September 18, 2007
Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9005, we have
reviewed the proposed initiative entitled “The No Say No Pay Act” (A.G.
File No. 07‑0045).
Major Provisions
This measure would prohibit a California
corporation from entering into an agreement regarding the compensation
of any member of its board of directors and the ten most highly
compensated executive officers without the approval of a majority of the
shareholders. The director(s) of a corporation who approve the agreement
would be liable for any illegal compensation.
The measure would further require publicly-traded
California corporations and out-of-state corporations that conduct
business in California to annually disclose information pertaining to
the compensation of executive officers and all other employees working
over 35 hours a week. This information would be filed with the Secretary
of State, as well as posted on the corporation’s Web site.
Fiscal Effect
Under current law, corporations annually report
certain information related to executive compensation to the Secretary
of State on forms prescribed by the department. These forms would need
to be modified to reflect the changes proposed by the measure.
Accordingly, there would likely be negligible one-time state costs to
modify the Secretary of State forms.
This measure would result in the following fiscal
Probably negligible one-time state costs to modify the
forms that corporations use to annually report certain information.
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