January 2021

Community Colleges

California Community Colleges Proposition 98 Spending by Program

(Dollars in Millions)

Change from 2020-21
Amount Percent
Apportionments $6,812 $6,799 $7,322 $523 7.7%a
Categorical Programs and Other Appropriations        
Adult Education Program $544 $544 $553 $9 1.7%
Student Equity and Achievement Program 475 475 475
Strong Workforce Program 241b 248 248
High School Strong Workforce Program 164 164 164
Student Success Completion Grant 150 159 135 -24 -15.0%
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services 133 133 135 2 1.5%
Disabled Students Program 124 124 126 2 1.5%
Apprenticeship 79 79 115 36 45.4%
Hunger and homelessness initiatives 9 9 109 100c 1,111.1%
AB 19 fee waivers 85 81 75 -7 -8.2%
Financial aid administration 76 76 72 -4 -4.8%
Telecommunications and technology services 42 42 61 19 44.4%
Full-time faculty 50 50 50
CalWORKs student services 47 47 48 1 1.5%
Institutional effectiveness initiative 28 28 48 20c 72.7%
Online education initiative 23 23 38 15c 65.2%
Mandates Block Grant and reimbursements 34 33 34 0d 0.7%
Student mental health and technology 30
Part-time faculty compensation 25 25 25
Economic and Workforce Development 23 23 23
NextUp foster youth program 20 20 20
Immigrant legal services/dreamer resource liaisons 16 16
Online community college 20 15 15
Nursing grants 13 13 13
Lease revenue bond payments 16 13 13 0d -0.3%
Part-time faculty office hours 12 12 12
Veteran resource centers 10 10 10
Fund for Student Success 9 9 9
Foster Parent Education Program 6 6 6
Support for certain campus child care centers 4 4 4 0d 1.5%
Equal Employment Opportunity 3 3 3
Instructional materials for dual enrollment students 3
COVID-19 response block grant 33 33
Student emergency financial aid grants 250e
Student retention and enrollment strategies 20e
Physical plant and instructional support f
Otherg 4 4 4 1c 17.0%
   Subtotals ($2,501) ($2,789) ($2,689) (-$101) (-3.6%)
Totals $ 9,313 $ 9,588 $ 10,011 $423 4.4%
a Reflects a proposed cost-of-living increase and enrollment growth as well as nonprogrammatic increases from deferral paydowns.
b The 2019-20 budget package also provided $6.7 million in prior year settle-up funds for this purpose. Total funding for the program was $248 million.
c Increase is due entirely to one-time funding proposed in the Governor's budget.     
Difference of less than $500,000.     
e Proposal in the Governor's 2021-22 budget that would be supported with one-time 2020-21 funds.     
The 2019-20 budget package included $13.5 million in prior year settle-up funds for this purpose.
Reflects funding for various one-time initiatives and programs with less than $2 million each in ongoing funding (Academic Senate, transfer education and articulation, district financial crisis oversight, and part-time faculty health insurance).