July 2018

Financial Aid

Need-Based Financial Aid Award Amounts

Maximum Annual Award for Full-Time Student

Change from 2017-18
Amount Percent
Tuition Awards          
Cal Grant A and B          
UC $12,294 $12,630 $12,570 -$60 -0.5%
Nonprofit schools 9,084 9,084 9,084
WASC-accredited for-profit schools 9,084 9,084 8,056 -1,028 -11.3
CSU 5,472 5,742 5,742
Other for-profit schools 4,000 4,000 4,000
Cal Grant C (all institutions) 2,462 2,462 2,462
UC Grant 12,294 12,630 12,570 -60 -0.5
CSU State University Grant 5,472 5,742 5,742
CCC Promise Grant 1,380 1,380 1,380
Nontuition Awards          
Cal Grant B, Access (all institutions) $1,670 $1,672 $1,672
Cal Grant C, Book and Supply          
CCC 547 1,094 1,094
Private schools 547 547 547
UC Grant 9,411 9,631 10,336 $705 7.3%
CCC Full-Time Student Success Grant 600 1,000 -1,000 -100
CCC Completion Grant 2,000 -2,000 -100
CCC Student Success Completion Grant 4,000 4,000

Figure shows state and institutional aid programs supported with core funds (state General Fund and student tuition revenue).
See "Financial Aid Award Coverage" for a description of each type of award.
At UC, CSU, and CCC, tuition awards cover systemwide tuition and fees. Nontuition awards help cover other student fees, books and supplies, transportation, food, and housing.
The Cal Grant A and B tuition award for nonprofit schools in 2018-19 is conditioned on the nonprofit sector enrolling specified numbers of students with an associate degree for transfer. If the sector fails to enroll these specified numbers, the award is scheduled to drop to $8,056.
The Cal Grant B Access Award consists of a statuory amount funded by state General Fund ($1,648) and a supplemental amount funded by the College Access Tax Credit. The size of the supplement each year depends on the level of tax credit funds.
The UC Grant covers both tuition and nontuition expenses after applying a student self-help expectation and factoring all other financial aid. The nontuition portion in the table reflects the average cost of attendance of UC undergraduate students less systemwide tuition and fees and the self-help expectation. We use reported data for 2016-17 and 2017-18. For 2018-19, we grow the average cost of attendance by 2 percent and assume the same self-help expectation reported in 2017-18.
UC = University of California. WASC = Western Association of Schools and Colleges. CSU = California State University. CCC = California Community Colleges.