May 2021


Comparing CSU Spending Proposals Under Governor's Budget and May Revision

General Fund Changes in 2021-22 (In Millions)

  Governor's Budget May Revision Change
Base restoration $299 $299
Base increase 112 186 74
Retiree health benefits cost increase 55 53 -2
Polytechnic university at the Humboldt campus 25 25
Student Basic Needs Initiative 15 15
Student mental health and technology 15 15
Intersegmental learning management system 2 2
Enrollment increase at the Stockton center 1 1
CENIC cost increase a a
Pensions cost adjustment 2 -3 -5
Subtotals ($202) ($593) ($391)
One Time      
Polytechnic university at the Humboldt campus $433 $433
Deferred maintenance and energy efficiency projects 175 175b
Emergency student financial aid 30 30
CSU Northridge Center for Equity in Innovation and Technology 25 25
Faculty professional development 10 10
CSU Monterey Bay Computing Talent Initiative 10 10
Subtotals ($225) ($683) ($458)
Total Changes $427 $1,276 $849
a Less than $500,000.
b The May Revision also designates $150 million one-time federal American Rescue Plan funds (Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund) for this purpose, bringing total associated one-time funding to $325 million.
CENIC = Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California.