November 6, 2007

Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9005, we have reviewed the proposed constitutional amendment entitled “Animal Property Act” (A.G. File No. 07‑0062).

Major Provisions

Under current state and local laws, pets and other animals owned by individuals are generally recognized as personal property. However, in a few California localities, certain local ordinances have been amended to replace the term “pet owner” with the term “pet guardian.”

This measure would amend the California Constitution to require all government entities within the state to recognize as personal property pet animals, as well as animals used for agriculture, and other purposes owned by citizens. It would prohibit state and local governments from the enactment and enforcement of laws that abridge this requirement.

Fiscal Effect

Since pets and other animals owned by individuals are generally already recognized as property, this measure likely would have no fiscal effect on state and local governments.


This measure would result in the following fiscal effect:

·        Probably no fiscal effect on state and local governments.


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