May 2017
Summary of K-12 Recommendations
Program | May Revision Proposal | LAO Recommendation |
K-12 discretionary funding/mandates backlog | Increases by $725 million one time (raising total increase to $1 billion). | Modify. Link additional one-time discretionary grants to a strategic plan to pay off remainder of K-12 mandates backlog. |
LCFF for school districts | Increases by $642 million ongoing (raising total increase to $1.4 billion). | Adopt. Additional funding accelerates LCFF implementation. |
K-12 High Speed Network (HSN) | Removes $8 million in ongoing Proposition 98 funding for HSN's operations and requires program to fund operations from Broadband Infrastructure Improvement Grant (BIIG) fund balance. Allows HSN to spend $2.5 million of operational reserves toward Internet infrastructure upgrade projects. | Adopt. $20 million remains in BIIG fund balance and virtually all schools now can administer online tests. Moving forward, the Legislature may wish to consider whether it wants a more active role in reviewing and approving infrastructure projects. |
Southern California Regional Occupational Center (SCROC) | Provides SCROC $10 million Proposition 98 General Fund over four years: $4 million in 2017-18, $3 million in 2018-19, $2 million in 2019-20, and $1 million in 2020-21. | Reject. Like all other career technical education programs, SCROC has had four years to transition to new funding model. SCROC already has committed to maintaining career technical education programming until 2020-21. |
CAASPP Mandate | Adds mandate to K-12 mandates block grant with no additional funding. | Modify. Add mandate and $25 million to block grant. Shift $12.8 million from assessments item into block grant. |
Educator recruitment and support grants | Repurposes $11 million in Title II funds for a new competitive grant program. | Modify. Adopt funding level but narrow the scope of grants and award to appropriate agency. |
Charter School Facility Grant Program | Increases grant amount from $750 to $1,236 per student and applies COLA to amount in subsequent years. Recipients receive lesser of this amount or 75 percent of their facilities cost. | Modify. If desire is to use K-12 COLA, change per-student grant to $1,117 (rather than $1,236). Could explore using another inflationary index. |
LCAP electronic template | Provides $350,000 to develop an electronic LCAP template for school districts to use in developing and sharing their LCAPs. | Adopt. Electronic template would streamline process for districts to develop and publish LCAPs. |
LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula, CAASPP = California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, LCAP = Local Control and Accountability Plan, and COLA = cost-of-living adjustment. |