Submitted July 17, 2008
Proposition 11
Redistricting. Constitutional Amendment and
Every ten years, the federal census counts the number of
people living in California. The California Constitution requires the
Legislature after each census to adjust the boundaries of the districts used to
elect public officials. This process is called “redistricting.” Redistricting
affects districts for the state Legislature (Assembly and Senate), State Board
of Equalization (BOE), and the U.S. House of Representatives. The primary
purpose of redistricting is to establish districts which are “reasonably equal”
in population. Typically, redistricting plans are included in legislation and
become law after passage of the bill by the Legislature and signature by the
This measure amends the California Constitution to change
the redistricting process for the state Legislature, BOE, and California members
of the U.S. House of Representatives, beginning with the 2010 census.
U.S. House of Representatives Districts
The measure maintains the Legislature’s role in drawing
districts for the U.S. House of Representatives. The measure imposes additional
requirements that the Legislature must consider when drawing these districts.
Among the new requirements is that the Legislature maintain neighborhoods and
“communities of interest” within one district to the extent possible. (The term
communities of interest is not defined by the measure.) Figure 1 compares the
requirements under the measure and current law.
Figure 1
Key Requirements for Drawing Political Districts |
Current Law
For All Districts |
Proposition 11 |
House of Representatives Districts |
Legislative and Board of Equalization Districts |
Develop reasonably equal
populations of districts |
X |
X |
X |
Comply with federal Voting Rights
Act |
X |
X |
X |
Minimize the splitting of counties
and cities into multiple districtsa |
X |
X |
X |
Maintain “communities of interest”
and neighborhoodsa |
— |
X |
X |
Develop geographically compact
districtsa |
— |
X |
X |
Comprise Senate districts of two
adjacent Assembly districts and BOE districts of ten adjacent Senate
districts.a |
— |
— |
X |
Do not favor or discriminate against political
incumbents, candidates, or parties. |
— |
— |
X |
a To the extent
possible without conflicting with other criteria. |
Legislative and BOE Districts
The measure shifts the responsibility for developing
redistricting plans for legislative and BOE districts from the Legislature to a
new Citizens Redistricting Commission. The measure imposes a number of
requirements for the selection of commissioners and their drawing of district
boundaries, as described below.
Selection of Commissioners. The measure
establishes a process to select the 14 members to serve on the commission.
Figure 2 summarizes this process. A registered voter in the state could apply to
be a commissioner. The State Auditor, however, would remove applicants from the
pool based on various conflicts of interest. For instance, applicants—or an
immediate relative—in the past ten years could not have:
- Been a political candidate for state or federal office.
- Been a lobbyist.
- Contributed $2,000 or more in any year to a political
In addition, applicants could not
have changed their political party affiliation in the past five years.
Applicants also must have voted in at least two of the last three general

An Applicant Review Panel, comprised of three auditors
employed by the state, would narrow the applicants down to 60. The panel would
pick the most qualified applicants based on analytic skill, impartiality, and
appreciation of California’s diversity. The leaders of the Legislature could
strike up to 24 of these names. From the remaining names, the State Auditor
would then randomly draw the first eight commissioners. These eight
commissioners would select the final six commissioners. The commission would
have five members registered with each of the state’s two largest political
parties (Democrat and Republican) and four members registered with other parties
or as independent voters.
Requirements of District Boundaries. The
measure adds new requirements regarding the drawing of district boundaries by
the commission for legislative and BOE districts. These requirements are similar
to the measure’s new requirements for U.S. House of Representatives districts,
as shown in Figure 1. For legislative and BOE districts, the measure also
forbids the commission from drawing districts for the purpose of favoring or
discriminating against political incumbents, candidates, or parties.
Approval Process. In developing a plan, the
commission would have to hold public hearings and accept public comment. To
approve a redistricting plan, the commission would need at least nine yes votes,
including at least three yes votes each from members registered with the two
largest political parties and three yes votes from the other members. Once the
commission approved a redistricting plan, it would be used for the next decade.
The process would be repeated every ten years, with a new 14‑member commission
for each future redistricting.
Funding. Commission members would receive
$300 per day, plus reimbursed expenses, in return for their work on the
commission. The measure specifies that the Governor and Legislature must make
funding available in the state budget to support the selection of the
commission, its work, and related costs. Funding would be established at the
greater of $3 million or the amount spent in the previous redistricting cycle,
adjusted for inflation. (The Legislature spent about $3 million in 2001 from its
own budget, which is limited under the California Constitution, to adjust
boundaries for all districts.) These funds could be used to establish the
application review process, communicate with the public, compensate
commissioners, and employ legal and other experts in the field of redistricting.
Fiscal Effects
Under this measure, the Legislature would continue to
incur expenses to perform redistricting for U.S. House of Representatives
districts. In addition, this measure authorizes funding (outside of the
Legislature’s budget) for redistricting efforts related to legislative and BOE
districts to be performed by the citizens commission. We estimate that the
minimum amount required for 2010 would be about $4 million (the 2001 amount
spent on redistricting adjusted for estimated inflation through 2010). Having
two entities—the Legislature and the commission—perform redistricting could tend
to increase overall redistricting expenditures. Any increase in such
redistricting costs, however, probably would not be significant.
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