January 2021

Child Care and Preschool

Child Care and Preschool Subsidized Slots

        Change from 2020-21
  2019-20 Revised 2020-21 Revised 2021-22 Proposed Amount Percent
CalWORKs Child Care          
Stage 1 32,454 36,590 37,477 887 2.4%
Stage 2 55,054 55,484 45,231 -10,253 -18.5%
Stage 3 59,290 66,073 68,939 2,866 4.3%
Subtotals (146,799) (158,147) (151,647) (-6,500) (-4.1%)
Non-CalWORKs Programs          
Alternative Payment Program 54,340 78,749 63,185 -15,563 -19.8%
General Child Care 32,190 32,190 32,191 1 0.0%
Migrant Child Care 3,018 3,018 3,018
Care for Children with Severe Disabilities 102 102 102
Subtotals (89,650) (114,059) (98,496) (-15,562) (-13.6%)
Preschool Programs          
State Preschool— part day 124,525 110,469 110,469
State Preschool— full day 60,752 53,894 53,894
Transitional Kindergarten 90,188 89,701 89,216 -484 -0.5%
Subtotals (275,465) (254,064) (253,579) (-484) (-0.2%)
Totals 511,914 526,269 503,723 -22,547 -4.3%
Notes: Generally based on appropriation and annual average rate per child. Slot numbers reflect DSS estimates for CalWORKs Stage 1; DOF estimates for CalWORKs Stage 2 and 3, General Child Care, Migrant Child Care, and Care for Children with Severe Disabilities; and LAO estimates for all other programs. Table reflects actuals for all stages of CalWORKs child care in 2019-20 and updated DSS estimates for Stage 1 in 2020-21. Stage 2 does not include certain community college child care slots (900 to 1,200 slots annually). Transitional Kindergarten reflects preliminary estimates because enrollment data is not yet publicly available for 2019-20, 2020-21 or 2021-22.
DSS = Department of Social Services. DOF = Department of Finance.