Analysis of the 2005-06 Budget Bill
Index of Information Technology Issues
Child Support Services, Department of
California Child Support Automation System, C-197
Community Colleges,
California Partnership for Achieving Student Success,
Corrections, Department of
Distributed Data Processing System, D-58
Inmate Medical Scheduling Tracking System, D-56
Education, Department of
Teacher Data Base, E-64
Employment Development Department, C-54
Health and Human Services Agency
Child Welfare Services/Case Management System, C-56
Electronic Benefit Transfer, C-53
In-Home Supportive Services/Case Management
Payrolling System, C-53
Statewide Automated Welfare Systems, C-53
Statewide Fingerprint Imaging System, C-53
Unemployment Insurance Modernization Project, C-54
Welfare Data Tracking Implementation Project, C-53
Health Services, Department of
Evaluating the Administration's California Rx Proposal
Information Technology Projects, C-146
Medi-Cal Redesign, C-81
Secretary of State
Voter Registration Database, F-41
Social Services, Department of, C-52, C-56
System Integration, Office of, C-52