Consumer Affairs (1110-1600)
The Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) is responsible for promoting consumer protection while supporting a fair and competitive marketplace. The
department includes 28 semiautonomous regulatory boards and nine bureaus and programs that regulate various professions. The nine bureaus and
programs are statutorily under the direct control of the department. The 28 regulatory boards are administered by appointed consumer and industry
Expenditures for the support of the department and its constituent boards are expected to total $360 million in 1999-00, a $524,000 decrease from the
current year. Included in the total are $761,000 in expenditures from the General Fund for support of the Athletic Commission--a $2,000 increase from the
current year.
During 1998-99 budget hearings, one of the most contentious departmental issues was the Smog Check program administered by the DCA's Bureau of
Automotive Repair. Below, we discuss the program's main components and related budget-year proposals.
Overview of the Smog Check Program
The original framework for a statewide biennial Smog Check program was implemented in 1984 by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. Under this
program, both smog (emission) testing and needed vehicle repairs were permitted at any privately owned smog test-and-repair station.
The 1990 federal Clean Air Act amendments required a somewhat different smog program in states with the worst air quality, including California.
Federal regulations define a region's air quality in one of two ways:
- A geographic area that meets or exceeds a national ambient air quality standard is referred to as an attainment area. An area that does not meet this
standard is a nonattainment area. These nonattainment areas are the focus of the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Under the 1990 act, the EPA mandated a centralized, state-owned smog check program. Under this scenario virtually all vehicles would have been initially
tested at a state-owned test-only facility. Any vehicle failing the test would go to a second facility to be repaired and then, back to the test-only facility to
be retested. If the vehicle failed the retest, the process would then begin again with the vehicle traveling back and forth between the test and repair
California negotiated with the federal government to adopt a modified program. This alternative program focuses on the highest polluting vehicles but is
intended to be less cumbersome to the customer. The Smog Check program components as agreed to by California and the federal government are laid out
in the State Implementation Plan (SIP).
The SIP was adopted by the Legislature in 1994 and approved by the federal EPA in 1996. The SIP divides California into three types of program areas
based on air quality--enhanced, basic, and change of ownership. The smog test required varies by area (see Figure 1).
In addition to the requirements in the SIP, the bureau administers several smog-related
programs that have been adopted by the Legislature. These other nonmandated programs are the Low-Income Repair Assistance Program (LIRAP) and the
Voluntary Retirement Program (VRP). The state's Smog Check program is funded from two funds--the Vehicle Inspection Repair Fund (VIRF) and the
High Polluter Repair and Removal Account (HPRRA). The VIRF funds the SIP-mandated program and the HPRRA funds the other programs. A
discussion of the separate elements of the state's Smog Check program and our recommendations for legislative action follows.
SIP-Mandated Components
The SIP-mandated program includes the smog testing and repair stations as well as the bureau's administrative activities (such as enforcement staff,
technician licensing, remote sensing, public relations, and general administration). The 1999-00 Governor's Budget proposes $71 million from the VIRF
for the bureau's activities related to the SIP.
In addition to the bureau, two other state entities, the Inspection and Maintenance Review Committee and the Air Resources Board, have responsibilities
under the SIP. Both these entities monitor the progress of the bureau in implementing the SIP and the overall effectiveness of the program in bringing
California into compliance with federal air standards.
Is California on Track to Meet Clean Air Requirements?
We recommend the Legislature not approve the requested $71 million for the Smog Check program until the bureau reports to the Legislature on the
status of the program and whether it is still on track for meeting the requirements of the State Implementation Plan as agreed to by the state and the
federal Environmental Protection Agency. Since the Air Resources Board and the Inspection and Maintenance Review Committee are both
responsible for monitoring the Smog Check program, we recommend that each provide the Legislature its assessment of the program as well.
To monitor California's performance, the SIP includes performance standards and deadlines for implementation of key SIP components. Essentially, the
SIP calls for entire state to meet federal air quality standards by 2010.
California agreed to have its complete program in place by December 31, 1997. However, some components of the program have been amended by state
statute, others were not implemented by the December deadline, and still others had not been implemented at the time this Analysis was written.
The major program elements of the SIP are discussed below, along with the status of how the state has responded to the SIP requirements. Figure 2
provides a glossary of common smog check terms.
Figure 2 |
Smog Check Program: Common Terms |
Vehicle. Most gasoline powered automobiles and light-duty trucks must undergo a smog check
biennially, at the time of registration. The major exemptions to this requirement are vehicles four model
years old or newer and pre-1974 vehicles. In addition, most out-of-state vehicles registered in California
for the first time must undergo a smog check. Currently, approximately 14 million vehicles are subject to
the Smog Check program. |
State Implementation Plan (SIP). Smog Check program agreement between California and the federal
Environmental Protection Agency. |
Gross Polluting Vehicle. A vehicle that emits excessive amounts (three to ten times the allowable rate)
of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, or oxides of nitrogen. Gross polluting vehicles represent only about
15 percent of the vehicles in California but are responsible for more than half of the smog produced by
vehicles. |
High Emitter Profile (HEP). Database of vehicles and associated information on vehicle make, model,
and emissions. Data are used to compose "profiles" of vehicles most likely to be gross polluters. |
Low Emitter Profile (LEP). Same database as used to compile HEPs. However, in this instance the data
are used to profile vehicles with low emissions--that is, "clean" cars. |
Remote Sensing. Device that uses an infrared beam to scan a vehicle's exhaust to test for pollutants. |
Dynamometer. Treadmill-like machine used to test vehicles in enhanced areas. Most closely simulates
actual driving conditions and can test for all three smog components--hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide,
and oxides of nitrogen. |
BAR-90 Test. Smog test used in basic and change-of-ownership areas. Tests only for hydrocarbons and
carbon monoxide, using a two-speed idle test and tail pipe sensor. |
Smog Test Stations
The SIP requires California to implement a hybrid testing program that includes test-only stations and the conventional test and repair stations. The
California system includes four station designations:
- Test-Only stations can only perform smog tests.
- Gold Shield Certification stations can test, repair, and retest all vehicles.
- Gold Shield Guaranteed Repair stations can test and repair vehicles. These stations also guarantee repairs on gross polluting vehicles.
- Test and Repair stations can test, repair, and retest vehicles--but cannot retest gross polluting vehicles. (A gross polluter must go to a test-only station
to have the final test conducted.)
Status of Smog Test Stations. The major change resulting from the SIP was establishing the test-only network. Under the SIP, the test-only network of
stations was to begin in 1995 and a percent of vehicles, as determined by the bureau, in the enhanced areas were to be sent to test-only stations. The
network did not begin until September 1998. Currently about 15 percent of the vehicles in enhanced areas of the state are directed to test-only stations.
Remote Sensing
The SIP requires an on-road testing program using remote sensing devices. The program is designed to monitor vehicles as they are driven on the state
highways. According to the SIP, the sensing units would be set up at various points throughout the enhanced areas. If a vehicle driving past the sensing
unit was tested as gross polluting, the vehicle would be pulled to the roadside and tested using a BAR-90 machine. If the BAR-90 test confirmed that the
vehicle was a "gross polluter" the vehicle owner would be required to repair the vehicle and pass a smog test.
In addition, the data compiled from this program was to be incorporated into the high- and low-emitter profiles. The bureau was to use the high-emitter
profile to direct vehicles to the test-only stations for the biennial test and use the low-emitter profile to exempt vehicles from the biennial test.
Status of Remote Sensing. During 1996, the bureau conducted an on-road testing pilot program. The program did not require that the vehicle undergo a
BAR-90 test. The bureau has not been operating any remote sensing devices for the past two years in part because the bureau was not satisfied with the
device accuracy from the pilot program. The bureau is currently using the high-emitter profile to direct vehicles to test-only stations but has not used the
low-emitter profile.
Oxides of Nitrogen
Under the SIP, the program in the enhanced areas must test for three different pollutants: carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and oxides of nitrogen (NOx).
The NOx is a key component of smog and ozone formation. Therefore, reducing NOx emissions is crucial to meeting the federal air quality requirements.
Status of Testing for NOx. Testing for NOx was to be implemented by December 31, 1997. However, the testing was delayed until September 1998.
Also, once NOx testing began, the level at which a vehicle would fail was set very high to avoid failing a large number of vehicles. We understand the
bureau is gradually adjusting the failure points toward the level necessary to meet the federal requirements.
Annual Testing
The SIP requires annual testing of gross polluters and vehicles that are found to have tampered emission systems. Most other vehicles are tested biennially
when registering with the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Status of Annual Testing. The authority for the bureau to require annual tests was repealed.
Legislature Needs Update on Program
Based on the discussion above, we believe the bureau, in conjunction with the Air Resources Board and Inspection and Maintenance Review Committee,
should report to the Legislature on the status of the Smog Check program and whether the program is still on track for meeting the requirements of the
SIP. Further, we recommend the Legislature not approve funding for these elements of the Smog Check program until this information is received and
Non-SIP Program Components
We withhold recommendation on the $62 million and 91 personnel- years for the Low-Income Repair Assistance and Voluntary Retirement programs
pending receipt and review of an evaluation report.
The non-SIP program consists of two legislative initiatives--the LIRAP and the VRP. These programs are funded from the HPPRA. This account is funded
by revenue received from the smog impact fee--a $300 fee paid when an out of state vehicle is registered in California for the first time. The 1999-00
Governor's Budget proposes $62 million from the HPRRA for these programs. The bureau is planning to submit evaluation reports for both programs
prior to budget hearings.
The LIRAP. Chapter 804, Statutes of 1997 (AB 57, Escutia) authorizes the bureau to offer a repair-assistance program to qualifying low-income
motorists. The program was established to provide state-funded repair assistance to certain vehicle owners. The program began in a test region
(Sacramento County) in November 1998. Vehicle owners must meet the following criteria to be eligible for participation in this program:
- California vehicle owners at or below 175 percent of federal poverty.
- Vehicle has failed a biennial smog check.
- Vehicle owner has contributed at least $250 toward repairs.
If the vehicle owner meets the above criteria the state will contribute up to an additional $450 towards the necessary repairs.
At the time this Analysis was written, three motorists had participated in the LIRAP. The bureau was planning to expand into the San Diego and Los
Angeles areas by February 1, 1999 and statewide by Spring 1999.
The VRP. The VRP was authorized by Chapter 28, Statutes of 1994 (SB 198, Kopp). This program provides vehicle owners with another option if their
vehicle fails its biennial smog check and is a gross polluter. That is, the state will pay participants up to $450 to retire their vehicle. Essentially if a vehicle
owner decides to participate in the VRP, the vehicle is sold to a private scrap dealer and must be scrapped. There are no income restrictions on VRP
participation. The VRP began statewide in November 1998. At the time this Analysis was written, program data were not available.
We withhold recommendation on the $62 million requested for these programs pending receipt and review of the bureau's evaluation reports.
Remote Sensing Funding and Transfers
We recommend the Legislature not approve any funding for remote sensing until the bureau provides (1) an accounting of the current-year remote
sensing appropriation and (2) a complete plan for the uses of and schedule for remote sensing.
In our 1998-99 Analysis (see page G-26) we raised issue with the bureau's continual budget redirections from remote sensing to other uses and the time
frame for implementing remote sensing. The Legislature partially addressed that concern by scheduling (under Provision 1 of the budget act item) the
remote sensing appropriation for the current year and adopting supplemental report language specifying the purpose of the remote sensing program.
However, the bureau does not have any remote sensing units in operation and does not plan to have any in operation until the budget year. Despite this, the
Governor's budget indicates that the entire current-year appropriation ($5.3 million) will be spent. If the bureau is not implementing remote sensing, it
should provide a detailed accounting of those funds. In addition, the bureau needs to provide the Legislature with a detailed plan for the uses of and
schedule for implementation of remote sensing. We recommend the Legislature not approve any funding for remote sensing until this information is
received and reviewed.
Bureau Enforcement Program
We recommend the bureau provide information regarding the enforcement activity (such as undercover audits and licensee investigations) it currently
performs. This information should include a discussion of the bureau's assessment of the necessary level of enforcement and justification for the
requested 20 percent increase.
The bureau investigates and enforces violations of the Smog Check program by motorists and licensed stations and technicians. One of the tools it uses is
covert performance audits of smog check stations and technicians. Similar to remote sensing, the enforcement appropriation was scheduled in the 1998-99
Budget Act. The Governor's budget proposes $17.9 million for enforcement, a 20 percent increase over the current-year appropriation. We recommend the
bureau provide information regarding the enforcement activity (such as undercover audits and licensee investigations) it currently performs. This
information should include a discussion of the bureau's assessment of the necessary level of enforcement and a justification for the requested increase.
Legislative Oversight and Program Accountability
We recommend the Legislature add separate items to the budget bill for the Smog Check program appropriations, including the Low-Income Repair
Assistance and Voluntary Repair Program, to enhance legislative oversight and improve visibility and accountability of the programs.
The bureau's funding from both the VIRF and HPRRA was scheduled in the 1998-99 Budget Act. However, this schedule is not provided in the 1999-00
Budget Bill. Instead the appropriations from these two funds are shown as lump-sum amounts and are then transferred, with appropriations from several
other funds, to the DCA under the DCA Fund.
Consistent with legislative action last year to improve oversight and accountability of the program, we recommend that the Legislature add new items to
the budget bill for the programs. Because the two funds are available exclusively for the various components of the Smog Check program, the
appropriations should be kept separate from the department's other appropriations and the current authority to transfer the schedule should be deleted.
Therefore, we recommend the Legislature add items 1111-001-0421 and 1111-001-0582 to the budget bill. Once the budget committees have taken action
on the bureau's budget, we will develop the item schedules to reflect those actions.
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (2100)
The Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), established by constitutional amendment in 1954, administers the Alcoholic Beverage Control
Act. Under the act, the ABC has the exclusive authority, in accordance with laws enacted by the Legislature, to license and regulate the manufacture, sale,
purchase, possession and transportation of alcoholic beverages in California, and to collect licensing fees. The ABC also has the authority to deny,
suspend, and revoke licenses.
The Governor's budget proposes $33.3 million for support of the ABC in 1999-00 from the ABC Fund ($32.1 million) and reimbursements ($1.2 million).
Included in this amount is $1.5 million for local assistance which is the same as the current year. In total, the proposed budget is less than a 1 percent
ABC Fund Condition
We recommend the Legislature enact legislation allowing the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to increase license fees to sustain current
enforcement levels and avoid budgetary shortfalls.
The Alcohol Beverage Control Fund receives revenues from 61 different types of manufacturer, importer, retail, and wholesale liquor licenses. The ABC
currently monitors over 70,000 licensees. Estimated net revenues to the fund in 1999-00 are $31.1 million.
Based on current-year and proposed budget-year expenditures and revenues, the ABC Fund will end the budget year with approximately $2.7 million in
reserve. This represents approximately one month's operating expenses for ABC. This is substantially less than the $8 million that would be needed to
maintain what is usually considered to be a prudent special fund reserve of three months' operating costs. Furthermore, by 2001-02 the amount in the fund
will not cover the department's projected expenditures.
Consequently, based on current revenue and ABC enforcement activities the department needs either to (1) increase operating revenue or (2) reduce
expenditures to remain solvent in future years. The Legislature has recently acted to increase the department's enforcement activities. If the Legislature
wants to sustain this level of activity, then license fees will have to be increased.
History of ABC License Fees. The license fee revenue deposited in the ABC Fund is the total of a base license fee established in 1955 and four increases
since 1955:
In 1978--a 10 percent surcharge to account for inflation.
- In 1983--a 6 percent surcharge to pay for administrative hearings.
- Also in 1983--a 3 percent surcharge to fund the Alcoholic Appeals Board. These funds go directly to the board and are not available to the ABC. In
1991--a $5 assessment against most licensees was added to fund designated driver education programs under the California Highway Patrol. These
funds are used exclusively by the highway patrol.
Figure 1 depicts the current license fee schedule for the nine ABC license categories that represent 94 percent of all ABC licensees. The fees are paid on
an annual basis and are the same for original and renewal licenses.
Fee Adjustment. The ABC, as a regulatory agency, is appropriately funded by industry fees. Periodically, regulatory agencies must evaluate their fee
schedule and adjust fees upward (for example, to account for inflationary pressures and new budget initiatives) or downward (for example, when a fund
balance gets too high). In the ABC's case, operating costs have increased because of inflation and increased enforcement activities yet the license fees have
not kept pace with these costs. As discussed above, these fees have not been adjusted for inflation since 1978. To illustrate the impact of that on the
department, we estimate that if license fees were adjusted solely to reflect inflation since 1978, the department currently would have about $54 million in
additional revenues.
Figure 1 |
Alcoholic Beverage Control
Selected License Fees |
License Type |
Base Fee
Amount |
Total Increase
Since 1955 |
Total |
Beer and wine wholesaler |
$56 |
$16 |
$72 |
Retail package off-sale beer and wine |
24 |
10 |
34 |
Retail package off-sale general |
350 |
72 |
422 |
On-sale beer |
168 |
37 |
205 |
On-sale beer and wine |
168 |
37 |
205 |
On-sale beer and wine--public premise |
168 |
37 |
205 |
On-sale general license--eating placea |
360-580 |
74-115 |
434-695 |
On-sale general license--public premisea |
360-580 |
74-115 |
434-695 |
Caterer's permit--cluba |
360-580 |
74-115 |
434-695 |
a License fees vary by city population. |
Ideally, the ABC fee structure should generate sufficient operating revenue to fund needed ABC operations and establish a reasonable reserve. In addition,
because ABC fees are set in statute, the fees should be structured with sufficient flexibility to periodically adjust the fees to match the enforcement
activities and associated budget approved by the Legislature.
Given the department's current tight budgetary situation, we recommend that the Legislature amend the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act to permit the
ABC to increase fees. We would suggest giving the department the ability to raise fees up to 20 percent over a multiyear period. Clearly, only a small
increase would be needed in the near term. We further recommend that any fee increase be conditioned on the need to increase fees only to meet the
budget expenditure level approved by the Legislature and necessary to maintain a prudent operating reserve.
Office of Real Estate Appraisers (2310)
The Office of Real Estate Appraisers (office) was established in 1990 when the Legislature enacted the Real Estate Appraisers' Licensing and
Certification Law. However, this program is markedly different from other state licensing programs because real estate appraisers are not required to be
licensed in order to practice in California. The licensing program was established to respond to a federal mandate that appraisals for federally related
transactions be completed by a state licensed or certified appraiser and that the state certification and licensing program meet certain requirements. In
addition, the office is responsible for investigating complaints against licensees and certificate holders.
The 1999-00 Governor's Budget proposes $4.2 million from the Real Estate Appraisers Regulation Fund for support of the office. This is $200,000, or
0.5 percent, above current-year expenditures. The majority of the revenue to this fund is from license and examination fees.
Fund Balance and Revenue
We withhold recommendation on the proposed budget for the Office of Real Estate Appraisers pending receipt and review of a strategic budget plan.
Based on current expenditures and revenues, the office is projected to end the budget-year with a fund reserve of slightly more than $500,000. For special
fund agencies it is important to maintain a fund balance equal to approximately three months operating expenses. A prudent reserve of this amount would
provide an agency sufficient resources to meet cash flow needs and to cover unexpected expenses. For the office a three-month reserve would total slightly
more than $1 million.
As mentioned above, the majority of the revenue to the Real Estate Appraisers Regulation Fund is license and examination fees. Licenses are renewed on
a four-year cycle. Our analysis indicates that the Real Estate Appraisers Regulation Fund is currently operating with a budget imbalance. Essentially,
revenues are not sufficient to keep pace with expenditures. For example, over the period 1996-97 to 1999-00 (a complete license cycle) revenue to the
fund totaled $9.3 million and expenditures from the fund totaled $15.5 million--a substantial imbalance. The office has managed to remain solvent during
this time because it had a large fund reserve from which to draw. As we indicate above, this reserve will almost be depleted by the end of the budget year.
Since the bulk of licensees were licensed in the original year of the program, the office receives a disproportionately large share of its revenue every
fourth year. This will next occur in 2000-01 when the office is projected to receive approximately $4.8 million in revenue. Based on current expenditure
trends, the office will spend about half the total renewal revenue in that fiscal year. This would leave the office with insufficient revenue to operate over
the subsequent three years.
It is our understanding that the administration is currently preparing a proposal for the office that will address this budget imbalance. The proposal should
be available for review by the Legislature during budget hearings. We recommend the office include a five-year strategic budget plan in its proposal. The
budget plan should include, at minimum:
A cash flow analysis of the proposed budget for 1999-00 and subsequent years.
- A five-year (1999-00 as the first year) budget showing expenditure and revenue levels sufficient to meet the office's mission. This is a crucial
component of the plan. At this time it appears that the office's current fee structure does not generate revenues sufficient to fund the office's current
level of activities. However, we are not certain what staffing and related resource levels are needed for the office to fulfill its mission.
If the office's proposal includes a fee increase, the office should provide adequate justification for that increase, including a comparison of California fees
with other states. We withhold recommendation on the 1999-00 proposed budget until receipt and review of a strategic budget plan, as described above.
1998 Audit Report and Findings
The office should, prior to budget hearings, provide a detailed update of the office's progress in responding to the concerns raised in the March 1998
State Auditor report.
In March 1998, the State Auditor released a report that raised issue with several practices within the office. The major problems found were that the office
(1) had a large backlog of complaints that it had been unable to resolve promptly, (2) certain personnel practices violated state and federal rules, and (3)
some investigatory procedures needed to be improved.
As a result of the issues raised by the Auditor, the Legislature adopted several supplemental reporting requirements for the office. The office also was
required to submit quarterly reports tracking its progress in responding to the Auditor's finding. The first two quarterly reports have been received and the
issues raised by the Auditor have been addressed as described below.
Complaint Backlog. The Auditor found that as of January 1, 1998, the office had 641 open complaints. Some of these complaints had been open for as
long as four years. The Auditor found that a major contributing factor to the office's inability to process complaints was that the office did not establish the
enforcement division in a timely manner. Also, once established, the enforcement division was not fully staffed and was staffed with limited-term
employees rather than the permanent employees authorized by the Legislature.
Based on information in the second quarterly report compiled by the office, vacancies in the office have been filled with permanent employees.
Furthermore, as of December 1, 1998 the office had closed out 567 of the 641 outstanding complaints. In addition, the office has closed out 93 of the
complaints that were received in 1998.
Personnel Practices. The Auditor found that (1) the office's use of limited-term appointments was not in accordance with State Personnel Board rules and
(2) the office's overtime practices violated provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. As mentioned above, the office has now filled all vacant positions
with permanent employees and has paid all current employees entitled to overtime compensation in accordance with Department of Personnel
Administration rules. However, the office has been named in a civil suit filed by two former employees alleging violations of the Fair Labor Standards
Act. At the time this Analysis was prepared, the case was pending in federal district court.
Investigatory Procedures. The State Auditor found that the office was not recording the necessary investigatory information and the investigators needed
training to ensure the office was investigating complaints using consistent methods. In response, the office has provided all investigators with training on
proper record keeping, has established procedures for investigation of complaints, and implemented oversight safeguards to ensure staff comply with the
new procedures.
It appears from the information received in the first two quarterly reports that the office is being responsive in addressing the issues found by the Auditor.
The third quarterly report is due to be submitted March 1, 1999--during budget hearings. We recommend the office report to the appropriate budget
subcommittee regarding its progress in responding to the issues raised in the 1998 State Auditor's report.
Energy Resources, Conservation And Development Commission (3360)
The Energy Resources, Conservation and Development Commission (commonly referred to as the California Energy Commission) is responsible for
forecasting energy supply and demand, developing and implementing energy conservation measures, conducting energy-related research and development
programs, and siting major power plants.
The budget proposes commission expenditures of $227.7 million from various state and federal funds in 1999-00. This is $10.8 million, or 4.5 percent,
less than current-year estimated expenditures. This reduction is due in part to one-time expenditures in the current year for a variety of projects that are not
carried forward to the budget year. These reductions are partially offset by increased expenditures in the budget year of (1) $2.5 million for the Energy
Facilities Siting Program and the Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program and (2) $0.6 million in the Energy Technology Development Program.
Legislature Needs to Review Energy Facilities Siting Program
We withhold recommendation on the request for a $1,247,000 augmentation and ten positions for the Energy Facilities Siting Program until the
Legislature reviews the commission's role in siting energy facilities under the deregulated market for electricity generation. We further withhold
recommendation on the existing staffing level and funding (75 positions and $9.5 million) for the siting program, pending the Legislature's review of
the commission's siting role.
The budget proposes $1,247,000 from the Energy Resources Programs Account for the commission's Energy Facilities Siting Program. These funds
would be used to establish ten permanent positions and provide $400,000 for consultant contracts, $60,000 for travel expenses, and $20,000 for overtime
expenses. The proposal is based on the commission's projection of increased workload related to reviewing energy facility siting applications the
commission currently expects to receive through December 2000.
This request would permanently establish the ten positions and the $400,000 in consulting funds the Director of Finance proposed in a December 1998
deficiency proposal submitted to the chairs of the appropriations committees in each house and the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee. The
proposal, submitted pursuant to Section 27.00 of the 1998-99 Budget Act, was to address an increase in siting workload the commission expected to occur
before the end of the current year. The Chair of the Joint Committee did not concur with the Director's proposal. Instead, the Chair advised the Director to
increase the commission's expenditure authority only for the current year with the conditions that (1) the ten positions not be permanently established and
(2) the commission be given the flexibility to use the entire amount for consultants if this would facilitate its review of siting applications. The Chair
indicated that this would give the commission the resources needed to continue its current responsibilities in 1998-99 while providing the Legislature an
opportunity to reassess the commission's role in and funding for the siting activity during the budget hearings.
The Warren-Alquist Act requires the commission to approve the construction of electricity-generating power plants, unless the plant generates less than
50 megawatts of electricity or is a hydroelectric, wind, or solar facility. After approving a proposed power plant, the act requires the commission to ensure
that the facility is in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, as well as any conditions of certification required by the commission.
The commission must approve any modifications to these plants. For plants not subject to its jurisdiction (such as those that predate the siting approval
process), the commission must approve plant modifications unless the modifications meet the megawatt or type-of-facility exclusions outlined above.
In 1996 and 1997, the Legislature significantly changed the way the electricity industry is regulated in California. These changes included deregulation of
the generation of electricity and creation of statewide entities to ensure the availability of electricity and the reliability of the statewide electricity system.
The changes did not deregulate the transmission or distribution of electricity.
In the newly deregulated environment for electricity generation, the state's regulatory interest in approving the construction and modification of facilities
may have changed. Therefore, it is not clear which, if any, of the commission's siting activities are still necessary or what benefits these activities continue
to provide. Until the Legislature reviews the commission's role in siting energy facilities under the deregulated market for electricity generation, the
appropriate funding level for these activities is uncertain. Consequently, we withhold recommendation on the request for ten positions and $1,247,000 for
the Energy Facilities Siting Program. We also withhold recommendation on the existing staffing level and funding--75 positions and
$9.5 million--dedicated to the Energy Facilities Siting Program, pending the Legislature's review of the commission's siting role. Prior to the budget
hearings, the commission should submit to the Legislature a report that (1) discusses each of the commission's siting activities; (2) discusses which siting
activities should continue, be amended, or be eliminated; and (3) justifies the commission's conclusions.
Department of Food and Agriculture (8570)
The California Department of Food and Agriculture promotes and protects the state's agriculture industry through industry inspections and marketing
support; develops California's agricultural policies; assures accurate weights and measures in commerce; and provides financial oversight to county,
district, and citrus fairs.
The 1999-00 Governor's Budget proposes $201 million for the department, which is about $600,000 higher than current-year expenditures. The proposed
budget includes $70.5 million from the General Fund, a 1 percent decrease from the current year.
California Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System
The budget proposes $11.5 million, including $9.7 million General Fund, for operations of the California Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System. The
laboratory was established in 1918 and was operated as a program within the department until 1987-88, when the University of California at Davis took
over responsibility for its management. The department contracts with the laboratory for services and separately displays the General Fund amount for the
laboratory in the Governor's budget but not in the budget bill.
Fee Structure
We recommend the Legislature require the department to implement a fee schedule that provides for 100 percent cost recovery for the testing services
provided by the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory for (1) regulated industries (this action would result in a decrease in needed General Fund support
of an unknown amount) and (2) private veterinarians and producers (this would result in a decrease in needed General Fund support of $93,000
annually). (Reduce Item 8570-001-0001 by $93,000.)
Currently, laboratory operations are funded through a combination of General Fund, fee revenue, and federal funds. The majority of the budget,
84 percent, is funded by the General Fund. The fee revenue, estimated to total $1.6 million in 1999-00, is generated by testing services provided to private
veterinarians and producers. In recent years, issues have been raised regarding the payment for these laboratory services.
In the Supplemental Report of the 1998-99 Budget Act, the department was required to submit information on how the state should recover the cost of the
contract with the laboratory. In December 1998, the department submitted the required report, detailing the current fee and workload structure and
providing funding alternatives and recommendations. The laboratory's workload structure is based on the different clients served by the laboratory.
Basically, the laboratory performs both regulatory and nonregulatory or diagnostic testing services.
- Regulatory services are those provided to the department for state and federal regulatory programs (such as tests for food quality, animal diseases, and
human pathogens). These tests are primarily funded by the General Fund. Nonregulatory or diagnostic services are those provided primarily to
practicing veterinarians and agricultural producers and are generally paid for through user fees.
Regulatory Programs. The laboratory performs testing as a part of several regulatory programs. These programs vary from equine postmortem
examinations to E. coli and Salmonella monitoring for the department's milk quality assurance program. As with other regulatory programs, it would be
appropriate for the regulated industries to pay these costs. Thus, these testing services should be entirely funded through industry fees rather than the
General Fund. We recommend the Legislature require the department to establish a fee schedule for the regulatory programs to provide for 100 percent
cost recovery. Since these services are currently supported by the General Fund, this action would result in a reduction in the needed General Fund support
for the department. The department should provide an estimate of this amount prior to budget hearings.
Nonregulatory Programs. According to information submitted by the department, approximately 80 percent of the cost for tests performed primarily for
benefit of agricultural producers is currently recovered by fees. Thus, the General Fund is subsidizing about 20 percent of these costs. One of the
recommendations in the department's December report is to "implement a plan to recover 100 percent of the costs from tests which primarily benefit
producers." We concur with this recommendation. The laboratory estimates that doing this would have resulted in approximately $93,000 of additional fee
revenue in 1997-98. Thus, we recommend the Legislature direct the laboratory to make the needed adjustment in fees and consequently reduce the budget
to reflect the resulting reduction in General Fund support needed for current laboratory operations. (Reduce Item 8570-001-0001 by $93,000.)
Legislative Oversight of Veterinary Laboratory Budget
We recommend that the Legislature create a new budget bill item under the Department of Food and Agriculture in order to separately identify the
laboratory's operating costs and to enhance legislative oversight. (Delete $9,709,000 from Item 8570-001-0001 and add Item 8570-0004-0001 in the
amount of $9,616,000.)
The General Fund appropriation for the laboratory, while displayed in the Governor's budget, is not identified in the budget bill. Because of legislative
concern over recent cost increases and to increase the visibility and accountability of the laboratory budget, we recommend the Legislature add a separate
item to the budget bill to appropriate funds for the laboratory budget. Thus, we recommend the Legislature add the following item to the budget bill (the
amount shown reflects a $93,000 reduction, as discussed above).
8570-004-0001--For support of the Department of Food and Agriculture for the California Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, pursuant to Food and
Agriculture Code Section 520, et. seq..........$9,616,000.
Fair Political Practices Commission (8620)
The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) was established in 1974 to implement and administer the Political Reform Act (PRA), an omnibus
measure designed to improve the elections process in California for candidates for state and local office. The act (1) established rules for the disclosure of
money received and spent by candidates seeking political office, (2) required state ballot pamphlets to have useful and understandable information, (3)
established lobbyist activity disclosure regulations, and (4) required the disclosure of assets of public officeholders and barred conflicts of interest with
their official decision making. The California Political Reform Act of 1996 (CPRA), established by Proposition 208, among other provisions established
specific limits on the amount and source of campaign contributions and established voluntary campaign spending limits for candidates.
The provisions of the PRA and CPRA are carried out by four state agencies, including the FPPC (the other agencies are the Secretary of State,
Department of Justice, and the Franchise Tax Board). The FPPC adopts regulations, establishes procedures to monitor compliance, and provides advice to
officeholders regarding the requirements of the PRA and CPRA. The FPPC also investigates alleged violations of the laws and imposes sanctions on
The PRA provided a $1 million annual appropriation to the FPPC. The CPRA provided an additional $500,000 annual appropriation to the commission.
By law, the amounts are to be adjusted each year for changes in the cost of living. The PRA further directs that the Legislature shall provide such
additional amounts as may be necessary to the FPPC and other state agencies to carry out the political reform laws.
The budget proposes total expenditures of $5.1 million for the FPPC in 1999-00. This is almost exactly the same amount the commission is estimated to
spend in the current year.
Further Efforts Needed To Comply With Audit
The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has made significant progress toward implementing the recommendations of a May 1998 Bureau of
State Audits (BSA) report to make its operations more efficient and effective. However, the FPPC has not yet fully complied with legislative directives
to carry out the BSA recommendations to strengthen its political reform enforcement efforts. We recommend that the FPPC provide additional
information to the Legislature by April 1, 1999 on how it will do so. We further recommend enactment of legislation that would allow the FPPC to
more narrowly focus its enforcement efforts on the most serious violations of political reform laws and to strengthen the penalties that it can impose
when such violations occur.
Last year, the Legislature directed the BSA to examine the operations of the FPPC and report on how well it was performing its duties. In its May 1998
response, the BSA found that the FPPC was reasonably interpreting the PRA in its regulation and advice to candidates and public officeholders, but that
its process for investigating complaints was flawed and could result in inconsistent treatment of violators. The BSA report also found problems in the way
the FPPC provided assistance to persons seeking information about political reform laws, determined that the FPPC lacked meaningful goals and a system
to measure progress toward meeting those goals, and concluded that financial disclosure and conflict-of-interest laws for state and local officeholders
enforced by the FPPC contained overly restrictive financial limits that should be modified.
The Legislature adopted 1998-99 Budget Act and supplemental report language directing the FPPC to implement BSA's recommendations for remedying
these problems. The language further directed the FPPC to complete a plan by December 1, 1998 identifying how it would implement each specific
recommendation and the additional funding and staffing, if any, necessary to carry out the audit recommendations.
Progress Seen in Audit Compliance. Based upon our analysis, the FPPC has taken some significant steps toward improving its operations as
recommended by the BSA:
- Prioritized Case Reviews. The cases being considered for investigation are being reviewed using standard criteria to determine which are a high priority
and warrant immediate assignment and which are a lesser priority.
- Auditing Regulations. New regulations have been written so that the Franchise Tax Board, charged by state law with conducting audits of candidate
and lobbyist financial disclosure statements, will refer only the most significant law violations it has found to the FPPC for enforcement action and will
not be required to perform audits unlikely to discover significant violations.
- Local Filing Oversight. A plan is being written to provide oversight for an estimated 7,000 officials responsible for ensuring that local government
officeholders comply with financial disclosure requirements.
- Tracking Customer Needs. Coding devices were installed on FPPC phones so that staff members responsible for assisting persons with obtaining
forms or clarifying the meaning of political reform laws could track what kind of help they needed most from the FPPC so that customer service could
be improved.
Partial Compliance. As directed by the Legislature, the FPPC submitted a plan to the Legislature on December 1, 1998, outlining the steps taken so far to
comply with the BSA audit recommendations. As the Legislature also directed, the FPPC identified the staffing and funding it believes are needed to
implement certain audit recommendations--in all, 13 positions and $840,000.
However, our analysis indicates that the FPPC has not yet fully complied with legislative directives to carry out the BSA recommendations to strengthen
its political reform enforcement efforts.
In a few cases, the FPPC failed to identify the staffing or funding it says are needed for fulfillment of BSA recommendations. This was the case for new
computerized management information system that FPPC asserted was needed so that achievement of its goals can be tracked and measured.
In other cases, the FPPC reported how much staffing or funding it wanted for BSA compliance activities, but failed to document exactly how the money
would be used and the workload justification for requesting additional resources. For example, the FPPC said it would need six additional staff and
$437,000 for its Enforcement Division, but could not document how its workload was determined or why it could not be handled with its existing
complement of investigators. Without this information, the Legislature cannot easily determine whether additional appropriations to FPPC are justified to
carry out its directive for improving the enforcement of the political reform laws. The proposals contained in the report were requested by FPPC for
inclusion in the 1999-00 budget, but were rejected.
Financial Limits Too Low. As noted earlier, the 1998 BSA audit report also recommended modification of the dollar limits established for state or local
officeholders who must disclose their financial interests or refrain from decision-making in which they might have a conflict of interest.
For example, an officeholder may not participate in a governmental decision if he or she received more than $250 from a party with an interest in the
matter. The $250 limit was part of the original 1974 PRA and has never been adjusted for inflation. The BSA concluded that the public interest would be
served if the limit were adjusted for inflation, because it would allow the FPPC to more narrowly focus on the enforcement of the most serious violations
instead of a large number of complaints involving minor violations. A measure to change these financial limits (AB 1864, Papan) passed the Legislature
last year but was vetoed by the Governor because of his objection to an unrelated provision.
Meanwhile, the maximum administrative or civil fine that can be imposed for a single violation of the PRA also remains at the original $2,000 level
established 25 years ago. If the limit were adjusted for inflation, it would now be a maximum of about $7,000 per violation. We are advised by the FPPC
that, because this penalty has not been adjusted for inflation, the fine level may be insufficient to deter some candidates and officeholders from complying
with political reform laws.
Focusing Audit Activities. In response to the BSA audit, the FPPC has identified two other proposed statutory changes that would focus political reform
auditing activities on the cases most likely to discover violations of political reform laws. The first measure would allow fewer audits each year of
lobbyists and lobbyist employers so that more such audits could be conducted of political campaigns, where political reform law violations are more
frequently found. The other would eliminate some audits of candidates' prior campaign disclosure statements that are now mandatory but that the FPPC
believes should be conducted only if there is evidence of past misconduct.
Analyst's Recommendation. We believe that additional appropriations proposed by the FPPC to carry out the recommendations of the BSA have not yet
been justified. Accordingly, we recommend that by April 1, 1999, the FPPC provide the Legislature with the following information: (1) identification of
the funding and staffing needed for compliance with all of BSA's recommendations, (2) its methodology for calculating the workload and additional
resources needed for each of these funding and staffing requests, and (3) an estimated timetable for completing the implementation of the BSA
recommendations. Once the Legislature has received this information, it can determine whether the 1999-00 budget for the FPPC should include
additional resources needed to fulfill its policy goals of strengthening enforcement of the PRA.
We also believe that the Legislature should enact legislation to make three changes to the PRA that would likely result in more efficient enforcement of
the act and help deter individuals from violating the political reform laws. Specifically, we believe that the Legislature should adjust various financial
limits contained in the PRA for inflation since 1974. Similarly, the maximum fine for a single political reform law violation should be adjusted from the
present level of $2,000 to $7,000 to account for inflation over the same period. The additional fine revenues generated would go to the state General Fund,
not to the FPPC directly, but could help offset the potential cost of improving the FPPC's operations.
Public Utilities Commission (8660)
The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is responsible for the regulation of privately owned "public utilities," such as gas, electric, telephone, and railroad
corporations, as well as certain passenger and household goods carriers. The commission's primary objective is to ensure adequate facilities and services
for the public at equitable and reasonable rates. Throughout its various regulatory decisions, the commission also promotes energy and resource
The budget proposes total expenditures for PUC in 1999-00 of $83.7 million from various state special funds ($70.9 million), federal funds ($1 million),
and reimbursements ($11.8 million). This is about $26.9 million, or 24 percent, less than estimated current-year expenditures. This decrease results from a
one-time current-year appropriation of $28 million from the General Fund for electric utility purposes in San Diego and San Francisco and an increase of
$1.1 million in rate regulation activities funded by the Public Utilities Commission Utilities Reimbursement Account.
Funding for Compliance With "Cramming" Statutes
We withhold recommendation on the $1,035,000 augmentation and 19 positions requested to comply with Chapter 1041, Statutes of 1998 (SB 378,
Peace) and Chapter 1036, Statutes of 1998 (AB 2142, Brown), which address the problem of "cramming," pending receipt and review of additional
workload data to justify the requested staffing level and associated funds.
The budget proposes expenditures of $1,035,000 and the addition of 19 two-year limited-term positions to support PUC workload resulting from
Chapter 1041 and Chapter 1036. This legislation addressed the problem known as "cramming," or the inclusion of unauthorized charges on telephone
bills. The legislation requires PUC to document consumer complaints and investigate companies that receive a specified level of complaints. The
legislation also allows PUC to investigate companies below this complaint threshhold at the commission's discretion.
Initial information provided by PUC with the request did not provide sufficient data to support the need for the requested 19 positions and related costs.
The PUC staff subsequently submitted more detailed information to justify the request, but we received this information too late to thoroughly review it
prior to writing this analysis. Consequently, we withhold recommendation on the request pending further analysis and review.
Board of Equalization (0860)
The Board of Equalization is one of California's major tax collection agencies. The board (1) collects state and local sales and use taxes and a variety of
business and excise taxes and fees (including those levied on gasoline, diesel fuel, cigarettes, and hazardous wastes) and (2) is responsible for allocating
tax proceeds to the appropriate local jurisdiction(s). The board oversees the administration of the property tax by county assessors and assesses property
owned by public utilities. The board is also the final administrative appellate body for personal income and bank and corporate taxes, as well as for the
taxes it administers. The agency is governed by a five-member board--four-elected members and the State Controller.
The 1999-00 Governor's Budget proposes approximately $291 million in support of the board's operations, of which $184 million is from the General
Fund. The total proposed budget expenditures are about 2 percent above current-year expenditures.
Audit and Collections Program Augmentation Not Justified
We withhold recommendation on the proposed $6 million ($4.9 million General Fund) augmentation and 116 new audit positions until the agency
provides sufficient justification for this increased audit effort. (Reduce Item 0860-001-0001 by $4,898,000 and Item 0860-501-0995 by $1,076,000.)
The Governor's budget proposes the addition of 116 audit positions and $6 million ($4.9 million General Fund). According to information prepared by the
Department of Finance (DOF), the proposed augmentation would result in an additional $12.9 million in state and local tax revenue in the budget year.
Our analysis indicates that this level of additional revenue is overstated. The DOF has not fully discounted the projected revenue to account for the delay
in hiring new auditors, training the new auditors, and the costs and delays associated with collections. Taking these factors into account, we estimate that
budget-year collections would total $9 million to $10 million.
In the past we have raised concerns with the board justifying audit staff augmentations based on potential revenue gains, noting that the Legislature has
not had sufficient information to review the validity of the methodology used by the board to make revenue impact calculations. The State Auditor, at the
request of the Legislature, is evaluating the revenue (assessments and collections) benefit of additional tax auditors. This report should be available for
review within a few months.
At this time, we withhold recommendation on this proposal. As noted above, the benefits to the state may be considerably less than stated and the
auditor's report may offer important information to help the Legislature make decision on these requests. There is an additional issue that, in our view,
deserves more attention: the level of audit exposure for taxpayers. The Legislature should take into account whether the costs of the additional audit
activity is worth the improvement in taxpayer compliance and whether the greater audit "presence" in the state is appropriate. We recommend that the
agency also explicitly address these issues.
Franchise Tax Board (1730)
The Franchise Tax Board is one of the state's major tax collecting agencies. The department's primary responsibility is to administer California's Personal
Income Tax and Bank and Corporation Tax laws. The department also administers the Homeowners' and Renters' Assistance programs and the Political
Reform Act audit program. In addition, the department administers several nontax programs, including collection of (1) child support, student loan, and
motor vehicle registration delinquencies; and (2) court ordered payments. A three-member board--the Director of Finance, the Chair of the State Board of
Equalization, and the State Controller--oversees the department. A board-appointed executive officer is charged with administering the day-to-day
The 1999-00 Governor's Budget proposes $378 million for support of the department, including $354 million from the General Fund. Both the total
budget and General Fund support for the department are approximately 3 percent decreases from current-year expenditures. This decrease is mainly the net
effect of: (1) a budget proposal to suspend the business tax reporting mandate resulting in a decrease of $16.3 million, (2) a $5 million reduction in the
bank and corporation tax program area, and (3) a $10 million increase in the personal income tax program area.
Augmentations Not Justified
We recommend the Legislature delete the proposed augmentations totaling $8.2 million and 73.2 personnel-years (PYs) from various funds for
support of the Franchise Tax Board because these augmentations have not been justified. Reduce various items by a total of $8,242,000 ($8,056,000
General Fund) and 73.2 PYs.
The Governor's budget proposes three augmentations totaling $8.2 million for the department as summarized in Figure 1 (see next page). As discussed
below, we recommend the Legislature delete the additional funds and associated new positions.
Figure 1 |
Franchise Tax Board Proposed Augmentations |
(In Thousands) |
Description |
Funding Source |
General Fund |
Reimbursements |
Motor Vehicle
Account |
License Fee
Account |
Court Fund |
Totals |
Limited liability
companies |
$1,792 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
$1,792 |
Audit and collection
activities |
3,350 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
3,350 |
Merit salary
adjustment |
2,914 |
$113 |
$25 |
$41 |
$7 |
3,100 |
Totals |
$8,056 |
$113 |
$25 |
$41 |
$7 |
$8,242 |
Limited Liability Companies. The budget proposes $1.8 million and 18.1 PYs to address workload related to limited liability companies. At the time this
Analysis was prepared, the department and administration had provided no information on this augmentation. The only information available was the
descriptions of the augmentation contained in the Governor's budget document and summary which indicated that this augmentation would result in
increased tax revenues in 2000-01. Because this augmentation has not been justified, we recommend the Legislature delete the funds and personnel.
Audit and Collections. The budget also proposes $3.4 million and 55.1 PYs to increase audit and collection activities. At the time this Analysis was
prepared, the department and administration had not provided justification for this augmentation. The only information available was the descriptions of
the augmentation contained in the Governor's budget document and summary which indicates that this augmentation would result in increased tax revenue
collections in the budget year. Lacking any information, we recommend deletion of the augmentation.
Merit Salary Adjustments. The Governor's budget includes $3.1 million ($2.9 million General Fund) to fund merit salary increases provided by the
department to employees. (It is our understanding that no other department received an augmentation for employee merit salary adjustments.) In the past,
the department has submitted budget change proposals for merit salary adjustments provided to employees. This year, however, the budget-year
augmentation was simply added as a baseline adjustment, without either justifying or identifying the increase. Under the circumstances, we recommend
that the Legislature delete the $3.1 million added to the budget for merit salary adjustments. (Reduce various items by $3,100,000, [$2,914,000 General
Performance Audit
We recommend the department provide the Legislature with detailed information on why tax program reductions recommended by a performance
audit have not been implemented. Pending receipt and review of this information, we withhold recommendation on $7.4 million in the department's
In 1998, the board contracted with an independent auditor to conduct a performance audit of the department. The preliminary audit results were presented
to the board in October 1998. The board requested the auditor review specific recommendations, and provide further analysis and detail. The auditor
presented the final report in December 1998. The report found several areas in the department's operations that need improvement and made
recommendations accordingly. The auditor suggested a five-year action plan to implement the recommended changes. The auditor classified the
recommendations as high, medium, or low priority based on several factors. We highlight the four high-priority recommendations that affect the
department's tax programs. The total savings associated with these reductions, based on the audit's five-year plan, is an estimated $37 million. Assuming
that savings would be realized equally over all five years, the first year savings would total $7.4 million, as shown in Figure 2 (see next page).
A brief discussion of the recommended reductions follows.
Span of Control and Management Structure. The auditor reviewed the department's span of control and management structure. The auditor found that
the layers of management are appropriate but, based on several factors, the span of control is too low (that is, each manager supervises, on average, too
few staff). The auditor concluded that the targeted span of control ratio for the department should be one manager for every ten staff (1:10). For 1997-98,
the department's average span of control was one manager for every 9.1 staff. Thus, according to the audit, a slight increase in the span of control is
warranted. Specifically, the auditor recommended the department reduce filled management positions by 10 percent (55 positions) and eliminate 60 vacant
positions to achieve an overall average span of control ratio of 1:10.
Figure 2 |
High Priority Recommendations
Affecting Tax Programs |
(In Thousands) |
Description |
Reductions |
Budget-Yeara |
Five Year Total Reduction |
Span of control |
$1,640 |
$8,198 |
Filing system assessment and reductions |
513 |
2,564 |
Information technology positions |
4,587 |
22,935 |
Customer service |
643 |
3,215 |
Totals |
$7,383 |
$36,912 |
a LAO estimate based on equal phase in of total reduction recommended by independent auditor. |
Filing System Assessment and Reductions. The department processes over 13 million personal income tax returns annually. Currently, the majority
(91 percent) of those returns are filed using traditional methods--paper returns manually prepared and mailed to the department. However, the department
has seen dramatic increases in both electronic filing and telephone filing over the past three years. These filing methods are much less staff intensive than
traditional methods and as such should result in reductions in department staff and resource levels. Based on estimated growth in both electronic and
telephone filing, the auditor estimated that the department will be able to reduce a total of 89 filing staff and realize budget savings totaling $2.6 million
over five years. The auditor further recommended that these reductions be phased in to coordinate with the increases in alternative method filing. Although
the department concluded in its response to the audit that increased alternative filing will result in a reduction totaling 72.4 PYs and $2.1 million over the
next five years, no reduction is included in the Governor's budget.
Information Technology Positions. The auditor conducted an analysis of the department's information technology personnel and concluded, based on
several factors, that the department should reduce a total of 417 PYs over the next five years. According to the auditor, the department currently has 894
information technology personnel. Accepting the auditor's recommendation would result in a 46 percent reduction in information technology staff.
Customer Service. The auditor made several recommendations that affect the department's numerous customer service functions. However, only two
recommendations had any savings associated with them. They are to:
Discontinue mailing tax booklets to filers who use either a tax preparer or automated software to file the previous year's taxes.
- Realize budget savings resulting from elimination of the Employee Confirmation Report.
The auditor estimated five-year savings of $3.2 million from these actions.
Given the potential for improving the department's operations and the associated savings, we believe the Legislature should be given the opportunity to
consider the suggested changes. Consequently, we recommend the department provide detailed information on why reductions recommended by the
performance audit have not been implemented. Pending receipt of this information, we withhold recommendation on $7.4 million.
Integrated Nonfiler Compliance Project
We withhold recommendation on the $6.9 million General Fund request for the Integrated Nonfiler Compliance project. The project has not yet been
approved by the Department of Information Technology.
The Governor's budget includes a $6.9 million General Fund augmentation for the department to redesign and begin implementation of the Integrated
Nonfiler Compliance project. The current nonfiler program consists of a variety of automated and manual processes to achieve tax filing compliance from
individuals and corporations not currently filing returns. The program currently includes 47.5 PYs and $3.1 million.
The department received a current-year augmentation totaling $2.7 million and 28.5 PYs to begin system redesign and the procurement for a new system.
It is our understanding that the department is still in the design stage. In addition, the required feasibility study report (FSR) for the new system has not
been approved by the Department of Information Technology. The department is not permitted to continue with the project unless it receives all necessary
approvals. Consequently, we withhold recommendation pending approval by the Department of Information Technology and review of the approved FSR.
Presumably the approved FSR will be available prior to budget hearings.
Business Tax Reporting Mandate
If the Legislature determines that suspending the business tax reporting mandate is appropriate, then we recommend that the Legislature also delete
the positions associated with program workload. The department should identify these positions prior to budget hearings.
Pursuant to Chapter 1490, Statutes of 1984 (AB 3230, Hannigan), every city in California which assesses a business tax and maintains a computerized
record keeping system is required to annually furnish specific information to the department. The department then uses this information to identify
self-employed individuals for tax enforcement purposes. Cities that maintain a computerized system may file a claim to have certain costs--administrative
and operational--associated with providing the data to the department reimbursed by the state.
The administration is proposing to suspend the tax reporting mandate and, therefore, eliminate the state's financial responsibility to the cities.
Accordingly, the Governor's budget shows a decrease of $16.3 million for the program. However, the budget does not include a corresponding decrease in
positions associated with this program.
This is the same proposal that has been submitted to the Legislature in recent budget bills. In each instance the Legislature has denied the proposal and
funded the program. However, if the Legislature determines that the mandate should be repealed or suspended at this time, we would recommend that the
Legislature also delete the positions associated with program workload. The department should identify these positions prior to budget hearings.
Unnecessary Budget Control Language
We recommend that the Legislature delete proposed budget language that would add administrative controls over the Franchise Tax Board. (Delete
Provision 1 under Item 1730-001-0001.)
The budget bill includes language that would require Department of Finance (DOF) approval before the board could take the following administrative
actions :
- Any reduction of expenditures or redirection of either funding or personnel from tax return processing, auditing, and collecting taxes owed. The DOF
could not approve any such proposal before 30-day notification is provided to the Chair of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee.
- Any transfer of positions between organizational units as assigned in the 1999-00 Governor's Budget and the 1999-00 Salaries and Wages Supplement
as revised by legislative budget action.
There is no explanation of the need for this language in the Governor's budget document.
To our knowledge all departments are required to implement the budget as approved by the Legislature and signed by the Governor. Various control
sections in the annual budget act give the administration flexibility in implementing various programs throughout the year. For example, Control Section
26.00 provides for intraschedule transfers where necessary for the efficient and cost-effective implementation of the budget. The control section
establishes specific parameters within which the administration can take these actions. We are not aware of any reasons to add additional administrative
controls solely for the Franchise Tax Board. Lacking any such information, we recommend that the Legislature delete the proposed budget language.
(Delete Provision 1 under Item 1730-001-0001.)
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