State Law Establishes “Open Access” Policy,
Identifies Key CCC Missions. Under the state’s
Master Plan for Higher Education and state law, the
California Community Colleges (CCC) operate as open access
institutions. That is, whereas only the top one–third of
high–school graduates are eligible for admission to the state’s
public universities, all persons 18 or older may attend
a community college. (While CCC does not deny admission to
students, there is no guarantee of access to a particular
class.) Current law defines CCC’s core mission as providing
academic and vocational instruction at the lower–division
(freshman and sophomore) level. Under this mission, community
colleges prepare students for transfer to four–year institutions
and grant associate’s degrees and certificates. Other important
statutory missions include providing opportunities for workers
to update their job skills (such as by taking a computer class)
and offering precollegiate basic skills instruction in English
and mathematics.
State residents enroll at the community colleges for a
variety of reasons. In 2009–10, almost one–half of CCC students
indicated that they sought transfer to a four–year institution
or to obtain an associate’s degree or certificate. About
one–third of students attended CCC for other purposes, such as
learning English or taking recreational classes. (The remaining
nearly one–fifth of students were “undecided.”)
Need to Rethink CCC Enrollment–Management
Policies. In recent years, community college
enrollment has been constrained by two major factors: (1)
reductions in course–section offerings as a result of state
budget cuts, and (2) strong demand for CCC services by adults
seeking retraining and other skills at a time of weak state and
national economic growth. The CCC system reports that many
students—particularly first–time students—have not been able to
enroll in the classes they need to progress toward their
educational goals. Thus, in effect, CCC enrollments are
currently being “rationed.” This access problem will become even
more serious in 2011–12 to the extent that budget reductions
further reduce enrollment slots.
Given limited resources, we believe that it is more important
than ever for the state to target funds that best meet the
state’s highest priorities for community college services. To
accomplish this, we recommend the Legislature: (1) adopt
statewide registration priorities that reflect the Master Plan’s
primary objectives, (2) place a limit on the number of
taxpayer–subsidized credit units that students may earn, and (3)
restrict the number of times that a student may repeat physical
education and other classes at taxpayers’ expense.
Campuses Have Wide Discretion Over Which Students
May Register Early. Before each term begins,
different groups of CCC students are permitted to register for
classes at different times. Some students are given enrollment
(registration) priority, which means that they have an
opportunity to select their classes before “open registration”
begins for the general student body. Students value priority
enrollment because there is considerable competition for many
classes, and these classes fill up quickly.
While colleges have considerable discretion in how they
assign priority, current law singles out two groups of students.
Specifically, colleges must give registration priority to
current or former members of the military. Statute also requires
colleges to assign a “low” enrollment priority to high–school
students who are concurrently enrolled at a community college to
“ensure that these students do not displace regularly admitted
students.” (We note that this statutory language is ambiguous,
since, by definition, high–school students who are given
priority are able to register before—and thus potentially
displace—adult CCC students who do not have priority.)
Regulations adopted by the statewide Board of Governors give
campuses wide discretion as to whether any other categories of
students may be given priority registration. As a result,
enrollment priorities vary across the state. In December 2010,
the Chancellor’s Office surveyed the CCC system’s 112 colleges
about their priorities. Each of the 76 colleges that responded
to the survey indicated that they have a registration priority
system. Virtually all colleges grant earliest registration to
current and former members of the military, students with
disabilities, and participants in Extended Opportunity Programs
and Services (a program designed for low–income, underprepared
students who are attending CCC full–time). Other groups granted
early registration by some campuses include athletes and
students in the state’s welfare program. Next, colleges usually
assign relatively early priority to students who are continuing
their studies at the particular college (that is, they enrolled
in the preceding term). Typically, the more units that students
have completed prior to the start of the term, the earlier their
registration priority. (However, some colleges indicated they
bump students who exceed a certain unit threshold—such as 90 or
100 units—to the lowest priority among continuing students.) In
addition to units earned, a small number of colleges responding
to the survey also take into account students’ academic
performance at CCC (such as grade point average) when assigning
priority among continuing students.
Most first–time CCC students do not receive registration
priority; instead, they must wait until open registration. A few
colleges, however, administer an outreach program whereby recent
high–school graduates who participate in pre–term assessment,
orientation, counseling and other “matriculation” services
receive an earlier registration appointment than new students
who have not participated in the program.
Campus Policies Often Do Not Reflect Master
Plan’s Highest Priorities. On its surface, the
priority accorded to continuing students by colleges may seem
appropriate, as it gives students who are seemingly nearing
completion of their educational goals “first call” on needed—but
often difficult–to–obtain—classes. This approach, however, has
several consequences that run counter to the Master Plan’s
intended goals. For example, continuing students may not
necessarily be enrolled at CCC to acquire the skills they need
to participate in the workforce or society (such as technical or
language skills); rather, they may be taking classes for
purposes of personal enrichment. Other students with a large
number of credits may state that their intent is to obtain a
degree or transfer, but they are not making satisfactory
progress toward that goal. Yet, because these types of students
are typically granted a relatively high registration priority,
they can squeeze out more–focused and higher–priority students
who have not taken as many units.
Recommend Statewide Registration Priorities.
Given the state’s likely need to further reduce course offerings
in 2011–12, we recommend that the Legislature adopt statewide
registration priorities that reflect the Master Plan’s key goals
and, to the greatest extent possible, maximize access for the
state’s highest–priority students. For example, we envision an
approach that assigns the highest registration priority to
continuing students who are fully matriculated—participated in
assessment, orientation, and counseling, as well as completed an
educational plan—and are making satisfactory progress toward
their educational goals (for example, as defined in federal
financial–aid rules).
Next–highest priority could be granted to new
students—particularly recent high–school graduates—who have
completed matriculation requirements and other key steps, such
as applying for federal financial aid. Nonmatriculated new and
continuing students, students with a declared goal of personal
enrichment, and students who are not making satisfactory
progress toward their goals would not be allowed to register for
classes until open registration. (We believe it is reasonable to
give colleges some flexibility to make individual determinations
on a student’s registration ranking to take into account
extraordinary circumstances, such as the availability of
counselors to see new students prior to the start of the
academic year.) In developing these priorities, we also
recommend the Legislature clarify whether its intent is to
assign priority to concurrently enrolled high–school students,
or to require these students to wait until the end of open
registration before they are able to register for CCC classes.
Our recommendation would not result in state savings per se;
rather it would help to ensure that state resources are first
directed to the highest–priority students under the Master Plan.
Significant Number of CCC Students With High–Unit
Counts. As noted earlier, the primary purpose of
the CCC system, as established by the Master Plan, is to educate
students who enroll to (1) earn credits for transfer to a
four–year institution, (2) obtain an associate’s degree or
certificate, or (3) gain basic job or language skills. Students
seeking to transfer or earn an associate’s degree generally need
60 units of coursework. Students who wish to obtain technical
training rather than an associate’s degree generally need fewer
than 60 units of credit. According to the Chancellor’s Office,
community colleges serve a considerable number of students who
have already earned more than 60 units. In fact, in 2009–10, the
system provided instruction to nearly 120,000 students
(headcount) who had already earned 90 or more CCC units. Over
9,000 of these students had already accumulated 150 or more
units. The state continues to subsidize these students’ courses
while other CCC students with little or no previous access to
postsecondary education may be unable to find open courses.
Recommend Limit to State–Supported CCC
Coursework. Given scarce state resources, we
recommend the Legislature place a limit on the number of
taxpayer–subsidized units that a student may earn at CCC. We
believe a 100–unit threshold would provide a reasonable maximum
for state funding purposes. A 100–unit cap would permit students
40 units (over one academic year) beyond what is typically
required to earn an associate’s degree or credits for transfer.
This threshold would allow students to earn some credit for
coursework that is not applicable for a degree or transfer (such
as precollegiate basic skills instruction in English or
mathematics), as well as a “cushion” in case students need to
take some additional classes as a result of changing their
program or major.
Under our recommendation, students with more than 100 units
would still be eligible to attend CCC. However, since a state
subsidy would no longer be provided, the Legislature could
authorize colleges to charge these students up to the full cost
of instruction. Our recommendation would result in a CCC
workload reduction of up to 38,000 full–time equivalent (FTE)
students in 2011–12, for a savings to the state of as much as
$175 million.
Regulations Allow Multiple Repeats of Certain
Classes. Community college regulations generally
allow students to retake academic or vocational classes up to
two times in an effort to make up for substandard marks (such as
an “F” or “no pass” designation). In such cases, districts
receive apportionment payments (general–purpose monies) all
three times from the state. For “activity classes,” however,
regulations allow districts to receive apportionment funding for
up to four times (the initial enrollment plus three repeats)
regardless of a student’s grade. Regulations define activity
classes to include physical education (such as aerobics and
bowling), dancing, drawing and painting, and certain other
visual or performing arts. For physical education, “repetition”
is defined as when a student completes a class (such as
“beginning yoga”) and then either (1) reenrolls in the same
class, or (2) enrolls in a similar class that is part of the
same sequence (such as “intermediate yoga”). (For visual and
performing arts, by contrast, repetition is counted only when a
student reenrolls in the same exact class.) Regulations place no
limit on the number of times that districts may claim
apportionments for a student repeating a noncredit
activity class (such as ceramics and physical fitness for older
Repetition of activity courses is fairly common. For example,
according to the Chancellor’s Office, in 2009–10 over 50,000
students (headcount) enrolled in the same credit physical
education class that they had already taken and for which they
received credit in a previous term. (The Chancellor’s Office
does not have data on the additional number of students who took
a physical education class in 2009–10—such as “Weight Training
2”—after completing a similar–type class—such as “Weight
Training 1”—in a previous term.)
Recommend Elimination of State Support for
Repeats. Like virtually all types of CCC
instruction, credit and noncredit activity classes can be of
value to students. However, given limited resources and the
Master Plan’s priorities, we believe it is reasonable for the
Legislature to limit the number of times that the state pays for
students’ enrollment in these classes. Under our recommendation,
districts could claim apportionments the first time that
students take an activity course. This would allow students to
receive credit they may apply toward completion of their
program. (For example, some four–year institutions such as
California State University allow students to apply one CCC unit
of physical education toward a bachelor’s degree.)
We recommend that the Legislature eliminate state funding for
any repeats of the same or similar (that is, part of the same
sequence) activity class. (Our recommendation would exclude
intercollegiate athletics and “adaptive” physical education
classes, which are designed for individuals with physical
disabilities, as well as students who are majoring in physical
education or the fine arts.) Colleges would be permitted to
allow students to repeat these classes, though these enrollments
could not be counted for purposes of calculating apportionments.
Alternatively, colleges could provide opportunities for students
to repeat these activities through CCC “community service”
classes, which statute requires to be fully supported by student
fees. The precise amount of savings generated by our
recommendation is unknown. Based on available data from 2009–10,
it appears that CCC’s workload could be reduced by an estimated
15,000 FTE students in 2011–12, generating state savings of
roughly $60 million. (This estimate takes into account students
with more than 100 units who repeated an activity class in
This brief has identified ways the Legislature can better
target limited CCC funds toward the Master Plan’s key missions.
Taken together, our recommendations would (1) help increase
opportunities for high–priority students (such as recent
high–school graduates) to enroll in courses they need to
progress toward their educational goals, and (2) reduce funding
for lower–priority enrollment by approximately 50,000 FTE
students—for savings to the state of about $235 million. Figure
1 summarizes our recommendations.
Figure 1
Summary of LAO
Recommendations for the California Community Colleges (CCC)
- Adopt
statewide CCC registration priorities
that reflect the Master Plan’s top
- Establish
a 100–unit cap on the number of
taxpayer–subsidized credits a CCC
student may accumulate.
- Eliminate
state funding for repetition of physical
education and other recreational