July 27, 2007
Dear Attorney General Brown:
Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9005, we have
reviewed the proposed constitutional initiative regarding public
employee retirement benefits (A.G. File No. 07‑0024).
Public Employee Retirement Benefits
Pension Benefits. The State
Constitution and statutes authorize the establishment of systems to
provide pension and other benefits to retired public employees, as well
as public employees retiring with certain disabilities and survivors of
some public employees. Currently, about 4 million Californians—over
10 percent of the population—are members of one or more of the state’s
133 public retirement systems, including around 1 million who currently
receive benefit payments. Most state and local government
employees—including some part-time employees—are eligible to receive a
defined benefit pension after retiring that is based on the employee’s
age at retirement, years of service, salary, and type of work
assignment. For example, a typical state office worker with five or more
years of service is eligible for a defined benefit pension at age 55
equal to 2 percent of his or her highest single working year’s salary
multiplied by the number of years of service upon retirement.
(Therefore, after working for 25 years, such a retiree would be eligible
to receive a defined benefit equal to 50 percent of his or her highest
single year’s pay.) Peace officers and other public safety employees
often are eligible for larger pensions—as measured by a percentage of
their pay during the final years of public employment. Some public
employees receive smaller benefits. The pension plans generally provide
annual cost-of-living increases to limit how much the effects of
inflation erode the purchasing power of the pension benefits.
Typical Retirement Age. In most
cases, public employees with several years of service become eligible
for a pension benefit at age 50—even though the employee may be able to
earn a greater pension benefit if he or she delays retirement until a
later age. In the state’s three largest public pension systems, for
example, the average state or local employee retires at about 60.
Figure 1 shows the average retirement ages for several groups of public
employees in these three systems. Average retirement ages in other
pension systems vary, but are about the same as those listed in
Figure 1.
Figure 1
Average Retirement Ages for
Selected Public Employee Groupsa |
Age |
California Public Employees' Retirement
System |
California Highway Patrol officers |
53 |
Other peace and safety officers |
55 |
Other state and local employees |
60 |
California State
Teachers' Retirement System |
School district and community college
teachers |
61 |
University of
California Retirement Plan |
Academic faculty |
63 |
Professional and support staff members |
59 |
a Includes
public employees retiring with a disability pension benefit. |
Retiree Health Benefits. Many state
and local governmental entities in California also provide health
benefits to eligible retired employees and/or their spouses, domestic
partners, dependents, and survivors of eligible retirees. Generally,
public employers offering such benefits contribute a specific amount
toward a retiree’s health premiums each month. The level of these
benefits and the eligibility of groups of retirees to receive the
benefits vary considerably among governmental entities.
Funding Public Employee Retirement Benefits
Funding Pension Benefits.
California governments generally “prefund” the costs of defined pension
benefits for their employees. Through prefunding, public employers
and/or employees contribute a specific percentage of each employee’s pay
to a public retirement system each year. In most cases, these
contributions are those estimated to be sufficient by the system’s
actuaries—when combined with future investment returns of the retirement
system—to cover the portion of future pension benefits earned by that
employee during a given year. This contribution is known as the “normal
cost.” In making their estimates, public retirement system actuaries
make numerous assumptions about (1) future investment returns, (2) the
longevity of public employees, (3) the likelihood that a public employee
will retire in any given year, (4) the employee’s future pay increases,
(5) the pension benefits for which the employee will eventually be
eligible, and (6) other factors. To the extent that these assumptions
prove to be incorrect over time, the eventual costs to provide a given
level of benefits will be less or more. In the latter cases, the
employer may be required to provide additional contributions to fund a
given level of pension benefits and pay down what is called an unfunded
liability. Currently, California governments contribute about
$13 billion per year to the state’s public retirement systems for
pension benefits, including several billion dollars per year to retire
existing unfunded pension liabilities.
Funding Retiree Health Benefits.
California governments generally do not prefund retiree health benefits.
This means that they pay for the costs of these benefits on a
“pay-as-you-go” basis, and there is little money available from
investment returns to cover the costs of such benefits. Accordingly,
each year, most governments pay for the retiree health benefits consumed
during that year by eligible retirees and dependents. Currently,
California governments pay around $4 billion to $5 billion per year for
retiree health benefits.
This measure amends the Constitution to place
limits and conditions on defined benefit pensions and retiree health
benefits for state and local government employees hired on or after July
1, 2009 (referred to as “new employees”). The measure would have no
direct effect on retirement benefits of state and local government
employees and retirees hired before July 1, 2009.
Pension Benefits and Funding
Retirement Ages. The measure
establishes the following minimum “full retirement ages” for new
Peace officers and firefighters: 55.
Other public safety employees: 60.
All other new employees: the full retirement
age as defined by Congress in the U.S. Social Security Act
(currently between ages 66 and 67 for persons born between 1943 and
1959 and age 67 for persons born in 1960 or thereafter).
Employees could retire at
an earlier age and receive benefits, although at an actuarially reduced
Limits on Benefits. New employees
under this measure generally would be eligible for smaller defined
benefit pensions than those currently provided to state and local
government employees. The measure specifies the following limits on
defined benefit pensions for new employees (expressed as a percent of
the employee’s annual average base wage multiplied by the number of
years of employment):
Peace officers and firefighters: 2.2 percent.
Other public safety employees: 1.8 percent.
Non-public safety employees who are not
eligible to receive Social Security benefits: 1.5 percent.
All other new employees: 1 percent.
Under the proposal, pension benefits may be
provided to new employees only after they have worked full-time for one
or more public agencies for at least five consecutive years. The annual
average base wage to be used in calculating defined benefit pensions
would be the highest average annual base salary of the employee during
any five consecutive years of government service. The measure allows
two-thirds of voters in an agency’s jurisdiction to approve benefit
payments higher than the limitations described above, except that for
state and University of California employees, such changes in the
benefit limitations could be approved by a bill passed with the votes of
three-fourths of the Members of each house of the Legislature.
Limitations on Benefit Increases That
Offset Inflation. Under the measure, public employers would be
limited in the amounts of increased benefits that could be promised to
new employees to offset the effects of inflation on the purchasing power
of their pension payments. Specifically, for those with benefits at the
maximums allowed, the measure contains no allowance for
inflation-protection benefits during the first five years of a new
employee’s retirement. After five years of retirement, public employers
may provide annual benefit increases to offset the effects of inflation,
not to exceed the increase in the California Consumer Price Index or
3 percent (whichever is less).
Other Options for Increasing Benefits.
The measure also allows state and local governmental entities to
increase defined benefit pension payments to retirees by up to 3 percent
if actuaries determine that even after such an enhancement the value of
a retirement system’s assets still exceeds 110 percent of its accrued
financial liabilities.
Retroactive Increases Prohibited.
The measure prohibits retroactive increases of new employees’ defined
benefit pensions. For example, if, during a new firefighter’s first year
with a public employer, he or she was provided with a 2 percent benefit,
the state could not later enhance it to a 2.2 percent benefit applied
to that first year of employment. A later enhancement, however,
could be applied to years of employment after the effective date
of the change—subject to the other limitations on benefits included in
the measure.
Minimum Contributions to Retirement Systems
Specified. Under the measure, public employers and/or new
employees would have to contribute funds annually to a retirement system
equal to at least the normal cost of pension benefits, as estimated by
the system’s actuaries.
Public Employers to Determine Annual
Make-Up of Contributions. Under the measure, state and local
governmental entities would have the right to adjust employer and
employee contributions to retirement systems for pension benefits for
new employees, subject to the requirement that they and/or their
employees contribute at least the normal cost of pension benefits. The
measure, however, would not affect any existing contracts related to how
governments pay retirement systems for pension benefits of current and
past employees.
Retiree Health Benefits and Funding
Retirement Ages and Eligibility.
Under the measure, retiree health benefits could be provided to new
employees only upon their attaining the full retirement ages described
above with certain limited exceptions. Retiree health benefits could be
provided only if he or she has been (1) a full-time employee of one or
more governmental entities for at least five consecutive years
immediately preceding retirement and (2) a full-time employee of one or
more public agencies for an aggregate of at least ten years. The measure
specifies no limits on the types of retiree health benefits that may be
provided to new employees.
Retiree Health Prefunding Required.
The measure requires public employers to prefund retiree health benefits
for both new employees and current employees. Under the measure, public
employers and/or public employees would have to contribute funds
annually to a retirement system or similar fund equal to at least the
normal cost of retiree health benefits, as estimated by the system or
fund’s actuaries. As with the normal cost of pension benefits, these
normal costs are those amounts estimated to be sufficient—when combined
with future investment returns—to cover the portion of future retiree
health benefits earned by that employee during a given year. As with
employers’ pension benefit contributions, employers would have the right
to adjust their contributions for retiree health benefits, subject to
the requirement that they and/or their employees contribute at least the
normal cost of such benefits each year.
Pension Trust Funds May Not Be Used for
Health Benefits. Currently, some retired public employees
receive health benefits funded from a portion of their pension funds’
assets. This measure would prohibit the use of this type of funding
Fiscal Effects
The measure would result in major changes to how
the state and local governments compensate their employees. The fiscal
effect of these changes would depend in part on how the measure is
interpreted by the courts and implemented by governmental entities and
voters. The requirements for changes in retirement benefits would apply
only to those public employees hired on or after July 1, 2009.
Accordingly, the full fiscal effect of the proposal would not emerge
until several decades after the measure’s passage. Below, we discuss how
the measure would affect state and local government costs for defined
benefit pension and retiree health benefits, respectively.
Pension Benefits
Major Reductions in Pension Contributions.
Currently, normal cost pension contributions by California governments
to public retirement systems total around $10 billion per year. State
and local governments in California would begin making smaller normal
cost contributions for new employees hired on or after July 1, 2009.
Measured as a percentage of payroll, normal cost pension contributions
for new employees often would be less than one-half—and in some cases,
much less than one-half—of the contributions paid by governments for
current employees. Accordingly, several decades in the future (after
most current governmental employees retire and most of the state and
local governmental workforce consists of persons hired on or after July
1, 2009), normal cost pension contributions by California governments
would probably be less than $5 billion per year (as measured in today’s
dollars). This assumes that, in most cases, governmental entities offer
the maximum pension benefits specified in the measure (but not the
higher benefits which could be authorized by super-majority votes of the
Legislature or the voters of a local jurisdiction).
Increases in Other Forms of Compensation.
In order to offset the decline of retirement benefits required under
this measure for new employees, many governments likely would increase
other forms of compensation above current levels in order to remain
competitive in the labor market. These other forms of compensation
include salaries and contributions to employee retirement funds other
than those addressed in this measure (such as “defined contribution”
retirement accounts, for which governments make a specific payment,
rather than promise a specific future benefit). These increases would
offset the reductions in pension contributions to an unknown extent. The
magnitude of these additional costs would be determined by various
factors, including labor market conditions and choices made by
governmental entities and voters.
Retiree Health Benefits
Requirement to Prefund Costs of Retiree
Health Benefits. Under the measure, governments and/or employees
would be required to start prefunding retiree health benefits that they
commit to provide to both current and new employees. Most governments do
not currently prefund these benefit costs. In the short term, therefore,
the measure would result in annual governmental payments above those
that otherwise would be made in order to fund normal cost retiree health
benefit contributions. (We assume that actuaries would determine that
these normal cost payments are in addition to existing pay-as-you-go
costs that governments make for current retirees’ health benefits.) The
increased payments are likely to be several billions of dollars per year
in the short term. In the long run, however, reductions in annual
governmental costs for retiree health benefits would more than offset
the short-term increases in payments. This is because investment returns
would fund a significant amount of future retiree health benefit costs
and cover costs that otherwise would have to be paid by governments,
employees, and/or retirees.
Other Fiscal Effects
Variety of Other Fiscal Effects Are
Possible. Over the long term, the measure could result in
numerous other impacts on governments. For example:
Changes in the types and amounts of public
employee compensation could change the demographics of state and
local government workforces.
Public retirement systems could have reduced
funds to invest in various sectors of the state, national, and
international economies.
Because future governmental workers would be
guaranteed lower annual incomes in retirement, an increased number
could enroll in public social services and health programs and
increase those programs’ costs.
Administrative costs for public retirement
systems could rise if the systems hire additional actuarial and
other staff members in order to implement the provisions of the
These impacts could
affect state and local government costs and revenues. The net effect of
these impacts is unknown, but would be much less significant than the
other fiscal effects discussed in this analysis.
Fiscal Summary
The measure would have the following major fiscal
effects on the state and local governments:
Major reductions in annual pension contribution
costs for employees hired on or after July 1, 2009, offset to an
unknown extent by increases in costs for other forms of public
employee compensation.
Major short-term increase in annual
governmental payments to prefund retiree health benefits, more than
offset in the long run by annual reductions in these costs.
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