Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2013-14 Budget

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See Detail  Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Maximizing federal funding for parolee mental health care Adopt budget trailer bill legislation directing CDCR--in collaboration with DHCS--to (1) expand Medi-Cal application assistance to parolees receiving mental health treatment, (2) implement a process for claiming federal reimbursement for staff that is assisting inmates with Medi-Cal applications, and (3) take steps neccessary to claim federal reimbursement for parolee mental health treatment. 5-29-13
See Detail  Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Parole revocation positions Reject the administration’s proposal to provide a one-time $8.3 million General Fund augmentation in 2013-14 for 60 positions for parole revocation activities because the administration has been unable to provide sufficient documentation to justify the positions on a workload basis. 5-29-13
See Detail  Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Drug interdiction program Reduce the administration’s drug interdiction proposal from $6.6 million General Fund in 2013-14 ($18.5 million annually upon full implementation) to $3 million annually on a three-year limited-term basis to pilot test initiatives to reduce drug use in prisons. 5-29-13
See Detail  Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Augmentation for DOJ legal services Reduce April Finance Letter request to augment CDCR for DOJ legal services from $11.5 million to $6.4 million on a one-year basis. Further require CDCR to report on what factors are driving its need for legal services and what steps it has or could take to better contain these costs. 5-29-13
See Detail  Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Strategic offender management system project Withhold taking action on the proposed budget bill language until the Special Project Report currently under review by California Technology Agency is received. 5-29-13
See Detail  Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Long-term offenders in county jails Withhold recommendation on May Revision proposal pending receipt of trailer bill. 5-29-13
See Detail  Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Formula for probation incentive grants Reject Governor's May Revision proposal to change funding formula for probation performance incentive grant program. Modify and expand the existing funding formula to preserve the original intent of the program. Reduce amount allocated to counties through the grant from the $107 million (as proposed by the administration) to $75 million. 5-29-13
See Detail  Judiciary Cash management trailer bill language Modify administration's proposal to assist trial courts more easily manage cash under the recently enacted 1 percent reserves policy by (1) adding a sunset clause, (2) clarifying how funds in excess of the reserves limit will be distributed, and (3) expanding the list of costs to be exempted from counting against a court's reserves limit. 5-24-13
See Detail  Commission on State Mandates Newly Identified Mandate: Domestic Violence Background Checks Eliminate future state costs for the Domestic Violence Background Checks mandate program by amending statute to eliminate all the elements of state law that have been found to be a state-reimbursable mandate, as they are unnecessary to achieve the Legislature’s objective of ensuring that judges have pertinent information regarding defendants’ criminal histories. 3-22-13
See Detail  Commission on State Mandates Newly Identified Mandate: Identity Theft Reports and Investigations Reject Governor's January budget proposal to suspend a mandate that local law enforcement agencies take police reports and begin investigations when a person reports suspected identity theft. Instead, we recommend that the law make these activities optional, consistent with the authority local law enforcement has related to other alleged criminal violations. 3-01-13
See Detail  Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Receiver's new medical staffing methodology The Receiver's office should report at budget hearings on the implementation of its new staffing methodology, including the specific items required in the 2012-13 Budget Act. 2-19-13
See Detail  Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Extension of nursing positions for medication distribution Withhold action on the administration’s proposal to make the 211 nursing positions for medication distribution permanent until the Receiver has reported on the staffing methodology he is currently in the process of implementing, as well as how expected declines in workload will affect the number of positions needed in the future. 2-19-13
See Detail  Department of Justice Bureau of Gambling Control Reorganization of gambling oversight Approve Governor's January proposal to increase the Department of Justice budget by $4.8 million from two special funds to reflect transfer of gambling oversight responsiblities from the California Gambling Control Commission. The proposal is consistent with and necessary to implement the reorganization plan enacted in 2012-13. 2-19-13
See Detail  Judiciary Transfer of $200 million in court construction funds to the General Fund Approve Governor's January proposal to transfer $200 million from the Immediate and Critical Needs Account to the General Fund because of the fiscal benefit it provides the state. Require the branch to report in budget hearings on how project delays will be prioritized and whether the need or scope of current projects have changed due to trial court operational changes. 2-19-13
See Detail  Judiciary Long Beach Courthouse lease payment Approve Governor's January proposal to use Immediate and Critical Need Account (ICNA) funds for Long Beach Courthouse service payments--$34.8 million in 2013-14 and $54.2 million in 2014-15--as it benefits the General Fund on an ongoing basis and is a permissible use of ICNA funds. 2-19-13
See Detail  Judiciary Implementation of prior-year trial court reductions and proposed efficiencies and fee increases Approve Governor's proposed administrative efficiencies and user fee increases, as they provide trial courts with ongoing fiscal relief. Request that court stakeholders identify additional efficiencies at budget hearings. Require the branch to report on how trial courts plan to implement ongoing budget reductions and what impacts any operational changes may have on public access to courts. 2-19-13
See Detail  Judiciary Trial court reserves policy Withold action until administration has provided statutory language outlining proposals to assist trial courts manage their budgetary allocations under the new trial court reserves policy enacted in 2012-13. 2-19-13
See Detail  Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Governor's response to the three-judge panel prison overcrowding ruling If the federal courts ultimately require the state to reduce the prison population to meet an existing or modified prison cap, something that may not occur for some months, craft population reduction measures consistent with legislative priorities. 2-19-13
See Detail  Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation DeWitt Annex staffing Reduce the budget for the DeWitt Annex in Stockton by 3.8 positions and $408,000 in the budget year to recognize the savings created by building a single electrified fence around the DeWitt Annex and the California Health Care Facility. 2-19-13
See Detail  Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Mule Creek State Prison staircase Withhold action and direct CDCR to report at budget hearings on why the project to replace a ladder at Mule Creek State Prison with a staircase cannot be completed in a more timely fashion and for less than the proposed cost of $600,000. 2-19-13
See Detail  Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Adult prison and parole population funding adjustments Withhold until May Revision. Technical adjustments may be necessary at that time. Direct CDCR to adjust its budget to correctly reflect the number of High Risk Sex Offender (HRSO) treatment slots that will be available in 2012-13. Direct CDCR to report at budget hearings on sex offender treatment being provided to non-HRSOs and separately budget funding for these offenders. 2-19-13
See Detail  Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation AB 900 General Fund appropriation for infrastructure improvements Revert the $110 million remaining in the AB 900 General Fund appropriation to subject CDCR infrastructure improvements to the normal capital outlay approval process. 2-19-13
See Detail  Board of State and Community Corrections Law enforcement grants to cities Reject the Governor’s January budget proposal to augment the police grants program by $7.5 million due to lack of justification. Approve the proposed change to provisional language which would clarify that all cities, including those that contract for police services, are eligible to receive a share of the grant funds. 2-19-13
See Detail  Board of State and Community Corrections Update on jail construction funding program Overview of recent programs to provide lease-revenue funding to counties to construct and renovate county jails. Recent bills provide total of $1.7 billion for these programs and could result in construction of about 14,700 new jail beds. 2-19-13
See Detail  Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) Technical assistance and data collection Direct BSCC to report to the Legislature on its plans to fulfill its legislative missions related to technical assistance and data collection. Approve Governor's January budget proposal for nine additional positions. Direct BSCC to convene a working group to identify a data collection system that is as comprehensive, uniform, and accessible as is reasonable. 2-19-13
See Detail  Division of Juvenile Justice Juvenile population adjustments Withhold action on the Governor’s juvenile facilities population request until the May Revision. Technical adjustments may be necessary at that time based on actual population trends. Budget should also fully incorporate reductions in non-staff expenditures directly resulting from the decreasing ward population. 2-19-13
See Detail  Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Obtaining federal funds for inmate medical care Hold budget hearings to identify and resolve any remaining obstacles preventing the Receiver from securing memoranda of understanding with counties to enroll inmates in their Low-Income Health Plans and require the Department of Health Care Services to report on its efforts to address problems that are preventing certain claims for federal reimbursement from being successfully processed. 2-08-13