
construction includes $999,000 for contingency, $1,053,000 for project
administration, and $19,986,000 for construction contracts. Construction phase
is scheduled to begin June 2005 and be completed by December 2006.
47. San
Mateo County Community College District, College of San Mateo,
Student Services Consolidation. The amount of $9,790,000 is provided
for construction for the reconstruction of 60,721 asf in a three-building
complex that consists of the Administration
Building, the Student
Center, and the Student Services
Building. The project in
total will reconstruct 15,409 asf of office, 2,332 asf of Library,
and 42,980 asf of other space. Total estimated project cost is $16,103,000
(CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($529,000 of nonstate funds),
working drawings ($518,000 of nonstate funds), construction ($14,822,000;
$9,790,000 of state funds and $5,032,000 of nonstate funds), and equipment
($234,000 of state funds). The amount for construction includes $918,000 for
contingency, $795,000 for project administration, and $13,109,000 for
construction contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to begin September 2004
and be completed by
August 2005.
48. Santa
Barbara Community College District, Santa Barbara
City College—High Technology
Center. The
amount of $1,400,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to
develop the construction documents for a new high technology center to house
the 41,490 asf
School of Media Arts. The
project includes 5,356 asf lecture classrooms, 11,015 asf class labs,
4,178 asf office, 3,694 asf library space, 11,130 asf AV/TV
studios, and 6,117 asf other spaces. Total estimated project cost is
$20,963,000 (CCCI 4100 or EI 2564) including preliminary plans ($707,000),
working drawings ($693,000), construction ($17,262,000), and equipment
($2,031,000). The amount for construction includes $781,000 for contingency,
$855,000 for project administration, and $15,626,000 for construction
contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start in August 2004 and be completed
in December 2004. Working drawings are scheduled to start in December 2004 and
be completed by November 2005. Construction is scheduled to start December 2005
and be completed by June 2006.
49. Santa
Clarita Community College District, College of the Canyons—Laboratory
Expansion. The amount of $7,721,000 is provided for construction and
equipment to construct a 32,403 asf addition to the existing laboratory
center. Space types include 4,969 asf lecture space, 24,800 asf laboratory
space, 834 asf office and administrative support space, and 1,800 asf
other spaces. Total estimated project cost is $15,442,000 (CCCI 4100) including
preliminary plans ($457,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($509,000 of
nonstate funds), construction ($12,720,000; $5,965,000 of state funds and
$6,755,000 of nonstate funds), and equipment ($1,756,000 of state funds). The
amount for construction includes $11,504,000 for construction contracts,
$575,000 for contingency, and $641,000 for project administration. Construction
is scheduled to start December 2004 and be completed by March 2006.
50. Sequoias
Community College District, College of the Sequoias—Physical Education and Disabled Program Center.
The amount of $6,576,000 is provided for construction and equipment for a regulation-sized
20,535 asf gymnasium with locker and support spaces, 6,360 asf
remodel of the existing gymnasium for PE studios, disabled physical therapy and
office spaces, and a 1,794 asf addition onto the existing gym for a
disabled program center. Total estimated project cost is $7,169,000 (CCCI 4100)
including preliminary plans ($214,000; $211,000 of state funds and $3,000 of
nonstate funds), working drawings ($297,000; $294,000 of state funds and $3,000
of nonstate funds), construction ($6,406,000; $6,327,000 of state funds and
$79,000 of nonstate funds), and equipment ($252,000; $249,000 of state funds
and $3,000 of nonstate funds). The amount for construction includes $310,000
for contingency, $393,000 for project administration, and $5,703,000 for
construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start March 2005 and
be completed by September 2006.
51. Sequoias
Community College District, College of the Sequoias—Old Library Reconstruction,
Second Floor. The amount of $2,534,000 is provided for construction for
the renovation of the Old Library building for lecture and office spaces. The
scope modernizes 5,168 asf lecture and 975 asf office spaces on the
second floor, and addresses code deficiencies. Total estimated project cost is
$2,789,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($130,000 of nonstate
funds), working drawings ($125,000 of nonstate funds), construction
($2,525,000), and equipment ($9,000). The amount for construction includes
$153,000 for contingency, $187,000 for project administration and $2,185,000
for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start October 2004 and
be completed by June 2005.
52. Sierra
Joint Community College District, Sierra
Classroom/Labs. The amount of $14,933,000 is provided for construction
of a 38,852 asf classroom/laboratory building. The project includes
6,440 asf lecture, 25,620 asf laboratory, 5,592 asf office, and
1,200 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $17,415,000 (CCCI
4100) including preliminary plans ($734,000), working drawings ($567,000),
construction ($14,933,000), and equipment ($2,482,000). The amount for construction
includes $675,000 for contingency, $757,000 for project administration, and
$13,501,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start
January 2005 and be completed by July 2006.
53. Sonoma
County Community College District, Petaluma
Center—Petaluma Center
Phase 2. The amount of $26,121,000 is provided for construction and
equipment for 85,370 asf of instructional facilities and renovates
25,422 asf of existing facilities. Space types for construction and
renovation include 6,700 asf lecture, 26,657 asf laboratory,
19,694 asf office, 20,668 asf library, 3,045 asf AV/TV space,
and 34,028 asf of other space types. Total estimated project cost is
$47,575,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($1,387,000; $850,000 of
state funds and $537,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($1,702,000:
$816,000 of state funds and $886,000 of nonstate funds), construction
($38,948,000; $21,649,000 of state funds and $17,299,000 of nonstate funds),
and equipment ($5,538,000; $4,472,000 of state funds and $1,066,000 of nonstate
funds). The amount for construction includes $1,763,000 for contingencies,
$1,931,000 for project administration, and $35,254,000 for construction
contracts. Construction phase is scheduled to start April 2005 and be completed
by August 2007.
54. Sonoma
County Community College District, Santa
Rosa Jr. College—Plover
Library Conversion. The amount of $270,000 is provided for preliminary
plans and working drawings for modernization and conversion of the existing
Plover library into a student services center. Space types to be modernized
include 23,614 asf of office and administrative support space and
2,604 asf of other space. Total estimated project cost is $6,319,000 (CCCI
4100) including preliminary plans ($276,000; $138,000 of state funds; $138,000
of nonstate funds), working drawings ($264,0000; $132,000 of state funds and
$131,000 of nonstate funds), and construction ($5,780,000; $2,890,000 of state
funds and $2,890,000 of nonstate funds). The amount for construction includes
$348,000 contingencies, $346,000 for project administration, and $5,086,000 for
construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2004 and
be completed by January 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to begin February
2005 and be completed by December 2005. Construction is scheduled to begin
February 2006 and be completed by January 2007.
55. South
Orange County Community College District, Irvine
Valley College—Business
Technology and Innovation
Center. The
amount of $12,475,000 is provided for preliminary plans, working drawings,
construction, and equipment for a new business technology and innovation
facility. The 34,820 asf building consists of 6,300 asf lecture,
14,450 asf laboratory, 2,100 asf office, 7,290 asf library,
2,000 asf AV/TV, and 2,680 meeting and conference spaces. Total estimated
project cost is $15,348,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($496,000;
$310,000 state funds and $186,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings
($505,000), construction ($11,362,000; $9,175,000 state funds and $2,187,000 nonstate
funds), and equipment ($2,985,000; $2,485,000 state funds and $500,000 nonstate
funds). The amount for construction includes $510,000 for contingency, $659,000
for project administration, and $10,193,000 for construction contracts.
Construction is scheduled to start April 2006 and be completed by August 2007.
56. State
Center Community College District, Fresno
City College—Applied
Technology Modernization. The amount of $11,617,000 is provided for
construction and equipment for the applied technology facilities’ modernization
resulting in 93,515 asf. Total estimated project cost is $12,579,000 (CCCI
4100) including preliminary plans ($469,000), working drawings ($493,000),
construction ($10,933,000), and equipment ($684,000). The amount for
construction includes $677,000 for contingency, $588,000 for project
administration, and $9,668,000 for construction contracts. Construction is
scheduled to start January 2005 and be completed by January 2006.
57. State
Center Community College District, Fresno
City College—Student
Services Building Remodel. The amount of $321,000 is provided for
preliminary plans and working drawings for the modernization of the Student Services Building.
The renovation will result in 514 asf lecture, 16,485 asf office,
973 asf library, 384 asf meeting, 125 asf data processing, and
1,129 asf other. Total estimated project cost is $3,657,000 (CCCI 4100)
including preliminary plans ($138,000), working drawings ($183,000), and
construction ($3,336,000). The amount for construction includes $134,000 for
contingency, $318,000 for project administration, and $2,884,000 for
construction contracts. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2004 and
be completed by January 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to begin February
2005 and be completed by December 2005. Construction is scheduled to start November
2005 and be completed by January 2007.
58. State
Center Community College District, Willow
International Center—Academic
Facilities & Site Development, Phase I. The amount of $34,684,000
is provided for construction for off- and on-site development and first phase
of permanent facilities. The 53,394 asf building consists of
9,959 asf lecture, 21,895 asf laboratory, 7,748 asf office,
2,201 asf library, 802 asf AV/TV, and 10,789 asf other spaces.
Total estimated project cost is $41,111,000 (CCCI 4100) including preliminary
plans ($905,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($1,606,000 of nonstate
funds), construction ($34,684,000), and equipment ($3,916,000). The amount for
construction includes $1,553,000 for contingency, $2,062,000 for project
administration, and $31,069,000 for construction contracts. Construction is
scheduled to start March 2005 and be completed by April 2007.
59. Ventura
County Community College District, Moorpark
College—Reconstruction of Library Building. The amount of
$2,956,000 is provided for the reconstruction and equipment of the library
space vacated by the completion of a new library so it can be converted into
14,551 asf of instructional space with 11,001 asf of general-purpose
lecture rooms, 3,200 asf of multidiscipline laboratory rooms, and
350 asf of computer processing space. The new laboratories will serve as a
learning center. It also enables the removal of 10,257 asf of lecture
space now in trailers. Total estimated project cost is $3,918,000 (CCCI 4100) including
preliminary plans ($122,000 of nonstate funds), working drawings ($137,000 of
nonstate funds), construction ($3,028,000; $2,534,000 of state funds and
$494,000 of nonstate funds), and equipment ($631,000; $422,000 of state funds
and $209,000 of nonstate funds). The amount for construction includes $177,000
for contingency, $317,000 for project administration, and $2,534,000 for
construction contracts. Preliminary plans were started March 2004 and will
be completed by June 2004. Working drawings will be started July 2004 and will
be completed by November 2004. Construction is scheduled to start December 2004
and be completed by June 2006.
60. Ventura
County Community College District, Ventura
College—Communication Building
Modernization (Bldg. F). The amount of $117,000 is provided for preliminary
plans and working drawings for the reconstruction of an 8,338 asf building
that will convert it into 6,716 asf of commercial art, journalism and photography
instructional labs, 720 asf of offices, and 902 asf of conference
rooms. Total estimated project cost is $1,421,000 (CCCI 4100) including
preliminary plans ($65,000), working drawings ($52,000), construction
($1,075,000), and equipment ($229,000). The amount for construction includes
$61,000 for contingency, $98,000 for project administration, and $916,000 for
construction contracts. Preliminary plans will be started July 2004 and will be
completed by January 2005. Working drawings will be started February 2005
and will be completed by October 2005. Construction is scheduled to start
November 2005 and be completed by August 2006.
61. Victor
Valley Community College District, Victor
Valley College—Seismic
Replacement, Auxiliary Gym. The amount of $244,000 is provided for
preliminary plans and working drawings to develop the construction documents
for a replacement auxiliary gymnasium to meet the building code requirements
for structural safety. The project constructs an 11,394 asf physical
education instructional building with 482 asf lecture, 680 asf
office, and 10,232 asf other space for physical education activities.
Total estimated project cost is $3,402,000 (CCCI 4100 or EI 2564)
including preliminary plans ($161,000), working drawings ($125,000), and
construction ($3,116,000). The amount for construction includes $138,000 for contingency,
$220,000 for project administration, and $2,758,000 for construction contracts.
Preliminary plans are scheduled to start in July 2004 and be completed in
January 2005. Working drawings are scheduled to start in January 2005 and be
completed in March 2006. Construction is scheduled to start May 2006 and
be completed by May 2007.
62. Victor
Valley Community College District, Victor
Valley College—Speech/Drama
Studio Addition. The amount of $8,884,000 is provided for construction
and equipment for a 20,563 asf addition to a performing arts center. The
project plans the construction of 7,753 asf of laboratories,
1,281 asf of office, and 11,529 asf of assembly and other spaces.
Total estimated project cost is $9,475,000 (CCCI 4100 or EI 2564) including
preliminary plans ($300,000), working drawings ($291,000), construction
($7,903,000), and equipment ($981,000). The amount for construction includes
$353,000 for contingency, $489,000 for project administration, and $7,061,000
for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start May 2005 and be
completed May 2007.
63. West
Kern Community College District, Taft College—Child
Development Center.
The amount of $2,501,000 is provided for construction and equipment for a
6,719 asf Child
Development Building.
The project includes 1,135 asf office, 4,432 asf demonstration, and
1,152 asf storage space. Total estimated project cost is $3,019,000 (CCCI
4100) including preliminary plans ($121,000), working drawings ($100,000),
construction ($2,581,000; $2,284,000 of state funds and $297,000 of nonstate
funds), and equipment ($217,000). The amount for construction includes $114,000
for contingency, $182,000 for project administration, and $2,285,000 for construction
contracts. Construction is scheduled to start August 2004 and be completed by
June 2005.
64. West
Kern Community College District, Taft
College—Remodel for
Efficiency. The amount of $7,350,000 is provided for construction and
equipment for the remodeling and expanding the Library and remodeling of the
Administration building. The project consists of 14,340 asf of new
construction and 16,442 asf of reconstruction, including 17,407 asf
of library space, 11,198 asf of office space, 1,220 asf of AV/TV space,
and 957 asf for other uses. Total estimated project cost is $8,166,000
(CCCI 4100) including preliminary plans ($332,000 of nonstate funds), working
drawings ($314,000 of nonstate funds), construction ($7,122,000; $6,952,000 of
state funds and $170,000 of nonstate funds), and equipment ($398,000 of state
funds). The amount for construction includes $386,000 for contingency, $397,000
for project administration, and $6,339,000 for construction contracts.
Construction phase is scheduled to begin August 2004 and be completed by
September 2005.
65. West
Valley-Mission Community College District, West
Valley College—Campus Technology
Center. The
amount of $8,115,000 is provided for construction for a 20,195 asf
technology-based instructional building. The project plans the construction of
20,195 asf of computer laboratory space. Total estimated project cost is
$11,931,000 (CCCI 4100 or EI 2564) including preliminary plans ($483,000),
working drawings ($308,000), construction ($8,115,000), and equipment ($3,025,000).
The amount for construction includes $364,000 for contingency, $465,000 for
project administration, and $7,286,000 for construction contracts. Construction
is scheduled to start May 2005 and be completed by October 2006.
66. Yosemite
Community College District, Modesto
Junior College—Auditorium
Renovation/Expansion. The amount of $12,450,000 is provided for
construction and equipment for the 21,661 asf renovation and
14,348 asf addition to the auditorium. Total estimated project cost is
$13,476,000 (CCCI 4019) including preliminary plans ($436,000), working
drawings ($590,000), construction ($11,913,000), and equipment ($537,000). The
amount for construction includes $645,000 for contingency, $646,000 for project
administration, and $10,622,000 for construction contracts. Construction is
scheduled to start April 2005 and be completed by October 2006.
67. Yuba
Community College District, Yuba
College—Engineering, Math
and Science Remodel. The amount of $7,651,000 is provided for
construction and equipment for the reconstruction of the engineering, math, and
science complex of 24,426 asf. The project includes 4,161 asf
lecture, 15,971 asf laboratory, 2,423 asf office, and 1,871 asf
other space. Total estimated project cost is $8,336,000 (CCCI 4100 or EI 2564)
including preliminary plans ($393,000), working drawings ($292,000), construction
($6,569,000), and equipment ($1,082,000). The amount for construction includes
$393,000 for contingency, $422,000 for project administration, and $5,754,000
for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start April 2005 and
be completed by November 2006.
68. Yuba
Community College District, Woodland
Center—Learning Resource/Technology
Center. The amount of $21,057,000 is provided for construction and
equipment for the construction of a learning and technology center of
51,959 asf. The project includes 3,865 asf lecture, 16,638 asf
laboratory, 8,515 asf office, 13,531 asf library, 3,695 asf
AV/TV, and 5,715 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $22,965,000
(CCCI 4100 or EI 2564) including preliminary plans ($1,231,000), working
drawings ($677,000), construction ($17,766,000), and equipment ($3,291,000).
The amount for construction includes $806,000 for contingency, $877,000 for
project administration, and $16,083,000 for construction contracts.
Construction is scheduled to start May 2005 and be completed by November 2006.
1. Relocation:
Truckee Agriculture Inspection Station.
The budget provides $6,412,000 for working drawings ($86,000) and construction
($6,326,000) for an agricultural inspection station. Project consists of a
8,375 gsf inspection structure and a stand-alone 6,840 gsf truck
inspection station and detention building. An additional $12,824,000 for
construction is provided by Item 85703010660. Working drawings
are scheduled to begin July 2004 and be completed by August 2004. Construction
is scheduled to begin March 2005 and be completed by November 2006.
1. Hawaii
Medfly Rearing Facility Renovation. The amount of $416,000 is provided
for preliminary plans ($11,000), working drawings ($33,000), and construction
($372,000) for renovations at the existing Medfly Rearing Facility. These
renovations include alterations to the heating, cooling, humidification, and
ventilation systems needed to increase the yields of sterile tsl strain of
Mediterranean Fruit Fly. The amount for construction (CCCI 4100) includes
$239,000 for construction contracts, $17,000 for contingency, and $160,000 for
project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2004 and
be completed by December 2004. Working drawings are scheduled to begin January
2005 and be completed by June 2005. Construction is scheduled to begin November
2005 and be completed by October 2006.
1. Relocation:
Truckee Agriculture Inspection Station.
The budget provides $12,824,000 for construction for an agricultural inspection
station. Project consists of a 8,375 gsf inspection structure and a
stand-alone 6,840 gsf truck inspection station and detention building.
Total project cost is $20,545,000 including study ($100,000), acquisition
($439,000), preliminary plans ($237,000), working drawings ($619,000), and
construction ($19,150,000). The amount for construction (CCCI 4100) includes
$16,798,000 for construction contracts, $840,000 for contingency, and $749,000
for project administration. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2004
and be completed by August 2004. Construction is scheduled to begin
March 2005 and be completed by November 2006.
1. Santa Ana
Replacement Armory. By December 1, 2004, the Military Department shall
report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the chairs of the legislative
budget committees on the status of relocating the Santa Ana armory to a new
site, including how the relocation fits in with the department's long-term
capital development plan and the availability of federal construction funds;
any potential force structure issues raised by this relocation; and an estimate
of the cost of relocating the armory in Orange County, including costs
associated with acquiring the site, constructing the new armory, and transition
2. Bakersfield New
Armory. The amount of $5,004,000 is provided for construction and
equipment costs for this project from the General Fund. The total amount for the
project is $11,415,000 (CCCI 4100) and includes funds for preliminary plans
($302,000), working drawings ($604,000), construction ($10,389,000), and equipment
($120,000) for a new 52,000 gsf multistory armory constructed with masonry
walls, concrete floors, and metal roofing. The project includes all mechanical,
electrical, telecommunications, security equipment, furnishings, and pre-wired
workstations and construction of an unheated storage building. The amount for
construction includes $439,000 for project administration, $9,464,000 for
construction contracts, and $486,000 for contingency. Preliminary plans were
started with federal funding and will be complete in July 2004. Working drawings
will start in July 2004 and will be complete in September 2004. Construction is
scheduled to begin in December 2004 and be completed in March 2006.
3. Roseville
Armory Addition/Alteration. The amount of $411,000 (CCCI 4100) is
provided for this project from the General Fund. These funds will provide working
drawings to renovate the existing 18,600 gsf facility and construct a
19,000 gsf addition. The total estimated project cost is $5,699,000
including $202,000 for preliminary plans, $411,000 for working drawings in the
current year and a future cost of $5,086,000 for construction and equipment.
The amount for construction (CCCI 4100) includes $4,344,000 for construction
contracts, $217,000 for contingency, $275,000 for project administration, and
$250,000 for equipment. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin in July 2004
using federal funds and will be completed in October 2004. Working drawings are
scheduled to begin in November 2004 and be completed by June 2005. Construction
is currently scheduled to begin in November 2005 and be completed in October
1. Bakersfield New
Armory. The budget includes $6,411,000 of federal funds for this
project. This amount is available to fully fund preliminary plans and working
drawings and share in the cost of construction and equipment.
2. Roseville
Armory Addition/Alteration. The budget includes $202,000 of federal
funds to fully pay for the preliminary plans for this project.