July 2020

Child Care and Preschool

Changes in Child Care and Preschool Spending

2020-21 (In Millions)

  General Fund      
Change Prop. 98 Non-Prop. 98 Prop. 64 Federal Total
Reduces State Preschool slots -$130 -$31 -$161
Adds temporary AP slots starting July 1, 2020 $73 73
Adds ongoing AP slots starting July 1, 2020 47 47
Decreases AP slots -$6 -6
Subtotals (-$130) (-$31) (-$6) ($120) (-$47)
Rescinds infrastructure and workforce development funds -$413 -$45 -$458
Provides federal CARES Act funds for 2019-20 COVID-19 expenses
152 152
Makes CalWORKs caseload and average cost-of-care adjustments 53 94 146
Reimburses voucher providers for authorized hours of care instead of child care used 63 63
Provides stipends for voucher providers 31 31
Provides an additional 14 paid non-operation days for voucher providers 31 31
Waives family fees for July and August $1 1 9 11
Adjusts Transitional Kindergarten for attendance and LCFF funding rate -5 -5
Plans to shifts child care programs to the Department of Social Services 2 2
Shifts fund source for General Child Care slots -50 $50
Makes conforming and technical changes -10 -6 -12 -28
Subtotals (-$14) (-$413) ($50) ($323) (-$55)
Totals -$144 -$445 $44 $443 -$102
AP = Alternative Payment. CARES = Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security. COVID-19 = Coronavirus Disease 2019. LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula.