July 2019

Child Care and Preschool

Changes in Child Care and Preschool Spending

2019-20 (In Millions)

  General Fund      
Change Prop. 98 Non-Prop. 98 Prop. 64 Federal
Converts 11,307 AP slots from one time to ongoing $102 $102
Adds 9,461 more AP slots starting July 1, 2019 $80 13 93
Adds 3,086 General Child Care slots starting July 1, 2019 $50 50
Adds 10,000 full-day State Preschool slots at non-LEAs starting April 1, 2020 31 31
Annualizes cost of 2,959 State Preschool slots for LEAs initiated April 1, 2020 $27 27
Reduces non-CalWORKs slots by -0.68 percenta -8 -7 -16
Adds 1,014 foster bridge slots starting July 1, 2019 10 10
Annualizes cost of 2,100 Alternative Payment slots initiated September 1, 2018 3 3
Subtotals ($19) ($87) ($80) ($115) ($301)
Reimbursement Rates          
Provides a 3.26 COLA to certain child care and preschool programs $39 $36 $75
Annualizes cost of increasing certain adjustment factors initiated January 1, 2019 50 50
Subtotals ($39) ($87) ($0) ($0) ($125)
Provides grants to construct or renovate child care facilities $263 $263
Provides grants to enhance the child care and preschool workforce 150 $45 195
Makes changes to CalWORKs Stage 1 rules 56 56
Makes CalWORKs caseload and average cost-of-care adjustments 74 -18 56
Adjusts Transitional Kindergarten for attendance and LCFF funding rate $26 26
Requires the sharing of certain provider information for the purpose of supporting future collective bargaining 10 10
Funds improvements to CDE's early education data system 10 10
Funds inclusive early education initiative 10 10
Funds research to inform master plan 5 5
Creates Early Childhood Policy Council 2 2
Supports construction of child care facility in Reseda 2 2
Shifts all part-day State Preschool slots at non-LEAs out of Proposition 98 -309 309 0
Makes conforming and technical changes -118 20 -98
Subtotals -($273) ($763) ($0) ($47) ($537)
Totals -$216 $937 $80 $162 $963

Costs are included in California Department of Education budget except for the following: Foster Bridge and Stage 1 CalWORKs Child Care are reflected in the Department of Social Services budget, the planning initiative and Early Childhood Policy Council are reflected in Health and Human Services budget, and the family child care homes information sharing is allocated across numerous state agencies by the Controller.

a Reflects statutory adjustment based on the projected decrease in the birth-through-four population.
AP = Alternative Payment. COLA = cost-of-living adjustment. LEA = local education agency. LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula.