January 2022

Higher Education

Enrollment by Higher Education Segment

Resident Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Students

Change from 2021-22
Amount Percent
California Community Colleges 1,097,850 1,107,543 1,101,510 -6,033 -0.5a
California State University          
Undergraduate 353,262 340,470 349,904 9,434 2.8%
Graduate/Other Postbaccalaureate 30,265 29,362 29,362
Teacher Credential 9,266 9,024 9,024
Subtotals (392,793) (378,857) (388,291) (9,434) (2.5%)
University of California          
Undergraduate 200,075 199,358 207,207 7,849 3.9%
Graduate 37,359 38,381 38,691 310 0.8
Subtotals (237,434) (237,739) (245,898) (8,159) (3.4%)
Hastings College of the Law 813 969 1,004 35 3.6%
Totals 1,728,890 1,725,108 1,736,703 11,595 0.7%
a Reflects the net change after accounting for the proposed 0.5 percent systemwide enrollment growth together with all other enrollment adjustments.
At CCC, 1 FTE student is 525 contact hours per year, which on average generates about 24 credits. For undergraduate education at CSU and UC, 1 FTE student is 30 credit units. For graduate education at CSU, UC, and Hastings, 1 FTE student is 24 credit units. Hastings enrollment reflects resident enrollment in its juris doctor program.