January 2022

Financial Aid

Middle Class Scholarship Program

Key Information by Segment

2021-22 Revised 2022-23 Enacted Change from 2021-22
Amount Percent
CSU 43,772 47,025 245,901 198,876 423%
UC 11,649 12,825 114,211 101,386 791
Total 55,421 59,850 360,112 300,262 502%
Spending (in millions)          
CSU $77 $79 $426 $347 439%
UC 37 38 206 168 442
Total $114 $117 $632 $515 440%
Average award          
CSU $1,759 $1,678 $1,731 $53 3.1%
UC $3,192 $2,968 $1,806 -1,162 -39.1
Data for 2020-21 reflect California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) estimates. Data for 2021-22 and 2022-23 reflect CSAC estimates adjusted by LAO to align with the spending level proposed in the Governor's budget.
For 2020-21 and 2021-22, the maximum award amount is set at 40 percent of systemwide tuition and fees ($2,298 at CSU and $5,028 at UC). Award amounts are graduated downward as a student's household income increases. In 2021-22, award amounts are prorated to keep total program spending at the statutory limit of $117 million.
For 2022-23, award amounts will be based on the total cost of attendance minus the sum of other available gift aid, a student contribution from part-time work earnings, and a parent contribution for dependent students with a household income of over $100,000. Award amounts will be prorated to keep total program spending at the proposed funding level of $632 million.
CSU = California State University. UC = University of California.