Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2013-14 Budget

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See Detail  Teacher/Administrator Issues The Administrator Training Program (ATP) and the California Subject Matter Projects (CSMP). Recommend Legislature adopt Governor’s January proposal to shift $1.3 million in Title II funds from ATP to CSMP. Additionally, recommend Legislature adopt budget bill language requiring the University of California to submit a CSMP budget plan to the Legislature and administration by November 1, 2013. 4-17-13
See Detail  K-12 Education Mandates Graduation Requirements (GR) and Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIP) mandates. Recommend rejecting the Governor’s January proposal to increase the K-12 mandates block grant by $100 million and add GR and BIP mandates to the block grant. For GR mandate, could consider strengthening offset language by linking to future funding increases under the Governor's proposed K-12 funding formula. Recommend adopting the Governor's proposal to modify BIP requirements. 3-21-13
See Detail  Charter Schools Various changes to FGP and and Charter School Revolving Loan Fund. Adopt Governor’s January proposal to shift administration of FGP and RLF from the California Department of Education to the California School Finance Authority. Adopt Governor’s proposal to expand FGP eligibility to nonclassroom-based schools but consider alternative funding approach. Modify Governor’s FGP allocation proposal by establishing a statutory schedule for release of funds. 3-21-13
See Detail  K-14 Education Mandates Mandates Governor proposes to suspend. Recommend conforming with local government approach for four mandates (Absentee Ballots, Brendon Maguire Act, California Public Records Act, and Sex Offenders: Discolure by Law Enforcement Officers). Recommend adopting Governor's proposal to suspend Mandate Reimbursement Process. Recommend rejecting Governor's proposal to suspend Open Meetings/Brown Act Reform. 3-21-13
See Detail  K-12 Education Mandates Pupil Suspensions/Expulsions mandate. Recommend adding new Pupil Suspensions/Expulsions mandate to the K-12 mandates block grant. 3-21-13
See Detail  Teacher credentialing Fees for accrediting teacher preparation institutions and programs. Consider whether accreditation activities need to be restarted in 2013-14. If restarted, establish fees to recover the full cost of accreditation activities. 3-21-13
See Detail  Charter Schools Funding determination process for nonclassroom-based charter schools. Reject the Governor’s January proposal to limit the funding determination process to the first and third years of a charter school’s operation. Recommend the Legislature instead retain the funding determination process but make several modifications to it. 3-19-13
See Detail  Charter Schools Various changes to charter school petitions and oversight. Adopt the Governor’s January proposals to (1) allow petitions for countywide charter schools to provide that individual sites are tracked as separate schools for reporting and accountability purposes and (2) provide the State Board of Education additional authority to delegate charter school oversight. 3-19-13
See Detail  Independent Study and Technology-Based Instruction Rules for K-12 independent study (IS) and technology-based instruction. Adopt Governor’s January proposal to remove various IS requirements but modify to: (1) require students enrolled in an asynchronous course to be part of an IS program, (2) explicitly link funding rates to achieving student learning outcomes, (3) require measures of satisfactory educational progress be aligned with the state content standards, and (4) implement the proposal more gradually. 3-18-13
See Detail  School Facilities Rules regarding surplus school property. Adopt Governor’s January proposal to continue requiring school districts to offer surplus property first to charter schools but include certain requirements relating to the subsequent sale or lease of such property. Reject Governor’s proposal to extend rules reducing the consequences when districts use proceeds from the sale of surplus property purchased with local funds for nonfacility purposes. 3-15-13
See Detail  Adult Education Adult education reform. Recommend the Legislature reject virtually all of the Governor's January proposals. Adopt an alternative package of recommendations for improving the state's adult education system. 3-15-13
See Detail  K-12 Funding New funding formula. Recommend Legislature adopt modified version of Governor’s January proposal to restructure funding formulas for school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education. 3-13-13
See Detail  Special Education Special education funding formula and categorical programs. Recommend Legislature adopt modified version of Governor’s January proposal to revise the AB 602 funding formula and consolidate several special education categorical grants. 3-13-13