September 2009

Supplemental Report of the 2009-10 Budget Package

2009-10 Fiscal Year

Containing Statements of Intent and Requests for Studies Adopted by the Legislature

Table of Contents

Legislative, Judicial, Executive

  • Item 0540–001–0001—Secretary for Natural Resources
  • Resources

  • Item 3790–001–0001—Department of Parks and Recreation
  • Item 3910–001–0387—California Integrated Waste Management Board
  • Item 3940–001–0001—State Water Resources Control Board
  • Corrections and Rehabilitation

  • Item 5225–001–0001—Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
  • Item 5225–002–0001—Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
  • General Government

  • Item 8660–001–0462—Public Utilities Commission
  • Item 8940–001–0001—Military Department
  • Capital Outlay

  • Item 0250–301–0660—Judicial Branch—Capital Outlay
  • Item 0250–301–3037—Judicial Branch—Capital Outlay
  • Item 0250–301–3138—Judicial Branch—Capital Outlay
  • Item 0502–301–0001—Office of the Chief Information Officer— Capital Outlay
  • Item 0502–301–0042—Office of the Chief Information Officer— Capital Outlay
  • Item 0502–301–0044—Office of the Chief Information Officer— Capital Outlay
  • Item 0502–301–0200—Office of the Chief Information Officer— Capital Outlay
  • Item 0502–301–0768—Office of the Chief Information Officer— Capital Outlay
  • Item 0690–301–0890—California Emergency Management Agency—Capital Outlay
  • Item 2660–311–0042—Department of Transportation—Capital Outlay
  • Item 3540–301–0660—Department of Forestry and Fire Protection—Capital Outlay
  • Item 3790–301–0263—Department of Parks and Recreation— Capital Outlay
  • Item 3790–301–0890—Department of Parks and Recreation— Capital Outlay
  • Item 3790–301–6051—Department of Parks and Recreation— Capital Outlay
  • Item 3860–301–6026/6031—Department of Water Resources— Capital Outlay
  • Item 3860–301–6052/Reimbursements— Department of Water Resources—Capital Outlay
  • Item 3860–301–6052—Department of Water Resources—Capital Outlay
  • Item 3860–302–6052—Department of Water Resources—Capital Outlay
  • Item 4300–301–0001—Department of Developmental Services— Capital Outlay
  • Item 5225–301–0001—California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation—Capital Outlay
  • Item 5225–301–0660—California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation—Capital Outlay
  • Item 5225–301–0747—California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation—Capital Outlay
  • Item 6110–301–0660—Department of Education—Capital Outlay
  • Item 6440–304–6048—University of California—Capital Outlay
  • Item 6870–301–6041—California Community Colleges—Capital Outlay
  • Item 6870–301–6049—California Community Colleges—Capital Outlay
  • Item 6870–303–6049—California Community Colleges—Capital Outlay
  • Item 8955–301–0001—Department of Veterans Affairs—Capital Outlay
  • Item 8955–301–0890—Department of Veterans Affairs—Capital Outlay

    Legislative, Judicial, Executive

    Item 0540–001–0001—Secretary for Natural Resources

    1. CALFED Bay–Delta Program’s Cross–Cut Budget. It is the intent of the Legislature that total expenditures for the CALFED Bay–Delta Program in 2009–10 are allocated among the program’s elements as follows:

    Bay Delta Conservation Plan $9,214,000

    Department of Water Resources $9,214,000

    State Water Project Funds $9,214,000

    Conveyance $89,736,315

    Department of Water Resources $89,736,315

    Item 3860–001–0001 $589,000

    Item 3860–001–6026 $1,057,000

    Reappropriations (Fund Source 6026) $2,128,826

    State Water Project Funds $85,601,489

    Ecosystem Restoration $44,996,831

    Department of Fish and Game $31,313,831

    Item 3600–001–6031 $785,126

    Item 3600–001–6051 $29,120,547

    Reappropriations (Fund Source 6031) $1,231,400

    Reappropriations (Fund Source 6051) $176,758

    Department of Water Resources $13,683,000

    Item 3860–001–0404 $1,578,000

    Item 3860–001–6026 $4,306,000

    Item 3860–001–6031 $1,307,000

    State Water Project Funds $6,492,000

    Levee System Integrity $56,294,000

    Department of Water Resources $56,294,000

    Item 3860–001–0001 $1,000,000

    Item 3860–001–6051 $3,015,000

    Item 3860–001–6052 $20,859,000

    Item 3860–101–6051 $4,400,000

    Item 3860–101–6052 $21,500,000

    Reappropriations (Fund Source 6051) $4,500,000

    State Water Project Funds $1,020,000

    Oversight and Coordination $7,249,000

    CALFED Bay–Delta Program (Natural Resources Agency) $5,322,000

    Item 0540–001–0001 $5,322,000

    California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection $1,480,000

    Item 3540–001–0001 $1,480,000

    Department of Conservation $96,000

    Item 3480–001–0141 $96,000

    Department of Water Resources $263,000

    Item 3860–001–0001 $263,000

    San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Comm. $88,000

    Item 3820–001–0001 $88,000

    Science $12,565,000

    CALFED Bay–Delta Program (Natural Resources Agency) $4,149,000

    Item 0540–001–6031 $4,149,000

    Department of Water Resources $8,416,000

    State Water Project Funds $8,416,000

    Storage $218,000

    Department of Water Resources $218,000

    Item 3860–101–6025 $218,000

    Water Quality $35,828,750

    Department of Water Resources $35,828,750

    Item 3860–001–0001 $78,000

    Item 3860–001–6026 $603,000

    Item 3860–001–6031 $182,000

    Item 3860–001–6051 $450,000

    Item 3860–301–6026 $17,000,000

    Item 3860–301–6031 $10,000,000

    Reappropriations (Fund Source 6026) $337,714

    Reappropriations (Fund Source 6031) $2,757,036

    State Water Project Funds $4,421,000

    Water Supply Reliability $4,882,000

    Department of Water Resources $4,882,000

    Item 3860–001–6031 $4,882,000

    Water Use Efficiency $31,382,090

    Department of Water Resources $31,382,090

    Item 3860–001–0001 $1,358,000

    Item 3860–001–0445 $9,000

    Item 3860–001–0465 $2,510,000

    Item 3860–001–6031 $7,587,000

    Item 3860–001–6051 $338,000

    Item 3860–101–6023 $14,999,000

    Reappropriations (Fund Source 6031) $4,581,090

    Watershed Management $4,726,000

    Department of Conservation $4,726,000

    Item 3480–001–0141 $249,000

    Item 3480–001–6031 $1,477,000

    Item 3480–101–6031 $3,000,000


    Item 3790–001–0001—Department of Parks and Recreation

    1. Concession Contracts. Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5080.20, the following concession proposals are approved as described below:

    (a) Angel Island State Park—Ferry Service Concession. The department may bid a new concession contract to provide ferry service transportation exclusively between San Francisco and Angel Island State Park.

    The proposed provisions of the new concession contract include a term of up to ten years; annual rent will be the greater of a guaranteed flat rate or a percentage of annual gross receipts. Proposers will be required to bid a minimum annual rent of up to $50,000 or up to 15 percent of monthly gross receipts, whichever is greater, and commit up to 2 percent monthly gross receipts for dock maintenance.

    It is anticipated that the new concession contract will be implemented during the fall of 2009.

    (b) Hollister Hills State Vehicular Recreation Area—Park Store Concession. The department may bid a new concession contract to operate and maintain a park store concession with food service with Hollister Hills State Vehicular Recreation Area.

    The proposed provisions of the new concession contract include a contract term of up to ten years to maintain and operate a park store to sell sundry items, food, motorcycle parks, and provide repair services. The new contract may consider the inclusion of rental equipment services. Annual rent to the State will be the greater of a guaranteed flat rate or a percentage of gross receipts. Proposers will be required to bid a minimum annual rent of up to $48,000 or up to eight percent of gross receipts, whichever is greater. The contract will also include up to $60,000 in capital improvements to the structure.

    It is anticipated that the new concession contract will be implemented during the winter of 2010.

    (c) Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area—Camp Trailer Rental Service Concession. The department may bid a new concession contract to provide for camping trailer rental services for park visitors camping at Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area.

    The proposed provisions of the new contract will include a term of up to ten years; annual rent will be the greater of a guaranteed flat rate or a percentage of monthly gross receipts. Proposers will be required to bid a minimum annual rent of up to $36,000 or up to ten percent of monthly gross receipts, whichever is greater.

    It is anticipated that the new contract will be implemented during the winter of 2010.

    (d) Santa Monica State Beach—Food Service Concession. The department may authorize the city of Santa Monica, under their current operating agreement with the Department of Parks and Recreation, to solicit proposals from the public for a contract to operate a food service concession on Santa Monica State Beach.

    The proposed provisions of the new contract include a contract term of up to ten years. Annual rent will be the greater of a guaranteed flat rate or a percentage of gross receipts. Proposers will be required to bid a minimum of up to $75,000 per year or up to 15 percent of gross receipts, whichever is greater. In addition, limited one–time capital improvements to the facility of up to $20,000 may be a consideration.

    It is anticipated that a new concession contract will be issued during the summer of 2009.

    (e) California Citrus State Historic Park—Wealthy Grower’s Mansion Concession. The department may bid a new concession contract to plan, design, permit, and construct a historic replica of a wealthy grower’s mansion and to operate and maintain this facility as a visitor serving concession.

    The proposed provisions of the new concession contract will provide visitor services, which may include overnight lodging, food service, retail sales, and event and conference space. The provisions include a contract term of up to 50 years and a minimum annual rental requirement will be based on the results of a feasibility study to be completed in the summer of 2009, and a capital investment of $3 million for construction of the historic lodge.

    It is anticipated that the new concession contract will be implemented during the winter of 2010.

    (f) Old Town San Diego State Historic Park—Franklin House Concession. The department may bid a new concession contract to plan, design, permit, and construct a historic replica of the Franklin House and to operate and maintain the facility as a visitor serving concession.

    The proposed provisions of the new concession contract will provide a variety of services, including overnight lodging, food service, and retail sales. The contract term will be up to 50 years. It is anticipated that the newly created concession contract will include a minimum rental bid requirement based on the results of a feasibility study to be completed in the summer of 2009, and a capital improvement investment of approximately $6.5 million.

    It is anticipated that the new concession contract will be implemented during the winter of 2010.

    Item 3910–001–0387—California Integrated Waste Management Board

    1. Climate Change Program Funding. On or before March 1, 2010, the California Integrated Waste Management Board or its successor agency shall submit a report to the JLBC on its activities to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from solid waste. The report shall include information on the department’s activities related to GHGs and the impact of those activities on GHGs specifically on: (a) recycling in the commercial sector; (b) evaluating GHG emissions from product development, manufacturing, use, and disposal; (c) reducing vehicle miles traveled for solid waste and recycling collection; (d) researching ways to reduce nitrogen dioxide emissions at composting facilities; (e) developing solid waste management protocols; and (f) analyzing the costs and benefits of solid waste and recycling programs.

    Item 3940–001–0001—State Water Resources Control Board

    1. Potential Efficiencies in Water Rights Administration and Enforcement. On or before March 30, 2010, the State Water Resources (SWRCB) shall submit a report to the JLBC and relevant policy committees that provides recommendations for creating greater efficiency in administering and enforcing water rights in the state. The report shall include a cost estimate for implementation of the recommendations.

    Corrections and Rehabilitation

    Item 5225–001–0001—Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

    1. Restricted Expenditures. Pursuant to the 2009–10 Budget Act, the dollar amounts listed below are restricted except as provided in the specified conditions set forth in Provision 9 of Item 5225–001–0001:



    Sex Offender Containment Model


    HRSO Monitoring/GPS


    Substance Abuse Aftercare




    Parolee Mental Health Programs


    SB 618


    Additional Visiting


    Residential Services for Parolees


    Facility Maintenance        




    DJJ Safety and Welfare


    DJJ Mental Health Remedial Plan


    Health Care Remedial Plan


    Farrell Consent Decree


    LH Compliance


    Legal Staffing Increase




    San Quentin Lead and Mold Remediation



    Item 5225–002–0001—Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

    1. Restricted Expenditures. Pursuant to the 2009–10 Budget Act, the dollar amounts listed below are restricted except as provided in the specified conditions set forth in Provision 6 of Item 5225–002–0001:



    Relocation of Health Care Services


    Inmate Dental Services Program




    General Government

    Item 8660–001–0462—Public Utilities Commission

    1. Legal and Economic Consultants. Semiannually during state fiscal years 2009–10 and 2010–11, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) shall report to the JLBC and to the relevant policy committees the following information on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission docket, EL02–60, CPUC v. Sellers of Long–term Contracts, and related appellate proceedings: (a) the hourly rate paid to legal and economic consultants, (b) the number of hours billed by the legal and economic consultants to the CPUC, and (c) work products contributed to by the legal and economic consultants that have been made public.

    Item 8940–001–0001—Military Department

    1. Mental Health Services. By April 1, 2010, the California Military Department (CMD) shall submit to the Legislature CMD’s report to Department of Mental Health (DMH) (as required by the Memorandum of Understanding governing the CMD’s use of Proposition 63 funding). This includes, but is not limited to, the organization of the Behavioral Health Liaison program, personnel assigned and of responsibility by county, number of service members referred to counties for mental health services, mental health problems encountered, issues and concerns observed in making referrals for services, status of county DMH partnerships with CMD, and any identified program shortfalls and needs for additional resources.

    Capital Outlay

    Item 0250–301–0660—Judicial Branch—Capital Outlay

    1. Lassen County—New Susanville Courthouse, Construction. The amount of $33,919,000 is provided for the construction phase to construct a new courthouse in Lassen County. The 36,600 gsf building will house three courtrooms in or near the city of Susanville. Total estimated project cost is $38,937,000 with $1,478,000 for acquisition, $1,465,000 for preliminary plans, $2,075,000 for working drawings, and $33,919,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $30,068,000 for the construction contract, $1,503,000 for contingency, $522,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $1,826,000 for other project costs. Acquisition was completed in October 2008 and preliminary plans are scheduled to be approved in August 2009. Construction will begin in June 2010 and be completed by September 2011.

    Item 0250–301–3037—Judicial Branch—Capital Outlay

    1. Madera County—New Madera Courthouse, Working Drawings. The amount of $4,863,000 is provided for the working drawing phase to construct a new courthouse in Madera County. The 100,000 gsf building will house ten courtrooms in or near the city of Madera. Total estimated project cost is $97,815,000 with $3,440,000 for acquisition, $3,657,000 for preliminary plans, $4,863,000 for working drawings, and $85,855,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $76,559,000 for the construction contract, $3,828,000 for contingency, $1,260,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $4,208,000 for other project costs. Acquisition was approved in 2009 and preliminary plans are scheduled to be approved in June 2010. Construction will begin in February 2011 and be completed by October 2012.

    2. Riverside County—New Riverside Mid–County Region Courthouse, Working Drawings. The amount of $3,101,000 is provided for the working drawing phase to construct a new courthouse in Riverside County. The 60,725 gsf building will house six courtrooms in or near the city of Banning. Total estimated project cost is $63,507,000 with $3,283,000 for acquisition, $2,331,000 for preliminary plans, $3,101,000 for working drawings, and $54,792,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $48,689,000 for the construction contract, $2,434,000 for contingency, $803,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $2,866,000 for other project costs. Acquisition was completed in March 2009 and preliminary plans are scheduled to be completed by October 2009. Construction will begin November 2010 and be completed by July 2012.

    3. San Bernardino County—New San Bernardino Courthouse, Working Drawings. The amount of $17,331,000 is provided for the working drawing phase to construct a new courthouse in San Bernardino County. The 356,390 gsf building will house 36 courtrooms in the city of San Bernardino. Total estimated project cost is $341,905,000 with $4,774,000 for acquisition, $13,035,000 for preliminary plans, $17,331,000 for working drawings, and $306,765,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $272,967,000 for the construction contract, $13,648,000 for contingency, $4,493,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $15,657,000 for other project costs. Acquisition was completed in June 2008 and preliminary plans are scheduled to be completed in October 2009. Construction will begin January 2011 and be completed by January 2013. The County of San Bernardino has passed a resolution to commit $8,800,000 to offset the total project cost.

    4. San Joaquin County—New Stockton Courthouse, Working Drawings. The amount of $13,186,000 is provided for the working drawing phase to construct a new courthouse in San Joaquin County. The 282,763 gsf building will house 30 courtrooms in the city of Stockton. Total estimated project cost is $261,979,000 with $6,570,000 for acquisition, $9,917,000 for preliminary plans, $13,186,000 for working drawings, and $232,306,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $206,373,000 for the construction contract, $10,319,000 for contingency, $3,418,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $12,196,000 for other project costs. The estimated project cost takes into account the resolution of the city of Stockton to donate land with an estimated value of $1,698,000. Acquisition is scheduled to be completed in August 2009 and preliminary plans by June 2010. Construction will begin in June 2011 and be completed by June 2013. The transfer agreement for the existing Stockton Courthouse to the State includes a provision which acknowledges the county’s intent to buy out the court’s equity in the existing facility.

    5. Tulare County—New Porterville Courthouse, Working Drawings. The amount of $4,619,000 is provided for the working drawing phase to construct a new courthouse in Tulare County. The 90,000 gsf building will house nine courtrooms in the city of Porterville. Total estimated project cost is $91,902,000 with $4,426,000 for acquisition, $3,264,000 for preliminary plans, $4,619,000 for working drawings, and $79,593,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $70,592,000 for the construction contract, $3,530,000 for contingency, $1,163,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $4,308,000 for other project costs. Acquisition is scheduled for completion by August 2009 and preliminary plans by April 2010. Construction will begin April 2011 and be completed by October 2012.

    Item 0250–301–3138—Judicial Branch—Capital Outlay

    1. Alameda County—New East County Courthouse, Capitalized Lease Purchase Agreement. Approval is provided to enter into a capitalized lease purchase agreement with the county of Alameda for use and occupancy of a new East County Courthouse. The project includes a new 138,133 gsf court building to house 13 courtrooms and a 38,913 gsf wing of another county building. Total estimated project cost to construct the new building is $130,010,000 with $8,007,000 for working drawings, and $122,003,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $106,943,000 for the construction contract, $5,347,000 for contingency, $2,525,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $7,188,000 for other project costs. Land for the project has been donated by the county. Preliminary Plans were completed in September 2008. Construction will begin in November 2009 and be completed by March 2011. A request will be submitted in the amount of $50,000,000 from Chapter 311, Statutes of 2008 (SB 1407, Perata) in fiscal year (FY) 2010–11 to either directly pay for a portion of the construction costs of the new courthouse building or to be used to buy down a portion of the overall project debt with the remaining balance of the project cost to be financed by Alameda County. The Judicial Council proposes a contribution towards this project in the form of a lease payment in the amount of $903,000 from the Court Facilities Trust Fund for the term of the lease–estimated at thirty years. These funds are part of the payments currently being made by the county to the state as part of the County Facilities Payment for the currently leased facility to be replaced by this project. A request for these lease payments will be submitted in FY 2011–12. Title to the new courthouse will be conveyed to the state upon retirement of the debt.

    2. Butte County—New North County Courthouse, Acquisition. The amount of $14,475,000 is provided for the acquisition phase to construct a new courthouse in Butte County. The new 59,500 gsf building will house five courtrooms. Total estimated project cost is $83,367,000 with $14,475,000 for acquisition, $2,311,000 for preliminary plans, $3,556,000 for working drawings, and $63,025,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $56,874,000 for the construction contract, $2,844,000 for contingency, $895,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $2,412,000 for other project costs. Acquisition will be completed in July 2011 and preliminary plans by February 2012. Construction will begin in April 2013 and be completed by November 2014.

    3. Imperial County—New El Centro Family Courthouse, Acquisition. The amount of $2,683,000 is provided for the acquisition phase to construct a new courthouse in Imperial County. The new 53,983 gsf building will house four courtrooms. Total estimated project cost is $77,288,000 with $2,683,000 for acquisition, $2,390,000 for preliminary plans, $3,000,000 for working drawings, and 69,215,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $56,068,000 for the construction contract, $2,803,000 for contingency, $1,077,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $9,267,000 for other project costs. Acquisition will be completed in July 2011 and preliminary plans by February 2012. Construction will begin in January 2013 and be completed by July 2014.

    4. Lake County—New Lakeport Courthouse, Acquisition. The amount of $2,610,000 is provided for the acquisition phase to construct a new courthouse in Lake County. The new 50,158 gsf building will house four courtrooms. Total estimated project cost is $71,744,000 with $2,610,000 for acquisition, $2,419,000 for preliminary plans, $3,036,000 for working drawings, and $63,679,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $57,554,000 for the construction contract, $2,878,000 for contingency, $767,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $2,480,000 for other project costs. Acquisition will be completed in July 2011 and preliminary plans by May 2012. Construction will begin in May 2013 and be completed by November 2014.

    5. Los Angeles County—New Southeast Los Angeles Courthouse, Acquisition. The amount of $22,726,000 is provided for the acquisition phase to construct a new courthouse in Los Angeles County. The new 90,000 gsf building will house nine courtrooms. Total estimated project cost is $129,027,000 with $22,726,000 for acquisition, $3,566,000 for preliminary plans, $5,291,000 for working drawings, and $97,444,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $87,977,000 for the construction contract, $4,399,000 for contingency, $1,371,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $3,697,000 for other project costs. Acquisition will be completed in July 2011 and preliminary plans by May 2012. Construction will begin in July 2013 and be completed by January 2015.

    6. Monterey County—New South Monterey County Courthouse, Acquisition. The amount of $686,000 is provided for the acquisition phase to construct a new courthouse in Monterey County. The new 47,223 gsf building will house three courtrooms. Total estimated project cost is $65,220,000 with $686,000 for acquisition, $2,613,000 for preliminary plans, $2,818,000 for working drawings, and $59,103,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $53,419,000 for the construction contract, $2,671,000 for contingency, $712,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $2,301,000 for other project costs. Acquisition will be completed in July 2011 and preliminary plans by May 2012. Construction will begin in May 2013 and be completed by November 2014.

    7. Riverside County—New Indio Juvenile and Family Courthouse, Acquisition. The amount of $4,419,000 is provided for the acquisition phase to construct a new courthouse in Riverside County. The new 67,933 gsf building will house five courtrooms. Total estimated project cost is $84,415,000 with $4,419,000 for acquisition, $2,799,000 for preliminary plans, $3,512,000 for working drawings, and $73,685,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $66,596,000 for the construction contract, $3,330,000 for contingency, $887,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $2,872,000 for other project costs. Acquisition will be completed in July 2011 and preliminary plans by May 2012. Construction will begin in May 2013 and be completed by November 2014.

    8. Sacramento County—New Sacramento Criminal Courthouse, Acquisition. The amount of $3,096,000 is provided for the acquisition phase to construct a new courthouse in Sacramento County. The new 396,609 gsf building will house 35 courtrooms. Total estimated project cost is $509,230,000 with $3,096,000 for acquisition, $10,935,000 for preliminary plans, $18,315,000 for working drawings, and $476,884,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $417,767,000 for the construction contract, $20,888,000 for contingency, $5,556,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $32,673,000 for other project costs. Acquisition will be completed in July 2011 and preliminary plans by February 2012. Construction will begin in June 2012 and be completed by October 2014.

    9. Santa Clara County—New Family Justice Center, Capitalized Lease Purchase Agreement. Approval is provided to enter into a capitalized lease purchase agreement with Santa Clara County for use and occupancy of a new family courthouse. The new 193,343 gsf building will house 20 courtrooms. Total estimated project cost is $184,080,000 with $1,679,000 for acquisition, $5,920,000 for preliminary plans, $8,729,000 for working drawings, and $167,752,000 (CCCI 5309) for construction. The construction amount includes $149,577,000 for the construction contract, $7,479,000 for contingency, $2,470,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $8,226,000 for other project costs. Acquisition will be completed in October 2009 and preliminary plans by June 2010. Construction will begin in August 2011 and be completed by June 2013. A FY 2010–11 request will be submitted in the amount of $44,000,000 from Chapter 311, Statutes of 2008 (SB 1407, Perata) for a portion of the construction costs, with the remaining balance to be financed by Santa Clara County. The county will finance and the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) will manage the construction of the new courthouse to be constructed on land donated by the county to the state for the facility. Local court and county funds will be transferred to the AOC’s Court Facilities Architectural Revolving Fund with the approval from the Department of Finance to pay for project costs. The state will lease the new courthouse for a period of 30 years and title to the new courthouse will be conveyed to the state upon retirement of debt. The debt service on the county bond will be funded by a combination of trial and county resources. These funding streams will also pay for the operating and maintenance costs of the new courthouse, and will not require additional General Fund resources.

    10. Shasta County—New Redding Courthouse, Acquisition. The amount of $6,996,000 is provided for the acquisition phase to construct a new courthouse in Shasta County. The new 173,351 gsf building will house 14 courtrooms. Total estimated project cost is $211,779,000 with $6,996,000 for acquisition, $4,585,000 for preliminary plans, $7,680,000 for working drawings, and $192,518,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $168,572,000 for the construction contract, $8,429,000 for contingency, $2,330,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $13,187,000 for other project costs. Acquisition will be completed in July 2011 and preliminary plans by February 2012. Construction will begin in June 2012 and be completed by October 2014.

    11. Solano County—Renovation to Fairfield Old Solano Courthouse, Acquisition and Preliminary Plans. The amount of $1,739,000 is provided for the acquisition ($594,000) and preliminary plan ($1,145,000) phases to renovate the Old Solano Courthouse building donated to the State of California. The renovated space of 29,900 gsf will house three courtrooms. Total estimated project cost is $26,893,000 with $594,000 for acquisition, $1,145,000 for preliminary plans, $1,393,000 for working drawings, and $23,761,000 (CCCI 5309) for construction. The construction amount includes $21,288,000 for the construction contract, $1,065,000 for contingency, $331,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $1,077,000 for other project costs. Acquisition will be completed in December 2009 and preliminary plans by June 2010. Construction will begin in June 2011 and be completed by August 2012.

    12. Sonoma County—New Santa Rosa Criminal Courthouse, Acquisition. The amount of $14,737,000 is provided for the acquisition phase to construct a new courthouse in Sonoma County. The new 173,500 gsf building will house 15 courtrooms. Total estimated project cost is $240,125,000 with $14,737,000 for acquisition, $5,046,000 for preliminary plans, $8,452,000 for working drawings, and $211,890,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $185,536,000 for the construction contract, $9,277,000 for contingency, $2,564,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $14,513,000 for other project costs. Acquisition will be completed in July 2011 and preliminary plans by February 2012. Construction will begin in June 2012 and be completed by October 2014.

    13. Sutter County—New Yuba City Courthouse, Acquisition. The amount of $1,059,000 is provided for the acquisition phase to construct a new courthouse in Sutter County. The new 78,701 gsf building will house seven courtrooms. Total estimated project cost is $100,626,000 with $1,059,000 for acquisition, $3,484,000 for preliminary plans, $4,371,000 for working drawings, and $91,712,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $82,890,000 for the construction contract, $4,144,000 for contingency, $1,104,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $3,574,000 for other project costs. Acquisition will be completed in July 2011 and preliminary plans by May 2012. Construction will begin in May 2013 and be completed by November 2014.

    14. Tehama County—New Red Bluff Courthouse, Acquisition. The amount of $16,289,000 is provided for the acquisition phase to construct a new courthouse in Tehama County. The new 54,090 gsf building will house five courtrooms. Total estimated project cost is $78,131,000 with $16,289,000 for acquisition, $2,065,000 for preliminary plans, $3,078,000 for working drawings, and $56,699,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $51,190,000 for the construction contract, $2,560,000 for contingency, $798,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $2,151,000 for other project costs. Acquisition will be completed in July 2011 and preliminary plans by May 2012. Construction will begin in July 2013 and be completed by January 2015.

    15. Yolo County—New Woodland Courthouse, Acquisition. The amount of $8,094,000 is provided for the acquisition phase to construct a new courthouse in Yolo County. The new 145,161 gsf building will house 14 courtrooms. Total estimated project cost is $172,940,000 with $8,094,000 for acquisition, $5,343,000 for preliminary plans, $8,105,000 for working drawings, and $151,398,000 (CCCI 5142) for construction. The construction amount includes $136,793,000 for the construction contract, $6,840,000 for contingency, $2,101,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $5,664,000 for other project costs. Acquisition will be completed in July 2011 and preliminary plans by June 2012. Construction will begin in September 2013 and be completed by April 2015.

    Item 0502–301–0001—Office of the Chief Information Officer— Capital Outlay

    1. Sacramento Public Safety Communications Decentralization—Resources Building, Working Drawings. The amount of $95,000 in reimbursement authority is provided by this item, to be reimbursed from the Department of Water Resources (DWR), to be applied toward the working drawing phase of this project. This project will relocate critical public safety communications from the top floor of the resources building in Sacramento and establish a “communications ring” at various outlying sites in Northern California, strengthening the viability of the State’s overall Public Safety Communications system in the event of an outage at any one site. This project is funded by a variety of sources including the State Highway Account (SHA) ($555,000), the Motor Vehicle Account (MVA) ($1,406,000), the Fish and Game Preservation Fund ($126,000), the Earthquake Safety and Public Buildings Act of 1990 ($1,028,000), and reimbursements from DWR ($95,000). Total estimated project cost, funded from multiple fund sources, is $31,088,000 (CCCI 4983). The acquisition amount of $4,829,000 includes $2,242,000 for agency–retained items and $2,587,000 for architectural and engineering services and other project costs. The total estimated project costs include $812,000 for previously approved preliminary plans. The amount of $3,210,000 for working drawings includes $1,921,000 for agency–retained items and $1,289,000 for architectural and engineering services and other project costs. The construction amount of $22,237,000 includes $15,270,000 for the construction contract, $764,000 for contingency, $1,074,000 for architectural and engineering services, $3,648,000 for agency–retained items, and $1,481,000 for other project costs. Working drawings are expected to begin in January 2010. The acquisition and preliminary plan phases for this project were funded in prior years as part of the Department of General Services (DGS) budget. Due to transfer of all DGS Telecommunications Division functions to the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) in May 2009, working drawing and construction phase appropriations will be requested as part of the OCIO’s budget. Additional authority is provided by items 0501–301–0042, 0502–301–0044, 0502–301–0200, and 0502–301–0768.

    Item 0502–301–0042—Office of the Chief Information Officer— Capital Outlay

    1. Sacramento Public Safety Communications Decentralization—Resources Building, Working Drawings. The amount of $555,000 is provided by this item to be applied toward the working drawing phase of this project. This project will relocate critical public safety communications from the top floor of the resources building in Sacramento and establish a “communications ring” at various outlying sites in Northern California, strengthening the viability of the State’s overall Public Safety Communications system in the event of an outage at any one site. This project is funded by a variety of sources including the SHA ($555,000), the MVA ($1,406,000), the Fish and Game Preservation Fund ($126,000), the Earthquake Safety and Public Buildings Act of 1990 ($1,028,000), and reimbursements from DWR ($95,000). Total estimated project cost, funded from multiple fund sources, is $31,088,000 (CCCI 4983). The acquisition amount of $4,829,000 includes $2,242,000 for agency–retained items and $2,587,000 for architectural and engineering services and other project costs. The total estimated project costs include $812,000 for previously approved preliminary plans. The amount of $3,210,000 for working drawings includes $1,921,000 for agency–retained items and $1,289,000 for architectural and engineering services and other project costs. The construction amount of $22,237,000 includes $15,270,000 for the construction contract, $764,000 for contingency, $1,074,000 for architectural and engineering services, $3,648,000 for agency–retained items, and $1,481,000 for other project costs. Working drawings are expected to begin in January 2010. The acquisition and preliminary plan phases for this project were funded in prior years as part of the DGS budget. Due to transfer of all DGS Telecommunications Division functions to the OCIO in May 2009, working drawing and construction phase appropriations will be requested as part of the OCIO’s budget. Additional authority is provided by items 0501–301–0001, 0502–301–0044, 0502–301–0200, and 0502–301–0768.

    Item 0502–301–0044—Office of the Chief Information Officer— Capital Outlay

    1. Sacramento Public Safety Communications Decentralization—Resources Building, Working Drawings. The amount of $1,406,000 is provided by this item to be applied toward the working drawing phase of this project. This project will relocate critical public safety communications from the top floor of the resources building in Sacramento and establish a “communications ring” at various outlying sites in Northern California, strengthening the viability of the State’s overall Public Safety Communications system in the event of an outage at any one site. This project is funded by a variety of sources including the SHA ($555,000), the MVA ($1,406,000), the Fish and Game Preservation Fund ($126,000), the Earthquake Safety and Public Buildings Act of 1990 ($1,028,000), and reimbursements from DWR ($95,000). Total estimated project cost, funded from multiple fund sources, is $31,088,000 (CCCI 4983). The acquisition amount of $4,829,000 includes $2,242,000 for agency–retained items and $2,587,000 for architectural and engineering services and other project costs. The total estimated project costs include $812,000 for previously approved preliminary plans. The amount of $3,210,000 for working drawings includes $1,921,000 for agency–retained items and $1,289,000 for architectural and engineering services and other project costs. The construction amount of $22,237,000 includes $15,270,000 for the construction contract, $764,000 for contingency, $1,074,000 for architectural and engineering services, $3,648,000 for agency–retained items, and $1,481,000 for other project costs. Working drawings are expected to begin in January 2010. The acquisition and preliminary plan phases for this project were funded in prior years as part of the DGS budget. Due to transfer of all DGS Telecommunications Division functions to the OCIO in May 2009, working drawing and construction phase appropriations will be requested as part of the OCIO’s budget. Additional authority is provided by items 0501–301–0001, 0502–301–0042, 0502–301–0200, and 0502–301–0768.

    Item 0502–301–0200—Office of the Chief Information Officer— Capital Outlay

    1. Sacramento Public Safety Communications Decentralization—Resources Building, Working Drawings. The amount of $126,000 is provided by this item to be applied toward the working drawing phase of this project. This project will relocate critical public safety communications from the top floor of the resources building in Sacramento and establish a “communications ring” at various outlying sites in Northern California, strengthening the viability of the State’s overall Public Safety Communications system in the event of an outage at any one site. This project is funded by a variety of sources including the SHA ($555,000), the MVA ($1,406,000), the Fish and Game Preservation Fund ($126,000), the Earthquake Safety and Public Buildings Act of 1990 ($1,028,000), and reimbursements from DWR ($95,000). Total estimated project cost, funded from multiple fund sources, is $31,088,000 (CCCI 4983). The acquisition amount of $4,829,000 includes $2,242,000 for agency–retained items and $2,587,000 for architectural and engineering services and other project costs. The total estimated project costs include $812,000 for previously approved preliminary plans. The amount of $3,210,000 for working drawings includes $1,921,000 for agency–retained items and $1,289,000 for architectural and engineering services and other project costs. The construction amount of $22,237,000 includes $15,270,000 for the construction contract, $764,000 for contingency, $1,074,000 for architectural and engineering services, $3,648,000 for agency–retained items, and $1,481,000 for other project costs. Working drawings are expected to begin in January 2010. The acquisition and preliminary plan phases for this project were funded in prior years as part of the DGS budget. Due to transfer of all DGS Telecommunications Division functions to the OCIO in May 2009, working drawing and construction phase appropriations will be requested as part of the OCIO’s budget. Additional authority is provided by items 0501–301–0001, 0502–301–0042, 0502–301–0044, and 0502–301–0768.

    Item 0502–301–0768—Office of the Chief Information Officer— Capital Outlay

    1. Sacramento Public Safety Communications Decentralization—Resources Building, Working Drawings. The amount of $1,028,000 is provided by this item to be applied toward the working drawing phase of this project. This project will relocate critical public safety communications from the top floor of the resources building in Sacramento and establish a “communications ring” at various outlying sites in Northern California, strengthening the viability of the State’s overall Public Safety Communications system in the event of an outage at any one site. This project is funded by a variety of sources including the SHA ($555,000), the MVA ($1,406,000), the Fish and Game Preservation Fund ($126,000), the Earthquake Safety and Public Buildings Act of 1990 ($1,028,000), and reimbursements from DWR ($95,000). Total estimated project cost, funded from multiple fund sources, is $31,088,000 (CCCI 4983). The acquisition amount of $4,829,000 includes $2,242,000 for agency–retained items and $2,587,000 for architectural and engineering services and other project costs. The total estimated project costs include $812,000 for previously approved preliminary plans. The amount of $3,210,000 for working drawings includes $1,921,000 for agency–retained items and $1,289,000 for architectural and engineering services and other project costs. The construction amount of $22,237,000 includes $15,270,000 for the construction contract, $764,000 for contingency, $1,074,000 for architectural and engineering services, $3,648,000 for agency–retained items, and $1,481,000 for other project costs. Working drawings are expected to begin in January 2010. The acquisition and preliminary plan phases for this project were funded in prior years as part of the DGS budget. Due to transfer of all DGS Telecommunications Division functions to the OCIO in May 2009, working drawing and construction phase appropriations will be requested as part of the OCIO’s budget. Additional authority is provided by items 0501–301–0001, 0502–301–0042, 0502–301–0044, and 0502–301–0200.

    Item 0690–301–0890—California Emergency Management Agency—Capital Outlay

    1. Southern Region Facility, Preliminary Plans. The budget provides $1,857,000 for preliminary plans to construct a Regional Emergency Operations Center which will meet the requirements of the Essential Services Act for Seismic Safety. Additionally, the project will include a stand alone warehouse, communication tower, and surface parking. Total estimated project cost is $31,413,000 (CCCI 5135) including preliminary plans ($1,857,000), working drawings ($1,987,000), and construction ($27,569,000). The amount for construction includes $21,000,000 for construction contracts, $1,740,000 for inspections, and $4,828,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2009 and be completed May 2010.

    Item 2660–311–0042—Department of Transportation—Capital Outlay

    1. Eureka District 1 Office Renovation. The amount of $695,000 is provided for the preliminary plans phase of this project that will correct infrastructure deficiencies at the Eureka office. Specific improvements include the installation of a fire alarm system, expansion of the fire sprinkler system and addition of fire separation walls, replacement of the heating and ventilation system, new roofing, and upgraded mechanical and electrical systems. Total project cost of $10,098,000 includes $695,000 for preliminary plans, $687,000 for working drawings, and $8,716,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $6,622,000 for the contract, $463,000 contingency, and $1,631,000 for project administration. Preliminary plans are expected to be completed in July 2010, working drawings completed in July 2011, and construction completed in January 2013.

    Item 3540–301–0660—Department of Forestry and Fire Protection—Capital Outlay

    1. Parlin Fork Conservation Camp—Replace Facility. The budget provides $53,544,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to replace the Parlin Fork Conservation Camp in Mendocino County. The project includes construction of a 5,500 gsf administration building; 4,063 gsf 14–bed barracks/mess hall; 5,376 gsf CalFire warehouse; 1,080 gsf physical training building; 1,936 gsf laundry facility; 1,984 gsf four–bay utility garage; 8,400 gsf automotive/welding/saw shop; 1,140 gsf enclosed wash rack with water filtration system; 864 gsf generator/pump/storage building with new generator, transfer switch, and fire pump; 2,088 gsf three–bay emergency crew transport (ETC) building; 1,984 gsf four–bay ETC building; 2,520 gsf inmate hobby/physical training building; 958 gsf staging area bathroom; 7,500 gsf inmate kitchen/mess hall; 11,119 gsf inmate dormitory; 2,876 gsf inmate recreation building; 1,000 gsf family visiting building; 6,000 gsf inmate carpenter shop/maintenance/engineer building; remodel existing CalFire physical training building; all site development, utilities, and associated appurtenances; demolition; and hazardous materials abatement. The total estimated project cost is $53,544,000 (CCCI 5393) including preliminary plans ($3,029,000), working drawings ($3,098,000), and construction ($47,417,000). The amount for construction includes $1,953,000 for contingencies, $6,290,000 for project administration, $39,054,000 for construction contracts, and $120,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start September 2009 and be completed by September 2010 working drawings are scheduled to start October 2010 and be completed February 2012, and construction is scheduled to start July 2012 and be completed by January 2015.

    2. Soquel Fire Station—Replace Facility. The budget provides $10,599,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to replace the Soquel Fire Station in Santa Cruz County. The project includes construction of a combined 5,030 gsf 8–bed barracks/mess hall and 2–bay apparatus building; 1,800 gsf office/education center; 1,200 gsf storage building; 648 gsf generator/pump/storage building with emergency generator, transfer switch, and fire pump; all site development, utilities, and associated appurtenances; demolition; and hazardous materials abatement. The total estimated project cost is $10,599,000 (CCCI 5393) including preliminary plans ($763,000), working drawings ($768,000), and construction ($9,068,000). The amount for construction includes $346,000 for contingencies, $1,743,000 for project administration, $6,929,000 for construction contracts, and $50,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start September 2009 and be completed by July 2010, working drawings are scheduled to start August 2010 and be completed April 2011, and construction is scheduled to start October 2011 and be completed by December 2012.

    3. Felton Fire Station/Unit Headquarters—Replace Facility. The budget provides $25,100,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to replace the Felton Fire Station/Unit Headquarters in Santa Cruz County. The project includes construction of a 5,840 gsf 12–bed barracks/mess hall; 1,982 gsf dozer shed; 1,000 gsf physical training building; two 650 gsf generator/pump/storage buildings with generator, transfer switch, and fire pump; 5,524 gsf emergency command center with expanded dispatch area; 9,997 gsf administration building, remodeled apparatus buildings, all site development, utilities, and associated appurtenances; demolition; and hazardous materials abatement. The total estimated project cost is $25,100,000 (CCCI 5393) including preliminary plans ($1,393,000), working drawings ($1,340,000), and construction ($22,367,000). The amount for construction includes $835,000 for contingencies, $3,340,000 for project administration, $16,692,000 for construction contracts, and $1,500,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start September 2009 and be completed by July 2010, working drawings are scheduled to start August 2010 and be completed April 2011, and construction is scheduled to start October 2011 and be completed by April 2013.

    4. El Dorado Fire Station, Service Warehouse—Replace Facility. The budget provides $26,375,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to replace the El Dorado Fire Station and Service Warehouse in El Dorado County. The project includes construction of a combined 7,660 gsf 16–bed barracks/mess hall, 3–bay apparatus, and battalion chief’s office; 9,246 gsf 5–bay automotive shop/vehicle repair facility; 2,862 gsf dozer transport building with Mobile Command Center complement; 6,000 gsf service center/warehouse with Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) fill station, 1,200 gsf enclosed vehicle wash rack with filtration system; 648 gsf generator/pump/storage building with generator, transfer switch, and fire pump; 120 gsf storage building; a fuel island and fire pump test pit; all site development, utilities, and associated appurtenances; demolition; and hazardous materials abatement. The total estimated project cost is $26,375,000 (CCCI 5393) including preliminary plans ($1,891,000), working drawings ($1,721,000), and construction ($22,763,000). The amount for construction includes $965,000 for contingencies, $2,389,000 for project administration, $19,289,000 for construction contracts, and $120,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start September 2009 and be completed by July 2010, working drawings are scheduled to start August 2010 and be completed April 2011, and construction is scheduled to start October 2011 and be completed by April 2013.

    5. Butte Fire Station/Unit Headquarters—Replace Facility. The budget provides $30,692,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to replace the Oroville Fire Station/Unit Headquarters in Butte County. The project includes construction of a 5,000 gsf 20–bed barracks/mess hall; 2,000 gsf 3–bay apparatus building; 10,000 gsf administration building; 11,163 gsf 5–bay automotive shop; 1,982 gsf 2–bay dozer shed; 1,200 gsf enclosed vehicle wash rack with filtration system; 1,125 gsf physical fitness building; 10,000 gsf service center/warehouse; 2,500 gsf maintenance/grounds keeping building; 1,000 gsf radio repair facility; 528 gsf generator/pump/storage building with generator and transfer switch; fuel island and fire pump test pit; all site development, utilities, and associated appurtenances; demolition; and hazardous materials abatement. The total estimated project cost is $30,692,000 (CCCI 5194) including preliminary plans ($1,943,000), working drawings ($1,674,000), and construction ($27,075,000). The amount for construction includes $1,151,000 for contingencies, $2,776,000 for project administration, $23,028,000 for construction contracts, and $120,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start September 2009 and be completed by July 2010, working drawings are scheduled to start August 2010 and be completed April 2011, and construction is scheduled to start October 2011 and be completed by April 2013.

    6. Potrero Fire Station—Replace Facility. The budget provides $10,389,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to replace the Potrero Fire Station in San Diego County. The project includes construction of a 3,939 gsf 14 bed barracks/mess hall; 1,999 gsf 3–bay apparatus building; 648 gsf generator/pump/storage building with generator, transfer switch, and fire pump; 156 gsf battalion chief’s office; all site development, utilities, and associated appurtenances; demolition; and hazardous materials abatement. The total estimated project cost is $10,389,000 (CCCI 5393) including preliminary plans ($758,000), working drawings ($714,000), and construction ($8,917,000). The amount for construction includes $364,000 for contingencies, $1,240,000 for project administration, $7,273,000 for construction contracts, and $40,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start September 2009 and be completed by July 2010, working drawings are scheduled to start August 2010 and be completed April 2011, and construction is scheduled to start October 2011 and be completed by December 2012.

    7. Cuesta Conservation Camp/San Luis Obispo Unit Auto Shop—Relocate Facilities. The budget provides $70,238,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to replace the Cuesta Conservation Camp/San Luis Obispo Unit Auto Shop in San Luis Obispo County. The project includes construction of a 5,343 gsf administration building; 4,122 gsf 14–bed CalFire barracks/mess hall; 4,122 gsf 14–bed CDCR barracks/mess hall; 1,026 gsf training classroom; 6,144 gsf crew carrying vehicle storage building; 5,991 gsf support fleet storage; 1,500 gsf dozer/transport building; 9,000 gsf auto shop; 300 gsf storage building; 565 gsf generator building with generator; 1,374 gsf inmate hobby building; 1,026 gsf family visiting building; 4,000 gsf inmate recreation hall; 4,500 gsf camp store/warehouse; 6,989 gsf inmate kitchen/dining facility; 13,705 gsf inmate dormitory; 910 gsf staging bathroom; 6,000 gsf inmate carpentry; all site development, utilities, and associated appurtenances; demolition; and hazardous materials abatement. The total estimated project cost is $70,238,000 (CCCI 5393) including preliminary plans ($5,138,000), working drawings ($3,932,000), and construction ($61,168,000). The amount for construction includes $2,489,000 for contingencies, $8,776,000 for project administration, $49,763,000 for construction contracts, and $140,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start September 2009 and be completed by July 2010, working drawings are scheduled to start August 2010 and be completed June 2011, and construction is scheduled to start October 2011 and be completed by April 2014.

    8. Cayucos Fire Station—Replace Facility. The budget provides $9,678,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to replace the Cayucos Fire Station in San Luis Obispo County. The project includes construction of a 3,134 gsf 8–bed barracks/mess hall; 1,664 gsf 2–bay apparatus building; 648 gsf generator/pump/storage building with generator, transfer switch, and fire pump; 400 gsf battalion chief’s office/SCBA repair room; all site development, utilities, and associated appurtenances; demolition; and hazardous materials abatement. The total estimated project cost is $9,678,000 (CCCI 5393) including preliminary plans ($777,000), working drawings ($668,000), and construction ($8,233,000). The amount for construction includes $339,000 for contingencies, $1,076,000 for project administration, $6,778,000 for construction contracts, and $40,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start September 2009 and be completed by July 2010, working drawings are scheduled to start August 2010 and be completed April 2011, and construction is scheduled to start October 2011 and be completed by December 2012.

    9. Tuolumne–Calaveras Service Center, Administration, Emergency Command Center—Relocate Facility. The budget provides $24,655,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to replace the Tuolumne–Calaveras Service Center, Administration Building, and Emergency Command Center in Calaveras County. The project includes construction of a 10,000 gsf service center; 9,608 gsf administration building; 6,805 gsf emergency command center; 648 gsf radio vault building; 818 gsf generator/pump/storage building with generator, transfer switch, and fire pump; 1,000 gsf physical training building; 720 gsf evidence building; all site development, utilities, and associated appurtenances; demolition; and hazardous materials abatement. The total estimated project cost is $24,655,000 (CCCI 5393) including preliminary plans ($1,508,000), working drawings ($1,370,000), and construction ($21,777,000). The amount for construction includes $870,000 for contingencies, $2,005,000 for project administration, $17,402,000 for construction contracts, and $1,500,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start September 2009 and be completed by November 2010, working drawings are scheduled to start December 2010 and be completed January 2012, and construction is scheduled to start June 2012 and be completed by November 2013.

    10. Parkfield Fire Station—Replace Facility. The budget provides $7,209,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to replace the Parkfield Fire Station in Monterey County. The project includes construction of a 3,134 gsf 8–bed barracks/mess hall; 1,664 gsf 2–bay apparatus building; 648 gsf generator/pump/storage building with generator, transfer switch, and fire pump; all site development, utilities, and associated appurtenances; demolition; and hazardous materials abatement. The total estimated project cost is $7,209,000 (CCCI 5393) including preliminary plans ($609,000), working drawings ($458,000), and construction ($6,142,000). The amount for construction includes $248,000 for contingencies, $907,000 for project administration, $4,947,000 for construction contracts, and $40,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start September 2009 and be completed by July 2010, working drawings are scheduled to start August 2010 and be completed April 2011, and construction is scheduled to start October 2011 and be completed by December 2012.

    11. Gabilan Conservation Camp—Replace Facility. The budget provides $21,865,000 for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to replace the Gabilan Conservation Camp in Monterey County. The project includes construction of a 3,804 gsf CalFire 14–bed barracks/mess hall; 3,083 gsf CDCR 8–bed barracks/mess hall; 6,127 gsf service center; 9,248 gsf 5–bay automotive repair/welding shop; convert the existing barracks to a training facility with office space; all site development, utilities, and associated appurtenances; demolition; and hazardous materials abatement. The total estimated project cost is $21,865,000 (CCCI 5393) including preliminary plans ($1,374,000), working drawings ($1,263,000), and construction ($19,228,000). The amount for construction includes $814,000 for contingencies, $2,013,000 for project administration, $16,281,000 for construction contracts, and $120,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to start September 2009 and be completed by September 2010, working drawings are scheduled to start October 2010 and be completed February 2012, and construction is scheduled to start July 2012 and be completed by January 2014.

    Item 3790–301–0263—Department of Parks and Recreation— Capital Outlay

    1. Prairie City State Vehicular Recreation Area—Four–Wheel Drive (4x4) Facilities Improvements. The budget provides $2,079,000 in construction funds to improve the existing 4X4 facilities. Total project cost is $2,229,000 (CCCI 5296) including preliminary plans ($50,000), working drawings ($100,000), and construction ($2,079,000). The amount for construction includes $1,405,000 for construction contracts, $70,000 for contingency, $55,000 for project administration, and $549,000 for agency–retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin August 2009 and be completed December 2010.

    2. Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area/Pismo State Beach—Visitor Center and Equipment Storage. The budget provides $734,000 for working drawings to construct a new visitor center and an equipment storage facility. Total project cost is $6,459,000 (CCCI 5296) including preliminary plans ($143,000), working drawings ($734,000), and construction ($5,582,000). The amount for construction includes $4,435,000 for construction contracts, $222,000 for contingency, $382,000 for project administration, and $543,000 for agency–retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin July 2009 and be completed May 2010.

    3. Heber Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area—Initial Improvements. The budget provides $223,000 for preliminary plans to develop the facility to meet visitor demand. Total project cost is $5,923,000 (CCCI 5296) including preliminary plans ($223,000), working drawings ($361,000), construction ($5,142,000), and equipment ($197,000). The amount for construction includes $4,591,000 for construction contracts, $230,000 for contingency, $277,000 for project administration, and $44,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2009 and be completed May 2010.

    4. Statewide, Opportunity Purchase Pre–Budget Schematics. The budget provides $2,000,000 for preparation of appraisals, cost estimates, and schematics for future acquisition and development projects supported by the Off–Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Program.

    Item 3790–301–0890—Department of Parks and Recreation— Capital Outlay

    1. Statewide, Federal Trust Fund. The budget provides $5,000,000 to acquire important additions to, or improve, facilities within the state park system. Funds may also be used for planning and construction of capital outlay projects.

    Item 3790–301–6051—Department of Parks and Recreation— Capital Outlay

    1. Statewide, Budget Development. The budget provides $300,000 for study to fund initial investigations and studies for future projects to provide a better definition of project scope, to pay for costs to prepare budget cost estimates, schematic drawings, and other information for projects, and to contract with other state agencies and/or consultants to provide topographic surveys necessary in advance of project design. Total project cost is $300,000.

    2. Cuyamaca Rancho State Park—Equestrian Facilities. The budget provides $3,031,000 for construction to construct a day–use equestrian trailhead parking area and provide trail connections. Total estimated project cost is $3,441,000 (CCCI 5296) including preliminary plans ($205,000), working drawings ($205,000), and construction ($3,031,000). The amount for construction includes $2,759,000 for construction contracts, $138,000 for contingency, $104,000 for project administration, and $30,000 for agency–retained items. Construction is scheduled to begin August 2009 and be completed December 2010.

    3. Los Angeles State Historic Park—Site Development–Planning and Phase I Build Out. The budget provides $3,355,000 in working drawings funds to provide overall studies and preliminary planning for the phased development of permanent facilities for the 32–acre park site in downtown Los Angeles. Total estimated project cost is $51,632,000 (CCCI 5296) including study ($765,000), preliminary plans ($5,854,000), working drawings ($3,355,000), construction ($41,608,000), and equipment ($50,000). The amount for construction includes $36,684,000 for construction contracts, $1,834,000 for contingency, $2,040,000 for project administration, and $1,050,000 for agency–retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin August 2009 and be completed June 2010.

    4. Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park—Park Improvements. The budget provides $735,000 for working drawings to make various improvements that will enhance the visitor’s educational and interpretive experience. The project will replace the existing historic sawmill replica with a new heavy timber structure, make improvements to the museum building, and develop and install exhibits and media. Total estimated project cost is $4,466,000 (CCCI 5296) including preliminary plans ($340,000), working drawings ($735,000), and construction ($3,391,000). The amount for construction includes $2,275,000 for construction contracts, $159,000 for contingency, $261,000 for project administration, and $696,000 for agency–retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin June 2009 and be completed May 2010.

    5. Eastshore State Park—Brickyard Cove Development. The budget provides $833,000 for working drawings to develop initial public day use facilities, including parking and shore access. Total estimated project cost is $11,479,000 (CCCI 5296) including preliminary plans ($771,000), working drawings ($833,000), construction ($9,800,000), and equipment ($75,000). The amount for construction includes $8,497,000 for construction contracts, $425,000 for contingency, $348,000 for project administration, and $530,000 for agency–retained items. Working drawings are scheduled to begin May 2009 and be completed May 2010.

    6. Angel Island State Historic Park—Immigration Station Hospital Rehabilitation. The budget provides $309,000 for preliminary plans for the rehabilitation of the historic immigration station hospital. The project will set the ground work for possible future interior rehabilitation projects. Total project cost is $5,496,000 (CCCI 5296) including preliminary plans ($309,000), working drawings ($424,000), and construction ($4,763,000). The amount for construction includes $3,645,000 for construction contracts, $255,000 for contingency, $817,000 for project administration, and $46,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2009 and be completed October 2010.

    7. Fort Ord Dunes State Park—New Campground and Beach Access. The budget provides $1,198,000 for preliminary plans to develop initial permanent public facilities, including camping and day use beach access. Up to 110 new campsites will be constructed, along with appurtenant improvements, operations facilities, and a beach access trail with restrooms and paved parking. Total project cost is $22,166,000 (CCCI 5296) including preliminary plans ($1,198,000), working drawings ($2,001,000), and construction ($18,967,000). The amount for construction includes $15,657,000 for construction contracts, $1,096,000 for contingency, $1,116,000 for project administration, and $1,098,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2009 and be completed May 2010.

    8. Grover Hot Springs State Park—Renovate Pool Complex. The budget provides $531,000 for preliminary plans to demolish, reconfigure, and rebuild the public hot springs pools and support facilities. Total project cost is $7,392,000 (CCCI 5296) including preliminary plans ($531,000), working drawings ($764,000), and construction ($6,097,000). The amount for construction includes $5,098,000 for construction contracts, $357,000 for contingency, $418,000 for project administration, and $224,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin May 2010 and be completed May 2011.

    9. El Capitan State Beach—Construct New Lifeguard Headquarters. The budget provides $591,000 for preliminary plans to construct a replacement lifeguard headquarters building on the location of the existing concession building. Total project cost is $8,922,000 (CCCI 5296) including preliminary plans ($591,000), working drawings ($612,000), construction ($7,621,000), and equipment ($98,000). The amount for construction includes $6,505,000 for construction contracts, $455,000 for contingency, $585,000 for project administration, and $76,000 for agency retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2009 and be completed June 2010.

    10. Silverwood Lake State Recreation Area—Nature Center Exhibits. The budget provides $380,000 for preliminary plans and working drawings for new interpretive, educational, and informational exhibits for the recently constructed Nature/Visitor Center building and surrounding site. The project includes interpretive planning and the design, fabrication, and installation of exhibits. Total project cost is $1,207,000 (CCCI 5296) including preliminary plans ($232,000), working drawings ($148,000), construction ($817,000), and equipment ($10,000). The amount for construction includes $817,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin July 2009 and be completed May 2010.

    11. Old Town San Diego State Historic Park—Building Demolition and Immediate Public Use Facilities. The budget provides $436,000 for preliminary plans to demolish and remove the former Caltrans office building located on site. Also, this project will construct immediate public use (IPU) facilities including a parking area, pedestrian circulation, basic landscaping, and interpretive elements. Total estimated project cost is $7,875,000 (CCCI 5296) including preliminary plans ($436,000), working drawings ($299,000), and construction ($7,140,000). The amount for construction includes $6,036,000 for construction contacts, $422,000 for contingency, $429,000 for project administration, and $253,000 for agency–retained items. Preliminary plans are scheduled to begin August 2009 and be completed June 2010.

    12. Statewide, State Park System Acquisition Program. The budget provides $8,000,000 to acquire desirable parcels that are a high priority for the State Park System and that meet statewide objectives in categories with the Department’s mission and State Park System Plan. Land acquisition is scheduled to begin July 2009 and be completed June 2012.

    Item 3860–301–6026/6031—Department of Water Resources— Capital Outlay

    1. Franks Tract Pilot Project. The budget provides $17,000,000 from Chapter 9, Article 3, Section 79190(d)(2)(B)(ii) of Proposition 13 and $10,000,000 from Chapter 7, Section 79550(b) of Proposition 50 for the construction of the Franks Tract Project which will provide water quality improvement in the central and south Delta and protection to Delta fisheries.

    Item 3860–301–6052/Reimbursements— Department of Water Resources—Capital Outlay

    1. American River Flood Control Project: Common Features. The budget provides $7,601,000 from Section 5096.821(b) of Proposition 1E and $3,200,000 in reimbursement authority to continue the re–evaluation, design, and construction of the American River (Common Features) Project.

    2. South Sacramento County Streams. The budget provides $7,346,000 from Section 5096.821(b) of Proposition 1E and $3,005,000 in reimbursement authority to continue construction on the South Sacramento County Streams Project in an effort to improve South Sacramento’s level of flood protection from the Morrison Creek stream group from a 50–year level to an over 200–year level.

    3. Folsom Dam Modifications Project. The budget provides $47,256,000 from Section 5096.821(b) of Proposition 1E and $20,192,000 in reimbursement authority to enhance the flood release capability of the Folsom Dam, and thereby increase the level of protection from flooding to Sacramento.

    Item 3860–301–6052—Department of Water Resources—Capital Outlay

    1. System Evaluation of the State Plan of Flood Control. The budget provides $35,200,000 from Section 5096.821(a)(2) of Proposition 1E for development of the required datasets and modeling necessary for the State Plan of Flood Control. These will be used for planning and designing repairs, improvements, new facilities, and infrastructure for capital assets within the State Plan of Flood Control.

    2. Sutter Bypass Pumping Plants Control Systems. The budget provides $7,122,000 from Section 5096.821(a)(2) of Proposition 1E to complete the fabrication of new pump control systems and installation of emergency power backup supplies at each of the three Sutter Bypass Pumping Plants and at the Sutter Maintenance Yard.

    3. Knights Landing Outfall Gates Rehabilitation. The budget provides $10,273,000 from Section 5096.821(a)(2) of Proposition 1E to rehabilitate the Knights Landing Outfall Gates. Currently these gates are in disrepair and cannot effectively maintain the water levels in the channel.

    4. Sacramento Yard Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Remediation. The budget provides $5,050,000 from Section 5096.821(a)(2) of Proposition 1E to address soil and groundwater contamination from two 3,000–gallon underground fuel storage tanks and a former above–ground pesticide tank at the Sacramento Maintenance Yard.

    5. Sutter Bypass East Borrow Canal Water Control Structures. The budget provides $3,992,000 from Section 5096.821(a) of Proposition 1E to complete construction of two replacement facilities in the East Borrow Canal of the Sutter Bypass: Weir 2 and Willow Slough Weir, which are State Plan of Flood Control facilities.

    Item 3860–302–6052—Department of Water Resources—Capital Outlay

    1. West Sacramento Early Implementation Project. The budget provides $49,925,000 from Section 5096.821(b) of Proposition 1E to design and construct 3.7 miles of upgraded levee, including constructing a new 3.3–mile long setback levee on the Sacramento River West South Levee Reach, identified as an early implementation project segment of the West Sacramento Project for the West Sacramento Flood Control Agency.

    2. Systemwide Levee Evaluations and Repairs. The budget provides $119,500,000 from Section 5096.821(c)(1) in order to: (1) continue systemwide evaluations of State/Federal (Project) levees, (2) evaluate non–Project levees that protect urban areas, and (3) repair levees and erosion sites where deficiencies are found.

    Item 4300–301–0001—Department of Developmental Services— Capital Outlay

    1. Fairview Developmental Center—Upgrade Fire Alarm System, Working Drawings and Construction. The amount of $9,147,000 is provided for working drawings and construction to install a new fire alarm system essential to protect consumers. The project scope includes the installation of a new fire alarm system by removing existing fire alarm systems and all related materials and equipment. They will be replaced with new reliable code compliant fire alarm systems. Fifteen consumer occupied and utilized buildings, a school, and a dispatch office will be upgraded. The project cost is $9,744,000 (CCCI 4999), including $597,000 for preliminary plans, $572,000 for working drawings, and $8,575,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $7,122,400 for the construction contract, $498,600 for contingency, $334,200 for architectural and engineering fees, and $619,800 for other project costs. Preliminary plans began in November 2008 and working drawings are scheduled for November 2009. Construction is expected to begin in February 2011 and should be completed in May 2012.

    2. Sonoma Developmental Center—Install Medical Gasses and Oxygen Piping, Working Drawings. The amount of $321,000 is provided for working drawings to install piping to supply additional oxygen, medical air, and suction outlets to the Johnson/Ordahl building. The project scope includes a new oxygen storage tank with concrete pad and fencing, medical air compressor, vacuum compressor, emergency shut off zone valve, alarm system panels at each nursing station, and head wall units at patients beds. The project cost is $4,184,000 (CCCI 4943), including $342,000 for preliminary plans, $321,000 for working drawings, and $3,521,000 for construction. The amount for construction includes $2,659,700 for the construction contract, $186,200 for contingency, $365,316 for architectural and engineering fees, and $309,784 for other project costs. Preliminary plans began December 2008 and working drawings should begin in December 2009. Construction should begin in February 2011 and should be completed in November 2011.

    Item 5225–301–0001—California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation—Capital Outlay

    1. Statewide—Reentry Facility Site Evaluations, Study and Acquisition. The amount of $5,000,000 is provided for study and acquisition to fund site evaluation activities as related to the construction and establishment of reentry facilities statewide, pursuant to the Public Safety and Offender Rehabilitation Services Act of 2007 (AB 900, Chapter 7, Statutes of 2007). The funds are to be allocated by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), upon approval of DOF, for site investigation and real estate due diligence activities preliminary to the site selection and acquisition of interests in real property. In performing these activities CDCR is authorized, upon approval of the State Public Works Board, to enter into agreements for the acquisition of an option to purchase real property.

    2. Statewide—Small Management Exercise Yards—Psychiatric Services Unit (PSU) and Segregated Housing Unit (SHU), Preliminary Plans and Working Drawings. The amount of $278,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($153,000) and working drawings ($125,000) for the design of 100 small management exercise yards at five institutions to provide the required out–of–cell exercise time for inmates housed in special purpose SHUs. The total estimated project cost is $8,092,000, including the future cost of $7,814,000 for construction of 150 yards, including 50 additional yards for which preliminary plans and working drawings were funded in the 2007–08 Budget Act. The cost of construction includes $6,325,000 for construction contracts, $270,000 for contingency, $411,000 for architectural and engineering services, $154,000 for agency–retained items, and $654,000 for other project costs. Preliminary plans will begin in August 2009 and be complete in November 2009. Working drawings will begin in November 2009 and be complete in April 2010.

    3. California Institution for Men, Chino—Housing Unit Fire, Life, and Safety Modifications, Preliminary Plans, Working Drawings, and Construction. The amount of $1,777,000 is provided for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to complete fire, life, and safety modifications to four housing units. The total estimated project cost is $1,777,000 (CCCI 5142), including $1,288,000 for construction contracts, $114,000 for contingency, $141,000 for agency–retained items, and $234,000 for other project costs. Preliminary plans will begin in August 2009 and be complete in October 2009. Working drawings will begin in October 2009 and be complete in December 2009. Construction will begin in January 2010 and be complete in October 2011.

    4. California Institution for Women, Chino—20–Bed PSU, Construction. The amount of $6,433,000 is provided for construction to convert the existing Support Care Unit, East Wing to a 20 Bed PSU and construct a 2,880 gsf modular building to provide associated treatment and office space. The total estimated project cost is $7,603,000 (CCCI 5295), including previously approved preliminary plans ($487,000) and working drawings ($683,000) funding of $1,170,000. The construction cost includes $5,008,000 for construction contracts, $351,000 for contingency, $334,000 for architectural and engineering services, $327,000 for agency–retained items, $363,000 for other project costs, and $50,000 for Group II equipment. Construction will begin in April 2010 and be complete in April 2011.

    5. California State Prison, Sacramento, Represa—Enhanced Outpatient Program, Facility B, Treatment and Office Space, Working Drawings. The amount of $876,000 is provided for working drawings for a project that will provide the necessary program, treatment, and office space to serve the existing 192, Level IV Enhanced Outpatient Program inmate–patients housed in Facility B by converting existing, unused warehouse space. The total estimated project cost is $15,218,000 (CCCI 5295), including future construction cost of $13,174,000 and previously approved preliminary plans ($1,168,000). The construction cost includes $10,239,000 for construction contracts, $717,000 for contingency, $445,000 for architectural and engineering services, $490,000 for agency retained items, $933,000 for other project costs, and $350,000 for Group II equipment. Working drawings will be completed in December 2009. Construction will begin in February 2010 and be complete in July 2011.

    Item 5225–301–0660—California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation—Capital Outlay

    1. California Rehabilitation Center, Norco—Replace Men’s Dorms, (Phase III of V), Construction. The amount of $14,950,000 is provided for construction for Phase III of this project, which includes demolition of six World War II era 100–bed dormitories and construction of three 200–bed dormitories. This project is being completed in five phases to avoid loss of bed space during construction. The total estimated cost of this project, which includes the demolition of 28 World War II era 100–bed dormitories and construction of 16 200–bed prototypical dormitories, is $89,230,000 (CCCI 5142), including an estimated $85,985,000 for construction costs. The Phase III construction amount includes $11,952,000 for construction contracts, $684,000 for contingency, $30,000 for architectural and engineering services, $887,000 for agency–retained items, $193,000 for Group II equipment, and $1,204,000 for other project costs. This phase of construction will begin in April 2010 and be complete in August 2012.

    Item 5225–301–0747—California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation—Capital Outlay

    1. Deuel Vocational Institution, Tracy—New Minimum Support Dining Facility, Preliminary Plans, Working Drawings, and Construction. The amount of $750,000 is provided for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to replace the existing modular kitchen/dining facility with a permanent building designed for heavy–duty commercial dining use. The total estimated project cost is $750,000 (CCCI 5142) including $522,000 for construction contracts, $34,000 for contingency, $83,000 for agency–retained items, and $111,000 for other project costs. Approval of preliminary plans is anticipated in September 2009. Construction will begin in January 2010 and be complete in June 2010.

    Item 6110–301–0660—Department of Education—Capital Outlay

    1. California School for the Deaf, Riverside—Kitchen and Dining Hall Renovation. The amount of $12,317,000 is reappropriated for the kitchen and dining hall renovation project at the California School for the Deaf, Riverside. The project scope includes remodeling the existing facility, adding an additional 3,728 sf addition to the building to accommodate student dining, redesigning the food serving area, improving the layout of the kitchen area, upgrading kitchen equipment, improving accessibility, and adding air conditioning to the building. The total estimated project cost is $13,774,000. Construction will begin in July 2010 and be completed by September 2012. The building shall be subject to Field Act and Americans with Disabilities Act regulations.

    2. California School for the Deaf, Riverside—Career and Technical Education Complex and Service Yard. The amounts of $10,765,000 and $3,729,000 are reappropriated for the Career and Technical Education Complex and service yard project at the California School for the Deaf, Riverside. The project scope includes a classroom/administration building, shop building, greenhouse, service yard, and parking for 71 vehicles. The total estimated project cost is $20,408,000. Construction will begin in May 2010 and be completed by March 2012. The building shall be subject to Field Act and Americans with Disabilities Act regulations.

    3. California School for the Deaf, Riverside—New Gymnasium and Pool Center. The amount of $22,567,000 is reappropriated for the new gymnasium and pool center project at the California School for the Deaf, Riverside. The project scope includes a gymnasium (45,000 sf) with main and auxiliary gyms; wrestling room; Physical Education/Health classroom; storage; offices; locker rooms; air conditioning; and restrooms for students, faculty, and the public. The pool facility (23,000 sf) includes a regulation size 25 yard by 25–meter pool with a separate wading area and pool equipment including a solar water heater, pumps, and water filtration/sanitation system. Also included are visual message systems, bleachers, shower/rinse area, restrooms, and outdoor lighting. Parking and road realignment is included in the project. The total estimated project cost is $24,963,000; construction will begin in June 2010 and be completed by March 2012. The building shall be subject to Field Act and Americans with Disabilities Act regulations.

    Item 6440–304–6048—University of California—Capital Outlay

    1. Los Angeles Campus—Telemedicine and PRIME Facilities Phase 2. The amount of $25,300,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($512,000), working drawings ($802,000), construction ($14,292,000), and equipment ($9,694,000) for renovating and equipping existing facilities on the basement level of the Center for Health Sciences South Tower on the Los Angeles campus, in the Statistics Computer Building at the Riverside campus, and at the Charles Drew University Campus. In addition, equipment will be placed in hospitals and clinics within the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) medical system and affiliates to expand access to healthcare services. This project will take actions in existing facilities to improve both health care delivery and the education of PRIME students by providing point–to–point telecommunications connections, renovating, and equipping consultation rooms and clinical testing laboratory facilities on the Los Angeles campus to serve patients at remote locations, creating consultation suites at hospitals and clinics in the UCLA medical center system and affiliates, adding new education opportunities at University of California Riverside and UCLA/Drew, and adding continuing education for other healthcare providers. The estimated total project cost is $25,300,000 (CCCI 5320). The amount for construction includes $12,810,000 for construction contracts, $893,000 for contingency, and $589,000 for project administration. The renovation construction cost is $12,810,000. Preliminary plans were scheduled to begin in June 2009. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in February 2010 and be completed by July 2010. Construction is scheduled to begin in January 2011 and be completed by January 2012.

    Item 6870–301–6041—California Community Colleges—Capital Outlay

    1. Coast Community College District, Orange Coast College—Music Buildings Modernization. The amount of $343,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to create construction documents for the modernization of two buildings. The music building number three and the music building number four will both be renovated. The modernized buildings will include 11,886 asf comprised of 8,700 asf lab space, 752 asf office space, 726 asf tutorial space, and 1,708 asf of other music support space. Total estimated project cost is $7,719,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($369,000; $185,000 state funds and $184,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($315,000; $158,000 state funds and $157,000 non–state funds), construction ($6,694,000; $3,347,000 state funds and $3,347,000 non–state funds), and equipment ($341,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $411,000 for contingency, $414,000 for project administration, and $5,869,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2009 and be completed January 2011. Construction is scheduled to start February 2011 and be completed March 2012.

    2. Los Rios Community College District, American River College—Life Science and Fine Arts Building Modernization. The amount of $128,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to create construction documents to replace structurally deficient temporary buildings with an addition to the Life Science Building. The project consists of 8,074 asf, which includes 7,603 asf laboratory space, and 471 asf office space. Total estimated project cost is $8,530,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($520,000; $70,000 state funds and $450,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($306,000; $58,000 state funds and $248,000 non–state funds), construction ($7,174,000; 6,696,000 state funds and $478,000 non–state funds), and equipment ($530,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $433,000 for contingency, $549,000 for project administration, and $6,192,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start November 2009 and be completed September 2010. Construction is scheduled to start January 2011 and be completed May 2012.

    3. Santa Clarita Community College District, College of the Canyons—Administration/Student Services. The amount of $236,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to create construction documents for a 20,544 asf administration/student services building. Space types in the project include 1,130 asf laboratory space, 13,825 asf office space, and 5,589 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $14,046,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($455,000; $143,000 state funds and $312,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($494,000; $93,000 state funds and $401,000 non–state funds), construction ($12,546,000; $6,539,000 state funds and $6,007,000 non–state funds), and equipment ($551,000; $276,000 state funds and $275,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $557,000 for contingency, $855,000 for project administration, and $11,134,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start February 2010 and be completed January 2011. Construction is scheduled to start March 2011 and be completed March 2012.

    4. State Center Community College District, Fresno City College—Old Administration Building, North and East Wings, Phase III. The amount of $153,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to create construction documents for the activation of 23,105 asf within the Old Administration Building. Space types include 4,517 asf lecture, 10,846 asf laboratory, 4,087 asf office, and 1,721 AV/TV space, and 1,934 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $10,141,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($339,000; $51,000 state funds and $288,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($502,000; $102,000 state funds and $400,000 non–state funds), construction ($8,459,000 state funds), and equipment ($841,000; $819,000 state funds and $22,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $510,000 for contingency, $656,000 for project administration, and $7,293,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start January 2010 and be completed November 2010. Construction is scheduled to start January 2011 and be completed January 2013.

    5. Ventura County Community College District, Ventura College—Buildings APP, S, and DP Modernization. The amount of $5,294,000 is provided for construction and equipment for the reconstruction of a three building instructional complex encompassing 31,361 asf. The project includes 30,201 asf laboratory, 920 asf office, and 240 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $10,913,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($325,000; $109,000 state funds and $216,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($330,000; $53,000 state funds and $277,000 non–state funds), construction ($9,883,000; $5,106,000 state funds and $4,777,000 non–state funds), and equipment ($375,000; $188,000 state funds and $187,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $609,000 for contingency, $566,000 for project administration, and $8,708,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to begin in January 2006 and be completed by July 2007. Construction is scheduled to start September 2009 and be completed September 2010.

    6. Yuba Community College District, Yuba College—Building 1100 Learning Resource Center Renovation. The amount of $877,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to modernize the existing Learning Resource Center at Yuba College to provide consolidated and expanded space through more efficient configurations. The proposed 34,859 asf reconstruction project will result in 20,768 asf library space, 10,259 asf AV/TV space, 3,019 asf office space, and 813 asf other support space and data/processing rooms. Total estimated project cost is $22,176,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($742,000; $371,000 state funds and $371,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($1,012,000; $506,000 state funds and $506,000 non–state funds), construction ($18,652,000; $9,326,000 state funds and $9,326,000 non–state funds), and equipment ($1,770,000; $885,000 state funds and $885,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $1,157,000 for contingency, $960,000 for project administration, and $16,535,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start September 2011 and be completed March 2013.

    Item 6870–301–6049—California Community Colleges—Capital Outlay

    1. El Camino Community College District, El Camino College Compton Center—Infrastructure Replacement Phase 1 (Health and Safety). The amount of $29,480,000 is provided for construction to replace the existing, failing site infrastructure systems. Total estimated project cost is $36,204,000 (CCCI 5065) including preliminary plans ($1,434,000; $112,000 state funds, $1,322,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($1,588,000 state funds), and construction ($33,182,000; $29,480,000 state funds and $3,702,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $2,054,000 for contingency, $1,786,000 for project administration, and $29,342,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start July 2009 and be completed November 2009. Construction is scheduled to start June 2010 and be completed June 2012.

    2. El Camino Community College District, El Camino College Compton Center—Infrastructure Replacement Phase 2. The amount of $1,040,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to replace the existing, failing site infrastructure systems. Total estimated project cost is $18,696,000 (CCCI 5065) including preliminary plans ($788,000; $215,000 state funds and $573,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($825,000 state funds), and construction ($17,083,000; $16,208,000 state funds and $875,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $1,052,000 for contingency, $1,005,000 for project administration, and $15,026,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start September 2009 and be completed March 2010. Construction is scheduled to start March 2011 and be completed July 2012.

    3. Imperial Community College District, Imperial Valley College—Building 400 Modernizations. The amount of $209,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to create construction documents to remove three buildings and modernize existing space. The project contains 8,321 asf of renovated space, with 4,417 asf lecture, 2,422 asf clinic/counseling service, 889 asf AV/TV, 463 asf office, and 130 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $4,808,000 (CCCI 5065) including preliminary plans ($196,000; $98,000 state funds and $98,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($221,000; $111,000 state funds and $110,000 non–state funds), and construction ($4,391,000; $2,195,000 state funds and $2,196,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $269,000 for contingency, $283,000 for project administration, and $3,839,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2009 and be completed September 2010. Construction is scheduled to start December 2010 and be completed December 2011.

    4. Kern Community College District, Bakersfield College—Performing Arts Modernization. The amount of $1,637,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to design and develop the construction documents for a 21,028 asf project resulting in 6,913 asf lab, 505 asf office, 263 asf AV/TV, 13,262 asf in theater, and 85 asf in other space. Total estimated project cost is $15,898,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($801,000 state funds), working drawings ($836,000 state funds), construction ($13,955,000; $10,286,000 state funds and $3,669,000 non–state funds), and equipment ($306,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $861,000 for contingency, $792,000 for project administration, and $12,302,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start June 2010 and be completed April 2011. Construction is scheduled to start June 2011 and be completed September 2012.

    5. Long Beach Community College District, Long Beach City College, Pacific Coast Campus—Multidisciplinary Academic Building. The amount of $15,793,000 is provided for construction and equipment to renovate 66,927 total asf in four buildings that comprise the academic core of the campus. Three of the buildings were built in 1935 and the remaining building was built in 1950. The project increases building efficiency and instructional space while it reduces the size of passageways and the amount of office space in the buildings. The resultant project will expand asf within the buildings’ footprints and create 71,485 asf with 22,997 asf of lecture space, 25,533 asf of laboratory space, 12,659 asf of office space, 1,509 asf of library space, and 8,787 asf of other space. Total estimated project cost is $42,508,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($1,452,000; $606,000 state funds and $846,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($2,008,000; $861,000 state funds and $1,147,000 non–state funds), construction ($38,686,000; $15,612,000 state funds and $23,074,000 non–state funds), and equipment ($362,000; $181,000 state funds and $181,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $2,393,000 for contingency, $2,110,000 for project administration, and $34,183,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start January 2010 and be completed January 2013.

    6. Los Rios Community College District, Cosumnes River College—North East Buildings Modernization. The amount of $178,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to create construction documents for modernization of 25,650 asf to include 11,600 asf laboratory, 300 asf office, and 13,750 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $12,907,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($658,000; state funds $97,000 and $561,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($519,000; $81,000 state funds and $438,000 non–state funds), construction ($11,130,000; $6,921,000 state funds and $4,209,000 non–state funds), and equipment ($600,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $681,000 for contingency, $727,000 for project administration, and $9,722,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start January 2010 and be completed November 2010. Construction is scheduled to start February 2012 and be completed May 2012.

    7. Monterey Peninsula Community College District, Monterey Peninsula College—Modernize Humanities, Business, and Student Services Buildings. The amount of $403,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to design and develop the construction documents to modernize the humanities, business, and student services buildings resulting in 13,155 asf to include 8,784 asf lecture, 1,554 asf laboratory, 2,767 asf office, and 50 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $9,615,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($364,000; $182,000 state funds and $182,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($441,000; $221,000 state funds and $220,000 non–state funds), construction ($8,754,000; $4,457,000 state funds and $4,297,000 non–state funds), and equipment ($56,000; $28,000 state funds and $28,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $499,000 for contingency, $515,000 for project administration, and $7,740,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2009 and be completed August 2010. Construction is scheduled to start October 2010 and be completed January 2012.

    8. Redwoods Community College District, College of the Redwoods—New Science/Humanities Building, Seismic Replacement. The amount of $28,047,000 is provided for working drawings and construction of a 37,616 asf instructional building. The new building will contain 17,054 asf lecture, 13,766 asf laboratory, 1,818 asf office, 624 asf library, and 4,354 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $30,847,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($1,148,000 state funds), working drawings ($1,110,000 state funds), construction ($26,937,000 state funds), and equipment ($1,652,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $1,231,000 for contingency, $1,453,000 for project administration, and $24,253,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start July 2009 and be completed May 2010. Construction is scheduled to start July 2010 and be completed February 2012.

    9. Riverside Community College District, Moreno Valley Center—Phase III Student Academic Services Building. The amount of $437,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to create construction documents for a 23,450 asf instructional and student services building. Space types include 7,200 asf lecture, 4,750 asf office, 3,300 asf library, 1,300 asf AV/TV, and 6,900 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $19,399,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($740,000; $199,000 state funds and $541,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($930,000; $238,000 state funds and $692,000 non–state funds), construction ($16,993,000; $14,010,000 state funds and $2,983,000 non–state funds), and equipment ($736,000; $654,000 state funds and $82,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $769,000 for contingency, $841,000 for project administration, and $15,383,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings scheduled to start January 2010 and be completed January 2011. Construction is scheduled to start March 2011 and be completed September 2012.

    10. South Orange County Community College District, Irvine Valley College—Life Sciences Building. The amount of $16,111,000 is provided for construction and equipment to construct a new life sciences building that will consolidate space disbursed throughout the campus. The project consists of 19,570 asf space which includes 14,416 asf lab, 1,750 asf lecture, 1,664 asf office, and 1,740 asf other space. Total estimated project cost is $19,307,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($657,000; $584,000 state funds and $73,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($760,000; $682,000 state funds and $78,000 non–state funds), construction ($17,088,000; $15,386,000 state funds and $1,702,000 non–state funds), and equipment ($802,000; $725,000 state funds and $77,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $769,000 for contingency, $936,000 for project administration, and $15,383,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start August 2009 and be completed February 2010. Construction is scheduled to start November 2010 and be completed February 2012.

    11. Sequoias Community College District, College of the Sequoias—Administration Building Remodel for Efficiency. The amount of $603,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to renovate the administration building to consolidate administrative functions. The project is comprised of 9,685 asf, which includes 6,690 asf office, 1,295 asf library, and 1,700 asf other spaces including meeting and storage spaces. Total estimated project cost is $5,780,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) which includes preliminary plans ($263,000 state funds), working drawings ($340,000 state funds), construction ($5,156,000 state funds), and equipment ($21,000 state funds). The amount for construction includes $312,000 for contingency, $392,000 for project administration, and $4,452,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start March 2010 and be completed August 2010. Construction is scheduled to start April 2011 and be completed June 2012.

    12. Sequoias Community College District, Tulare Center—Phase I Site Development and Facilities. The amount of $55,414,000 is provided for construction and equipment to construct two buildings for a total of 64,528 asf as the first phase of permanent facilities for the site. The Agriculture Science building will consist of a total of 53,092 asf, comprised of 6,333 asf lecture, 18,906 asf laboratory, 7,872 asf office, 10,863 asf library, 4,000 asf AV/TV, and 5,118 asf other spaces. The Technology facility will contain a total of 11,436 asf, comprised of 11,196 asf laboratory and 240 asf office. Total estimated project cost is $59,663,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($1,723,000 state funds), working drawings ($2,526,000 state funds), construction ($51,904,000 state funds), and equipment ($3,510,000 state funds). The amount for construction includes $2,344,000 for contingency, $2,681,000 for project administration, and $46,879,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start July 2008 and be completed September 2009. Construction is scheduled to start December 2009 and be completed December 2011.

    13. Siskiyou Joint Community College District, College of the Siskiyous—Science Complex Modernization. The amount of $13,215,000 is provided for construction and equipment to create a new 14,678 asf science complex to replace two buildings now functioning as science buildings with severe infrastructure issues. The replacement structure will contain 1,870 asf of lecture space, 11,349 asf of lab space, 686 asf of office space, and 773 asf of other space. The project also demolishes 10,254 asf contained in three older instructional buildings. Total estimated project cost is $14,355,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($544,000 state funds), working drawings ($596,000 state funds), construction ($12,800,000 state funds), and equipment ($415,000 state funds). The amount for construction includes $574,000 for contingency, $754,000 for project administration, and $11,472,000 for construction contracts. Construction is scheduled to start April 2010 and be completed December 2011.

    14. Sonoma County Community College District, Santa Rosa Junior College—Health, Physical Education, and Wellness Complex. The amount of $2,317,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to remove, replace, and expand portions of the existing physical education complex by constructing an integrated facility. The expanded facility’s 100,404 asf will include 5,160 asf special and health education laboratory space; 2,232 asf of library reading/study space;10,131 asf office and support space; 75,295 asf integrated adaptive (disabled) physical education space; wellness and physical education space, body mechanics and movement space, assembly space; and 7,586 asf dance and movement performance lab space. Total estimated project cost is $67,691,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($1,980,000; $941,000 state funds and $1,039,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($2,896,000; $1,376,000 state funds and $1,520,000 non–state funds), construction ($61,313,000; $28,670,000 state funds and $32,643,000 non–state funds), and equipment ($1,502,000; $751,000 state funds and $751,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $2,798,000 for contingency, $2,707,000 for project administration, and $55,808,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start June 2010 and be completed February 2011. Construction is scheduled to start June 2011 and be completed December 2012.

    15. Chabot–Las Positas Community College District, Chabot College—Math and Science Building Modernization. The amount of $163,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to reconfigure and modernize two buildings and reduce an excess of lecture space on the Chabot College campus. The project results in 27,080 asf of flexible and technology–enhanced instructional space for the Math and Physical Science programs, including 13,352 asf of laboratory space, 8,378 asf lecture, 3,735 asf AV/TV, and 1,615 asf library space. Total estimated project cost is $19,047,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($783,000; $79,000 state funds and $704,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($840,000; $84,000 state funds and $756,000 non–state funds), construction ($15,141,000; $9,402,000 state funds and $5,739,000 non–state funds), and equipment ($2,283,000, non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $929,000 for contingency, $943,000 for project administration, and $13,269,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start March 2010 and be completed February 2011. Construction is scheduled to start June 2011 and be completed December 2012.

    16. Ventura County Community College District, Ventura College—Studio Arts Building Modernization. The amount of $180,000 is provided for preliminary plans and working drawings to create construction documents to modernize a 6,975 asf painting, drawing, and sculpture building. The space type in the project includes 6,975 asf of laboratory space. Total estimated project cost is $3,918,000 (CCCI 5065 and EPI 2894) including preliminary plans ($144,000; $72,000 state funds and $72,000 non–state funds), working drawings ($216,000; $108,000 state funds and $108,000 non–state funds), construction ($3,546,000; $1,630,000 state funds and $1,916,000 non–state funds), and equipment ($12,000 non–state funds). The amount for construction includes $214,000 for contingency, $282,000 for project administration, and $3,050,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start November 2009 and be completed March 2011. Construction is scheduled to start April 2011 and be completed April 2012.

    17. West Valley–Mission Community College District, District Wide—Fire Alarm System Replacement. The amount of $11,793,000 is provided for construction costs to replace the fire alarm system at both West Valley College and Mission College with a system that complies with current safety regulations. Total estimated project cost is $13,000,000 (CCCI 5065) including preliminary plans ($523,000 state funds), working drawings ($684,000 state funds), and construction ($11,793,000 state funds). The amount for construction includes $727,000 for contingency, $688,000 for project administration, and $10,378,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start February 2009 and be completed October 2009. Construction is scheduled to start July 2010 and be completed December 2011.

    Item 6870–303–6049—California Community Colleges—Capital Outlay

    1. San Mateo County Community College District, Canada College—Electrical Infrastructure Replacement. The amount of $3,838,000 is provided for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to correct the safety and serviceability deficiencies of the aged electrical infrastructure at Canada College including among other components the 12,000 volt fused service switchgear and the 480 volt switchboards. The electrical system was constructed in the 1960s. The district commissioned Chevron Energy Solutions Company to assess the condition of the electrical infrastructure in 2006. The company monitored performance of critical components and recorded actual performance under load and found numerous instances of components that need to be replaced or upgraded. Total estimated project cost is $3,838,000 (CCCI 5065) including preliminary plans ($185,000 state funds), working drawings ($229,000 state funds), and construction ($3,424,000 state funds). The amount for construction includes $210,000 for contingency, $219,000 for project administration, and $2,995,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2009 and be completed July 2010. Construction is scheduled to start October 2010 and be completed March 2011.

    2. San Mateo County Community College District, Skyline College—Electrical Infrastructure Replacement. The amount of $1,353,000 is provided for preliminary plans, working drawings, and construction to design and construct an above ground pad mounted electrical load center to replace an underground load center at Skyline College. The aging power infrastructure distribution center has deteriorated to the point where failures are increasingly common, occurring several times a year. This creates significant disruptions to college operations, including class cancellations, property damage, data loss, compromised science experiments, and diminished employee productivity. Total estimated project cost is $1,353,000 (CCCI 5065) including preliminary plans ($74,000 state funds), working drawings ($74,000 state funds), and construction ($1,205,000 state funds). The amount for construction includes $71,000 for contingency, $119,000 for project administration, and $1,015,000 for construction contracts. Working drawings are scheduled to start December 2009 and be completed April 2010. Construction is scheduled to start October 2010 and be completed March 2011.

    Item 8955–301–0001—Department of Veterans Affairs—Capital Outlay

    1. Yountville—Upgrade Fire Alarm System, Construction. The amount of $688,000 is provided for the state share of costs for the construction phase of this project to install a new addressable fire alarm system in six residential and two licensed buildings and to upgrade the system’s central computer. Total estimated project cost is $2,574,000 (CCCI 4943) which includes a federal share for construction of $1,547,000 listed in Item 8955–301–0890. The total estimated project cost includes $117,000 for preliminary plans, $222,000 for working drawings, and $2,235,000 ($688,000 states share and $1,547,000 federal share) for construction. The construction amount includes $1,791,800 for construction contract, $125,400 for contingency, $141,100 for architectural and engineering fees, and $176,700 for other project costs. Construction is expected to begin in May 2010 and should be completed in June 2011.

    2. Barstow—Emergency Generator and Improve Kitchen Cooling System, Construction. The amount of $945,000 is provided for the construction phase of this project to add a new generator dedicated for emergency cooling of the home and to replace an evaporative cooling system with conventional air conditioning of adequate size for the home’s kitchen. Total estimated project cost is $1,107,000 (CCCI 4983), which includes $73,000 for preliminary plans and $89,000 for working drawings. The construction amount includes $747,500 for construction contract, $52,500 for contingency, $67,000 for architectural and engineering fees, and $78,000 for other project costs. Construction is expected to begin in September 2009 and be completed May 2010.

    Item 8955–301–0890—Department of Veterans Affairs—Capital Outlay

    1. Yountville—Upgrade Fire Alarm System, Construction. The amount of $1,547,000 is provided for the federal share of costs for the construction phase of the project described in Item 8955–301–0001. This project will install a new addressable fire alarm system in six residential and two licensed buildings and to upgrade the system’s central computer. Total estimated project cost is $2,574,000 (CCCI 4943) which includes the federal share for construction of $1,547,000. The total estimated project cost includes $117,000 for preliminary plans, $222,000 for working drawings, and $2,235,000 ($688,000 state share and $1,547,000 federal share) for construction. The construction amount includes $1,791,800 for construction contract, $125,400 for contingency, $141,100 for architectural and engineering fees, and $176,700 for other project costs. Construction is expected to begin in May 2010 and should be completed in June 2011.

    2. Northern California Veterans Cemetery Expansion, Working Drawings and Construction. The amount of $658,000 is provided for working drawings and construction of six additional columbaria (above–ground structure with 200–niches each for interring cremated remains) that will allow for the interment of an additional 1,200 veterans at the Northern California Veterans Cemetery. Total estimated project cost is $708,000 (CCCI 4983) which includes $50,000 for preliminary plans, $20,000 for working drawings, and $638,000 for construction. The construction amount includes $559,000 for construction contract, $39,000 for contingency, and $40,000 for architectural and engineering fees. Construction is expected to begin in March 2010 and be completed in October 2010.


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