December 26, 2007

Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9005, we have reviewed the proposed statutory initiative related to public resources for political campaigns (A.G. File No. 07‑0085).

Major Provisions

Current Law. Under current law, government entities are prohibited from making political contributions (for candidates or issue advocacy). Nonprofit and similar types of organizations, however, are authorized to make political contributions (subject to reporting requirements, contribution limits, and federal tax status). Some of these organizations receive dues or other voluntary payments from state or local government entities.

Measure’s Provisions. This measure restricts organizations that receive any funds from public sources from making political contributions (for candidates or issue advocacy). The measure also makes violation of this provision a felony, subject to fines and/or prison sentences.

Fiscal Effect

The state and local government law enforcement agencies could experience minor increased costs to enforce the measure’s provisions, partially offset by increases in revenues from any violations.

Fiscal Summary. This measure would have the following fiscal impact:

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