November 28, 2007

Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9005, we have reviewed the proposed initiative related to health care for veterans (A.G. File No. 07‑0073).

Major Provisions

Background. Under current federal law, eligible veterans receive health care services through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Priority for services is given to veterans with the highest levels of disabilities and lowest incomes. The state’s California Department of Veterans Affairs operates veterans’ homes in Yountville, Barstow, and Chula Vista. These homes provide medical care, rehabilitation services, and residential services. Veterans are admitted to the homes as space is available. The costs of operating the state’s homes are shared between the state and federal governments.

Policy Vote. The measure requires that California voters be presented with the following question at a statewide election:

Shall the federal government be required to adopt mandatory full funding of the Department of Veterans Affairs for the purpose of ensuring that all eligible honorably discharged U.S. Veterans, Reservists and California National Guard of the United States of America receive quality and accessible healthcare and related services?

Fiscal Effect

The result of the vote required by the measure would be advisory and not bind the state or federal government to take any specific actions. The measure, therefore, would have no direct fiscal effect.

Summary. The measure would have no direct fiscal effect.

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