Legislative Analyst's Office, December 1998

1998 Cal Facts
Program Trends
Part II

Resident Student Fees Are Significantly Below Comparison Institutions


CalWORKs Program: Major Features

Participation Requirements
  • Weekly Hours. Adults in single-parent families must participate in work or approved education or training activities for 26 hours in 1998-99 and 32 hours in 1999-00 and thereafter. An adult in a two-parent family must participate for 35 hours per week.
  • Welfare-to-Work Activities. Specifies the following sequence of services: job search; assessment; welfare-to-work activities (education and training); and community service employment.
  • Sanctions. The adult portion of the grant is removed if the adult fails to participate in work activities or community service.

Time Limits
  • Welfare-to-Work Services. New applicants are limited to 18 months of job training/education services. Counties may extend the 18 month limit by 6 months if the extension is likely to lead to nonsubsidized employment or if no jobs are available. Able-bodied adults must begin community service employment at the end of these time limits if a nonsubsidized job is not available.
  • Five-Year Time Limit/Safety Net. After five cumulative years on aid, the amount of the grant is reduced by the portion for the adult. Counties have the option of providing the subsequent aid in the form of cash or vouchers.

  • Earned Income Disregard. Allows recipients to retain up to $225 in earned income with no reduction in their grant. Each dollar of earnings above $225 results in a fifty cent reduction in their grant.

CalWORKs Caseload Declining

CalWORKs Cases
(In Thousands)

SSI/SSP Caseloads Leveling Off

(In Thousands)

CalWORKs and SSI/SSP Maximum Monthly Grants

January 1999

Program Amount
Low-cost counties $582
High-cost counties 611
Individuals $676
Couples 1,201
a Family of three.

Most Reports of Child Abuse/Neglect Are Closed After Initial Intake


Types of Foster Care Placements

Placement Type/Description Caseloada 1998 Monthly Grant Per Child (1998-99)
Foster Family Homes 79,000b $375 - $528
  • Provides 24-hour care and supervision to no more than six foster children in the foster parent's home.
  • Foster care grant may be supplemented for care of children with special needs.
Foster Family Agency Homes 17,800 $1,362 - $1,607
  • Foster parents are affiliated with nonprofit foster family agencies which provide professional support.
  • These placements are intended to serve as an alternative for group home placement.
Group Homes 6,700 $1,254 - $5,314
  • A facility of any capacity that provides 24-hour nonmedical care, supervision, and services to children.
  • Generally serve children with higher emotional or behavioral problems who require a more restrictive environment.
  • May vary from small, family-like homes to larger institutional homes.
a Excludes approximately 4,800 foster children supervised by county probation departments. Most of these foster children are placed in group homes. Also excludes approximately 4,100 foster children placed in county shelters, medical facilities, specially licensed small family homes, and specialized pilot projects.
b Includes children placed with relatives who may receive CalWORKs rather than AFDC-FC grants.

Use of Foster Family Agency Homes Increasing

Medi-Cal Caseload Falls But Cost per Eligible Still Grows

California's Crime Rate Reduced Substantially Since 1980 Peak

Rate Per 100,000 Population

Violent Crime Down Substantially Over Past Ten Years

Change in Violent Crime Rates, 1987 to 1997

Crime Rate Declines Marginally Despite Sharp Rise in Imprisonment

Crime Rate/Incarceration Rate Indexed to 1972

Felony Arrests Highest Among the Young

1997 Rate Per 100,000 Age-Eligible Population

California's Crime Rate Near Middle of Other Large States

1996 Rate Per 100,000 Population

Crime Rates Vary Widely Among Large Counties

1996 Crime Rates Per 100,000 Population

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