May 2018
Summary of K-12 Education Recommendations
Issue |
May Revision Proposal |
LAO Recommendation |
One‑time discretionary grants |
Increases by $286 million (raising total funding to $2 billion). |
Modify. Link additional one‑time discretionary grants to a strategic plan to pay off remainder of K‑12 mandates backlog. |
LCFF funding |
Provides $277 million ongoing. |
Adopt. Approve total funding amount but could consider alternative ways to augment rates. |
Changes statute to continuously appropriate LCFF COLA increases. |
Reject. Proposal would limit legislative discretion in future budget cycles. |
Computer‑based ELPAC |
Provides $22 million to convert ELPAC from pencil to computer based. |
Reject. Proposal seems unreasonably expensive. Revisit issue next year. |
Alternate ELPAC |
Provides $5.9 million to create alternate ELPAC for students with disabilities. |
Withhold Recommendation. Request additional information from CDE concerning relevant federal requirements and project costs. |
Charter School Facility Grant Program backfill |
Provides $21.4 million one time to fully fund 2017‑18 awards under administration’s estimates. |
Modify. Provide either (1) $24 million to fully fund 2017‑18 awards or (2) $3 million to ensure all recipients receive at least as much as they received in 2016‑17. |
Charter School Facility Grant Program augmentation |
Decreases by $3.6 million, bringing the total augmentation to $24.8 million. |
Modify. Provide either (1) $50 million to fund program under rules enacted last year or (2) $8 million to fund program under its historical rules. |
School Climate initiative |
Provides $15 million for a pilot program for addressing “school climate” issues. |
Reject. Proposal has few details and is poorly justified. |
K‑12 Strong Workforce |
Provides an additional $2 million for program administration. |
Reject. Support high school CTE either through LCFF or through an approach similar to the CTE Incentive Grant Initiative. |
County offices of education (COEs) |
Decreases January augmentation by $1 million and clarifies COEs’ role in supporting low‑performing districts. |
Modify. Require COEs to help districts identify and respond to performance issues. Require COEs to use existing LCFF funds. |
COE lead agencies and special education lead agencies |
Makes modest changes to lead agencies’ roles. |
Reject. Role of lead agencies is duplicative of COEs and CCEE. Additionally, core function of special education lead agencies is unclear. |
California Collaborative for Educational Excellence |
Increases by $234,000 ongoing. |
Adopt. Funding aligns with CCEE’s proposed roles. |
Community Engagement Initiative |
Provides $13 million one time for CCEE and a lead agency to jointly administer professional learning networks focused on community engagement. |
Reject. CCEE could use existing resources to administer professional learning networks focused on this topic. |
LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula; COLA = cost‑of‑living adjustment; ELPAC = English Language Proficiency Assessments for California; CDE = California Department of Education; CCEE = California Collaborative for Educational Excellence; and CTE = career technical education. |