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AB 3632 mental health services
Realignment of funding and services
Adopt Governor's May Revision proposal to repeal the AB 3632 mandate and shift funding and responsibility to schools in 2011-12.
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Department of Developmental Services
Preliminary LAO review of the Department of Developmental Services savings proposals
Recommend the Legislature adopt the administration's proposals to achieve savings in the Community Services Program. However, for some specific proposals, our analysis indicates that it is uncertain whether the full savings would be achieved.
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Department of Health Care Services
Transfer Healthy Families Program to Department of Health Care Services
Recommend that the administration’s proposal to transfer Healthy Families Program be referred to policy committees. Recommend that the Legislature reject the administration’s proposed BBL that would provide DOF with authority to transfer both staff and expenditure authority between appropriations for MRMIB and DHCS just ten days after giving the Legislature notification.
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Department of Health Care Services
Savings due to the Quest Diagnostics legal settlement.
Recommend the Legislature recognize $50.1 million in savings from a legal settlement with Quest Diagnostics.
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Department of Mental Health
Safety and Security in State Hospitals
Recommend that the Legislature approve the 78.0 positions but reduce funding by $1.1 million General Fund (25 percent salary savings rate) to more accurately reflect the rate at which the positions are likely to be filled in the budget year. Recommend the Legislature approve the $4.1 million for the new personal alarm system.
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Department of Mental Health
Transfer administration of behavioral health programs to the Department of Health Care Services
Recommend that the administration’s proposal to transfer administrative responsibility for EPSDT, MHMC and Drug Medi-Cal from DMH and DADP to DHCS in 2011-12 be referred to policy committees. Recommend that the Legislature reject the administration’s proposed BBL that would provide DOF with authority to transfer both staff and expenditure authority between appropriations for DADP, DMH, and DHCS just ten days after giving the Legislature notification.
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Department of Health Care Services
Diagnosis Related Group Payment System
Recommend approval of $860,000 total funds ($344,000 General Fund) and seven two-year limited-term positions in the Safety Net Financing Division. We recommend denial of five positions for Audits and Investigations (A & I) and the redirection of five existing A & I Adult Day Health Care audit staff for two-year limited terms.
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Department of Mental Health
Coleman Bed Expansion Vacaville Psychiatric Program - 64 Beds.
Recommend reduction of $1.8 million General Fund to reflect phased in activation of 80.3 requested positions. The Governor's budget does not adequately account for a phase-in of these positions based on the activation schedule provided by the department.
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Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs
Realignment of Alcohol and Drug Programs
Recommend the Legislature consider the Governor's realignment proposal for alcohol and drug programs. A realignment of these programs has merit and may be workable, but the Legislature will have to address some significant fiscal and policy issues in developing a realignment plan.
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Department of Developmental Services
The 2011-12 Budget: Options to Achieve Savings In The Regional Center System
We recommend approval of the Governor's budget proposals to (1) extend the 4.25 percent provider payment reduction and the commensurate reduction to regional center (RC) operations, and (2) obtain additional federal funds for services provided through the developmental centers and the RCs. We also recommend the Legislature either expand the existing Family Cost Participation Program or implement means testing to determine who is eligible to receive these state services.
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Department of Mental Health
Realignment of Mental Health Programs
Recommend the Legislature consider the Governor's realignment proposal for certain mental health programs. A realignment of these programs has merit and may be workable, but the Legislature will have to address some significant fiscal and policy issues in developing a realignment plan.
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Department of Health Care Services
Implement utilization limits, impose copayments and benefit reductions to achieve Medi-Cal savings
Recommend the Legislature adopt some proposals to implement utilization limits, reject the proposal to limit prescription drug utilization, and consider alternatives to some utilization limits. Recommend the Legislature consider alternatives to the administration's copayment proposals. Recommend the Legislature adopt the proposal to eliminate over-the-counter cold and cough medicine, and consider an alternative to the administration's proposal to limit enteral nutrition to tube feeding.
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Department of Health Care Services
Reduce Medi-Cal Provider Payments by 10 Percent
Recommend the Legislature: (1) approve rate reductions pursuant to a study, (2) require department to report at budget hearings on the likelihood of federal approval as well as the implications of recent lawsuits and court actions, and (3) require the department to establish a process for establishing fee for service rates.
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Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board
Increase premiums and copyaments, and eliminate the vision benefit for the Healthy Families Program
Recommend the Legislature: 1) require MRMIB to report in budget hearings on the likelihood of obtaining federal approval for its proposals; 2) require the administration to provide the statutory language necessary to implement its proposals; 3) consider the copayment proposals in the Healthy Families Program (HFP) in tandem with those in Medi-Cal; 4) consider imposing lower copayment and premium increases than those proposed by the administration; and 5) eliminate the HFP vision benefit.
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Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs
Three options for reducing costs in the Drug Medi-Cal Program.
We recommend the Legislature consider the following three options for reducing costs in the Drug Medi-Cal Program: 1) establish monthly co-pay for all program participants, 2) establish group counseling maximum in outpatient Drug Free Program, and 3) reduce maximum reimbursable counseling in the Narcotic Treatment Program.