January 2021


Changes in University of California General Fund Spending

Reflects Governor's Budget Proposals (In Millions)

2020-21 Revised Spending $3,466.0
Ongoing Changes  
Base increase (3 percent) $103.9
Student basic needs (mental health and technology) 15.0
Programs in Medical Education (PRIME) 12.9
Immigrant legal services 1.2
Graduate medical education offset 1.0
UC Davis Firearm Violence Center 1.0
Intersegmental learning management system 1.0
Subtotal ($136.0)
One Time Initiatives  
Deferred maintenance and energy efficiency projects $175.0
California Institutes for Science and Innovation 20.0
Emergency student financial aid 15.0
Faculty professional development 5.0
Subject Matter Projects in learning loss mitigation 5.0
Subject Matter Projects in ethnic studies 2.0
UC Fire Advisors 2.0
UCSF public health modelling consortium 1.3
Subtotal ($225.3)
Remove 2020-21 one-time funding -0.678
Total Changes ($360.6)
2021-22 Proposed Spending $3,826.6