November 29, 2007
Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9005, we have
reviewed the proposed initiative “The Solar and Clean Energy Act of
2008” version 2, Amendment #1-S
(A.G. File No. 07‑0067).
Provision of Electricity Service.
Californians generally receive their electricity service from one of
three types of providers: investor owned utilities (IOUs), local
publicly owned (municipal) utilities, and electric service providers (ESPs).
The state’s three largest electricity
IOUs—Pacific Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison, and San Diego
Gas and Electric—each have a unique, defined geographic service area and
are legally required to serve customers within their respective service
areas. The California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) regulates IOUs’
rates and how their electricity service is to be provided to the
customer. These conditions on electricity rates and provision are
commonly referred to as “terms of service.”
A municipal electric utility is a local
governmental entity that provides electricity service to residents and
businesses in its local area. Municipal electric utilities set their own
terms of service and are not regulated by PUC. Major municipal electric
utilities include the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and the
Sacramento Municipal Utility District.
The ESPs provide retail electricity service to
customers who have chosen not to receive service from the utility that
serves their area, but instead have entered into “direct access”
contracts with ESPs that deliver electricity through the local utility’s
transmission and distribution system. In response to the energy crisis
that arose in late 2000, state law since 2001 has suspended new direct
access for IOU customers. This suspension will continue to about 2015.
There are currently around 20 registered ESPs operating in the state,
generally serving large industrial and commercial businesses. The ESPs
also provide electricity to certain state and local government entities,
such as the California State University system, several University of
California campuses, some community college districts, and some local
school districts. Under current law, the ESPs are required to register
with PUC for licensing purposes, but their rates and terms of service
are not regulated by PUC. However, PUC has applied certain additional
requirements on ESPs, including a requirement to demonstrate adequacy of
electricity supply to meet anticipated demand.
While individual customers currently are barred
from entering into new direct access contracts, existing law allows a
city or county to aggregate all the electrical demand of the residents,
businesses, and municipal users under its jurisdiction and to meet this
demand through contracting with an electricity provider other than the
local utility, such as an ESP. This variation on direct access is
referred to as “community choice aggregation.” At present, no community
choice aggregator (CCA) exists to provide electricity service in
California, though proposals to create CCAs are under development.
Currently, the IOUs account for about 68 percent
of retail electricity sales in the state, municipal utilities account
for around 24 percent, and ESPs account for around 8 percent.
Electricity Infrastructure Siting.
Four principal components comprise California’s system for generating
and delivering electricity—electricity generating facilities; the
interconnected, interstate electricity transmission grid; electricity
transmission lines that tie generation facilities to the grid; and
electricity distribution lines that connect the electricity grid to
electricity consumers. Regulatory responsibility for siting (permitting)
this infrastructure is held by one or more federal, state, and local
agencies, depending on the particular infrastructure at issue.
Siting authority for an electricity generating
facility is determined by the type and size of the facility to be
operated. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has permit
authority for hydroelectric generating facilities, such as dams. The
state’s Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission (Energy
Commission) issues permits for thermal electricity generating facilities
capable of generating
50 megawatts or more of electricity. Most other electricity generating
facilities—including many types of renewable energy generating
facilities, such as wind turbines and nonthermal solar arrays—are
permitted by local government.
Permitting authority over electricity
transmission lines depends upon the function of the line to be built, as
well as the type of electricity provider that will own the line. A line
tying an electricity generating facility to the electricity grid
generally is permitted by the entity that permits the generation
facility. (For example, the Energy Commission would have permitting
authority over a line that connects a 50 megawatt thermal power plant to
the transmission grid.) Construction of a transmission line that is part
of the electricity transmission grid is subject to FERC permitting, as
well as the permitting authority of the entity that regulates the
service provider proposing the line. (For example, in addition to
federal permitting authority, a transmission line within the grid is
also subject to permitting by the PUC if an IOU proposes the line.)
Finally, distribution lines generally are permitted by local government.
Energy Commission’s Permit Processing Time
Frames Specified in Statute. Existing statute defines the time
frames within which the Energy Commission must issue a decision on an
application to construct and operate a thermal electricity generating
plant or an electricity transmission line under its siting jurisdiction.
Those time frames are
18 months for most applications, or 12 months for applications meeting
certain conditions.
Renewables Portfolio Standard.
Current law requires that electricity providers that are retail sellers
increase their share of electricity generated from renewable sources
(such as solar or wind power) by at least 1 percent per year so that, by
the close of 2010, 20 percent of each electricity provider’s retail
sales are generated from renewable energy sources. This requirement is
known as the renewables portfolio standard (RPS) and is enforceable by
PUC. Statute defines “retail sellers” as IOUs, ESPs, and CCAs, while
specifically excluding from that definition municipal utilities, the
Department of Water Resources, or an operator of a cogeneration
(combined heat and power) facility. Of retail sellers, only IOUs
currently are required to submit to PUC a procurement plan that
describes how the IOU will meet its RPS targets at the least possible
cost. In addition, IOUs must offer procurement contracts for renewable
resources of no less than ten years, with specified exceptions.
A retail seller that fails to meet its RPS target
in a given year is required to compensate for that shortfall by
procuring additional renewable energy in the following year. Should an
IOU fail to meet its RPS target, the PUC may impose penalties. The PUC
has capped the amount of these penalties administratively. Current law
does not direct the use of these penalty monies, which generally are
deposited in the state General Fund.
Current law does not require municipal utilities
to meet the same RPS that retail sellers are required to meet. Rather,
statute directs each municipal utility to implement and enforce its own
renewable portfolio standard. However, no state agency enforces
municipal utility compliance or imposes penalties on a municipal utility
for failing to meet its renewable portfolio standard objectives. Nor is
there a statutory requirement that a municipal utility increase annually
its procurement of renewable resources, as is required of a retail
seller. Finally, a municipal utility is not bound by a statutory
definition of the energy sources that count towards attainment of the
RPS objectives required of retail sellers.
The different classes of electricity providers
vary in their progress towards achieving the state’s RPS goal of
generating 20 percent of electricity from renewable resources by 2010.
As of 2006 (the last year for which data are available), the IOUs as a
group had 13 percent of their electricity generated from renewable
resources, whereas ESPs had 2 percent generated from those same types of
resources. Using their own, various definitions of “renewable
resources,” the municipal utilities together had nearly 12 percent of
their electricity generated from renewable resources. However, if the
statutory definition of renewable resources (which does not include
large hydroelectric electricity facilities) is applied, their renewable
count falls to just over 7 percent.
Addressing the Potentially Higher Cost of
Renewable Energy. Recently enacted legislation (Chapter 685,
Statutes of 2007 [SB 1036, Perata]), effective January 1, 2008, ends a
program, administered by the Energy Commission and funded by a surcharge
on IOU electricity ratepayers, that made subsidy payments to renewable
energy producers. The payments were referred to as “supplemental energy
payments” or “SEPs,” and were made when the price of renewable energy
exceeded the market price of electricity as determined by PUC. Under law
prior to Chapter 685, IOUs were required to purchase renewable energy at
above-market prices only to the extent that SEP funding was available to
subsidize the above-market cost. In this regard, the availability of SEP
funding acted as a cost limitation on the requirement that IOUs purchase
additional renewable energy at above-market prices.
Under Chapter 685, IOUs are still required to
purchase renewable energy at above-market cost. However, as part of the
rate-setting process, PUC is required to establish for each IOU a
limitation on total above-market costs for renewable energy, taking into
account unspent monies collected to date for the SEP program, as well as
monies that would have been collected in the future for SEPs. This
limitation will determine the amount of renewable energy that each IOU
is required to purchase at above-market costs.
Overview of Measure. This measure
makes a number of changes regarding RPS and permitting for electricity
infrastructure. In particular, it raises RPS targets for electricity
providers, applies these requirements to municipal utilities, and gives
the Energy Commission authority to enforce municipal utility compliance
with the RPS. In addition, the measure expands the scope of RPS
enforcement to include ESPs and CCAs, and increases the minimum length
of contracts for renewable energy. The measure expands penalties for
failure to meet RPS requirements, removes current caps on these
penalties, and directs the use of these penalty revenues. The measure
also grants authority for the Energy Commission to purchase, sell, or
lease property to further achievement of the RPS requirements. In
addition, the measure transfers certain electricity infrastructure
permitting responsibilities from PUC and from local government to the
Energy Commission. Finally, the measure shifts responsibility for market
price determination from PUC to the Energy Commission. Each of these
components is described below.
Establishes Additional, Higher RPS Targets.
The measure adds two new, higher RPS targets—40 percent by 2020
and 50 percent by 2025. Each electricity provider would need to meet the
targets by increasing its share of electricity generation from renewable
energy by at least 2 percent a year, rather than the current 1 percent.
Makes RPS Requirements Enforceable on
Municipal Utilities. The measure requires municipal utilities
generally to comply with the same RPS as required of retail electricity
sellers and places the authority to enforce this requirement in the
Energy Commission. The measure, however, specifies that the Energy
Commission does not have the authority to approve or disapprove a
municipal utility’s renewable resources energy contract, including its
terms or conditions.
Expands Scope of RPS Enforcement Over
Retail Sellers. The measure expands PUC’s current RPS-related
enforcement mechanisms over IOUs to include ESPs and CCAs as well. The
enforcement mechanisms include review and adoption of renewable
resources procurement plans, related rate-setting authority,
establishment of flexible rules for compliance, and penalty authority.
The measure grants to the Energy Commission similar RPS-related
enforcement authority over municipal utilities.
Revises RPS-Related Contracting Period and
Obligations. The measure requires electricity providers (both
retail sellers and municipal utilities) to offer renewable energy
procurement contracts of no less than 20 years, with certain exceptions,
and further requires an electricity provider to accept all offers for
renewable energy that are at or below the market price of electricity
established by the Energy Commission.
Prescribes Penalty Amounts and Directs Use
of Penalty Monies. The measure prescribes by formula monetary
penalties against an electricity provider that fails to procure
sufficient amounts from renewable energy—one cent per kilowatt hour by
which the provider falls short of the applicable RPS target. The measure
specifies that neither PUC (in the case of IOUs, ESPs, and CCAs) nor the
Energy Commission (in the case of municipal utilities) shall cap the
amount of any penalty. In addition, the measure states that no
electricity provider shall recover through rates the cost of any
penalties. The measure also provides the conditions under which PUC or
the Energy Commission, as applicable, may waive the statutorily
prescribed penalty, such as when the electricity provider demonstrates a
“good faith effort” to meet RPS.
The measure creates the Solar and Clean Energy
Transmission Account, and directs that any RPS-related penalties (along
with other specified fee-based revenues) be deposited into the account.
Monies in the account are to be used to facilitate, through property or
right-of-way acquisition and construction of transmission facilities,
development of transmission infrastructure necessary to achieve the RPS.
The measure specifies that the Energy Commission will hold title to any
properties acquired with funds in the Solar and Clean Energy
Transmission Account and gives the commission the authority to exercise
its ownership rights over any such property.
Expands Energy Commission’s Permitting
Authority. The measure expands the Energy Commission’s existing
permitting authority in two major ways, not limited to the RPS. First,
the measure newly grants the commission the authority to permit new
nonthermal renewable energy power plants capable of producing 30
megawatts of electricity or more, as well as related infrastructure,
such as electricity transmission lines that unite the plant with the
transmission network grid. Currently, this permitting authority rests
with local governments. Second, the measure gives the Energy Commission
the authority to permit IOUs to construct new transmission lines within
the network grid, currently a power solely of the PUC at the state
level. It is unclear, however, whether the measure has divested the PUC
of this authority in giving it to the Energy Commission.
The measure specifies that the Energy Commission
is to issue a permit for a qualifying renewable energy plant or related
facility within six months of the filing of an application. However, the
commission is not required to issue the permit within the six-month time
frame if there is evidence that the facility would cause significant
harm to the environment or the electrical system or in some way does not
comply with legal or other specified standards.
Shifts Responsibility for Market Price
Determination. The market price for electricity serves as a
reference point against which the cost of renewable energy is measured
for cost recovery purposes. The measure shifts from PUC to the Energy
Commission responsibility for determining the market price of
Declares Limited Impact of Measure on
Ratepayer Electricity Bills. In its findings and declarations,
the measure states that, in the “short term,” the measure will result in
no more than a 3 percent increase in electricity rates. However, the
measure includes no specific provisions to implement this declaration.
Fiscal Effects
State Administrative Costs to Implement
Measure. The measure will increase the administrative costs of
the Energy Commission by approximately $2.4 million. These increased
administrative costs result from the new duties given to the commission
by the measure—including enforcement of municipal utility compliance
with the RPS, determination of the market price of electricity, and
acquisition and management of property to facilitate transmission
development. Administrative costs also reflect increased workload
resulting from the measure’s expansion of the commission’s existing
electricity facility permitting authority to include a broader universe
of renewable power plants and IOU-constructed transmission lines within
the electricity network.
While some of these new responsibilities for the
Energy Commission currently are carried out by the PUC—namely, the
electricity market price determination and IOU-related transmission
permitting—we do not expect that there would be significant offsetting
reductions in PUC’s costs as a result. This conclusion is based on two
reasons. First, to the extent that the measure is legally interpreted as
requiring PUC to continue carrying out some of the duties that the
measure assigns to the Energy Commission, there likely will not be
offsetting savings to PUC. Second, in other cases, the transfer of
responsibility from PUC to the Energy Commission may be reflected in
reduced workload delays at PUC, not reduced personnel costs.
Under current law, additional costs imposed by
the measure on the Energy Commission will be funded by fees paid by
electricity customers. However, because these fees are set in statute, a
statutory change to the current electricity surcharge may be required to
accommodate the increased costs to the extent that reserves are not
adequate to cover them.
In addition, the measure’s other requirements
will increase administrative costs of PUC by up to $1 million. These
additional costs will result from greater workload related to the
increased RPS targets, such as procurement plan review, validation of
renewable resource potential to meet electricity demands, and other
related analysis, and the addition of ESPs and CCAs to the universe of
entities subject to specified RPS regulatory requirements and
rate-setting administered by PUC. Under current law, these additional
costs will be funded by fees paid by electricity customers.
Unknown Administrative Savings to Local
Governments. By shifting permitting responsibility for certain
renewable energy facilities from local government to the Energy
Commission, the measure will result in administrative savings of an
unknown, but not likely significant, amount to local governments.
Unknown Impact on State and Local
Government Costs and Revenues. The primary fiscal effect of this
measure on state and local governments would result from any effect it
would have on electricity rates.
Changes in electricity rates would affect
government costs since state and local governments are large
consumers of electricity. The measure could result in higher electricity
rates and in turn higher costs to government, particularly in the short
term, to the extent that there is increased procurement of more
expensive renewable energy (relative to conventional energy) that would
not occur but for the measure’s mandates. However, the potential for
higher electricity rates to the customer, including state and local
governments, would be limited by the measure’s retention of the cost
limitation on mandated purchases of renewable energy at prices above the
market price for electricity as provided by current law. In addition,
any increase in costs due to increased electricity rates, particularly
in the short run, could be offset to an unknown degree by longer-term
cost savings, to the extent that the measure advances development of
renewable energy resources so as to lower their cost from what they
otherwise would be.
State and local revenues also would be
affected by the measure’s impact on electricity rates since tax revenues
received by governments are affected by business profits, personal
income, and taxable sales—all of which in turn are affected by what
individuals and businesses pay for electricity. However, as is the case
with state and local government costs, the measure’s potential to lower
state and local government revenues due to higher electricity rates
would be limited by the measure’s retention of the cost limitation as
provided by current law and by any longer-term cost savings resulting
from advances in the development of renewable energy resources.
In summary, the initiative would have the
following fiscal effects:
State administrative costs of up to
$3.4 million annually for the regulatory activities of the Energy
Resources Conservation and Development Commission and the California
Public Utilities Commission, paid for by fee revenues.
Potential, unknown increased costs and reduced
revenues, particularly in the short term, to state and local
governments resulting from the measure’s potential to increase
retail electricity rates, with possible offsetting cost savings and
revenue increases, to an unknown degree, over the long term to the
extent the measure hastens renewable energy development.
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